02 - ESL-Brains-Ive-been-doing-it-for-a-week-and-I-love-it-SV-5149

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I’ve been doing it for a week and I love it!

1. Think of three phrasal verbs with ‘up’ that go with the word ‘hobby’. Explain
their meanings.
………………. … up a hobby

2. Discuss the questions.

• Do you have a hobby? Would you like to take up
one/a new one?
• Did you have a hobby when you were a child? Did it
• Do you think it’s more difficult to pick up a hobby
when you’re an adult? Why/Why not?
• Have you ever given up a hobby? Why?
• Have you ever done any of these activities? Would you be interested in any of
o knitting o martial arts
o pottery o cooking classes

3. Read the sentences and underline the phrases that match the meanings
a) When I take up a new hobby, I always go over the basics with an instructor.
Otherwise, I don’t know where to start.
b) I like doing something in the comfort of my home. I don’t like wasting time
getting somewhere.
c) If an activity is difficult to tackle, I give up. A hobby should be easy.
d) Hobbies I have the best time doing usually involve socializing.
e) I pick up a new hobby from time to time because it’s challenging. Once I get it
down, I move on to something else.
f) I don’t want to have a hobby that’s addicting because I don’t have that much
free time.

Copyrights by ESL Brains

I’ve been doing it for a week and I love it!

1) get skilled at something (slang)
2) make an effort to deal with something
3) making you want to do something all the time
4) being comfortable at home
5) cover the main principles of something
6) enjoy doing

4. Read the statements about hobbies in ex. 3 again and say if you agree with

5. You are going to watch a video about trying new activities. Watch the first
part of the video [https://youtu.be/uqsTXG2U0mo] (to 00:28) and complete
the sentence.
a) Lucie has decided to try five new hobbies because ……………………………...

6. Read the sentences about five activities Lucie tried and try to guess what
they were.
a) It was so addicting that she kept doing it after the lesson.
b) She made something she could use after the lesson.
c) Lucie read about it on the internet.
d) Going over the basics of it helped her to make the part of this video.
e) She got it down really fast and was surprisingly good at it.
f) Her instructor has been doing it for over a year.

7. Watch the video (from 00:29) and check your ideas from ex. 6. Match the
sentences from ex. 6 to the hobbies in the video. Two sentences can be
used for more than one hobby.

8. Discuss the questions.

• What do you think of Lucie’s experiment?
• Would you like to take up any of the activities from the video?

Copyrights by ESL Brains

I’ve been doing it for a week and I love it!

• How often do you try new things?

• Do you agree that taking one class is enough to spark an interest in
something? Why/Why not?
• How can having a hobby improve your life?
• Do you agree that you don’t learn enough new things when you’re an adult?
Why/Why not?

9. Look at the sentences and complete the rules with ‘Simple’ or ‘Continuous’.
Then, match the sentences to the rules. One sentence is used twice.
Present Perfect Simple
a) She has had this hobby since the fourth grade.
b) She has tried five different hobbies.
Present Perfect Continuous
c) She has been doing it for over a year.
d) Her hands are dirty because she’s been doing pottery.

1) When we talk about something that started in the past and continues until now
with action verbs, we use Present Perfect ………………. .
2) When we talk about something that started in the past and continues until now
with stative verbs, we use Present Perfect ………………. .
3) When we talk about a recent unfinished action with a result now, we use
Present Perfect ………………. .
4) When we ask or answer How much/How many...?, we use Present Perfect
………………. .
5) When we ask or answer How long...?, we use Present Perfect ……………….
(unless it’s a stative verb).

10. Choose the correct ending for each sentence.

a) I have been doing yoga for two years/many times.
b) We’ve been going to this club since it opened/every day.
c) She has been to Mexico for a couple of years/many times.
d) They’ve been dating a few times/for a few months.

Copyrights by ESL Brains

I’ve been doing it for a week and I love it!

e) I have tried many kinds of sports/football since high school.

f) He’s listened to this song for days/a million times.

11. Make sentences with Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect Continuous
using prompts.
a) He / study photography / a couple of months.
He has been studying photography for a couple of months
b) I / work hard / lately / so I’m pretty tired.
I've been working hard lately so i'm pretty tired en duda
c) They / know each other / childhood.
They have known each other since their childhood
d) We / try to tackle this issue / two weeks.
We've tried to tackle this issue for two weeks
e) She / run a marathon / five times.
She has ran a marathon for five times
f) I / do yoga / recently / and I feel amazing.
I did yoga recently and I've been feelling amazing
g) How long / you / write this book?
How long have you been writing this book?
h) She / try learning / 12 foreign languages.
She has tried learning 12 foreign languages en duda

12. Work in pairs. You are going to get a card with information about a hobby.
Tell your partner about it without mentioning its name and persuade them to
take it up. You can add more information about how it makes you feel or
how it has helped you.

EXAMPLE: I’ve been doing it since the pandemic started and I’ve
become healthier.

Copyrights by ESL Brains

I’ve been doing it for a week and I love it!

13. Look at the activities below and choose one to talk about. Use the questions
to help you.
a) foreign languages
b) sports and fitness
c) handicraft (e.g. knitting, pottery, scrapbooking)
d) creative hobbies (e.g. photography, writing, cooking)
e) outdoor activities (e.g. fishing, hiking)

• Why have you decided to take it up?

• Do you do it by yourself or with someone else?
• How long have you been doing it for?
• What are its benefits?
• What do you like most about it? Is there anything you dislike?

Copyrights by ESL Brains

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