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The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Faculty of Law

Legal Citation Style Guide

Table of Content

General Information on Grammar and Style p.3

Primary Sources p.4
Cases p.4
HK Reported Cases p.4
HK Unreported Decisions – Possible Formats p.4
Abbreviations Used in Law Reports p.5
UK Case Citations p.6
English Unreported Citations p.6
Legislation p.7
Hong Kong Legislation p.7
UK Legislation p.8
Citing Sections etc from Legislation p.8
International Materials p.9
UN Treaty p.9
International Cases and Arbitral Decisions p.9
UN Materials p.9
European Materials p.9
Secondary Sources p.10
Annotated Ordinances p.10
Bills p.10
Books p.11
Edited Works p.11
Chapters in Edited Works p.11
Books (or Articles/Other Secondary Sources) Cited within
Another Work (for Footnotes References) p.11
CD-ROMs that Come with Books p.11
Translations p.11
Conferences p.12
Dictionaries p.12
Encyclopaedias p.12
Government Report p.13
Government Press Release p.13
Journal Articles p.14
Legislative Council Debates p.14
Loose leaf Services p.14
Newspaper Articles p.14
Parliamentary Papers p.14
Speeches p.15
Theses p.15
TV Programmes and News Reports p.15
UK Command Papers p.15
Internet Materials p.15
Email Message p.15
Online Databases p.15
General/Individual Works on the Internet p.16
Further Reading p.17

© The Chinese University of Hong Kong Lee Quo Wei Law Library 2017 2
This guide outlines citation style for commonly used legal resources. A list of
further readings is provided at the end of this guide.


Footnotes (citation references inserted at end of relevant page) should be used instead
of endnotes (citation references inserted at end of paper or assignment) or in text

Students should footnote all materials referred to or directly quoted from as well as
materials that ideas were taken from.

‘See’ references in footnotes:

‘See’- supports idea or argument in text
‘See also’- added information to support idea

Students should provide a Bibliography at the end of their papers or assignments
using the following headings to group references (all materials in alphabetical order
within group).

Textbooks/journal articles/government publications

Treaties or international documents

In assignments or papers the first reference should always be provided in full. It is
then possible to use the following for further references to the same work.

Ibid: (Latin meaning: ‘in the same place’ for same source cited immediately above).
Add relevant page if different from page used in original footnote.

For a reference already cited that does not appear immediately above use
Above n (n= footnote number) or
Below n (n= footnote number) for parts of the text or footnotes that come after the
present footnote.

© The Chinese University of Hong Kong Lee Quo Wei Law Library 2017 3
Substantial quotations should be indented and single-spaced preceded by a semi-colon
- use of quotation marks is optional.
Short quotations placed within the text should have quotation marks or inverted

Quoting judges in text:

Provide judge’s name and abbreviation of their judicial title when quoting their
judgments in the text of paper or assignment.

In a footnote provide case reference and then reference to judge and their judicial title
in brackets.

Note materials listed below may be found in online sources. A URL reference is not
required for most primary sources as they generally will be sourced from established
commercial or free sources and pagination or paragraph referencing will have been

HK Reported cases:
A reported case would be cited as follows:

Jumbo King Ltd v Faithful Properties Ltd (1999) 2 HKCFAR 279 (CFA)

Party names followed by year and volume reference then abbreviation for set of law
reports the case is reported in. Only the first page reference is provided unless the
case is being referred to in a footnote. The page or page range being referred to should
then be indicated as follows.

Jumbo King Ltd v Faithful Properties Ltd (1999) 2 HKCFAR 279, 282
Jumbo King Ltd v Faithful Properties Ltd (1999) 2 HKCFAR 279 at 282

If the case has parallel citations the authorised should be referred to when known.

