Phonics (Lesson 1 - 21)

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Week 1 Date 21/3/2022 Day Monday
Class Time Attendance

World of Self, Family and

Lesson 1 (Listening 1) Topic Unit 1 Fun at the Beach Theme
Skills Main: Listening Complementary: Reading
1.1 Recognize and reproduce target 3.1 Recognize words in linear and non-linear
Content Standard
language sounds texts by using knowledge of sounds of letters
1.1.1 Recognize and reproduce with 3.1.1 Identify and recognize the shapes of the
support a limited range of high letters in the alphabet
frequency target language phonemes 3.1.2 Recognize and sound out with support
Learning Standard
beginning, medial and final sounds in a word
3.1.3 Blend phonemes (CVC, CCVC)
3.1.4 Segment phonemes (CVC, CCVC)
By the end of the lesson most pupils will be able to:
Objectives 1. Listen to the sounds in the audio 1. Identify and find out the at least 2 shapes
and circle at least 2 correct of the letters in the alphabet in pairs.
pictures in the worksheet.
Pupils will be assessed on their ability to:
Success Criteria 1. Listen to the audio and circle at least 2 pictures in the worksheet correctly.
2. Match at least 2 pictures to the words in the worksheet given correctly.
Row a.: /s/ (s), /æ/ (a), /t/ (t), /p/ (p)
Grammar Focus
Teaching Aids Textbook, speaker, flashcards, worksheets
Assessment and Evaluation Individual Worksheet
Performance Level 1 2 3 4 5 6
No. of Pupils

Higher Order Thinking

21st Century Skills Communicator Skills (HOTS)
Teaching and Learning
Values and Citizenship Cross - Curricular Elements Language
21st Century Classroom Teaching and Learning Activities Lyrical Lessons

Learning Outlines Impact

1. Pupils sing the Phonics Song.
2. Pupils listen to the teacher's explanation of the lesson objectives and
success criteria to be achieved and their relevance to the topic of the
3. Pupils listen to the teacher’s explanation on today’s content/lesson.
4. Pupils carry out activities.
 Pupils listen to the sounds and do the actions.
 Pupils listen to the words and identify the relevant sounds.
 Pupils listen and circle the correct pictures.
Main Activities
 Pupils sing a song again.
 Pupils match the pictures to the correct words.
 Pupils play word search.
5. Pupils complete the worksheet based on the topic that have been
discussed. (Worksheet)
6. A few pupils are called to recap the lesson.
7. Pupils listen to the teacher’s conclusion from the whole of today’s lesson.
Follow-up Actions Remedial Reinforcement Enrichment
Worksheet Worksheet Worksheet

Reflection Choose an item.

Choose an item.
Remarks Choose an item.


Week 1 Date 22/3/2022 Day Tuesday
Class Time Attendance

World of Self, Family and

Lesson 2 (Listening 2) Topic Unit 5 : Dilly’s Doughnut Theme
Skills Main: Listening Complementary: Reading
1.1 Recognize and reproduce target 3.1 Recognize words in linear and non-linear
Content Standard
language sounds texts by using knowledge of sounds of letters
1.1.1 Recognize and reproduce with 3.1.1 Identify and recognize the shapes of the
support a limited range of high letters in the alphabet
frequency target language phonemes 3.1.2 Recognize and sound out with support
Learning Standard
beginning, medial and final sounds in a word
3.1.3 Blend phonemes (CVC, CCVC)
3.1.4 Segment phonemes (CVC, CCVC)
By the end of the lesson most pupils will be able to:
1. Listen to the sounds and do the 1. Read the text and answer at least 4 out of
Objectives action with teacher’s guidance. 6 questions in the worksheet correctly.
2. 2. Listen to the sounds in the
audio and circle the correct
pictures in the worksheet.
Pupils will be assessed on their ability to:
Success Criteria 3. Circle the pictures according to the audio in the worksheet correctly.
4. Answer at least 4 out of 6 questions in the worksheet correctly.
Language/ Review: Row a.: /s/ (s), /æ/ (a), /t/ (t), /p/ (p)
Grammar Focus Focus : Row b.: /ɪ/ (i), /n/ (n), /m/ (m), /d/ (d)
Teaching Aids Textbook, speaker, flashcards, worksheets
Assessment and Evaluation Individual Worksheet
Performance Level 1 2 3 4 5 6
No. of Pupils

Higher Order Thinking

21st Century Skills Team Player Skills (HOTS)
Teaching and Learning
Values and Citizenship Cross - Curricular Elements Language
21st Century Classroom Teaching and Learning Activities Lyrical Lessons

Learning Outlines Impact

1. Pupils sing the Phonics Song.
2. Pupils listen to the teacher's explanation of the lesson objectives and
success criteria to be achieved and their relevance to the topic of the
3. Pupils listen to the teacher’s explanation on today’s content/lesson.
4. Pupils carry out activities.
 Pupils listen to the sounds and do the actions.
 Pupils listen to the words and identify the relevant sounds.
 Pupils listen and circle the correct pictures.
Main Activities
 Pupils sing a song.
 Pupils listen to the story and identify the relevant sound.
 Pupils recite a chant.
5. Pupils complete the worksheet based on the topic that have been
discussed. (Worksheet)
Plenary 6. In pairs, pupils read the questions and answers.
7. Pupils read the story and answer the questions.
8. Pupils match the pictures to the correct words.
9. Pupils listen to the teacher’s conclusion from the whole of today’s lesson.
Follow-up Actions Remedial Reinforcement Enrichment
Worksheet Worksheet Worksheet

Choose an item.
Choose an item.
Remarks Choose an item.
Week 1 Date 21/3/2022 Day Monday
Class Time Attendance

Lesson 3 (Listening 3) Topic Unit 9 Goat and Goose Theme World of Stories
Skills Main: Listening Complementary: Reading
1.1 Recognize and reproduce target 3.1 Recognize words in linear and non-linear
Content Standard
language sounds texts by using knowledge of sounds of letters
1.1.1 Recognize and reproduce with 3.1.1 Identify and recognize the shapes of the
support a limited range of high letters in the alphabet
frequency target language phonemes 3.1.2 Recognize and sound out with support
Learning Standard
beginning, medial and final sounds in a word
3.1.3 Blend phonemes (CVC, CCVC)
3.1.4 Segment phonemes (CVC, CCVC)
By the end of the lesson most pupils will be able to:
1. Listen to the sounds and do the 1. Match at least 3 out of 5 pictures to the
Objectives action with teacher’s guidance. words in the worksheet.
2. Listen to the audio and circle the
pictures in the worksheet.
Pupils will be assessed on their ability to:
Success Criteria 1. Circle the pictures according to the audio in the worksheet correctly.
2. Answer at least 4 out of 6 questions in the worksheet correctly
Review: Row a.: /s/ (s), /æ/ (a), /t/ (t), /p/ (p)
Row b.: /ɪ/ (i), /n/ (n), /m/ (m), /d/ (d)
Grammar Focus
Focus: Row c.: /g/ (g), /ɒ/ (o), /k/ (c), /k/ (k)
Teaching Aids Textbook, speaker, flashcards, worksheets
Assessment and Evaluation Individual Worksheet
Performance Level 1 2 3 4 5 6
No. of Pupils

