Wild Life (Lesson 53 - 70)

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Week 1 Date 20.3.2023 Day Monday
Class Time Attendance

World of
Lesson 53 (Listening 10) Topic Wild Life Theme
Skills Main: Listening Complementary: Speaking
Content 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar 2.2 Use appropriate communication strategies
Standard contexts
1.2.2 Understand with support specific 2.2.1 Keep interaction going in short exchanges
information and details of longer simple texts on by asking suitable questions
a range of familiar topics
By the end of the lesson most pupils will be able to:
1. Listen and complete the dialogue.
2. Play the Creature Close-ups game in groups.
Learning Outlines
1. Pupils carry out warm-up activity.
 Pupils look at the words ‘Wild life’ on board.
 Pupils are explained that they are going to learn about wild animals from around the
Starter world.
 In pairs, pupils do activity (Think! - Teacher’s Book p.46).
2. Pupils listen to the teacher's explanation of the lesson objectives and success criteria to be
achieved and their relevance to the topic of the lesson.
3. Pupils listen to teacher’s explanation of the learning content.
4. Pupils carry out activity with guidance.
 Pupils listen to the audio and decide which animal is correct for each conversation
(Activity 1, CD1.28).
 Pupils Key Phrases used when guessing or identifying something.
 Pupils listen to the words “looks like, sounds like”.
 Pupils repeat the words.
 Pupils listen to the audio (CD1.28) and complete the key phrases (Activity 2, p. 32).
 In pairs (A and B), pupils choose elephant, frog or dog (not identified from CD).
 Pupils take turns to make its sound or draw a picture.
 Pairs use Key Phrases to identify partner’s animal. A says Key Phrase 1. B says 2, 3 or
4, and 5. Then they swap.
Main Activities
 A few pairs are chosen to say the dialogue aloud.
 In pairs, pupils listen to the audio and underline the stressed words (Activity 3, CD1.29).
 Photos of ostrich, bat, eagle, scorpion, rat and octopus are shown to the pupils to check
the meaning of vocabulary in Activity 4 box.
 Pupils should know: bat, bear, crocodile, rabbit, snake, spider, whale from previous
 Pupils in four teams do Activity 4, CD1.30.
 Pupils play the Creature Close-ups game (p.32).
 If time is limited, teams choose two or three photos to identify.
 Pupils are asked which animal names are similar in Malay? (panda, gorilla/gorilla,
5. Pupils complete the exercise based on the topic that has been discussed.
6. Pupils carry out post lesson activity with guidance.
 Play a science sorting game. Write ‘fish’, ‘bird’, ‘mammal’, ‘reptile’, ‘insect’ on board.
 Pupils in small groups classify animals from Activity 4 according to category.
7. Pupils listen to teacher’s conclusion and summaries from the whole of today’s learning.
Language/Grammar Focus Teaching Aids Assessment and Evaluation
Nouns: wolf, ostrich, scorpion, rat, English Plus 1 Student’s Book Individual
octopus; Verb + prep.: looks like, Activities 1– 4 p.32–33 Teacher’s Worksheet
sounds lik Book p.46–47
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Week 1 Date 20.3.2023 Day Monday
Class Time Attendance

World of
Lesson 54 (Speaking 10) Topic Wild Life Theme
Skills Main: Speaking Complementary: Speaking
2.1 Communicate simple information intelligibly 3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear
print and digital texts by using appropriate
reading strategies
2.1.5 Describe people, places and objects using 3.2.3 Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words
suitable statements from clues provided by title, topic and other
known words
By the end of the lesson most pupils will be able to:
1. Compare ideas in pairs using key phrases.
2. Play a guessing game in pairs.
Learning Outlines
1.Pupils carry out warm-up activity.
 Pupils in pairs brainstorm animals from previous lesson.
Starter  Pupils open books and check with animals in Activity 4 p.32.
2. Pupils listen to the teacher's explanation of the lesson objectives and success criteria to be
achieved and their relevance to the topic of the lesson.
3. Pupils listen to teacher’s explanation of the learning content.
4. Pupils carry out activity with guidance.
 Pupils listen to the audio (CD1.31) and compare ideas with a partner (Activity 5, p.32)
 Pupils are asked which animal is easy to identify? Which is difficult?
 Pupils indicate with a show of hands.
 Pupils look at the questions and check them meaning of the words in blue (Activity 6).
 They guess meaning of land, wings and tail.
 Pupils should remember live, water and legs from previous levels.
 Pupils are asked, “Which animal is it?” (crocodile) and “What type of animal is it?”
 Pupils look at the question starters: Does it…? Has it got…? How many…? Is it ___- er
than a / an…? What colour/size …?
Main Activities  Pupils play a guessing game in pairs (Activity 7, Use It!)
 Pupils use question starters as support.
 Pupils look at the Venn diagram on board with ‘water’ above right circle and ‘land’
above left.
 Pupils put animals into different groups: water, land, or water and land. Elicit examples
e.g. water = whale; land = gorilla; both water and land = frog.
 Worksheets are given to pairs of pupils.
 Pupils do ‘Finished?’ (p.33).
 Pupils look at the animals in Exercise 4 and state which animal lives in water, on land or
 Pupils check their answer by answering these questions. E.g.: Do you agree ___ lives
in water/land/water and land?
5. Pupils complete the exercise based on the topic that has been discussed.
6. Pupils carry out post lesson activity with guidance.
 Pupils draw a Venn diagram with ‘fly’ above left circle and ‘swim’ above right.
Plenary  In pairs, pupils classify animals in three parts of the diagram. The diagrams can be
7. Pupils listen to teacher’s conclusion and summaries from the whole of today’s learning.
Language/Grammar Focus Teaching Aids Assessment and Evaluation
Present simple tense interrogatives: English Plus 1 Individual
Does it, Has it got, How many, What Student’s Book Activities 5, 6, 7 p.33 Worksheet
colour / size is it? What type of animal Teacher’s Book p. 47

