BCU6EPA Building Control EPA

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Building Control End

Point Assessment
Module Descriptor

Module Code: BCU6EPA

Version: 3.00
Status: Final
Date: 22/07/2020
Building Control End Point Assessment

Summary Module Details

Module details
Module Title: End-Point Assessment: Building Control Surveyor Apprenticeship
Module Leader: Jonathan Hubert
Module Mode: Supported online learning
Semester: Autumn (UK) and Spring (UK)
Level: 6
Credits: 20
Learning Hours: 200
Contact & Study Hours
Directed Study Time: 90 hrs (45%)
Self-Directed Study Time: 50 hrs (25%)
Assessment Study Time: 60 hrs (30%)
Assessment Type
Plan Evaluation Report Exam (Open book)
Panel Interview

Module Summary
This module is the final element of the student’s apprenticeship journey. Having successfully
achieved all mandatory elements of the apprenticeship programme to date, as signed off by
the employer and UCEM, students will be enrolled on this unit in order to prepare for, and
undertake, the government-approved End-Point Assessment (EPA).
Students will collate and present evidence in a variety of ways to demonstrate their
achievement of the Standard’s Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours (KSBs) competencies and
how these have been developed and applied throughout the programme. Students will be
required to attend a panel interview led by an independent assessor and an industry expert.

Taken on which Programmes

BSc (Hons) Building Control (C for apprentices)
Core (C) or Elective (E)

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Building Control End-Point Assessment

Module Aims
This module aims to:
• Confirm that each apprentice has developed, and can demonstrate, all the
competencies required by the Apprenticeship Standard; and
• Ensure that each apprentice is prepared to undertake the End-Point Assessment of
their programme.

Module Learning Outcomes

LO1. Demonstrate a deep and comprehensive understanding of the principles and practices
of the building control surveyor.
LO2. Make judgements and communicate in a clear and professional manner.
LO3. Critically analyse complex plans, issues and problems and recommend solutions that
align with legal, regulatory and ethical frameworks.
LO4. Reflect on, and evaluate, own practice and justify decisions taken and methods used
in real world scenarios.

Indicative Module Content

Module topics
This module is the culmination of the student’s apprenticeship journey and as such provides
the space for the individual to reflect on their own development, evaluate their development
throughout the programme and evidence their occupational competence.
This content will be reviewed and updated regularly to reflect the legal, moral and financial
changes in professional standards and practice.

Learning, Teaching and Assessment

Apprentices will be supported on an individual basis, by their Professional Practice Session
Facilitators (PPSFs) using both face-to-face and virtual mechanisms, and in their workplace
by their Workplace Mentors to be able to undertake the end-point assessment. These
support mechanisms will include use of Padlet (or similar) to enable students to gain tutor
and peer review of their progress which then informs their reflection submission. At this time,
further individual guidance by the tutor/mentor can occur before the final submission.
The assessment consists of two elements:

Plan Evaluation Report Exam

This is an open-book, 4-hour exam that will test the apprentice’s ability to evaluate plans,
determine deficiencies in the proposal, identify non-compliant details and write up and
evaluation report to present to a client. The exam will consist of 6 essay questions and 4
must be chosen. It is estimated that each question will take 1 hour to complete.

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Panel Interview with Logbook