Higher Order Thinking

21st Century Skills Communicator Skills (HOTS)
Teaching and Learning
Values and Citizenship Cross - Curricular Elements Language
21 Century Classroom Teaching and Learning Activities Lyrical Lessons

Learning Outlines Impact

1. Pupils sing the Phonics Song.
2. Pupils listen to the teacher's explanation of the lesson objectives and
success criteria to be achieved and their relevance to the topic of the
3. Pupils listen to the teacher’s explanation on today’s content/lesson.
4. Pupils carry out activities.
 Pupils listen to the sounds and do the actions.
 Pupils listen to the words and identify the relevant sounds.
Main Activities  Pupils listen and circle the correct pictures.
 Pupils sing a song.
 Pupils recite a chant
5. Pupils complete the worksheet based on the topic that have been
discussed. (Worksheet)
6. Pupils read the text and answer the questions.
Plenary 7. Pupils match the pictures to the correct words
8. Pupils listen to the teacher’s conclusion from the whole of today’s lesson.
Follow-up Actions Remedial Reinforcement Enrichment
Worksheet Worksheet Worksheet
Choose an item.
Choose an item.
Remarks Choose an item.
Week 1 Date 24/3/2022 Day Thursday
Class Time Attendance

World of Self, Family and

Lesson 4 (Reading 1) Topic Units 1-11 Theme
Skills Main: Reading Complementary: Writing
4.1 Form letters and words in neat legible print
3.1 Recognize words in linear and non- using cursive writing
Content Standard linear texts by using knowledge of
sounds of letters

3.1.1 Identify and recognize the shapes

4.1.2 i) Form upper and lower case letters of
of the letters in the alphabet
regular size and shape
3.1.2 Recognize and sound out with
ii) write letters and words in a straight line from
support beginning, medial and final
Learning Standard left to right with regular spaces between words
sounds in a word
and spaces
3.1.3 Blend phonemes (CVC, CCVC)
iii) copy letters and familiar high frequency
3.1.4 Segment phonemes (CVC,
words and phrases correctly
By the end of the lesson most pupils will be able to:
1. Read the text with correct 1. Trace the letters in the worksheet given.
Objectives pronunciation, stress and
2. Match at least 3 out of 5 pictures
in the worksheet given.
Pupils will be assessed on their ability to:
Success Criteria 1. Match at least 3 out of 5 pictures to the words in the worksheet.
2. Trace the letters in the worksheet correctly.
Review for Lessons 1-3
Grammar Focus
Teaching Aids Textbook, speaker, flashcards, worksheets
Assessment and Evaluation Individual Worksheet
Performance Level 1 2 3 4 5 6
No. of Pupils

Higher Order Thinking

21st Century Skills Communicator Skills (HOTS)
Teaching and Learning
Values and Citizenship Cross - Curricular Elements Language
21 Century Classroom Teaching and Learning Activities Lyrical Lessons

Learning Outlines Impact

1. Pupils sing the Phonics Song.
2. Pupils listen to the teacher's explanation of the lesson objectives and
success criteria to be achieved and their relevance to the topic of the
Main Activities 3. Pupils listen to the teacher’s explanation on today’s content/lesson.
4. Pupils carry out activities.
 Pupils read the text and answer the questions.
 Pupils match the pictures to the correct words.
 In pairs, pupils read the questions and answers.
 Pupils play word search

5. Pupils complete the worksheet based on the topic that have been
discussed. (Worksheet)
6. rearrange the phrases to form sentences.
7. Pupils listen to the teacher’s conclusion from the whole of today’s lesson
Follow-up Actions Remedial Reinforcement Enrichment
Worksheet Worksheet Worksheet

Choose an item.
Choose an item.
Remarks Choose an item.
Week 1 Date 25/3/2022 Day Friday
Class Time Attendance

World of Self, Family and

Lesson 5 (Writing 1) Topic Units 1-11 Theme
Skills Main: Writing Complementary: Reading
4.1 Form letters and words in neat 3.1 Recognize words in linear and non-linear
Content Standard
legible print using cursive writing texts by using knowledge of sounds of letters
4.1.2 i) Form upper and lower case 3.1.1 Identify and recognize the shapes of the
letters of regular size and shape. letters in the alphabet
ii) write letters and words in a straight 3.1.2 Recognize and sound out with support
Learning Standard line from left to right with regular beginning, medial and final sounds in a word
spaces between words and spaces. 3.1.3 Blend phonemes (CVC, CCVC)
iii) copy letters and familiar high 3.1.4 Segment phonemes (CVC, CCVC)
frequency words and phrases correctly
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
1. Trace letters and words in the 1. Read the questions and answer at least 4
worksheet. out of 6 questions in pairs correctly.
2. Write at least 3 letters and 3 words
in a straight line using cursive
3. Rearrange the phrases to form
Pupils will be assessed on their ability to:
Success Criteria 1. Write letters and words in the worksheet given correctly using cursive writing.
2. Answer at least 4 out of 6 questions according to the text given in pairs.
Review for Lessons 1-3
Grammar Focus
Teaching Aids LCD projector, laptop, speaker, worksheets
Assessment and Evaluation Individual Worksheet
Performance Level 1 2 3 4 5 6
No. of Pupils

Higher Order Thinking

21st Century Skills Communicator Skills (HOTS)
Teaching and Learning
Values and Citizenship Cross - Curricular Elements Language
21st Century Classroom Teaching and Learning Activities Lyrical Lessons

Learning Outlines Impact

1. Pupils sing the Phonics Song.
2. Pupils listen to the teacher's explanation of the lesson objectives and
success criteria to be achieved and their relevance to the topic of the
3. Pupils listen to the teacher’s explanation on today’s content/lesson.
4. Pupils carry out activities.
 Pupils practice tracing lines
 Pupils tracing the letter
 Pupils write the words
Main Activities
 Pupils fill in the blanks with the correct word
 Pupils write the sentences
 Pupils rearrange the phrases to form sentences
5. Pupils complete the worksheet based on the topic that have been
6. Pupils read the text and answer the questions.
 Pupils match the pictures to the correct words.
 In pairs, pupils read the questions and answers.
 Pupils complete the word search.
7. Pupils listen to the teacher’s conclusion from the whole of today’s
Follow-up Actions Remedial Reinforcement Enrichment
Worksheet Worksheet Worksheet

Choose an item.
Choose an item.
Remarks Choose an item.
Week 1 Date 28/3/2022 Day Monday
Class Time Attendance

