DungeonCrawlClassics 02 TheLostVaultOftSathzarRho

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Dungeon Crawl Classics #2

The Lost Vault of Tsathzar Rho

By Michael Mearls

Credits Table of Contents

Writer: Michael Mearls Introduction..................................................................2

Front Cover Artist: Jim Holloway Game Master's Section ...............................................2
Back Cover Artist: Brad McDevitt Background Story........................................................3
Interior Artists: Friedrich Haas, Brad McDevitt, Mark Map Key ......................................................................5
Parsons Level 1: The Caves ..................................................5
Cartographer: Matt Snyder Level 2: The Outer Vaults ......................................13
3.5 Developer: Steven E. Schend Level 3: The Inner Vaults of Tsathzar Rho.............26
Editor: Joseph Goodman
Proofreader: Ryan Nock
Graphic Designer: Jamie Wallis (jaytype.com)

Dedicated to David C. Sutherland III, one of the giants

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Loc Pg Type Encounter EL
1-1 6 C Logbrag the ogre 3
Remember the good old days, when adventures were under-
ground, NPCs were there to be killed, and the finale of every 1-2 6 C 4 stirges 2
dungeon was the dragon on the 20th level? Those days are 1-3 6 C 3 giant fire beetles 1
back. Dungeon Crawl Classics don't waste your time with
long-winded speeches, weird campaign settings, or NPCs 1-4 7 C 3 giant fire beetles 1
who aren't meant to be killed. Each adventure is 100% good,
1-5 7 C Darkmantle 1
solid dungeon crawl with the monsters you know, the traps
you fear, and the secret doors you know are there some- 1-6 8 C 4 animated dolls 2
1-7 8 C 4 kobolds 1
The Lost Vault of Tsathzar Rho is designed for four to six char-
1-8 9 C 2 monstrous centipedes 2
acters of 1st level. We recommend four to six total party lev-
els among the party members. We also suggest a good broad 1-9 9 T Net trap 2
mix of character classes to help overcome the variety of chal-
lenges between the start and end of this adventure, which 1-10 10 C 4 kobolds 1
should bring your characters up to 2nd or 3rd level by its com- 1-11 10 C 4 dire rats 1
pletion. Refer to the "Scaling Information" section for details
on how to adapt the adventure to suit your player character 1-12 11 C 4 kobolds 1
party and your style of game-play.
1-14 11 C 4 kobold footmen 3
Slazzik Balefire, kobold Sor2
Adventure Summary
2-1 15 C Monstrous spider 3
The PCs arrive among the farms of Hadler's Gap, a small
frontier hamlet, and hear tales of many strange behaviors and 2-2 15 C 6 kobold crossbowmen 2
stranger physical changes to the local wildlife, including once- 16 C 3 skeletons 3
peaceful kobolds and an ogre in the nearby hills. The locals
2-4 16 C Ghoul 2
know of the cave where the ogre, kobolds, dire rats, and other
creatures live, so the PCs are asked to kill the ogre and any 2-5 17 C Ghoul 1
other monsters that now threaten the hamlet. Once they find
the caves, however, the PCs find the creatures have under- 2-6 18 C Ghast 3
gone much more than just physical changes. Mysterious ener- 2-7 18 C 3 skeletons 1
gies alter the very nature of the lands and the creatures with-
in it, and it's up to the heroes to stop this before it begins 2-9 19 C 4 kobold crossbowmen 1
affecting the hamlets and the other people. Worse yet, they
2-10 19 C 8 kobold footmen 3
may have to stop gods of evil from getting a foothold in their
world! 2-11 20 C 1 derro 3

Game Master's Section 2-12 20 C 12 kobold elite guards 4

2-13 20 C 2 lemures (minor devils) 2
Encounter Table 2-14 22 C 12 kobold footmen 4
To help the GM prepare for this adventure, we have included 2-15 22 C 12 kobolds 4
a quick reference table showing all encounters at a glance.
Loc – the location number keyed to the map for the 2-17 23 C 4 kobold footmen 3
encounter. Pg – the module page number on which the Serrek Tarn, kobold Wiz2
encounter can be found. Type – this indicates if the encounter
2-18 24 C 8 kobold crossbowmen 3
is a trap (T), puzzle (P), or combat (C). Encounter – the key
Dragonkin kobold 2
monsters, traps, or NPCs that can be found in the encounter.
Names in italics are classed NPCs. EL – the encounter level. 3-2 27 C Lerrza Mahk, kobold Clr3 3
3-3 28 C 1 derro 3
3-5 28 C Kobold dragonkin 2
3-6 29 C 12 kobold elite guards 4
3-7 29 C 4 kobold elite guards 5
Baraz Mahk, Bbn2
3-8 30 C Tsathzar Rho 6

Scaling Information Classics modules. The bulk of its population resides on farms
surrounding or nestled among the Urkallan Hills. Hadler’s Gap
The Lost Vault of Tsathzar Rho is designed for 4-6 characters is simply a collection of buildings set between two steep hills,
of 1st level, but it can easily be modified for parties of different a trade road running right through town. The “town” consists
sizes and experience levels. This adventure scales up better of one inn, a mill set along a fast-running creek, a farrier’s and
than down, given its introductory level for player characters, carter’s shop, an herbalist’s apothecary shop, a blacksmithy,
but there are some options to explore. Remember to adjust and a barn that acts as a community gathering place, social
the applicable treasure rewards when the encounter levels center, or local market every ten days or so. In total, the sur-
shift either way. rounding farmers, families, and locals who live alone in the
woods total about 90 spread over a 3 mile radius.
Weaker parties (3 or less characters, total party level less
than 6): Remove all wandering monsters. Reduce the
kobolds in area 1-14 to 3 footmen. Replace the ghast in area
Background Story
2-6 with a ghoul. The lemures in area 2-13 become ghouls.
In the ancient days of the world, Tsathzar Rho was an ambi-
Eliminate 4 kobold crossbowmen from both areas 2-15 and 2-
tious sorcerer of considerable power. He forged gates
18, and the 4 kobold footmen become 3 in area 2-17. Drop the
between worlds, bent demons to his will, and cultivated mag-
kobold elite guards to 2 in area 3-7, and eliminate Tsathzar
ical abilities the likes of which the world has not since seen.
Rho’s damage and spell resistance.
Yet, as the saying goes, power corrupts, and absolute power
Stronger parties (level 2 or above, or seven or more PCs): corrupts absolutely. Tsathzar Rho mastered magic of the ninth
Increase the levels on every named NPC by one level per circle, enslaved the demon-generals of the murkiest abyss,
increase in base PC levels. Roll on the Wandering Monsters and shattered the Silver Gate of the Eighth World. Still he
table every 30 minutes instead of once an hour and double its desired more. While each success built his power, so too did
chances (on 1-4 from 1d10). Double all kobold crossbowmen each promote his arrogance.
or replace them with derro (as a greater reclamation force
from the underrealms). Serrek Tarn and Lerrza Mahk should To prove he had surpassed even the great fabled enchanters
gain the dragonkin abilities. of ancient Parhokk, Tsathzar Rho sought out magic beyond
the reckoning of men and gods, and demons cowered now at
Getting the Players Involved the mere mention of his name. He sent prayers and supplica-
tions to the Outer Gods, blasphemous and corruptive beings
The Lost Vault of Tsathzar Rho is easily inserted into any cam- that existed outside of the known planes. These Lords of
paign without altering the surrounding landscape (as the Infinite Emptiness had been bound outside of the world and
vaults embed themselves beneath the local hills). Simply the planes by unknown gods, and in his hubris, Tsathzar Rho
place it near any frontier town or hamlet. As outlined above, believed he had the skill and cunning to bind such unspeak-
the local villagers from Hadler’s Gap ask the PCs to defeat a able horrors with his power. Delving into texts judged ancient
marauding ogre. Here are other details and hooks for various even in his distant epoch, he called the Keeper of the Gate
different PCs. and demanded that the Exiled Ones appear before him.

• As they begin the adventure, the PCs should understand In doing so, he sealed his fate for all eternity.
that the creatures within the caves are normally peaceful.
Be sure to impress on the players that the physical The Outer Gods did indeed answer Tsathzar Rho’s call, but
changes the creatures have undergone and their extreme they came neither to hear his appeals nor to witness his
aggression should be investigated. Otherwise, the char- magic. Their very nature warped and twisted the fabric of real-
acters may simply defeat the ogre, carry its corpse to ity, causing a tremendous explosion that disintegrated
town as proof of their deed, and continue on their way. Tsathzar Rho’s tower and rendered the region around it an
ashen waste for an age. The local men and elves breathed a
• One farmer mentions that Logbrag killed Parkad the sigh of relief and continued with their lives, thankful that the
Furrier, “and that man always walked around with more tower’s ominous presence had been expunged from the hori-
money on him than sense in him.” The GM can add to the zon. Over two ages have passed and the land is once again
number of tales about robbed or murdered traders if bountiful, leaving no traces of Tsathzar Rho in the land or in
greed and hope for treasure helps move the PCs. local memories.
• Clerics, paladins, or druids in the group notice that However, the intrusion of the Exiles left a permanent stain on
“something feels wrong” about this area, and that feeling the fabric of reality. Tsathzar Rho and his vaults were not
grows the closer they draw to the hills. Barring those PCs, destroyed. Rather, they were drawn into the Outer Gods’
one local druid approaches them about the corruption of realm and forever altered to those dread beings’ needs. They
the natural world she feels happening (and she asks that had never cast their baleful glance upon the world until
they find what is causing it, for which she offers the nature Tsathzar Rho drew their notice. Now the time has come for the
gods’ blessings & a future favor). Empty Ones to announce their presence and demand proper
fealty from the creatures of the world. The fabric of the planes
• The tried-and-true method of adventure starts also works.
has realigned, allowing Tsathzar Rho’s demesne to appear
The PCs are caught in a storm and seek shelter in a
once again in the world. Tsathzar Rho now sleeps within,
cave, which happens to be occupied…
preparing to enter the world as the Outer Gods’ prophet and
GMs are encouraged to develop Hadler’s Gap on their own or high priest. As his spirit gains power, the world shall fall under
use any of the other small hamlets from other Dungeon Crawl the Exiled Ones’ domain.

Yet not all hope is lost. The Outer Gods know little of the mortal
realm. By happenstance or fate, their plans have spiraled beyond
their control. Tsathzar Rho’s vaults materialized within a mountain
that arose from the surrounding hills as a result of a long-ago
mages’ duel. The sorcerer’s spirit lacks strength and stands upon
the edge of oblivion. Only one portion of the Outer Gods’ plan of
conquest has worked properly. The black chrysalis at the tower’s
center exerted a reality-warping field of energy that transformed
creatures into evil servants of Tsathzar Rho’s new form. All the
inhabitants among the caves in which the vault materialized – from
a tribe of kobolds to the vermin – have been fundamentally altered
to defend the chrysalis and worship it as a god. When Tsathzar Rho
is reborn, he shall find a small cadre of fanatics waiting to assist

Into this situation step the characters. The sudden change in the
alignment and demeanor of the creatures in the cave has not gone
unnoticed. A brutish ogre who lived there has begun to raid neigh-
boring hamlets and waylay travelers. Previously, the ogre relied on
extortion and intimidation to rob merchants and dominate the
kobolds. The change has driven the creature mad, transforming it
into a psychotic marauder. The characters are asked to track down
this creature and slay it. In doing so, they discover that something
is amiss. Further investigations lead them to the caves now altered
by the coming of the Outer Gods’ prophet.

Player Beginning
The blue grasses on the Urkallan Hills glowed brightly in the east
as the sun rose behind them. Unfortunately, that was the brightest
part of your day as the sun quickly hid behind a heavy cloud cover
that began spitting rain by midmorning. The mountain among the
hills looms before you and darkens your path. While the rest of the
sky is the neutral slate grey of rain, the clouds over the hills and
especially around the mountain hold a dark purplish tint. They
seem to swirl and eddy against the direction of the wind.

Along the way, farmers, villagers, and other locals thank you for
braving the dangers of the hills and ridding them of the ogre and
kobolds raiding their farms and trade ways. Their thanks and
promises of reward urge you eastward into the hills, as do their
fearful glances at the skies above. You’re excited and ready for
the adventure, but a few of you sense that something is definite-
ly not normal in the hills around you ...

Slazzik Goodman Games has a complete line of miniatures to complement your Giant beetle
Balefire Dungeon Crawl Classics experience, including some especially (area 1-3)
designed for this adventure module. Look for these miniatures in your
favorite game store or at www.goodman-games.com!

Darkmantle Stirges
(area 1-5) (area 1-2)

Kobold Giant centipedes

with (area 1-8)

Level 1: The Caves
This first dungeon level is a series of natural caverns clustered Wandering Monsters
around a subterranean river. The outer caves teem with
insects, rats, and other vermin that have been turned into evil, There is a 20% chance (1 or 2 on 1d10) per hour that the char-
predatory creatures by the Outer Gods’ influence. They attack acters will come across a random encounter while on this
intruders and fight to the death. level. Roll 1d10 again to determine the type and nature of the
threat if one is indicated. Statistics for the creatures are pro-
Unless otherwise noted, the clearance in all caverns and tun-
vided below for the GM’s convenience.
nels on this level is 12 feet high. The rock on this level is damp
and slick. The floors are studded with stalagmites, and the air 1d10 Encounter
is thick with humidity. The following rules apply in all situations 1-4 1d3+1 monstrous rock centipedes
within this level: 5-7 1 darkmantle
8-9 1d4 dire rats
• Any character who attempts to run must make a Balance
10 2d3-1 giant fire beetles
check (DC 15) or slip and fall on the wet stones and slick
rock of the cave floor. Roll a d10 and treat the result as a Darkmantle: CR 1; Small magical beast; HD 1d10+1, hp 6;
percentage to determine how far the character moves Init +4; Spd 20 ft., fly 30 ft. (poor); AC 17, touch 11, flat-footed
before falling prone. On a 10, the character moves his full 17; Base Atk +1, Grp +0; Atk/Full Atk Slam +5 melee (1d4+4);
distance before slipping. Characters who fall take no SA Constrict (1d4+4), darkness, improved grab; SQ Blindsight
damage. 90 ft.; AL N; SV Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +0; Str 16, Dex 10, Con
13, Int 2, Wis 10, Cha 10.
• The walls are as slick as the floor, causing a -2 circum-
Skills and Feats: Hide +10, Listen +5*, Spot +5*;
stance penalty to all Climb checks.
Improved Initiative (* +4 racial bonus to Listen & Spot if blind-
• The caverns and passages are cramped and cluttered sight not negated)
with stalactites and stalagmites. Outside of area 1-1, SA – Darkness (Su): As spell cast by 5th level caster.
characters who fight with two-handed weapons suffer a -
Dire Rats: CR 1/3; Small animal; HD 1d8+1, hp 5; Init +3; Spd
2 circumstance penalty to melee attack rolls.
40 ft., climb 20 ft.; AC 15, touch 14, flat-footed 12; Base Atk
• Water drips from the ceiling, forming puddles and keep- +0, Grp -4; Atk/Full Atk Bite +4 melee (1d4 + disease); SA
ing the caverns damp. The incessant noise of water drop- Disease; SQ Low-light vision; SV Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +3; Str
ping into puddles echoes through the entire level, caus- 10, Dex 17, Con 12, Int 1, Wis 12, Cha 4.
ing a -2 circumstance penalty to all Listen checks. Skills and Feats: Climb +11, Hide +8, Listen +4, Move
Silently +4, Spot +4, Swim +11; Alertness, Weapon Finesse
Losses amongst the monsters on this level are not replaced, (bite)
including the kobolds. The kobold champion who commands SA – Disease: Filth fever – bite, Fortitude DC 11, incuba-
this level, Slazzik Balefire, is a pariah to the leaders of his clan tion period 1d3 days, damage 1d3 Dex and 1d3 Con.
and was given this assignment to prove himself worthy of
serving in the Exiled Ones’ legions. He fears that any reports Giant Fire Beetles: CR 1/3; HD 1d8, hp 4; Init +0; Spd 30 ft.;
of failure to his superiors can result in his execution and AC 16, touch 11, flat-footed 16; Base Atk +0, Grp -4; Atk/Full
replacement. Thus, he prevents any word of the characters’ Atk Bite +1 melee (2d4) SQ Darkvision 60 ft., vermin traits; SV
actions from reaching the second or third dungeon level. Fort +2, Ref +0, Will +0; Str 10, Dex 11, Con 11, Int –, Wis 10,
Cha 7.
The kobolds attempt to focus their defense on area 1-7. If the SQ – Vermin: Immune to mind-influencing effects.
characters defeat several bands of the creatures then retreat,
they station up to a dozen warriors near the cavern hole and Monstrous Rock Centipedes: CR 1/2; Medium vermin; HD
rotate guards to keep a constant watch. If the kobolds cannot 1d8, hp 4; Init +2; Spd 40 ft., climb 40 ft.; AC 14, touch 12, flat-
hold area 1-7 for some reason, they make their stand in the footed 12; Base Atk +0; Grp -1; Atk/Full Atk Bite +2 melee
guardroom at area 1-12. In this case, they set their rats loose (1d6-1 + poison); SA Poison; SQ Darkvision 60 ft., vermin
and use them as a screen near the river at area 1-8. If the traits; SV Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +0; Str 9, Dex 15, Con 10, Int
guards in area 1-12 hear the sounds of combat as the char- –, Wis 10, Cha 2.
acters battle the rats, they rush down to join the fray. Skills and Feats: Climb +10, Hide +10, Spot +4; Weapon
Finesse (bite)
Otherwise, adjudicate the kobold’s plans and actions as you SA – Poison: Bite, Fort DC 10 Fort damage 1d3 Dex.
see fit. Keep in mind that the kobold’s leader does not want to SQ – Vermin: Immune to mind-influencing effects.
alert his superiors of any trouble, but his underlings are under
no such compulsion. If the characters slay Slazzik Balefire,
any surviving kobolds flee down the river to the second dun-
geon level.

