Format of A Formal Letter

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Format of a Formal Letter

How to Write a Formal Letter


 Layout of a formal letter

 Formal letter writing rules
 Content of a formal letter
 Formal letter template
 Abbreviations used in letter writing
 Template for a covering letter
 Template for a letter of enquiry
 Final Thoughts

There are times in life when you will probably want to write a formal
letter instead of an informal letter or email. These include cover letters
for job applications, letters of enquiry, letters of resignation, legal
correspondence and many more. In these situations it's important that
you follow the expected letter format.

Use a formal letter format

Layout is a crucial aspect of professional writing. It sets the tone and
communicates the seriousness of the content within.

The Power of Proper Formatting: The layout of your letter speaks

volumes! Ensure it's professional and communicates your message
The example formal letter shown below shows you a general outline for
a formal or business letter. Further information about each part can be
found after the image.
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Follow formatting rules and conventions
When writing a formal or business letter, there are certain rules and
conventions that need to be followed. These rules ensure that the letter
maintains a professional tone and is easily understood by the recipient.

You must try to write as simply and clearly as possible, and avoid making
the letter longer than necessary. Remember not to use informal
language like contractions.

Keep your letter's content concise, clear, and relevant. Every word
How to start a formal letter
1) Include your name and contact information
The return address should be written in the top right-hand corner of a
formal letter. This will usually your address, but could be any other
address to which a reply should be sent.

2) Include the recipient's name and address

Add the address of the person you are writing to. The recipient's address
should be written on the left, often starting below your address. If you
are going to print and post the letter using a windowed envelope, make
sure you align this address with the clear plastic window.

3) Include the date

There is no strict rule about the placement of the date, but it can be
placed on either the left or right side of the page after the recipient's
address. Write the month as a word.

4) Use the right greeting or salutation

The tip to starting a formal English letter is to greet the person you're
writing to in the correct way. This is known as the 'Salutation'. If you
know the name of the person you're writing to then use 'Sir' or 'Madam'
here, otherwise write their full name, including their title. Remember, try
not to be too informal or casual.

Salutations Set the Tone! - Greet your recipient appropriately,

whether you know their name or not.
a) If you do not know the name of the person you are writing to, use
the following form (it is always advisable to try to find out a name):
Dear Madam,
Dear Sir,
Dear Sir or Madam,

b) If you know the name, use the title (Mr, Mrs, Miss or Ms, Dr, etc.) and
the family name only. If you are writing to a woman and do not know if
she uses Mrs or Miss, you can use Ms, which is for both married and
single women.

Dear Mr Jenkins,
Dear Ms Hamers,
Dear Mrs Hutchins,
Dear Miss Davis,
Dear Dr Green,

Did you know?

Complex Salutations
In the past, English formal letters had a variety of intricate salutations
based on the social status and relationship between the writer and the
recipient. For example, letters to clergymen might begin with "Reverend
Sir" or "Most Worthy Sir."
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If you want help with writing any kind of letter, please feel free to ask us
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answer any questions you might have.


How to write the letter body
5) Create the body of your letter
The body content should be clear, concise, and relevant to the purpose
of the letter. It should not include any unnecessary information or
informal language.

Be direct and try to keep it as brief as possible, often between three or

four paragraphs in total.

The first paragraph should be kept short and is designed to introduce

you and to state the purpose of the letter- to make an enquiry, complain,
request something, etc.

The paragraph or paragraphs in the middle should contain the

relevant information behind the writing of the letter. Most letters in
English are not very long, so keep the information to the essentials and
concentrate on organising it in a clear and logical manner rather than
expanding too much.

The last paragraph should state what action you expect the recipient to
take- to refund, send you information, etc.

How to end a formal letter

6) Close the letter with a formal sign-off
Just as there are conventions about creating the salutation, there are also
rules about how you close or sign-off your letter. If you do not know the
name of the person, end the letter using 'Yours faithfully'. If you know
the recipient's name, use 'Yours sincerely'.

7) Add your signature

Sign your name, then print it underneath your signature using capital
letters (or type it). If you think the person you are writing to might not
know whether you are male of female, put your title in brackets after
your name. Optionally, it can also be helpful to include your phone
number and email address.
8) Proofread!
Now that you've completed the first draft, read if over from start to finish
and check for any errors in grammar and spelling. Make sure it reads well
and that the recipient will understand what the letter is about.

Proofreading is Key! - Before sending, always check for errors. A

well-proofed letter showcases attention to detail.
Did you know?
Lengthy Closings
In the 18th and 19th centuries, it was common for formal letters to have
long and ornate closing statements. An example might be: "I remain, Sir,
with the most distinguished consideration, your most obedient servant."
Free formal letter template download:
This sample formal letter template can be a useful tool for ensuring that
all necessary information is included in the correct format.


Abbreviations Used in Letter Writing

There are several abbreviations that are commonly used in professional

letters. From "AKA" to "TBD", getting to know these common
abbreviations will help to keep your letters sharp.

