Risk Assessment Example - Clock Tower

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Likelihood of

Risk Level
Occurrence (1-5)
Potential Consequences (Severity x Recommended Mitigation
Risk Category Risk Description (Severity)- impact probability Likelihood) Existing Controls Measures

- Regular fire safety

inspections conducted
quarterly - Implement automated fire
detection systems with smoke
- Fire prevention
and heat detectors throughout
Identification of potential - Loss of life (5) measures including no-
the tower.
fire sources and ignition smoking policies and
- Property damage (5)
points within the clock electrical system - Conduct regular fire safety
Fire Hazards tower. - Environmental impact (4) 4 80 maintenance. training for all staff and visitors.

- Retrofit the clock tower with

- Use of fire-resistant advanced fire-resistant
building materials (fire materials (fire rating of 4
rating of 2 hours) hours).
Assessment of the
- High loss of life and
potential impact of a fire - Evacuation plan with - Develop and communicate a
property damage (5)
incident on life safety, clearly marked exits and comprehensive emergency
property, and the - Significant fire drills conducted bi- evacuation plan with frequent
Fire Severity environment. environmental damage (4) 3 60 annually. evacuation drills.

- Security measures - Install automatic fire

including surveillance suppression systems
cameras and access (sprinklers) in high-occupancy
control and critical areas
Identification of high-
occupancy zones, critical - Fire protection systems - Implement physical security
infrastructure, and - High risk to occupants including fire doors and measures to safeguard
Vulnerable Areas culturally significant areas. and critical assets (5) 4 80 fire extinguishers. culturally significant areas.

- Expand evacuation routes for

high-occupancy areas to
accommodate simultaneous
- Regular evacuation egress.
- Congestion during drills conducted annually
- Implement dynamic
evacuations (4)
Evaluation of the capacity - Clear signage and evacuation management
Evacuation and effectiveness of - Difficulty in reaching emergency lighting systems to monitor and
Routes escape routes. safety (3) 3 36 along evacuation routes. optimize evacuation flow.

- Implement a state-of-the-art
automatic fire suppression
system (water mist) with full
- Automatic sprinkler coverage.
- Delayed response to fires systems installed in
- Establish a routine
(4) some areas
Review of the reliability maintenance and testing
Suppression and availability of existing - Inadequate suppression - Fire extinguishers schedule for the suppression
Systems fire suppression systems. coverage (3) 2 24 placed strategically. system.

Assessment of the - Upgrade to advanced fire

reliability and coverage of - Smoke detectors and detection and alarm systems
Detection and fire detection and alarm - Delayed detection of fires manual fire alarm with redundancy and self-
Alarms systems. (4) 2 24 stations in place testing features.
- Ineffective alarm - Regular fire alarm - Conduct regular inspections
notification (3) testing and and testing of alarm systems.

- Retrofit the clock tower with

advanced fire-resistant
materials (fire rating of 4 hours)
- Building constructed for additional structural
with fire-resistant protection.
Evaluation of building
materials and structural - Conduct regular structural
Structural integrity in the event of a - Structural damage - Periodic structural inspections with non-
Considerations fire. leading to collapse (5) 3 60 inspections. destructive testing methods.

- Develop a specialized
protection plan for cultural
artifacts, including fireproof
- Cultural artifacts enclosures and climate control
secured behind fire- systems.
resistant enclosures
- Conduct regular condition
Identification of unique - Fire suppression assessments and implement
hazards, such as cultural - Irreplaceable loss of systems in proximity to artifact relocation procedures
Special Hazards artifacts. cultural heritage (5) 2 40 valuable artifacts. during emergencies.

- Review and update the

emergency response plan to
include specific procedures for
fire incidents.
- Emergency drills
- Confusion during
conducted bi-annually - Implement a real-time
emergencies (3)
Review of existing <br> - Emergency communication system for
Emergency emergency response and - Delayed response times communication systems emergencies, including mobile
Response Plan evacuation plans. (3) 2 18 in place. apps for occupants.

- Regularly engage with - Establish a dedicated

regulatory authorities compliance team to monitor
for updates and and enforce all regulatory
approvals requirements.

Ensuring compliance with - Maintain - Conduct regular internal

Regulatory local fire safety regulations - Fines and legal liabilities comprehensive records audits to ensure continuous
Compliance and permits. (3) 1 3 for compliance. compliance and reporting.

- Allocate a dedicated budget

for the implementation of the
- Insufficient budget for
Assessment of the alternative fire-fighting system,
system implementation (4) - Budget allocation for
financial and resource including procurement,
system procurement
constraints for - Inadequate staffing and installation, and testing.
and installation
Budget and implementing and expertise for system
- Establish a resource allocation
Resource maintaining the alternative operation and - Resource planning for
plan to ensure adequate
Allocation fire-fighting system. maintenance (4) 3 36 system maintenance.
staffing and expertise for
system maintenance and

Evaluation of the - Existing - Establish clear communication

effectiveness of communication channels, including dedicated
- Delayed response due to
communication and protocols and emergency hotlines and real-
coordination between emergency contact lists. time reporting systems. -
breakdown (3)
clock tower personnel, - Periodic coordination Conduct joint training and drills
Communication local fire authorities, and - Inadequate coordination meetings with local fire with local fire authorities to
and Coordination emergency responders. during emergencies (3) 2 12 authorities. enhance coordination.

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