Department of Computer Science: Syllabus

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Department of Computer Science


Bachelor of Computer Applications

(II Semester)

With effect from


Department of Computer Science
Jnana Sagara, Ballari - 583105

Distribution of Courses/Papers in Undergraduate Programme II Semester as per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) Proposed for UG (BCA)



Objective: Understanding, Exploration & Ability to solve well defined problems
Marks Duration of
Category Course code Title of the Paper hours/week Credit
exams (Hrs)
IA SEE Total L T P
21BCA2L3LK2 Kannada
L-3 40 60 100 4 0 0 3 3
21BCA2L3FKL2 Functional Kannada
21BCA2L4EN2 English
21BCA2L4HI2 Hindi
L-4 21BCA2L4SN2 Sanskrit 40 60 100 4 0 0 3 3
21BSC2L4TE2 Telugu
21BCA2L4UR2 Urdu
21BCA2C4L Data Structures using C 40 60 100 3 0 0 3 3
21BCA2C4P Data Structures Lab 25 25 50 0 0 4 2 3
21BCA2C5L Object Oriented Concepts using Java 40 60 100 3 0 0 3 3
21BCA2C5P Java Lab 25 25 50 0 0 4 2 3
DSC6 21BCA2C6L Discrete Mathematics Structures 40 60 100 3 0 0 3 3
OEC2 Students should opt other Department Open Elective Course. 40 60 100 3 0 0 3 3
AECC1 21BCA2AE1L Environmental Studies 20 30 50 2 0 0 2 1
VBC3 21BCA2V3PE2 Physical Education – Sports - - 25 - - 2 1 -
VBC4 21BCA2V4NC1 NCC/NSS/R&R(S&G)/Cultural/RedCross - - 25 - - 2 1 -
Total Marks 850 26


Course Title: Data Structures using C Course code: 21BCA2C4DSL

Total Contact Hours: 42 Course Credits: 03
Formative Assessment Marks: 40 Duration of ESA/Exam: 03 Hours
Summative Assessment Marks: 60

Course Outcomes (CO’s):

At the end of the course, students will be able to:

1. Describe how arrays, records, linked structures, stacks, queues, trees, and graphs are
represented in memory and used by algorithms
2. Describe common applications for arrays, records, linked structures, stacks, queues,
trees, and graphs
3. Write programs that use arrays, records, linked structures, stacks, queues, trees, and
4. Demonstrate different methods for traversing trees
5. Compare alternative implementations of data structures with respect to performance
6. Describe the concept of recursion; give examples of its use.
7. Discuss the computational efficiency of the principal algorithms for sorting, searching,
and hashing

DSC4: Data Structures using C

Unit Description Hours

Introduction to data structures: Definition; Types of data structures -
Primitive & Non-primitive, Linear and Non-linear; Operations on data
Dynamic memory allocation: Static & Dynamic memory allocation; Memory
1 allocation and de-allocation functions - malloc, calloc, realloc and free. 08
Algorithm Specification, Performance Analysis, Performance Measurement
Recursion: Definition; Types of recursions; Recursion Technique Examples -
GCD, Binomial coefficient nCr, Towers of Hanoi; Comparison between
iterative and recursive functions.
Arrays: Basic Concepts – Definition, Declaration, Initialization, Operations
on arrays; Types of arrays; Arrays as abstract data types (ADT);
Representation of Linear Arrays in memory.
Traversing linear arrays; Inserting and deleting elements; Sorting – Selection 10
sort, Bubble sort, Quick sort, Selection sort, Insertion sort; Searching -
Sequential Search, Binary search; Iterative and Recursive searching;
Multidimensional arrays; Representation of multidimensional arrays; Sparse
Linked list: Basic Concepts – Definition and Representation of linked list,
3 Types of linked lists - Singly linked list, Doubly liked list, Header liked list,
Circular linked list; Representation of Linked list in Memory;

Operations on Singly linked lists – Traversing, Searching, Insertion, Deletion;
Memory allocation; Garbage collection,
Stacks: Basic Concepts – Definition and Representation of stacks; Operations
on stacks; Applications of stacks; Infix, postfix and prefix notations;
Conversion from infix to postfix using stack; Evaluation of postfix expression
4 using stack; Application of stack in function calls.
Queues: Basic Concepts – Definition and Representation of queues; Types of
queues - Simple queues, Circular queues, Double ended queues, Priority
queues; Operations on Simple queues
Trees: Definition; Tree terminologies –node, root node, parent node,
ancestors of a node, siblings, terminal & non-terminal nodes, degree of a
node, level, edge, path, depth. 08
Binary tree: Type of binary trees - strict binary tree, complete binary tree,
binary search tree and heap tree; Array representation of binary tree.
Traversal of binary tree; preorder, In-order and Post-order traversal.