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Week 1 Date 20.3.2023 Day Monday
Class Time Attendance

World of
Lesson 55 (Reading 10) Topic Wild Life Theme
Skills Main: Reading Complementary: Reading
3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear 3.3 Read independently for information and
print and digital texts by using appropriate enjoyment
reading strategies
3.2.3 Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words 3.3.1 Read and enjoy A2 fiction/non-fiction print
from clues provided by title, topic and other and digital texts of interest
known words
By the end of the lesson most pupils will be able to:
1. Answer the questions based on the text correctly.
2. Write true or false based on the text given correctly.
Learning Outlines
1. Pupils carry out warm-up activity.
 Pupils do Pre-lesson Task 1: ABCs, and adapt by using animal names.
2. Pupils listen to the teacher's explanation of the lesson objectives and success criteria to be
achieved and their relevance to the topic of the lesson.
3. Pupils listen to teacher’s explanation of the learning content.
4. Pupils carry out activity with guidance.
 Pupils do Think! at top of p.34.
 Pupils look at the animals in the box and give their opinions on which animals they think
are ugly.
 Pupils look at words on the board such as protect, species, become extinct, danger,
help, rare.
 Pupils use dictionaries to look for the meaning of the words.
 Pupils read the text and answer the questions (Activity 1, p.34)
 Pupils are asked on why it is important to protect animal species (CCE: Environmental
Main Activities  Pupils read and listen to the text again and write true or false (Activity 2 2, p.34,
 Pupils do Activity 3:
 Pupils guess meanings of words in blue from the context, and then check with a
 If there are any words they are unsure of, pupils can use a dictionary or other
 Pupils now use dictionaries to check ‘common’ and ‘dull’.
 Pupils read text again and say the two words that come before beautiful, interesting,
common and colourful (the most).
 Pupils find the word before ugliest, rarest, biggest, weirdest (the).
5. Pupils complete the exercise based on the topic that has been discussed.
6. Pupils carry out post lesson activity with guidance.
 Pupils in small groups agree on the three most beautiful and the three most colourful
Plenary animals they know.
 Pupils are asked if they know that any of the animals are in danger of extinction?
7. Pupils listen to teacher’s conclusion and summaries from the whole of today’s learning.
Language/Grammar Focus Teaching Aids Assessment and Evaluation
Superlative adjectives: ugliest, rarest, English Plus 1 Individual
most beautiful, common, interesting, Student’s Book Activities 1–3 p. 34 Worksheet
colourful Teacher’s Book p. 4

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Week 1 Date 20.3.2023 Day Monday
Class Time Attendance

World of
Lesson 56 (Writing 10) Topic Wild Life Theme
Skills Main: Writing Complementary: Speaking
4.3 Communicate with appropriate language 2.1 Communicate simple information intelligibly
form and style for a range of purposes in print
and digital media
Learning 4.3.2 Spell a range of high-frequency words 2.1.5 Describe people, places and objects using
Standard accurately in independent writing suitable statements
By the end of the lesson most pupils will be able to:
1. Write the rules of comparative and superlative adjectives correctly.
2. Compare sentences with a partner.
Learning Outlines
1. Pupils carry out warm-up activity.
 Pupils brainstorm adjectives to describe animals then do Warm-up.
 Pupils are introduced to comparative and superlative adjectives (Teacher’s Book p.49
2. Pupils listen to the teacher's explanation of the lesson objectives and success criteria to be
achieved and their relevance to the topic of the lesson.
3. Pupils listen to teacher’s explanation of the learning content.
4. Pupils carry out activity with guidance.
 Pupils complete the rule about comparative adjectives (Activity 1 p.35).
 Pupils look at text on p.34 again and do Activity 2.
 Pupils compare answers with a partner.
 Pupils look at the map of Canada on board.
 Pupils look at Rocky Mountains.
 Pupils are explained that there are many very big National Parks with lots of wild
animals in the mountains.
 Pupils look at the words on the board such as ‘hot’, ‘cold’, ‘high’, ‘good’, ‘beautiful’,
Main Activities
 Pupils complete the text using the superlative form of the adjectives in brackets (Activity
 Pupils go to the board and write the superlative of the adjectives.
 Pupils do Activity 4.
 Pupils read study strategy aloud to whole class.
 Pupils write sentences with superlative forms using words in both boxes.
 Next, pupils compare with a partner.
 Pupils read sentences to whole class.
 Pupils develop creative cognitive skills (HOTS) when they think of and produce their
own ideas (CCE: Creativity and Innovation).
5. Pupils complete the exercise based on the topic that has been discussed.
6. Pupils carry out post lesson activity with guidance.
 Pupils in small groups write three or four sentences about Malaysia using superlative
adjectives and ideas from text about Canada.
7. Pupils listen to teacher’s conclusion and summaries from the whole of today’s learning.
Language/Grammar Focus Teaching Aids Assessment and Evaluation
Comparative and Superlative English Plus 1 Individual
adjectives: e.g. weirder, weirdest, Student’s Book Activities 1–4 p.35 Worksheet
rarer, rar (text on p.34 for Activity 2 p.35)
Teacher’s Book p.49

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Week 1 Date 20.3.2023 Day Monday
Class Time Attendance

