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Hydraulics Sturm 2nd edition

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Sturm, T.W., Open Channel Hydraulics, 2nd Edition CHAPTER 1
Arrows show the flow that would come over the spillway into a collection channel and then flow
into a tunnel. The flow in the collection channel during a flood is unsteady and nonuniform but
more specifically is unsteady, spatially-varied flow because the discharge is changing in the flow

Sturm, T.W., Open Channel Hydraulics, 2nd Edition CHAPTER 1

1.4. The river flow at an upstream gauging station is measured to be 1500 m3/s, and at another
gauging station 3 km downstream, the discharge is measured to be 750 m3/s at the same instant of
time. If the river channel is uniform with a width of 300 m, estimate the rate of change in the
water surface elevation in meters per hour. Is it rising or falling?


Use Equation 1.6, the continuity equation:

A y Q 750 −1500
=B =− − = 0.25 m 2 /s
t t x 3000

y 0.25 0.25
= = = 8.33 10 −4 m/s or 3.0 m/hr (rising)
t B 300

1.5. A paved parking lot section has a uniform slope over a length of 100 m (in the flow direction) from
the point of a drainage area divide to the inlet grate, which extends across the lot width of 30 m.
Rainfall is occurring at a uniform intensity of 10 cm/hr. If the detention storage on the paved
section is increasing at the rate of 60 m3/hr, what is the runoff rate into the inlet grate?


Utilize the continuity equation for a finite control volume given by Equation 1.3 for an
incompressible fluid so that the fluid density  cancels on both sides of the equation. Then we

= − Q + Q
out in

60 = − Qrunoff +  100  30

Qrunoff = 300 − 60 = 240 m 3 /hr

1.6. If the lake level upstream of the spillway in Figure 1.1c is 55 m above the channel floor at the base
of the spillway just upstream of the hydraulic jump, estimate the depth and velocity there for a
flow rate of 1,000 m3/s and a spillway width of 30 m. What is the value of the Froude number?
Neglect the approach velocity in the lake and the head losses on the spillway.


Writing the energy equation from the water surface upstream of the spillway where the velocity
head is negligible to the floor of the stilling basin downstream of the spillway, and neglecting
head losses, we have

Sturm, T.W., Open Channel Hydraulics, 2nd Edition CHAPTER 1

y1 = y 2 +
2gy 22
(1000 / 30) 2 56.63
55 = y 2 + = y2 + y 2
19.62 y 22 2

Solving by trial and error for the supercritical solution (see Chapter 2), the result is y2 = 1.024 m
and V2 = q/y2 = 33.33/1.024 = 32.55 m/s. The Froude number becomes

V2 32.55
F= = = 10.3
gy2 9.811.024

which is supercritical and will provide a strong, stable hydraulic jump as shown in Chapter 3.

1.7. A rectangular channel 6 m wide with a depth of flow of 3 m has a mean velocity of 1.5 m/s. The
channel undergoes a smooth, gradual contraction to a width of 4.5 m.
(a) Calculate the depth and velocity in the contracted section.
(b) Calculate the net fluid force on the walls and floor of the contraction in the flow direction.
In each case, identify any assumptions that you make.

F 2
6m 4.5 m

(a) Apply the energy equation from the approach section 1 to the contracted section 2 with
negligible head losses and assuming a horizontal channel bottom:
V1 2 q2
y1 + = y2 + 2 2
2g 2gy 2

where q2 = V2y2 = (6/4.5)q1 = (6/4.5)(1.5)(3.0) = 6.0 m2/s. Substituting and solving, we have
1.5 2 6.0 2
3.0 + = y2 +
19.62 19.62  y 22
y2 + = 3.115
y 22

from which y2 = 2.90 m by trial and error and V2 = q2/y2 = 6.0/2.90 = 2.07 m/s. Note that there
are two solutions, but this is the subcritical solution and the correct one as discussed in more
detail in Chapter 2.