Areas of the Map Four stirges dwell amongst the stalactites here. Normally,
they roost in here by day and hunt in the area outside the
Area 1-1 – The Ogre’s Cave (EL3): Read or paraphrase the cave by night. The creatures were called here by the
following text upon the PCs’ entrance. malign influence that infuses this area and they never
attack any of the creatures under its control. Most of the
Something has dwelled in this rough oval cave for time, they cling to the ceiling with their claws and sleep
many years, as evidenced by the piles of garbage, until they grow hungry enough to seek a meal.
old bones, and scattered items found here. The floor
is thick with debris, six inches deep of bones, dirt, and The stirges have undergone a strange, subtle change to
loose rocks along the edges of the room. The cham- their bodies. They appear thin and emaciated, but as
ber’s center holds a crudely-dug fire pit, while a thick soon as they draw blood from an opponent they expand,
pile of blankets and furs lies against the eastern wall. stretch, and swell. Blood oozes from their skin, and if
An iron spike driven into a crack in the western wall slain they pop like water balloons.
by the cave’s entrance serves as a hook for a lantern. A hole in the northern section of the ceiling leads to a pas-
From the shadows on the eastern side of the cavern, sage to area 1-7. As the hole is over 60 feet from the floor,
a grumble of a voice announces, “Logbrag strong, the characters may have trouble spotting it by torchlight
not weak! He not listen to voices. NOT go with you!” or with darkvision. A severed length of rope directly
beneath the hole in a small puddle of water is the only
Logbrag the ogre’s appearance has been changed by the clue of its presence. Water drips down from the hole,
Outer Gods’ influence. His skin has turned jet black, while splashing down into the puddle. If the characters try to
his eyes glow green. Rancid, oozing pustules cover his use a grappling hook to reach the hole, they must make
back, and in a few places along the wall dried puss and an attack against AC 15 to lodge the hook in place. The
blood mark where he attempted to scratch himself on the hole opens to a passage with a rough, upward slope with
rock face. plenty of places for a hook to catch.
Though the Outer Gods’ warping influence should have Tactics: As soon as the characters enter the chamber,
made Logbrag pliable and obedient, it instead twisted his the stirges prepare to attack. Remember that, with most
mind and drove him mad. As the characters approach, his light sources, the characters cannot see the stirges until
delusions cause him to believe they are the emissaries of they dive downward. Unless a character specifically
the gods sent to escort him to the afterlife. He speaks in states he is inspecting the ceiling, the stirges charge from
halting Common of the changes to his body, the kobolds their roosting spots and attack with surprise. Otherwise,
from the caves, and strange dreams he has been having the characters must make Spot checks opposed by the
lately. After a minute or two of conversation, he hefts his stirges’ Hide skill.
club with a resigned sigh and attacks, shrieking that the
Stirges (4): CR 1/2; Tiny Beast; HD 1d10; hp 5; Init +4;
gods will not have his soul without a fight.
Spd 10 ft., fly 40 ft. (average); AC 16, touch 16, flat-foot-
Treasure: Hidden beneath the furs is a +1 large wooden ed 12; Base Atk +1, Grp -11 (+1 when attached); Atk/Full
shield. Logbrag uses it to support his back. Two sacks Atk Touch +7 melee (see SA); Space/Reach 2-1/2 ft./0 ft.;
tossed into a corner hold Logbrag’s treasure and a SA Attach, blood drain; SQ Darkvision 60 ft., low-light
week’s worth of rancid meat and hard, moldy cheese. The vision; AL NE; SV Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +1; Str 3, Dex 19,
ogre’s treasure consists of 300 gp in silver, gold, and cop- Con 10, Int 1, Wis 12, Cha 6.
per. Skills and Feats: Hide +14, Listen +4, Spot +4;
Alertness, Weapon Finesse (touch).
Logbrag the Ogre: CR 3; Large Giant; HD 4d8+11; hp SA – Attach (Ex): If a stirge hits with a touch attack,
29; Init -1; Spd 30 ft.; AC 16, touch 8, flat-footed 16; Base it uses its eight pincers to latch onto the opponent’s body.
Atk +3; Grp +12; Atk/Full Atk huge greatclub +8 melee An attached stirge has an AC of 12.
(2d8+7); Space/Reach 10 ft./10 ft.; SQ Darkvision 60 ft., SA – Blood Drain (Ex): 1d4 Con damage/rd up to 4
low-light vision; AL CE; SV Fort +6, Ref +0, Will +1; Str points Con damage total before ending attack.
21, Dex 8, Con 15, Int 6, Wis 10, Cha 7.
Skills and Feats: Climb +5, Listen +2, Spot +2. Feats: Area 1-3 – The Beetle Cavern (EL 1): The corridor heading
Toughness, Weapon Focus (greatclub). into this place from the north opens 10 feet above the
Possessions: Greatclub, hide armor. cavern’s floor. If for some reason the characters run into
this chamber (such as if fleeing the stirges from area 2)
Area 1-2 – The Great Cavern (EL 2): Read or paraphrase the they must make Spot checks (DC 20) or fall into the
following text: chamber, taking damage as normal.
This wide, vaulted chamber opens almost 60 feet This area is the southern end of a cavern similar to area
above the characters. Stalactites and stalagmites dot 1-2. It is composed of light green rock and is choked with
the chamber, almost turning it into a series of small- stalactites and stalagmites. Puddles dot the floor, reflect-
er rooms. A small pool of water in the center of the ing light from torches and lanterns. Owing to the puddles
room is shallow but broad. The water within it is and a rough, uneven floor, all creatures with less than
warm but potable. The walls and rock formations four legs must move at half their normal rates or make a
here are particularly wet. They glisten by the light of Balance check (DC 15) to avoid falling prone. Use a d10
the characters’ torches or lantern. as described above under the general rules for this level
to determine where in his movement a character falls.

Three giant fire beetles occupy this area. Their bodies
have been subtly changed by the Outer Gods’ influence.
The fiery, glowing gems set into their bodies have
changed to resemble tiny human skulls. Their internal
organs have slowly metamorphosed. In time, they will
become voracious predators capable of devouring stone,
metal, and other materials. For now, they simply emit a
horrendous stench if chopped open in battle. This stink
causes no effects beyond its unpleasant odor.

Tactics: Many giant fire beetles have been drawn here

from the deeper cavern regions by the call of the Outer
Gods. While a few remain free around the complex (as
wandering monsters), most are unable to join their com-
rades in service due to the 10-foot cliff between the cavern
and southern passage. Angry and agitated, they swarm
through the room and chitter wildly, attacking anyone who
enters here with a vicious abandon. If the characters use
missile weapons against them, they flee to the north.

Giant Fire Beetles (3): CR 1/3; Small Vermin; HD 1d8;

hp 4; Init +0; Spd 30 ft.; AC 16, touch 11, flat-footed 16;
Base Atk +0, Grp -4; Atk/Full Atk Bite +1 melee (2d4); SQ
Darkvision 60 ft., vermin traits; AL NE; SV Fort +2, Ref
+0, Will +0; Str 10, Dex 11, Con 11, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 7.
SQ – Vermin: Immune to mind-influencing effects.

Area 1-4 – Parts Unknown (EL 1): This large cavern con-
nects this complex to distant areas of the underrealms. SQ – Vermin: Immune to mind-influencing effects.
The floor is thick with dust, and the air is stale and musty.
Area 1-5 – Dark Corridor (EL 1): This narrow passage is
The floor slopes downward to the east, leading to three
choked with stalactites and other rock formations. Its ceil-
narrow passages that run several hundred feet before
ing stretches over 20 feet above the floor. Its floor is cov-
opening to caverns within the subterranean realms. You
ered in small holes, stalagmites, and puddles. The char-
may expand on these regions as you wish, perhaps con-
acters must move at half-speed or risk tripping and falling
necting them to a distant realm of underworld oceans and
as described above under the dungeon level’s general
degenerate, decadent walled cities of the kuo-toa.
Three more giant fire beetles dwell here. They have A darkmantle lurks on the ceiling here, patiently waiting
undergone the same changes as the beetles in area 1-3, for prey to wander beneath it. Though under the domina-
though they have been here longer and are slowly starv- tion of the power awakened in this place, it has under-
ing to death. They spend their time lurking in the cavern’s gone few physical changes. The kobolds allow it to
eastern areas, tucked behind rock formations. remain here to guard the treasure cache they unearthed
Tactics: The beetles lurk in the eastern portions of this in area 1-6. They plan to transplant the creature to area
chamber, one to the northeast and two to the southeast. 1-1 soon after Logbrag dies or they are forced to kill him.
They have been here for a week and have found little Tactics: The darkmantle waits for a character to pass
food, forcing them to conserve their energy as much as beneath it. It then uses its darkness ability before drop-
possible. When they hear the characters approaching, ping down to grab a character. The creature is clever
they immediately attack. One beetle strikes from the enough to target unarmored foes or those who do not
north, while the other two arrive a round later. The beetles carry large weapons. In the area of darkness, this area
surge towards lightly armored characters. Driven half- becomes particularly dangerous. Any time a character
mad by hunger and the Outer Gods’ baneful influence, within the effect’s area moves, he must make a Balance
they fight to the death. check (DC 20) or fall down. Characters unable to see the
If the characters drove beetles from area 1-3 to this cav- floor trip over rock formations and stumble about.
ern, they take cover behind rock formations. After their Darkmantle: CR 1; Small magical beast; HD 1d10+1, hp
fellows here attack, they rush forward from a third direc- 6; Init +4; Spd 20 ft., fly 30 ft. (poor); AC 17, touch 11, flat-
tion to flank and defeat the characters. Note that all six footed 17; Base Atk +1, Grp +0; Atk/Full Atk Slam +5
beetles fighting together count as EL 3. melee (1d4+4); SA Constrict (1d4+4), darkness,
improved grab; SQ Blindsight 90 ft.; AL N; SV Fort +3, Ref
Giant Fire Beetles (3): CR 1/3; Small Vermin; HD 1d8;
+2, Will +0; Str 16, Dex 10, Con 13, Int 2, Wis 10, Cha 10.
hp 4; Init +0; Spd 30 ft.; AC 16, touch 11, flat-footed 16;
Skills and Feats: Hide +10, Listen +5*, Spot +5*;
Base Atk +0, Grp -4; Atk/Full Atk Bite +1 melee (2d4); SQ
Improved Initiative (* +4 racial bonus to Listen & Spot if
Darkvision 60 ft., vermin traits; AL NE; SV Fort +2, Ref
blindsight not negated)
+0, Will +0; Str 10, Dex 11, Con 11, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 7.
SA – Darkness (Su): As spell cast by 5th level caster.

Area 1-6 – Treasure Cache (EL 2): This wide, low cavern has 14, Con -, Int -, Wis 1, Cha 1.
barely enough space for a Medium-size character to SQ – Hardness (Ex): Due to the materials from which
crawl through. As the passage leading to this area runs they were built, Tiny Animated Objects subtract 5 points
northward, it becomes increasingly cramped and low. By from damage inflicted upon them.
the time it reaches area 1-6, the roof rises barely 2 feet
above the floor. The characters must crawl through this Area 1-7 – Ceiling Passage (EL 1): Formed by a slow trickle
area to fully explore it. Set in the middle of the eastern of water that runs from the river to the north, down this
wall is a wooden treasure chest. Tucked into a small hol- area, and into the cavern below, this passage slopes 30
low carved into the floor. Only the chest’s top half is visi- degrees upwards (from the roof of area 1-2) and connects
ble above the floor. The ceiling here is just tall enough to the caves with the kobold lair. The floor here is rough and
allow the chest to open. grooved in many places by the water. Refer to area 1-2 for
notes on how the characters can enter this area.
The chest holds this chamber’s only occupants – four ani-
mated wooden figures guarding the treasure left by the The passage is wide but low, rising only a little over 4 feet
bandits who used this cavern as a base of operations in height as it slopes upward to the north. The footing
many years ago. The chest is locked (DC 15 to open), here is treacherous, particularly as a fall can cause a
though it shows some signs of recent disturbance. The character to slide down the passage and fall 60 feet down
kobolds discovered this place and attempted to open it, into area 1-2.
as indicated by the scratches on the lock and the kobold- Medium-size characters suffer half the standard penalties
sized handprints in the dust covering the chest. for being prone. They are at -2 to hit and opponents gain
If the characters open the chest, they discover that it has a +2 bonus to hit them. Anyone who attempts to move at
been left guarded. The four animated objects, crude, more than half his normal rate must make a Balance
humanoid dolls fashioned from wood, climb out of the check (DC 15) or fall prone and slide 2d6 feet down the
chest to attack. passage. Consult the general rules given for this dungeon
level to determine at which point in his movement a char-
Tactics: When the dolls attack, they use their small size acter falls. Obviously, a character who slides past the cor-
to their advantage in the cramped confines of this area. ridor’s southern edge plummets 60 feet down to area 1-2.
Medium characters count as fighting prone, while Small
PCs suffer a -2 penalty to all attacks. Two-handed A squad of four kobolds keeps watch here – two cross-
weapons cannot be used here at all, while one-handed bowmen and footmen each. They stand at the top of the
ones deal only half damage as they are extremely awk- slope, in the widened area of the passage just as it turns
ward to maneuver in the cramped space. The wooden to the northwest. The kobolds have rough, red scales on
dolls swarm around a single target, hoping to batter their their hands and faces. Their teeth and claws are elongat-
victim to unconsciousness before choosing their next tar- ed and thicker than normal.
get. If the characters leave this area, the dolls clamber Each kobold carries a small gold pendant crudely shaped
back into their chest and close it behind them. They in the form of a three-fingered hand. Each of these items
emerge to fight once again if the chest is reopened. is worth 10 gp for the gold from which they are crafted. In
Treasure: Within the chest are 500 gp in coins, six gems addition, the leader of this patrol carries a masterwork
worth 100 gp each, and three arcane scrolls: shield, throwing axe. He uses this weapon before charging into
knock, and spectral hand. In addition there are two 50- battle. (Hereafter, visual details should refer to the
foot coils of rope and a pair of grappling hooks the ban- “Kobolds on Level 1” sidebar unless different.)
dits used to enter their hideout beyond the portal in the Tactics: At the first sign of intruders, the kobolds spring
ceiling of area 2. into action. The footmen march 10 feet down the passage
Animated Dolls (Animated Objects, Tiny) (4): CR 1/2; and form a line while the crossbowmen fire over their
Tiny Construct; HD 1/2d10; hp 2; Init +2; Spd 40 ft.; AC heads. Due to the passage’s slope, the crossbowmen
14, touch 14, flat-footed 12; Base Atk +0, Grp -9; Atk/Full suffer only half the normal penalty for firing into melee.
Atk Slam +1 melee (1d3-1); Space/Reach 2-1/2 ft./0 ft.; The footmen then use their javelins as they advance.
SQ Hardness 5, darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, con- Kobold Crossbowman (2): CR 1/4; Small Humanoid
struct traits; AL N; SV Fort +0, Ref +2, Will -5; Str 8, Dex (reptilian); HD 1d8; hp 4; Init +1; Spd 30 ft.; AC 15, touch

Kobolds on Level 1
Due to the extradimensional energies and malevolent urgings of the Exiled Ones, the kobolds in this dungeon appear far dif-
ferent from the norm. Any character who makes an Intelligence check (DC 10) can tell that the kobolds do not quite match
the stories they have heard of them.

The kobolds have patches of rough, red scales growing on their bodies. Their canine teeth are slightly longer than normal,
while their finger nails are longer, thicker, and sharper than normal. Each kobold wears a small gold pendant crudely shaped
in the form of a three-fingered hand. Each of these items is worth 10 gp for the gold from which they are crafted.

This description conforms to every kobold encountered on level 1 unless another description states otherwise.

12, flat-footed 14; Base Atk +1, Grp -4; Atk/Full Atk Small
longsword +1 melee (1d6-1/19-20) or small heavy cross-
bow +3 ranged (1d8); SQ Darkvision 60 ft., light sensitiv-
ity; AL LE; SV Fort +2, Ref +1, Will -1; Str 9, Dex 13, Con
10, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 8.
Skills and Feats: Craft (trap making) +2, Hide +6,
Move Silently +4, Profession (miner) +2, Search +2;
Weapon Focus (light crossbow).
SQ – Light Sensitivity (Ex): Kobolds are dazzled in
sunlight or similar conditions (-1 penalty to attack).
Possessions: Small heavy crossbow, 20 bolts, Small
longsword, leather armor, gold pendant (10 gp).

Kobold Footmen (2): CR 1/4; Small Humanoid (reptil-

ian); HD 1d8; hp 4; Init +1; Spd 20 ft.; AC 19, touch 13,
flat-footed 18; Base Atk +1, Grp -4; Atk/Full Atk Small
longsword -1 melee (1d6-1/19-20) or javelin +2 ranged
(1d4-1/x2); SQ Darkvision 60 ft., light sensitivity; AL LE;
SV Fort +2, Ref +1, Will -1; Str 9, Dex 13, Con 10, Int 10,
Wis 9, Cha 8.
Skills and Feats: Craft (trap making) +2, Hide +6,
Move Silently +4, Profession (miner) +2, Search +2;
Combat Reflexes.
SQ – Light Sensitivity (Ex): Kobolds are dazzled in
sunlight or similar conditions (-1 penalty to attack).
Possessions: Short sword, javelin, wooden shield,
scale mail armor; masterwork throwing axe (1), gold pen-
dant (10 gp).
water due to the sudden pain of the centipede’s attack.
Area 1-8 – River Crossing (EL 2): As the characters
Furthermore, any character who falls victim to the cen-
approach this area, they can hear the rustling echoes of
tipedes’ venom must immediately make another Balance
moving water. The stream here flows to the east, cutting
check (DC 10) to keep their balance. The poison ruins a
10 feet into the rock. Luckily for the characters, several
character’s coordination by making his extremities go
rock formations dangle from the ceiling down to the river,
numb, possibly causing him to lose his grip on the rock.
while in some spots the water is as little as 3 feet deep.
Obviously, characters who stand on solid ground need
At each of the dots marked on the map of this level, a
not make this check.
character can use the stalactites and streambed to safe-
ly make his way across the water. At each point, a char- Treasure: As each character makes his way across the
acter must make a Balance check (DC 10) to move along water, he has a chance to notice the gleam of gold at the
the rock. On a failed check, the character falls into the river’s bottom. The skeleton of a bandit – a member of the
water. The stream moves quickly, forcing any character in gang that once used these caves as a hideout – is
it to make a Strength check (DC 10) or be swept 2d6 feet wedged against the rocks of the stream bed. Tucked into
to the east. the skeleton’s arms is a rusted, iron box containing 200
gp and a small gem worth 200 more gp.
Two monstrous rock centipedes lurk above the water.
Their many legs end in small suckers, allowing them to Monstrous Rock Centipedes (2): CR 1/2; Medium ver-
climb sheer surfaces and scuttle along the ceiling. As ser- min; HD 1d8, hp 4; Init +2; Spd 40 ft., climb 40 ft.; AC 14,
vants of the Outer Gods, their bodies have been subtly touch 12, flat-footed 12; Base Atk +0; Grp -1; Atk/Full Atk
altered. The carapace at each of their gray segments is Bite +2 melee (1d6-1 + poison); SA Poison; SQ
marked with the red mark of an open, three-fingered Darkvision 60 ft., vermin traits; SV Fort +2, Ref +2, Will
hand. As newly minted servants of the Outer Gods, they +0; Str 9, Dex 15, Con 10, Int –, Wis 10, Cha 2.
do not attack the kobolds or other creatures aligned with Skills and Feats: Climb +10, Hide +10, Spot +4;
them. Note that this encounter is considered EL 2 even Weapon Finesse (bite)
though the monsters on their own are EL 1. If for some SA – Poison: Bite, Fort DC 10 Fort damage 1d3 Dex.
reason the characters fight other monsters in this area, SQ – Vermin: Immune to mind-influencing effects.
increase the battle’s EL by 1.
Area 1-9 – The Rat Trap (EL 2): This passage bears little to
Tactics: As the characters attempt to cross the river, the distinguish it from the rest of this cave complex. The walls
centipedes swarm down to attack. The creatures, coil here are slick and damp, while small holes, stalagmites,
around the stalactites that characters use to make their and loose rocks litter the floor. The kobolds have set a
way across the water, biting at the heroes’ arms and trap here to catch any rats that may escape from their pen
hands. If the centipedes achieve surprise, any characters north of here. A tripwire partially hidden by pebbles and
hit during the creatures’ partial actions must make a rocks stretches across the passage at the dotted line on
Fortitude save (DC 10) or lose their grip and fall into the the map. When triggered, it drops a net from the ceiling