57 (Language Arts And Something World of

Lesson Topic Theme
10) Weird Happened Stories
Skills Main: Language Arts Complementary: Reading
5.3 Express an imaginative response to literary 3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear
texts print and digital texts by using appropriate
reading strategies
5.3.1 Respond imaginatively and intelligibly 3.2.2 Understand specific information and details
Learning through creating simple role- plays and simple of two paragraphs or more
Standard poems Other imaginative responses as
By the end of the lesson most pupils will be able to:
1. Act out their chosen statement in pairs.
2. Determine whether the statements are true or false.
Learning Outlines
1. Pupils carry out warm-up activity.
 Pupils listen to a sentence and sit down if the sentence is false and stand up if the
sentence is correct (e.g. Yuki was playing basketball – False). [Pre-Lesson Task 5 – Sit
down Stand up].
2. Pupils listen to the teacher's explanation of the lesson objectives and success criteria to be
achieved and their relevance to the topic of the lesson.
3. Pupils listen to teacher’s explanation of the learning content.
4. Pupils carry out activity with guidance.
 In pairs, pupils are given a set of statements.
 Pupils guess whether the statements are true or false by writing T or F at the end of
Main Activities each statement.
 Pairs read Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 of the book and they need to verify their guesses.
 Upon completion, pupils need to choose any statements to be acted out in front.
 Pairs act out their chosen statement and others will guess whether it is true or false.
5. Pupils complete the exercise based on the topic that has been discussed.
6. Pupils carry out post lesson activity with guidance.
Plenary  Pupils rewrite the false statements to become true statements.
7. Pupils listen to teacher’s conclusion and summaries from the whole of today’s learning.
Language/Grammar Focus Teaching Aids Assessment and Evaluation
True and false statements And Something Weird Happened by Individual
Pamela Rushby Contemporary Worksheet
Children’s Literature Teaching
Guidebook (BPK) – Short Storie

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Week 1 Date 20.3.2023 Day Monday
Class Time Attendance

58 (Consolidation World of
Lesson Topic Wild Life Theme
5) Knowledge
Skills Main: Listening Complementary: Speaking
Content 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar 2.2 Use appropriate communication strategies
Standard contexts
Learning 1.2.1 Understand with support the main idea of 2.2.1 Keep interaction going in short exchanges
Standard longer simple texts on a range of familiar topics by asking suitable questions
By the end of the lesson most pupils will be able to:
1. Listen to the dialogue and predict the animal that Holly likes.
2. Do the mini-dialogue in pairs.
Learning Outlines
1. Pupils carry out warm-up activity.
 Pupils do Predict the Content activity (Pre-lesson Task 8).
Starter  Pupils refer to the photo on Student’s Book p.94 to do the task.
2. Pupils listen to the teacher's explanation of the lesson objectives and success criteria to be
achieved and their relevance to the topic of the lesson.
3. Pupils listen to teacher’s explanation of the learning content.
4. Pupils carry out activity with guidance.
 Pupils listen to the dialogue and check their answer in exercise 1 (Activity 2, CD3.08).
 Pupils compare predictions in Step 1 with information in the dialogue.
 Pupils check their answer about the animal Holly likes best.
 Pupils do Activity 3, CD3.08.
 Pupils match the key phrases with the responses in blue in the dialogue (Activity 3,
 Next, pupils listen to the audio again (CD3.08) and practice the dialogue.
Main Activities
 Pupils in pairs do Activity 4, CD3.09.
 Pupils complete the mini-dialogue with the key phrases.
 Pupils listen to the audio (CD3.09) and check their answers.
 Then, pupils practice the mini-dialogue in pairs.
 A few pairs are chosen to repeat dialogue to whole class.
 Pupils with a different partner do Activity 5.
 Pupils generate their own ideas to create a dialogue so they develop HOTS (CCE:
5. Pupils complete the exercise based on the topic that has been discussed.
6. Pupils carry out post lesson activity with guidance.
 Pupils look at the words ‘aquarium’ and ‘skateboard park’ on the board.
 Pupils in small groups say if they like going to these places and give a reason for their
 Pupils say other places they like going to with friends or family.
7. Pupils listen to teacher’s conclusion and summaries from the whole of today’s learning.
Language/Grammar Focus Teaching Aids Assessment and Evaluation
Questions: Do you want to…? Is it English Plus 1 Individual
(adjective)? Where are you now? How Student’s Book Activities 2–5 p.94 Worksheet
ar Teacher’s Book p.108

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Week 1 Date 20.3.2023 Day Monday
Class Time Attendance

World of
Lesson 59 (Listening 11) Topic Wild Life Theme
Skills Main: Listening Complementary: Reading
1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar 3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear
contexts print and digital texts by using appropriate
reading strategies
Learning 1.2.5 Understand a sequence of supported 3.2.4 Use with support familiar print and digital
Standard questions resources to check meaning
By the end of the lesson most pupils will be able to:
1. Identify the two extra pieces of information they hear from the audio.
2. Complete the quiz by selecting the correct answers.
Learning Outlines
1. Pupils carry out warm-up activity.
 Pupils brainstorm fast-running and slow-moving animals.
 Pupils look at the board in two columns.
 Pupils look at photos of a cheetah and a sloth.
2. Pupils listen to the teacher's explanation of the lesson objectives and success criteria to be
achieved and their relevance to the topic of the lesson.
3. Pupils listen to teacher’s explanation of the learning content.
4. Pupils carry out activity with guidance.
 Pupils read the introduction to Animal skills quiz.
 Pupils in pairs do Activity 1, CD1.33.
 Pupils mime actions of the verbs.
 Pupils learn about the verb ‘kill’ and ‘survive’ and relate to animals.
 Pupils read quiz questions and complete gaps with the verbs.
 Pupils listen to CD1.33 again.
 Pupils listen to questions and check answers.
Main Activities  Pupils look at the words ‘distance’, ‘ground’, ‘intelligent’ on the board.
 Pupils use their dictionaries to check meaning.
 Pupils with same partner do Activity 2, CD1.34.
 Pupils are asked a few questions, such as: Which animal can hear with their ears and
feet? (elephant) Which bird is tall, heavy and can’t fly? (ostrich)
 Pupils listen to the podcast in the quiz and check their answers (Activity 3, CD1.34).
 Pupils do Activity 4, CD1.34.
 Pupils listen to the audio and identify the two extra pieces of information that they hear.
 Pupils check their answers.
5. Pupils complete the exercise based on the topic that has been discussed.
6. Pupils carry out post lesson activity with guidance.
 Pupils do a question dictation activity (Teacher’s Book, Optional activity: Listening,
7. Pupils listen to teacher’s conclusion and summaries from the whole of today’s learning.
Language/Grammar Focus Teaching Aids Assessment and Evaluation
Modal auxiliary verbs: can (positive English Plus 1 Individual
use) can’t (negative use) for abili Student’s Book Activities 1–4 p.36 Worksheet
Teacher’s Book p. 50

