Harka Bahadur Budha Structural Report

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Owner: Harka Bahadur Budha

Location: Malika Gaupalika, Darbang, Myagdi

List of Figures...............................................................................................iii
List of Tables................................................................................................iv
1 Introduction............................................................................................1
1.1 An Overview of Earthquake-Resistant Design.....................................................1
1.2 Earthquake Resistant Design Philosophy.............................................................2
2 Description of the Building....................................................................4
2.1 Building Description.............................................................................................4
2.2 Location of Building.............................................................................................5
3 Numerical modeling...............................................................................6
4 Structural analysis..................................................................................8
4.1 Load cases considered..........................................................................................8
4.2 Load combination.................................................................................................8
4.3 Mass Source..........................................................................................................9
4.4 Dead loads.............................................................................................................9
4.5 Live load.............................................................................................................11
4.6 Seismic Analysis.................................................................................................12
4.6.1 Seismic coefficient method..........................................................................12
4.6.2 Dynamic analysis.........................................................................................13
4.6.3 Seismic Weight and Base Shear..................................................................13
4.6.4 Storey Drift and displacement Calculations................................................14
4.7 Modal analysis and modal mass participation....................................................17
4.8 Analysis of Internal Forces Developed in Frames..............................................17
5 Design....................................................................................................20
5.1 Column design summary....................................................................................21
5.2 Beam Design Summary......................................................................................24
5.3 Slab Design Summary.........................................................................................30
5.4 Staircase Design Summary.................................................................................30
5.5 Foundation Design Summary..............................................................................30
6 CONCLUSION.....................................................................................32
7 RECOMMENDATIONS.....................................................................32
ANNEX -I: REFERENCES..........................................................................................33
ANNEX-II: SAMPLE DESIGN CALCULATIONS....................................................34
SAMPLE BEAM DESIGN BY ETABS...................................................................34
SAMPLE COLUMN DESIGN..................................................................................35
SAMPLE SLAB DESIGN.........................................................................................37
SAMPLE STRAP FOOTING DESIGN....................................................................40
SAMPLE STAIRCASE DESIGN.............................................................................47

List of Figures
Figure 2-1 : Ground floor Plan of Building.........................................................................4
Figure 2-2 : Seismic Hazard of Himalayas..........................................................................5
Figure 3-1 : 3D model created in ETABS...........................................................................6
Figure 3-2 : Ground /First/Second/Third Floor plan modeled in ETABS...........................7
Figure 3-3 : Top Floor plan modeled in ETABS.............................................................7
Figure 3-4 : Elevation on grid A/B/C..................................................................................8
Figure 4-1 : Wall load........................................................................................................10
Figure 4-2 : Floor finish load.............................................................................................10
Figure 4-3 : Staircase dead+ floor finish load...................................................................11
Figure 4-4 : Live load........................................................................................................11
Figure 4-5 : Staircase live load..........................................................................................12
Figure 4-6 : Terrace live load............................................................................................12
Figure 4-7 : Seismic forces at different levels...................................................................14
Figure 4-8 : Drift ratio in Eqx............................................................................................15
Figure 4-9 : Drift ratio in Eqy............................................................................................15
Figure 4-10 : Displacement in Eqx....................................................................................16
Figure 4-11 : Displacement in Eqy....................................................................................16
Figure 4-12 : Sample Bending Moment Diagram for frames along Grid B/B-1.5(DL+LL)
Figure 4-13 : Sample Shear force Diagram for frames along Grid B/B -1.5(DL+LL).....18
Figure 4-14 : Sample Axial force Diagram for frames along Grid B/B -1.5(DL+LL)......19
Figure 5-1 : Rebar of column in Grid A............................................................................21
Figure 5-2 : Rebar of column in Grid B............................................................................21
Figure 5-3 : Rebar of column in Grid C............................................................................22
Figure 5-4 : Rebar in Ground floor beam.........................................................................24
Figure 5-5 : Rebar in first floor beam................................................................................24
Figure 5-6 : Rebar in Second floor beam..........................................................................25
Figure 5-7 : Rebar in Third floor beam............................................................................25
Figure 5-8 : Rebar in Top floor beam...............................................................................26
Figure 5-9 : Base reaction for footing design....................................................................30

List of Tables
Table 2-1 : Building Description.........................................................................................4
Table 4-1 : Mass source.......................................................................................................9
Table 4-2 : Dead loads unit weight......................................................................................9
Table 4-3 : Dead load applied..............................................................................................9
Table 4-4 : Live load applied.............................................................................................11
Table 4-5 : Analysis and design parameters......................................................................13
Table 4-6 : Drift Calculations for Earthquake Loads........................................................14
Table 4-7 : Modal mass Participation ration from ETABS...............................................17
Table 5-1 : Column Design summary................................................................................22
Table 5-2 : Beam Design Summary...................................................................................27
Table 5-3 : Footing Design Summary...............................................................................31


This report focuses on structural design of residential building located at Myagdi. It

summarizes design assumption, methodology and follows up of codes and standards for
the building with proper consideration of the earthquake resistant design criteria
following the Nepal National Building Code and Indian Standard Code 2016.

The primary objective of the project is to analyze and design the structural elements of
the buildings based on NBC and Indian standards. The seismic coefficient method is
adopted to analyze the earthquake response of the building.

Finite element analysis showed that the anticipated performance of the buildings
subjected to the design earthquake meets IS code seismic hazard level requirement for
building. The building response for drift, displacement is also calculated.

The following conclusions can be drawn from this report:

The structure is designed to complying the guidelines and the Indian standards.

Story drifts are within the acceptable limits under DBE level earthquakes.

** The structural design is carried on the architectural drawing provided. This report solely emphases and
confines itself to technical aspects of the structure and does not comment on other aspects of the structure.

1 Introduction
1.1 An Overview of Earthquake-Resistant Design
Nepal lies in an earthquake prone zone. It is located in the boundary between Indian plate and
Tibetan plate. Thus, Nepal experiences earthquakes frequently. Earthquakes are the most
sudden, dramatic and devastating natural calamities. Although they last only for few seconds
to minutes, they are the most devastating ones. Past records of the earthquake show that
eighteen major earthquakes have hit Nepal till now. So, special consideration of earthquake
forces while designing a building is mandatory in Nepal.

Designing building against earthquake forces does not mean that we are making the building
earthquake-proof. Although earthquake proof structures may be viable in terms of engineering
but they are not financially viable. However, it is possible to design and build earthquake-
resilient (more precisely seismic resilient) structures. According to this philosophy, no matter
how much severe earthquake occurs, the building won’t collapse although it may be
irreparably damaged. In, this background, it is ensured that this building has been designed to
withstand all the acting loads including the earthquake forces making it seismic resistant.

