Worksheet On Measurement and Instrumentation

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Measurement and Instrumentation Work sheet


1. A 0-25A ammeter has a guaranteed accuracy of 1 percent of full scale reading. The current
measured by this instrument is 10 A. Determine the limiting error in percentage.
2. The inductance of an inductor is specified as 20 H ± 5 percent by a manufacturer. Determine
the limits of inductance between which it is guaranteed.
3. A 0-250 V voltmeter has a guaranteed accuracy of 2% of full-scale reading. The voltage
measured by the voltmeter is 150 volts. Determine the limiting error in percentage.
4. The measurand value of a resistance is 10.25 Ω, whereas its value is 10.22 Ω. Determine the
absolute error of the measurement.
5. The measured value of a capacitor is 205.3 𝝁F, whereas its true value is 201.4 𝝁F. Determine
the relative error.
6. Voltage of 3.0 volts with negligible resistance. The resistance of the slide-wire is 400 Ω and
its length is 200 cm. A 200-cm scale is placed along the slide wire. The slide-wire has 1 mm
scale divisions and it is possible to read up to 1/5 of a division. The instrument is
standardized with 1.018 volt standard cell with sliding contact at the 101.8 cm mark on scale.
a. Working current
b. Resistance of series rheostat
c. Measurement range
d. Resolution of the instrument
7. Dial resistors are 10 Ω each. The slide wire of the potentiometer is circular and has 11 turns
and a resistance of 1 Ω per turn. The slide wire has 100 divisions and interpolation can be
done to one fourth of a division. The working battery has a voltage of 6.0 volt.


a. the measuring range of the potentiometer,

b. the resolution,
c. working current, and
d. Setting of the rheostat.

By: Seifu G. Page 1

Measurement and Instrumentation Work sheet

8. A simple slide wire potentiometer is used for measurement of current in a circuit. The
voltage drop across a standard resistor of 0.1 Ω is balanced at 75 cm. find the magnitude of
the current if the standard cell emf of 1.45 volt is balanced at 50 cm.
9. A Crompton’s potentiometer consists of a resistance dial having 15 steps of 10 Ω each and a
series connected slide wire of 10 Ω which is divided into 100 divisions. If the working
current of the potentiometer is 10 mA and each division of slide wire can be read accurately
up to 1/5th of its span, calculate the resolution of the potentiometer in volts.
10. What is an LVDT? Explain its working principle with necessary diagrams & characteristics.
What are its advantages and uses?
11. The output of an LVDT is connected to a 5 V voltmeter through an amplifier of amplification
factor 250. The voltmeter scales has 100 divisions and the scale can be read to 1/5th of a
division. An output of 2 mV appears across the terminals of the LVDT when the core is
displaced through a distance of 0.5 mm.
a. The sensitivity of the LVDT,
b. that of the whole set up, and
c. The resolution of the instrument in mm.
12. The resistance of a thermistor is 800 Ω at 50°C and 4 kΩ at the ice-point. Calculate the
characteristic constants (A, B) for the thermistor and the variations in resistance between
30°C and 100°C.
13. For a certain thermistor β = 3100 K and its resistance at 20°C is known to be 1050 Ω. The
thermistor is used for temperature measurement and the resistance measured is 2300 Ω. Find
the measured temperature if the temperature resistance characteristics of the thermistor is
given by

14. Describe with suitable diagrams the working principle of strain gauges. Describe the terms
Poisson’s ratio and gauge factor.

By: Seifu G. Page 2

Measurement and Instrumentation Work sheet


1. An unbalanced whetstone bridge is given below in figure. Calculate the current through the

2. Give the construction of Andersons bridge and drive its balance conditions
3. Four arms of a Wheatstone bridge are as follows: AB = 100Ω, BC = 10 Ω, CD = 4 Ω, DA =
50 Ω. A galvanometer with internal resistance of 20 Ω is connected between BD, while a
battery of 10-V dc is connected between AC. Find the current through the galvanometer.
Find the value of the resistance to be put on the arm DA so that the bridge is balanced.
4. The four arms of a Wheatstone bridge are as follows: AB = 100 Ω, BC = 1000 Ω, CD = 4000
Ω, DA = 400 Ω. A galvanometer with internal resistance of 100 Ω and sensitivity of 10
mm/μA is connected between AC, while a battery of 4 V dc is connected between BD.
Calculate the current through the galvanometer and its deflection if the resistance of arm DA
is changed from 400 Ω to 401 Ω.
5. A 4-terminal resistor was measured with the help of a Kelvin’s double bridge having the
following components:
Standard resistor = 98.02 nW, inner ratio arms = 98.022 Ω and 202 W, outer ratio arms =
98.025 Ω and 201.96 W, resistance of the link connecting the standard resistance and the
unknown resistance = 600 nW. Calculate the value of the unknown resistance.
6. In the AC bridge circuit shown in Figure 6.1, the supply voltage is 20 V at 500 Hz. Arm AB
is 0.25mμ pure capacitance; arm BD is 400 Ω pure resistances and arm AC has a 120 Ω
resistance in parallel with a 0.15 mμ capacitor.
Find resistance and inductance or capacitance of the arm CD considering it as a series circuit.