Sturm, T.W., Open Channel Hydraulics, 2nd Edition CHAPTER 1

(b) Apply the momentum equation in the flow direction in which F = the resultant force of the
walls and floor on the flow. Assume a hydrostatic pressure distribution at sections 1 and 2.
Because the transition is horizontal, there is no component of the gravity force in the flow
direction. The momentum equation becomes
− F + b1 y1 − b2 2 = Q(V2 − V1 )
2 2

3.02 2.902
− F + 6.0  9810 − 4.5 9810 = 1000 (1.5 3.0 6.0)  (2.07 −1.5)
2 2

from which F = 63.8 kN.

1.8. A bridge has cylindrical piers 1 m in diameter and spaced 15 m apart. Downstream of the bridge
where the flow disturbance from the piers is no longer present, the flow depth is 2.9 m and the
mean velocity is 2.5 m/s.
(a) Calculate the depth of flow upstream of the bridge assuming that the pier coefficient of
drag is 1.2.
(b) Determine the head loss caused by the piers.


In part (a), apply the momentum equation with the control volume boundaries halfway between
the piers; then apply the energy equation in part (b).

s = 15 m
Fp1 Fp2

1 2

(a) The momentum equation, neglecting boundary friction, is

Fp1 − F p 2 − D = Q(V2 −V1 )

y12 y 22 V12
s − s − C A = Q(V −V )
D f 2 1
2 2 2

in which D = drag force on the pier; Fp = hydrostatic force; Af = frontal area of the pier at section
1 on a plane perpendicular to the flow direction = ay1; a = pier diameter = 1.0 m; s = pier spacing
= 15.0 m; CD = drag coefficient =1.2; and Q = A2V2 = (15)(2.9)(2.5) = 108.8 m3/s . Using
continuity and substituting, we have

Sturm, T.W., Open Channel Hydraulics, 2nd Edition CHAPTER 1

y12 2.9 2 (108.8) 2 1 1

15 9810  ( − ) −1.2 1000  (1.0 y 1 )  2
= 1000 108.8 2 ( − )
2 2 2(15y1 ) 15 2.9 15y1

which reduces to

y12 + −12.11 = 0

and the solution is y1 = 2.932 m, or a backwater of 0.032 m, and V1 = Q/A1 = 108.8/[(15)(2.932)]

= 2.474 m/s.

(b) The head loss, hL, is obtained from the energy equation assuming a negligible change in
channel bed elevation from point 1 to 2:

V12 V22 2.4742 2.52

h =y + −y − = 2.932 + − 2.90 − = 0.0254 m
L 1 2
2g 2g 19.62 19.62

1.9. A symmetric compound channel in overbank flow has a main channel with a bottom width of 30
m, side slopes of 1:1, and a flow depth of 3 m. The floodplains on either side of the main channel
are both 300 m wide and flowing at a depth of 0.5 m. The mean velocity in the main channel is
1.5 m/s, while the floodplain flow has a mean velocity of 0.3 m/s. Assuming that the velocity
variation within the main channel and the floodplain subsections is much smaller than the change
in mean velocities between subsections, find the value of the kinetic energy correction coefficient
0.5 m
3m 1
300 m 300 m
30 m

Flow area of the floodplains, Af :

A f = 2  (300  0.5) = 300 m 2

Flow area of the main channel, Am:

Am = (30 + 35)  2.5 + 35 0.5 = 98.75 m 2
Then for the entire channel, we have a total discharge, Q = 300(0.3 m/s) + 98.75(1.5 m/s) = 238
m3/s, and mean velocity V = Q/A = 238/398.75 = 0.597 m/s. The kinetic energy flux correction
coefficient, , then is given by

vi 3ai 2 (0.3) 3150 +(1.5) 3 98.75

= = = 4.02
V 3A (0.597) 3  (398.75)
Sturm, T.W., Open Channel Hydraulics, 2nd Edition CHAPTER 1

1.10. The power law velocity distribution for fully-rough turbulent flow in an open channel is given by

u  z  1/ 6
=a 
u*  ks 

in which u = point velocity at a distance z from the bed; u* = shear velocity = ( 0/)1/2;  0 = bed
shear stress;  = fluid density; ks = equivalent sand grain roughness height; and a = constant.