HK Unreported decisions- possible formats:

HKLII format:
The main standard medium neutral citations used in HKLII are:

HKCFA Court of Final Appeal

HKCA Court of Appeal
HKCFI Court of First Instance
HKDC District Court
HKFamC Family Court

Li Sau Ying v Kincheng Banking Corp & Another [2002] HKCFI 202

© The Chinese University of Hong Kong Lee Quo Wei Law Library 2017 4
HK Court Citation:
Li Sau Ying v Kincheng Banking Corporation & Another HCA18515/1999
Use Court Identifier (Court level and case type): HCA: (High Court-civil action)
Case Number: 18515/1999
For full listing of Court Level and case types see

2 possible formats: The second is more commonly used for citation

Li Sau Ying v Kincheng Banking Corporation & Another 2002 WL 1341429 (CFI);
[2002] HKEC 1103


Tsui Chi Hung Tony v Hsin Chong Construction Co Ltd and Others [2006] HKCU

In footnotes for unreported citations use paragraph references enclosed in square

Li Sau Ying v Kincheng Banking Corporation & Another HCA18515/1999 [10]

Abbreviations used in law reports:

Listed here are relevant abbreviations that appear in Hong Kong and UK judgments.

ACJ Acting Chief Justice

A-G Attorney-General
B Baron of the Exchequer
CIR Commissioner of Inland Revenue
CB Chief Baron
CJ Chief Justice of the Court of Final Appeal
CJHC Chief Justice of the High Court
CJCP Chief Justice of the Common Pleas
CJKB Chief Justice of the King’s Bench
CJQB Chief Justice of the Queen’s Bench
Judge* Circuit Judge
DJ District Judge
HL House of Lords
J (J) Justice (s) of the High Court
J (J) A Justice (s) of Court of Appeal
LC Lord Chancellor
LCJ Lord Chief Justice
LJ Lord Justice
Lord* Lord of Appeal
Master* Master
MR Master of Rolls
NPJ Non-Permanent Judge (s) of the Court of Final Appeal:
Since 1 July 1997

© The Chinese University of Hong Kong Lee Quo Wei Law Library 2017 5
P President of the Family Division
PC Judicial Committee of the Privy Council
PJ Permanent Judge (s) of the Court of Final Appeal:
Since 1 July 1997
Registrar* Registrar
SC Senior Counsel: Since 1 July 1997
S-J, SJ Secretary of Justice: Since 1 July 1997
V-P, VP (P) Vice-President of the Court of Appeal
V-C Vice-Chancellor

UK Case citations:
As for HK standard format of party names, year, volume, abbreviation for set of law
reports and first page reference

Dudley v Holland [1965] 1 QB 31

It should be noted that since 2001 Sweet & Maxwell (UK) uses case numbers not
page numbers when providing citations to cases and may exclude the volume
reference. For example:

A Local Authority v Z (2005) HRLR 2

(Case number 2 –page number where it actually is reported is 99 in Volume 6 for

Earlier UK decisions- Nominate reports:

Cite parallel citation to ER when one exists

For example: (A case from Russell and Mylne):

Simson v Jones (1831) 2 Russ. & My. 365; 39 ER 433

Newspaper citations to cases:

Use Times newspaper citation only if no other exists
Party names, The Times, date (Day Month Year)

UK Unreported Citations:
For the UK the following are some major medium neutral citations that have been
adopted since 2001. Provide party names, [year] court abbreviation and case number
(date of delivery)

UKHL United Kingdom House of Lords

UKPC United Kingdom Privy Council
UKSC United Kingdom Supreme Court
EWCA Civ England and Wales Court of Appeal (Civil Division)
EWCA Crim England and Wales Court of Appeal (Criminal Division)
EWHC (Ch) England and Wales High Court (Chancery Division)
EWHC (Pat) England and Wales High Court ( Patents Court)
EWHC (QB) England and Wales High Court (Queens Bench)
EWHC (Admin) England and Wales High Court (Administrative Court)
EWHC (Comm) England and Wales High Court (Commercial Court)
EWHC (Fam) England and Wales High Court (Family Division)