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Week 1 Date 20.3.2023 Day Monday
Class Time Attendance

World of
Lesson 60 (Speaking 11) Topic Wild Life Theme
Skills Main: Speaking Complementary: Writing
2.1 Communicate simple information intelligibly 4.3 Communicate with appropriate language
form and style for a range of purposes in print
and digital form
Learning 2.1.2 Find out about and describe experiences 4.3.2 Spell a range of high-frequency words
Standard up to now accurately in independent writing
By the end of the lesson most pupils will be able to:
1. Ask and answer questions about the animals in pairs.
2. Write about their abilities.
Learning Outlines
1. Pupils carry out warm-up activity.
 Pupils in small groups say a sentence each about what animals can and can’t do.
 Some sentences are written on the board.
 Pupils try to recall the animal skills from the previous lesson.
 Pupils are also asked on a few questions such as: Which animals can communicate
with each other? Which animal can survive without water for six months?
2. Pupils listen to the teacher's explanation of the lesson objectives and success criteria to be
achieved and their relevance to the topic of the lesson.
3. Pupils listen to teacher’s explanation of the learning content.
4. Pupils carry out activity with guidance.
 In pairs, pupils ask and answer questions about the animals in Unit 3 (Activity 5, Use It!
 Pupils use the information in course book and prior knowledge.
 Pupils check possible answers. E.g.: 1. Ostrich (Activity 5) 2. Snake (Activity 4) Frog
(Activity 1) 4. Scorpion (Activity 3) 5. Camel (Activity 1) 6. Spider (Activity 4)
Main Activities
 Pupils choose the correct answers in rules 1 - 4 (Activity 1, p.37).
 In pairs, pupils complete the dialogue with can and can’t (Activity 2, p.37).
 Pupils make parrot and snake sounds.
 A few pairs are chosen to say the dialogue making sounds of parrot and a snake.
 Pupils write about their abilities and ask and answer questions with a partner (Activity 3,
5. Pupils complete the exercise based on the topic that has been discussed.
6. Pupils carry out post lesson activity with guidance.
 Pupils in small groups write two or three more questions about animal skills.
 Pupils hand to another group to answer.
7. Pupils listen to teacher’s conclusion and summaries from the whole of today’s learning.
Language/Grammar Focus Teaching Aids Assessment and Evaluation
Verbs: e.g. communicate, survive, kill, English Plus 1 Individual
grow Student’s Book Activity 5 p.36 Worksheet
Activities 1, 2, 3 p.37
Teacher’s Book p. 50 and 51

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Week 1 Date 20.3.2023 Day Monday
Class Time Attendance

World of
Lesson 61 (Reading 11) Topic Wild Life Theme
Skills Main: Reading Complementary: Writing
3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear 4.2 Communicate basic information intelligibly for
print and digital texts by using appropriate a range of purposes in print and digital media
reading strategies
Learning 3.2.2 Understand specific information and details 4.2.4 Describe people, places and objects using
Standard of two paragraphs or more suitable statements
By the end of the lesson most pupils will be able to:
1. Complete the key phrases with the words from the text.
2. Complete the sentences by using such as and like, for example and their own ideas.
Learning Outlines
1. Pupils carry out warm-up activity.
 Pupils answer Think! question at top of p.39.
2. Pupils listen to the teacher's explanation of the lesson objectives and success criteria to be
achieved and their relevance to the topic of the lesson.
3. Pupils listen to teacher’s explanation of the learning content.
4. Pupils carry out activity with guidance.
 Pupils look at the map of the Philippines on board.
 Pupils are explained that there are more than 7,000 islands in the Philippines.
 Pupils check the meaning of the words in the box using their dictionaries (p.39 Activity
 Pupils do Activity 2.
 After reading the text again, pupils in pairs answer two questions.
 Pupils find a sentence from the text for their answers.
 Pupils are explained that there are ways to describe animals in danger.
Main Activities
 Pupils complete the key phrases with words from the text (Activity 3).
 Pupils look at the words on the board such as, like, for example.
 Pupils say the words aloud.
 Pupils do Activity 4.
 Pupils look at the phrases in blue in the text.
 Pupils identify which phrases can be used at the start of a sentence and which has a
comma after it.
 Pupils complete the sentences then check their answers in pairs (Activity 5).
 A few pairs are chosen to read the descriptions to whole class.
5. Pupils complete the exercise based on the topic that has been discussed.
6. Pupils review new vocabulary (post-lesson task).
7. Pupils listen to teacher’s conclusion and summaries from the whole of today’s learning.
Language/Grammar Focus Teaching Aids Assessment and Evaluation
Giving examples: such as, like, for English Plus 1 Individual
example Student’s Book p.39 Activities 1–5 Worksheet
Teacher’s Book p.53