(a) Find the ratio of the maximum velocity, which occurs at the free surface where z = the depth,
y0, to the mean velocity for a very wide channel.
(b) Calculate the values of the kinetic energy correction coefficient  and the momentum flux
correction coefficient  for a very wide channel.


(a) Substituting for u = u max at z = y0, we have

y 0 1/ 6
u max = au* ( )

The mean velocity, V, is obtained by integration of the point velocity distribution over the depth
for a very wide channel:

1 y0 z au z 7 / 6 y0
6 y

V=  )1/ 6 dz = =
* 0 0 1/ 6
au* ( 1/ 6
au* ( )
y0 0 ks y0 k s 7/6 7 ks

Then by comparison, it is obvious that umax/V = 7/6.

(b) From the definition of  for a very wide channel, we have

3 y0 z
3 a 3u 1/ 2

 u dz *  0
) dz
(2 / 3) y 3 / 2
= = = = 1.059
0 s 0

V 3 y0 3 3 3 y0 (6 / 7) 3 y 03 / 2
a u* (6 / 7) ( )1/ 2 y0

Similarly,  is given by
y0 z 1/ 3
2 a 2u 2

 u dz *  0
) dz
(3/ 4) y 4 / 3
= s
= 0 y
= 1.021
V 2 y0 2 2 2 y0 1/ 3 (6 / 7) 2 04 / 3
(6 / 7) ( ) y
Sturm, T.W., Open Channel Hydraulics, 2nd Edition CHAPTER 1
a u* 0

Sturm, T.W., Open Channel Hydraulics, 2nd Edition CHAPTER 1

1.11 The velocity distribution for laminar flow in an open channel is given by
u u  z2 
= * z − 
u*   2 y0 

in which  = kinematic viscosity; y0 = depth of flow; and the other variables are as defined in
Exercise 1.10. Answer questions (a) and (b) of Exercise 1.10 for this laminar velocity


(a) Substituting for u = u max at z = y0, we have

u*2  y0 
umax =  
  2 

The mean velocity, V, is obtained by integration of the point velocity distribution over the depth
for a very wide channel:
1 y0 u2 z2
u2  z2 z 3 u2 y
* * * 0
y0 
0 
(z −
2 y0
)dz = 0  − 6 y  =
y 2 0 0 3

Then by comparison, it is obvious that umax/V = 3/2.

(b) From the definition of  for a very wide channel, we have

u y0 z2 3

  (z −
y0 *
u dz3 ) dz
3 0 2 y0
= =

V 3y (u 6 y 4 ) /(3 )3
0 * 0

27 y0  3 3z 3z 5 z6  4

y04 
z −

+ −  dz = 1.543
2 y0 4 y02 8 y03 

Similarly,  is given by
u y0 z2 2

  (z −
y0 *
u dz2 ) dz
 2 0 2 y0
= =

V 2y (u 4 y 2 ) /(3 ) 2
0 * 0
Sturm, T.W., Open Channel Hydraulics, 2nd Edition CHAPTER 1
9 y0  2 z3 z4 
y04 
 z − + 2  dz = 1.20
 y0 4 y 0 

Sturm, T.W., Open Channel Hydraulics, 2nd Edition CHAPTER 1

1.12. An alternative expression for the velocity distribution in fully-rough, turbulent flow is given by
the logarithmic distribution

u 1  z 
= ln  
u*   z0 

in which  = the von Karman constant = 0.40; z0 = ks / 30; and the other variables are the same as
defined in Exercise 1.10. Show that  and  for this distribution in a very wide channel are given

 = 1+ 3 2 − 2 3

 = 1+  2

in which  = (umax / V) – 1; umax= maximum velocity; and V = mean velocity.