Logbook: in preparation for the interview, apprentices will submit their completed logbook
which will have been developed over the previous two years (drafts of which are part of
submission to the Case Study Project). The logbook will provide a comprehensive and
detailed record of the apprentice’s experience and achievement of each of the professional
competencies required by the standard. Further details of how to collate and present the
logbook can be found in the Assessment Plan (opens in new window) and will be available
throughout the programme.
According to the guidance presented in the Building Surveyor Apprenticeship Standard
Assessment Plan, the individual projects within the Logbook should include the following:
• Introduction - outline details of the organisation the apprentice works in and their role.
• Definition of the task - outline the projects worked on and an evaluation of key
considerations. Building work to extend, build new or carry out alterations to all building
types, dangerous structures and demolitions would all class as a project.
• Description of the process/es utilised to ensure Building Regulation compliance of the
project such as design options explored, or client meetings held.
• Identify consultation requirements and contributions made by key professionals and
how this contributed to the project development both at desktop and on-site.
• Describe how all of the relevant knowledge skills and behaviours (KSBs) attributed to
this method were met and demonstrated.
• Examples of work undertaken during the project including evaluation, consultation,
communications, site work and meetings, building plans, notes, specifications,
schedules, photographs, enforcement. All sections must include at least one illustration.
• Conclusion - appraisal of process and result explaining how the output met the project
• The document should be provided as narrative text, illustrated with drawings,
photographs, plans or specifications, along with descriptive annotations as required. All
sections must include at least one illustration e.g. drawings, plans etc. The KSBs should
be covered in the section(s) that illustrate how they have been met and applied.
Panel Interview: the panel will comprise of two people – an independent assessor and an
industry expert – who will have reviewed the logbook in advance of the interview. This 2-
hour interview will explore the practical application of the apprentice’s learning, confirm and
validate understand and application of behaviours and offer the opportunity to clarify points
not made clear within the logbook. Questions will be drawn from a question bank in order to
ensure consistency across all panel interviews.

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Building Control End-Point Assessment

Overview of Summative Assessment

Module Assessment Word count or Weighting
learning equivalent

LO1, LO2, Assessment 1 4-hours Open

LO3 Book Exam
Plan Evaluation Report Exam
LO1, LO2, Assessment 2 2-hours See grid
LO4 Interview below
Panel Interview supported by Logbook
6,000 words
max Logbook
Module Pass – see grid below
Performance in the EPA will determine the apprenticeship grade of Distinction, Pass or Fail.
Each assessment method will be graded Distinction, Pass or Fail. In order to gain an
apprenticeship pass or higher grade, the apprentice must achieve a minimum of a pass in
each method.
An apprenticeship pass represents full competence against the standard. A grade of
distinction means an apprentice is demonstrating competence above the standard. The
following table shows the assessment grades to determine the overall grade.
Plan Evaluation Report Panel Interview Module grade (and
Exam supported by Logbook overall apprenticeship
award grade)
Distinction Distinction Distinction
Pass Distinction Pass
Distinction Pass Pass
Distinction Fail Fail
Fail Distinction Fail
Pass Pass Pass
Fail Pass Fail
Pass Fail Fail
Fail Fail Fail

The criterion for each assessment can be found in appendices A-C, extracted from the
Building Control Surveyor Apprenticeship Assessment Plan.
If you fail the module your employer will decide whether you are eligible for a resit or retake
and you will be notified of the course of action you need to take.

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Building Control End-Point Assessment

Key Module Learning Resources

Core Sources and Texts
The core resources and further reading for this module are all online materials, these
resources have been specifically selected from a wide range of sources and brought
together by the UCEM online library experts and have been collated into an online resource
A direct link will be added to the VLE Module page and referenced in the Apprenticeship
Training Plan (ATP). This will enable the apprentice in conjunction with their Professional
Practice Session Facilitators (PPSFs) and their workplace mentor to access the texts at the
time these resources are most relevant to the competencies being developed as part of their

Module tools
The module content is delivered via audio, video, screen-based presentation, and e-learning.
Formative feedback (i.e. non-graded advice and feedback) is provided via 1:1 tutorials.

Professional online resources

The e-Library provides access to trusted, quality online resources, selected by subject
specialists, to support students’ study. This includes journals, industry publications,
magazines, academic books and a dissertation/work-based library. For a list of the key
industry specific and education resources available please visit the VLE e-Library.

Other relevant resources

Access is also provided to further information sources that include the British Library and
Open University UK catalogues, as well as providing a monthly current awareness service
entitled, Knowledge Foundations - a compendium of news, research and resources
relating to the educational sector and the Built Environment.
The module resource list is available on the module website and is updated regularly to
ensure materials are relevant and current.