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Week 1 Date 20.3.2023 Day Monday
Class Time Attendance

World of
Lesson 62 (Writing 11) Topic Wild Life Theme
Skills Main: Writing Complementary: Reading
4.3 Communicate with appropriate language 3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear
form and style for a range of purposes in print print and digital texts by using appropriate
and digital media reading strategies
4.3.3 Produce a plan or draft of one or two 3.2.2 Understand specific information and details
paragraphs for a familiar topic and modify this of two paragraphs or more
appropriately in response to feedback
By the end of the lesson most pupils will be able to:
1. Write a leaflet about a Malaysian animal in danger.
2. Read the information about an endangered species and make notes.
Learning Outlines
1. Pupils carry out warm-up activity.
 Pupils look at the words on the board. E.g.: ‘such as’; ‘like’; ‘for example’.
 In pairs, pupils say a sentence about a land or sea animal with example of what the
animal can or can’t do.
2. Pupils listen to the teacher's explanation of the lesson objectives and success criteria to be
achieved and their relevance to the topic of the lesson.
3. Pupils listen to teacher’s explanation of the learning content.
4. Pupils carry out activity with guidance.
 Pupils write a leaflet about a Malaysian animal in danger.
 Pupils look at the information about an endangered local species. E.g.: Malayan tiger or
 Pupils in pairs read Writing Guide B and make notes for questions 1, 2, 3 and 5.
 Pupils read Activity 6, Writing Guide C.
 Pupils use Philippine eagle text as a model and decide on information for Paragraph 1,
Main Activities
and then two sentences for Paragraph 2.
 Pupils are provided one or two websites for them to include in Paragraph 3.
 Pupils read D.
 Pupils write their leaflets.
 Pupils read and check text and draw a smiley face for: 1) Question headings 2)
information about animal 3) the problem 4) how to help animal 5) adjectives with
-er/more, -est/most; 6) example 7) can and can’t.
5. Pupils complete the exercise based on the topic that has been discussed.
6. Pupils carry out post lesson activity with guidance.
 Pupils draw and label the animal on leaflet.
 Pupils write: Help us to protect the ___.
7. Pupils listen to teacher’s conclusion and summaries from the whole of today’s learning.
Language/Grammar Focus Teaching Aids Assessment and Evaluation
Comparative and superlative English Plus 1 Individual
adjectives; Modal auxiliary verbs: can Student’s Book Activities 4–6 p.39 Worksheet
and can’t for ability; such as, for Teacher’s Book p.53
example, like

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Week 1 Date 20.3.2023 Day Monday
Class Time Attendance

63 (Language Arts And Something World of

Lesson Topic Theme
11) Weird Happened Stories
Skills Main: Language Arts Complementary: Writing
Content 5.3 Express an imaginative response to literary 4.2 Communicate basic information intelligibly for
Standard texts a range of purposes in print and digital media
5.3.1 Respond imaginatively and intelligibly 4.2.4 Describe people, places and objects using
Learning through creating simple role- plays and simple suitable statements
Standard poems Other imaginative responses as
By the end of the lesson most pupils will be able to:
1. Draw Joel’s Jelly Baby ice cream based on details from the story in groups.
2. Write simple sentences to describe their creation, the ice cream and dinosaurs.
Learning Outlines
1. Pupils carry out warm-up activity.
 Pupils are provided lines for them to guess the words.
 Pupils give letters to verify whether the letter is present in the word (focus word: pizza,
ice cream, dinosaur). [Pre-Lesson Task 7 – Beat the teacher].
2. Pupils listen to the teacher's explanation of the lesson objectives and success criteria to be
achieved and their relevance to the topic of the lesson.
3. Pupils carry out activity with guidance.
 Pupils listen to teacher’s explanation of the learning content.
 Pupils are put into smaller groups and read Chapter 4 (page 25 – 32) together.
 Each group has to draw Joel’s Jelly Baby ice cream based on details (the ice cream has
Jelly Baby) from the story.
 Pupils are asked to draw the dinosaurs that Joel had imagined.
Main Activities
 In pairs, each pair has to come up with the different version of ice cream and dinosaur
according to their creativity.
 Then, pupils describe their creation, the ice cream and dinosaurs by using simple
sentences (e.g. the ice cream is … the ice cream has… the dinosaur is … the dinosaur
has …).
4. Pupils complete the exercise based on the topic that has been discussed.
5. Pupils carry out post lesson activity with guidance.
 Pupils provide their predictions on what will happened to Joel when the dinosaurs meet
Joel (e.g. reactions, what to do, how to act).
6. Pupils listen to teacher’s conclusion and summaries from the whole of today’s learning.
Language/Grammar Focus Teaching Aids Assessment and Evaluation
simple sentences to describe thing And Something Weird Happened by Individual
Pamela Rushby Contemporary Worksheet
Children’s Literature Teaching
Guidebook (BPK) – Short Stories

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Week 1 Date 20.3.2023 Day Monday
Class Time Attendance