The structural design alone is not enough to ensure the safety of a building, equally
important, is its construction. The role of a contractor is of paramount importance as he is the
one to execute the construction work at site. He is required to execute the work according to
drawings supplied by the consultant to him and detailing has to be carefully followed. A large
percentage of failure of the building is attributed to poor quality of construction. Past
experiences from damages have shown that quality of material and workmanship play an
important role in good seismic behavior of the buildings. Hence, quality assurance of
construction works is the key to good seismic performance of a building.

Severity of ground shaking at a given location during an earthquake can be minor, moderate
and strong. Relatively, minor shakings occur frequently, moderate shakings occasionally and
strong shakings rarely. For instance, on average annually about 800 earthquakes of magnitude
5.0-5.9 on Richter scale occur in the world while the number is only about 19 for magnitude
of range 7.0-7.9 on Richter scale. So, should we design and construct a building to resist that
rare earthquake shaking that may come only once in 500 years or even once in 2000 years at
the chosen project site, even though the life of the building itself may be only 50 or 100 years?
Since it costs money to provide additional earthquake safety in buildings, a conflict arises:
Should we do away with the design of buildings for earthquake effects? Or should we design
the buildings to be “earthquake proof” wherein there is no damage during the strong but rare
earthquake shaking? Clearly, the former approach can lead to a major disaster, and the second
approach is too expensive. Hence, the design philosophy should lie somewhere in between
these two extremes.

The engineers do not attempt to make earthquake proof buildings that will not get damaged
even during the rare but strong earthquakes; such buildings will be too robust and also too
expensive. Instead, the engineering intention is to make buildings earthquake resistant and
affordable; such buildings resist the effects of ground shaking, although they may get
damaged severely but would not collapse during the strong earthquake. Thus, safety of people
and contents is assured in earthquake-resistant buildings, and thereby a disaster is avoided.
This is a major objective of seismic design codes throughout the world.

1.2 Earthquake Resistant Design Philosophy

The earthquake design philosophy may be summarized as follows:

a) Under minor shakings which occur frequently, the main members of the buildings that
carry vertical and lateral forces should not be damaged; however non-structural parts may
sustain repairable damages. It is assured that the building will be fully operational within a
short time and the repair costs will be small

b) Under moderate shakings which are occasional, the structural elements may sustain
repairable damage, while the non-structural elements may be heavily damaged; the building
will be operational followed by repair and re-strengthening of the damaged structural
elements and replacing of damaged non-structural elements.

c) Under strong shakings which are rare, the main members may sustain severe damage, but
the building should not collapse; the building may become dysfunctional for further use, but
will stand so that people can be evacuated and property recovered.

The degree to which the building is to be assured against the possibility of damage must be
considered while designing the building. Important buildings like hospitals, health posts, fire
stations, post offices communication towers, electric power houses which play a critical role
in post-earthquake activities must remain functional immediately after the earthquake and
hence require higher degree of assurance against possible damage. Public buildings,
educational buildings, busy commercial complex etc. where the risk of human loss is high and
some critical structures like nuclear power plants, dams, etc. whose collapse may cause
secondary disasters are also designed to assure higher level of safety against earthquakes.
Other buildings like residential buildings, offices, mercantile buildings etc. are designed for
lower level of safety, while the design philosophy mentioned above is always maintained.
However, the level of safety to be assured in the design may also depend upon the demand of
the client.

Design of buildings to resist earthquakes involves controlling the damage to acceptable levels
at a reasonable cost. Contrary to the common thinking that any crack in the building after an
earthquake means the building is unsafe for habitation, some damage in non-structural
elements may be unavoidable. Different types of damages (mainly visualized through cracks;
especially so in concrete and masonry buildings) may occur in buildings during earthquakes.
Some of these cracks are acceptable (in terms of both their size and location), while others are
not. In general, qualified technical professionals may only be knowledgeable of the causes and
severity of damage in earthquake-resistant buildings.

2 Description of the Building
2.1 Building Description
The building to be analyzed and designed here is a four and half story residential building to
be constructed on behalf of Mr. Harka Bahadur Budha. The proposed site is located at
Myagdi. The ground floor plan of the building is presented below in Figure 2-1. The building
description is presented in Table 2-1: Building Description.

Figure 2-1 : Ground floor Plan of Building

Table 2-1 : Building Description

General features
Building Type Residential Building
Location Malika Gaupalika, Darbang, Myagdi
Ground Floor Area 1053 sq. ft.
Architectural features
Number of story Four and half story
Floor to Floor Height 9’-0”
Total Height of the Building: 45’-0 “ unto top slab from plinth level
Building Lateral Dimensions (Maximum ) Max distance along X: 26’-04”
Max distance along Y: 40’-00”
Wall and Partition 9” and 5” Brick Masonry in cement mortar
in outside and inside respectively

Structural features
Structural System RCC Frame Structure
Foundation Type RCC Strap footing
Loads Resisting Elements
Columns 350mm X350mm
Beams Main beam: 350mm X 350mm

slab 125 mm
Geotechnical Features
Soil Test Not Available
Soil Type (assumed) Type III (Soft Soil
Seismic Zone considered: V (as per IS 1893:2016, Part-1)
Allowable bearing capacity assumed 100 KN/m2
Grade of concrete: M20 for column, beam, slab and footings.
Grade of Reinforcement steel for RCC Fe 500

2.2 Location of Building

Nepal is a highly vulnerable to earthquake hazards. As per IS 1893:2016 (Part 1), Nepal can
be predicted to lies in high seismic risk (Zones V) as shown in Figure 2-3. The site is located
at Myagdi and it belongs to the higher seismic risk zone V.

Figure 2-2 : Seismic Hazard of Himalayas

3 Numerical modeling
A three dimensional finite element model of the whole structural system is created in
ETABS.v18. The structural system is considered as a Special Moment Resisting Frame
structure. Main components to be modeled are: Beams, Columns & Slabs. Beams and
columns are modeled as frame elements while slabs are modeled as four-nodded shell
elements. The support condition at the base is idealized as a fixed support and hence any
moment release at the base of columns is neglected. The moment release at the beam/column
joints is also neglected. Self-weight of the parapet wall is applied onto the beams in the form
of uniformly distributed loads. Stair isn’t modeled but it’s weight is applied on respective
supporting beam. The inner partition wall load is applied by creating null beam as positioned
in architectural drawing. The shear wall isn’t modeled as it is isolated from building.