By: Seifu G. Page 3

Measurement and Instrumentation Work sheet

7. A Maxwell’s inductance–capacitance bridge is used to measure a unknown inductive

impedance. The bridge constants at bridge balance are: Pure resistance arms = 2.5 kΩ and 50
kΩ. In between these two resistors, the third arm has a capacitor of value 0.012 μF in series
with a resistor of value 235 kΩ. Find the series equivalent of the unknown impedance.
8. The four arms of a bridge are connected as follows:
Arm AB: A choke coil L1 with an equivalent series resistance r1
Arm BC: A non-inductive resistance R3
Arm CD: A mica capacitor C4 in series a non-inductive resistance R4
Arm DA: A non-inductive resistance R2
When the bridge is supplied from a source of 450 Hz is given between terminals A and C and
the detector is connected between nodes B and D, balance is obtained the following
conditions: R2 = 2400 Ω, R3 = 600 Ω, C4 = 0.3 μF and R4 = 55.4 Ω. Series resistance of the
capacitor is 0.5 Ω. Calculate the resistance and inductance of the choke coil.

By: Seifu G. Page 4

Measurement and Instrumentation Work sheet

9. The four arms of a bridge are connected as follows:

Arm AB: A capacitor C1 with an equivalent series resistance r1
Arm BC: A non-inductive resistance R3
Arm CD: A non-inductive resistance R4
Arm DA: A capacitor C2 with an equivalent series resistance r2 in series with a resistance R2
A supply of 500 Hz is given between terminals A and C and the detector is connected
between nodes B and D. At balance, R2 = 5 Ω, R3 = 1000 Ω, R4 = 3000 Ω, C2 = 0.3 μF and
r2 = 0.25 Ω. Calculate the values of C1 and r1, and also dissipation factor of the capacitor.
10. The four arms of a bridge supplied from a sinusoidal source are configured as follows:
Arm AB: A resistance of 100 Ω in parallel with a capacitance of 0.5 μF
Arm BC: A 200 Ω non-inductive resistance
Arm CD: A 800 Ω non-inductive resistance
Arm DA: A resistance Rx in series with a 1 μF capacitance
Determine the value of Rx and the frequency at which the bridge will balance.
Supply is given between terminals A and C and the detector is connected between nodes B
and D.
11. Explain with the help of a phasor diagram, how unknown inductance can be measured using
Maxwell’s inductance–capacitance bridge.
12. The following data relate to a basic ac bridge:

13. Describe the working of Hay’s bridge for measurement of inductance. Derive the equations
for balance and draw the phasor diagram under balanced condition. Explain how this bridge
is suitable for measurement of high Q chokes?

By: Seifu G. Page 5

Measurement and Instrumentation Work sheet

14. Describe how unknown capacitors can be measured using De Sauty’s bridge. What are the
limitations of this bridge and how they can be overcome by using a modified De Sauty’s
bridge? Draw relevant phasor diagrams
15. Describe the working of a Schering bridge for measurement of capacitance and dissipation
factor. Derive relevant equations and draw phasor diagram under balanced condition.
16. In an Anderson’s bridge for measurement of inductance, the arm AB consists of unknown
impedance with L and R, the arm BC contains a variable resistor, fixed resistances of 500 Ω
each in arms CD and DA, a known variable resistance in the arm DE, and a capacitor of fixed
capacitance 2 μF in the arm CE. The ac supply of 200 Hz is connected across A and C, and
the detector is connected between B and E. If balance is obtained with a resistance of 300 Ω
in the arm DE and a resistance of 600 Ω in the arm BC, calculate values of unknown
impedance L and R. Derive the relevant equations for balance and draw the phasor diagram.
17. A capacitor busing forms the arm AB of a Schering bridge and a standard capacitor of 400
μF capacitance and negligible loss, form the arm AD. Arm BC consists of a non-inductive
resistance of 200 Ω. When the detector connected between nodes B and D shows no
deflection, the arm CD has a resistance of 82.4 Ω in parallel with a capacitance of 0.124 μF.
The supply frequency is 50 Hz. Calculate the capacitance and dielectric loss angle of the
capacitor. Derive the equations for balance and draw the relevant phasor diagram at balanced
18. Explain how Wien’s bridge can be used for measurement of unknown frequency. Draw the
phasor diagram under balanced condition and derive the expression for balance.
19. An AC bridge is configured as follows:
Arm AB: A resistance of 600 Ω in parallel with a capacitance of 0.3 μF
Arm BC: An unknown non-inductive resistance
Arm CD: A non-inductive resistance of 1000 Ω
Arm DA: A resistance of 400 Ω in series with a capacitance of 0.1 μF
If a supply is given between terminals A and C and the detector is connected between nodes
B and D, find the resistance required in the arm BC and also the supply frequency for the
bridge to be balanced.
20. With the help of neat block diagram, clearly explain how analogue data can be converted in
to digital data using successive approximation type ADC
21. Draw a four bit R-2R resistor ladder diagram Digital to Analog Converter (DAC). Then
convert a code 0001 to analog

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