64 (Consolidation World of
Lesson Topic Wild Life Theme
6) Knowledge
Skills Main: Speaking Complementary: Listening
Content 2.2 Use appropriate communication strategies 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar
Standard contexts
Learning 2.2.1 Keep interaction going in short exchanges 1.2.5 Understand a sequence of supported
Standard by asking suitable questions questions
By the end of the lesson most pupils will be able to:
1. Practise the dialogue in pairs.
2. Listen to the audio and complete the dialogue with the phrases in the box correctly.
Learning Outlines
1. Pupils carry out warm-up activity.
 Pupils do Pre-lesson Task 4: I’m Going To...
 Pupils are explained about the goals of the lesson which are for developing speaking
and listening skills.
2. Pupils listen to the teacher's explanation of the lesson objectives and success criteria to be
achieved and their relevance to the topic of the lesson.
3. Pupils listen to teacher’s explanation of the learning content.
4. Pupils carry out activity with guidance.
 Pupils do Think! from top of p.38.
 Pupils look at the places in the box and are asked where do they usually ask for
 Pupils look at photo and say where they think the girl and her dad are.
 Pupils listen to the audio and complete the dialogue with the phrases in the box (Activity
2, CD1.36).
 Pupils listen to dialogue again.
 In pairs, pupils repeat it with same intonation as on CD.
 A few pairs are chosen to read the dialogue aloud.
Main Activities
 Pupils match the phrases a - d with 1 - 4 in the dialogue to create a new situation
(Activity 3).
 Pupils check their answers.
 Pupils then practise the dialogue in pairs.
 Pupils read the Key Phrases aloud.
 Pupils match a - f with 1 - 3 in the key phrases (Activity 4).
 Pupils are asked why is it important to be polite when we refuse permission? (CCE:
 Pupils practice a new dialogue with a different partner (Activity 6).
 Pupils make a mini-dialogue in pairs (Activity 5).
5. Pupils complete the exercise based on the topic that has been discussed.
6. Pupils summarise the lesson.
7. Pupils listen to teacher’s conclusion and summaries from the whole of today’s learning.
Language/Grammar Focus Teaching Aids Assessment and Evaluation
Asking for permission: Is it ok if…? English Plus 1 Student’s Book Individual
Can I / we…? Giving permission: Yes, Activities 2–5 p.38 Teacher’s Book p. Worksheet
of course. Refusing permission: I’m 52
sorry, but…No, I’m afraid you can’t

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Week 1 Date 20.3.2023 Day Monday
Class Time Attendance

World of
Lesson 65 (Listening 12) Topic Wild Life Theme
Skills Main: Listening Complementary: Reading
Content 1.1 Recognise and reproduce target sounds 3.3 Read independently for information and
Standard enjoyment
1.1.1 Recognise and reproduce with little or no 3.3.1 Read and enjoy A2 fiction/ non-fiction print
support a wide range of target language and digital texts of interest
By the end of the lesson most pupils will be able to:
1. Listen to a radio programme about pandas and choose the correct words.
2. Complete the text with the verbs in the box and guess the animal in pairs.
Learning Outlines
1. Pupils carry out post lesson activity with guidance.
 Pupils do Pre-lesson Task 1: ABCs.
 Pupils carry out warm-up activity.
Starter  A few animals are written on the board.
 Pupils say letters which several animals have at start of words, e.g. s/b/c.
2. Pupils listen to the teacher's explanation of the lesson objectives and success criteria to be
achieved and their relevance to the topic of the lesson.
3. Pupils listen to teacher’s explanation of the learning content.
4. Pupils carry out activity with guidance.
 Pupils complete the animals with the missing words (Student’s Book p.40 Activity 1).
 Pupils compare spelling with a partner.
 Pupils look at a drawing of a peach and pear on board.
 Pupils are asked on which fruit and which animal have the same ea sound? (bear/pear,
 Pupils in pairs complete the text with the verbs in the box and guess the animal (Activity
Main Activities
 Pupils find three words with ea in them. (hear/heavy/ears)
 Pupils look at the words on board: ‘pear’, ‘peach’, ‘hear’, ‘heavy’, ‘ear’.
 Pupils are asked which two words have the same ea sound? (hear, ear)
 Pupils are asked on how many ways can we pronounce ea? (4)
 Pupils write sentences using the comparative and superlative forms of the adjectives
(Activity 3).
 Pupils listen to a radio programme about pandas and choose the correct words (Activity
7, CD1.37).
5. Pupils complete the exercise based on the topic that has been discussed.
6. Pupils carry out post lesson activity with guidance.
 Pupils in pairs use information in the table in Activity 3 to write two or three true/ false
sentences for a partner to answer.
7. Pupils listen to teacher’s conclusion and summaries from the whole of today’s learning.
Language/Grammar Focus Teaching Aids Assessment and Evaluation
Comparative and superlative English Plus 1 Individual
adjectives e.g. heavier, heaviest, Student’s Book Activities 1–3, 7 p.40 Worksheet
more colourful, most colourful Teacher’s Book p.54

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Remarks Choose an item.
Week 1 Date 20.3.2023 Day Monday
Class Time Attendance