Figure 3-3 : 3D model created in ETABS

Figure 3-4 : Ground /First/Second/Third Floor plan modeled in ETABS

Figure 3-5 : Top Floor plan modeled in ETABS

Figure 3-6 : Elevation on grid A/B/C
4 Structural analysis
For the purpose of structural analysis various Indian Standard Codes are followed for
loadings, load combinations and other analysis procedures.

4.1 Load cases considered

Following loads have been considered in the analysis of the building as per IS 456-200 and

I. Dead Load (DL)

II. Live load (LL)
III. Earthquake load in X-direction (EQx)
IV. Earthquake load in Y-direction (EQy)
4.2 Load combination
Following load combinations have been adopted as per IS 1893:2002 for Static Analysis.

I. 1.5(DL+LL)
II. 1.2(DL+LL±EQ(x,y))

III. 1.5(DL±EQ(x,y))
IV. 0.9DL±1.5EQ(x,y)
Where, DL= Dead load
LL = Imposed (Live) load
EQ(x,y) = Earthquake load (Along X and Y direction)

4.3 Mass Source

Following mass source have been adopted as per IS 1893:2016 for Seismic Analysis.

Table 4-2 : Mass source

Dead load including parapet, floor finish ,wall load 1
Live load 0.25

4.4 Dead loads

Dead loads are assumed to be produced by slab, beams, columns, parapet walls and floor
finish. The weight of building materials are taken as per IS 875 (Part 1-1987).

Table 4-3 : Dead loads unit weight

Materials Unit weight
Reinforced Concrete 25.00 KN/m³
Reinforcement Steel 78.50 KN/m³
Brick Masonry 19.2 KN/m3

Table 4-4 : Dead load applied

9” wall 12.10KN/m
9” wall with opening 9.07 KN/m
5” wall 6.05 KN/m
Parapet wall load 2.2 KN/m
Staircase dead load +floor finish on supporting beam 9 KN/m
Floor finish 1 KN/m2

Figure 4-7 : Wall load

Figure 4-8 : Floor finish load

Figure 4-9 : Staircase dead+ floor finish load

4.5 Live load

Live loads are applied on floor slabs on the basis of usage of rooms, as specified in IS 875
part II.

Table 4-5 : Live load applied

All room except family room 2.0 KN/m2
Balcony & Passage 3.0 KN/m2
Staircase live on supporting beam 4.2 KN/m
Terrace live 1.5 KN/m2

Figure 4-10 : Live load

Figure 4-11 : Staircase live load

Figure 4-12 : Terrace live load

4.6 Seismic Analysis

4.6.1 Seismic coefficient method

The total design lateral force or design seismic base shear ( VB) along any principal direction
shall be determined by the following expression:


The design horizontal seismic coefficient Ah for a structure is determined by the following
expression (IS 1893 (Part I):2016):

ZI S a
Ah =
2 Rg


Z = Zone factor

I = Importance factor, depending upon the functional use of structure

R = Response reduction factor, depending on the perceived seismic damage performance of

the structure, characterized by ductile or brittle deformations.

Sa/g = Average response acceleration coefficient depending upon time period

For linear static method, the time period is calculated using empirical relation

T=0.075H0.75 (for RCC frame building)

Where, H = Height of the building above ground

W=seismic weight of building that includes total Dead load plus appropriate amount of live
load. [7.4, IS: 1893 (part1)-2016].

4.6.2 Dynamic analysis

Considering that the building is regular building lesser than 12 m located in Zone V, dynamic
analysis wasn’t performed as per IS 1893:2016.

4.6.3 Seismic Weight and Base Shear

For the purpose of analysis, seismic forces are applied in the model of the building in ETABS
Hence, the manual calculations of seismic weight, story force, base shear and the seismic
forces have not been shown. However, the ETABS outputs for base shear is shown in table
below. Also seismic forces at each level is also shown in figure

Followings factors are considered for earthquake resistant design of the building.

Table 4-6 : Analysis and design parameters

Method adopted for design Seismic coefficient method
Response function IS 1893: 2016
Seismic Zone Zone V
Zone factor 0.36
Soil Type Type III
Height of Structure, H (m) 13.71 m
Time Period 0.53sec (both directions)
Importance factor 1

Response reduction factor 5
Design Horizontal Seismic Coefficient 9%
Mass participation Above 90% along both
Base shear from seismic coefficient method along –x 548.88 KN
Base shear from seismic coefficient method along -y 548.88KN

Figure 4-13 : Seismic forces at different levels

4.6.4 Storey Drift and displacement Calculations
Storey Drift ratio for all storey are checked as defined in clause 7.11.2, IS 1893-2016. It is
found that storey drift ratio for all stories are within permissible limit 0.004
Table 4-7 : Drift Calculations for Earthquake Loads
Floor Displacemen Displacement Drift Drift
level t Along X, Along Y, Δy ratio ratio
Δx mm mm along X along Y
Top 35.33 28.05 0.0012 0.001
Third 31.91 25.20 0.0024 0.0018
Second 25.21 20.16 0.0032 0.0025
First 15.95 13.17 0.0034 0.0028
Ground 6.55 5.46 0.0023 0.002
Base 0 0 -

Figure 4-14 : Drift ratio in Eqx

Figure 4-15 : Drift ratio in Eqy

Figure 4-16 : Displacement in Eqx

Figure 4-17 : Displacement in Eqy

4.7 Modal analysis and modal mass participation
Table 4-8 : Modal mass Participation ration from ETABS
Case Mode Period UX UY X SumUY RZ
Modal 1 0.823 0.708 0.0332 0.708 0.0332 0.0964
Modal 2 0.792 0.0438 0.7953 0.7518 0.8286 0.0986
Modal 3 0.666 0.0873 0.0127 0.8391 0.8412 0.8441
Modal 4 0.269 0.0863 0.0082 0.9254 0.8495 0.8549
Modal 5 0.262 0.0098 0.0919 0.9352 0.9414 0.855
Modal 6 0.223 0.0074 0.0015 0.9427 0.9429 0.9431
Modal 7 0.158 0.0255 0.0096 0.9681 0.9525 0.9452
Modal 8 0.157 0.0102 0.0251 0.9783 0.9776 0.9454
Modal 9 0.139 0.0001 0.0012 0.9784 0.9789 0.9777
Modal 10 0.115 0.0027 0.013 0.9811 0.9919 0.9786
Modal 11 0.114 0.0143 0.0027 0.9954 0.9946 0.9788
Modal 12 0.103 0.0002 0.0005 0.9955 0.9952 0.9944

The total mass participation in both considered direction is greater than the 90% of the total
lateral force. A building has regular modes of oscillation in two principal plan directions as
the mass participation factor for first three modes is greater than 65%.