down on to its victims below. Furthermore, an old tin pot kobolds leap to attack. If the characters fight the kobolds
set within the net clatters to the floor, drawing the atten- and rats together, this counts as an EL 2 battle.
tion of the kobolds to the north.
Kobold Crossbowman (2): CR 1/4; Small Humanoid
Net Trap: CR 2; mechanical; location trigger; manual (reptilian); HD 1d8; hp 4; Init +1; Spd 30 ft.; AC 15, touch
reset; +5 melee (see note); Search DC 20; Disable 12, flat-footed 14; Base Atk +1, Grp -4; Atk/Full Atk Small
Device DC 25. Note: Treat this trap as an attack with a longsword +1 melee (1d6-1/19-20) or small heavy cross-
net made against the character who triggers the net (Str bow +3 ranged (1d8); SQ Darkvision 60 ft., light sensitiv-
18) and anyone within 10 feet of him if they fail a DC 14 ity; AL LE; SV Fort +2, Ref +1, Will -1; Str 9, Dex 13, Con
Reflex save. 10, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 8.
Skills and Feats: Craft (trap making) +2, Hide +6,
Tactics: If the characters spring the net trap, the sound Move Silently +4, Profession (miner) +2, Search +2;
draws the kobolds from area 1-10. Those four creatures Weapon Focus (light crossbow).
advance at a run, hoping to pounce upon anyone caught in SQ – Light Sensitivity (Ex): Kobolds are dazzled in
the net. The two crossbowmen drop into a crouch, fire their sunlight or similar conditions (-1 penalty to attack).
bolts, and then draw daggers to deal with anyone in the net. Possessions: Small heavy crossbow, 20 bolts, Small
The three footmen link shields and attempt to surge past longsword, leather armor, gold pendant (10 gp).
the net to deal with any adventurers who were not caught
within it. If sorely pressed, the kobolds attempt to use a cap- Kobold Footmen (2): CR 1/4; Small Humanoid (reptil-
tured PC as leverage to win their safety. Of course, if the ian); HD 1d8; hp 4; Init +1; Spd 20 ft.; AC 19, touch 13,
characters allow the kobolds to go free they head to area 1- flat-footed 18; Base Atk +1, Grp -4; Atk/Full Atk Small
12 and warn their fellow guards. The surviving kobolds on longsword -1 melee (1d6-1/19-20) or javelin +2 ranged
this level rally together to exterminate the PCs. (1d4-1/x2); SQ Darkvision 60 ft., light sensitivity; AL LE;
SV Fort +2, Ref +1, Will -1; Str 9, Dex 13, Con 10, Int 10,
Area 1-10 – Rat Keeper’s Chamber (EL 1): This wide area Wis 9, Cha 8.
is set up as a crude workshop. A set of crude switches Skills and Feats: Craft (trap making) +2, Hide +6,
crafted from bone and driftwood are piled in the northwest Move Silently +4, Profession (miner) +2, Search +2;
corner, while a small sack filled with hunks of cheese, Combat Reflexes.
meat, and other moldering pieces of food lies next to SQ – Light Sensitivity (Ex): Kobolds are dazzled in
them. Two more sacks filled with rat droppings are piled sunlight or similar conditions (-1 penalty to attack).
in the southwestern corner. Possessions: Short sword, javelin, wooden shield,
From this room, a character can spy a gate crafted from scale mail armor, gold pendant (10 gp).
wood and bone lashed across the passageway to the Area 1-11 – Rat Den (EL 1): Read or paraphrase the follow-
north. A simple latch wedges the gate between the cave ing text:
walls. From beyond, the squeaks and scratches of the
kobolds’ dire rats can be heard. This room stinks of feces and rotting meat. Rat drop-
pings, bones, and other offal are scattered on the
The kobolds use dire rats as guards, pets, and the occa- floor here. Four dire rats scamper about this cave,
sional meal. They keep wild rats they capture in a pen to nipping at each other, clawing at the gate that closes
the north and use this room to train them, rewarding obe- off this area, and gnawing on bones.
dient rats with chunks of food and beating unruly ones
with a crude switch. A 4-foot tall gate of bone and wood separates this cave
from area 1-10. It is lashed to stalactites and stalagmites
Four kobolds, two footmen and two crossbowmen, stand and can be easily untied with a dagger or a Use Rope
watch over here, tending to the rats and ensuring that check (DC 10). The walls slope inward all around this
none escape from their holding area. These kobolds cavern, making it very difficult to climb (DC 30). The roof
appear as noted in the “Kobolds on Level 1” sidebar. peaks along the center of the cavern, but there is only 3
feet of clearance in the outer 10 feet of the chamber. This
Tactics: If the characters spring the trap in area 1-9, the
(and rocks thrown by the kobolds) prevents the rats from
kobolds spring forward to attack them there. See the
climbing over the crude barrier.
development header under area 1-9 for details.
Otherwise, the kobolds argue amongst themselves while The four dire rats here are currently being trained for use
playing a crude dice game. They rely on the trap to alert as guards and beasts of war. The kobolds captured them
them of intruders and pay more attention to the rats to the after Tsathzar Rho’s vault appeared within the caverns.
north than the passage to the south. Because of their Thus, they have not yet shown any signs of the Outer
inattention, the kobolds suffer a -2 penalty to Listen and Gods’ influence.
Spot checks.
Tactics: The rats hiss at any non-kobolds that approach
If the characters attack, the kobolds panic and attempt to the gate, barring their fangs and preparing to attack. If the
unleash the rats in area 1-11. All four of them scramble for characters enter this room, the rats swarm at them in
the crude gate built from driftwood and human bones that hunger. They fight to the death if trapped, but if a clear
closes off the rat den to the north. If the characters try to path opens to the passageway heading south, they bolt
parlay or intimidate the kobolds, they use a similar plan. from the cave. Award the characters experience points for
While three kobolds speak to the characters, one tries to defeating these creatures if they simply leave them
slip unnoticed to the north. Once the rats are free, the penned up and ignore them.

Dire Rats (4): CR 1/3; Small animal; HD 1d8+1, hp 5; Init Weapon Focus (light crossbow).
+3; Spd 40 ft., climb 20 ft.; AC 15, touch 14, flat-footed 12; SQ – Light Sensitivity (Ex): Kobolds are dazzled in
Base Atk +0, Grp -4; Atk/Full Atk Bite +4 melee (1d4 + dis- sunlight or similar conditions (-1 penalty to attack).
ease); SA Disease; SQ Low-light vision, scent; SV Fort Possessions: Small heavy crossbow, 20 bolts, Small
+3, Ref +5, Will +3; Str 10, Dex 17, Con 12, Int 1, Wis 12, longsword, leather armor, gold pendant (10 gp).
Cha 4.
Skills and Feats: Climb +11, Hide +8, Listen +4, Kobold Footmen (2): CR 1/4; Small Humanoid (reptil-
Move Silently +4, Spot +4, Swim +11; Alertness, Weapon ian); HD 1d8; hp 4; Init +1; Spd 20 ft.; AC 19, touch 13,
Finesse (bite) flat-footed 18; Base Atk +1, Grp -4; Atk/Full Atk Small
SA – Disease: Filth fever – bite, Fortitude DC 11, incu- longsword -1 melee (1d6-1/19-20) or javelin +2 ranged
bation period 1d3 days, damage 1d3 Dex and 1d3 Con. (1d4-1/x2); SQ Darkvision 60 ft., light sensitivity; AL LE;
SV Fort +2, Ref +1, Will -1; Str 9, Dex 13, Con 10, Int 10,
Area 1-12 – Guard Chamber (EL 1): Read or paraphrase the Wis 9, Cha 8.
following text: Skills and Feats: Craft (trap making) +2, Hide +6,
Move Silently +4, Profession (miner) +2, Search +2;
A sharply sloped passage leads east out of the river Combat Reflexes.
cavern and up. Only a short ways into the passage, SQ – Light Sensitivity (Ex): Kobolds are dazzled in
you spot the dim glow of a fire, but the floor of the sunlight or similar conditions (-1 penalty to attack).
cavern still lies above you up a slope. Possessions: Short sword, javelin, wooden shield,
The fire’s glow is easily spotted from only 10 feet into this scale mail armor, gold pendant (10 gp).
sloping tunnel (the left end of the arrow on the map). The Area 1-13 – Barracks: Read or paraphrase the following:
slope ends at the other end of the mapped arrow, and the
floor in the cavern is flat and smooth, unlike most of this You enter at one end of a long chamber with three
dungeon level. massive stalagmites. This cavern holds more than a
dozen crude pallets scattered about the floor. Each is
A troop of four kobolds keeps watch here, guarding their little more than a lump of old furs, skins, and moth-
outer warrens against intruders These kobolds appear as eaten blankets tucked into a pile.
noted in the “Kobolds on Level 1” sidebar. They cluster
about the fire, warming their hands and chattering in their The kobolds of this level sleep here when they are not on
own tongue. guard duty or tending to the rats in area 1-11. The south-
ern section of this room holds an impromptu armory. A
Within this chamber, the kobolds have gouged a fire pit dozen javelins, three crude short swords, a suit of scale
into the rock. The “12” on the map marks the location of mail armor, and two wooden shields are keep in neat
the fire pit. They burn mushroom stalks, the occasional piles. The armor and weapons are rusted and dull, but all
driftwood or debris plucked from the river, and wood har- are in serviceable condition.
vested from the area outside the caves.
No one is currently here, though the GM may optionally
The kobolds have no reason to suspect danger from area have a group of eight kobolds here sleeping if you wish to
1-8. Unless a kobold arrives here to warn them of an give the characters a chance to earn some more experi-
attack or they hear the sounds of combat from the cham- ence points before heading to the second level. This
ber to the south, they suffer a -2 penalty to all Listen and option is best for parties with more than five members. In
Spot checks. The kobolds are too absorbed in the flames this case, the kobolds keep their weapons and armor
and their conversation to watch the passage. near their bedding. Thus, this combat counts as EL 1
even though eight kobolds normally count as EL 2. The
Tactics: In battle, the kobolds push their enemies into the creatures begin the encounter without weapons, armor,
fire pit if three or more of them can grapple a single tar- or shields.
get. With a successful combined Strength check opposed
by their target’s Strength check, the kobolds can push Tactics: If sorely pressed elsewhere, the kobolds may
their foe 5 feet in any direction. Any character or kobold attempt to hide in here. Any kobolds that cannot flee out
tossed into the pit suffers 1d6 points of damage per round of the caves or down the river to level two pile the blan-
in addition to being set on fire. The pit is 4 feet deep and kets and furs together and hide beneath them.
roughly 8 feet around. Small PCs must make a Climb
check (DC 10) as a move action to pull themselves out of Area 1-14 – Commander’s Chambers (EL 3): If no kobolds
the fire, while larger PCs can use a move-equivalent fled the battles in area 1-12, those here are not alerted.
action to escape it. The kobolds who stand guard skip rocks down the slope.
The corridor leading up to this room is littered with loose
Kobold Crossbowman (2): CR 1/4; Small Humanoid stones, particularly near its base. The PCs can notice
(reptilian); HD 1d8; hp 4; Init +1; Spd 30 ft.; AC 15, touch small stones skipping or rattling down this slope on a
12, flat-footed 14; Base Atk +1, Grp -4; Atk/Full Atk Small Listen or Spot check (DC 12 for either). PCs can advance
longsword +1 melee (1d6-1/19-20) or small heavy cross- 20 feet into this corridor without being seen by the guards
bow +3 ranged (1d8); SQ Darkvision 60 ft., light sensitiv- above, but in return, they cannot attack with ranged
ity; AL LE; SV Fort +2, Ref +1, Will -1; Str 9, Dex 13, Con weapons until they approach within 20 feet. PCs take -10
10, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 8. penalties to Hide once they move more than 20 feet up
Skills and Feats: Craft (trap making) +2, Hide +6, the slope as the kobolds atop the slope can easily see
Move Silently +4, Profession (miner) +2, Search +2; down the corridor.

If the characters manage to sneak into this cave without Slazzik and they move to block the entrance. If the
alerting the kobolds or draw them out and defeat them kobolds have time, three of them roll the large rocks near
elsewhere, they find two large, round rocks positioned the entrance down towards the characters. The kobolds
next to the entrance. Read or paraphrase this description can roll one boulder per round. Any characters standing
of the room to the players when they enter the area: in the corridor leading to this chamber and at least 10 feet
from the entrance must make a Reflex save (DC 15) or
This is the most comfortable cave you have yet takes 1d8 points of damage and be knocked prone. On a
found. Its floor is smooth and the area is largely free successful save, a character takes half damage and
of stalagmites and stalactites. The chamber itself is stays on his feet.
richly appointed by kobold standards. Old, moth-
eaten tapestries stained with water and blood hang If the kobolds knock over the characters at the head of
from the walls as trophies from caravans raided long the party, they rush forward to hack them down. If the
ago. A wide, low stone set into the middle of the kobolds have a chance, they throw their oil flasks at the
southwestern wall serves as a crude desk. A single characters. On a successful ranged touch attack, the
black candle set in a golden holder rests in the mid- flask shatters and covers the target in oil.
dle of the desk, while a leather-bound book lies open In battle, Slazzik prefers to rely on his magic to defeat the
before it. Four pallets consisting of furs and blankets characters from behind the safety of his warriors. He
are piled along the western wall, while a noticeably stays back near the cave’s entrance, first casting shield to
larger pallet is kept at the eastern wall. Tucked next protect himself, then relying on his wand of magic missile.
to the large pallet are a dozen black candles. Once his guards fall, he casts burning hands to injure as
Slazzik Balefire, a sorcerer and the commander of the many of the characters as possible. If Slazzik casts this
kobolds assigned to this area, dwells here with his per- spell on a character covered in oil, the victim remains on
sonal guards. Slazzik is undersized even by kobold stan- fire until the oil burns off. The PC suffers 1d6 points of fire
dards – a full six inches shorter than his fellows. He wears damage in addition to the spell’s normal damage. Each
tattered, bright yellow robes stained with food, water, dirt, round thereafter, he must make a Reflex save (DC 15) or
and mud. As a result of the Outer Gods’ influence, his take 1d6 fire damage. When the victim succeeds at this
right eye has grown to twice its normal size and is cloud- save, the fire has gone out. He no longer suffers damage.
ed over with cataracts. His skin is covered with crimson If the PC does nothing for a full round but bat at the
scales, while a single, small horn grows in the center of flames and roll on the floor, he automatically succeeds at
his forehead. his save and does not take fire damage for that round.

The four kobold footmen who serve as his bodyguards Slazzik and the kobolds fight to the death. The kobolds do not
show the same symptoms and changes as the other take prisoners, nor do they expect their enemies to do so.
kobolds found in this area: red scales, claws, and small Treasure: The candle holder is gold and worth 400 gp if
fangs. In addition to the standard equipment, each foot- undamaged. The tapestries are worthless due to the
man carries a flask of oil distilled from creatures the blood stains and water damage.
kobolds hunt in the underrealms. This oil functions exact-
ly as lantern oil. All of the kobolds wear golden pendants The book contains black, flowing scripts in a long-lost
shaped as an open, three-fingered hand. These are worth tongue unused for centuries. Its text is beyond the ability
10 gp each. of the characters to decipher with anything short of
magic. Once translated (DC 35), the book is revealed as
Slazzik spends much of his time praying and meditating the Guide Naturala of the Eighth World by Chasre of
before his candle and running his hands over the book on Garasth. It contains details of the bygone era of Tsathzar
his desk. He stole these items from the vault and believes Rho and describes its flora, fauna, and geography. While
that by offering prayers to them, he can win the new gods’ this information is of little value to the characters, a sage
favor and advance within his tribe. Abused for his slight in a mid-sized or larger city would gladly pay 1000 gp to
build and feared for his magical abilities, the other sor- add this tome to his collection. A historian interested in
cerers and skilled warriors in his clan have long sought to the Eighth World specifically might pay up to 2000 gp,
keep him from gaining any standing in the tribe. Only his depending on a PC’s diplomatic or negotiating skills.
potentially useful magical abilities have kept his tormen-
Slazzik Balefire, male kobold Sor2: CR 2; Small
tors from murdering him.
Humanoid (reptilian); HD 2d4+7; hp 14; Init +8; Spd 30 ft.;
Tactics: Upon spotting intruders, the guards shout to AC 16, touch 16, flat-footed 12; Base Atk +1, Grp -3;

Atk/Full Atk Small dagger +1 melee (1d3-1) or small Situated at the eastern end of this cavern is a crude
heavy crossbow +6 ranged (1d8); SA Spells; SQ set of docks fashioned from giant mushroom stalks.
Darkvision 60 ft., light sensitivity; AL LE; SV Fort +2, Ref
+4, Will +3; Str 8, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 17. Characters who move at more than half their normal
Skills and Feats: Concentration +5, Craft (trap making) speed down the slope must make Balance checks (DC
+2, Hide +9, Search +2, Spellcraft +5; Improved Initiative. 15) or slide down into the stream. The stream moves
Spells (6/5, save DC 13 + spell level): 0 – daze, flare, quickly, forcing any character in it to make a Strength
ghost sound, mage hand, resistance; 1st-level – burning check (DC 10) or be swept 2d6 feet to the east towards
hands, shield. dungeon level two.
Special: Toad familiar. The dock extends 8 feet into the water. Tied to the dock
SQ – Light Sensitivity (Ex): Kobolds are dazzled in are two rafts built from giant mushroom stalks bound
sunlight or similar conditions (-1 penalty to attack). together with rope. Two long, wooden poles are set on
Possessions: Bracers of armor +1, pearl of power each raft. The rafts are large enough to hold up to six
(1st level), wand of magic missile (34 charges, caster level Medium-size creatures. A Small creature counts as half a
1), dagger, light crossbow, 10 bolts, gold pendant (10 gp). Medium-size one for purposes of using the raft.
Kobold Footmen (4): CR 1/4; Small Humanoid (reptilian);
The river flows east of here and slightly downward to a
HD 1d8; hp 4; Init +1; Spd 20 ft.; AC 19, touch 13, flat-foot-
large cavern. With a successful Knowledge (dungeoneer-
ed 18; Base Atk +1, Grp -4; Atk/Full Atk Small longsword –1
ing) or Survival check (DC 10), a character can determine
melee (1d6-1/19-20) or javelin +2 ranged (1d4-1/x2); SQ
by the flow of air and the echoes in this area that a large,
Darkvision 60 ft., light sensitivity; AL LE; SV Fort +2, Ref +1,
open space lies to the east. If the characters use the
Will -1; Str 9, Dex 13, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 8.
rafts, they can pole their way to the second dungeon
Skills and Feats: Craft (trap making) +2, Hide +6,
Move Silently +4, Profession (miner) +2, Search +2;
Combat Reflexes. Navigating down the river is rather easy. The characters
SQ – Light Sensitivity (Ex): Kobolds are dazzled in move 30 feet per round with the current can steer them-
sunlight or similar conditions (-1 penalty to attack). selves using the wooden poles. The current takes them
Possessions: Short sword, javelin, wooden shield, east and deeper into the earth to level two.
scale mail armor, oil flask, gold pendant (10 gp).
Moving upstream is much trickier. Each round, up to three
Area 1-15 – River Docks: Read or paraphrase this text: characters working together may make a combined
Strength check (DC 15) to move the raft 15 feet west-
Once you enter the tunnel, you hear the sounds of
ward. After an hour of pushing the raft against the current,
rushing water. A steep slope leads from the entrance
PCs will find that the subterranean stream begins about a
to this cave down to the broad subterranean stream
mile west of the Lost Vault but streams out of a nearly-
that runs beneath this mountain. The footing here is
solid rock wall in five or six separate tiny tunnels impos-
treacherous, as it is in many portions of these caves.
sible to navigate.

