Department of Civil Engineering: Analysis and Design of A G+15 Storey Residential Building

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Department of Civil Engineering

A project report on



Submitted by

Name: Jatin Thakur

Roll No: 12

Subject: Skill Based Lab 2

Under The Guidance Of

Prof. Niranjan Patil


The primary objective of this project is to gain sufficient knowledge in planning, analysis,
and Design of building. Our project deals with the Analysis and design of a residential building.
Analysis of structure was done in ETABS and design of structure components like slab, beam,
column, footing, staircase etc. was also done by ETABS. It is a reinforced concrete framed
structure consisting of G+15. IS 456:2000 codes is the basic code for general construction in
concrete structures, hence all the structural members are designed using limit state method in
accordance with the IS 456:2000 code and design aids. The planning of any building in India will
be recognized by National Building Code (NBC), hence the building is planned in accordance
with the National Building Code of India. The residential building has proper ventilation, it is
provided with sufficient Exits, Water supply and electrification are also provided. This project
also enables in establishing in sufficient water supply, electric power supply and proper sanitary

Title Page No




5. LOADS 8 - 21

6. ANALYSIS 22 - 29



The aim of the structural design is that structures should be safe, durable, serviceable and
economical with respect to initial cost and maintenance cost. Computer helps the structural
engineers to solve large complex problems with the short interval of time. A large number of
software package are available which helps structural engineer to carry stress analysis of
complex shapes, material properties and with various boundary conditions. Hence the analysis
and design is carried out by using software’s.

The Design Process:

Structural design is an art and science of designing, with economy and elegance, a safe,
serviceable, and a durable structure. The entire process of structural planning and design require
not only imagination and conceptual thinking (which form art of designing) but also sound
knowledge of science of structural engineering besides knowledge of practical aspects, such as
relevant design codes and bye-law, backed up by sample experience, institution and judgment.
The process of design commences with planning of a structure, primarily to meet the functional
requirement of the user or the client. The requirement proposed by the client may not be well
defined. They may be vague and may also be impracticable because is not aware of various
implication involved in the process of planning and design and about the limitations and the
intricacies of structural science. The functional requirements and the aspects of aesthetics are
look into normally by an architect while the aspects of safety, serviceability, durability and
economy of the structure for its intended use over life span of the structure are attended to be
structural designers (many times, a structural engineer is require to act in capacities of both the
architect and structural designers).

Stages in Structure Designs:

The process of structure design involves the following stages
1. Structural planning.
2. Estimation of Loads
3. Analysis of Structure
4. Member design

5. Drawing, Detailing and preparation of schedule.

This involves determination of the form of the structure, the material for the same, the
structural system, the layout of its components, the method of analysis and the philosophy of
structural designs.
The principle element of a R.C. building frame are as follows.
1. Slabs to cover large area
2. Beams to support slabs and walls
3. Columns to support beams
4. Footing to distribute concentrated column loads over large area of the supporting soil.

After getting an architectural plan of the building, the structural planning of the building frame is
done. This involves determination of the following.
A) Column position
B) Beam location
C) Spanning of slabs
D) Layout and planning of stairs
E) Type of footing.



AutoCAD is a commercial software application for 2D and 3D computer aided design

and drafting for various fields in engineering like civil, mechanical, electrical, automation,
architecture etc. It was first launched in 1982 by Autodesk, Inc.

AutoCAD or Computer Aided Design is a very helpful tool in drafting and designing any
structure. AutoCAD uses a Graphical User Interface for the purpose of drafting and designing
any structure. The software has various inbuilt tools for complex drafting. Also AutoCAD can be

used for 2D and 3D design and also for perspective design. Below is a screenshot of the GUI of

With the help of AutoCAD all the drafting for the project has been done. It has made the life of a
drafter quite easy than the conventional drafter using paper and pencil. It has made possible to
make easy changes in the drawing as and when required. Also various commands such as COPY,
OFFSET, ROTATE, MOVE have made the tedious process of redundant work quite easy and
faster. Also one of the important features of AutoCAD is the import and export feature which
allows users to move their plans drawn using AutoCAD to other design software’s such as
STAAD Pro and ETABS with the help of DXF file format which has in turn reduced load on the
designer. Also structural designs made on STAAD and ETABS are also exportable to AutoCAD
for minute detailing required.