© The Chinese University of Hong Kong Lee Quo Wei Law Library 2017 6
HCJT Scotland High Court of Justiciary
HCJAC Scotland Court of Criminal Appeal

For example:
LTF v LMF [2006] EWCA Civ 1179 (17 August 2006)


HK legislation:

Principal legislation is cited as

Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited (Merger) Ordinance Cap 1177

Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited (Merger) Ordinance (Cap 1177)

If students are referring to Ordinances before it has received its chapter number the
year reference would be useful to put in so it can be located but isn’t officially

Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited (Merger) Ordinance 2005

Students should note that if they are referring to the Ordinance as originally passed
the chronological number and year should be included.

Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited (Merger) Ordinance (No 5 2005)

Amendment legislation includes the year reference

Vocational Training Council (Amendment) Ordinance 2005

Subsidiary legislation is generally cited with their year and Chapter number although
established ones may only have a title. For example the High Court Rules made under
the High Court Ordinance (Cap 4) appear just as ‘Rules of the High Court’.
Amendment regulations appear as follows.

Electronic Transactions Ordinance (Amendment of Schedule) Order 2006

Basic Law:
Cited by name and article number

Basic Law Art 158

For Bibliographies cite in full as

The Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s
Republic of China

© The Chinese University of Hong Kong Lee Quo Wei Law Library 2017 7
UK Legislation:
It is similar for recent UK legislation although the year is added. Major Principal
Legislation would appear as

Clean Air Act 1993

Clean Air Act 1993 (c 11)

Regulations may be cited just by number or just by title or include year as well.
For example:

The Cross Border Insolvency Regulations 2006 No 1030

The Cross Border Insolvency Regulations 2006

Citing sections etc. from legislation:

All references are to sections, subsections or paragraphs, parts and divisions and these
may be abbreviated in footnotes as follows:1

Section s
Sections ss
Subsection sub-s
Subsections sub-ss
Paragraph para
Paragraphs paras
Subparagraph subpara
Subparagraphs subparas
Part pt
Division div

Legislation may also contain schedules. The references are abbreviated as follows

Schedule sch
Schedules schs

Rule r
Order O

Documents/ Agreements/Treaties relevant to Hong Hong’s development:

These should be cited by name and date of implementation

The Sino-British Joint Declaration (19 December 1984)

1Students should note though that when they referring to legislation in the text of their assignments
etc., they should write the reference in full e.g. ‘section’, ‘part’ etc.

© The Chinese University of Hong Kong Lee Quo Wei Law Library 2017 8
International materials:

UN Treaty:
Treaty name, date, treaty series citation, page ref (Date of entry into force)

UN Framework Convention on Climate Change 1771 UNTS 165 (9 May 1992)

International cases and arbitral decisions:

Case name, (parties names), phase of proceedings /advisory opinion [year] Report
series or publication name, starting page

Case concerning the Barcelona Traction, Light and Power Company (Belgium v
Spain) [1970] ICJ Rep 44

International Law Reports Series:

Malone v Metropolitan Police Commissioner (No.2) 74 ILR 304

UN materials:
Include following where applicable
Author/title, resolution number official record, session number, subdivision UN
Document number, year

Radhika Coomaraswamy, Report of the Special Rapporteur on Violence against

Women, Its Causes and Consequences, UN Doc E/CN.4/1995/42 (22 November

European Materials:

Official Journal of the European Communities:

Official Journal of the European Union (2004 on)
Pre 1974: indicate citation to special edition of the Official Journal of the European
Communities (OJ spec Ed)

Post 1974: Reference should include Official Journal of the European

Communities/Union (OJ) all series citation (L – legislation C- information and

Commission Regulation (EC) No 689/2009 of 29 July 2009 amending Council

Regulation (EC) No 329/2007 concerning restrictive measures against the Democratic
People’s Republic of Korea. Official Journal of the European Union 1 August 2009.