Level 2: The Outer Vaults

The second level of this dungeon consists of two distinct behind. (The females that joined the escape were tougher
areas with different physical and magical properties. The first than the average kobold. They live and fight today as males.)
are a small series of natural caves inhabited by the kobold The derro dispatched a small band of explorers to find and
tribe and clustered around a small, subterranean pond. The reclaim their lost slaves, only to discover the lost vault’s mag-
second area is the outer vault of Tsathzar Rho. There is no ical energies as well. Though the kobolds’ first impulse was to
natural illumination in any area of level two. slaughter these intruders, the Outer Gods recognized the
value of an alliance and compelled their servants to accept the
The natural caves are as wet and choked with stalactites and derro. Furthermore, the strange forces of the vault awakened
stalagmites as the first level. The rules given for the natural a group of previously dormant undead creatures. These mon-
caves of level 1 apply to encounter areas 2-1 to 2-12. These sters resist the Exiled Ones’ control and prey on the kobolds
include the rules for falling while running, penalties to Climb and anything else they encounter.
checks, penalties while fighting with a two-handed weapon,
and the penalty to Listen checks. When the characters arrive on the level, the kobolds are tense
and ready for a fight. Their leaders have disappeared into the
For years, the kobolds subsisted on lizards and rats they hunt- vault’s inner chambers (level 3) along with members of the
ed in the deep caves. Once a year, they supplemented their derro exploration team. The doors to the inner chambers are
diet with a raid into the countryside, seizing a traveler or small closed, sealing them in while the Outer Gods work a series of
band of merchants to add to their larder. Now, they are a transformations that will sculpt some of them into powerful
bloodthirsty cult dedicated to the Outer Gods and they harbor beings and drain the life from the rest to awaken and empow-
dreams of conquest and epic blood sacrifices to appease their er Tsathzar Rho. Full details on this ritual and its ramifications
overlords. are given in the description of dungeon level three.
The kobolds previously fled from a life of slavery in a derro With this development, the kobolds are leaderless and con-
underrealm, leaving their young and most of their females fused. Though the Outer Gods command them, they do not

directly control the creatures and make no effort to coordinate variety of phantom noises, eidolons, and other distractions
their efforts against the PCs. Thus, the kobolds tend to remain that can confuse and frighten the characters. This aspect of
in their assigned areas and are slow to react to the characters’ the vaults requires some work on your part but can serve to
invasion of their area. make this adventure truly unique. While the characters are in
the vault, ask them to make Will saves between every two or
Kobold, derro, and undead losses are not replaced. These
three encounters. On a failed save, a character experiences
caves and the vault that now occupies the kobold dwelling
some mild hallucination. Examples include:
areas are the full extent of the kobolds’ holdings. Due to the
Outer Gods’ influence, the kobolds do not completely flee this • A character sees a monster walking amongst the party
area if defeated in battle. They prefer to run to level 1 and members.
regroup, hoping to rally any survivors in that area for a counter-
attack. The derro flee down the river to the east to report back • Blood appears to seep from the pores of his hands and
to their masters, while the undead always fight to the death. drip to the floor.

Unless stated otherwise, corridors and rooms within the Vault • A small shimmering, flying demon buzzes around the
of Tsathzar Rho have 10 foot high ceilings. The doors within party. It stares intently at a character and appears to cast
the vault are all stone doors that act in all other ways as nor- some sort of spell upon him.
mal doors (swinging on well-made stone hinges). Sustained • The floor ahead appears to be an illusion. The hallucinat-
contact with the doors of more than a few seconds (such as ing character sees it as a spectral layer of stone covering
checking for traps, listening, or picking a lock) automatically a deep pit.
incurs one of the hallucinations noted below.
• If a player has been worried about the physical changes
Stone Door: 4” thick; hardness 8; hp 60; Break DC 28 (stuck affecting the creatures in the dungeon, his character hal-
or locked). lucinates that he has begun to change. His skin feels
itchy, and if he scratches it he sees his skin tear away to
Effects of The Vault reveal an insect carapace or lizard scales beneath it.
Encounter areas 2-13 and beyond are set within the haunted When using these hallucinations, write their descriptions on
halls of Tsathzar Rho’s vault. While the stone walls and floors index cards and hand them to the players whose characters
and doors of the place resonate with strange effects and these are affected by them. To make things even harder on the play-
in turn affect most inhabitants, other physical objects here ers, make their Will saves to resist these effects in secret.
simply remain untouched by time. The slip into the Exiled That way, the players cannot gauge their PCs’ actions based
Ones’ dimension has preserved many artifacts and items of on their saving throws. If they know that whoever rolled low is
the Eighth World perfectly, so many of the items in the vault seeing things, it’s much easier for them to deduce the visions
that are not transformed appear as new, or at least as new as are false. Some players can ignore that for the good of the
they were more than a thousand years ago. game, but things are much more interesting if they do not
Exposed to the otherworldly influence of the Outer Gods, have to worry about it.
these chambers resonate with an eldritch, unholy power that
If the entire party fails a saving throw to resist the hallucina-
slowly wears on the spirit and energy of living creatures that
tions, have some fun with the players. Create completely hal-
venture into them. The Outer Gods’ servants are immune to
lucinatory halls, chambers, monsters, and battles. After a half-
the effects caused by these strange energies. The following
hour or so of action, suddenly snap back to the spot where the
rules apply to the characters, their henchmen, and any animal
characters missed their saves. Any “damage” they took is
followers they have while in areas 2-13 and higher.
gone, but spells, arrows, and other consumables used are
Each hour, the characters must make Will saves (DC 10) or gone. Refuse to explain what happened, but give the charac-
suffer a -1 morale penalty to attacks and skill checks. The lin- ters some evidence of their actions. For example, arrows may
gering spirits of the Outer Gods whisper in their ears, distract- be lodged into the walls, scorch marks are burned into the
ing them and filling them with dread. This is a fear-based floor from burning hands and other spells, and so on.
Each hallucination lasts for 2d6 minutes. At the end of this
The vault’s walls and floor are constructed from a strange, duration, the afflicted character returns to normal.
black substance. It is cool to the touch and reacts much like
granite to weapon strikes, tapping, and other efforts to inspect Wandering Monsters
it. Shadows cast along the wall seem to move of their own
accord, as if the characters’ light source has shifted position. There is a 20% chance (1 or 2 on 1d10) per hour that the char-
The shadows bunch around living creatures, covering them in acters will come across a random encounter while on this
darkness. This strange effect grants all creatures, including level. Roll 1d10 again to determine the type and nature of the
the characters, a +1 enhancement bonus to Hide checks. threat if one is indicated. Statistics for the creatures are pro-
However, when a character gains this bonus, the shadows vided below for the GM’s convenience.
seem to clutch and grab at him. Every time a character uses
this bonus, there is a 25% he must make a Will save (DC 10) 1d10 Encounter
or shout out in pain as the shadows suddenly grab at his 1-3 1d4+2 monstrous rock centipedes
throat. This attack causes no physical damage and is in truth 4-5 1d3 lemures (minor devils)
a hallucination caused by the vault’s alien environment. 6-7 1 darkmantle (2HD)
8-10 2d4+1 dire rats
In addition to that specific hallucination, the vault creates a

Darkmantle: CR 2; Small magical beast; HD 2d10+1, hp 12; web. Otherwise, all characters who are 3 feet or taller
Init +4; Spd 20 ft., fly 30 ft. (poor); AC 17, touch 11, flat-footed (standing or sitting) are caught in the web. Refer to the
17; Base Atk +2, Grp +0; Atk/Full Atk Slam +6 melee (1d4+4); spider’s stat block for information on its web.
SA Constrict (1d4+4), darkness, improved grab; SQ Blindsight
90 ft.; AL N; SV Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +0; Str 16, Dex 10, Con As the characters approach the spider and its web, allow
13, Int 2, Wis 10, Cha 10. them to make Spot checks against its Hide skill to notice it.
Skills and Feats: Hide +12, Listen +5*, Spot +5*; If they see the spider, allow them to immediately make Spot
Improved Initiative (* +4 racial bonus to Listen & Spot if blind- checks to see the web with a +4 competence bonus.
sight not negated) Otherwise, they make check to see the web as normal (DC
SA – Darkness (Su): As spell cast by 5th level caster. 20). If the characters are all caught in the web, there is a
chance their raft continues down the passage, carried by
Dire Rats: CR 1/3; Small animal; HD 1d8+1, hp 5; Init +3; Spd the current. Each character caught in the web who carried
40 ft., climb 20 ft.; AC 15, touch 14, flat-footed 12; Base Atk a pole to guide the raft may make a Strength check (DC 15)
+0, Grp -4; Atk/Full Atk bite +4 melee (1d4 + disease); SA to lodge the pole in place and stop the raft even though they
Disease; SQ Low-light vision; SV Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +3; Str are caught in the web. The raft moves 2d6 feet per round.
10, Dex 17, Con 12, Int 1, Wis 12, Cha 4. Of course, characters who are caught in the web cannot
Skills and Feats: Climb +11, Hide +8, Listen +4, Move help maneuver the raft. Thus, it is possible that the party
Silently +4, Spot +4, Swim +11; Alertness, Weapon Finesse members who remain on the raft are carried away by it.
SA – Disease: Filth fever – bite, Fortitude DC 11, incuba- Large Monstrous Spider: CR 2; Large Vermin; HD
tion period 1d3 days, damage 1d3 Dex and 1d3 Con. 4d8+4, hp 22; Init +3; Spd 30 ft., climb 20 ft.; AC 14, touch
12, flat-footed 11; Base Atk +3, Grp +9; Atk/Full Atk Bite
Lemure (2): CR 1; Medium Outsider (evil, extraplanar, lawful); +4 melee (1d8+3 + poison); Space/Reach 10 ft./5 ft.; SA
HD 2d8, hp 9; Init +0; Spd 20 ft.; AC 14, touch 10, flat-footed Poison, web; SQ Darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60 ft.,
14; Base Atk +2, Grp +2; Atk/Full Atk Claw +2 melee (1d4); SQ vermin traits; AL N; SV Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +1; Str 15,
Damage reduction 5/good or silver, darkvision 60 ft., immuni- Dex 17, Con 12, Int –, Wis 10, Cha 2.
ty to fire and poison; mindless, resistance to acid 10 and cold Skills and Feats: Climb +11, Hide +3*, Jump +2*,
10, see in darkness; AL LE; SV Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +3; Str Move Silently +8*, Spot +4* (+4 racial bonus to Hide,
10, Dex 10, Con 10, Int –, Wis 11, Cha 5. Spot; +8 racial bonus to Climb; +8 to Hide and Move
SQ – Mindless (Ex): Immunity to mind-affecting effects. Silently in webs).
SA – Poison (Ex): Fort DC 13, damage 1d6 Str.
Monstrous Rock Centipedes: CR 1/2; Medium vermin; HD SA – Web (Ex): The spider can spin between 5 and
1d8, hp 4; Init +2; Spd 40 ft., climb 40 ft.; AC 14, touch 12, flat- 60 feet of web with 12 hp/5 ft. section. It takes a DC 13
footed 12; Base Atk +0; Grp -1; Atk/Full Atk Bite +2 melee Escape Artist check or a DC 17 Strength check to break
(1d6-1 + poison); SA Poison; SQ Darkvision 60 ft., vermin the web.
traits; SV Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +0; Str 9, Dex 15, Con 10, Int SQ – Vermin: Immune to mind-influencing effects.
–, Wis 10, Cha 2.
Skills and Feats: Climb +10, Hide +10, Spot +4; Weapon Area 2-2 – The Pool (EL 2): Read or paraphrase the follow-
Finesse (bite) ing text:
SA – Poison: Bite, Fort DC 10 Fort damage 1d3 Dex.
SQ – Vermin: Immune to mind-influencing effects. As the characters travel down the river to this area,
their raft comes to a sudden halt as it is deposited
into this large pool of calm water. The pool here is
Areas of the Map roughly 10 feet deep at all points. The ceiling here
Area 2-1 – The River (EL 3): Read or paraphrase this text: rises to over 20 feet in height, forming a vaulted, rock
dome over the water. To the north, the river contin-
The river runs strong and fast through this area, car- ues into the deeper realms of the earth, though the
rying the characters and their raft down a wide and current is not quite so strong here as it is upstream.
tall passage. The passage is smoothly carved and Poling around the edges of the pool on your raft, you
glistens with moisture in the characters’ lantern or find the eastern and western ends of this cave open
torchlight. into small grottoes, both of which rise sharply from
the water.
A large monstrous spider haunts this area. A predator
subjugated by the Outer Gods and set to watch this pas- The western grotto features a dock built exactly like the
sage, it lurks on the ceiling and attempts to snatch intrud- one in area 1-14. Two rafts constructed from giant mush-
ers with its web as they pass. The spider has only been room stalks are moored to it with thick ropes.
subtly changed by its exposure to the Outer Gods. The
symbol of a three fingered, open palmed hand has A small cave opens 10 feet above the water level just to
appeared on its abdomen. Based on the spider’s tactical the west of the southern entrance to this cave. A band of
advantage here, the EL for this battle is increased by 1. kobolds stands guard over the pool, ready to repel any
creatures or intruders who enter it. The kobolds are
Tactics: As the characters’ raft moves past the point described below in area 2-9.
marked with this encounter’s number on the map, they
collide with a large web stretched across the passage. The stream continues to the north from here, though the
Anyone who has fallen into the river floats beneath this region to which it leads is beyond the scope of this mod-

ule. A great underground kingdom of derro, their kobold Skills and Feats: Improved Initiative.
slaves, and seemingly endless forests of gigantic mush- SQ – Undead traits: Immune to mind-influencing
rooms await explorers approximately 4 days downstream effects, poisons, sleep, paralysis, stunning, or disease.
and another mile or so beneath the surface. If you wish to Not subject to critical hits, nonlethal damage, ability dam-
close off this area to the characters, a recent cave-in has age, energy drain, or death from massive damage.
left the passage too crowded with debris to allow travel, Possessions: Chain shirt, wooden shield, scimitar.
though the water still flows through the fallen rocks.
Area 2-3 – Forsaken Grotto: Read the following text aloud to
Four kobold crossbowmen keep watch on this cave from the players.
area 2-9. The kobolds have the same physical changes This large cave is cluttered with debris. The remains
as those on level 1, since they have not entered the vault of a dock crafted from wooden beams poke above
as much as some of their fellows. the water, while an overturned, rotted rowboat rests
Tactics: As soon as the characters enter this cavern to along the far wall. The passage heading south from
the west of the stream, the kobolds fire upon any visible this place is choked with rocks and debris from a
targets riding a raft or swimming in the water. They prefer cave-in, though a small crawlspace has been partial-
to keep the enemy at a distance and focus on targets who ly cleared through it.
approach the western grotto at area 2-8 (which could Once, this cave and the areas south of it served as the
grant attackers access to their firing position) or the clos- hideout for a gang of bandits who raided surface settle-
est opponent in their line of sight. If the characters guide ments and traded captives to the derro who dwell in the
their raft within 10 feet of the kobolds’ position, the crea- great subterranean realms along the river that runs
tures attempt to sink the craft with large rocks. They have through of this place. The bandits made the mistake of
four stones that three kobolds working together can pick attempting to double cross their trade partners. The
up and throw up to 10 feet. Treat this as a ranged touch derro, eager for revenge, attacked the bandits and drove
attack against the raft’s AC of 8. On a hit, each character them into the caves to the south. Rather than press the
aboard the raft must make a Balance check (DC 10) or fight, the derro collapsed the passage and left the bandits
fall into the water. The kobolds are skittish owing to the to their fate. The thieves turned to cannibalism to survive
recent undead attacks from the eastern grotto. for a time and returned as undead creatures after their
In addition to the kobolds, three skeletons lurk at the bot- deaths. For years, they remained dormant. The energies
tom of the pool between area 2-8 and area 2-9 (20 feet of Tsathzar Rho’s vault has awakened these creatures
west of the area 2-9 overlook). A group of undead crea- and their unholy appetites.
tures control the eastern caves in this area and these are Area 2-4 – Choked Passage (EL 2): This passage is filled
wandering attackers. Several times over the past few with dirt and rocks. A crawlspace allows a Medium-size or
days, they have attempted to attack and seize kobold Small character to move through the debris at one-quar-
guards. The skeletons’ armor keeps them at the bottom of ter his normal rate. The air here is dusty, the space
the pool. Their heavy armor and weapons allow them to cramped, and the atmosphere oppressive, as if some
walk along its floor. If a creature falls into the water, the malign presence watches the characters. Characters who
skeletons halt their move toward the shore at area 2-8 travel through the crawlspace count as prone, cannot
and clamber toward anyone in the water to attack. The fight with one-handed or larger weapons, and must pro-
skeletons attempt to grapple and pull unarmed oppo- ceed in a single file through the tunnel.
nents under the water to drown them. Otherwise, they
rely on their weapons. (If this happens, you may wish to A single ghoul waits behind the rockfall in this area,
review the rules for fighting underwater as described in poised to attack anyone who enters the crawlspace. This
the DMG, Chapter Three: Adventures.) undead creature looks like a severely emaciated human
male wearing only tattered leggings. Its teeth and nails
Skeletons (3): CR 1/3; Medium undead; HD 1d12, hp 6; have been filed to sharp edges. Note that the EL for this
Init +5; Spd 20 ft.; AC 19, touch 11, flat-footed 18; Base encounter is increased by 1 to account for the ghoul’s tac-
Atk +0, Grp +1; Atk/Full Atk Scimitar +1 melee (1d6+1/18- tical advantage and the PCs’ limited movement.
20) or claw +1 melee (1d4+1); SQ Damage reduction
5/bludgeoning, darkvision 60 ft., immune to cold, undead Tactics: The ghoul waits at the end of the collapsed area.
traits; AL NE; SV Fort +0, Ref +1, Will +2; Str 13, Dex 13, If the PCs land at the grotto but don’t enter this passage-
Con –, Int –, Wis 10, Cha 1. way, the ghoul is smart enough to wait until they make