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Building Control End-Point Assessment

Appendix A Mapping of Assessment Methods
The table below maps the assessment methods against the knowledge, skills and
behaviours of the Building Control Surveyor Apprenticeship Standard.


KNOWLEDGE What is required - In the context of building Plan Panel

control: Evaluation Interview
Report supported
Exam by
K1. Legislation Demonstrate a robust knowledge of the X X
requirements contained within the Building Act,
Statutory Framework and other associated
legislation related to Building Regulations.
K2. Data In-depth knowledge of accurate application of X
Management Regulatory processes within the constraints of
timescale, data management and
confidentiality, in-line with data protection
K3. Building Interpret the Building Regulations in relation to X X
regulations all types of building work covering areas such as
approval structural design, means of escape, active and
passive fire protection, ventilation, thermal
efficiency and access provisions.
K4. Health Describe the principles and responsibilities X
and safety imposed by Health and Safety law, codes of
practice and other regulations in fulfilling the
building control function.
K5. Understand how the Building Regulations places X
Sustainability a requirement in relation to sustainability and
and accessibility to achieve environmental and social
Accessibility objectives.
K6. Construction Knowledge of building pathology and X
Technology construction technology used in buildings
including the performance criteria of materials.

K7. Finance Knowledge of the Charges Regulations and X

its relevance to service delivery.

K8. Enforcement Knowledge of the enforcement framework and X

powers within the Building Act to achieve
compliance with the Building Regulations.

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KNOWLEDGE What is required - In the context of building Plan Panel

control: Evaluation Interview
Report supported
Exam by
K9. Non- Knowledge of non-statutory duties carried out X
Statutory duties by Local Authority Building Control teams as
a delegated function of their Authority e.g.
dangerous structures, demolitions.
K10. People Knowledge of the dynamics of the design X
management team to be able to offer support and guidance
where required.

K11. Knowledge of specialist functions of building X

Specialist control e.g. Fire Engineering, Access Officer,
functions Acoustic Engineer, Thermal Engineer.

K12. Consultation Knowledge of why consultation is required X

with other local authority functions and
external statutory bodies and organisations.

K13. Marketing Awareness of how to promote the building X

control service through effective marketing.


SKILLS What is required - In the context of Plan Panel

building control: Evaluation Interview
Report supported by
Exam Logbook
S1. Legislation Apply the principles contained within the X X
Building Act, Statutory Framework and
other associated legislation related to
Building Regulations.
S2. Data Undertake the administrative process of X
management a Building Regulation application and
use the data to ensure performance
standards are met in compliance with
relevant quality assurance standards.
S3. Building Utilise the Building Regulations to X X
regulations evaluate plans, drawings,
approval specifications and other documents
submitted for building regulation
approval for all types of building work
to ensure appropriate decisions are
issued on applications.
S4. Health and Identify and manage risks of health, X
safety safety and welfare in-line with
legislation, hazards and safe systems
of work.

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SKILLS What is required - In the context of Plan Panel

building control: Evaluation Interview
Report supported by
Exam Logbook
S5. Sustainability Advise on the Building Regulation X X
and Accessibility requirement in relation to sustainability
and accessibility to achieve
environmental and social objectives.
S6. Construction Utilise knowledge of construction X X
technology technology to provide advice and
guidance in connection with the design
or construction of building projects.
S7. Finance Calculate charges for the building control X

S8. Information Utilise proficient Information X

Technology Skills Technology (IT) skills and have a good
knowledge of relevant technologies,
including Building information modelling
S9. Site Inspect building work in progress as X
Inspections may be necessary to ensure
compliance with the Building
S10. Building Uphold high technical standards and X
Control Best best practice in building control in all
Practice aspects of building regulation
compliance and its application to
construction types and methods.
S11. Communicate effectively and X
Communication appropriately - both verbally and in
skills writing - with people at all levels to
achieve a compliant outcome.
S12. Personal and Manage own time and tasks, X
Professional communicate and negotiate
effectiveness effectively within a commercial
S13. Diplomacy Applies diplomacy, tact and persuasive X
skills when dealing with difficult
situations while remaining impartial.