4.8 Analysis of Internal Forces Developed in Frames

Bending moments, shear forces and axial forces of the buildings were analyzed using the
ETABS. The analysis is used for identification of critical sections and to find out the design
requirements so as to design various structural components. The sample moment diagrams,
shear force diagram, axial force diagrams and torsion diagrams of the frames along some grids
are as extracted from ETABS are presented below:

Figure 4-18 : Sample Bending Moment Diagram for frames along Grid B/B-1.5(DL+LL)

Figure 4-19 : Sample Shear force Diagram for frames along Grid B/B -1.5(DL+LL)

Figure 4-20 : Sample Axial force Diagram for frames along Grid B/B -1.5(DL+LL)

5 Design
The design of reinforced concrete structural members includes selection of material properties
(grade of steel and concrete), shape and size of cross section, factor of safety and amount of
steel required. The design of reinforced concrete members are carried out using limit state
method as per IS 456: 2000. The limit state method is the modern and latest design
methodology. This method evolved around 1970’s. Limit state method is based on the concept
of multiple safety factors and attempts to provide adequate safety at the ultimate loads and
adequate serviceability at service loads. For the design of the members, IS 456:2000 and
design aid SP 16 has been used. Footings have been checked for vertical loads due to dead
load and live load only. Square footings have been adopted from seismic point of view that
reversal stress may occur. And footing beams are provided for column at foundation for more
rigidity of building and also need for the column located at boundary. Longitudinal
reinforcement in beams and columns has been calculated based on critical load combination.
Spacing of the shear reinforcement has been calculated as per the ductility criteria as defined
in IS 13920 -1993.Some sample designs are shown later on in this report.
Beams and columns have been designed using ETABS while slab, staircase and foundations
are designed manually. Samples of manual design calculation of critical slab ,footings and
staircase are shown in this report in ANNEX-II: SAMPLE DESIGN CALCULATIONS. The
structural design of sections and reinforcements are presented in the drawing.

5.1 Column design summary

Figure 5-21 : Rebar of column in Grid A

Figure 5-22 : Rebar of column in Grid B

Figure 5-23 : Rebar of column in Grid C

Table 5-9 : Column Design summary

corner bar Face bar
col ID Floor Dia no Dia no
A1 GF 20 4 20 4
C1 A1 1F 20 4 16 4
350x35 A1 2F 16 4 16 4
0 A1 3F 16 4 12 4
A2 GF 25 4 20 4
A2 1F 25 4 20 4
C2 A2 2F 20 4 16 4
350x35 A2 3F 16 4 16 4
0 A2 4F 16 4 12 4
A3 GF 25 4 25 4
A3 1F 25 4 25 4
C3 A3 2F 20 4 20 4
350x35 A3 3F 16 4 16 4
0 A3 4F 16 4 12 4
A4 GF 25 4 25 4
A4 1F 25 4 25 4
C3 A4 2F 20 4 20 4
350x35 A4 3F 16 4 16 4
0 A4 4F 16 4 12 4
B1 GF 25 4 20 4
C2 B1 1F 25 4 20 4
350x35 B1 2F 20 4 16 4
0 B1 3F 16 4 16 4

B2 GF 25 4 25/20 2+6
B2 1F 25 4 25/20 2+6
C4 B2 2F 20 4 20 8
350x35 B2 3F 20 4 16 8
0 B2 4F 16 4 12 8
B3 GF 25 4 25/20 2+6
B3 1F 25 4 25/20 2+6
C4 B3 2F 20 4 20 8
350x35 B3 3F 20 4 16 8
0 B3 4F 16 4 12 8
B4 GF 25 4 25/20 2+6
B4 1F 25 4 25/20 2+6
C4 B4 2F 20 4 20 8
350x35 B4 3F 20 4 16 8
0 B4 4F 16 4 12 8
C1 GF 25 4 20 4
C2 C1 1F 25 4 20 4
350x35 C1 2F 20 4 16 4
0 C1 3F 16 4 16 4
C2 GF 25 4 25 4
C2 1F 25 4 25 4
C1 C2 2F 20 4 20 4
350x35 C2 3F 16 4 16 4
0 C2 4F 16 4 12 4
C3 GF 25 4 25 4
C3 C3 1F 25 4 25 4
350x35 C3 2F 20 4 20 4
0 C3 3F 16 4 16 4
C3 4F 16 4 12 4
C4 GF 25 4 25 4
C4 1F 25 4 25 4
C3 C4 2F 20 4 20 4
350x35 C4 3F 16 4 16 4
0 C4 4F 16 4 12 4

For more details refer structural drawing.