Kobolds on Level 2
As in level 1, the kobolds in these caverns have changed in appearance due to the corruptive influence and magics of the
Outer Gods within the vault. Unless otherwise noted, all kobolds on level 2 appear as follows:

Close exposure to the vault has caused more changes to the kobolds’ bodies. Their skin has been entirely replaced with dark
red scales, their fangs extend from their upper gums down below their jaws, and sharp spines grow from their scalps. In bat-
tle, their mouths froth and they chant in a low, droning voice. These kobolds each wear golden pendants shaped into a three-
fingered hand worth 10 gp each.

camp and then pick off members of the party one by one. When the ghoul spots the characters, it immediately attacks.
Its preferred method is to clamber through the rockfall, Desperately hungry, it drools and moans as it fights. The
paralyze a victim, and drag him back into area 2-5 for thing can speak Common and talks to the characters as it
later consumption. The ghoul can move through the fights, relishing the prospect of devouring their flesh.
crawlspace at half his movement rate but slows to one-
quarter if dragging a victim. Tactics: After the ghoul’s first round of action, it shrieks
and howls with rage. The ghoul’s cries and noise attracts
If it hears anyone enter the crawlspace, the ghoul enters creatures from areas 2-6 and 2-7. The characters can
the crude tunnel to attack. It suffers the same weapon prevent this if they slay the ghoul quickly and quietly in
penalties as noted above for the PCs, though its claw and less than a round. If the characters do not stop the ghoul
bite attacks are not hampered. The creature howls in from sounding an alarm, the remaining undead in this
rage and hunger as it attacks, as it has gone many years area amass for an attack. Remember that fleeing may not
without a meal. It attempts to drag paralyzed victims out be a good option for the PCs since they must crawl
of the crawlspace in order to feast upon them. through the rubble at area 2-4.
Ghoul: CR 1; Medium undead; HD 2d12, hp 13; Init +2; 1d6 rounds after the ghoul shrieks, the ghast from area 2-
Spd 30 ft.; AC 14, touch 12, flat-footed 12; Base Atk +1, 6 opens the door and attacks. It leaps upon the charac-
Grp +2; Atk/Full Atk Bite +2 melee (1d6+1 + paralysis); ters in a berserker’s fury. 1d4 rounds after the ghast
SA Ghoul fever, paralysis; SQ Darkvision 60 ft., undead attacks, a clatter of three skeletons arrives in the cham-
traits, +2 turn resistance; AL CE; SV Fort +0, Ref +2, Will ber from the southern passage.
+5; Str 13, Dex 15, Con –, Int 13, Wis 14, Cha 12.
Skills and Feats: Balance +6, Climb +5, Hide +6, During the battle, the undead attempt to use bull rush
Jump +5, Move Silently +6, Spot +7; Multiattack. attacks to send characters tumbling into the graves. Treat
SA – Ghoul Fever (Su): Disease - bite, Fortitude DC this as a 10-foot fall for purposes of damage. If a ghoul or
12, incubation period 1 day, damage 1d3 Con and 1d3 ghast succeeds in grappling a character, it may attempt to
Dex; save is Charisma-based. Victims rise in 24 hours as push the PC into an adjacent grave with a successful
ghouls (3HD or less) or ghasts (4HD+). opposed Strength check. This check is a standard action
SA – Paralysis (Ex): claw or bite, Fort DC 12, paral- that cannot be attempted until after the creature has
ysis for 1d4+1 rounds, save is Charisma-based; elves are grabbed hold of a character and pinned him.
immune to this effect. The graves are not quite large enough to fill a square on
SQ – Undead: Immune to mind-influencing effects, the map. A character or monster can stand in the same
poisons, sleep, paralysis, stunning, or disease. Not sub- space as a grave without falling in but he suffers a -1
ject to critical hits, nonlethal damage, ability damage, penalty to AC and must make a Balance check (DC 10)
energy drain, or death from massive damage. or fall into the pit if he suffers 10 or more points of dam-
Area 2-5 – The Forsaken Barrow (EL 1): Read or para- age in a single round. The pit makes dodging difficult,
phrase the following description: while a powerful blow can knock a character off balance
and force him into the pit.
A chill breeze blows down the northern passage as
you approach this haunted place. Six human skele- The unholy energies in this place cause corpses to ani-
tons are neatly arranged on the floor here, each mate as skeletons and zombies. Days after the charac-
reassembled and all six deposited in graves carved ters defeat the monsters here (1d4 days), the skeletons
eight feet deep into the rock of this chamber. The animate if the bodies have not been smashed or other-
graves have all been recently dug up, as evidenced wise disassembled.
by the rocks and dirt piled along the walls of the cave Ghoul: CR 1; Medium undead; HD 2d12, hp 13; Init +2;
and beside the graves. Spd 30 ft.; AC 14, touch 12, flat-footed 12; Base Atk +1,
A gaunt, emaciated ghoul leans over the one of the Grp +2; Atk/Full Atk Bite +2 melee (1d6+1 + paralysis);
graves, caressing and licking the skull and bone of SA Ghoul fever, paralysis; SQ Darkvision 60 ft., undead
the skeleton within and quietly chattering to itself. It traits, +2 turn resistance; AL CE; SV Fort +0, Ref +2, Will
notices you and immediately leaps to its feet, baring +5; Str 13, Dex 15, Con –, Int 13, Wis 14, Cha 12.
its fetid teeth and drooling. Skills and Feats: Balance +6, Climb +5, Hide +6,
Jump +5, Move Silently +6, Spot +7; Multiattack.
The graves are marked with X’s on the dungeon map. To SA – Ghoul Fever (Su): Disease - bite, Fortitude DC
the west, a wooden door is set into a portal carved into 12, incubation period 1 day, damage 1d3 Con and 1d3
the wall. The door is obviously old and battered, and the Dex; save is Charisma-based. Victims rise in 24 hours as
doorway around it was crudely carved into the rock many ghouls (3HD or less) or ghasts (4HD+).
years ago. (Simple Wooden Door: 1” thick; hardness 4; SA – Paralysis (Ex): claw or bite, Fort DC 12, paral-
hp 5; Break DC 10.) ysis for 1d4+1 rounds, save is Charisma-based; elves are
immune to this effect.
A single ghoul dwells in this area, as described above. SQ – Undead: Immune to mind-influencing effects,
The creature was one of the bandits who lived here and poisons, sleep, paralysis, stunning, or disease. Not sub-
was forced to resort to cannibalism. The skeletons are ject to critical hits, nonlethal damage, ability damage,
the remains of the bandits that were slaughtered and energy drain, or death from massive damage.
eaten many decades ago.

Area 2-6 – Unholy Ground (EL 3): Read the following ysis for 1d4+1 rounds, save is Charisma-based; elves are
description. immune to this effect.
SA – Stench (Ex): Poison – gas (within 10 ft. of
A palpable wave of frigid air emanates from this ghast), Fort DC 15, sickened for 1d6+4 minutes, save is
chamber as you open its door. The rock here is the Charisma-based;
dark reddish brown of old dried blood – an astound- SQ – Undead: Immune to mind-influencing effects,
ing amount of blood, as the color covers all the walls poisons, sleep, paralysis, stunning, or disease. Not sub-
and floor. ject to critical hits, nonlethal damage, ability damage,
This room is the root of the blight upon this region of the energy drain, or death from massive damage.
caves. Its transformation was caused by the unspeakable Area 2-7 – Legion of the Dead (EL 1): Read the following
acts of cannibalism and depravity committed here. text for the players.
Lanterns, torches, and other natural sources of light cast
a feeble glow here, cutting in half the radius of illumina- This round chamber has a tall, vaulted ceiling. It has
tion they provide. been cleared of stalactites and stalagmites with picks
and hammers, leaving it much more open than other
A ghast lies in a dormant state here. The undead former caves in this area. A crude weapons rack has been
leader of the bandits wears a tattered, shredded robe craft- carved from the stone in the center of the eastern
ed from silk. At one time, this garment was finely crafted wall. Several longswords, battleaxes, a large, wood-
and worth hundreds of gold pieces. Now bloodied and torn, en shield, and two suits of studded leather armor
it is utterly worthless. In life, the ghast was a half-elf hang from it. Three skeletons, each arrayed with
woman. Her long, flowing hair has turned gray but still armor, shields, and weapons, stand at attention in
remains in place. Like the ghouls, she is emaciated and the center of the cave. A large pile of rusted
gaunt, much like a starving person near the verge of death. weapons, splintered armor, and broken shields lies
Tactics: Upon hearing the cries from the ghoul in area 2- across from the weapons rack.
5, the ghast takes 1d6 rounds to awaken and attack. If The weapons and armor on the rack are all in good con-
the characters somehow defeat the ghoul before it can dition. One of the suits of armor is masterwork studded
cry out or sneak into this room, the ghast lies curled in the leather, while one battleaxe is a masterwork weapon.
southern corner of the chamber. When the characters
enter this room, the ghast animates in 1d6 rounds. Once The three skeletons here are under the control of the
combat is joined here, the skeletons from area 2-7 arrive ghast in area 2-8. They are animated by the malevolent
to join in the fight here in 1d4+2 rounds. arcane energies that were created by the grim, cannibal-
istic feast that claimed them. The surge in foul magic
Treasure: A large rock has been rolled to the southwest- caused by the appearance of Tsathzar Rho’s vault has
ern corner of this chamber. If it is moved (Strength DC 15) strengthened this bond and reawakened the dead.
it reveals a hollowed out space where a large sack and a
longsword are stored. These items are the last remaining The skeletons attack any living creature that enters their
portions of the bandits’ treasure cache. The sack holds 50 line of sight. When the ghast enters combat, they move to
gems each worth 20 gp. A Dwarf or a character with enter the fray. It takes them 1d4 rounds to animate and
Knowledge (dungeoneering) can recognize these gems move to where the PCs battle the ghast (Area 2-5; +2
as derro gem coins with a successful Intelligence or rounds if in area 2-6).
Knowledge skill check (DC 12). The longsword is kept in Skeletons (3): CR 1/3; Medium undead; HD 1d12, hp 6;
a battered, rotting leather scabbard. The blade itself is in Init +5; Spd 20 ft.; AC 19, touch 11, flat-footed 18; Base
excellent condition. It is a +1 longsword crafted from an Atk +0, Grp +1; Atk/Full Atk Scimitar +1 melee (1d6+1/18-
unidentifiable black metal. Its pommel is an elaborate 20) or claw +1 melee (1d4+1); SQ Damage reduction
sculpture of a black dragon. The wyrm’s tail extends from 5/bludgeoning, darkvision 60 ft., immune to cold, undead
the pommel’s lower end, while its head extends above traits; AL NE; SV Fort +0, Ref +1, Will +2; Str 13, Dex 13,
the hand guard. Con –, Int –, Wis 10, Cha 1.
Ghast: CR 3; Medium undead; HD 4d12+3, hp 29; Init Skills and Feats: Improved Initiative.
+3; Spd 30 ft.; AC 17, touch 12, flat-footed 14; Base Atk SQ – Undead: Immune to mind-influencing effects,
+2, Grp +5; Atk/Full Atk Bite +5 melee (1d8+3 + paralysis) poisons, sleep, paralysis, stunning, or disease. Not sub-
or claw +3 melee (1d4+1 + paralysis); SA Ghoul fever, ject to critical hits, nonlethal damage, ability damage,
paralysis, stench; SQ Darkvision 60 ft., undead traits, +2 energy drain, or death from massive damage.
turn resistance; AL CE; SV Fort +1, Ref +4, Will +6; Str Possessions: Chain shirt, wooden shield, scimitar.
17, Dex 17, Con –, Int 13, Wis 14, Cha 16. Area 2-8 – Landing Grotto: Read or paraphrase the following:
Skills and Feats: Balance +7, Climb +9, Hide +8,
Jump +9, Move Silently +8, Spot +8; Multiattack, A single dock built from the stalks of giant mush-
Toughness. rooms juts into the water from this rocky shore. Two
SA – Ghoul Fever (Su): Disease - bite, Fortitude DC mushroom-stalk rafts are moored to the dock, while
12, incubation period 1 day, damage 1d3 Con and 1d3 a third has been dragged to shore. A small pile of
Dex; save is Charisma-based. Victims rise in 24 hours as wood and mushroom poles are stacked next to the
ghouls (3HD or less) or ghasts (4HD+). beached raft. The floor and walls here are slick with
SA – Paralysis (Ex): claw or bite, Fort DC 12, paral- wet moss.

Tactics: If the characters land here while fighting the
kobold snipers in area 2-9, those creatures rush to this
area to repel their attack. This also occurs if the party
avoids the snipers by hugging the northern edge of the
pool outside of their range from the sniper nest. One
kobold from that group runs to area 2-10 to warn the
kobolds there. Those footmen move forward with cover
fire supplied from the crossbowmen from area 2-9.
Area 2-9 – Sniper Nest (EL 1): This shallow, low chamber
opens 10 feet above the water level in area 2-2. The
kobolds use this cave as their main watch post. Three
crude stools crafted from mushroom caps are set along
the lip of the cave overlooking the water, while two spare
light crossbows and 100 bolts are kept neatly arranged at
the eastern end of this room.
Four kobold crossbowmen keep watch here, ready to fire
on any characters or monsters that wander into area 2-2.
If the party somehow sneaks into this cave complex (by
swimming underwater), the kobolds watch the water’s
surface and pay little mind to the passageway to the west.
They suffer a -2 penalty to Listen and Spot checks as
they talk amongst themselves and scan the water for
signs of intruders.
Tactics: The tactics these kobolds use to deal with intrud-
ers are detailed under areas 2-2 and 2-8. If attacked in
this chamber, the kobolds desperately avoid melee com-
bat. They leap into the water in area 2-2 to escape their caves from the deeper regions of the underrealms.
attackers, though they attempt to launch at least one vol-
Eight kobold footmen currently live here. All of them show
ley of crossbow bolts before fleeing. Once in the water,
the same alterations that mark the other kobolds in this
the kobolds swim to area 2-8 and either attempt to make
cave complex as noted in the “Kobolds on Level 2” side-
their way to area 2-12 to link up with their comrades or
bar. While nominally assigned to this place to help repel
use the rafts to flee back to the first level. They take the
any attackers, they are more concerned with the derro
latter course of action if the party appears powerful or kills
explorer billeted in area 2-11 to the south. The Outer
more than half their number.
Gods have mandated cooperation between the kobolds
Kobold Crossbowman (4): CR 1/4; Small Humanoid and their former oppressors, but the tribe is wary of allow-
(reptilian); HD 1d8; hp 4; Init +1; Spd 30 ft.; AC 15, touch ing the derro to gain too much power over them.
12, flat-footed 14; Base Atk +1, Grp -4; Atk/Full Atk Small
Tactics: The kobolds rush forward to attack any who
longsword +1 melee (1d6-1/19-20) or small heavy cross-
enter this room. They charge forward in a single wave,
bow +3 ranged (1d8); SQ Darkvision 60 ft., light sensitiv-
hoping to overcome the characters through the weight of
ity; AL LE; SV Fort +2, Ref +1, Will -1; Str 9, Dex 13, Con
their numbers. The kobolds make no effort to warn the
10, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 8.
derro to the south of the characters, and the derro would
Skills and Feats: Craft (trap making) +2, Hide +6,
not join in the battle even if asked. However, if the battle
Move Silently +4, Profession (miner) +2, Search +2;
in this area is loud, the derro in area 2-11 prepares a
Weapon Focus (light crossbow).
defense to repel the characters. See that area for infor-
SQ – Light Sensitivity (Ex): Kobolds are dazzled in
sunlight or similar conditions (-1 penalty to attack).
Possessions: Small heavy crossbow, 20 bolts, Small Treasure: Secreted beneath a small pile of rocks (Search
longsword, leather armor, gold pendant (10 gp). DC 15 to uncover) is a small cache of treasure. In a small
hole beneath the pile are 10 gems worth 60 gp each. The
Area 2-10 – Guardroom (EL 3): Read the following text aloud
kobolds stole these items in the course of their escape
to the players.
and planned to use them to buy safe passage through the
This large cavern area smells like it has been occu- underrealms.
pied a long time. Many crude pallets composed of
Kobold Footmen (8): CR 1/4; Small Humanoid (reptil-
old furs and tattered blankets are piled throughout
ian); HD 1d8; hp 4; Init +1; Spd 20 ft.; AC 19, touch 13,
this chamber. A large fire pit has been dug into the
flat-footed 18; Base Atk +1, Grp -4; Atk/Full Atk Small
cave floor in the northeast corner, while food and
longsword -1 melee (1d6-1/19-20) or javelin +2 ranged
water in crude pots are clustered at the north wall.
(1d4-1/x2); SQ Darkvision 60 ft., light sensitivity; AL LE;
This large cave once served as the barracks for the entire SV Fort +2, Ref +1, Will -1; Str 9, Dex 13, Con 10, Int 10,
tribe of kobolds in this area when they first arrived in this Wis 9, Cha 8.
Skills and Feats: Craft (trap making) +2, Hide +6,

