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Nightly https://csvtu.digivarsity.online/WebApp/Examination/Admit...

Registration No. CC4985 Roll No.

Student's Name MANISHA DAS
Gender Female Date of Birth 15-09-2000
Father's Name MOHAN DAS Current Semester 1 Year
Program Diploma Pharmacy Course D Pharma


1 2 YEAR Theory 2041271(041) Pharmacology Apr-May 2024 Regular

2 2 YEAR Theory 2041272(041) Community Pharmacy & Management Apr-May 2024 Regular

3 2 YEAR Theory 2041273(041) Biochemistry & Clinical Pathology Apr-May 2024 Regular

4 2 YEAR Theory 2041274(041) Pharmacotherapeutics Apr-May 2024 Regular

5 2 YEAR Theory 2041275(041) Hospital & Clinical Phrmacy Apr-May 2024 Regular

6 2 YEAR Theory 2041276(041) Pharmacy Law & Ethics Apr-May 2024 Regular

7 2 YEAR Practical 2041290(041) Pharmacology (Lab) Apr-May 2024 Regular

8 2 YEAR Practical 2041291(041) Community Pharmacy & Management (Lab) Apr-May 2024 Regular

9 2 YEAR Practical 2041292(041) Biochemistry & Clinical Pathology (Lab) Apr-May 2024 Regular

10 2 YEAR Practical 2041293(041) Pharmacotherapeutics (Lab) Apr-May 2024 Regular

11 2 YEAR Practical 2041294(041) Hospital & Clinical (Lab) Apr-May 2024 Regular

Signature should match with uploaded signature of candidate

Signature of the Candidate (while receiving) Signature of the Principal Signature of COE

Candidates suffering from any diseases which would render their presence in the Examination Hall undersirable in the interests of other candidates will not be allowed to enter the
Examination Hall. In exceptional cases the Centre Superintendent informed by a candidate in advance may make special arrangements.

The doors of the Examination Hall will be opened half an hour before the examination starts on the first day and 15 minutes before on other days. Candidates are
2. required to sit in their allotted seats 5 minutes before the examination starts. Candidates arriving after the start of examination will not be admitted unless specially
permitted by the Centre Superintendent. The Candidate shall not be allowed to consult any book or paper either in the Examination Hall or out-side.
Candidates should bring their own pens and Mathematical Instruments. Candidates should not be in possession of printed manuscripts (Other than their Admit
3. Card), books and other documents while in the Examination Hall, Matual consultation in the Examination Hall, bringing in Electronic equipments and other printed
manuscripts from outside is forbidden. Candidates are not allowed to consult any book or paper either in the Examination- Hall or out-side.
Candidates are not allowed to leave the hall until an hour after an examination starts. They should not leave their seats until they have submitted their answer
books to an invigilator. Answer books should not be left behind on the desks. It is the duty of the candidate to see that his answer paper is received by the
4. invigilator. No candidate will be allowed to re-enter the examination hall after once quitting it on submission of his answer paper. In case of urgent need however
candidate may be permitted by the senior invigilator to leave the hall temporarily and not more than once in an hour special supervision. The period of temporary
absence should not exceed 3 minutes.
5. Candidates are not permitted to talk to each other in the Examination Hall. No one should receive help from or assist another in any manner.

1 of 2 6/6/24, 10:57
Nightly https://csvtu.digivarsity.online/WebApp/Examination/Admit...

Candidates should write their Regd No and Roll No on the cover page of his/her answer book. Candidates are forbidden to write their own name and Code No of
6. his/her college in the answer book while answering the questions. Giving a false Roll No is serious offence and no answer book without the candidates Roll
Number clearly written on the cover page will be examined.
Candidates should not, while in the examination hall write anything on the question paper or blotting papers nor should they take out of the hall any paper of her than the question paper.
They should not also send the question paper for the examination outside throughout the duration of the examination.

If a candidate is found with any paper not connected with the examination as mentioned in 4 he shall have to surrender it to the invigilator on demand and make a
8. written statement. If necessary refusal to surrender the material or to make a statement shall render the candidate liable to instant expulsion from the Centre of
A Candidate wishing to say anything should stand up in his seat and remain standing until an invigilator comes to him. He should on no account leave his seat or
make any noise to call the invigilator's attention to him. Candidates are required to behave properly and maintain absolute discipline inside and outside the
Examination Hall. Any candidate accused to misconduct inside or outside the Examination Hall will be seriously dealt with and would be liable to expulsion from
the examination and / or any other punishment deemed suitable by the Examination Committee of the University.
Persons Unconnected with the conduct of the examination, whether relations of candidates or otherwise, shall not be allowed to enter the Examination Hall. If a
10. registered student of the council enters the Examination Hall Unauthorizedly and / or any attempts to supply incriminating materials or help the examinees in any
other manner, he shall be liable to expulsion from his examination and/or any other punishment deemed suitable by the Examination Committee of the University.
Each candidate shall be checked at the entrance to the examination centre for each sitting and in the Examination Hall during the course of examination as and when the Centre
Superintendent considers if necessary.
Candidates refusing to submit to the check at the entrance shall be refused entry to the examination. Those refusing to submit the check in the Examination Hall shall be liable to instant
Infringement by the candidate of any of the above rules will render him liable to expulsion from the Examination Hall by the Superintendent and such further penalties the Examination
Committee of the University may deem fit to impose.

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