5.2 Beam Design Summary

Figure 5-24 : Rebar in Ground floor beam

Figure 5-25 : Rebar in first floor beam

Figure 5-26 : Rebar in Second floor beam

Figure 5-27 : Rebar in Third floor beam

Figure 5-28 : Rebar in Top floor beam

Table 5-10 : Beam Design Summary
Dia of Rebar
Beam Id Floor Left Middle Right
1-A/B Ground 3-20+2-16 3-20 3-20 3-20 3-20+2-16 3-20
1-B/C Ground 3-20+2-16 3-20 3-20 3-20 3-20+2-16 3-20
2-A/B Ground 3-20+2-16 3-20 3-20 3-20 3-20+2-16 3-20
2-B/C Ground 3-20+2-16 3-20 3-20 3-20 3-20+2-16 3-20
3-A/B Ground 3-20+2-16 3-20 3-20 3-20 3-20+2-16 3-20
3-B/C Ground 3-20+2-16 3-20 3-20 3-20 3-20+2-16 3-20
4-A/B Ground 3-20+2-20 4-20 3-20 4-20 3-20+2-20 4-20
4-B/C Ground 3-20+2-20 4-20 3-20 4-20 3-20+2-20 4-20
A-1/2 Ground 3-20+2-16 3-20 3-20 3-20 3-20+2-16 3-20
A-2/3 Ground 3-20+2-16 3-20 3-20 3-20 3-20+2-16 3-20
A-3/4 Ground 3-20+2-16 3-20 3-20 3-20 3-20+2-16 3-20
B-1/2 Ground 3-20+2-16 3-20 3-20 3-20 3-20+2-16 3-20
B-2/3 Ground 3-20+2-16 3-20 3-20 3-20 3-20+2-16 3-20
B-3/4 Ground 3-20+2-16 3-20 3-20 3-20 3-20+2-16 3-20
C-1/2 Ground 3-20+2-16 3-20 3-20 3-20 3-20+2-16 3-20
C-2/3 Ground 3-20+2-16 3-20 3-20 3-20 3-20+2-16 3-20
C-3/4 Ground 3-20+2-16 3-20 3-20 3-20 3-20+2-16 3-20
D-1/2 Ground 3-20+2-16 3-20 3-20 3-20 3-20+2-16 3-20
D-2/3 Ground 3-20+2-16 3-20 3-20 3-20 3-20+2-16 3-20
D-3/4 Ground 3-20+2-16 3-20 3-20 3-20 3-20+2-16 3-20
1-A/B 1st 3-20+2-16 3-20 3-20 3-20 3-20+2-16 3-20
1-B/C 1st 3-20+2-16 3-20 3-20 3-20 3-20+2-16 3-20
2-A/B 1st 3-20+2-16 3-20 3-20 3-20 3-20+2-16 3-20
2-B/C 1st 3-20+2-16 3-20 3-20 3-20 3-20+2-16 3-20
3-A/B 1st 3-20+2-16 3-20 3-20 3-20 3-20+2-16 3-20
3-B/C 1st 3-20+2-16 3-20 3-20 3-20 3-20+2-16 3-20
4-A/B 1st 3-20+2-20 4-20 3-20 4-20 3-20+2-20 4-20
4-B/C 1st 3-20+2-20 4-20 3-20 4-20 3-20+2-20 4-20
A-1/2 1st 3-20+2-16 3-20 3-20 3-20 3-20+2-16 3-20
A-2/3 1st 3-20+2-16 3-20 3-20 3-20 3-20+2-16 3-20
A-3/4 1st 3-20+2-16 3-20 3-20 3-20 3-20+2-16 3-20
B-1/2 1st 3-20+2-16 3-20 3-20 3-20 3-20+2-16 3-20
B-2/3 1st 3-20+2-16 3-20 3-20 3-20 3-20+2-16 3-20
B-3/4 1st 3-20+2-16 3-20 3-20 3-20 3-20+2-16 3-20
C-1/2 1st 3-20+2-16 3-20 3-20 3-20 3-20+2-16 3-20
C-2/3 1st 3-20+2-16 3-20 3-20 3-20 3-20+2-16 3-20

C-3/4 1st 3-20+2-16 3-20 3-20 3-20 3-20+2-16 3-20
D-1/2 1st 3-20+2-16 3-20 3-20 3-20 3-20+2-16 3-20
D-2/3 1st 3-20+2-16 3-20 3-20 3-20 3-20+2-16 3-20
D-3/4 1st 3-20+2-16 3-20 3-20 3-20 3-20+2-16 3-20
1-A/B 2nd 6-16 2-20+1-16 3-16 2-20+1-16 6-16 2-20+1-16
1-B/C 2nd 6-16 2-20+1-16 3-16 2-20+1-16 6-16 2-20+1-16
2-A/B 2nd 6-16 2-20+1-16 3-16 2-20+1-16 6-16 2-20+1-16
2-B/C 2nd 6-16 2-20+1-16 3-16 2-20+1-16 6-16 2-20+1-16
3-A/B 2nd 6-16 2-20+1-16 3-16 2-20+1-16 6-16 2-20+1-16
3-B/C 2nd 6-16 2-20+1-16 3-16 2-20+1-16 6-16 2-20+1-16
4-A/B 2nd 3-20+2-16 3-20 3-20 3-20 3-20+2-16 3-20
4-B/C 2nd 3-20+2-16 3-20 3-20 3-20 3-20+2-16 3-20
A-1/2 2nd 6-16 2-20+1-16 3-16 2-20+1-16 6-16 2-20+1-16
A-2/3 2nd 6-16 2-20+1-16 3-16 2-20+1-16 6-16 2-20+1-16
A-3/4 2nd 6-16 2-20+1-16 3-16 2-20+1-16 6-16 2-20+1-16
B-1/2 2nd 6-16 2-20+1-16 3-16 2-20+1-16 6-16 2-20+1-16
B-2/3 2nd 6-16 2-20+1-16 3-16 2-20+1-16 6-16 2-20+1-16
B-3/4 2nd 6-16 2-20+1-16 3-16 2-20+1-16 6-16 2-20+1-16
C-1/2 2nd 6-16 2-20+1-16 3-16 2-20+1-16 6-16 2-20+1-16
C-2/3 2nd 6-16 2-20+1-16 3-16 2-20+1-16 6-16 2-20+1-16
C-3/4 2nd 6-16 2-20+1-16 3-16 2-20+1-16 6-16 2-20+1-16
D-1/2 2nd 6-16 2-20+1-16 3-16 2-20+1-16 6-16 2-20+1-16
D-2/3 2nd 6-16 2-20+1-16 3-16 2-20+1-16 6-16 2-20+1-16
D-3/4 2nd 6-16 2-20+1-16 3-16 2-20+1-16 6-16 2-20+1-16
1-A/B 3rd 4-16 3-16 2-16 3-16 4-16 3-16
1-B/C 3rd 4-16 3-16 2-16 3-16 4-16 3-16
2-A/B 3rd 4-16 3-16 2-16 3-16 4-16 3-16
2-B/C 3rd 4-16 3-16 2-16 3-16 4-16 3-16
3-A/B 3rd 4-16 3-16 2-16 3-16 4-16 3-16
3-B/C 3rd 4-16 3-16 2-16 3-16 4-16 3-16
4-A/B 3rd 5-16 3-16 3-16 3-16 5-16 3-16
4-B/C 3rd 5-16 3-16 3-16 3-16 5-16 3-16
A-1/2 3rd 4-16 3-16 2-16 3-16 4-16 3-16
A-2/3 3rd 4-16 3-16 2-16 3-16 4-16 3-16
A-3/4 3rd 4-16 3-16 2-16 3-16 4-16 3-16
B-1/2 3rd 4-16 3-16 2-16 3-16 4-16 3-16
B-2/3 3rd 4-16 3-16 2-16 3-16 4-16 3-16
B-3/4 3rd 4-16 3-16 2-16 3-16 4-16 3-16
C-1/2 3rd 4-16 3-16 2-16 3-16 4-16 3-16
C-2/3 3rd 4-16 3-16 2-16 3-16 4-16 3-16