Move Silently +4, Profession (miner) +2, Search +2; SA – Sneak Attack (Ex): +1d6 points of damage any
Combat Reflexes. time a derro’s opponent is denied his Dexterity bonus to
SQ – Light Sensitivity (Ex): Kobolds are dazzled in AC, or if a derro flanks his opponent, just like a rogue’s
sunlight or similar conditions (-1 penalty to attack). ability and subject to identical limits.
Possessions: Short sword, javelin, wooden shield, Spell-like Abilities (CL 3rd, save DCs Charisma-
scale mail armor, gold pendant (10 gp). based): darkness, ghost sound (at will); daze (DC 13;
1/day), sound burst (DC 15, 1/day)
Area 2-11 – Derro Chamber (EL 2): Read or paraphrase the SQ – Vulnerability to sunlight (Ex): 1 point of Con
following description for the players. damage per hour of sunlight exposure.
An old, rotted carpet hangs over the entrance to this Possessions: Studded leather armor, short sword,
room. A few simple tapestries crafted from spider repeating light crossbow, 12 bolts, 2d4 doses of green-
webbing cover the walls, helping to give it a more blood oil or monstrous spider venom.
comfortable feel. Matted webbing also covers the Area 2-12 – Winding Passage (EL 4): Read the following
floor, while two beds crafted from stones and cov- text to the players.
ered in furs and blankets are set in the southeast cor-
ner. At the eastern wall is a small fire pit that provides This narrow passage through the rock slopes sharply
warmth and illumination for the cave. upward as it runs to the west and north. The rock
here slowly changes color to a deep black as the
Once the lair of the kobold chieftain, this cave now plays
characters proceed along its length.
host to the tribe’s grudging guest – a derro explorer from
the underrealm that once kept the kobolds as slaves. The This area was partially transformed by the appearance of
derro uses the beds as his own and keeps a careful Tsathzar Rho’s vault.
watch on the kobolds to the north.
A squad of 12 kobolds stands watch over this place.
The derro arrived here along with several other scouts a These kobolds are the first of the elite guards assigned to
while back in search of their escaped slaves. They were watch over the vault itself. Six of them are equipped as
also sent in search of a great magical disturbance sensed footmen and the rest are crossbowmen (the only thing dif-
by a cabal of derro spellcasters. While the rest of the ferent among them is their Weapon Focus). They are sta-
expedition entered the inner vault, this lone derro tioned at the end of the hall, at the top of its upward slope.
remained out here to keep an eye on the kobolds. See “Kobolds on Level 2” for their description of these
The derro is a short, gray-skinned underrealm dwarf with mutated humanoids.
thick, white hair and large, almost bulging eyes. He wears Tactics: The footmen form a line and advance on attack-
black studded leather armor, a black cloak, and keeps his ers, linking their shields and advancing down the slope to
weapons by his hands at all times. gain the advantage of higher ground. The kobold cross-
Tactics: This derro always places obstacles and crude bowmen remain in place, shooting over their fellows’
alarms at the entryway while he sleeps, ensuring that he heads and peppering the characters with crossbow fire.
is never caught unawares by the kobolds. The derro Kobold Elite Guard (12): CR 1/4; Small Humanoid (rep-
relies on his poisoned crossbow bolts to weaken the tilian); HD 1d8+1; hp 6; Init +2; Spd 20 ft.; AC 21, touch
party’s warriors. He then moves into melee to finish them 13, flat-footed 19; Base Atk +1, Grp -4; Atk/Full Atk Light
off before charging any wizards or rogues. If the derro flail +1 melee (1d6/x2) or small heavy crossbow +4
hears sounds of fighting to the north, he takes cover ranged (1d8/19-20); SQ Darkvision 60 ft., light sensitivity;
behind one of the beds and readies an action to shoot the AL LE; SV Fort +3, Ref +2, Will -1; Str 10, Dex 14, Con
next creature that enters the room. Thus, once the party 12, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 8.
enters this place the derro immediately gains an attack Skills and Feats: Craft (trap making) +2, Hide +6,
before rolling initiative unless the characters are hidden Move Silently +4, Profession (miner) +2, Search +2;
or invisible. Weapon Focus (heavy crossbow).
Treasure: The derro carries a large diamond worth 200 gp, SQ – Light Sensitivity (Ex): Kobolds are dazzled in
30 gp in coins and a buckler with gold and silver runes inlaid sunlight or similar conditions (-1 penalty to attack).
on its inner and outer facing. This item is worth 300 gp. Possessions: Heavy crossbow, 20 bolts, light flail,
chain mail, large metal shield, gold pendant (10 gp).
Derro: CR 3; Small monstrous humanoid; HD 3d8+3, hp
16; Init +6; Spd 20 ft.; AC 19, touch 13, flat-footed 17; Area 2-13 – The Outer Fane (EL 2): At this point, the char-
Base Atk +3, Grp -1; Atk/Full Atk Short sword +4 melee acters have entered the first chamber of the lost vaults.
(1d4/19-20) or repeating light crossbow +6 ranged The dungeon changes from unfinished, natural stone to a
(1d6/19-20 plus poison); SA Poison use, spell-like abili- finely crafted series of chambers built from black rock.
ties, sneak attack +1d6; SQ Madness, spell resistance The strange energies of this place twist and warp the
15, vulnerability to sunlight; AL CE; SV Fort +2, Ref +5, characters’ perceptions. Refer to the “Effects of the Vault”
Will +6; Str 11, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 5*, Cha 16*. section for more information.
Skills and Feats: Bluff +5, Hide +10, Listen +1, Move
Read or paraphrase the following description.
Silently +8; Blindfight, Improved Initiative.
SQ – Madness (Ex): Immune to confusion or insani- This chamber serves as a minor temple for the
ty effects; +6 bonus to Charisma, -6 penalty to Wisdom. kobolds. Its flat, smooth floor and ceiling reflect light

cast upon them. The walls are covered in frescoes flat-footed 14; Base Atk +2, Grp +2; Atk/Full Atk Claw +2
that depict a bald human male in blue robes calling melee (1d4); SQ Damage reduction 5/good or silver,
bolts of lightning down upon a castle, binding a scor- darkvision 60 ft., immunity to fire and poison; mindless,
pion demon into a pentagram, blotting out the sun resistance to acid 10 and cold 10, see in darkness; AL LE;
with a monstrous, black hand in the sky, and sunder- SV Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +3; Str 10, Dex 10, Con 10, Int
ing the temple of some unknown god with a blast of –, Wis 11, Cha 5.
scarlet energy. SQ – Mindless (Ex): Immunity to mind-affecting
Eight pillars arranged in two rows of four each run
from floor to ceiling. Each pillar is crafted to resem- Area 2-14 – Chamber of Pain (EL 4): Read the following or
ble a human in robes holding the ceiling with his out- paraphrase to fit the actions of the PCs.
stretched hands. The figures wear holy symbols or
display them on their robes. Each symbol corre- This place contains a rack standing in the middle of
sponds to a deity of good or neutrality. the chamber, an iron maiden along its western wall,
several pairs of manacles set into the north wall, and
Two lemures have been called from the outer planes to a long, wooden table bearing a wide variety of
watch over this place. They lurk within hollow spaces blades, thumbscrews, hammers, and other smaller
carved into the northernmost pillars. When anyone torture devices on the eastern wall. The rack is cur-
approaches within ten feet of either pillar, the devils flow out rently set to accommodate a dwarf-size victim.
of their hiding places as a thick liquid, assume their normal
forms, and attack. They fight to the death and pursue their This place once served as Tsathzar Rho’s torture cham-
opponents relentlessly. These creatures resemble ber. The kobolds, being evil creatures, quickly seized
humanoids crafted from thick, soupy material. Non-magical upon it and now work to put it back into operation. A
weapons pass through them, doing little to no damage. dozen kobolds currently work here, oiling the blades,
They attack by pressing their claws to their foe’s face and adjusting the rack, and sharpening the spikes in the iron
attempting to suffocate him with their gooey limbs. maiden. Each has the same mutations as described in
the “Kobolds on Level 2” sidebar, and all wear the Outer
Aside from the lemures’ attack, little occurs here. The Gods’ golden pendants. A parchment scroll on the table
kobolds found in areas 2-9, 2-10, and 2-12 sometimes near the rack carries a freshly scribed treatise written in
congregate here to worship the Outer Gods, mistaking Draconic that discusses the best methods for inflicting
the figure in the frescoes for one of their new deities. agony on derro.
Lemure (2): CR 1; Medium Outsider (evil, extraplanar, Tactics: The kobolds desperately wish to put their loving-
lawful); HD 2d8, hp 9; Init +0; Spd 20 ft.; AC 14, touch 10, ly maintained toys into action. They strike to subdue and

grapple characters in order to drag them into the iron C – Plane of Water: A large puddle rests on the floor in
maiden or the rack. Treat this as a combined grapple front of this gate, and water drops down from the curtains
attempt. Once the kobolds have pinned a victim, they may that cover it. Opening this gate causes a torrent of water to
attempt opposed Strength checks each round to drag him pour into the room. Any character standing immediately
2d6 feet towards a torture device. A character thrown into before the gate must make a Reflex save (DC 15) or be
the iron maiden must make a DC 14 Reflex save to knocked prone. The water flows for 4d6 minutes before
escape or suffer 4d6 points of damage. A character stopping. It runs in a stream from this chamber, through the
dragged to the rack must succeed at a DC 18 Strength or hallway to area 2-13, and from there down the sloping pas-
Escape Artist check or be chained in place. The kobolds sage at area 2-12. The water reaches a little more than an
leave such a victim on the rack until the battle is over. inch deep. Any character who runs in this area must make
a Balance check as if he attempted to run in the cavern
Treasure: The tools and torture implements on the wood- areas of this dungeon. See the notes on level 1 for details.
en table are over 1,000 years old and are worth 500 gp to
a collector or sage. In total, they weigh 30 lbs. and must D – Plane of Earth: The area around this gate is covered
be transported in a small chest or sack. in a fine layer of dust and sand. When opened, the gate
spills forth an avalanche of dirt and sand. Any creature
Kobold Footmen (12): CR 1/4; Small Humanoid (reptil- that stands in the area 15 feet in front of this gate must
ian); HD 1d8; hp 4; Init +1; Spd 20 ft.; AC 19, touch 13, make a Reflex save (DC 15) or be trapped in the land-
flat-footed 18; Base Atk +1, Grp -4; Atk/Full Atk Small slide and suffer 1d6 points of damage. Trapped creatures
longsword -1 melee (1d6-1/19-20) or javelin +2 ranged may make an Escape Artist or Strength check (DC 15) to
(1d4-1/x2); SQ Darkvision 60 ft., light sensitivity; AL LE; wriggle free as a full round action. They lose their
SV Fort +2, Ref +1, Will -1; Str 9, Dex 13, Con 10, Int 10, Dexterity and Dodge bonuses to AC, but gain a +4 cover
Wis 9, Cha 8. bonus to AC from the dirt and small rocks. A trapped crea-
Skills and Feats: Craft (trap making) +2, Hide +6, ture may attempt to cast a spell with no somatic compo-
Move Silently +4, Profession (miner) +2, Search +2; nents, but must succeed at a Concentration check (DC
Combat Reflexes. 20) to successfully use it.
SQ – Light Sensitivity (Ex): Kobolds are dazzled in
sunlight or similar conditions (-1 penalty to attack). E – Demiplane: Tsathzar Rho used this pocket dimen-
Possessions: Short sword, javelin, wooden shield, sion to store the items and tools he used as part of his
scale mail armor, gold pendant (10 gp). experiments in this chamber. This gate opens to a 10-foot
by 10-foot room that contains a large wooden treasure
Area 2-15 – The Chamber of Portals (EL 4): This plain, L- chest and a small table set with tools. The tools include
shaped chamber crafted from black rock is dotted with beakers, knives, mortar, pestle, and other items used in
what appears to be picture frames covered with thick, magical research. In total, they weight 40 lbs. and are
burgundy curtains crafted from velvet. In fact, each of worth 800 gp. The chest is locked (Open Locks DC 18)
these frames is a small portal to an alien plane of exis- and contains four potions of healing, a diamond worth
tence. A large pile of dirt stands in the northeast corner of 400 gp kept in a small, silk bag, a cloak of resistance +1,
this chamber’s eastern wing, while chalk marks written on and a necklace of fireballs (type I). The normally greedy
the floor before each portal contain notes as to their kobolds have left these treasure alone for fear of drawing
effects and uses scrawled in Draconic. The kobolds have the Outer Gods’ ire.
explored this room and determined its uses.
F – Unfinished Portal: Tsathzar Rho never completed
The portals are labeled A through F on the map and are this portal. Opening it reveals nothing more than a bare,
described below. Opening a portal is a move-equivalent rock wall.
action to grab the curtain and pull it aside. These portals
are one way conveyances. They allow energy to flow into Twelve kobolds – eight footmen and four elite guards –
the room but characters and monsters cannot travel work in here. They test the portals and seek to use them
through them. When Tsathzar Rho occupied the vault, he to harness the energy of the planes or perhaps create
used this chamber to gather arcane energy and conduct some sort of weapon. They partially open a gate, allow its
magical experiments. effect to come through, then mark notes on the floor with
a crude piece of chalky rock. They have the same muta-
A – Plane of Air: A constant wind seems to swirl near this tions as the kobolds in area 2-12 and each bear a golden
gate, blowing a cool, refreshing breeze. If this gate is pendant if the Outer Gods’ symbol worth 10 gp.
opened, a powerful blast of wind erupts from it. Any crea-
tures in front of the gate and 40 feet or closer is subject Tactics: The kobolds in this room have, much to their
to a gust of wind as cast by a 7th-level wizard each round chagrin, learned the perils of using the gates. They cur-
they remain directly in front of this gate. rently experiment with gate A, hoping to somehow catch
the wind in a bag and use it against their foes. Obviously,
B – Plane of Fire: The floor before this gate is singed their efforts thus far have been in vain. When the charac-
and blackened, while the air is intensely hot. Opening this ters enter the room, the kobolds seek to use the gates
gate causes a bolt of flame to erupt across the chamber, against them. The elite guards remain back, using their
extending 20 feet in a line 5 feet wide from the gate. This crossbows to harass the PCs. They also order the foot-
bolt deals 2d6 damage, half damage on a successful men to run to a gate, lure the characters near, then use it
Reflex save (DC 15). This gate must be closed and against them. In game terms, the kobolds hold their
opened again to create a second fire bolt. actions until one of their number moves to a gate. They

then move out of the effect’s way while their ally opens
the gate. A kobold who opens the gate stands beside it
and leaps away as he pulls the gate open. It remains
open only for one round, but the kobold gains a +4 com-
petence bonus on his saving throw to resist the gate’s
effect. If pressed, the kobolds fall back to the earth gate
in an effort to use it to trap the PCs.

Kobold Elite Guard (4): CR 1/4; Small Humanoid (reptil-

ian); HD 1d8+1; hp 6; Init +2; Spd 20 ft.; AC 21, touch 13,
flat-footed 19; Base Atk +1, Grp -4; Atk/Full Atk Light flail
+1 melee (1d6/x2) or small heavy crossbow +4 ranged
(1d8/19-20); SQ Darkvision 60 ft., light sensitivity; AL LE;
SV Fort +3, Ref +2, Will -1; Str 10, Dex 14, Con 12, Int
10, Wis 8, Cha 8.
Skills and Feats: Craft (trap making) +2, Hide +6,
Move Silently +4, Profession (miner) +2, Search +2;
Weapon Focus (heavy crossbow).
SQ – Light Sensitivity (Ex): Kobolds are dazzled in
sunlight or similar conditions (-1 penalty to attack).
Possessions: Heavy crossbow, 20 bolts, light flail,
chain mail, large metal shield, gold pendant (10 gp).

Kobold Footmen (8): CR 1/4; Small Humanoid (reptil-

ian); HD 1d8; hp 4; Init +1; Spd 20 ft.; AC 19, touch 13,
flat-footed 18; Base Atk +1, Grp -4; Atk/Full Atk Small
longsword -1 melee (1d6-1/19-20) or javelin +2 ranged
(1d4-1/x2); SQ Darkvision 60 ft., light sensitivity; AL LE; aside each bookcase. A kobold wizard, Serrek Tarn, has
SV Fort +2, Ref +1, Will -1; Str 9, Dex 13, Con 10, Int 10, systematically searched through these books in hopes of
Wis 9, Cha 8. finding new spells.
Skills and Feats: Craft (trap making) +2, Hide +6,
Move Silently +4, Profession (miner) +2, Search +2; The kobold wizard Serrek Tarn and four kobold footmen
Combat Reflexes. can be found here. Serrek searches through the books
SQ – Light Sensitivity (Ex): Kobolds are dazzled in while the footmen stand guard or assist him in his
sunlight or similar conditions (-1 penalty to attack). endeavors. The footmen conform to the visual standard
Possessions: Short sword, javelin, wooden shield, of most kobolds on this level. Their master is even more
scale mail armor, gold pendant (10 gp). mutated, however. Thick, red and scaly skin grows over
Serrek Tarn’s eyes while a third eye now stares out from
Area 2-16 – The Great Hall: Read the following to the play- his forehead. This eye is yellow with a black pupil and yel-
ers as they enter this chamber. low iris.
This long and wide chamber holds a dozen statues Tactics: While the footmen rush forward to attack, Serrek
acting as pillars for the roof, six flanking either side of Tarn moves to the back of the room and attempts to avoid
the room. Each statue is a distinct figure exquisitely melee while using his spells to support the warriors. He
detailed to an incredible degree. One is a bearded uses cause fear against a fighter or similar warrior, fol-
human in robes, while another is an elf woman in lowing up with magic missile and summon monster I
leather armor wearing a longsword at her belt. against any spellcasters in the party. He uses flare
against any archers that can attack him. If sorely pressed,
This long, wide corridor is lined with statues that serve as
he casts spider climb from his scroll to climb up and run
pillars in a manner similar to those found in area 2-13.
across the ceilings to flee the library and head out of the
Each statue is the petrified remains of a warrior or wizard
who fought against Tsathzar Rho. He assembled them
here, using magic to turn them to stone and enlarge them Treasure: For each hour spent in this chamber, the char-
to serve as pillars, as a monument to his conquests. A DC acters may make a Search check (DC 20) to find a book
15 check against Knowledge (arcana) or Craft (sculpture) that contains a randomly-determined spell of 1st or 2nd
can determine they are transformed people (or at least far level. Up to 10 spells may be found in this manner. The
more than simple sculpture). Whatever magics he used to rest of the tomes here are written in no less than three
change these people to stone is too powerful for any mag- ancient tongues and cover a wide range of topics, from
ics to undo with less than a wish spell or epic-level magic. philosophy to mathematics. While ancient, most of these
books offer little insight into the topics they cover. They
Aside from the statues, this room is unoccupied.
merely present primitive or long outmoded ways of think-
Area 2-17 – The Library (EL 3): Three massive stone book- ing. However, a character with a Knowledge skill relating
cases filled with ancient tomes of arcane knowledge to an academic area, such as mathematics, chemistry,
dominate this room. The books are neatly arranged on architecture, or botany, may make a skill check (DC 20)
the shelves, though several small stacks of tomes are set to uncover tomes worth a total of 1d4x100 gp to a sage,