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BEHAVIOURS What is required - In the context of building Plan Panel
control: Evaluation Interview
Report supported
Exam by
B1. Provide a Always ensure your client, or others to whom X
high standard of you have a professional responsibility, receive
service the best possible advice, support or
performance of the terms of engagement you
have agreed to and ensure you always give
attention to detail.
B2. Act in a way Demonstrate a personal commitment to X
that promotes professional and ethical standards, recognising
trust in the one’s obligations to society and the profession.
B3. Act with Always be trustworthy, open, transparent and X
integrity challenge where necessary.

Respect confidential information of your clients

or potential clients and do not allow bias,
conflict of interest or the undue influence of
others to override your professional or
business judgments or obligations.

Always act consistently in the public interest

when making decisions or providing advice.
B4. Treat Treat everyone with courtesy, politeness and X
others with respect.
B5. Take Always act with skill, care and diligence and X
responsibility deal with any complaint in an appropriate
professional manner.
B6. Be open to the changing environment of the X
Adaptability workplace and regulatory framework.
and Resilience

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Appendix B Grading Standards for Plan Evaluation

Report Exam
The table below maps the grading standards against the knowledge, skills and behaviours of
the Building Control Surveyor Apprenticeship Standard to be assessed by the Plan
Evaluation Report Exam.
Knowledge, Fail Pass Distinction
Skills, To achieve a pass grade To achieve a
Behaviours the evidence must show distinction grade the
that the apprentice is able evidence must show
to: that, in addition to the
pass criteria, the
apprentice is able to:
K1. Legislation ‘fails to Demonstrates knowledge of Evaluates solutions in
meet requirements contained within order to suggest and
the the Building Act, Statutory justify suitable
pass Framework and other alternatives.
criteria’ associated legislation related
to Building Regulations e.g.
Planning, Licensing,
Regulatory Reform Order.
K3. Building ‘fails to Applies the Building Offers alternative
Regulations meet the Regulations in relation to all solutions to achieve
approval pass types of building work - compliance.
criteria’ covering areas such as
structural design, means of
escape, active and passive fire
protection, ventilation, thermal
efficiency and access
K8. Enforcement ‘fails to Explains how the enforcement Evaluates advantages
meet the framework and powers within and disadvantages of the
pass the Building Act work together enforcement framework.
criteria’ to achieve compliance with the
Building Regulations.
K9. Non- ‘fails to Demonstrates an Explains how statutory
Statutory duties meet the understanding of non- statutory duties apply to a range of
pass duties carried out by Building work types.
criteria’ Control teams as a delegated
function of a Local Authority
e.g. dangerous structures,
demolitions, accessible
alterations to premises.
S1. Legislation ‘fails to Demonstrates correct Evaluates
meet application of the principles solutions in order
the contained within the Building to suggest and
pass Act and Statutory Framework justify suitable
criteria’ related to the Building alternatives.
Regulations e.g. Planning,
Licensing, Regulatory
Reform Order.