First, find the mean velocity, V, by integrating over the depth with a change of variable,  = z/z0,
so that dz = z0 d and the upper limit, 0 = y0/z0. Then we have

u* y0 z u* y0 u* z 0
V= ln( ) dz = z ln  d = [ ln  −  ]0 0
y0  0 z0 y0  0

so, the mean velocity is

V= (ln 0 −1)

and the maximum velocity is given by

u max = ln 0

so we conclude that

u max 1
= −1 =
V ln 0 −1

Now we can calculate  from its definition, using the same change of variable to  to produce
u*3 z 0 0
 3V 3 y 0  0
(ln ) 3 d

Sturm, T.W., Open Channel Hydraulics, 2nd Edition CHAPTER 1

From a math handbook, we can look up the integral, which is given by

 (ln ) d =  [(ln ) 3 − 3(ln ) 2 + 6ln − 6]


Substituting the integral, with the limits applied, and the expression for mean velocity into the
equation for  we have

x 3 − 3x 2 + 6x − 6 (x −1) 3 + 3x − 5
= =
( x −1) 3 (x −1) 3

in which x = ln 0 = 1/ + 1. Substituting for x in terms of , we have finally

 = 1+ 3 2 − 2 3

Similarly, we have for 

u* 2 0z 0
 2V 2 y0  0
(ln ) 2 d

and the indefinite integral is given in this case by

 (ln ) d =  [(ln ) 2 − 2ln + 2]


so that upon substitution into the equation for  we have

x 2 −2 x +2 ( x −1) 2+ 1
= 2 = 2 = 1+ 

(x −1) ( x −1)

in which x = ln 0 = 1/ +1 as before.

1.13. In a hydraulic jump in a rectangular channel of width b, the depth after the jump y2 is known to
depend on the following variables:

y 2 = f  y1 , q, g 

in which y1 = depth before the jump; q = discharge per unit width = Q/b; and g = gravitational
acceleration. Complete the dimensional analysis of the problem.


We have n = 4 variables but only two fundamental dimensions, L and T, so that m = 2 and n–m =
2  groups. Choose y1 and g as repeating variables. Then by inspection, the first  group is
given by

Sturm, T.W., Open Channel Hydraulics, 2nd Edition CHAPTER 1

1 =

The second  group is found from

[ 2 ] = L0 T 0 = [ y1 ]c [g]d q = Lc (LT −2 ) d (L2 T −1 )

in which the square brackets denote "the dimensions of" the enclosed variables. Equating
exponents on length, L, and time, T, we have

L: 0 = c+d +2
T : 0 = −2d −1

from which d = –1/2 and c = –3/2 so that

2 = = F1
g y13 / 2
1/ 2

which is the Froude number for a rectangular channel. Finally we can write from the dimensional
analysis that

=  (F1 )

1.14. The backwater y caused by bridge piers in a bridge opening is thought to depend on the pier
diameter and spacing, d and s, respectively; downstream depth, y0; downstream velocity, V; fluid
density, ; fluid viscosity,  and gravitational acceleration, g. Complete the dimensional
analysis of the problem.

Solution. First, write the functional relationship as

y = f (d , s, y 0 ,V ,  ,  , g)

We have 8 variables and 3 fundamental dimensions so there must be 5  groups. Choose  V,

and y0 as repeating variables. Then by inspection, the first 3  groups are 1 = y/y0; 2 = d/y0;
and 3 = s/y0. The next  group is found from
[ 4 ] = M 0 L0 T 0 = [  ]c [V ]d [ y 0 ]e  = (ML−3 ) c (LT −1 ) d (L) e (ML−1T −1 )

in which the square brackets denote "the dimensions of" the enclosed variables. Equating
exponents, we have

Sturm, T.W., Open Channel Hydraulics, 2nd Edition CHAPTER 1

M : 0 = c +1
L : 0 = −3c + d + e −1
T : 0 = −d − 1

from which c = –1; d = –1; and e = –1. Then 4 = Vy0/, which is the Reynolds number of the
flow. The final  group is obtained from
[ 5 ] = M 0 L0 T 0 = [  ]c [V ]d [ y0 ]e g = (ML−3 ) c (LT −1 ) d (L)e (LT −2 )

Equating the exponents, we have

M: 0=c
L : 0 = −3c + d + e + 1
T : 0 = −d − 2

so that c = 0; d = –2; and e = 1. Then 5 can be written as V/(gy0)1/2, which is the Froude number.
The final functional relationship, with some rearrangement of the  groups, is

y y d Vd V
= [ 0 , , , ]
d d s  (gy 0 )1/ 2

1.15. The longitudinal velocity u near the fixed bed of an open channel depends on the distance from
the bed, z; the kinematic viscosity, ; and the shear velocity u* = ( 0/)0.5 in which  0 is the wall
shear stress. Develop the dimensional analysis for the point velocity, u.