of which there are 2d10 books. Those with a nose for sunlight or similar conditions (-1 penalty to attack).
books and history could even sell the complete library Possessions: Short sword, javelin, wooden shield,
(which requires 24 men to get it all carted out of here in scale mail armor, gold pendant (10 gp).
one trip) to historians interested in Tsathzar Rho or the
Eighth World for 2d20x1000gp. Area 2-18 – The Gardens (EL 2 and EL 3): At one time, this
great chamber served as Tsathzar Rho’s personal gar-
Serrek Tarn, male kobold Wiz2: CR 2; Small Humanoid dens. Magical stones embedded in the ceiling cast sun-
(reptilian); HD 2d4+4; hp 11; Init +6; Spd 30 ft.; AC 13, light down upon the shrubs, small trees, and ferns that
touch 12, flat-footed 11; Base Atk +0; Grp -5; Atk/Full Atk grew here. A fountain bubbled amidst a small pool of
Dagger +0 melee (1d3-1/19-20) or small heavy crossbow water, and even birds and rodents lived amongst the
+3 ranged (1d8/19-20); SA Spells; SQ Darkvision 60 ft., plants. Now, this place is a charnel house. The plants are
light sensitivity; AL LE; SV Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +3; Str 8, all brown and dead, drained of life when the vault was
Dex 14, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 11, Cha 10. carried away to the Outer Gods’ realm. The thick, loamy
Skills and Feats: Concentration +7, Craft (alchemy) soil is now gray and gritty, more like ash and dust than
+7, Craft (trap making) +4, Knowledge (arcana) +7, anything capable of supporting life. A narrow, cobble-
Search +4, Spellcraft +7; Improved Initiative, Scribe Scroll. stone path winds through the garden area. This path pro-
Spells (4/3): 0 – Flare, mage hand, ray of frost, vides the only clear route through the brambles, though
resistance; 1st-level – cause fear, magic missile, summon as the map shows at one point it becomes choked with
monster I. thorns and vines.
Spellbook: 0 – all; 1st-level – cause fear, expeditious
retreat, mage armor, magic missile, shocking grasp, sum- The plants in this chamber were once tame and quite
mon monster I. beautiful but now are all wildly overgrown and dead, the
Special: Bat familiar (+3 to Listen). result of exposure to the realm of the Exiled Ones. In
SQ – Light Sensitivity (Ex): Kobolds are dazzled in death, the plants now serve as a daunting obstacle to
sunlight or similar conditions (-1 penalty to attack). those who would travel across this chamber, forming a
Possessions: Small heavy crossbow, 10 bolts, dagger, thick barrier of tough, woody brambles with long, thorny
wand of burning hands (41 charges), 3 potions of healing, vines. The plants reach halfway up the walls toward the
potion of haste, scroll of mage armor, scroll of spider climb. 20-foot tall ceiling, forming a dense barrier of branches,
brambles, and gnarled roots. Characters who stray from
Kobold Footmen (4): CR 1/4; Small Humanoid (reptil- the path move at half their normal speed, cannot run, and
ian); HD 1d8; hp 4; Init +1; Spd 20 ft.; AC 19, touch 13, run the risk of being cut and torn by thorns and brambles.
flat-footed 18; Base Atk +1, Grp -4; Atk/Full Atk Small Each round a character moves through the plant materi-
longsword -1 melee (1d6-1/19-20) or javelin +2 ranged al, he suffers one attack at -5 against his AC that deals
(1d4-1/x2); SQ Darkvision 60 ft., light sensitivity; AL LE; 1d4 damage. The brambles pose a threat to lightly
SV Fort +2, Ref +1, Will -1; Str 9, Dex 13, Con 10, Int 10, armored or clumsy characters but have little chance of
Wis 9, Cha 8. harming anyone else. The dead plants are thick and pro-
Skills and Feats: Craft (trap making) +2, Hide +6, vide cover.
Move Silently +4, Profession (miner) +2, Search +2;
Small characters who weigh less than 80 lbs. can climb
Combat Reflexes.
atop the thick brambles and move across them at normal
SQ – Light Sensitivity (Ex): Kobolds are dazzled in

speed with a successful Balance check (DC 10). Larger in front of them. These same rules for cover also apply to
or heavier characters fall through the brambles. the kobolds. Thus, the creatures take care to avoid
approaching the party unless they are ready to attack.
A small pool in the northwest area of this chamber is filled
with black, brackish water. Aside from its salty, unpleas- The kobold dragonkin remains on guard duty rather than
ant taste, this pool harbors no secrets and poses no more important tasks due to the slow destruction of his
threat to the drinker’s health. mind brought on by his changes. He has convinced him-
self he has a place of honor in guarding the main
A small, square structure crafted from black rock stands
entrance to the inner vault. He stands at the first landing
at the center of this chamber. A small, L-shaped room
on the stairs, watching the door to his chamber intently.
opens to a set of stairs that proceed down to the third
As soon as a non-kobold enters the area, he unleashes
dungeon level.
his breath weapon and charges forward to attack with his
A group of kobolds patrols the outer garden of this region axe. The simple brute fights to the death. He makes no
while a heavily mutated kobold dragonkin warrior guards noise as he fights, as he vocal cords were warped and
the inner chamber’s stairway. The kobold guards are a destroyed in the course of his changes. A character with
group of eight crossbowmen. These kobolds have longer, the Heal skill may determine (DC 15) that the creature
thinner arms than normal and their feet have transformed was once a kobold.
into clawed talons, much like a bird’s. Their forked
Kobold Crossbowman (8): CR 1/4; Small Humanoid
tongues dart out from their mouths, while their ears are
(reptilian); HD 1d8; hp 4; Init +1; Spd 30 ft.; AC 15, touch
longer and thinner than normal, somewhat like a rabbit’s.
12, flat-footed 14; Base Atk +1, Grp -4; Atk/Full Atk Small
Their extensive mutations have garnered them this hon-
longsword +1 melee (1d6-1/19-20) or small heavy cross-
ored post as guardians of the inner fane. In addition to
bow +3 ranged (1d8); SQ Darkvision 60 ft., light sensitiv-
their standard equipment, each carries a golden pendant
ity; AL LE; SV Fort +2, Ref +1, Will -1; Str 9, Dex 13, Con
of the Outer Gods worth 10 gp.
10, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 8.
The mutated kobold dragonkin has undergone even more Skills and Feats: Craft (trap making) +2, Hide +6,
extensive physical changes. His head rests on a serpen- Move Silently +4, Profession (miner) +2, Search +2;
tine neck that coils up to one foot away from his body. A Weapon Focus (light crossbow).
short, sinuous tail extends from his back, while his skin SQ – Light Sensitivity (Ex): Kobolds are dazzled in
has fully transformed into a thick, scaly hide. This crea- sunlight or similar conditions (-1 penalty to attack).
ture is much more powerfully built than the average Possessions: Small heavy crossbow, 20 bolts, Small
kobold, and the Outer Gods’ warping magic has given longsword, leather armor, gold pendant (10 gp).
him the ability to breath a cone of searing cold at his ene-
mies. This horrid beast represents the new form the Kobold Dragonkin: CR 2; Small Dragon; HD 1d10+1; hp
kobolds are slowly gaining. 6; Init +1; Spd 20 ft.; AC 22, touch 12, flat-footed 21; Base
Atk +1, Grp -4; Atk/Full Atk Small battleaxe +3 melee
Tactics: The squad of 8 kobold crossbowmen patrols the (1d6+2/x3); SA Breath weapon; SQ Darkvision 60 ft., light
brambles. They walk atop them, as their small size and sensitivity, half-dragon traits; AL LE; SV Fort +3, Ref +1,
low weight allows them to move across the brambles Will +0; Str 14, Dex 13, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 10.
without falling through them. The kobolds keep watch on Skills and Feats: Craft (trap making) +2, Hide +8,
the main door and move to ambush the characters as Move Silently +8, Profession (miner) +2, Search +2;
they make their way down the path. The kobolds unleash Dodge.
a volley of bolts, then move across the brambles beyond SA – Breath Weapon (Su): The kobold dragonkin can
the party’s sight, giving them time to reload and move in breath a 20 ft. cone of cold that deals 3d6 damage. A suc-
for a second strike. If possible, the kobolds coordinate cessful Reflex save (DC 16) halves this damage.
their strikes. Four dart in, fire, then flee, while another SQ – Light Sensitivity (Ex): Kobolds are dazzled in
group of four moves to fire as the characters give chase. sunlight or similar conditions (-1 penalty to attack).
Half-Dragon Traits: Immune to sleep and paralysis
Remember that the brambles provide cover and thus effects and cold damage.
block line of sight. While the characters are trying to move Possessions: battleaxe, chain mail, gold pendant (10 gp).
through them, they cannot see more than three squares

Level 3: The Inner Vaults of Tsathzar Rho
Tsathzar Rho’s vault is the final level of this dungeon, its can reward the PCs with gifts from their gods. These can be
remaining chambers and galleries having displaced the earth subtle (spontaneous healing or providing a few magical items
and stone beneath the mountain and the Urkallan Hills. This among the ruins to be found on the way back out of the dun-
level encompasses the vaults of Tsathzar Rho, that dread geon) to spectacular (permeating the entire complex with a
prophet’s temple to the Outer Gods, and the dwelling place of hallow effect and flooding the dungeon with daylight every-
the derro and kobolds that have been subverted to the Outer where). For a long term campaign effect, the PCs who saved
Gods’ worship. Within its halls are the kobold tribe’s leaders, this reality from the Outer Gods could be called upon again by
the surviving derro explorers, and the current avatar of clerics of their gods, specifically asked for by name by the
Tsathzar Rho, first prophet of the Outer Gods. gods
The rules for hallucinations and the general guidelines given Wandering Monsters
in the overview of level 2 apply here as well. Use the halluci-
nations to draw the players off their guard and confuse them The only wandering monsters on this level are a handful of
as to the true threat they face. As you will see, the final show- derro who wander the halls or hide in chambers before or
down with Tsathzar Rho uses the hallucinations as a pretense behind the PCs, avoiding the more powerful kobolds on this
to create a dangerous riddle the players must solve before level and hoping the Outer Gods will soon grant them
they can defeat the Outer Gods’ prophet and destroy the enhanced abilities they can use to conquer these kobolds or
threat he poses to the world. return to their underrealms to conquer them with their new-
found powers and in the name of newfound gods.
In contrast to the tension in the level above, this place is a
quiet, relaxed realm of peace and amity. The Outer Gods have There are up to 6 derro not accounted for on the map, and
enforced peace between the kobolds and derro after the two GMs should check once an hour (1 or 2 on d10) to see if the
groups came to blows. Some of them have been sequestered PCs spot a derro within the corridors. While PCs should only
to their resting chambers, while others have been fed into a encounter one derro at a time, GMs can throw a pair of them
ghastly machine that now works to grant Tsathzar Rho a phys- at the party if the heroes have risen in levels since beginning
ical form he may use to spread the Outer Gods’ gospel across this adventure.
the world. When this machine’s work is completed, it can
Bear in mind that any derro who survive and flee this level
recreate the energy pulse that warped the kobolds and later
should be attacked by any surviving kobolds in the levels
ensnared the derro. Soon, the entire region will be under the
above. If the PCs dispatched all potential attackers between
Outer Gods’ thumb and primed to launch a crusade of con-
this level and the subterranean river at area 2-1, any derro not
quest across the world.
encountered and slain as wandering monsters survive to
This region is the Outer Gods’ primary toehold into the mate- preach about the knowledge and power of the Outer Gods
rial world. Any losses sustained by monsters here are not among their derro underrealms.
replaced. Creatures forced to flee head up to level 2 where Derro: CR 3; Small monstrous humanoid; HD 3d8+3, hp 16;
they attempt to rally any survivors there to repel the intruders. Init +6; Spd 20 ft.; AC 19, touch 13, flat-footed 17; Base Atk
Luckily for the characters, the Outer Gods’ iron will does not +3, Grp -1; Atk/Full Atk Short sword +4 melee (1d4/19-20) or
extend to that area. Any derro forced to flee are ambushed repeating light crossbow +6 ranged (1d6/19-20 plus poison);
and slain if kobolds remain on the second level. Award the SA Poison use, spell-like abilities, sneak attack +1d6; SQ
characters XP for defeating derro killed in that manner as nor- Madness, spell resistance 15, vulnerability to sunlight; AL CE;
mal. SV Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +6; Str 11, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 10,
The first time the PCs sleep after entering this area, they Wis 5*, Cha 16*.
receive a vision from their gods warning them of the danger Skills and Feats: Bluff +5, Hide +10, Listen +1, Move
posed by this place. The dream shows a swarming horde of Silently +8; Blind-fight, Improved Initiative.
creatures that howl in pain as they transform into horrid, half- SQ – Madness (Ex): Immune to confusion or insanity
dragon creatures. The horde bursts from the lost vault and effects; +6 bonus to Charisma, -6 penalty to Wisdom.
spreads like a plague of locusts, devouring all in their path. SA – Sneak Attack (Ex): +1d6 points of damage any time
After receiving the first vision, the PCs gain the gods’ blessing a derro’s opponent is denied his Dexterity bonus to AC, or if a
on their quest. When they enter battle on this level, they auto- derro flanks his opponent, just like a rogue’s ability and sub-
matically gain the benefits of a bless spell. The gods cannot ject to identical limits.
directly intervene in this matter, as doing so may strain reality Spell-like Abilities (CL 3rd, save DCs Charisma-based):
to the point the Outer Gods can personally enter the world. darkness, ghost sound (at will); daze (DC 13; 1/day), sound
Thus, the PCs’ gods must keep their aid to a minimum. burst (DC 15, 1/day)
SQ – Vulnerability to sunlight (Ex): 1 point of Con damage
This nightmare continues each time the PCs rest until the per hour of sunlight exposure.
characters defeat Tsathzar Rho. At that time, the characters Possessions: Studded leather armor, short sword,
receive a personal vision from their deities (or a powerful min- repeating light crossbow, 12 bolts, 2d4 doses of greenblood
ion of the gods) who congratulates them on defeating the oil or monstrous spider venom.
Outer Gods’ plan. Depending on how well the PCs did in
thwarting the Outer Gods and their prophet’s plans, the GM

Areas of the Map
Area 3-1 – Breeding Chambers of the New Flesh: Read this
text to the players when they enter the area.
As the door to this chamber opens, a warm, overly
moist breeze wafts over all of you. The heat and
humidity create a tropical atmosphere in this cham-
ber. This area is a gigantic garden with tall, palm-tree
like plants reaching up to the 40-foot tall ceiling.
Each tree trunk has a single, man-sized pod growing
from it. The skins and stalks of the pods are a gold-
ish-green with a slight translucence to them. Close
inspection reveals that something shifts and stirs
within each pod.
This chamber is the breeding ground for Tsathzar Rho’s
army of conquest. Blinded by their newly instilled fanati-
cism, the kobolds and derro sealed many of their allies,
pets, and captives into these pods. The majority of the
derro, already mad and believing themselves more wor-
thy of power, sealed themselves into these pods in hopes
of gaining more power and preventing the kobolds from
surpassing them.
parts move slightly as if reaching out towards them.
These unfortunates have begun the long, painful process
of transforming into an elite core of draconic beasts. The The current high priestess of the Outer Gods, Lerrza
characters can easily slice open the pods and slaughter Mahk, tends to the altar and temple at all times. She was
the abominations within, as they are unable to defend once a kobold, and though she retains her race’s basic
themselves while undergoing transformation. When characteristics, her body is much changed. Her skin,
opened, the pod spills forth a pool of thick, white fluid in eyes, and scales are absolutely stark white, leaving her
which the half-formed beasts writhes in agony. PCs can looking like little more than a moving, pale blotch wearing
identify what used to be fire beetles, spiders, derro, armor. A second face has sprouted from the back of her
kobolds, and even a number of humans. All of them have head. This face speaks to her, teaching her the ways of
vestigial wings, scaled skin, quite a number of odd defor- the Outer Gods and instructing her in their worship. In
mities, and none are within a month of full gestation. battle, the face chants maledictions on her foes in low,
These creatures are utterly helpless and may be slain hushed tones.
with a coup de grace action.
If the PCs enter the room openly, the altar and candle
Award the characters experience for defeating a CR 3 holders innately sense they are enemies of the Outer
creature if they spend the time needed to destroy all Gods. These items hop towards the characters at 10 feet
these creatures, roughly 2 hours. per round, babbling in a chorus of Undercommon,
Common, and Draconic for release from their agony. Roll
Area 3-2 – The Temple of the Outer Gods (EL 3): Read the initiative for them and move them stand adjacent to the
following details to the PCs when they enter this chamber. nearest character.
A large altar sits at the center of this room, flanked by The altar has AC 6 and can take 20 hit points of damage
two tall candle stands. The altar is built from the still before finally dying. The candle holders are AC 10 and
living remains of kobolds and derro who refused to have 8 hit points each. All three of these “items” block
yield to the Outer Gods’ corruptive power. Their limbs movement, with the altar having a facing of 10 by 5 feet
have been removed and their torsos sewn together to and the holders each filling a single 5 by 5 feet space.
form a crude table. The candle stands are built from Blinded by their agony, these poor creatures may inad-
still-living kobolds whose bones were liquefied by the vertently provide cover for Lerrza Mahk.
Outer Gods’ power then reformed and arranged to
force their bodies into a pose suitable to hold candles Tactics: As the characters enter the room, Lerrza is in a
during services. The kobolds’ faces and jaws are set deep meditation. If the altar or candle holders begin mak-
to hold one candle, while their arms extend straight ing noise, Lerrza snaps out of her trance at the end of the
up from their torsos to each clutch a candle. Their first round. Lerrza fights to the death to defend her tem-
legs are half as long as normal, as their lower leg ple. She uses hold person, cause fear, and sound burst
bones form two additional limbs extending from their to destroy the characters. If these spells fail to overwhelm
lower torsos to form four stable legs for the stand. them, she uses her defensive spells (protection from
good, shield of faith) before wading into melee.
The walls are covered with the still-living skin and organs
of other creatures captured and warped by the Outer The characters gain experience for defeating a CR 1
Gods’ servants. Organs pulse, veins throb, and when creature for killing the altar and the living candleholders
the characters move close to the walls the skin and body together.

Area 3-3 – Chamber of Lesser Contemplation (EL 3): The
door to this chamber is locked (DC 15 to open). A horrid
stench rolls from this room as the characters open the
door. Two derro once dwelled here, though the survivor
has slipped into a deeper madness than is the norm for this
race as a result of the Outer Gods’ influence. The floor is
covered in feces and other waste matter, while the gaunt,
crazed derro gibbers and squawks at the obvious corpse
of another derro. The shattered wreckage of a wooden
table and three chairs are scattered about the room.