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Knowledge, Fail Pass Distinction

Skills, To achieve a pass grade To achieve a
Behaviours the evidence must show distinction grade the
that the apprentice is able evidence must show
to: that, in addition to the
pass criteria, the
apprentice is able to:
S3. Building ‘fails to Applies the minimum Proposes
Regulations meet standards of the Building appropriate
approval the Regulations to evaluate options to benefit
pass plans, drawings, design outcomes
criteria’ specifications and other over and above
documents submitted for those in the
Building Regulation approval Building
for all types of building work Regulations.
to ensure appropriate
decisions are issued on

Makes appropriate
recommendations where
required to support
S5. ‘fails to Advises on the functional Recommends
Sustainability meet requirements of the Building appropriate innovative
and Accessibility the Regulations in relation to solutions available in
pass sustainability and order to achieve
criteria’ accessibility to achieve environmental and social
environmental and social objectives.
Demonstrates an
ability to evaluate
and apply the
principles of
inclusive design
and modern
methods of
S6. Construction ‘fails to Utilises knowledge of Offers a range of
technology meet construction technology to compliant alternative
the provide advice and guidance solutions during the
pass in connection with the design design or construction of
criteria’ or construction of building building projects.
Shows awareness
of particular
benefits or
limitations of

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Appendix C Grading Standards against KSB’s for

Panel Interview supported by a Logbook
The table below maps the grading standards against the knowledge, skills and behaviours of
the Building Control Surveyor Apprenticeship Standard to be assessed by the Panel
Interview supported by a Logbook.
Knowledge, Fail Pass Distinction
Skills, To achieve a pass grade the To achieve a distinction
Behaviours evidence must show that the grade the evidence must
apprentice is able to: show that, in addition
to the pass criteria, the
apprentice is able to:
K1. Legislation ‘fails to Demonstrates an Evaluates solutions in
meet understanding of the order to suggest and
the pass requirements contained justify suitable
criteria’ within the Building Act and alternatives.
Statutory Framework and
other associated legislation
related to Building
Regulations e.g. Planning,
Licensing, Regulatory
Reform Order.
K2. Data ‘fails to Shows an understanding of Demonstrates an
management meet Regulatory processes within understanding of the
the pass the constraints of timescale, interaction of Regulatory
criteria’ data management and processes.
confidentiality, in-line with data
protection laws. Evaluates processes to
suggest improvements
where needed.
K3. Building ‘fails to Demonstrates understanding Offers alternative solutions to
Regulations meet of the Building Regulations in achieve compliance.
approval the pass relation to all types of building
criteria’ work - covering areas such
as structural design, means
of escape, active and passive
fire protection, ventilation,
thermal efficiency and access
K4. Health and ‘fails to Shows an understanding of Evaluates and applies the
safety meet the basic principles and principles and
the pass responsibilities imposed by responsibilities in fulfilling
criteria’ Health and Safety law, codes other site-based functions.
of practice and other
regulations in fulfilling the
building control function.

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Knowledge, Fail Pass Distinction

Skills, To achieve a pass grade the To achieve a distinction
Behaviours evidence must show that the grade the evidence must
apprentice is able to: show that, in addition
to the pass criteria, the
apprentice is able to:
K5. Sustainability ‘fails to Shows an understanding of Evaluates and offer
and Accessibility meet how the Building outcomes that exceed the
the pass Regulations places a minimum requirements of
criteria’ requirement in relation to the Building Regulations.
sustainability and
accessibility to achieve
environmental and social
K6. Construction ‘fails to Demonstrates an Evaluates and applies
Technology meet understanding of building principles of building
the pass pathology and construction pathology and construction
criteria’ technology used in technology to a wide range
buildings including the of buildings including the
performance criteria of performance criteria of
materials. materials.
K7. Finance ‘fails to Demonstrates an Evaluates and applies the
meet understanding of the Charges Regulations to a
the pass Charges Regulations and range of projects requiring
criteria’ its relevance to service individual quotations.
K10. People ‘fails to Demonstrates an Makes appropriate
management meet understanding of the recommendations (drawing
the pass dynamics of the design on support and guidance
criteria’ team and is familiar with where required) in a wide
what support and guidance range of contexts.
can be offered where
K11. Specialist ‘fails to Demonstrates an Illustrates the application of
functions meet understanding of specialist a specialist function(s) with
the pass functions of building control reference to personal
criteria’ e.g. Fire Engineering, experience or involvement.
Access Officer, Acoustic
Engineer, Thermal
K12. Consultation ‘fails to Demonstrates an Evaluates and applies
meet understanding of why through experience where
the pass consultation is required with consultation could or
criteria’ other local authority should have been
functions and external improved.
statutory bodies and

