Kwekwe Poly Student Code of Conduct and Sanction Thereto

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This is just a summary of rights, responsibility and rules concerning students conduct at
Kwekwe Polytechnic. All students are expected to sign for and abide by all these rules
and regulations throughout their study at Kwekwe Polytechnic.

1.0 Fees payment and access to college services.

All students are expected to pay full fees for each term before the start of that term in
order to have right to access college services e.g. catering, accommodation, WI-FI,
tuition library, sports, medication, study trips, attachment visitations, access results and



2.0 COVID-19 Protocols and Expectations

Covid 19 is still with us so we must all follow strict Covid 19 prevention protocols i.e.
social distancing, putting on mask covering both the nose and mouth as well as washing
our hands frequently using running water and soap placed at the entrance to all college
buildings and gates. Further guidance on this conduct Dean of students and College

3.0 Student Health and wellness

All students are encouraged to be vaccinated against all illnesses with known vaccines
including Covid 19 to reduce chances of getting sick whilst at college. The college
provides a health facility that is accessible only by fully paid up students, at the college
and Kwekwe General Hospital as well as PSMAS health facilities. No full payment of
fees no health assistance from college.

4.0 Academic Misconduct

This is a violation of the college’s standards of academic integrity knowingly. This may
include but not limited to the following: Plagiarism on academic assignments,

Student Code of Conduct and Sanctions thereto Page 1

unauthorized collaborations work, cheating of any kind in test and examinations, failure
to submit work on the due date, failure to submit file as expected, failure to come for
lectures on time, failure to achieve HEXCO minimum attendance. All these attract
punishment or even discontinuation of your studies at Kwekwe Polytechnic. Culprits will
be fined, defered or expelled from college.

4.1 Registration

All bonafide students of Kwekwe Polytechnic must be properly registered. This means
that you should pay a prescribed registration fee and be given a student number and
Identity card from the Registry Department and be entered into the college electronic
Pastel System at Accounts Departments.

5.0 Disorderly Conduct

Student at Kwekwe Polytechnic have the right to express their views, feelings, belief
inside and outside the lecture room but this must be done following proper channels in
an orderly manner without disrupting college operations in any way. You are not
expected to engage in

-Excessive noise which interferes with classes, college offices, residence or other
campus and community activities.

-Unauthorized entry into or occupation of a private work area or closed meeting

-Any conduct that inhibit staff or other employee to performing their duties

-Any conduct that disrupts college operations of any kind

-Any action that results in unreasonable interference with the learning / working
environment or rights of others. This will result in you being taken for disciplinary
hearing which may result in suspension, exclusion or expulsion depending of the gravity
of the matter.

6.0 Sports

All students are expected to engage in any sport of their choice, for health and fitness

as well as for competition. Wednesday afternoon is reserved for that. So bring with you

appropriate attire. Only fully paid up students go for competitions funded by the college.

7.0 Fire Safety

No tempering, interference, misuse, causing damage and / or disfunction of fire safety

Student Code of Conduct and Sanctions thereto Page 2

and fire prevention equipment. This is a violation of the law. Any student found guilty

of the above is liable for expenses incurred, including fines, charge, or sanctions that

may be applied for violating this policy. This calls for disciplinary hearing action against

the culprit.

8.0 Accommodation and catering

Special rules and regulations will be given to you by the Dean of Students and Wardens

responsible and be guided accordingly.

9.0 Library

All library rules and guidelines will be issued and explained by the Librarian and his/ her

team during orientation so please be guided accordingly as well.

10.0 Student Representative Council (SRC)

Students at Kwekwe Polytechnic are expected to choose their representatives freely

and fairly ensuring gender equality and distribution but guided by the provisions of the

SRC constitution

NB: Whoever wishes to contest for any SRC office must be a fully paid up student.

11.0 Sexual Misconduct and Discrimination

The college endeavor to create an environment in which holistic academic potential of

students’ professional growth of its employees must be realized. An inclusive climate

must be realized all the time. There must be no discrimination based on sex or gender,

including sexual harassment, sexual assault or any other forms of sexual misconduct is

not tolerated at Kwekwe Polytechnic from or by anyone. Refer to the College gender

Policy from the Dean of Students for further details.

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12.0 Theft, Vandalism, or Property Damage

Any of the above whether intentional or accidental damage to personal or college

property is Prohibited, including possession of stolen property. The culprit will be

asked to replace or compensate the affected as well as call for disciplinary action which

may lead to exclusion or expulsion from the college.

