Assignment Brief Instructions - Training Session - INFO8815

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INFO8815 – Collaborative Environmental Processes

Title Training Session

Course Weight See Instructional Plan
Grading Within 3 days of course end date

Instructions This is a GROUP assignment.

Each student is responsible to maintain the integrity of their own work AND of
their group. Sharing / Copying / Crowdsourcing / Improper usage of AI tools / will
result in academic penalties.


This assignment will require you to deliver a Training Session on your chosen topic

Your Training Session will follow the BOPPPS methodology and structured to meet the
time allocation within a 20% threshold (3 minutes either side). Base target timing is
between 15-18 minutes per presentation. Timing target may be increased or decreased
for each section’s professor due to class size.

Deductions will be applied to presentations that are outside the threshold.

To deliver your training session, you will need to complete the following tasks:

 Your topic for the demonstration

 Prepare your BOPPPS Planning Sheet and Lesson Plan
 Sway or PowerPoint presentation
 All team members present (in-person): absent = zero
 Each member must have a speaking opportunity
 Be prepared with any other physical resources needed for your training session

Your Training Session will receive feedback from your learners and will be used in the
grading process by your professor. You must be present (in-person) to complete the
peer review forms.
Do NOT deliver this technical training session as a presentation
This is a demonstration/training opportunity


Part “A”: In-Person Training Demonstration

Complete a technical training session (demonstration) that includes the following:

 Team Introduction: Introduce yourself and teammate(s)

 Content Bridge-In: Bridge-in your content
 Content Introduction: Introduce your topic
 Training Content: Perform the training
 Content Conclusion: Conclude your training
 Wrap Up: Wrap up your session, thanking your audience

Part “B”: Technical Training Material

1. Title Page – Refer to the Student Information Section for requirements

2. Team Introduction Slide: This slide should include an introduction of yourself and
the team. Following BOPPPS methodology, use this as a bridge-in. 1-2 slides.

3. Content Introduction Slide: Introduce the training session topic. Follow the
BOPPPS methodology. 1-2 slides.

4. Training Content Slides – Perform the training of your topic. Make references to
your training manual here. This content should reflect your manual content. 1-many
slides (appropriate to time allotment)

5. Content Conclusion Slide: Close out your presentation here following the
BOPPPS methodology. 1-2 slides.

6. Wrap-Up Slide: Provide an overall summary of your presentation/topic, thank your

audience, and provide information on next steps etc. 1-2 slides.

7. Academic Reference Page Slide: Include all sourced and cited material. If none
used, this should be indicated.

This assignment will evaluate your ability to:

 Apply practical lesson plans incorporating lesson objectives, participatory learning

activities and evaluation methodologies for learners (CLO #2)

 Deliver properly constructed training sessions focusing on the psychomotor,

cognitive, or affective domain to learners (CLO #3)

 Convey constructive feedback that is clear and specific for the purpose of improving
or reinforcing the presenter’s instructional technique (CLO #6)


Remember the “KISS” formula (Keep It Simple Student): Keep it clean, consistent and to
the point

 Tables and figures enhance the written word; they are not a replacement.
 Bullet points must be preceded by written content (no section should ever be just
bullet points)
 Writing Tip: Paragraph sentence structure should be no less than 5 sentences
 Include an Appendix outlining any statements used for AI assistance
 You are encouraged to number your Headings (this is not required by APA)

APA @ Conestoga helps students maintain academic integrity in their written work by
providing proper acknowledgement of sources used

Document to follow these recommended APA formatting guidelines:

 The paper must have a consistent font size and format
 Double spaced
 Use a “sans Serif” font
 1st paragraph hanging indent
 Acronyms can be used after three uses of the fully explained term
 All Tables and Figures must be introduced
 All Tables and Figures must be properly captioned with a number and title
 References must be in alphabetical order and begin with a handing indent
 Visit APA@conestoga for additional details and support

Title Page
Include the following details:

 Assignment Name
 Your name and student number
 Program
 Course and Section
 Professor name
 Due Date
 Word count

Upload Requirements
Upload your submission via the EConestoga portal (drop box)

 Name your file: 8815-TTD-TeamName

Late Penalties
Late penalties will be applied immediately past the deadline

 Day 1 late = 20% reduction penalty

 Day 2 late = 40% reduction penalty
 Day 3 late = 100% reduction penalty

Prior accommodations required for submissions received beyond deadline.

Resubmissions for grade recovery is not allowed at any time beyond deadline.

Helpful 1. Your professor

Resources 2. Sample and checklist handouts
3. Internet, books, library, and any other resources
4. Assignment Rubric

DECLARATION (SAMPLE ONLY – Refer to Step #2 for requirements)

We, DARRYL LEBRUN, BOB THECAT, and MOGAMBO affirm that the attached work is entirely my own, except where the
words or ideas of other writers are specifically acknowledged in accordance with accepted APA citation conventions. This
assignment has not been submitted for any other course at Conestoga College or any other global institution. I
acknowledge that I have revised, edited, and proofread this paper, and I certify that I am the author of this paper. Any
assistance I received in its preparation is fully and properly acknowledged and disclosed. I have also cited any sources
from which I used data, ideas, theories, or words, whether quoted directly or paraphrased. I further acknowledge that
this paper has been prepared by myself specifically for this course

Our team has spent approximately ___ hours on this assignment.

Darryl J. LeBrun

Bob TheCat



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