1. Ellis Horowitz and Sartaj Sahni: Fundamentals of Data Structures

2. Tanenbaum: Data structures using C (Pearson Education)
3. Kamathane: Introduction to Data structures (Pearson Education)
4. Y. Kanitkar: Data Structures Using C(BPB)
5. Kottur: Data Structure Using C
6. Padma Reddy: Data Structure Using C
7. Sudipa Mukherjee: Data Structures using C – 1000 Problems and Solutions (McGraw
Hill Education,2007)

Course Title: Object Oriented Concepts using JAVA Course code: 21BCA2C5OJL
Total Contact Hours: 42 Course Credits: 03
Formative Assessment Marks: 40 Duration of ESA/Exam: 03 Hours
Summative Assessment Marks: 60

Course Outcomes (CO’s):

At the end of the course, students will be able to:

1. Understand the features of Java and the architecture of JVM

2. Write, compile, and execute Java programs that may include basic data types
and control flow constructs and how typecasting is done
3. Identify classes, objects, members of a class and relationships among them
needed for a specific problem and demonstrate the concepts of
polymorphism and inheritance
4. The students will be able to demonstrate programs based on interfaces and
threads and explain the benefits of JAVA’s Exceptional handling
mechanism compared to other Programming Language
5. Write, compile, execute Java programs that include GUIs and event driven
programming and also programs based on files

DSC5: Object Oriented Concepts using Java

Unit Description Hours

Introduction to Java: Basics of Java programming, Data types, Variables,
1 Operators, Control structures including selection, Looping, Java methods, 06
Overloading, Math class, Arrays in java
Objects and Classes: Basics of objects and classes in java, Constructors,
2 Finalizer, Visibility modifiers, Methods and objects, Inbuilt classes like
String, Character, String Buffer, File, this reference
Inheritance and Polymorphism: Inheritance in java, Super and sub class,
Overriding, Object class, Polymorphism, Dynamic binding, Generic 08
programming, Casting objects, Instance of operator, Abstract class, Interface
in java, Package in java, UTIL package.
Event and GUI programming: Event handling in java, Event types, Mouse
and key events, GUI Basics, Panels, Frames, Layout Managers: Flow Layout,
Border Layout, Grid Layout, GUI components like Buttons, Check Boxes, 10
Radio Buttons, Labels, Text Fields, Text Areas, Combo Boxes, Lists, Scroll
Bars, Sliders, Windows, Menus, Dialog Box, Applet and its life cycle,
Introduction to swing, Exceptional handling mechanism.
I/O programming: Text and Binary I/O, Binary I/O classes, Object I/O, 06
Random Access Files.
Multithreading in java: Thread life cycle and methods, Runnable interface, 06
Thread synchronization, Exception handling with try catch-finally,

Collections in java, Introduction to JavaBeans and Network Programming


1. Programming with Java, By E Balagurusamy – A Primer, Fourth

Edition, Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited.
2. Core Java Volume I – Fundamentals, By Cay S. Horstmann, Prentice
3. Object Oriented Programming with Java :Somashekara M.T., Guru,
D.S., Manjunatha K.S
4. Java 2 - The Complete Reference – McGraw Hill publication.
5. Java - The Complete Reference, 7th Edition, By Herbert Schildt–
McGraw Hill publication.