Lesson 6 (Listening 4) Topic Unit 12 Jack at the Dock Theme World of Stories
Skills Main: Listening Complementary: Reading
1.1 Recognize and reproduce target 3.1 Recognize words in linear and non-linear
Content Standard
language sounds texts by using knowledge of sounds of letters
1.1.1 Recognize and reproduce with 3.1.1 Identify and recognize the shapes of the
support a limited range of high letters in the alphabet
frequency target language phonemes 3.1.2 Recognize and sound out with support
Learning Standard
beginning, medial and final sounds in a word
3.1.3 Blend phonemes (CVC, CCVC)
3.1.4 Segment phonemes (CVC, CCVC)
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
1. Listen to the sounds and carry out 1. Read the text and answer at least 3 out of
the actions with teacher’s 5 questions correctly.
2. Listen to the audio and circle at
least 4 out of 6 pictures correctly.
Pupils will be assessed on their ability to:
Success Criteria 1. Circle the correct pictures according to the audio.
2. Answer at least 3 out of 5 questions according to the text correctly.
Row d: /k/ (ck), /e/ (e), /ʌ/ (u), /r/ (r)
Grammar Focus
Teaching Aids Textbook, speaker, flashcards, worksheets
Assessment and Evaluation Individual Worksheet
Performance Level 1 2 3 4 5 6
No. of Pupils

Higher Order Thinking

21st Century Skills Communicator Skills (HOTS)
Teaching and Learning
Values and Citizenship Cross - Curricular Elements Language
21st Century Classroom Teaching and Learning Activities Trade-A-Problem

Learning Outlines Impact

1. Pupils sing the Phonics Song.
2. Pupils listen to the teacher's explanation of the lesson objectives and
success criteria to be achieved and their relevance to the topic of the
3. Pupils listen to the teacher’s explanation on today’s content and all.
4. Pupils carry out activities.
 Pupils listen to the sounds and do the actions.
 Pupils listen to the words and identify the relevant sounds.
Main Activities  Pupils listen and circle the correct pictures.
 Pupils sing a song.
 Pupils recite a chant.
5. Pupils complete the worksheet based on the topic that have been
discussed. (Worksheet)
6. Pupils colour the words with the relevant sounds.
7. Pupils read the text and answer the questions.
8. Pupils match the pictures to the correct words.
9. Pupil’s role play a dialogue.
10. Pupils listen to the teacher’s conclusion from the whole of today’s
Follow-up Actions Remedial Reinforcement Enrichment
Worksheet Worksheet Worksheet

Choose an item.
Choose an item.
Remarks Choose an item.
Week 1 Date 29/3/2022 Day Tuesday
Class Time Attendance

World of Self, Family and

Lesson 7 (Listening 5) Topic Unit 16 Happy Hadi Theme
Skills Main: Listening Complementary: Reading
1.1 Recognize and reproduce target 3.1 Recognize words in linear and non-linear
Content Standard
language sounds texts by using knowledge of sounds of letters
1.1.1 Recognize and reproduce with 3.1.1 Identify and recognize the shapes of the
support a limited range of high letters in the alphabet
frequency target language phonemes 3.1.2 Recognize and sound out with support
Learning Standard
beginning, medial and final sounds in a word
3.1.3 Blend phonemes (CVC, CCVC)
3.1.4 Segment phonemes (CVC, CCVC)
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
1. Listen to the words and state the 1. Match the pictures with the correct sounds in
Objectives relevant sounds. the worksheet given.
2. Listen and circle at least 3 out of 5
pictures correctly.
Pupils will be assessed on their ability to:
Success Criteria 1. Circle the correct pictures.
2. Match the pictures with the correct sounds.
Language/ Review: Row d: /k/ (ck), /e/ (e), /ʌ/ (u), /r/ (r)
Grammar Focus Focus : Row e: /h/ (h), /b/ (b), /f/ (f,ff), /l/ (l, ll), /s/ (ss)
Teaching Aids LCD projector, laptop, speaker, worksheets
Assessment and Evaluation Individual Worksheet
Performance Level 1 2 3 4 5 6
No. of Pupils

Higher Order Thinking

21st Century Skills Communicator Skills (HOTS)
Teaching and Learning
Values and Citizenship Cross - Curricular Elements Language
21 Century Classroom Teaching and Learning Activities Lyrical Lessons

Learning Outlines Impact

1. Pupils sing the Phonics Song.
2. Pupils listen to the teacher's explanation of the lesson objectives and
success criteria to be achieved and their relevance to the topic of the
3. Pupils listen to the teacher’s explanation on today’s content/lesson.
4. Pupils carry out activities.
 Pupils listen to the sounds and do the actions.
 Pupils listen to the words and identify the relevant sounds.
Main Activ
 Pupils listen and circle the correct pictures.
 Pupils sing a song.
 Pupils recite a rhyme.
5. Pupils complete the worksheet based on the topic that have been
discussed. (Worksheet)
6. Pupils match the pictures to the correct words.
7. Pupils circle the words with the correct sound.
8. Pupils listen to the teacher’s conclusion from the whole of today’s
Follow-up Actions Remedial Reinforcement Enrichment
Worksheet Worksheet Worksheet

Choose an item.
Choose an item.
Remarks Choose an item.
Week 1 Date 30/3/2022 Day Wednesday
Class Time Attendance

Lesson: 8 World of Self, Family and

Lesson Topic Unit 21 What Do You Like? Theme
(Listening 6) Friends
Skills Main: Listening Complementary: Reading
1.1 Recognize and reproduce target 3.1 Recognize words in linear and non-linear
Content Standard
language sounds texts by using knowledge of sounds of letters
1.1.1 Recognize and reproduce with 3.1.1 Identify and recognize the shapes of the
support a limited range of high letters in the alphabet
frequency target language phonemes 3.1.2 Recognize and sound out with support
Learning Standard
beginning, medial and final sounds in a word
3.1.3 Blend phonemes (CVC, CCVC)
3.1.4 Segment phonemes (CVC, CCVC)
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
1. Listen to the sounds and do the 1. Read the questions and answer at least 3
Objectives actions with teacher’s guidance out of 5 questions in pairs.
2. Listen and circle at least 4 out of 6
pictures correctly.
Pupils will be assessed on their ability to:
Success Criteria 1. Circle at least 4 out of 6 pictures correctly.
2. Answer at least 3 out of 5 questions in pairs correctly.
Review : Row d.: /k/ (ck), /e/ (e), /ʌ/ (u), /r/ (r)
Row e.: /h/ (h), /b/ (b), /f/ (f,ff), /l/ (l, ll), /s/ (ss)
Grammar Focus
Focus : Row f.: /dʒ/ (j), /v/ (v), /w/ (w), /ks/ /gz/ (x)
Teaching Aids Textbook, speaker, flashcards, worksheets
Assessment and Evaluation Individual Worksheet
Performance Level 1 2 3 4 5 6
No. of Pupils

Higher Order Thinking

21st Century Skills Communicator Skills (HOTS)
Teaching and Learning
Values and Citizenship Cross - Curricular Elements Language
21st Century Classroom Teaching and Learning Activities Lyrical Lessons

Learning Outlines Impact

1. Pupils sing the Phonics Song.
2. Pupils listen to the teacher's explanation of the lesson objectives and
success criteria to be achieved and their relevance to the topic of the
3. Pupils listen to the teacher’s explanation on today’s topic/content.
 Pupils listen to the sounds and do the actions.
 Pupils listen to the words and identify the relevant sounds.
Main Activities  Pupils listen and circle the correct pictures.
 Pupils recite a chant.
4. Pupils complete the worksheet based on the topic that have been
Plenary 5. In pairs, pupils read the questions and answers.
6. Pupils match the pictures to the correct words.
7. Pupils read the rhyme.
8. Pupils listen to the teacher’s conclusion from the whole of today’s
Follow-up Actions Remedial Reinforcement Enrichment
Worksheet Worksheet Worksheet