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Building Control End-Point Assessment

Knowledge, Fail Pass Distinction

Skills, To achieve a pass grade the To achieve a distinction
Behaviours evidence must show that the grade the evidence must
apprentice is able to: show that, in addition
to the pass criteria, the
apprentice is able to:
K13. Marketing ‘fails to Demonstrates an Demonstrates an ability to
meet understanding of how the promote the building
the pass building control service can control service through
criteria’ be promoted through experience implementing a
effective marketing. targeted and measurable
marketing initiative.

Evaluate successful and

unsuccessful initiatives.
S1. Legislation ‘fails to Accurately applies the Explains principles using
meet principles contained within language that would be
the pass the Building Act and understood by different
criteria’ Statutory Framework and audiences.
other associated legislation
related to Building Evaluate solutions in order
Regulations e.g. Planning, to suggest and justify
Licensing, Regulatory suitable alternatives.
Reform Order.
S2. Data ‘fails to Demonstrates Accurately appraises the
management meet understanding of relevance, confidentiality
the pass administrative processes of and value of information.
criteria’ a Building Regulation
application and uses of the Evaluate processes and
data to ensure performance suggest improvements
standards are met in where needed.
compliance with relevant
quality assurance
‘fails to Correctly applies the
S3. Building meet Building Regulations to Provides evidence of
Regulations the pass evaluate plans, drawings, appropriate
approval criteria’ specifications and other recommendations
documents submitted for proposed to achieve
Building Regulation greater design outcomes.
approval for all types of
building work to ensure
appropriate decisions are
issued on applications.

Recommend appropriate
options where required to
support compliance.

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Building Control End-Point Assessment

Knowledge, Fail Pass Distinction

Skills, To achieve a pass grade the To achieve a distinction
Behaviours evidence must show that the grade the evidence must
apprentice is able to: show that, in addition
to the pass criteria, the
apprentice is able to:
S4. Health and ‘fails to Identifies and manages Provides examples of
safety meet risks of health, safety and where H&S has impacted
the pass welfare in-line with on their role through a
criteria’ legislation, hazards and range of projects covering
safe systems of work. personal and site based
H&S issues.

Makes best practice

recommendations where
S5. Sustainability ‘fails to Advises on the functional Recommends appropriate
and Accessibility meet requirements of the Building innovative solutions
the pass Regulations in relation to available to achieve
criteria’ sustainability and environmental and social
accessibility to achieve objectives.
environmental and social
objectives. Demonstrates an ability to
evaluate and apply the
principles of inclusive
design and modern
methods of construction.
S6. Construction ‘fails to Provides advice and Offers a range of compliant
technology meet guidance in connection with solutions during the design
the pass the design or construction or construction of building
criteria’ of building projects using projects.
their knowledge of
construction technology. Provides evidence
demonstrating benefits or
limitations of specific
compliant solutions using
personal experience.
S7. Finance ‘fails to Demonstrates ability to Demonstrate successes
meet calculate charges for the through pricing in relation
the pass building control function. to desired inspection
criteria’ frameworks across a wide
range of construction
projects and contexts.
S8. Information ‘fails to Utilises proficient Provides examples
Technology Skills meet Information Technology (IT) showing considered
the pass skills and shows an application of relevant and
criteria’ understanding of relevant appropriate technologies to
technologies, including projects.
Building information
modelling (BIM).

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Knowledge, Fail Pass Distinction

Skills, To achieve a pass grade the To achieve a distinction
Behaviours evidence must show that the grade the evidence must
apprentice is able to: show that, in addition
to the pass criteria, the
apprentice is able to:
S9. Site ‘fails to Explains the purpose of the
Inspections meet site inspection function and Provides evidence where
the pass can describe the intervention has resulted in
criteria’ inspections necessary a successful solution to
during construction to ensure compliance with the
ensure compliance with the Building Regulations.
Building Regulations.

