JCTM 2024 591 11 23 119 pp97 104 2
JCTM 2024 591 11 23 119 pp97 104 2
JCTM 2024 591 11 23 119 pp97 104 2
College of Medicine, Jabir Ibn Hayyan Medical University
Najaf, Iraq
Medical Laboratory Technology Department
College of Medical Technology, The Islamic University
Najaf, Iraq
Email: [email protected]
Received 14 June 2023
Accepted 04 September 2023 DOI: 10.59957/jctm.v59.i1.2024.11
The presence of dyes in drainage water is one of the important problems that many seek to solve. This study
included the preparation of the adsorbent surface using the oyster shells as a basis for the preparation of chitosan,
which is a series of carbohydrates and saccharides, by treating them with some simple chemical reactions that grab
the acetyl group (de-acetylation), which is a part of the structure of chitin. Then the basic formula of Chitosan is
ready to carry positive charges, which act as magnet to attract molecules of any substance beside it. A series of assays
were undertaken to assess the efficiency of the adsorption process, such as the weight of oyster shells, equilibrium
time, effect of pH, initial concentration of toluidine blue dye, and particle size of the adsorbent. These experiments
have shown that the equilibrium time was 120 min, the optimum weight of oyster shells was 0.1 g in 100 mL of dye
solution, and the particle size was 150 µm. They also showed there is an effect of the pH on the adsorption of the
dye. The adsorption isotherm was well fitted to both the Freundlich and Langmuir models.
Keywords: adsorption, Langmuir model, Freundlich model, toluidine blue, chitosan, oyster shells.
Ghusoon Jawad Shabaa1, Rahman Sahib Zabibah
Journal of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, 59, 1, 2024
Fig. 4. Effect of adsorbent amount in the removal of TB dye via oyster’s shells (a)Adsorption percentage. (b) Amount
of dye adsorbed (mg g-1).
Ghusoon Jawad Shabaa1, Rahman Sahib Zabibah
Fig. 5. The impact of contact time on the removal of Fig. 6. The impact of particle size on the removal of TB.
TB dye.
examined. Six conical flasks are filled with 0.1 g of each dye at 100 mg L-1 concentration; the pH was controlled
of these six types after being weighed with 100 ml of at (2 - 11) using dissolved HCl or NaOH, each adding
TB dye solution with a concentration of 100 mg L-1 and 0.1 g of oyster shells at 150 µm particle size, and then
shaken for 120 min. It was established that the smaller shaking for 120 minutes. Fig. 7 shows the impact of pH
the oyster shell’s particle size, with regard to a specific on the adsorption mechanism, with an optimum value
quantity of them, the increased is the surface area that of pH = 2.
exists, and as a result, the better the total of obligatory
findings accessible [20 - 23], and the particle size was Impact of the initial TB dye concentration
maintained at 150 µm. This is illustrated in Fig. 6. Various dye concentrations (50 - 250 mg L-1) were
introduced to six conical flasks containing 0.1 g of
Impact of pH oysters with 150 µm particle sizes in order to study
The adsorption capacity was affected by the pH of the impact of the initial concentration of TB dye on
the medium. The dye adsorption was analyzed at various the effectiveness of the adsorption. The flasks were
pH values using six conical flasks, each with 100 mL of then shaken for 120 min. Fig. 8 shows that as the dye
Journal of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, 59, 1, 2024
concentration is increased, more TB is collected onto Table 2. Isotherms data for the removal of the dye.
the adsorbent. This is as a result of the concentration Langmuir Freundlich
gradient’s driving power being stronger with increasing KF(mg-1g)(1mg-1)1/n =
qm(mg g ) = 166.666
initial dye concentrations [24 - 27]. The values for the 32.673
adsorption capacity ranged from 24.75 to 119.9617 mg g-1. Ka(L mg-1) = 0. 208 1/n = 0.5423
R2 = 0.9206 R2 = 0.9750
Isothermal analysis 0.877 – 0.0189)) RL
The Freundlich and the Langmuir models were
employed to explain the connection between the dye and
the surface of the adsorbent. The two equations (3, 5) can
be used to describe these concepts, and Table 1 shows
that both the Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms are
satisfied by the adsorption of TB dye using oyster shells.
Fig. 9 (a, b), illustrates the applicability of both models
to the adsorption of TB dye on the surface of oyster.
Fig. 10 shows the relationship between the separation
factor (RL) and the initial TB concentration. The oyster
shells’ RL value was found to be in the range of 0 to 1,
indicating that the adsorption method was successful. Fig. 8. The influence of the initial TB dye concentration on
Fig. 11 illustrates how the models fit the experimental the adsorption capacity.
Fig. 9. Linearized TB dye isotherms on oyster shells (a) The Langmuir model; (b) The Freundlich model.
Fig. 10. Initial TB concentration onto oyster shells against Fig. 11. Langmuir and Freundlich line information for the
separation factor. TB-oyster shell adsorption.
Ghusoon Jawad Shabaa1, Rahman Sahib Zabibah
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