The functional relationship is

u = f (z,  , u* )

There are 4 variables and only 2 fundamental dimensions (L and T), so we should expect 2 
groups. Choose z and u* as repeating variables. Then we have

 1 = z c u*d u

which, by inspection, gives 1 = u/u*. The second  group comes from

Sturm, T.W., Open Channel Hydraulics, 2nd Edition CHAPTER 1

 2 = z c u*d
L0 T 0 = Lc (LT −1 ) d L2 T −1
L: 0 = c+d +2
T : 0 = −d −1

from which d = –1 and c = –1 so that 2 = u*z/. The final relationship is

u uz
= ( * )
u* 

1.l6. In very slow motion of a fluid around a sphere, the drag force on the sphere, D, depends on the
sphere diameter, d; the velocity of the approach flow, V; and the fluid viscosity, . Complete the
dimensional analysis. How many dimensionless groups are there and what are the implications
for the corresponding values of the group(s)? Why was the fluid density not included in the list
of variables?


The functional relationship is

D = f (d, V ,  )

There are 4 variables and 3 fundamental dimensions, so we should expect only one  group.
Choose d, V, and  as repeating variables, which do not themselves form a  group. Then we

 1 = d aV b  c D

M 0 L0 T 0 = La (LT −1 ) b (ML−1T −1 ) c MLT −2

M : 0 = c +1
L : 0 = a + b − c +1
T : 0 = −b − c − 2

from which c = –1; b = –1; a = –1 and 1 = D/Vd. In this case, according to the Buckingham 
theorem, we can set a function of the single  group to zero, which can only be true if the
 group itself is a constant. This constant was determined analytically by Stokes to be 3 but in
the general case it could be determined experimentally. The fluid density was not included in the
list of variables because the acceleration terms were neglected as a result of the condition of very
slow, or creeping, motion.

Sturm, T.W., Open Channel Hydraulics, 2nd Edition CHAPTER 1

1.17. The discharge over a sharp-crested weir, Q, is a function of the head on the weir crest, H; the
crest length, L; the height of the crest, P; density,  viscosity,  surface tension,   and
gravitational acceleration, g. Carry out the dimensional analysis using , g, and H as repeating
variables. If it is known that Q is directly proportional to crest length, L, how would you alter the
dependent  group?


Write the functional relationship as

Q = f (H , L, P,  ,  , , g)

in which there are 8 variables and 3 fundamental dimensions resulting in 5  groups. Use , g,
and H as repeating variables as suggested. Then each  group is determined as follows:

By inspection, 1 = H/L; and 2 = H/P. Then we have

3 =  a g bH c

M 0 L0 T 0 = (ML−3 ) a (LT −2 ) b Lc ML−1T −1

M : 0 = a +1
L : 0 = −3a + b + c −1
T : 0 = −2b −1

from which a = –1; b = –1/2; and c = –3/2 so that 3 = H(gH)1/2/

 4 =  a g b H c

M 0 L0 T 0 = (ML−3 ) a (LT −2 ) b Lc MT −2
M : 0 = a +1
L : 0 = −3a + b + c
T : 0 = −2b − 2

from which a = –1; b = –1; c = –2 so that 4 = gH 2 /.