World of
Lesson 66 (Speaking 12) Topic Wild Life Theme
Skills Main: Speaking Complementary: Writing
2.2 Use appropriate communication strategies 4.3 Communicate with appropriate language
form and style for a range of purposes in print
and digital form
Learning 2.2.1 Keep interaction going in short exchanges 4.3.2 Spell a range of high frequency words
Standard by asking suitable questions accurately in independent writing
By the end of the lesson most pupils will be able to:
1. Take turns to ask partner for permission to borrow something in pairs.
2. Write questions and short answers using can and can’t correctly.
Learning Outlines
1. Pupils carry out warm-up activity.
 Pupils do the “Sit Down, Stand Up” activity (Pre-lesson Task 5).
 Pupils listen to a few true or false sentences about what the teacher can and can’t do.
 Pupils try to guess whether the sentences are true or false.
2. Pupils listen to the teacher's explanation of the lesson objectives and success criteria to be
achieved and their relevance to the topic of the lesson.
3. Pupils listen to teacher’s explanation of the learning content.
4. Pupils carry out activity with guidance.
 Pupils complete the sentences with can or can’t so they are true for them (p.40 Activity
 Pupils write questions and short answers using can and can’t.
 Pupils do Activity 5. Do number 1
 Pupils in pairs read questions and answers as a dialogue.
 Pupils complete the dialogue with the words in the box (Activity 6).
 Pupils look at the sentences on the board and read them aloud 1) I’m afraid I can’t. 2)
Main Activities No, you can’t. 3) I’m sorry but you can’t… 4) No, I can’t.
 Pupils are asked on which numbers use polite language?
 Pupils are explained about the opposite of polite is rude (CCE: Values).
 A few pupils are chosen to ask the teacher a question requesting permission. Can I…?
or Is it ok if I …?
 Pupils in pairs take turns to ask partner for permission to borrow something.
 The partner gives or refuses permission.
 Pupils are asked if their partner refused politely.
 A few pairs are chosen to ask and answer.
5. Pupils complete the exercise based on the topic that has been discussed.
6. Pupils carry out post lesson activity with guidance.
 Pupils in small groups take turns to say something one of their family members can do
and something they can’t do.
7. Pupils listen to teacher’s conclusion and summaries from the whole of today’s learning.
Language/Grammar Focus Teaching Aids Assessment and Evaluation
Modal auxiliary verbs: can and can’t English Plus 1 Individual
for abili Student’s Book p.40 Activities 4 – 6 Worksheet
Teacher’s Book p. 54

Reflection Choose an item.

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Week 1 Date 20.3.2023 Day Monday
Class Time Attendance

World of
Lesson 67 (Reading 12) Topic Wild Life Theme
Skills Main: Reading Complementary: Listening
Content 3.3 Read independently for information and 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar
Standard enjoyment contexts
Learning 3.3.1 Read and enjoy A2 fiction/non-fiction print 1.2.1 Understand with support the main idea of
Standard and digital texts of interest longer simple texts on a range of familiar topics
By the end of the lesson most pupils will be able to:
1. Complete the song with the words in the box correctly.
2. Match the animals in the box with photos 1 - 12 correctly.
Learning Outlines
1. Pupils carry out warm-up activity.
 Pupils look at the sentence ‘I can tell you’ on the board.
 Pupils are told that the sentence is the title of a song.
 Pupils do Teacher’s Book p.131 Warm up.
2. Pupils listen to the teacher's explanation of the lesson objectives and success criteria to be
achieved and their relevance to the topic of the lesson.
3. Pupils listen to teacher’s explanation of the learning content.
4. Pupils carry out activity with guidance.
 In pairs, pupils match the animals in the box with photos 1 - 12 (p.117, Activity 1,
 Before playing the song, pupils are asked to cover the song in their books with a piece
of paper so they don’t read.
 After pupils listen to song, pupils look at the words bird, mammal and reptile.
 Pupils in pairs decide which group of animals a lion, tortoise, parrot, mouse, hedgehog,
dolphin and tiger belong to.
 Pupils are asked if a starfish is a fish? (No. It’s an echinoderm. – same word in Malay -
It has no backbone.)
 Pupils read verbs in box in Activity 2.
 Pupils are asked if they can remember when they learned these words? (U3 Animal
Main Activities skills quiz).
 Pupils listen to CD3.34 again.
 Pupils read and listen to the song then write verbs in gaps in song.
 Pupils check their answers.
 Pupils listen to the song again and sing the song.
 Pupils pre-learn ‘shell’, ‘far’.
 Pupils answer the questions with animals from the song (Activity 3) individually then
compare answers in pairs.
 Pupils read aloud sentences 1 and 2 in Activity 3.
 Pupils are asked what adjectives are there in the sentences? (biggest, tallest).
 Pupils in pairs write three questions with superlative adjectives.
 They swap with another pair and answer their questions.
 A few pairs are chosen to read the questions aloud.
5. Pupils complete the exercise based on the topic that has been discussed.
Plenary 6. Pupils do a post-lesson task from Section 3.
7. Pupils summarise the lesson.
8. Pupils listen to teacher’s conclusion and summaries from the whole of today’s learning.
Language/Grammar Focus Teaching Aids Assessment and Evaluation
Modal auxiliary verbs: can and can’t English Plus 1 Individual
for ability Student’s Book Activities 1–3 p.117 Worksheet
Teacher’s Book p. 131

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Week 1 Date 20.3.2023 Day Monday
Class Time Attendance