C-3/4 3rd 4-16 3-16 2-16 3-16 4-16 3-16
D-1/2 3rd 4-16 3-16 2-16 3-16 4-16 3-16
D-2/3 3rd 4-16 3-16 2-16 3-16 4-16 3-16
D-3/4 3rd 4-16 3-16 2-16 3-16 4-16 3-16
2-A/B 4th 5-12 3-12 3-12 3-12 5-12 3-12
2-B/C 4th 5-12 3-12 3-12 3-12 5-12 3-12
3-A/B 4th 5-12 3-12 3-12 3-12 5-12 3-12
3-B/C 4th 5-12 3-12 3-12 3-12 5-12 3-12
4-A/B 4th 5-12 3-12 3-12 3-12 5-12 3-12
4-B/C 4th 5-12 3-12 3-12 3-12 5-12 3-12
A-2/3 4th 5-12 3-12 3-12 3-12 5-12 3-12
A-3/4 4th 5-12 3-12 3-12 3-12 5-12 3-12
B-2/3 4th 5-12 3-12 3-12 3-12 5-12 3-12
B-3/4 4th 5-12 3-12 3-12 3-12 5-12 3-12
C-2/3 4th 5-12 3-12 3-12 3-12 5-12 3-12
C-3/4 4th 5-12 3-12 3-12 3-12 5-12 3-12
Main beam size=350x350
Secondary beam size=230x300 with 2 nos 16 and 1 nos 12 mm bar both at top and bottom
For more details, refer structural drawings

5.3 Slab Design Summary
Size: 125mm
Let’s provide 8mm@150mm c/c both ways with usual layouts/curtailments wherever required
For more details, refer structural drawings

5.4 Staircase Design Summary

Staircase is designed as waist slab with following design details.
Waist Slab Thickness = 125 mm,
Longitudinal reinforcement: 12mm dia. bars@ 150mm c/c,
Transverse Reinforcement: 8 mm dia. bars @ 150mm c/c

5.5 Foundation Design Summary

The foundation is designed as Isolated footing and strap footing. Tie beams are provided in
two different levels one at the top level of footings (Lower Tie Beams) and another at the
plinth level (Upper Tie Beams).

Figure 5-29 : Base reaction for footing design

Table 5-11 : Footing Design Summary
Footing pad
Footing type Size(mm*mm) Depth(mm) Reinforcement
F1(Grid A) 2100 X2100 450 mm 16 mm bar @150 c/c both way
F2(Grid B/C) 2400 X2400 450 mm 16 mm bar @150 c/c both way
Strap beam
SB1 500x700 Longitudinal bars: 6-20dia at top & 3-20 at
bottom, Stirrups : 4-legged 10 dia @ 4" c/c
Tie beam
LTB1 & UTB1 230 x300 Longitudinal bars: 3-12dia top & bottom
Stirrups : 2-legged 8dia @ 6" c/c
For more details, refer structural drawing

After the analysis of the building components, the building is found to be safe against the
gravity as well as Seismic Loads. The section sizes and reinforcements are sufficient enough
to withstand all kinds of possible axial, shear, flexural and torsional forces. The building is
designed to make it good enough to assure Life Safety under Design Basis Earthquake
considered for Zone V, Importance Factor 1.0 and soft soil condition as per IS1893:2016.
Bearing capacity of the soil is taken as 120 KN/m2. M20 grade of concrete is used for
columns, beams, slabs and foundations. Ductile detailing as per IS13920:1993 has been
extensively adopted while detailing.
Design and construction of the structure are inter – related jobs. A performance of a building
depends upon a work and material quality during the construction more than the intensions
pursued during structural design. A large percentage of structural failures are attributed due to
poor quality of construction. Therefore, to assure the proper safety, material and work quality
should be maintained during the construction. Structural designer will be responsible for all
the designs but not for any faulty constructions happened at site beyond his supervision.
Following recommendations are made by the structural designer.
1. It is recommended to strictly follow the section sizes and reinforcements provided in the
structural drawings.
2. It is recommended that the site engineer should be responsible to handle the problems that
may arise during construction. He/she shall also be responsible for maintaining the material
and process quality during construction.
3. It is strictly recommended that any changes in the design shall be done only with the
consultation of the structural designer.
4. It is strictly recommended to maintain the standards in the grade of cement and
reinforcement steel. It is recommended to run a cube test to ensure the strength and quality of
the concrete ratio used. It is also recommended test the reinforcement steels to ensure the
quality of steel used.

IS: 456 – 2000 Code of Practice for Plain and Reinforced Concrete

IS: 875 (Parts 1-5) Code of practice for design loads (other than earthquake)
for buildings and structures (second revision)
Part 1 – Dead loads Part
2 – Imposed load

NBC 105: 1994 Seismic Design of Buildings in Nepal

IS: 1893 – 2016 Criteria for Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures

IS: 13920 - 1993 Ductile Detailing of Reinforced Concrete Structures

subjected to Seismic forces - Code of Practice

SP: 16 – 1980 Design Aids for Reinforced Concrete to IS: 456 – 1978

SP: 34 – 1987 Handbook on Concrete Reinforcement Detailing

Jain, A.K Reinforced Concrete, Limit State Design, fifth edition,

Nem Chand and Bros, Rookie, 1999

Sinha, S. N. Reinforced Concrete Design, second edition, Tata

McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd, New Delhi, 1996

Pillai, U.C. and Menon,D. Reinforced Concrete Design, second edition, Tata
McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd, New Delhi, 2003

Neelam Sharma Reinforced cement concrete design



IS 456:2000 + IS 13920:2016 Beam Section Design

Beam Element Details Type: Ductile Frame (Summary)

Level Element Unique Name Section ID Combo ID Station Loc Length (mm) LLRF
1st story B16 33 beam 350x350 UDCon8 175 3276.6 1

Section Properties
b (mm) h (mm) bf (mm) ds (mm) dct (mm) dcb (mm)
350 350 350 0 30 30

Material Properties
Ec (MPa) fck (MPa) Lt.Wt Factor (Unitless) fy (MPa) fys (MPa)
22360.68 20 1 500 500

Design Code Parameters

ɣC ɣS
1.5 1.15

Factored Forces and Moments

Factored Factored Factored Factored
Mu3 Tu Vu2 Pu
kN-m kN-m kN kN
-146.7954 1.4113 119.1631 0

Design Moments, Mu3 & Mt

Factored Factored Positive Negative
Moment Mt Moment Moment
kN-m kN-m kN-m kN-m
-146.7954 1.6603 0 -148.4557

Design Moment and Flexural Reinforcement for Moment, Mu3 & Tu
Design Design -Moment +Moment Minimum Required
-Moment +Moment Rebar Rebar Rebar Rebar
kN-m kN-m mm² mm² mm² mm²
Top (+2 Axis) -148.4557 1269 0 1269 317
Bottom (-2 Axis) 0 634 0 430 634