European Court Reports:

Case no, name of the parties, year, ECR, page no (preceded by numerical I for cases
before Court of Justice or II for cases before the Court of First Instance)

T-82/01 Josanne and others v Commission (2003) ECR II 2017

© The Chinese University of Hong Kong Lee Quo Wei Law Library 2017 9
Note materials listed below may be found in online sources. Only include a URL if
the format of the material does not provide pagination (generally formats for
reputable materials will be MS word or PDF with pagination)

Annotated Ordinances:
(Print and online versions are cited using the same method)

Publisher Series Title Ordinance name date (add paragraph number and paragraph
title if citing in a footnote)

LexisNexis Butterworths The Annotated Ordinances of Hong Kong Copyright

Ordinance (Cap 528) 2011

LexisNexis Butterworths The Annotated Ordinances of Hong Kong Copyright

Ordinance (Cap 528) 2011 [14.04] Any agreement to the contrary

Bills are generally not italicised and the year should be added to aid identification.
Aviation Security (Amendment) Bill 2005
(Add jurisdiction as well if discussing a number of legislative details from different

Authors name (Surname and first name or Surname and initial), Book title, (edition no
if 2nd or later edition) place of publication (may not be included at lecturer’s
preference), publisher, year of publication (these may be enclosed in parentheses).
Details should the same for printed or e-book versions if used. Note: if there are more
than two authors include the first only and then include ‘et al’ indicating there are
more authors not cited by name.

For a Bibliography:
Brewer, John The Law and Practice of Hong Kong Private Companies Hong Kong,
Sweet & Maxwell Asia 2005
Brewer, John The Law and Practice of Hong Kong Private Companies (Sweet &
Maxwell Asia 2005)

Subsequent editions example:

Brewer, John The Law and Practice of Hong Kong Companies (2nd ed) Hong Kong,
Sweet & Maxwell/ Thomson Reuters 2009

For a footnote:
Brewer, John The Law and Practice of Hong Kong Private Companies Hong Kong,
Sweet & Maxwell Asia 2005, 44
Brewer, John The Law and Practice of Hong Kong Private Companies Hong Kong,
Sweet & Maxwell Asia 2005 at 44

© The Chinese University of Hong Kong Lee Quo Wei Law Library 2017 10
Two Authors:
Davis, Nigel and Mitchell, Melanie Hong Kong Listed Companies : Law & Practice
Hong Kong, CCH Hong Kong 2012

More Than Two Authors:

Wilkinson, Michael et al Advocacy and the Litigation Process in Hong Kong (3rd ed)
Hong Kong, LexisNexis 2007

Corporate or Institutional Author:

Hong Kong Bar Association Code of Conduct of the Bar of the Hong Kong Special
Administrative Region Hong Kong, Bar Council, Hong Kong Bar Association, 2009

Edited works:
Editors name (ed), Book title, place of publication (may not be included at lecturer’s
preference), publisher, year of publication (these may be enclosed in parentheses)

Antons, Christoph (ed) Law and Development in East and Southeast Asia New York,
RoutledgeCurzon 2003

Chapters in edited works:

Author of chapter, ‘Title of chapter’, author or editor of book, Book title, place of
publication (may not be included at lecturer's preference), publisher, year of
publication (these may be enclosed in parentheses)

Bishop, Bernard ‘APEC, Industry Policy and the Role of Law’ in Antons, Christoph
(ed) Law and Development in East and Southeast Asia New York, RoutledgeCurzon

Books (or articles/other secondary sources) cited within another work (for
footnote references):
Details of both the cited work and the work it is cited in needs to be provided

Lord Millet ‘Proprietary Restitution’ in The Common Law Lecture Series Hong Kong,
The University of Hong Kong Faculty of Law 2005, 57 cited in Yeung, Clemence The
Law of Unjust Enrichment in Hong Kong Hong Kong, LexisNexis 2008, 76

CD-ROMs that come with books:

Author, (year) Title, [CD-ROM] Place of publication, publisher, year, (CD version
indication of content if available)