The unfortunate derro were both directly exposed to the

horrid energies of the Outer Gods, further shattering their
minds. The high priestess, Lerrza Mahk, drags the sur-
viving derro into the temple for services. His ravings are
regarded as sacred hymns by the kobolds. The derro
wears the weapons and armor he carried when they all
first arrived here. A steel collar fitted with a long chain is
set around each of their necks, to make it easier to drag
the living one from this chamber to the temple when his
“hymns” are needed.
Tactics: The lone living derro attacks the characters in a
rage, using his crossbow until pressed into melee. If a
characters falls in combat, the derro leaps upon his prone
form, taking attacks of opportunity if necessary, and bites
at him in their madness and hunger. Treat these as
Treasure: Kept in the southeast corner of this place are unarmed strikes.
the temple’s mundane supplies: a wooden box filled with Derro: CR 3; Small monstrous humanoid; HD 3d8+3, hp
100 small black candles, flint and steel, and three small, 16; Init +6; Spd 20 ft.; AC 19, touch 13, flat-footed 17;
leather-bound tomes containing indecipherable ancient Base Atk +3, Grp -1; Atk/Full Atk Short sword +4 melee
writing. These tomes are worth 150 gp each to a book (1d4/19-20); SA Poison use, spell-like abilities, sneak
collector; for those schooled in ancient religions or the attack +1d6; SQ Madness, spell resistance 15, vulnera-
history of the Fifth World, these prayer books to the Outer bility to sunlight; AL CE; SV Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +6; Str
Gods – used by Tsathzar Rho to invoke them and to dis- 11, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 5*, Cha 16*.
tract the Keeper of the Gates – these profane and unholy Skills and Feats: Bluff +5, Hide +10, Listen +1, Move
books are priceless (as they are to a new priest of the Silently +8; Blindfight, Improved Initiative.
Exiles). It takes a DC 40 check to decipher the language, SQ – Madness (Ex): Immune to confusion or insani-
which Lerrza has not done; like Slazzik Balefire, she ty effects; +6 bonus to Charisma, -6 penalty to Wisdom.
assumes she can draw power from these books that have SA – Sneak Attack (Ex): +1d6 points of damage any
links to her gods. time a derro’s opponent is denied his Dexterity bonus to
Lerzza Mahk, female kobold Clr3: CR 3; Small AC, or if a derro flanks his opponent, just like a rogue’s
humanoid (reptilian); HD 3d8+6; hp 23; Init +2; Spd 20 ft. ability and subject to identical limits.
(chainmail); AC 19, touch 13, flat-footed 16; Base Atk +2; Spell-like Abilities (CL 3rd, save DCs Charisma-
Grp -2; Atk masterwork small heavy mace +4 melee (1d6) based): darkness, ghost sound (at will); daze (DC 13;
or masterwork small heavy crossbow +6 ranged (1d8); 1/day), sound burst (DC 15, 1/day)
SA Spells; SQ Darkvision 60 ft., light sensitivity, domain SQ – Vulnerability to sunlight (Ex): 1 point of Con
abilities; AL LE; SV Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +6; Str 10, Dex damage per hour of sunlight exposure.
14, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 12. Possessions: Studded leather armor, short sword.
Skills and Feats: Concentration +8, Craft (trapmak- Area 3-4 – Storage Chamber: This room is stacked high with
ing) +3, Heal +9, Hide +6, Listen +5, Knowledge (religion) boxes, crates, and barrels. These containers once held
+7, Profession (miner) +5, Search +3, Spot +5; Alertness, food, drink, and other food supplies for Tsathzar Rho and
Combat Casting. his followers. With the vault’s disappearance into the
Domains: Destruction, Evil. realm of the Outer Gods, much of the material stored
Spells (4/3+1/2+1; save DC 13+ spell level): 0 – cure here degenerated into raw, protoplasmic goop. If any of
minor wounds, detect magic, guidance, resistance; 1st- these containers are opened, a strange, reddish sludge
level – bane, cause fear, entropic shield, protection from mixed with ears, bones, and other internal organs seeps
good; 2nd-level – hold person, shatter, sound burst. out. The warping energy of the Outer Gods turned the
SQ – Light Sensitivity (Ex): Kobolds are dazzled in meat and vegetables within the boxes into different
sunlight or similar conditions (-1 penalty to attack). organic forms.
Possessions: Masterwork heavy mace, masterwork
light crossbow, chainmail armor, scroll of magic stone, Area 3-5 – Chamber of Greater Contemplation (EL 2):
scroll of hold person, scroll of deeper darkness. Paraphrase or read the following for the players.

This neatly appointed room is carpeted with a thick, faces. At first glance, they look more like small, goat-like
soft velvet rug. Squatting at the rug’s center is a large humanoids than kobolds. The long hours they spent here
kobold warped into a draconic creature. Its head is have attuned them to the room’s teleportation effect.
much larger then normal, and its forked tongue When they pass through the energy fields, they may
snakes from its mouth to flick at the open, weeping choose which area they appear in or may ignore the
sores that cover its body. A mirror hangs on the east- fields’ effects.
ern wall and beneath it rests a small wooden table.
On the table are a golden plate, fork, and spoon, and Tactics: The kobolds cluster at the north end of the room,
a fresh, steaming kobold heart sits on the plate. hoping to force the characters into the teleportals to
divide them into small groups. They then leap through the
A single kobold dragonkin dwells here. It is the first of energy fields to attack lightly armed and armored mem-
Tsathzar Rho’s new army to survive the complete trans- bers of the party. The kobolds fight to the death to defend
formation process with voice and mind totally intact and the Outer Gods’ fane.
ready to serve the Lords of Infinite Emptiness. As the
Outer Gods’ pride and joy, it is kept here in comfort and The only way the PCs can reach the doorway at the north
doted over by the high priestess Lerrza Mahk. end of the room is to teleport to sectors 1 or 2 and leap
for the squares adjacent to the door. These are the only
Tactics: The dragonkin eagerly joins the fray. It is con- squares on the map of the room that do not teleport the
vinced that it is the chosen champion of the Outer Gods PCs away.
and thus cannot contemplate defeat in battle. It confi-
dently strides forward and fights to the death, using its The door itself is locked (DC 28 to pick lock) but one of
breath weapon to soften up its foes before drawing its axe the elite guards does wear a key around his neck to
and charging. unlock it. It takes a DC 22 Search check to find the key-
hole in the floor by the door’s right side.
Treasure: The golden mirror is worth 300 gp if it remains
unbroken. The golden plate, fork, and spoon could garner Kobold Elite Guard (12): CR 1/4; Small Humanoid (rep-
200 gp for the complete set. tilian); HD 1d8+1; hp 6; Init +2; Spd 20 ft.; AC 21, touch
13, flat-footed 19; Base Atk +1, Grp -4; Atk/Full Atk Light
Kobold Dragonkin: CR 2; Small Dragon; HD 1d10+1; hp flail +1 melee (1d6/x2) or small heavy crossbow +4 ranged
6; Init +5; Spd 20 ft.; AC 22, touch 12, flat-footed 21; Base (1d8/19-20); SQ Darkvision 60 ft., light sensitivity; AL LE;
Atk +1, Grp -4; Atk/Full Atk Small battleaxe +4 melee SV Fort +3, Ref +2, Will -1; Str 10, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 10,
(1d6+2/x3); SA Breath weapon; SQ Darkvision 60 ft., light Wis 8, Cha 8.
sensitivity, half-dragon traits; AL LE; SV Fort +2, Ref +1, Will Skills and Feats: Craft (trap making) +2, Hide +6,
-1; Str 14, Dex 13, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 12. Move Silently +4, Profession (miner) +2, Search +2;
Skills and Feats: Craft (trap making) +3, Hide +8, Weapon Focus (heavy crossbow).
Move Silently +8, Profession (miner) +2, Search +3; SQ – Light Sensitivity (Ex): Kobolds are dazzled in
Improved Initiative. sunlight or similar conditions (-1 penalty to attack).
SA – Breath Weapon (Su): The kobold dragonkin can Possessions: Heavy crossbow, 20 bolts, light flail,
breath a 20 ft. cone of cold that deals 3d6 damage. A suc- chain mail, large metal shield, gold pendant (10 gp).
cessful Reflex save (DC 16) halves this damage.
SQ – Light Sensitivity (Ex): Kobolds are dazzled in Area 3-7 – The Chamber of Blood Tides (EL 5): This
sunlight or similar conditions (-1 penalty to attack). strange, otherworldly chamber is the product of the
SQ – Half-Dragon Traits: Immune to sleep and paral- bizarre energies produced by the inner fane of the Outer
ysis effects and cold damage. Gods to the west. The floor is covered with blood to a
Possessions: Battleaxe, chain mail, gold pendant (10 gp). depth of one foot. Opening the door to this place does not
cause the blood to flow away because of the strange
Area 3-6 – Chamber of the Guardians (EL 4): This stone gravitational forces at work here.
chamber is set with eight plain pillars that run from floor
to ceiling. They are roughly crafted, looking almost as if A rolling field of reverse gravity sweeps through the room,
they were hewn from the ground and placed in this cham- making it appear as if an endless wave of blood that
ber without any finishing work. The room smells heavily of reaches up the ceiling continually rolls through the room.
ozone, and with a successful Spot check (DC 15) the In combat, this wall blocks line of sight. When the char-
characters can note faint, green energy fields that divide acters enter the room, roll a d10 to determine where in
the room into eight sections. the room the wave stands. It moves 10 feet each round
from the north to south. It forms a barrier 5 feet wide that
The map shows the location of each field of power and extends all the way across the room from east to west.
numbers each section of the room from 1 to 8. When a When it reaches the southern end of the room, it disap-
character crosses any of these lines, roll 1d8. The result pears for one round then reappears at the northern end
matches the section of the room the character immedi- of the room.
ately teleports into. The character appears at the center
of the specific section he is moved into. The space the wave occupies is under the influence of a
reverse gravity effect. Any character standing in that area
Twelve kobold elite guards stand watch over this area. falls 10 feet to the ceiling, taking damage as normal. A
These kobolds have pure white, scaly skin. Great horns character can move across the reverse gravity area safe-
rise from their skulls, and long fur sprouts from their ly with a Jump check (DC 10) to leap through it. On a

failed check, the characters loses his balance, falls up sunlight or similar conditions (-1 penalty to attack).
towards the ceiling, then falls back down to the floor on Possessions: Heavy crossbow, 20 bolts, light flail,
the other side of the wave. He takes damage as if he fell chain mail, large metal shield, gold pendant (10 gp).
10 feet.
Area 3-8 – The Final Enemy (EL 5): This place is the inner
The rows of this chamber are number 1 to 9 on the map fane of the Outer Gods, a small fragment of the whirling
to make it easier for you to track the wave’s location dur- chaos that composes their strange plane of existence
ing the fight. On a roll of 10, the wave is temporarily gone, overlapping into the world of the PCs. Running this
but on the following round, it reappears at position 1. To encounter requires a small amount of preparation and
handle the wave, roll for its initiative and move the wave relies on setting the characters up with the hallucinations
on that count. they may have experienced during their quest to destroy
Tsathzar Rho.
The kobold war chieftain, Baraz Mahk, guards this place
along with four kobold elite guards. Baraz Mahk is the When the characters first enter this room, make a Will
pinnacle of the Outer Gods’ program to create a race of save (DC 15) for each in secret. Those who fail have their
powerful, draconic monsters. He has transformed into a minds drawn into a vision of this room as it exists in the
powerfully built humanoid with the head of a white drag- Outer Gods’ realm. These characters can fight Tsathzar
on, long, clawed arms, and bird-like feet. Two small, Rho and interact with his lair. Those characters who suc-
stumpy wings grow from his back. The kobold elite ceed at their saving throws pull free of this influence.
guards are well on their way to gaining traits similar to They see the room’s true form on the material plane.
their leader. Their skin is covered with thick, white scales, This encounter relies on the characters’ previous experi-
and all have long fangs and sharp claws. ences with hallucinations. Treat this encounter in the
Tactics: Baraz Mahk and his soldiers fight to the death. same manner as you did other phantasms they dealt
They use their familiarity with the blood wave to their with. Use index cards to communicate with the players
advantage, moving forward behind it to use it as cover whose characters can see Tsathzar Rho and describe to
and close the distance to spellcasters and archers. The them the villain’s actions and attacks against them. Do
kobolds all gain a +4 bonus to their Jump checks to move not drop hints of the true nature of the “hallucination” to
through the wave safely, as they have practiced exten- the unaffected characters. The players should use role-
sively with it. playing and trust in one another to defeat Tsathzar Rho.
Characters who made their saving throw and cannot per-
Baraz Mahk, male half-dragon/kobold Bbn2: CR 4; ceive the Outer Gods’ realm are immune to all attacks
Small Dragon; HD 2d12+2; hp 28; Init +1; Spd 40 ft.; AC from Tsathzar Rho, cannot see any effects of his actions,
22, touch 12, flat-footed 21; Base Atk +2, Grp -1; Atk/Full such as wounds or spells, and perceive the room as nor-
Atk Masterwork small battleaxe +7 melee (1d6+3/x3); SA mal. They can see the afflicted characters’ actions as if in
Breath weapon; SQ Darkvision 60 ft., light sensitivity, battle against foes these PCs cannot see. They may have
rage, fast movement, uncanny dodge AL LE; SV Fort +3, to willingly throw themselves into the hallucination to
Ref +2, Will -1; Str 14, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 10, defeat Tsathzar Rho.
Cha 12.
To embrace the hallucination, a character must treat the
Skills and Feats: Climb +7, Hide +4, Intimidate +6,
sights and creatures seen by the affected characters as
Jump +7, Listen +5, Move Silently +4; Weapon Focus
real. For example, a wizard could try to cast magic mis-
sile at Tsathzar Rho, even though he cannot see him,
SQ – Light Sensitivity (Ex): Kobolds are dazzled in
while a cleric could cast healing spells on characters who
sunlight or similar conditions (-1 penalty to attack).
claim to have been wounded. At that point, the characters
SA – Breath Weapon (Su): The kobold dragonkin can
may willingly let their minds and eyes see the Outer
breath a 20 ft. cone of cold that deals 3d6 damage. A suc-
Gods’ realm.
cessful Reflex save (DC 16) halves this damage.
SQ – Light Sensitivity (Ex): Kobolds are dazzled in True Appearance: Read this description or hand it out in
sunlight or similar conditions (-1 penalty to attack). writing to those whose PCs made their Will saves:
SQ – Half-Dragon Traits: Immune to sleep and paral-
This chamber is a large, plain stone room that once
ysis effects and cold damage.
served as Tsathzar Rho’s summoning chamber. A
Possessions: Masterwork battleaxe, +1 chainmail
plain, black altar rests in the middle of the room,
shirt, potion of cure light wounds.
while a wooden cabinet is set along the western wall.
Kobold Elite Guard (4): CR 1/4; Small Humanoid (reptil- The rough outline of a pentagram draw in blood is
ian); HD 1d8+1; hp 6; Init +2; Spd 20 ft.; AC 21, touch 13, marked on the floor around the altar.
flat-footed 19; Base Atk +1, Grp -4; Atk/Full Atk Light flail Outer Gods’ Realm: Read this description or write it
+1 melee (1d6/x2) or small heavy crossbow +4 ranged down and pass it out to those players whose PCs failed
(1d8/19-20); SQ Darkvision 60 ft., light sensitivity; AL LE; their Will saves:
SV Fort +3, Ref +2, Will -1; Str 10, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 10,
Wis 8, Cha 8. The chamber opens on to a hellish scene. Black,
Skills and Feats: Craft (trap making) +2, Hide +6, basalt rock extends of to a featureless horizon. A sin-
Move Silently +4, Profession (miner) +2, Search +2; gle, pale star glints in the sky, providing a dim radi-
Weapon Focus (heavy crossbow). ance. Standing 20 feet before the characters is a
SQ – Light Sensitivity (Ex): Kobolds are dazzled in writhing globe of flesh and body parts. Mouths

appear on the globe, moaning and howling in pain. If Tsathzar Rho finds himself losing the battle, he forces
After a few moments, a sickening rending noise himself to make a Will save to slip out of the Outer Gods’
comes from the globe as Tsathzar Rho erupts from it. realm and back into his vault. Once he does so, he will
As he steps to the ground, the globe detonates, retrieve his ring of jumping from the cabinet and drink his
spraying the area and you with a layer of blood, guts, blur potion. Then he will either flee into area 3-7 or into
and slime. other areas of his vault in the hopes of defeating the PCs
before they can kill him and undo the work of the Lords of
Tsathzar Rho has changed into a horrid demon creature. Infinite Emptiness. If he does this, give the PCs a chance
He has green, scaled skin, a bird-like head suspended on to make another Will save to follow him on the material
an overly long, slender neck that coils beneath his head, plane. Those that do make it on their own gain a cure light
awkward, bent legs, and two long, taloned hands that wounds from the watching gods, while those who fail their
seem to undulate as he holds them off the ground. His saves manage to follow by the will of those same gods
body’s form is still liquid. It churns and shudders as he (their subtle ways to help make sure the Exiled Ones do
moves. At times, his internal organs float above his skin not gain more than this temporary toehold on reality).
before being reabsorbed by his body. Weapon blows
seem to pass through him, though sometimes a strike Treasure: The wooden cabinet (in the material plane ver-
catches on a bone or organ. sion of this chamber) is locked (DC 20) and contains
many items Tsathzar Rho used to aid his summoning
Note that while Tsathzar Rho is CR 5, the encounter is EL attempts. A glass vial contains 100 gp worth of silver dust,
6 due to the environmental factors that aid Tsathzar Rho. a second contains 400 gp of gold dust, a third holds 800
Tactics: The organs spread in the explosion are all still gp of diamond dust, and a fourth holds 800 gp of mithral
alive and seek to aid Tsathzar Rho. Intestines grab at the dust. A small, wooden box holds a ring of jumping and
characters’ legs, cutting their movement rate in half. four potions: vision, fox’s cunning, darkvision, and blur.
Teeth and limbs claw at them. Each round, the characters Tsathzar Rho, unholy abomination: CR 5; Medium
must make Reflex saves (DC 10) or suffer 1d4-1 dam- abomination; HD 6d8+30; hp 57; Init +2; Spd 30 ft.; AC
age. Once per round, a tentacle composed of human 17, touch 12, flat-footed 15; Base Atk +6; Atk Claw +6
bones, tendons, and strikes a single character at +4 to melee (1d6+2) or bite +6 melee (1d8+2); Full Atk Claws
hit, dealing 1d6 damage. The first time this tentacle +6/+6 melee (1d6+2) and bite +4 melee (1d8+2); SA
attacks, the target character must make a Spot check Aspect of madness, scything claw; SQ Spell resistance
(DC 15) or lose his Dexterity bonus to AC as the tentacle 12, DR 5/magic, cold immunity, darkvision 60 ft.; AL LE;
springs behind him and attacks. SV Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +6; Str 15, Dex 14, Con 20, Int

14, Wis 13, Cha 19.
Skills and Feats: Climb +9, Hide +9, Jump +9, Wrapping Up
Knowledge (arcana) +10, Spellcraft +10, Spot +9;
Combat Expertise, Improved Disarm, Multiattack. Once the characters destroy Tsathzar Rho, the vision of the
SQ – Aspect of Madness (Su): Tsathzar Rho is a Outer Gods’ realm shudders, warps, and suddenly snaps out
being composed of unholy energies crafted into a mind of existence. The characters find themselves in area 3-8 as it
shattering form. When a creature with fewer than 6 HD exists in the material plane. With the Outer Gods’ plot foiled
views him, it must make Will saves (DC 15) or be affect- and their connection to the material plane severed, the crea-
ed as if by the spell confusion for 1d8 rounds. Tsathzar tures they have warped explode in a bloody shower of bones
Rho’s opponents need only attempt this save once per and organs as the magic that altered them fades away.
encounter. With the characters triumphant, the Outer Gods may seek
SA – Scything Claw (Ex): In his current form, vengeance against them. While they cannot directly attack the
Tsathzar Rho can lash out with his limbs to slice into a characters, they may seek others like Tsathzar Rho who are
distant foe with his claws. He has 10-foot reach with his willing to do anything to gain power. There is a slight chance
claw attacks. When using his claws in this manner, he that the Outer Gods remain intrigued by the derro and work to
may immediately attack an opponent adjacent to his tar- shape that mad race of subterraneans beneath their collective
get if his claw attack hits. His claws rip through one foe will. The characters may find mysterious cultists who attempt
and slice into another. to assassinate them and their allies, while demons and devils
called from the outer planes harass and assault them. Though
the Outer Gods have been defeated in this battle, the war may
have only just begun.

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