Piit TC
Piit TC
(PIIT, Gr. Noida)
All PIITians must observe and abide by the following rules of discipline in letter and
1. Any form of ragging anywhere within the campus, outside or while traveling is
strictly prohibited violation of the same would invite action as per the rules of
Govt. of India.
2. Any kind of misuse of Internet, Intranet or computer software, Mobile, etc. is
strictly prohibited.
3. Possession or use of firearms, fireworks, explosives, weapons, or items deemed to
be weapons of any description are strictly prohibited on campus.
4. Misuse of fire safety equipment, setting fires, failure as well as decline to evacuate
the building during a fire alarm or violation of any fire safety policy are strictly
5. Gambling and betting (offline or online) for money or other items of value on
college premises, including but not limited to, playing cards, chain business (Multi
Level Marketing) or other games of chance or skill for money or other items of
6. Failure to comply with directions of College officials or disorderly abusive
conduct towards them will be considered as serious indiscipline and the student(s)
will be punished accordingly.
7. Any offensive or derogatory conduct or comments by the students reflecting any
bias towards gender/caste/creed/region/colour, etc. or which creates sense of
intimidation, harassment or which represents violation of the rights or
opportunities of the victim(s) will be dealt seriously.
8. Misuse of social networking sites is prohibited.
9. Any student who makes unwelcome sexual advances or any other gesture,
unwelcome verbal or written communication with sexual connotation will be liable
for strict punishment.
10. The use of phone, email or any other method designed to transmit messages or
materials of an explicit sexual nature/objectionable communication is considered
as criminal offence is intolerable.
11. Participation in political activities by any student is strictly prohibited.
12. PIITians must believe in secularism and the students are free to follow any religion
but must respect other religions.
13. Students should pay due respect to the national flag, national anthem and have
patriotic fervour.
14. The items which are not covered above and which the Competent Authorities
consider as an act of indiscipline will by default be considered as act of
Punishment for the misconduct shall include one or more of the following:
1. Warning and fine
2. Compensation for the damage(s) caused.
3. Suspension from the college for a specified period.
4. Suspension from appearing in a specified paper / examination.
5. Police action.
6. Expulsion from the college
7. Withdrawal of facilities like hostel, transport, scholarship, etc
1. All students are required to register for each semester for the courses to be taken
by them, as per the programme, on the dates specified in the Academic Calendar.
This shall also apply to the students proceeding for training in a semester.
2. Registration is mandatory for attending lectures, tutorials, laboratories,
participating in seminars, project work and any other curricular and extracurricular
activity at PIIT.
3. The sole responsibility of timely registration in a semester as specified in the
Academic Calendar shall be of the student.
4. The registration procedure involves:
• Payment of fee and clearance of outstanding dues (if any),
• Filling of the information including the title/code of courses to be registered
in the semester.
5. The student should satisfy the promotion criteria before registration in the next
Academic Year. However, if the student does not meet the promotion criteria,
he/she will have to register for repeating the last Academic Year.
6. Students, whose results have not been declared and are seeking registration in the
following Semester, shall be admitted provisionally and they shall have to fulfil all
the requirements of the registration within one week after the results are declared.
7. No relaxation shall be given on attendance requirement late registration on any
8. Cancellation of Registration: Absence for a period of one week at a stretch during
a semester may result in the cancellation of registration of a student from all the
course(s) in that semester unless prior permission has been obtained for the same
from the competent authorities.
1. Students are required to attend all lectures, tutorials, practical's and participate in
other prescribed curricular and co-curricular activities. 75% attendance is
mandatory. However, the same can be condoned up to 25% on medical grounds or
for other genuine reason(s) beyond the control for getting the condonement,
student should apply to the competent authority.
2. Student will not be allowed to appear in the Mid-Term and End Term
Examination if he/she does not satisfy the minimum Attendance requirement in
respective courses.
3. Before appearing for the End- Term Examination the student must clear all the
4. The attendance shall be counted from the date of commencement of the Academic
5. The weightage of attendance shall form an integral part of internal assessment of
each practical and theory course.