The program were the first to take into account the unique properties inherent in a
mathematical model of a building, allowing a computer representation to be constructed in the
same fashion as a real building, floor by floor, story by story. ETABS uses terminology familiar
to the building designer such as columns, beams, braces and walls rather than nodes and finite
element. In any endeavor, a tool tailored to a specific task is the most efficient. For building,
ETABS provides the automation and specialized options needed to make the process of model
creation, analysis and design fast and convenient, tools for laying out floor framing, columns,
frames and walls, in either concrete or steel, as well as techniques for quickly generating gravity
and lateral loads offer many advantages not available from most general-purpose finite element
programs. Seismic and wind loads are generated automatically according to the requirements of
the selected building code. All of these modelling and analysis options are completely integrated
with a wide range of steel and concrete design features.

While ETABS is familiar and straightforward to use for the building Designer, it also offer many
sophisticated analytical and design capabilities not found in other commercial programs. Full
dynamic analysis, including nonlinear time history capabilities for seismic base isolation and
viscous damper, along with static nonlinear pushover features offer state-of-the-art technology to
the engineer doing performance design. Powerful features for selection and optimization of

vertical framing members as well as the identification of key elements for lateral drift control
provide significant time saving in the design cycle. This design integration, in combination with
the fact that ETABS generates CAD output files, means that production drawings can be
generated faster and with greater accuracy. ETABS has long been a favorite for the analysis and
design of buildings, and whether the project is a one-story shopping center or the tallest building
in the world, this latest release offers the comprehensive tools needed to produce timely, efficient
and elegant engineering solutions.

General features of software etabs

1. Fully integrated interface within Window 95/98/NT/2000

2. Optimized for modelling of multi-storey buildings.
3. 3D perspective, plan, elevation, developed elevation, and custom view.
4. 3D model generation using plans and elevations.
5. CAD drawing/editing for fast, intuitive framing layout.
6. Fast generation of model using the concept of similar stories.
7. Automated templates for typical structures.
8. Easy editing with move, merge, mirror, and replicate


The main objective of undertaking this project is to retrieve and implement our civil engineering
knowledge that we had learned during the postgraduate years in “SARASWATI College of
Engineering, Kharghar” into this project. And also to make ourselves capable Civil engineers in
the near future.

The important objective/aim includes the following:

1. To analyse and design a multi-storey R C building.

2. Analysis and design is done with the aid of ETABS software.
3. To study, retrieve; practice the latest software of civil like AUTOCAD and ETABS.
4. To gain design knowledge on various structural elements like beam, column, slab, foundation
5. To familiarise in planning, analysing, designing & estimating of structures.

6. To plan a building in the urban area fulfilling all the norms.
7. To study, retrieve; practice the latest software of civil like AUTOCAD, ETABS and other
8. To draw the plan of a building using software AUTOCAD. Use of codes (IS codes).
9. To learn the importance of team spirit on working for a project. Group Coordination/Team
10. To implement the acquired knowledge to real time structure.


The plot size for the project was 37.800 x 31.300 mts. Accordingly the building has been laid in
the centre of the plot leaving sample space on all the sides for landscaping and pathways for cars
and for visitors parking

Area of Plot 37.800 X 31.300 metre

Location Mumbai
Type of building Residential
Number of Floor G+15
Number of Units 1 Per Floor
Ground Floor to be used as car
Type Apartment 2 BHK
Area of Each Apartment 112.95 sq. m
Number of stairs case 2
Lift 2
Structural details:

Length of building 27.250 metre

Width of building 16.5 metre

Height 49 metre

Live load on Floor 2 kN/m2

Grade of Concrete M30

Grade of Steel Fe500

Sectional Detail Size(mm) Grade of Grade of steel

Column Footing to Terrace Level

C1 200X1500 M30 Fe500

C2 230X800 M30 Fe500
C3 230X900 M30 Fe500
C4 230X1000 M30 Fe500
C5 230X1100 M30 Fe500
C6 230X1200 M30 Fe500
C7 230X1350 M30 Fe500
C8 230X1500 M30 Fe500

B1 150X600 M30 Fe500
B2 230X600 M30 Fe500
B3 300X600 M30 Fe500
B4 300X700 M30 Fe500
B5 1000X750 M30 Fe500
B6 1200X800 M30 Fe500
B7 1200X900 M30 Fe500
Slab 125 M30 Fe500