 5 =  a g b H cQ

M 0 L0 T 0 = (ML−3 ) a (LT −2 ) b Lc (L3 T −1 )

M: 0=a
L : 0 = −3a + b + c + 3
T : 0 = −2b −1

Sturm, T.W., Open Channel Hydraulics, 2nd Edition CHAPTER 1

from which a =0; b = –1/2; and c = –5/2 so that 5 = Q/(g1/2H 5/2 ). The final functional
relationship can be written as

Q H H H ( gH )1/ 2 gH2
=  ( , , , )
g 1/ 2 H 5 / 2 L P  

If it is known that Q varies directly with the crest length, L, then the dependent  group can be
multiplied by (H/L) with the result

Q H H H ( gH )1/ 2 gH2
=  ( , , , )
g 1/ 2 LH 3 / 2 L P  

The function  becomes a discharge coefficient that depends on the  groups listed, and the form
of its functional dependence can be determined by experiment. See Chapter 2.

1.18. The terminal fall velocity, wf, of a sphere in a stationary fluid of infinite extent is a function of the
fluid density,  ; the reduced gravitational acceleration, (s/ −1)g, in which s = density of the
sphere and g = gravitational acceleration; the dynamic fluid viscosity,  ; and the sphere diameter,
d. Complete the dimensional analysis for the fall velocity as the dependent variable with , d, and
 as repeating variables. Repeat the dimensional analysis with (s/ −1) and g taken as separate
independent variables.


Write the functional relationship as

  
w f = f   ,( s −1) g,  , d 
  

in which there are 5 variables and 3 fundamental dimensions resulting in 2  groups. Use , d,
and  as repeating variables as suggested. Then each  group is determined as follows:

Then we have for the first  group:

1 =  a d b  c w f

M 0 L0 T 0 = (ML−3 ) a (L ) b (ML−1T −1 ) c LT −1
M : 0=a+c
L : 0 = −3a + b − c + 1
T : 0 = −c −1

from which a = 1; b = 1; and c = –1 so that 1 =  wf d/ = Re.

Sturm, T.W., Open Channel Hydraulics, 2nd Edition CHAPTER 1

For the second  group:

 2 =  a d b  c ( s −1)g

M 0 L0 T 0 = (ML−3 ) a (L ) b (ML−1T −1 ) c LT −2
M : 0=a+c
L : 0 = −3a + b − c + 1
T : 0 = −c − 2

 s  3
 −1gd
  
from which a = 2; b = 3; and c = –2 so that 2 = . Then the final relationship is
given by

 s  3 
w d   −1 gd 

=   
  2 
 
 

In this case, knowledge that the submerged weight of the particle is the important gravitational
force results in the final two dimensionless numbers that appear in the relationship for fall
velocity derived in Chapter 10. If (s/ −1) and g are taken as separate independent variables,
then the result is not quite as insightful and is given by