Brewer, John The Law and Practice of Hong Kong Private Companies [CD-ROM]
Hong Kong, Sweet & Maxwell Asia 2005 (CD version containing precedents)

Author, Title (details, name of translator, ‘original title of work’, place of publication,
publisher, and translation year edition and original edition year if relevant)

© The Chinese University of Hong Kong Lee Quo Wei Law Library 2017 11
Shang, Yang, The Book of Lord Shang; A classic of the Chinese school of law
Translated from the Chinese with introduction and notes by J.J.L. Duyvendak.
“Shang-chün-shu” London, Probsthain [1963, c1928]

Author, Title of paper, conference details, date

Amador, Raquel International Refugee Law Refugee Law Conference Centre for
Comparative and Public Law Faculty of Law Hong Kong University 21 February

Dictionaries: (are cited in a similar format to textbooks)

Dictionary name, place of publication, publisher, year of publication (add page
reference in footnotes if citing a definition from a print dictionary. If using an online
version include the identifier provided)

Hong Kong Legal Dictionary Hong Kong, LexisNexis/Butterworths 2004

The following is an example of citing the definition of ‘Extradition’ in a footnote in

print and online from Lexis

Hong Kong English-Chinese Legal Dictionary LexisNexis/Butterworths 2005 at 728

Hong Kong Bilingual Legal Dictionary Lexis [E00689] (online)

Publisher, Encyclopaedia title, edition number if 2nd edition or later edition, volume
(if relevant), date of publication or date of retrieval if using electronic format and no
date can be verified, title number, name of title, paragraph number, name of
paragraph, page number(s) if using print version.

Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong

Print citation example:
LexisNexis/Butterworths Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, 2nd ed., Volume 12 2012,
[90], Civil Procedure : District Court, [90.2045], Extension of time by consent, 290

Online citation example:

LexisNexis/Butterworths Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, [online] dated 24 May
2012 , [90], Civil Procedure : District Court, [90.2045], Extension of time by consent

Atkin’s Court Forms Hong Kong

Print citation example:
LexisNexis/Butterworths Atkin’s Court Forms Hong Kong, Volume 3, VI Personal
Injuries, Forms, Particulars/Statement of Claim, Claims Against Occupiers, VI [1082]
Form 82 Particulars of Claim: Dangerous Premises, VI 1007

Online citation example:

© The Chinese University of Hong Kong Lee Quo Wei Law Library 2017 12
LexisNexis/Butterworths Atkin’s Court Forms Hong Kong, [online] dated 01
December 2002, Personal Injuries, Forms, Statement of Claim, Claims Against
Occupiers, 82 Particulars of Claim: Dangerous Premises

The Hong Kong Encyclopaedia of Forms and Precedents

Print citation example:
LexisNexis/Butterworths The Hong Kong Encyclopaedia of Forms and Precedents,
Volume 17, Trusts, Commentary, K: Appointment of New Trustees, 22: Appointment
Out of Court, [121] 22.2 Limitation on the Number of Trustees, 96

Online citation example:

LexisNexis/Butterworths The Hong Kong Encyclopaedia of Forms and Precedents,
[online] dated 29 July 2013, Trusts, Commentary, K: Appointment of New Trustees,
22: Appointment Out of Court, [121] 22.2 Limitation on the Number of Trustees

Hong Kong Civil Procedure (Hong Kong White Book)

Print citation example:
Sweet & Maxwell Hong Kong Civil Procedure, 2013, Volume 1, Part A, Section 1
Rules of the High Court, Order 53 Applications for Judicial Review, 17. Meaning of
“Court” (O.53, r.14) 53/14/27 Distinction between Public Law and Private Law, 990

Online citation example:

Sweet & Maxwell Hong Kong Civil Procedure, 2013, [online] dated 29 July 2013,
Part A, Section 1 Rules of the High Court, Order 53 Applications for Judicial Review,
17. Meaning of “Court” (O.53, r.14) 53/14/27 Distinction between Public Law and
Private Law

Government Report:
Personal or corporate author (department, minister etc), Title, department, state and/or
country, year.