Shear Wall
Wall 250 M30 Fe500

The loading that have been considered to act upon the structure are as follows:
1. Dead Load.
2. Live Load.
3. Seismic Load.
4. Load Combinations.
5.1. Dead Load or permanent Load:
This consists of the weights of the walls, partitions, floors, roofs, including the weights of all
other permanent construction in the buildings. A schedule of unit weights of the building
materials is given in IS code 875 part 1-1987. Some of the Unit weights of building materials
(IS code 875 part 1-1987 and IS code 4562000) are shown below;

Unit weight of building materials Materials Unit Weight

Brick masonry 18.85 to 22KN/m3
Plain concrete 24KN/m3
Reinforced concrete 25KN/m3
Brick wall(230mm) 3.84KN/m2

5.2. Live Load or Imposed Load:

The live or imposed loads shall comprise all loads other than dead loads. The minimum live load
on different floors are specified in IS code 875 (part-2) -1987.
Sl/No.Occupancy Classification UDL(KN/m2) Point load(KN)
Residential building
1.All rooms and kitchens 2.00 1.8
2.Toilet and Bathrooms 2.00 -
3.Corridors, passages, staircase, 3.00 4.5

5.3. Seismic load:

The seismic load for a multi storey Residential building can be comparatively determine using IS
code 1893: 2016.
Building is located in Mumbai, Zone III which Zone Factor=0.16
Ta = 0.09h/d^ (1/2)
Where h= (summation of Aixhi)/(summation of Ai) (as per IS1893-2016,Fig No.5) h
= 150013.1925/5305.26=28.27m
Hence, time period along x direction
Tax = 0.51 sec
Tay =0.4696 sec
Medium soil site and 5% damping
Hence, Sa/g=2.5 (as per clause no.6.4.2)
Structure type: Special moment resisting frame
Hence, response reduction factor=5 (Table No.9, IS-1893-2016-PART-1)

5.4. Load combinations:

As per IS code 875 (part-5) –1987, the following load combinations, whichever combination
produces the most unfavourable effect on the building, foundation and structural member
concerned may be adopted.
i) DL ii) LL
iii) DL + LD
iv) DL +
v) DL + LL + WL vi)
DL + LL + EL, etc.

The values of partial safety factors of loads under different conditions are shown in the table
below in accordance with clause 36.4 of the IS code 456-2000.

TABLE NO.4.1: Partial safety factors for loads under limit state of collapse and limit state of
Note: *This Value should be considered when stability against overturning or stress reversal is

DL=Dead Load; LL=Live Load; WL= Wind load; EL=Earthquake Load

5.5. Design Steps In Etabs

1. Defining Gridlines/ Importing AutoCAD drawing file in Etabs.

2. Defining Material and Frame Sections.
3. Assigning the frame section.
4. Defining Load Cases, i.e. Dead load, Live load, Wind load, Seismic load.
5. Assigning the Dead load and Live load on frame section.
6. Assigning of Diaphragm.
7. Assigning the base as a fix support.
8. Defining loads and Load combination.
9. Analysis and Design.
5.5.1. Column, Beam and Slab Position

Fig below shows frame structure in Etab

Fig 5.5.1: Column, Beam and Slab position in Etabs
5.5.2. Defining Material and Frame Section Property

Fig Defining Material Property

Fig Defining Material Property

Fig Defining Section Property

5.5.3. Defining Load Pattern, Load Cases in ETABS.

Following figure shows the different loads considered in building

Fig 5.5.3: Various loads considered as per Indian Standard code for building analysis

5.5.4. Defining Earthquake load in ETABS.


There are different method of analysis are as follows

1. Equivalent Static Method 2.
Dynamic analysis method
I] Response Spectrum Analysis Method
II] Time History Analysis Method
III] Modal Time History Analysis Method
So in these project we are going analyse the structure by using Equivalent Static Method and
Response Spectrum Analysis Method
1. Equivalent Static Method
Seismic Base Shear,
W = Seismic Weight
Table No.10 IS-1893-2016-PART-1
W=100% DEAD LOAD + 25% LIVE LOAD for live load<3KPa
Horizontal Seismic coefficient,
Ah= (Z/2) x (I/R) x (Sa/g)
The design base shear shall be distributed along the height of building as per following