Choose an item.
Choose an item.
Remarks Choose an item.
Week 1 Date 31/3/2022 Day Thursday
Class Time Attendance

World of Self, Family and

Lesson 9 (Reading 2) Topic Topic: Units 12-33 Theme
Skills Main: Reading Complementary: Writing
3.1 Recognize words in linear and non- 4.1 Form letters and words in neat legible print
Content Standard linear texts by using knowledge of using cursive writing
sounds of letters
3.1.1 Identify and recognize the shapes 4.1.2 i) Form upper and lower case letters of
of the letters in the alphabet regular size and shape
3.1.2 Recognize and sound out with ii) write letters and words in a straight line from
support beginning, medial and final left to right with regular spaces between words
Learning Standard
sounds in a word and spaces
3.1.3 Blend phonemes (CVC, CCVC) iii) copy letters and familiar high frequency
3.1.4 Segment phonemes (CVC, words and phrases correctly
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
1. Read the text and answer at least 1. Write at least 2 sentences using cursive
Objectives 3 out of 5 questions correctly. writing correctly.
2. Circle at least 4 out of 6 words
with the correct sound.
Pupils will be assessed on their ability to:
Success Criteria 1. Answer at least 3 out of 5 questions according to the text correctly.
2. Write at least 2 sentences using cursive writing in the worksheet correctly.
Review for Lessons 6-8
Grammar Focus
Teaching Aids Textbook, speaker, flashcards, worksheets
Assessment and Evaluation Individual Worksheet
Performance Level 1 2 3 4 5 6
No. of Pupils

Higher Order Thinking

21st Century Skills Communicator Skills (HOTS)
Teaching and Learning
Values and Citizenship Cross - Curricular Elements Language
21st Century Classroom Teaching and Learning Activities Lyrical Lessons

Learning Outlines Impact

1. Pupils sing the Phonics Song.
2. Pupils listen to the teacher's explanation of the lesson objectives and
success criteria to be achieved and their relevance to the topic of the
3. Pupils listen to the teacher’s explanation on today’s content / lesson.
4. Pupils carry out activities.
 In pairs, pupils read the questions and answers.
 Pupils match the pictures to the correct words.
 Pupils read the rhyme.
Main Activities  Pupils circle the words with the correct sound.
 Pupils colour the words with the relevant sounds.
 Pupils read the text and answer the questions.
 In groups, pupils role play a dialogue.
5. Pupils complete the worksheet based on the topic that have been
discussed. (Worksheet)
6. Pupils practice tracing lines.
7. Pupils tracing the letter.
8. Pupils write the words.
9. Pupils fill in the blanks with the correct word.
10. Pupils write the sentences.
11. Pupils rearrange the phrases to form sentences.
12. Pupils listen to the teacher’s conclusion from the whole of today’s
Follow-up Actions Remedial Reinforcement Enrichment
Worksheet Worksheet Worksheet

Choose an item.
Choose an item.
Remarks Choose an item.
Week 1 Date 1/4/2022 Day Friday
Class Time Attendance

World of Self, Family and

Lesson 10 (Writing 2) Topic :Units 12-33 Theme
Skills Main: Writing Complementary: Reading
4.1 Form letters and words in neat 3.1 Recognize words in linear and non-linear
Content Standard
legible print using cursive writing texts by using knowledge of sounds of letters
4.1.2 i) Form upper and lower case 3.1.1 Identify and recognize the shapes of the
letters of regular size and shape letters in the alphabet
ii) write letters and words in a straight 3.1.2 Recognize and sound out with support
Learning Standard line from left to right with regular beginning, medial and final sounds in a word
spaces between words and spaces 3.1.3 Blend phonemes (CVC, CCVC)
iii) copy letters and familiar high 3.1.4 Segment phonemes (CVC, CCVC)
frequency words and phrases correctly.
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
1. Write the words given correctly. 1. Role play a dialogue with teacher’s
2. Rearrange the phrases to form guidance.
sentences correctly.
Pupils will be assessed on their ability to:
Success Criteria 1. Write the words given with the correct form.
2. Role play a dialogue with teacher’s guidance.
Review for Lessons 6-8
Grammar Focus
Teaching Aids Textbook, speaker, flashcards, worksheets
Assessment and Evaluation Individual Worksheet
Performance Level 1 2 3 4 5 6
No. of Pupils

Higher Order Thinking

21st Century Skills Communicator Skills (HOTS)
Teaching and Learning
Values and Citizenship Cross - Curricular Elements Language
21 Century Classroom Teaching and Learning Activities Lyrical Lessons

Learning Outlines Impact

1. Pupils sing the Phonics Song.
2. Pupils listen to the teacher's explanation of the lesson objectives and
success criteria to be achieved and their relevance to the topic of the
3. Pupils listen to the teacher’s explanation on today’s content / lesson.
4. Pupils carry out activities.
 In pairs, pupils read the questions and answers.
 Pupils match the pictures to the correct words.
 Pupils read the rhyme.
Main Activities  Pupils circle the words with the correct sound.
 Pupils colour the words with the relevant sounds.
 Pupils read the text/story and answer the questions.
 In groups, pupils role play a dialogue.
5. Pupils complete the worksheet based on the topic that have been
Plenary 6. Pupils practice tracing lines.
7. Pupils tracing the letter.
8. Pupils write the words.
9. Pupils fill in the blanks with the correct word.
10. Pupils write the sentences.
11. Pupils rearrange the phrases to form sentences
12. Pupils listen to the teacher’s conclusion from the whole of today’s
Follow-up Actions Remedial Reinforcement Enrichment
Worksheet Worksheet Worksheet

Choose an item.
Choose an item.
Remarks Choose an item.
Week 1 Date 24/3/2022 Day Thursday
Class Time Attendance

Unit 24 Yaya and Yahya, Unit

World of Self, Family and
Lesson 11 (Listening 7) Topic 25 Zuzu and Zimba, Unit 26 Theme
The Queen and the Chess Friends
Skills Main: Listening Complementary: Reading
1.1 Recognize and reproduce target 3.1 Recognize words in linear and non-linear
Content Standard
language sounds texts by using knowledge of sounds of letters
1.1.1 Recognize and reproduce with 3.1.1 Identify and recognize the shapes of the
support a limited range of high letters in the alphabet
frequency target language phoneme 3.1.2 Recognize and sound out with support
Learning Standard
beginning, medial and final sounds in a word
3.1.3 Blend phonemes (CVC, CCVC)
3.1.4 Segment phonemes (CVC, CCVC)
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
1. Listen to the words and find out 1. Read the story with correct pronunciation,
Objectives the relevant sounds. stress and intonation.
2. Listen and circle at least 3 out of 5
pictures correctly.
Pupils will be assessed on their ability to:
Success Criteria 1. Circle at least 3 out of 5 pictures correctly according to the audio.
2. Read the story with correct pronunciation, stress and intonation.
Row g.: /j/ (y), /z/ (z, zz), /kw/ (qu)
Grammar Focus
Teaching Aids Textbook, speaker, flashcards, worksheets
Assessment and Evaluation Individual Worksheet
Performance Level 1 2 3 4 5 6
No. of Pupils