Print citation example:

Electoral Affairs Commission Guidelines on Election-related Activities in respect of
the District Councils Elections Electoral Affairs Commission Hong Kong 2003

Online citation example:

Electoral Affairs Commission Guidelines on Election-related Activities in respect of
the District Councils Elections Electoral Affairs Commission Hong Kong 2003

Government Press Release:

Author (if identified) Title of press release, department country date

© The Chinese University of Hong Kong Lee Quo Wei Law Library 2017 13
Trade Descriptions (Unfair Trade Practices) (Amendment) Ordinance 2012 Takes
Effect Today, Information Services Department, Hong Kong 19 July 2013 (online

Journal articles:
Authors name (Surname and first name or Surname and initial), title of article, year of
journal, volume, (issue) if noted, Title of Journal (may be abbreviated depending on
lecturer’s preference) , page
(Example below is for a Bibliography-for footnotes add page details as per books

Whitfort, Amanda The Chinese Criminal Defence System: A Comparative Study of a

System in Reform. (2005) 35 (3) Hong Kong Law Journal 695
Whitfort, Amanda The Chinese Criminal Defence System: A Comparative Study of a
System in Reform. (2005) 35 (3) HKLJ 695

Legislative Council debates:

Jurisdiction, Legislative Council Official Record of Proceedings, full date of debate,
page(s), (Full name of speaker)

Hong Kong Legislative Council Official Record of Proceedings, Wednesday 5

January 2005, 3014-3017 (Ms Emily Lau)

Loose leaf services:

Publisher title Vol Chapter and chapter title (if relevant) Title of paragraph, paragraph
number (same details provided if an online version is used)

LexisNexis/Butterworths Securities Law: Hong Kong and the Peoples Republic of

China Vol 1 Chapter 1 Regulatory Authorities Functions of the SFC [53]

Newspaper articles:
Author (Surname and first name or Surname and initial), ‘Title’, Newspaper, Place of
publication, Date, page (or ‘online version’ if using online sources)

Chen, George ‘Google chairman warns Beijing not to curb freedoms’ South China
Morning Post 5 November 2013 A1

Chen, George ‘Google chairman warns Beijing not to curb freedoms’ South China
Morning Post 5 November 2013 (online version)

Parliamentary Papers:
Corporate Author, Title, House, paper number, Session number, (year)

House of Commons, Justice Committee. Constitutional Reform and Renewal. HC

923 2008-09 House of Lords, European Union Committee. Co decision and National
Parliamentary Scrutiny. HL Paper 125, 17th Report, Session 2008-09

© The Chinese University of Hong Kong Lee Quo Wei Law Library 2017 14
Speaker (Surname and first name or Surname and initial), Title, location of speech,

Hannum, Hurst Turbans, Trade and Terrorism: Are Human Rights the Answer Speech
given as Sir Y K Pao Chair in Public Law Inaugural Lecture at Hong Kong University
on 24 March 2006

Author (Surname and first name or Surname and initial), Title, Level of Theses,
Institution, year

Strick, Ross Canadian International Human Rights Policy: The cases for Cuba and
China. Thesis (MA), University of Windsor, 1997

TV Programmes and News Reports:

TV Programmes:
Broadcaster Title of programme Name of Program Date

TVB Pearl, Criminal Flaws, The Pearl Report, 25 June 2012

News Reports:
Broadcaster, Presenter (if known), Title of programme , Date

TVB Pearl, Etienne Lamy-Smith, Kids Ocean Day Hong Kong 2012, 9 November

UK Command papers:
Author, Title, Command paper series number, (Year)

Home Office, Organised Crime Consultation paper 6875 (2006)

Internet materials:

Email Message:
Author (Surname and first name or Surname and initial), email address, subject line
from posting, date

Online databases:
Online database name, Publication or filename source [online], date of retrieval,
Author if known, Title, date if known