Course Title: Discrete Mathematical Structures Course code: 21BCA2C6DML
Total Contact Hours: 42 Course Credits: 03
Formative Assessment Marks: 40 Duration of ESA/Exam: 03 Hours
Summative Assessment Marks: 60

Course Outcomes (CO’s):

At the end of the course, students will be able to:
1. To understand the basic concepts of Mathematical reasoning, set and
2. To understand various counting techniques and principle of inclusion and
3. Understand the concepts of various types of relations, partial ordering and
Equivalence relations.
4. Apply the concepts of generating functions to solve the recurrence relations.
5. Familiarize the fundamental concepts of graph theory and shortest path

DSC6: Discrete Mathematical Structures

Unit Description Hours

The Foundations: Logic and proofs: Propositional Logic, Applications of
Propositional Logic, Propositional Equivalences, Predicates and Quantifiers,
Nested Quantifiers, Rules of Inference, Introduction to Proofs, Proof Methods
1 12
and Strategy.
Basic Structures: Sets, Functions, Sequences, Sums, and Matrices: Sets, set
operations, Functions, Sequences and Summations, matrices.
Counting: Basics of counting, Pigeonhole principle, Permutation and
combination, Binomial Coefficient and Combination, Generating Permutation
and Combination.
2 Advanced Counting Techniques: Applications of Recurrence Relations,
Solving Linear Recurrence, Relations, Divide and Conquer Algorithms and
Recurrence Relations, Generating functions, Inclusion-Exclusion,
Applications of Inclusion-exclusion.
Induction and Recursion: Mathematical Induction, Strong Induction and
Well Ordering, Recursive Definitions and Structural Induction, Recursive
Algorithms, Program Corrections. 12
Relation: Properties of relation, Composition of relation, Closer operation on
relation, Equivalence relation and partition. Operation on relation,
Representing relation.
Graphs: Graphs and Graph models, Graph Terminology and Special Types of
4 Graphs, Representing Graphs and Graph Isomorphism, Connectivity, Euler
and Hamilton Paths, Shortest-Path Problems, Planar Graphs, Graph Coloring

1. Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications, Kenneth H. Rosen: Seventh

Edition, 2012.
2. Discrete Mathematical Structure, Bernard Kolman, Robert C, Busby, Sharon Ross,
3. Graph Theory with Applications to Engg and Comp. Sci: Narsingh Deo-PHI 1986
4. Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics Ralph P. Grimaldi, B. V. Ramatta, Pearson,
Education, 5th Edition
5. Discrete Mathematical Structures, Trembley and Manobar

Course Title: Data Structures Lab
Course code: 21BCA2C4DSP
Total Contact Hours: 52 Course Credits: 02
Formative Assessment Marks: 25 Duration of ESA/Exam: 03 Hours
Summative Assessment Marks: 25

Course Outcomes (CO’s):

At the end of the course, students will be able to:

1. To implement recursive functions.

2. To arrange data using different sorting techniques.
3. To implement stack, queue, linked list and tree.

Data Structures Lab

Programming Lab
Part A:
1. Program to find GCD using recursive function
2. Program to display Pascal Triangle using binomial function
3. Program to generate n Fibonacci numbers using recursive function.
4. Program to implement Towers of Hanoi.
5. Program to implement dynamic array, find smallest and largest
element of the array.
6. Program to create two files to store even and odd numbers.
7. Program to create a file to store student records.
8. Program to read the names of cities and arrange them alphabetically.
9. Program to sort the given list using selection sort technique.
10. Program to sort the given list using bubble sort technique.
Part B:
1. Program to sort the given list using insertion sort technique.
2. Program to sort the given list using quick sort technique.
3. Program to sort the given list using merge sort technique.
4. Program to search an element using linear search technique.
5. Program to search an element using recursive binary search technique.
6. Program to implement Stack.
7. Program to convert an infix expression to postfix.
8. Program to implement simple queue.
9. Program to implement linear linked list.
10. Program to display traversal of a tree.