Also Known As - Used to introduce an alternative name or alias for
a person or thing.
As Soon As Possible - Used to indicate the urgency of a request or
action needed.
Attention - Indicates that the letter is intended for a specific person
or department.
Blind Carbon Copy - Similar to CC, but the recipients' names are
not visible to other recipients.
Carbon Copy - When you send a copy of a letter to more than one
person, you use this abbreviation to let them know.
Chief Executive Officer - Refers to the highest-ranking executive in
a company or organization.
Close of Business - Specifies that a task or response is expected by
the end of the business day.
Enclosure - Used to indicate that additional documents or materials
are included with the letter.
End of Day - Specifies that a task or response is expected by the
end of the workday.
End of Month - Specifies that a task or response is expected by the
end of the current month.
Estimated Time of Arrival - Indicates the expected time of arrival for
a package, person, or event.
For the Attention Of - Similar to 'Attn', FAO is used to show that
you intend the letter for a particular person or department.
Frequently Asked Questions - Refers to a list of commonly asked
questions and their answers.
For Your Information - Used to provide information or share
something without expecting a specific response.
Not Applicable - Indicates that something does not apply to the
given context or situation.
Per Procurationem - A Latin phrase meaning that you are signing
the letter on somebody else's behalf; if they are not there to sign it
themselves, etc.
Postscript - (also written as 'P.S.') Used when you want to include an
additional thought or message at the end of a letter after the
PTO (informal)
Please Turn Over - Used to make sure that the other person knows
the letter continues on the other side of the page.
Regarding - Indicates that the letter is in reference to a particular
subject or previous correspondence.
Répondez s'il vous plaît - (also written as 'R.S.V.P.') French
abbreviation meaning "Please respond." Used to request a
response to an invitation or inquiry.
To Be Determined - Indicates that a decision or information is yet
to be finalized or confirmed.
Outline: A Covering Letter

A covering letter accompanies your CV or resume when applying for a

job. It should include information about the applicant's qualifications,
experience, and interest in the position. This is a simple formal letter
example that uses a fairly conventional layout of the paragraphs.

Opening Paragraph
Briefly identify yourself and the position you are applying for. Add how
you found out about the vacancy.

Paragraph 2
Give the reasons why you are interested in working for the company and
why you wish to be considered for that particular post. State your relevant
qualifications and experience, as well as your personal qualities that make
you a suitable candidate.

Paragraph 3
Inform them that you have enclosed your current CV and add any further
information that you think could help your case.
Closing Paragraph
Give your availability for interview, thank them for their consideration,
restate your interest and close the letter.

Outline: A Letter of Enquiry

A letter of enquiry is sent when you are approaching a company

speculatively, that is you are making an approach without their having
advertised or announced a vacancy. It's an example of a basic business
letter, and should include information about the applicant's
qualifications, experience, and interest in the company.

Opening Paragraph
Introduce yourself briefly and give your reason for writing. Let them know
of the kind of position you are seeking, why you are interested and how
you heard about them.

Paragraph 2
Show why their company in particular interests you, mention your
qualifications and experience along with any further details that might
make them interested in seeing you.

Paragraph 3
Refer to your enclosed CV and draw their attention to any particularly
important points you would like them to focus on in it.

Closing Paragraph
Thank them, explain your availability for interview and restate your
enthusiasm for their company and desire to be considered for posts that
might as yet be unavailable.

What is MLA letter format?

What is MLA letter format? MLA letter format refers to the guidelines
recommended by the Modern Language Association for writing and
formatting letters in a uniform and professional manner. This format is
commonly used in academic settings, such as when writing cover letters
for research papers or submitting correspondences to scholarly journals.

The primary purpose of following MLA letter format is to ensure clarity,

consistency, and proper organisation in written communication. The
format includes specific guidelines for elements such as the heading,
date, recipient's address, salutation, body paragraphs, closing, and
signature. By adhering to these guidelines, writers can effectively convey
their ideas while maintaining professionalism and adhering to academic

More information: Using MLA Format

What is APA letter format?

What is APA letter format? APA letter format, which is short for American
Psychological Association letter format, is a standardised way to
structure and present written correspondence in the field of psychology
and other social sciences. It outlines specific guidelines for fonts,
margins, spacing, and citation style to ensure consistency and clarity in
academic communication.

This format is widely used in research papers, professional letters, and

manuscripts, aiming to provide a cohesive and professional appearance.
The APA letter format emphasises readability and organisation by
including a clear heading, concise and formal language, and proper
referencing. Additionally, it includes specific guidelines for the placement
of addresses, dates, salutations, subject lines, body paragraphs, and
signatures, allowing writers to maintain consistency and professionalism
in their correspondence.

Overall, the APA letter format serves as a tool to enhance

communication within the academic community and ensure that ideas
and information are conveyed accurately and effectively.
More information: Using APA Format

What is Chicago letter format?

Chicago letter format is a specific style of formatting business letters that

is commonly used in the United States. It follows a set of guidelines to
create a professional and visually appealing document.

The format typically starts with the sender's contact information,

including the name, address, phone number, and email address. This is
followed by the date on which the letter is written, and then the
recipient's contact information, including their name, title, company
name, and address.

An appropriate salutation is used to address the recipient, after which

the body of the letter is typically divided into paragraphs, with each
paragraph conveying a distinct idea or point. It is crucial to maintain a
polite and formal tone throughout the letter.

It is common to include a complimentary closing, such as "Sincerely" or

"Best regards," followed by the sender's name and title. Lastly, the
sender's initials may be included, along with any enclosures or

The Chicago letter format ensures that business correspondence is clear,

organized, and professional, allowing for effective communication
between parties.

More information: The Chicago Manual of Style Online

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