LexisNexis, Forbes- Asia/Pacific Stories, [online] retrieved 26/08/06 Tanzer, Andrew

How Taiwan is invading China, 8April 1996

© The Chinese University of Hong Kong Lee Quo Wei Law Library 2017 15
Students should note that published works should be cited using details of the
published version. Only use Internet citation format for materials generally only
available on the Internet eg an Online Journal

Author(s) (Surname and first name or Surname and initial), ‘Title’ (year) volume
(issue) Journal Title, URL (date of access)

Prest, Wilfrid Blackstone on Judges; Blackstone as Judge (2004) 11(4) E-Law (12 August 2006)

General/individual works on the Internet:

Author (Surname and first name or Surname and initial if a person) (year) Title of
document URL (date of access)

U.S. Department of State (2015) International Parental Child Abduction

Hong Kong SAR
kong-sar.html (1 June 2015)

© The Chinese University of Hong Kong Lee Quo Wei Law Library 2017 16

Citation style guides:

ALWD Guide to Legal Citation (5th ed) NY, Aspen 2014

(Call No. : KF245 .A45 2014)

Bachner, B A Legal Style Guide for Hong Kong Hong Kong, School of Law City
University of Hong Kong 1999 (Call No.: K15 .C326 no.2)

Canadian Guide to Uniform Legal Citation (8th ed) Toronto, Carswell 2014
(Call No.: KE259 .C35 2014)

Citation Formats Committee of the AALL Universal Citation Guide (3rd ed) Buffalo
NY, Hein 2014 (Call No.: KF245 .U54 2014)
Also available online to Version 2.1:

Martin, P Introduction to Basic Legal Citation: LII 2010 Ed NY, Legal Information
Institute Cornell Law School 2010
Online access to 2015 ed.:

McLay G and others New Zealand Law Style Guide (2nd ed) Wellington, Thomson
Reuters 2011 (Call No.: KUQ48.7 .M36 2011)

© The Chinese University of Hong Kong Lee Quo Wei Law Library 2017 17
Melbourne University Law Review Association Australian Guide to Legal Citation
(3rd ed) Melbourne, Melbourne University Law Review Association 2010
(Call No.: KU48 .A97 2010)
Also available online:

Patel, M The Black Book: Universal’s Guide to Uniform Legal Citations New Delhi,
Universal Law Pub 2011 (Call No.: K89 .B53 2011)

Stuhmcke, A Legal Referencing ( 4th ed) Sydney, LexisNexis/ Butterworths 2012

(Call No.: KU48.7 .S88 2012)

Teply, Larry L Legal citation in a nutshell (2nd ed) St. Paul, MN : West Academic
Publishing 2016 (Call No.: KF245 .T47 2016)

Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation (20th ed) NY, Harvard Law Review
Association 2015 (Call No.: KF245 .B58 2015)

© The Chinese University of Hong Kong Lee Quo Wei Law Library 2017 18
罗伟著 法律文献引证注释规范(建议稿)(第 2 版) 北京市 : 北京大学出版社, 2013
(Call No.: KNQ47 .L862 2013)

The Oxford Standard for Citation of Legal Authorities

The Oxford Standard for Citation of Legal Authorities (International law materials

Citation abbreviation guides:

Cardiff University Law School:

Kavass, I and Prince, M (eds) World Dictionary of Legal Abbreviations Buffalo NY,
Hein (loose-leaf 1991-) (Call No.: K89 .K38)

Prince, M Prince’s Bieber Dictionary of Legal Abbreviations (6th ed) Buffalo NY,
Hein 2009 (Call No.: KF246 .B46 2009)

Raistrick, D Index to Legal Citations and Abbreviations (4th ed) London,

Thomson/Sweet & Maxwell 2013 (Call No.: K89 .R35 2013)

April 2017 (version 21)

© The Chinese University of Hong Kong Lee Quo Wei Law Library 2017 19

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