wf d  gd 3  
=   2 , s −1
   

Sturm, T.W., Open Channel Hydraulics, 2nd Edition CHAPTER 1

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through the ice while Sate and the rest of the team were straining
every muscle to the breaking limit to keep from being dragged down
into the icy waters behind them. The pole that Bill had taken the
precaution to carry saved him from going under but try as he would
he could not get out.
Running back at top speed Jack had the situation sized up long
before he reached the scene of disaster. When he was within a
dozen feet of the team he made a mighty slide, as a man sliding for
home with three on bases, and drawing his hunting knife from its
sheath at the same time, the instant he came alongside the last dog
he cut the traces. Relieved of the mighty weight so suddenly the
team fell headlong forward and sprawled about on the ice; at the
same moment the sled, with over half of the moosehide sacks of
gold on it, and Jinx, the wheel dog, dropped to the bottom of the
river. Jack then helped Bill out and on getting back to the former’s
team they made an air line for the shore.
It would add nothing to the gayety of the world to relate what Jack
said to Bill and Bill said to Jack and what both of them said about the
loss of their vast fortune so soon after they had found it. Eileen was
the peace maker and she told them they still had enough gold to
keep them forever and ever (she had never lived in New York) and
that the loss of the gold mattered not a whit as long as Bill had been
saved. And both of the boys came to think that she had the right
view of it at that.
The result of the dreadful mishap was a pow-wow in which it was
resolved first, that they couldn’t afford to take any further chances on
the last ice with either Eileen or the remainder of their treasure,
second, that spring was altogether too far advanced to make any
further attempt to get to Fort Yukon with their remaining sled, and
third, that they must mark the spot where the gold went down so that
they could recover it when conditions were more favorable.
“The only thing for us to do now,” declared Jack, “is to camp right
here until the first water and then build a boat or a raft and float on
down to Fort Yukon, which is some seventy miles from here. In the
meantime we’ll build up a cairn of rocks on each side of the river and
in a line with the sunken yellow stuff so that when we do come back
we’ll know right where it is.”
“An’ one good thing no one else ’ull ever guess out where it is,”
philosophized Bill.
The boys made a fairly comfortable camp and set about building a
raft of spruce logs which they lashed together with rawhide thongs.
When this was done and they could get across the river they built up
a great pile of rocks on either side of it but well back from the shore.
Before another moon rolled round they were ready to make a fresh
start down the river.
“What about these huskies here,” asked Bill, who always kept his
weather-eye open for the welfare of their dogs even though they
didn’t have any more use for them.
“We’ll turn them loose and they’ll follow us along the shore all
right,” replied Jack, and so that little matter was settled.
They loaded the remaining sacks of gold, their outfit and
provisions, of which precious little was left, onto the raft. In the
middle they had built up a platform of saplings for Eileen to sit on to
the thoughtful end that when the raft struck the rapids and took a
notion to dive, like a submarine, the water would not wash over and
wet her.
Then Eileen took her seat on the platform, Jack stood on the front
end and Bill on the diagonal corner of the rear end and with their
long poles they pushed their treasure float off shore. As Jack had
said, the huskies followed them and they kept as close to the edge of
the river as they could, barking and howling furiously as they ran
It took very little effort on the part of the boys to steer the raft and
none at all to keep it moving as the current was augmented all along
by rivulets and streams from the melting snows. Where the river was
wide and the water shallow the raft sailed gently along but where the
channel was narrow the boys had to do some tall maneuvering to
keep it from getting swamped.
The rapids, of which there were many, were their despair. When
the ungainly craft struck these eddying currents it pitched and rolled
about like a piece of cork and the little crew had to hang on to it for
dear life. In this exciting fashion they covered the rest of the distance
down the Big Black River. Just before they came to the mouth where
it empties into the Porcupine River the bed made a sharp descent
and the water rushed down it in a mighty torrent.
There was a bend in the river ahead of them and this too they
successfully navigated, but a rock, that projected out of the water,
and which was directly in their course, proved their undoing. Jack
managed to get his pole on it and brought all of his strength to bear
to keep the raft clear of it, but the weight and the momentum were
too great and a corner struck it with such force that Eileen and the
boys were thrown bodily into the water.
It was well for them that they were good swimmers and after a
struggle with the swift current all of them landed on the shore like
bags of wet rags. Then the huskies covered with mud and rending
the air with their vocal organs swarmed round them.
Never in all his life had Jack felt more like crying. He could stand
any kind of bodily pain but with all of their gold gone he suffered
exquisite mental torture. Many a prospector in the early days had
killed himself for less bad luck. Bill seemed to be not all there for he
acted queerly and talked about the little “boidies” that were singing in
the trees, the “bloomin’” flowers that bloomed in the spring, and other
like idiotic fancies that hadn’t anything to do with the case, tra, la.