Evaluation Scheme for Lab Examination

Assessment Criteria Marks

Program – 1 from Part A Writing the Program 05
Execution 05
Program -2 from Part B Writing the Program 05
Execution 05
Viva Voice 05
Total 25

Course Title: JAVA Lab

Course code: 21BCA2C5OJP
Total Contact Hours: 52 Course Credits: 02
Formative Assessment Marks: 25 Duration of ESA/Exam: 03 Hours
Summative Assessment Marks: 25

Course Outcomes (CO’s):

At the end of the course, students will be able to:

1. Implement Object Oriented programming concept using basic syntaxes of

control Structures
2. Identify classes, objects, members of a class and the relationships among
them needed for a finding the solution to specific problem
3. Demonstrates how to achieve reusability using inheritance
4. Demonstrate understanding and use of interfaces, packages, different
exception handling mechanisms and concept of multithreading for robust
faster and efficient application development.
5. Identify and describe common user interface components to design GUI in
Java using Applet & AWT along with response to events


Practice Lab

1. Program to print the following

triangle of numbers 1
2. Program to simple java application, to print the message, “Welcome to
3. Program to display the month of a year. Months of the year
should be held in an array.
4. Program to find the area of rectangle.
5. program to demonstrate a division by zero exception
6. Program to create a user defined exception say Pay out of Bounds.

Programming Lab

PART A: Java Fundamentals OOPs in Java

1. Program to assign two integer values to X and Y. Using the ‘if’

statement the output of the program should display a message
whether X is greater than Y.
2. Program to list the factorial of the numbers 1 to 10. To calculate
the factorial value, use while loop. (Hint Fact of 4 =4*3*2*1)
3. Program to add two integers and two float numbers. When no
arguments are supplied, give a default value to calculate the
sum. Use function overloading.
4. Program to perform mathematical operations. Create a class
called AddSub with methods to add and subtract. Create another
class called MulDiv that extends from Add, Sub class to use the
member data of the super class. MulDiv should have methods to
multiply and divide A main function should access the methods
and perform the mathematical operations.
5. Program with class variable that is available for all instances of
a class. Use static variable declaration. Observe the changes that
occur in the object’s member variable values.
6. Program
a. To find the area and circumference of the circle by accepting
the radius from the user.
b. To accept a number and find whether the number is Prime or not
7. Program to create a student class with following attributes.
Enrollment No: Name, Mark of sub1, Mark of sub2, mark of
sub3, Total Marks. Total of the three marks must be calculated
only when the student passes in all three subjects. The pass mark
for each subject is 50. If a candidate fails in any one of the
subjects his total mark must be declared as zero. Using this
condition write a constructor for this class. Write separate
functions for accepting and displaying student details. In the
main method create an array of three student objects and display
the details.
8. In a college first year class are having the following attributes
Name of the class (BCA, BCom, BSc), Name of the staff No of
the students in the class, Array of students in the class
9. Define a class called first year with above attributes and define a
suitable constructor. Also write a method called best Student ()
which process a first-year object and return the student with the
highest total mark. In the main method define a first-year object
and find the best student of this class
10. Program to define a class called employee with the name and
date of appointment. Create ten employee objects as an array
and sort them as per their date of appointment. ie, print them as

per their seniority.
11. Create a package‘ student. Fulltime BCA ‘in your current
working directory
a. Create a default class student in the above package with the
following attributes: Name, age, sex.
b. Have methods for storing as well as displaying

PART B: Exception Handling & GUI Programming

1. Program to catch Negative Array Size Exception. This

exception is caused when the array is initialized to negative
2. Program to handle NullPointerException and use the “finally” method to
display a message to the user.
3. Program which create and displays a message on the window
4. Program to draw several shapes in the created window
5. Program to create an applet and draw gridlines
6. Program which creates a frame with two buttons father and
mother. When we click the father button the name of the father,
his age and designation must appear. When we click mother
similar details of mother also appear.
7. Create a frame which displays your personal details with respect
to a button click
8. Create a simple applet which reveals the personal information of yours.
9. Program to move different shapes according to the arrow key pressed.
10. Program to create a window when we press M or m the window
displays Good Morning, A or the window displays Good After
Noon E or e the window displays Good Evening, N or n the
window displays Good Night
11. Demonstrate the various mouse handling events using suitable example.
12. Program to create menu bar and pull-down menus.

Note: Student has to execute a minimum of 10 programs in each part

to complete the Lab course

Evaluation Scheme for Lab Examination

Assessment Criteria Marks

Program – 1 from Part A Writing the Program 05
Execution 05
Program -2 from Part B Writing the Program 05
Execution 05
Viva Voice 05
Total 25


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