Higher Order Thinking

21st Century Skills Communicator Skills (HOTS)
Teaching and Learning
Values and Citizenship Cross - Curricular Elements Language
21st Century Classroom Teaching and Learning Activities Lyrical Lessons

Learning Outlines Impact

1. Pupils sing the Phonics Song.
2. Pupils listen to the teacher's explanation of the lesson objectives and
success criteria to be achieved and their relevance to the topic of the
3. Pupils listen to the teacher’s explanation on today’s content /lesson.
4. Pupils carry out activities.
 Pupils listen to the sounds and do the actions.
 Pupils listen to the words and identify the relevant sounds.
Main Activities
 Pupils listen and circle the correct pictures.
 Pupils listen to the story
5. Pupils complete the worksheet based on the topic that have been
discussed. (Worksheet)
6. Pupils match the pictures to the correct words.
7. Pupils read the rhyme.
Plenary 8. Pupils read the story
9. Pupils listen to the teacher’s conclusion from the whole of today’s
Follow-up Actions Remedial Reinforcement Enrichment
Worksheet Worksheet Worksheet

Choose an item.
Choose an item.
Remarks Choose an item.
Week 1 Date 24/3/2022 Day Thursday
Class Time Attendance

Unit 26 The Queen and the

Chess, Unit 27 Shelly’s
World of Self, Family and
Lesson 12 (Listening 8) Topic Shopping Trip, Unit 28 Cathy Theme
has a Bag, Unit 29 The King’s Friends
Skills Main: Listening Complementary: Reading
1.1 Recognize and reproduce target 3.1 Recognize words in linear and non-linear
Content Standard
language sounds texts by using knowledge of sounds of letters
1.1.1 Recognize and reproduce with 3.1.1 Identify and recognize the shapes of the
support a limited range of high letters in the alphabet
frequency target language phoneme 3.1.2 Recognize and sound out with support
Learning Standard
beginning, medial and final sounds in a word
3.1.3 Blend phonemes (CVC, CCVC)
3.1.4 Segment phonemes (CVC, CCVC)
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
1. Listen to the story and circle at 1. Read the rhyme/ chant with correct
least 4 out of 6 words in the text pronunciation, stress and intonation.
2. Listen and say the chant with
teacher’s guidance.
Pupils will be assessed on their ability to:
Success Criteria 1. Circle at least 4 out of 6 words in the text according to the story.
2. Read the rhyme/ chant correctly.
Row h.: /tʃ/ (ch), /ʃ/ (sh), /θ/ /ð/ (th), /ŋ/ (ng)
Grammar Focus
Teaching Aids Textbook, speaker, flashcards, worksheets
Assessment and Evaluation Individual Worksheet
Performance Level 1 2 3 4 5 6
No. of Pupils

Higher Order Thinking

21st Century Skills Communicator Skills (HOTS)
Teaching and Learning
Values and Citizenship Cross - Curricular Elements Language
21 Century Classroom Teaching and Learning Activities Lyrical Lessons

Learning Outlines Impact

1. Pupils listen to the chant and identify the reoccurring sounds.
2. Pupils listen to the teacher's explanation of the lesson objectives and
success criteria to be achieved and their relevance to the topic of the
3. Pupils listen to the teacher’s explanation on today’s content/lesson.
4. Pupils carry out activities.
 Pupils listen to the sounds and do the actions.
 Pupils listen to the words and identify the relevant sounds.
Main Activities  Pupils listen to the story and circle the correct words.
 Pupils play bingo game
 Pupils listen and say the chant
5. Pupils complete the worksheet based on the topic that have been
discussed. (Worksheet)
6. Pupils match the pictures to the correct words.
7. Pupils read the chant.
8. Pupils listen to the teacher’s conclusion from the whole of today’s
Follow-up Actions Remedial Reinforcement Enrichment
Worksheet Worksheet Worksheet

Choose an item.
Choose an item.
Remarks Choose an item.
Week 1 Date 24/3/2022 Day Thursday
Class Time Attendance

Lesson 13 (Listening 9) Topic Units 24-29 Theme World of Stories

Skills Main: Listening Complementary: Reading
1.1 Recognize and reproduce target 3.1 Recognize words in linear and non-linear
Content Standard
language sounds texts by using knowledge of sounds of letters
1.1.1 Recognize and reproduce with 3.1.1 Identify and recognize the shapes of the
support a limited range of high letters in the alphabet
frequency target language phoneme 3.1.2 Recognize and sound out with support
Learning Standard
beginning, medial and final sounds in a word
3.1.3 Blend phonemes (CVC, CCVC)
3.1.4 Segment phonemes (CVC, CCVC)
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
1. Listen to the story and circle at 1. Read the story with correct pronunciation,
Objectives least 4 out of 6 words correctly. stress and intonation.
2. Listen and say the chant with
teacher’s guidance.
Pupils will be assessed on their ability to:
Success Criteria 1. Circle at least 4 out of 6 words in the worksheet correctly.
2. Read the story correctly.
/j/ (y), /z/ (z, zz), /kw/ (qu),
Grammar Focus
/tʃ/ (ch), /ʃ/ (sh), /θ/ /ð/ (th), /ŋ/ (ng)
Teaching Aids Textbook, speaker, flashcards, worksheets
Assessment and Evaluation Individual Worksheet
Performance Level 1 2 3 4 5 6
No. of Pupils

Higher Order Thinking

21st Century Skills Team Player Skills (HOTS)
Teaching and Learning
Values and Citizenship Cross - Curricular Elements Language
21st Century Classroom Teaching and Learning Activities Lyrical Lessons

Learning Outlines Impact

1. Pupils listen to the sounds and guess the words.
2. Pupils listen to the teacher's explanation of the lesson objectives and
success criteria to be achieved and their relevance to the topic of the
3. Pupils listen to the teacher’s explanation on the today’s content
4. Pupils carry out actities.
 Pupils listen to the sounds and do the actions.
 Pupils listen to the words and identify the relevant sounds.
Main Activities  Pupils listen to the story and circle the correct words.
 Pupils play Bingo game
 Pupils listen and say the chant.
 Pupils listen to the story.
5. Pupils complete the worksheet based on the topic that have been
discussed. (Worksheet)
Plenary 6. Pupils carry out activities.
 Pupils match the pictures to the correct words.
 Pupils read the rhyme/chant.
 Pupils read the story
7. Pupils listen to the teacher’s conclusion from the whole of today’s
Follow-up Actions Remedial Reinforcement Enrichment
Worksheet Worksheet Worksheet

Choose an item.
Choose an item.
Remarks Choose an item.
Week 1 Date 24/3/2022 Day Thursday
Class Time Attendance