Eileen was the only one who had kept her wits about her. She
reasoned with the boys, or at least she tried to; she told them how
very, very, lucky they were in that for the second time none of them
were drowned, and as for the gold it was a blessed good thing it was
all gone, she said, for it only brought bad luck.
Bill looked at her as she spoke these consoling words in a funny
kind of way, as though he’d just got out of a merry-go-round and
didn’t quite know where he was.
“Eileen,” he managed to say, blinking at her; “I wouldn’t even let a
perliceman talk that way to me. If you was me pard, Jack here, I’d
make you put up your dooks, see.”
Eileen laughed as if either he, or what he had said, was a great
joke, and what’s more, she laughed out loud—the first time since
they had known her. Then Jack laughed, and Bill, not to be left out in
the cold, joined them with his hearty guffaw. And there the three of
them sat on a fallen tree, water soaked, bedraggled, dead broke and
as miserable as possible, laughing fit to kill.
Having had experience in losing things, including a few mere
sacks of gold and a lot of provisions when his sled went down, Bill
had insisted before they embarked on their raft that they should each
carry a day’s rations strapped to their backs. Building a big fire they
dried their clothes and had their drop of tea and bit of pemmican and
after that they felt much better, and quit laughing.
The huskies fared very much a la Mother Hubbard’s dog, which is
to say that the cupboard was bare and so the poor brutes had none,
no, not even a piece of fish to eat.
“Well, one good thing,” said Bill, whose pemmican had revived
him again, “we won’t have to mark this blarsted spot where the last
bit of our gold was dumped for I’d know that rock if I saw it a
thousand miles off Fire Island.”
Jack and Eileen took a good look at the projecting finger which
wouldn’t get out of the way of their raft, and they agreed with Bill that
it was a monument of misfortune which having once been run into
could never be forgotten.
As they were only twenty some odd miles from Fort Yukon these
youngsters started out to walk there, or “hoof it” as Bill so inelegantly
expressed it. They had not gone more than a couple of miles when
they came upon—no, it couldn’t be, and yet there it was—their raft
beached on the shore and on it there still remained three of the
moosehide sacks of gold.
As Jack had often told Bill conditions are largely a matter of mind
and truly it seemed so. For see you now, when they first stumbled on
the pit of gold in Carscadden’s cabin they were not nearly as elated
as one would have thought they’d be. Then when they lost the sled
load of gold, though they were still millionaires, they were as sore at
heart and mad at each other as they could be. When they lost all of
their treasure and were dead-broke they laughed, and now having
recovered three sacks of it they simply went wild with joy. Can you
beat it?
It was a remarkable trio of youngsters that landed from their raft at
Fort Yukon on that never-to-be-forgotten day in July. At any rate so
said the inhabitants of that burg. Hoboes couldn’t have looked more
disreputable. And the huskies were all there too, mean, lean and dog
The crowd at the landing that gathered round this motley little
group scarce knew what to make of it, they felt so sorry for these
woe-be-gone “kids.” But when they saw Bill take two moosehide
sacks filled with something that was tremendously heavy under his
arms and Jack take another and third one on his shoulder, the half-
breed girl trudging along between them and their teams of huskies
sticking as close to them as they could get without being stepped on,
their mute sorrow changed to open expressions of surprise. Here
was something to talk about to the end of time.
“Moosehide sacks filled with gold! by jimminy!” blurted out an old
“An’ them kids found it where we couldn’t,” exclaimed another
And so on, and so on.
They went over to the Crystal Hotel and while Bill stood guard
over what was left of their treasure, Jack took Eileen across the
street to the New York Emporium and there they outfitted themselves
and Bill for the trip down to St. Michaels. When they next appeared
in public there had been a great transformation for Eileen was a
brand new girl and Jack and Bill were almost themselves again.
Eileen, as pretty as ever an Irish lass and an Indian maid blended
into one could be, had her hair done up, wore a blue traveling dress,
a sailor hat and, cross my criss cross, she had on stockings and
shoes, which latter, let it be whispered, she would willingly have
traded for a pair of old moccasins.
The boys were clean, well groomed and had their hair cut. They
wore real store clothes—all wool suits that looked as if the price tag
on them had been marked up to $7.65 from $5.67. When they
walked their shoes squeaked at every step like a duck having its
neck wrung. They were rich, genial and willing to talk on any subject
they didn’t know anything about, but of the moosehide sacks filled
with gold, they said never a word.
Yet, with all their good humor the boys were ready to pull the
triggers of their six-guns on the bat of an eyelid should any one get
the idea in his head that he was going to relieve them of their
treasure. And they guarded Eileen with the same jealous care.
A week’s run on the steamboat down the Yukon landed them at
St. Michael, and once there they shipped their sacks of gold by
express through to New York City when a part of their great
responsibility was lifted from their minds. In a month’s time Jack and
Bill were back where they had started from, while Eileen was being
petted and pampered by the swelldom of Montclair.


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