Provides evidence of
appropriate inspections of
building work in progress.
S10. ‘fails to Demonstrates adherence to Acts as a role model of
Building Control meet high technical standards high technical, ethical and
Best Practice the pass and best practice in building best practice standards in
criteria’ control in all aspects of all aspects of Building
Building Regulation Regulation compliance
compliance and its including technology,
application to construction material performance and
types and methods. installation methods.

Demonstrates involvement
in initiatives to promote
best practice such as
Performance Standards
and Competencies.
S11. ‘fails to Demonstrates effective Provides examples of
Communication meet communication with a range interactions across a range
skills the pass of audiences, both verbally of audiences e.g. working
criteria’ and in writing, in order to closely with customers,
achieve a compliant internal and external
outcome. colleagues, companies and
S12. Personal ‘fails to Demonstrates efficient time Demonstrates an ability to
and Professional meet and task management, initiate appropriate actions
effectiveness the pass communication and to improve effectiveness.
criteria’ negotiation skills within a
commercial environment. Provides examples of how
effectiveness has been
S13. Diplomacy ‘fails to Shows an understanding of Provides evidence of their
meet how to apply diplomacy, impartial judgments across
the pass tact and persuasive skills a range of audiences.
criteria’ when dealing with difficult
while remaining impartial.

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Knowledge, Fail Pass Distinction

Skills, To achieve a pass grade the To achieve a distinction
Behaviours evidence must show that the grade the evidence must
apprentice is able to: show that, in addition
to the pass criteria, the
apprentice is able to:
‘fails to Demonstrates commitment
B1. Provide a meet to ensuring clients, or Provides evidence of how
high standard of the pass others to whom they have a they have delivered
service criteria’ professional responsibility, services with exceptional
receive the best possible efficiency, precision and
advice, support or accuracy.
performance of the terms of
engagement they have
agreed to, ensuring
to detail.
B2. Act in a way ‘fails to Shows a personal Demonstrates through
that promotes meet commitment to professional examples how they have
trust in the the pass and ethical standards, exceeded their required
profession criteria’ recognition of their obligations and identified
obligations to society and opportunities to make
the profession. further contributions to
society and the profession.
B3. Act with ‘fails to Demonstrates an Provides examples to show
integrity meet understanding of the how integrity has been
the pass importance of being achieved.
criteria’ trustworthy, open,
transparent, and to
challenge where necessary,
in order to act in the public
interest when making
decisions or providing

Shows respect of
confidential information of
their clients or potential
clients and does not allow
bias, conflict of interest or
the undue influence of
others to override their
professional or business
judgments or obligations.

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Knowledge, Fail Pass Distinction

Skills, To achieve a pass grade the To achieve a distinction
Behaviours evidence must show that the grade the evidence must
apprentice is able to: show that, in addition
to the pass criteria, the
apprentice is able to:
B4. Treat others ‘fails to Demonstrates ability to treat Demonstrates an
with respect meet everyone with courtesy, awareness of the
the pass politeness and respect. underlying principles and
criteria’ adjustments necessary to
ensure individual needs are
taken into account.

Provides examples of how

individual needs have been
B5. Take ‘fails to Explains how to act with Describes the importance
responsibility meet skill, care and diligence and of taking responsibility for
the pass how to deal with any their work to ensure a
criteria’ complaint in an appropriate successful outcome can be
professional manner. achieved and make
amends when necessary.

Provides evidence of how

they have taken
responsibility for their work
e.g. customer complaints.
B6. Adaptability ‘fails to Recognises the implications Explains how to embrace
and Resilience meet of the changing and champion the changing
the pass environment of the environment.
criteria’ workplace and regulatory
framework. Provides examples of how
they adapted to different

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