Shear Force and Reinforcement for Shear, Vu2 & Tu

Shear Ve Shear Vc Shear Vs Shear Vp Rebar Asv /s
kN kN kN kN mm²/m
165.6195 0 184.9968 134.3877 1602.01

Torsion Force and Torsion Reinforcement for Torsion, Tu & VU2

Tu Vu Core b1 Core d1 Rebar Asvt /s
kN-m kN mm mm mm²/m
4.2388 103.7441 310 310 493.17


IS 456:2000 + IS 13920:2016 Column Section Design

Column Element Details Type: Ductile Frame (Summary)

Level Element Unique Name Section ID Combo ID Station Loc Length (mm) LLRF
1st story C5 113 column 350x350 UDCon8 0 2743.2 0.671

Section Properties
b (mm) h (mm) dc (mm) Cover (Torsion) (mm)
350 350 58 30

Material Properties
Ec (MPa) fck (MPa) Lt.Wt Factor (Unitless) fy (MPa) fys (MPa)
22360.68 20 1 500 500

Design Code Parameters
ɣC ɣS
1.5 1.15

Axial Force and Biaxial Moment Design For Pu , Mu2 , Mu3

Design Pu Design Mu2 Design Mu3 Minimum M2 Minimum M3 Rebar Area Rebar %
kN kN-m kN-m kN-m kN-m mm² %
588.958 28.4848 -182.0915 11.7792 11.7792 4514 3.69

Axial Force and Biaxial Moment Factors

K Factor Length Initial Moment Additional Moment Minimum Moment
Unitless mm kN-m kN-m kN-m
Major Bend(M3) 0.735225 2393.2 -72.8366 0 11.7792
Minor Bend(M2) 0.833041 2393.2 11.3939 0 11.7792

Shear Design for Vu2 , Vu3

Shear Vu Shear Vc Shear Vs Shear Vp Rebar Asv /s
kN kN kN kN mm²/m
Major, Vu2 140.623 123.6648 40.8795 140.623 387.95
Minor, Vu3 64.1691 123.6648 40.8795 64.1691 387.95

Joint Shear Check/Design

Joint Shear Shear Shear Shear Joint Shear
Force VTop Vu,Tot Vc Area Ratio
kN kN kN kN cm² Unitless
Major Shear, Vu2 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Minor Shear, Vu3 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

(1.4) Beam/Column Capacity Ratio

Major Ratio Minor Ratio

Additional Moment Reduction Factor k (IS

Ag Asc Puz Pb Pu k
cm² cm² kN kN kN Unitless
1225 45.1 2795.4355 465.8137 588.958 0.94714

Additional Moment (IS 39.7.1)

Consider Length Section KL/Depth KL/Depth KL/Depth Ma
Ma Factor Depth (mm) Ratio Limit Exceeded Moment (kN-m)
Major Bending (M3 ) Yes 0.872 350 5.027 12 No 0
Minor Bending (M2 ) Yes 0.872 350 5.696 12 No 0

The design calculation of slab B1-B2-C2-C1 as critical slab has been shown in sample slab


0 General Data:
Depth of slab : (D) 125 mm
Grade of Concrete : (fck) 20 N/mm2
Grade of Steel : (fy) 500 N/mm2
Effective cover: (d') 20 mm
Effective depth of slab : (d) 105 mm
Effective length:
Shoter span: (lx) 4.089 m
Longer span: (ly) 4.39 m

0 Loading:
Dead Load: (DL) 3.125 KN/m2
Other Dead Load: (ODL) 2.2 KN/m2
Live Load: (LL) 2 KN/m2
Total Load: (w) 7.325 KN/m2
Factored Load: (wu) 10.9875 KN/m2

0 Type of slab:


Type: Two way Slab

0 Calculation of Moments:
Moment coefficient:
Type of Slab Panel: 4
Short span coefficient: αx
Support S 0.05144
Mid Span M 0.0387
Long span coefficient: αy
Support S 0.047
Mid Span M 0.035

Short span moments:

Support S 9.451 KN-m
Mid Span M 7.11 KN-m

Long span moments:

Support S 8.635 KN-m
Mid Span M 6.43 KN-m

0 Check depth for maximum Moments:
Maximum moments: Mu 9.451 KN-m
Moment coefficient: k 0.134
< 105
effective depth: d 60 mm

0 Calculation of reinforcement:
1 For shorter span
Mim'm reinforcement (Ast)min 126 mm2

Design moment: Mx 9.451 KN-m
Neutral axis depth : x 14 mm
Area of steel required: Ast 220 mm2
Area of steel provided: Ø 8 mm
S 150 mm
Ast 336 mm2
Pt 0.32 %
For longer span
Effective depth d 97 mm
Mim'm reinforcement (Ast)min 117 mm2
Design moment: Mx 8.635 KN-m
Neutral axis depth : x 14 mm
Area of steel required: Ast 218 mm2
Area of steel provided: Ø 8 mm
S 150 mm
Ast 336 mm2
Pt 0.347 %

0 Check for shear stress:
Maximum shear force: Vu 22.464 KN
Shear Stress: tv 0.214 N/mm2
β 7.257
Concrete Shear Strength: tc 0.399 N/mm2
Shear Strength factor: K 1.3
Shear Strength of Slab: tc' 0.5187 > 0.214 N/mm2

0 Check for development length:
Ultimate moment
Capacity: M1 14.12 KN-m
Maximum Shear Force: V 22.464 KN
Bond Stress: tbd 1.92 N/mm2
Development length: Ld 454 mm
Anchorage length: L0 105 mm
Available length: 923 > Ld

0 Check for deflection:

length to eff. Depth ratio: l/d 38.943

α 23
β 1
ϒ 1.800 for fs = 1 N/mm2
and Pt
δ 1 = 0.32 %
λ 1
Coefficient: 41.400



Grade of concrete(fck)= 20 N/mm2
Strength og steel(fy)= 500 N/mm2
Size of column(C1)= 350 x 350 mm
Size of column(C2)= 350 x 350 mm
Factored load on column(P1)= 1051.82 KN
Service load on column including wt (P1)
= 771.33 KN
Factored load on column(P2)= 1397.98 KN
Service load on column(P2) including
wt= 1025.19 KN
Distance between centre of column(s)= 4.390 m
Allowable bearing capacity(q0)= 180 KN/m2
Centre of footing 1 from property
line(x')= 0.175 m