Qi= Design lateral force at i hi=
height of floor i from the base
N=No of storeys in building i.e. the No of level at which the mass are located
Response reduction factor
Table No.9,IS-1893-2016-PART-1


Ordinary Moment resisting frame 3.0
Special Moment Resisting Frame 5.0
Buildings with Ordinary Brace Frame with Concentric Brace 4.0
Buildings with Special Brace Frame with Concentric Brace 4.5
Buildings with Special Brace Frame with Eccentric Brace 5.0
Building with Ordinary Structural Walls 3.0
Building with Ductile Structural Walls 4.0

Ductile detailing is assumed for the structure. Hence, Response Reduction

Factor, R, is taken equal to 5.0.

Importance Factor:
Table No.8,IS-1893-2016-PART-1
Important structures, community buildings, lifeline & 1.5
emergency buildings.
Residential or commercial buildings 1.2
All Other buildings/structures 1.0

It may be noted however, that ductile detailing is mandatory in Zones III, IV and

Zone factor:
Table No.3, IS-1893-2016-PART-1
ZONE IV 0.24
ZONE V 0.36

2. Response Spectrum Method:

2.1 Natural modes of oscillation:
Analytical model of structure shall be prepared on industry accepted software and natural
frequency and different mode shapes shall be envisage.
2.2 Number of modes to be considered:
Number of modes shall be consider for analysis which participate up to 90% mass into
2.3 Combination of modes:

Combination of modes can be done with different methods out of Which Complete Quadric
Combination (CQC) & Square Root of the Sum Of the Square (SRSS) methods are popular.
Modal mass

g=acceleration due to gravity
Qi=mode shape coefficient at floor i in mode k
Wi=seismic weight of floor I of the structure
N=number of floors of the structure

Modal participation factor

Design lateral forces at each storey

Where Ak=design horizontal acceleration spectrum as per 6.4.4 using natural period
of oscillation Tk of mode k obtained from dynamic analysis

Dynamic base shear

If Dynamic base shear is less than equivalent static base shear; then it shall be scaled
with static base shear Earthquake in X-direction as per IS 1893-2016

Fig Seismic Load along X Direction Earthquake in Y-direction as per IS 1893-2016

Fig Seismic Load along Y Direction

5.5.5 Wind Load in ETABS as per IS 875-2015 Wind Load in x-direction as per IS 875-2015

Fig Wind Load along X Direction

5.5.6 Load Cases Consideration for Analysis

Fig 5.5.6: Load Cases Consideration for Analysis

5.5.7 Define Mass Source

Fig 5.5.7: Mass Source

5.5.8 Define Load Combination

Fig 5.5.8: Define Load Combination

5.5.9 Define Diaphragm

Fig 6.5: Define Diaphragm

5.5.10 Applied Load at Different Floor Level

Fig Plan showing dead load on a beam at ground floor level

Fig Elevation showing dead load on a beam at Floor level

6.1 Bending Moment and Shear Force Diagram due to dead load

Fig 6.1.1 Bending Moment Diagram Due To DL

Fig 6.1.2 Shear Force Diagram Due To DL
6.2 Bending Moment and Shear Force Diagram Due To Live Load

Fig 6.2.1 Bending Moment Diagram Due To LL

Fig 6.2.1 Shear Force Diagram Due To LL
6.3 Bending Moment And Shear Force Diagram Due To Earthquake Load

Fig 6.3.1 Bending Moment and Shear Force Diagram Due to Earthquake
6.4 Bending Moment and Shear Force Diagram Due to Wind Load

Fig 6.4.1 Bending Moment Diagram Due to Wind Load

Fig 6.4.2 Shear Force Diagram Due to Wind Load

Table no.6.6: table showing DL, LL, EL, WL
Total Dead Load = 74565.2397 KN
Total Live Load = 13911.2524 KN
W=74565.2397 +0.25 X 13911.2524 =78,043.0528KN

Seismic Base Shear,

Vb = AhxW= 0.04 x 78,043.0528= 3,121.72KN


Table no.6.7: Table Showing Modal Participating Factor


Fig.7.3 Required Reinforcement at Typical floor Level

Fig.7.3 Required Reinforcement at Terrace floor Level



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