World of
Lesson 68 (Writing 12) Topic Wild Life Theme
Skills Main: Writing Complementary: Listening
4.3 Communicate with appropriate language 1.1 Recognise and reproduce target language
form and style for a range of purposes in print sounds
and digital media
4.3.2 Spell a range of high-frequency words 1.1.1 Recognise and reproduce with little or no
accurately in independent writing support a wide range of target language
By the end of the lesson most pupils will be able to:
1. Write 6–8 questions with yes/no answers.
2. Listen to the song and write 3–5 nouns, verbs and adjectives they hear.
Learning Outlines
1. Pupils carry out warm-up activity.
 Pupils brainstorm nouns, verbs and adjectives that they remember from song from the
Starter previous lesson, “I Can Tell You”.
2. Pupils listen to the teacher's explanation of the lesson objectives and success criteria to be
achieved and their relevance to the topic of the lesson.
3. Pupils listen to teacher’s explanation of the learning content.
4. Pupils carry out activity with guidance.
 Each pupil gets a worksheet.
 Pupils listen to the song again and write 3–5 nouns, verbs and adjectives they hear in
the three worksheet columns.
 Pupils listen to the audio (CD3.34).
 When finished, pupils check spelling by looking at song words on p.117.
 Pupils check spelling of gorilla, ostriches, penguin, kilometre, dangerous, thousand,
listen, weigh; beautiful, heavy.
 Pupils look at song gap fill 1.
Main Activities
 Pupils are asked which word in the song has the same sound as grow? (go).
 Pupils find words to rhyme with: see (me), name (tame), frog (dog), tail (snail), drink
(think), bat (cat, rat, that) .
 Pupils read aloud the first bullet point in Activity 4.
 After choosing an animal, pupils write 6–8 questions with yes/no answers.
 An animal is chosen for pupils to identify.
 Pupils ask teacher up to 8 questions.
 Pupils in pairs do Activity 4 and take turns to ask up to 8 questions about it.
 Partner who asks keeps a tally of the number of questions he/she asks.
5. Pupils complete the exercise based on the topic that has been discussed.
6. Pupils do a post-lesson task from Section 3.
Plenary 7. Pupils summarise the lesson.
8. Pupils listen to teacher’s conclusion and summaries from the whole of today’s learning.
Language/Grammar Focus Teaching Aids Assessment and Evaluation
Present simple tense interrogatives: Is English Plus 1 Individual
it (adjective)? Can it (verb) Student’s Book Activity 4 p.117 Worksheet
Teacher’s Book p.131

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Week 1 Date 20.3.2023 Day Monday
Class Time Attendance

69 (Language Arts And Something World of

Lesson Topic Theme
12) Weird Happened Stories
Skills Main: Language Arts Complementary: Speaking
Content 5.2 Express personal responses to literary texts 2.1 Communicate simple information intelligibly
Learning 5.2.1 Explain in simple language why they like or 2.1.5 Describe people, places and objects using
Standard dislike an event, description or character in a text suitable statements
By the end of the lesson most pupils will be able to:
1. Talk about the details that they can remember about the characters.
2. State at least 2 reasons why they like the character in pairs.
Learning Outlines
1. Pupils carry out warm-up activity.
 Pupils are given pictures of the characters from the guidebook (page 85) in random so
that each pupil will receive a random picture of the character.
 Each pupil has to provide or say any details that they remember about the characters.
2. Pupils listen to the teacher's explanation of the lesson objectives and success criteria to be
achieved and their relevance to the topic of the lesson.
3. Pupils listen to teacher’s explanation of the learning content.
4. Pupils carry out activity with guidance.
 Pupils discuss on the characters and their actions in the story.
 Each pupil has to choose a character that they like the most and provide details of the
character (e.g. Joel – likes to eat ice cream, likes to read books, etc.).
Main Activities  Upon completion, pupils pair up with others who choose the same characters that they
like and ask them to come up with reasons why they like that character (e.g. Joel likes
pizza. I like Joel because I like pizza too.).
 Pairs are encouraged to provide reasons and share their reasons with the rest of the
5. Pupils complete the exercise based on the topic that has been discussed.
6. Pupils carry out post lesson activity with guidance.
 Pupils play a “Pop quiz” activity.
Plenary  Each pupil is provided with short MCQ questions where pupils choose the best answer.
E.g.: Joel likes to eat ____________ (a) pizza (b) Nasi Lemak (c) spaghetti.
7. Pupils listen to teacher’s conclusion and summaries from the whole of today’s learning.
Language/Grammar Focus Teaching Aids Assessment and Evaluation
Reasoning (because) And Something Weird Happened by Individual
Pamela Rushby Worksheet
Contemporary Children’s Literature
Teaching Guidebook (BPK) – Short
Stories Page 85

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Week 1 Date 20.3.2023 Day Monday
Class Time Attendance

70 (Language World of
Lesson Topic Wild Life Theme
Awareness 4) Knowledge
By the end of the lesson most pupils will be able to:
Learning Outlines
1.Review language from Unit 3 with an activity from list of pre-lesson tasks.
Starter 2. Pupils listen to the teacher's explanation of the lesson objectives and success criteria to be
achieved and their relevance to the topic of the lesson.
3. Pupils listen to teacher’s explanation of the learning content.
4. Write on board ‘Stand in order’ and check pupils understand meaning. Pupils in small groups
do p.41, Activity 3. Follow the instructions in Teacher’s Book p.55 Exercise
5. Use L1 as necessary to explain the activity 3. Pupils in pairs do Activity 4. For pupils who
need support to complete crossword, write on board the 8 verbs and 1 noun in random order.
6. Write on board ‘What am I?’ Pupils do Activity 5. Fast finishers can write another 3 What am
I? sets of words for a partner to identify a different animal. Check answers after each activity.
Main Activities Ask: Which activity is the most fun to do? Which Activity would you like to do again to review
new language? Note:  Plan further activities for this unit to develop language skills according
to your pupils’ needs.  You can use information about your pupils’ performance which you
collected using formative assessment strategies while teaching this unit.  The information
could include your observation of pupils interacting in classroom activities and their
performance in written activities.  Plan activities which focus on language practice in a
meaningful, fun and communicative way.
7. Pupils complete the exercise based on the topic that has been discussed.
8. Pupils think about their learning and performance in this unit. They complete a self-
assessment worksheet.
Plenary 9. Collect worksheets from pupils and review them to note pupils’ responses. If there are any
areas of concern, prepare a review of these in future lessons.
10. Pupils listen to teacher’s conclusion and summaries from the whole of today’s learning.
Language/Grammar Focus Teaching Aids Assessment and Evaluation
Review of language from Unit 3 English Plus 1 Individual
Student’s Book Activities 3, 4, 5 p.41 Worksheet
Teacher’s Book p.55

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