Lesson: 14
(Reading 3)
Topic Topic: Units 24-29 Theme World of Stories
Skills Main: Reading Complementary: Writing
3.1 Recognize words in linear and non- 4.1 Form letters and words in neat legible print
Content Standard linear texts by using knowledge of using cursive writing
sounds of letters
3.1.1 Identify and recognize the shapes 4.1.2 i) Form upper and lower case letters of
of the letters in the alphabet regular size and shape
3.1.2 Recognize and sound out with ii) write letters and words in a straight line from
support beginning, medial and final left to right with regular spaces between words
Learning Standard
sounds in a word and spaces
3.1.3 Blend phonemes (CVC, CCVC) iii) copy letters and familiar high frequency
3.1.4 Segment phonemes (CVC, words and phrases correctly
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
1. Match at least 3 out of 5 pictures 1. Write at least 2 out of 4 sentences
to the correct words. correctly.
2. Read the rhyme/ chant with
correct pronunciation, stress and
Pupils will be assessed on their ability to:
Success Criteria 1. Match at least 3 out of 5 pictures to the words in the worksheet correctly.
2. Write at least 2 sentences in the worksheet correctly.
Review for Lessons 11-13
Grammar Focus
Teaching Aids Textbook, speaker, flashcards, worksheets
Assessment and Evaluation Individual Worksheet
Performance Level 1 2 3 4 5 6
No. of Pupils

Higher Order Thinking

21st Century Skills Team Player Skills (HOTS)
Teaching and Learning
Values and Citizenship Cross - Curricular Elements Language
21st Century Classroom Teaching and Learning Activities Round Table

Learning Outlines Impact

1. Pupils jazz chant based on the rhyme.
2. Pupils listen to the teacher's explanation of the lesson objectives and
success criteria to be achieved and their relevance to the topic of the
3. Pupils listen to the teacher’s explanation on today’s content/lesson.
4. Pupils carry out activities.
 Pupils match the pictures to the correct words.
Main Activities  Pupils read the chant.
 Pupils read the story.
5. Pupils complete the worksheet based on the topic that have been
discussed. (Worksheet)
Plenary 6. Pupils carry out activities.
 Pupils practice tracing lines
 Pupils tracing the letter
 Pupils write the words.
 Pupils fill in the blanks with the correct sound.
 Pupils write the sentences.
 Pupils rearrange the sentences.
 Pupils complete the crossword
7. Pupils listen to the teacher’s conclusion from the whole of today’s
Follow-up Actions Remedial Reinforcement Enrichment
Worksheet Worksheet Worksheet

Choose an item.
Choose an item.
Remarks Choose an item.
Week 1 Date 24/3/2022 Day Thursday
Class Time Attendance

Lesson 15 (Writing 3) Topic Topic: Units 24-29 Theme World of Stories

Skills Main: Writing Complementary: Reading
4.1 Form letters and words in neat 3.1 Recognize words in linear and non-linear
Content Standard
legible print using cursive writing texts by using knowledge of sounds of letters
4.1.2 i) Form upper and lower case 3.1.1 Identify and recognize the shapes of the
letters of regular size and shape letters in the alphabet
ii) write letters and words in a straight 3.1.2 Recognize and sound out with support
Learning Standard line from left to right with regular beginning, medial and final sounds in a word
spaces between words and spaces 3.1.3 Blend phonemes (CVC, CCVC) 3.1.4
iii) copy letters and familiar high Segment phonemes (CVC, CCVC)
frequency words and phrases correctly.
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
1. Write the words given correctly. 1. Match at least 4 out of 6 pictures to the
2. Rearrange at least 3 out of 5 correct words.
sentences correctly.
Pupils will be assessed on their ability to:
Success Criteria 1. Rearrange at least 3 out of 5 sentences in the worksheet correctly.
2. Match at least 4 out of 6 pictures to the words correctly.
Review for Lessons 11-13
Grammar Focus
Teaching Aids Textbook, speaker, flashcards, worksheets
Assessment and Evaluation Individual Worksheet
Performance Level 1 2 3 4 5 6
No. of Pupils

Higher Order Thinking

21st Century Skills Team Player Skills (HOTS)
Teaching and Learning
Values and Citizenship Cross - Curricular Elements Language
21st Century Classroom Teaching and Learning Activities Lyrical Lessons

Learning Outlines Impact

1. Pupils rearrange the letters to form words they have learnt.
2. Pupils blend or segment the phonemes in the words.
Starter 3. Pupils listen to the teacher's explanation of the lesson objectives and
success criteria to be achieved and their relevance to the topic of the
4. Pupils listen to the teacher’s explanation on today’s content /lesson.
5. Pupils carry out activities.
 Pupils practice tracing lines.
 Pupils tracing the letter.
 Pupils write the words.
Main Activities  Pupils fill in the blanks with the correct sound.
 Pupils write the sentences.
 Pupils rearrange the sentences.
 Pupils complete the crossword
6. Pupils complete the worksheet based on the topic that have been
Plenary 7. Pupils carry out activities.
 Pupils match the pictures to the correct words.
 Pupils read the rhyme/chant.
 Pupils read the story.
8. Pupils listen to the teacher’s conclusion from the whole of today’s
Follow-up Actions Remedial Reinforcement Enrichment
Worksheet Worksheet Worksheet

Choose an item.
Choose an item.
Remarks Choose an item.
Week 1 Date 24/3/2022 Day Thursday
Class Time Attendance

Topic: Unit 30 Daisy the

Sheep, Unit 31 Say It Right,
Lesson 16 (Listening 10) Topic Unit 32 Billy Goat and Theme World of Stories
Tammy Toad, Unit 33 The
Skills Main: Listening Complementary: Reading
1.1 Recognize and reproduce target 3.1 Recognize words in linear and non-linear
Content Standard
language sounds texts by using knowledge of sounds of letters
1.1.1 Recognize and reproduce with 3.1.1 Identify and recognize the shapes of the
support a limited range of high letters in the alphabet
frequency target language phoneme 3.1.2 Recognize and sound out with support
Learning Standard
beginning, medial and final sounds in a word
3.1.3 Blend phonemes (CVC, CCVC)
3.1.4 Segment phonemes (CVC, CCVC)
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
1. Listen to the words and find out at 1. Match at least 5 out of 6 pictures to the
least 4 out of 5 relevant sounds. correct words.
2. Listen and say the chant with
correct pronunciation, stress and
Pupils will be assessed on their ability to:
Success Criteria 1. Identify at least 4 out of 5 relevant sounds in the worksheet.
2. Match at least 5 out of 6 pictures to the words correctly.
Row i.: /eɪ/ (ai), /i:/ (ee), /aɪ/ (igh), /әʊ/ (oa), /ʊ/,/u:/ (oo
Grammar Focus
Teaching Aids Textbook, speaker, flashcards, worksheets
Assessment and Evaluation Individual Worksheet
Performance Level 1 2 3 4 5 6
No. of Pupils

Higher Order Thinking

21st Century Skills Communicator Skills (HOTS)
Teaching and Learning
Values and Citizenship Cross - Curricular Elements Language
21st Century Classroom Teaching and Learning Activities Lyrical Lessons