13.0 Unauthorized Use of College Facilities or Services

Unauthorised use of college property, like college buildings, spaces and grounds,

college documents and records, or college furniture, equipment and materials violates

this college policy and calls for disciplinary action against the perpetrator. Always seek

authority via Dean of Students , Head of Department, Head of Division, or Vice Principal

and Principal. Taking furniture outside is an act of misconduct and will be treated as


14.0 Events and Parties

All the above must be arranged with the authority of the Dean of Students and arranged

by SRC member representatives responsible for that office. Clearance must be sort

from the Principal through the Dean’s Offices. Timelines agreed upon must be adhered


15.0 Alcohol and Other Drugs

No possession, Use, Purchase or distribution of alcohol or any other drugs on college

property or grounds as part of any college activity, including misuse of prescriptions

drugs. Violation of the above in relation to Alcohol and other drugs call for disciplinary

action against the culprits, that may lead to exclusion or expulsion .

16.0 Fights or Infliction of Physical Harm

No assault or any other act of violence or use of physical force against any member of

Student Code of Conduct and Sanctions thereto Page 4

Kwekwe Polytechnic community is tolerated. Taking part in the above will lead to

serious disciplinary action being taken against the culprit.

17. Student Identification Card

Kwekwe Polytechnic Identification card is valid when you are enrolled in the classes at
Kwekwe Polytechnic .This card must be carried on person all the time when on college
around your neck without failure. This card is not transferable. Failure to carry this card
as expected is an act of misconduct and the holder is subject to disciplinary action. This
card gives you authority to access college facilities, services and activities eg Library,
Sports, Dining etc, where identification is required. Replacement of ID card is US$5-00.
Any lost card must be reported to the Dean of Students immediately without fail.

18. Vehicle parking

Every student with or owns or operates a vehicle must be registered with the Dean of
Students and must operate it and park it as per the license given. Any abuse of the
privilege will lead to cancellation of the license and disciplinary action taken based and
depending on the nature of the abuse. No taxes and kombis are allowed beyond the
college main gate.

19. Smoking

No smoking in all indoor spaces throughout the college. Any violation may result in
disciplinary action being taken against the culprit which may lead to expulsion from
campus accommodation.

20. Weapons and Fireworks

No student is allowed to possess or use firearms at Kwekwe Polytechnic. Any form of

fire arm is not allowed. Use of fireworks, dangerous devices or chemicals, including
explosives is prohibited. Use or possession of knives viewed as a weapon are not
allowed. Anyone found guilty on any of the above faces disciplinary action that leads to
expulsion or exclusion.

21. Dressing at Kwekwe Polytechnic

All students are encouraged to dress decently for lectures and other academic activities.
Avoid track suits and any other type of dressing fit for non-academic activities. Anyone
found to be abusing others through failure to uphold the above may be referred to the
college counselor.

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22. Litter on grounds, buildings and vehicles

Kwekwe Polytechnic students are to place all litter in trash bins dotted around the
college. Anyone found dropping litter anyhow will be fined US$5-00 and repeaters are

23. Climbing over perimeter wall /fence or buildings

This not allowed and anyone found guilty on the above will face disciplinary action
which may result in exclusion or expulsion. Please use the official entry points into /out
of the college during permissible times.

24. Proper use of Utilities eg electricity, water and internet facilities

Kwekwe polytechnic students are expected to use electricity properly eg switching off
lights when leaving buildings no illegal connection, close all taps not being used. Use
internet facilities for education purposes. Abuse of these may be taken as a serious act
of misconduct that may lead one to exclusion or expulsion from college.

25. Graffiti, posters and notices

No writing or printing on wall of college buildings including putting posters or notices.

This is a serious act of misconduct .Posters and notices must be cleared by the Dean of
Students and put on Notice Boards Only. Anyone found guilty on the above will be
excluded or expelled from college.

The above are just some but not all restrictions and previledges but just a guideline,

detailed Department and Divisional Policies must be read together with these for

a complete package of guidance to Kwekwe Polytechnic students.

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I………………………………………………………………(names in full), National


……………………………………….. (course & level) have read and understood

the provisions of the student guide at Kwekwe Polytechnic and I will be bound by it. I
agree to follow it as long as I am a student at this college.

Signature………………………………………… Date…………………………………


Head of Department

Name………………………………………… Surname……………………………..

Signature…………………………………… Date………………………………….

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