Adults 1 - A Banker's Life

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Mayflower Study Centre Name:___________________________

Adults 1 Date: ____________________________

1 Read and answer the questions below:

A banker’s life
Itsuki Nakamura is a banker. He is from a small town in Japan, but now he lives and works in New York.
American journalist, Manny Valdez, talks to Itsuki about his life and job.

How do you start a typical work day, Itsuki?

Well, I get up at five in the morning and go to the gym. Then I go home, have a shower and make breakfast. I live
with my wife in a flat in New York, so we have breakfast together. We always have yoghurt and cereal and I usually
drink orange juice. I go to work at 8 o’clock and take the subway to the office. I always use this time to read the
news on my tablet.

Where do you work?

I don’t work in a bank in the street. I work in an office. I do a lot of work for big multinational companies. I usually
start work at 9 o’clock and finish at 6 o’clock in the evening. I sometimes have lunch in the office or at a small café.

Do you like your job?

I love it. I meet a lot of people from all over the world and I need to speak a lot of different languages. I speak
Japanese, English, French, and Chinese. When I’m not at work I study Spanish.

What about your family?

I’m married. My wife’s name is Isabella, she’s American. We don’t have children. My wife is from a big family. She
has three sisters and two brothers! They all live in New York.

What do you do after work?

I usually get home at quarter past seven. I always cook dinner. My wife likes Japanese food and she never cooks!
Then I read a book or speak to my mother on the phone. She lives in Japan.

1. What does Itsuki have for breakfast?

2. What does Itsuki do when he goes to work?
3. What time does Itsuki finish work?
4. Do Itsuki and Isabella have children?
5. Does Itsuki’s wife cook?

2 Complete the sentences. Write one word in each gap.

Example: My mother works in a school. She’s a teacher.
Typical activities
1 What time do you g__________ u_______ in the morning?
2 I have a sh__________ every morning.
3 Sonia and Greg are nurses at the hospital. They g______ t______ w_______ by train.
4 I finish school at 3:30 and then I g________ h________ and do my homework in my bedroom.

5 This is my g__________. She’s 21 and her name is Alejandra. We met on holiday.
6 I’m married. My w__________ name is Gloria.
7 My parents’ parents are my gr________.
8 Do you have br__________ and sisters?

9 Sonia doesn’t eat m__________. She’s a vegetarian.
10 I always have a big br__________ at the weekend.
11 Do you want milk and s__________ in your coffee?
12 Italians eat a lot of pizza and p__________.
13 My sister is a w___________. She works in a café.
14 Jose works in his car. He’s a t__________ dr__________.
15 She’s a receptionist. She works in an o__________.

3 Match the words/phrases with the correct verb from the box. There is one extra verb you do
not need to use.

live finish eat drink do play

read speak work have listen go

Example: eat fruit and vegetables

1 ________ a newspaper 6 ________ to the radio
2 ________ in a factory 7 ________ housework
3 ________ in a flat 8 ________ to the cinema
4 ________ work 9 ________ tea
5 ________ a shower 10 ________ Chinese

4 Match questions and sentences 1-10 to answers b-k.

Example: Open your books to page 5, please. __a__
a Can you repeat that, please?
1 Sorry I’m late. _____ b I have a reservation here.
2 What time is it? _____ c Yes, we need to hurry.
3 How much is it? _____ d Thank you.
4 What’s your surname? _____ e That’s OK. Sit down, please.
5 What time’s your bus? _____ f H-O-T-E-L.
6 Anything else? _____ g It’s £5.35.
7 How do you spell it? _____ h It’s a quarter to six.
8 How can I help you? _____ i It’s Perez.
9 Are we late? _____ j At 8 o’clock.
10 Here’s your change. _____ k No, thank you.

5 Tick () A, B, or C to complete the sentences.

1 A Are you from Brazil? 6 A Are those your ________?
B No, ________. B Yes, they are.
A I’m  B I not  C I’m not  A child  B children  C childrens 

2 A Do you want a chicken sandwich? 7 A Does he have a car?

B No, thank you. I ________ eat meat. B ________. It’s that white car.
A don’t  B doesn’t  C not  A Yes, he doesn’t  B Yes, does he  C
Yes, he does 
3 A ________ they Italian?
B Yes, they are. 8 Where________?
A Am  B Are  C Is  A Ana is from  B is Ana from  C Ana
from is 
4 I ________ lunch in the café at work.
A always  B always eat  C eat always 9 Marco ________ French and Italian.
 A speak  B is speak  C speaks 

5 ________ surname is Patel. 10 My ________ car is very expensive.

A Our  B They  C We  A parents’  B parent’s  C parents 

6 WRITING. Answer the questions and write about your life.

Do you have a big or small family? Who is in your family? What do they do?
What do you do? Are you a student or do you work? Where do you work/study?
Describe your typical day.

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