Learning Outlines Impact

1. Pupils point to the pictures that contain the sounds.
2. Pupils listen to the teacher's explanation of the lesson objectives and
success criteria to be achieved and their relevance to the topic of the
3. Pupils listen to the teacher’s explanation on today’s content /lesson.
 Pupils carry out activities.
 Pupils listen to the sounds and do the actions.
 Pupils listen to the words and identify the relevant sounds.
Main Activities
 Pupils listen and say the chant.
 Pupils sing a song.
4. Pupils complete the worksheet based on the topic that have been
discussed. (Worksheet)
5. Pupils match the pictures to the correct words.
Plenary 6. Pupils listen to the teacher’s conclusion from the whole of today’s
Follow-up Actions Remedial Reinforcement Enrichment
Worksheet Worksheet Worksheet

Choose an item.
Choose an item.
Remarks Choose an item.
Week 1 Date 24/3/2022 Day Thursday
Class Time Attendance

Unit 34 Mark goes to the

Lesson 17 (Listening 11) Topic Park, Unit 35 Curly Purly, Theme World of Stories
Unit 36 Crow has a Coin
Skills Main: Listening Complementary: Reading
1.1 Recognize and reproduce target 3.1 Recognize words in linear and non-linear
Content Standard
language sounds texts by using knowledge of sounds of letters
1.1.1 Recognize and reproduce with 3.1.1 Identify and recognize the shapes of the
support a limited range of high letters in the alphabet
frequency target language phoneme 3.1.2 Recognize and sound out with support
Learning Standard
beginning, medial and final sounds in a word
3.1.3 Blend phonemes (CVC, CCVC)
3.1.4 Segment phonemes (CVC, CCVC)
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
1. Listen to the sounds and 1. Read the chant and answer at least 3 out
Objectives demonstrate the actions. of 5 questions correctly.
2. Listen to the words and identify at
least 4 out of 5 relevant sounds.
Pupils will be assessed on their ability to:
Success Criteria 1. Identify at least 4 out of 5 relevant sounds in the worksheet.
2. Answer at least 3 out of 5 questions from the chant correctly.
Row j.: /a:/ (ar), /ɔ:/ (or), /ɜ:/ (ur), /әʊ/ (ow), /ɔɪ/(oi)
Grammar Focus
Teaching Aids Textbook, speaker, flashcards, worksheets
Assessment and Evaluation Individual Worksheet
Performance Level 1 2 3 4 5 6
No. of Pupils

Higher Order Thinking

21st Century Skills Team Player Skills (HOTS)
Teaching and Learning
Values and Citizenship Cross - Curricular Elements Language
21 Century Classroom Teaching and Learning Activities Role Play

Learning Outlines Impact

1. Pupils pass on a set of words using Chinese whispers.
2. Pupils listen to the teacher's explanation of the lesson objectives and
success criteria to be achieved and their relevance to the topic of the
3. Pupils listen to the teacher’s explanation on today’s content/lesson.
4. Pupils carry out activities.
 Pupils listen to the sounds and do the actions.
 Pupils listen to the words and identify the relevant sounds.
Main Activities
 Pupils listen and say the chant.
 Pupils sing a song.
5. Pupils complete the worksheet based on the topic that have been
discussed. (Worksheet)
Plenary 6. Pupils match the pictures to the correct words.
7. In groups, pupils read the chant and answer the questions.
8. Pupils recite a poem.
9. Pupils listen to the teacher’s conclusion from the whole of today’s
Follow-up Actions Remedial Reinforcement Enrichment
Worksheet Worksheet Worksheet

Choose an item.
Choose an item.
Remarks Choose an item.
Week 1 Date 24/3/2022 Day Thursday
Class Time Attendance

Lesson 18 (Listening 12) Topic Units 30-36 Theme World of Stories

Skills Main: Listening Complementary: Reading
1.1 Recognize and reproduce target 3.1 Recognize words in linear and non-linear
Content Standard
language sounds texts by using knowledge of sounds of letters
3.1.1 Identify and recognize the shapes of the
letters in the alphabet
1.1.1 Recognize and reproduce with
3.1.2 Recognize and sound out with support
Learning Standard support a limited range of high
beginning, medial and final sounds in a word
frequency target language phoneme
3.1.3 Blend phonemes (CVC, CCVC)
3.1.4 Segment phonemes (CVC, CCVC)
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
1. Listen to the words and identify at 1. Read the chant and answer at least 3 out
least 4 out of 5 relevant sounds. of 5 questions correctly.
2. Listen and say the chant.
Pupils will be assessed on their ability to:
Success Criteria 1. Identify at least 4 out of 5 relevant sounds correctly.
2. Answer at least 3 out of 5 questions from the chant correctly.
Row i: /eɪ/ (ai), /i:/ (ee), /aɪ/ (igh), /әʊ/ (oa), /ʊ/,/u:/ (oo)
Grammar Focus
Row j.: /a:/ (ar), /ɔ:/ (or), /ɜ:/ (ur), /әʊ/ (ow), /ɔɪ/(oi
Teaching Aids LCD projector, textbook, worksheets
Assessment and Evaluation Individual Worksheet
Performance Level 1 2 3 4 5 6
No. of Pupils

Higher Order Thinking

21st Century Skills Team Player Skills (HOTS)
Teaching and Learning
Values and Citizenship Cross - Curricular Elements Language
21 Century Classroom Teaching and Learning Activities Lyrical Lessons

Learning Outlines Impact

1. Pupils categorize the pictures based on the similar sounds.
2. Pupils listen to the teacher's explanation of the lesson objectives and
success criteria to be achieved and their relevance to the topic of the
3. Pupils listen to the teacher’s explanation on today’s content /lesson.
4. Pupils carry out activities.
 Pupils listen to the sounds and do the actions.
 Pupils listen to the words and identify the relevant sounds.
Main Activities
 Pupils listen and say the chant.
 Pupils sing a song.
5. Pupils complete the worksheet based on the topic that have been
discussed. (Worksheet)
Plenary 6. Pupils carry out activities.
 Pupils match the pictures to the correct words.
 Pupils read the chant and answer the questions.
 Pupils recite a poem.
7. Pupils listen to the teacher’s conclusion from the whole of today’s
Follow-up Actions Remedial Reinforcement Enrichment
Worksheet Worksheet Worksheet

Choose an item.
Choose an item.
Remarks Choose an item.
Week 1 Date 24/3/2022 Day Thursday
Class Time Attendance

Lesson: 19 World of Self, Family and

Lesson Topic Topic: Units 30-36 Theme
(Reading 4) Friends
Skills Main: Reading Complementary: Writing
3.1 Recognize words in linear and non- 4.1 Form letters and words in neat legible print
Content Standard linear texts by using knowledge of using cursive writing
sounds of letters
3.1.1 Identify and recognize the shapes 4.1.2 i) Form upper and lower case letters of
of the letters in the alphabet regular size and shape
3.1.2 Recognize and sound out with ii) write letters and words in a straight line from
support beginning, medial and final left to right with regular spaces between
Learning Standard
sounds in a word words and spaces
3.1.3 Blend phonemes (CVC, CCVC) iii) copy letters and familiar high frequency
3.1.4 Segment phonemes (CVC, words and phrases correctly
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
1. Match at least 3 out of 5 pictures 1. Copy at least 2 out of 4 phrases correctly.
to the correct words.
2. Recite a poem with correct
pronunciation, stress and
Pupils will be assessed on their ability to:
Success Criteria 1. Match at least 3 out of 5 pictures to the words correctly.
2. Copy at least 2 out of 4 phrases in the worksheet correctly.
Review for Lessons 16-18
Grammar Focus
Teaching Aids Textbook, flashcards, worksheets
Assessment and Evaluation Individual Worksheet
Performance Level 1 2 3 4 5 6
No. of Pupils