2.Size of footing
Deternination of reactions
Distance of R1 from P1(e) 1 m
Distance of R1 From P2 3.390 m
Reaction at footing F1(R1) 998.87 KN
Reaction at footing F2(R2) 797.65 KN
FS against overturning
(characteristic loads ) 4.51 >1.5,OK

Dimension of Footing F2
Footing Area required for F2 5.70 m2
Size of footing F2(B2) 2.39 m
Provided size for footing F2 2.40 m Ok
Dimension of Footing F1
Area of footing A1 required 5.55 m
Length 2.40
Breadth of footing 2.40 m 5.76

3.Design of slab for footing F1

Depth requirement from flexural moment

Factored Soil Pressure= R/A
260.12 KN/m2 OK
width of strap beam= 0.5 m
Cantilever projection of slab= 0.95 m
Maximum moment at the face of strap KN-m per m
beam= 117.38 length

Depth required from moment criteria=

210.07 mm

Depth requirement from one way shear criteria

1000) KN
Assume % of steel= 0.3

β= 7.74

Tc= 0.40
suppose Tv<Tc
d= 374.34 mm
adopt d= 400.00 mm
Overall depth(D)= 450.00 mm

Reinforcement in footing slab


Ast= 1200.00 mm2/m
Bar size= 16 mm
Spacing required= 167.55 mm
Spacing Provided= 150 mm
Ast provided= 1340.41 mm2
% of Ast= 0.3 OK
Provide 2.4mx2.4mx0.45m size F1 footing with 16mm bar at 150 mm spacing
c/c on both way

4.Design of slab under footing F2

Soil Pressure= P/A
207.72 KN/m2 OK
Cantilever projection of slab= 0.950 m
Maximum moment at the face of strap KN-m per m
beam= 93.73 length
Depth required from moment criteria

187.72 mm

Depth requirement from one way shear criteria

1000) KN
Assume % of steel= 0.3

β= 7.74

Tc= 0.40
suppose Tv<Tc
d= 324.71 mm
adopt d= 400.00 mm
Overall depth(D)= 450.00 mm

Reinforcement in footing slab

Ast= 1200.00 mm2/m

Bar size= 16 mm
Spacing required= 167.55 mm
Spacing Provided= 150 mm
Ast provided= 1340.41 mm2
% of Ast= 0.3 ok
Provide 2.4mx2.4mx0.45m size F2 footing with 16mm bar at 150 mm spacing
c/c on both way

5.Design of Strap beam

1157.00 8

624.29 498.53

point of max negative moment from F(G) 1.85 m

Distance from
Location F shear force(KN) Moment(KN)

F 0 0.0 0.00
E-left 0.175 -109.3 9.56
E-right 0.175 1047.8 9.56
G 1.85 0.0 -869.66
D 2.40 -341.3 -776.37
C 3.365 -341.3 -409.56
B-left 4.565 -939.5 358.94
B-right 4.565 598.2 358.94
A 5.765 0.0 0.00

Maximun positive moment 358.94 KN-m

Maximum Negative moment 869.66 KN-m

Shear force


-341.3 -341.3
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0.0 0.0 0.0



Bending Moment (on tension side)



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

9.56 0.00


drequired= 445.30 mm
dprovided= 650 mm
Overall depth= 700 mm

Area of steel required for positive moment

Ast= 903.00 mm2/m

Diameter of bar
adopted= 20 mm
No of bar required= 3.0
Ast provided= 942.48 mm2/m

Area of steel required for negative moment

Ast= 1750.56 mm2/m

Diameter of bar
adopted= 20 mm

No of bar required= 6.0

Ast provided= 1884.96 mm2
Min ast required= 552.50 OK

Design for shear

The critical section for shear is at right face of column C1
Vu= 938.50 KN
Tv 2.888 N/mm2
pt= 0.290

β= 8.01

Tc= 0.39 N/m2

since Tc<Tv, Shear reinforcement is required

vus= 810.34 KN
Dia of bars= 10 mm
no of legged of
stirupps= 4
Spacing of stirupps= 109.619 mm
Spacing provided= 100 mm

Hence provide 500mm*700mm strap beam with 4 legged 10 mm

bars at 100 c/c spacing.


Design of staircase(critical span)

1 Data
Grade of steel(fy) 500 N/mm2
Grade of concrete(fck) 20 N/mm2
Nominal cover 15 mm
diameter of main bars 12 mm
diameter of distribution bars 8 mm
Tread 250 mm
Rise 150 mm
thickness of waist slab 125 mm
Effective Depth= 104 mm
Thickness of landing slab 125 mm
support width 0.23 m

2 Load on waist slab

Inclined length per steps 0.292 m
Self weight of waist slab 0.91 KN/m
self weight of step 0.47 KN/m

total dead load 1.38 KN/m
total dead load(per m2) 5.52 KN
live load 3 KN
floor finish 1.5 KN
total load per sq.m. 10.02 KN
Factored load per sq.m. 15.03 KN
load per m 15.03 KN/m

3 Load on landing
self weight of slab = 3.13 KN/m2
floor finish 1.20 KN/m2
live load 3.00 KN/m2
load per m sq. 7.33 KN/m2
factored load 10.99 KN/m2
load/m 10.99 KN/m

4 Crtitical Flight
4.1 Rebar calculation
span of landing A 1.2 m
span of landing B 1.5 m
span of flight 1.3 m
Span of landing A with support 1.315
Span of landing B with support 1.615
effective span of flight with support 1.3
effective span 4.23
reaction at B support 17.38 kN
reaction at A support 18.26 kN
point of maximum moment(x) 1.568 m
Max.bending moment 14.99 KNm
Ast required 363.23 mm2
spacing required 311.36597 mm
spacing provided 150 mm
Ast Provided 753.98224 mm2
Providing 12mm dia. @ 150mm c/c as main

4.2 Check for shear

Max Vu= 18.26

Tv 0.176 N/mm2
Pt= 0.72
β 3.20
Tc 0.57 sq.mm
safe in shear

4.3 Development Length

M1= 14.99 KNm
V= 18.26 KN
L0 0.144 m
Ldmax= 965.07663 mm
Ld provided 679.6875 mm

4.4 Deflection check

Ast Required 363.23 mm2
Ast Provided 753.98 mm2
Pt= 0.72 %
Fs 139.71
Modification Factor 1.6
a 20
L/d max= 32
L/d Provided= 40.67
Not safe,so supporting side wall should be constructed before casting the
waist slab
5 Distribution bar
Ast required 0.12*b*D
spacing required 335.10
Spacing provided 150
Providing 8mm dia. @ 150mm c/c as distribution rebar


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