Higher Order Thinking

21st Century Skills Communicator Skills (HOTS)
Teaching and Learning
Values and Citizenship Cross - Curricular Elements Language
21st Century Classroom Teaching and Learning Activities Lyrical Lessons

Learning Outlines Impact

1. Pupils recite the rhyme and point to the relevant pictures.
2. Pupils listen to the teacher's explanation of the lesson objectives and
success criteria to be achieved and their relevance to the topic of the
3. Pupil’s listen to the teacher’s explanation on today’s content/topic.
4. Pupils carry out activities.
 Pupils match the pictures to the correct words.
Main Activities  Pupils read the chant and answer the questions.
 In groups, pupils recite a poem.
5. Pupils complete the worksheet based on the topic that have been
Plenary 6. Pupils carry out activities.
 Pupils practice tracing lines.
 Pupils tracing the letter.
 Pupils write the words.
 Pupils fill in the blanks with the correct sound.
 Pupils copy the phrases.
 Pupils rearrange the phrases.
7. Pupils listen to the teacher’s conclusion from the whole of today’s
Follow-up Actions Remedial Reinforcement Enrichment
Worksheet Worksheet Worksheet

Choose an item.
Choose an item.
Remarks Choose an item.
Week 1 Date 24/3/2022 Day Thursday
Class Time Attendance

World of Self, Family and

Lesson 20 (Writing 4) Topic Units 30-36 Theme
Skills Main: Writing Complementary: Reading
4.1 Form letters and words in neat 3.1 Recognize words in linear and non-linear
Content Standard
legible print using cursive writing texts by using knowledge of sounds of letters
4.1.2 i) Form upper and lower case 3.1.1 Identify and recognize the shapes of the
letters of regular size and shape letters in the alphabet
ii) write letters and words in a straight 3.1.2 Recognize and sound out with support
Learning Standard line from left to right with regular beginning, medial and final sounds in a word
spaces between words and spaces 3.1.3 Blend phonemes (CVC, CCVC)
iii) copy letters and familiar high 3.1.4 Segment phonemes (CVC, CCVC)
frequency words and phrases correctly.
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
1. Write the words given correctly. 1. Read the chant and answer at least 4 out
2. Fill in the blanks at least 3 out of 5 of 6 questions correctly.
answers with the correct sound.
Pupils will be assessed on their ability to:
Success Criteria 1. Fill in the blanks at least 3 out of 5 answers with the correct sound in the worksheet.
2. Answer at least 4 out of 6 questions about the chant correctly.
Review for Lessons 16-18
Grammar Focus
Teaching Aids Textbook, speaker, flashcards, worksheets
Assessment and Evaluation Individual Worksheet
Performance Level 1 2 3 4 5 6
No. of Pupils

Higher Order Thinking

21st Century Skills Team Player Skills (HOTS)
Teaching and Learning
Values and Citizenship Cross - Curricular Elements Language
21st Century Classroom Teaching and Learning Activities Lyrical Lessons

Learning Outlines Impact

1. Pupils review the sounds they have learnt.
2. Pupils write the letters in the air.
Starter 3. Pupils listen to the teacher's explanation of the lesson objectives and
success criteria to be achieved and their relevance to the topic of the
Main Activities 4. Pupils listen to the teacher’s explanation on today’s content/lesson.
5. Pupils carry out activities.
 Pupils practice tracing lines
 Pupils tracing the letter
 Pupils write the words
 Pupils fill in the blanks with the correct sound
 Pupils copy the phrases.
 Pupils rearrange the phrases.
6. Pupils complete the worksheet based on the topic that have been
7. Pupils carry out activities.
 Pupils match the pictures to the correct words.
 Pupils read the chant and answer the questions.
 Pupils recite a poem.
8. Pupils listen to the teacher’s conclusion from the whole of today’s
Follow-up Actions Remedial Reinforcement Enrichment
Worksheet Worksheet Worksheet

Choose an item.
Choose an item.
Remarks Choose an item.
Week 1 Date 24/3/2022 Day Thursday
Class Time Attendance

21 (Reading 5/
Writing 5)
Topic Units 1-36 Theme World of Stories
Skills Main: Reading/ Writing Complementary: Writing
3.1 Recognize words in linear and non- 4.1 Form letters and words in neat legible print
Content Standard linear texts by using knowledge of using cursive writing
sounds of letters
3.1.1 Identify and recognize the shapes 4.1.2 i) Form upper and lower case letters of
of the letters in the alphabet regular size and shape
3.1.2 Recognize and sound out with ii) write letters and words in a straight line
support beginning, medial and final from left to right with regular spaces between
Learning Standard
sounds in a word words and spaces
3.1.3 Blend phonemes (CVC, CCVC) iii) copy letters and familiar high frequency
3.1.4 Segment phonemes (CVC, words and phrases correctly
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
1. Match at least 3 out of 5 pictures 1. Rearrange at least 2 out of 4 phrases
to the correct words. correctly.
2. Recite a poem with correct
pronunciation, stress and
Pupils will be assessed on their ability to:
Success Criteria 1. Match at least 3 out of 5 pictures to the words correctly.
2. Rearrange at least 2 out of 4 phrases in the worksheet correctly.
Review for Lessons 16-18
Grammar Focus
Teaching Aids Textbook, speaker, flashcards, worksheets
Assessment and Evaluation Individual Worksheet
Performance Level 1 2 3 4 5 6
No. of Pupils

Higher Order Thinking

21st Century Skills Communicator Skills (HOTS)
Teaching and Learning
Values and Citizenship Cross - Curricular Elements Language
21st Century Classroom Teaching and Learning Activities Lyrical Lessons

Learning Outlines Impact

1. Pupils recite the rhyme and point to the relevant pictures.
2. Pupils listen to the teacher's explanation of the lesson objectives and
success criteria to be achieved and their relevance to the topic of the
3. Pupils listen to the teacher’s explanation on today’s content/lesson.
4. Pupils carry out activities.
 Pupils match the pictures to the correct words.
Main Activities  Pupils read the chant and answer the questions.
 Pupils recite a poem.
5. Pupils complete the worksheet based on the topic that have been
Plenary 6. Pupils carry out activities.
 Pupils practice tracing lines.
 Pupils tracing the letter.
 Pupils write the words.
 Pupils fill in the blanks with the correct sound.
 Pupils copy the phrases.
 Pupils rearrange the phrases.
7. Pupils listen to the teacher’s conclusion from the whole of today’s
Follow-up Actions Remedial Reinforcement Enrichment
Worksheet Worksheet Worksheet

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