MVC Complete Notes (1) (Repaired)
MVC Complete Notes (1) (Repaired)
ASP.NET is an Open-Source Web Framework, created by Microsoft, for building Modern Web Apps and
Services with .NET using C# or VB.NET or F# languages. ASP.NET extends the .NET platform with tools and libraries
specifically for building Web Apps.
.NET is Platform Independent i.e., applications that are developed by using .NET can run on multiple
Platform’s and to run .NET Applications on a machine that machine should be 1st installed with a software i.e., .NET
Runtime. Microsoft provided us 3 different .NET Runtimes that came over a period, like:
.NET Framework Runtime
.NET Core Runtime
.NET Runtime
.NET Framework Runtime was launched in the year 2002 and this is available only for Windows Platforms.
The first version of this Runtime is 1.0 and the last version is 4.8.
.NET Core Runtime was launched in the year 2016 and this is available for multiple platforms like
Windows, Linux, and Mac. The first version of this Runtime is 1.0 and the last version is 3.1.
.NET Runtime is also same as .NET Core Runtime which was launched in the year 2020 and this is also
available for multiple platforms like Windows, Linux, and Mac. This is a combination of .NET Framework and .NET
Core and evolved as “One .NET”. The first version of .NET Runtime started with 5.0 and we call this as .NET 5 and
the latest is .NET 6.
In .NET Framework we have been provided with ASP.NET Framework for building Web Applications and
under this we have different options like:
ASP.NET Web Forms
In .NET CORE, .NET 5, and .NET 6 we have been provided with ASP.NET Core Framework for building Web
Applications and under this also we have different options again, like:
ASP.NET Core Web App (Razor Pages)
ASP.NET Core Web App (Model-View-Controller)
Note: ASP.NET Core is the open-source version of ASP.NET, that can be developed and run-on Windows, Linux,
macOS, and Docker. This was first released in 2016 and is a re-design of earlier Windows-Only versions of ASP.NET.
Performance is a key focus of ASP.NET Core which is faster than other popular web frameworks as per
independent TechEmpower benchmarks. Like the rest of .NET, ASP.NET is also open source on GitHub which has
over 100,000 contributions and 3,700 companies have already contributed.
Applications what we use day to day are divided into different categories like:
Desktop Applications
Web Applications
Mobile Applications
Desktop Applications means, these applications must be installed on our computer first to consume them.
Example: MS Office, Skype Messenger, Zoom, Browsers, etc.
Web Applications means, we install these applications on a centralized machine known as Web Server and then
clients can access the application by connecting to the Web Server using a Browser thru Internet.
Example: Facebook, Gmail, Amazon, Flipkart, etc.
Mobile Applications are also like Desktop Applications only i.e., we need to install them on our Mobiles or Tablets
to consume, but they work with the help of Internet like a Web Application.
Example: WhatsApp, Swiggy, Zomato, Uber, Ola, etc.
What is Internet?
Ans: Internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks that use the standard Internet protocol
suite (TCP/IP) to link several billion devices worldwide. It is a network of networks that consists of millions of
private, public, academic, business, and government networks, of local to global scope, that are linked by a broad
array of electronic, wireless, and optical networking technologies. Internet carries an extensive range of
information, resources, and services, such as the inter-linked hypertext documents and applications of the World
Wide Web (WWW), the infrastructure to support email, and peer-to-peer networks for file sharing and telephony.
How does a Web Browser fetch a Web Page?
A browser fetches a Web Page from a Web Server by a request and this request is a standard “HTTP
Request” containing a page address known as URL (Uniform Resource Locator).
An address or URL may look like this: http(s)://
Format of URL: <Protocol>://<Domain Name>:<Port>/<Request Page>
If you want other people to view your Web Site or Application, you must copy your Site to a Public Server.
Even if you can use your own PC as a Web Server but it is very common to let an ISP host your Site.
Included in Web Hosting solution you can also expect Domain Name Registration and standard Email Services.
Hosting your Site or Application on your own Server is always an option and here are some points to consider:
1. Hardware Expenses: To run a “real” Web Site or Web Application, you will have to buy some powerful Server
hardware. Don’t expect that a low-cost PC will do the job. You will also need a permanent (24 hours a day)
high-speed internet connection.
2. Software Expenses: Remember that Server-Licenses often are higher than Client-Licenses. Also note that
Server-Licenses might have limit on number of users.
3. Labour Expenses: Don’t expect low labour expenses. You must install your own hardware and software. You
also must deal with bugs and viruses and keep your server constantly running.
Benefits of using an Internet Service Provider (Public Server): renting a Web Server from an ISP is a very common
option and most small companies store their Web Site or Web Application on a Server provided by an ISP only.
Here are some advantages:
1. Connection Speed: Most ISPs have very fast connections to the Internet.
2. Security and Stability: ISPs are specialists on Web Hosting. Expect their Servers to have more than 99% up
time, the latest software patches, and the best Virus Protection.
3. Powerful Hardware: ISPs often have powerful Web Servers that can be shared by several companies. You can
also expect them to have an effective Load Balancing, and necessary Backup Servers.
What is TCP/IP?
Ans: TCP/IP stands for Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol, is a family of protocols for
communication between computers. It defines how electronic devices should be connected over the network, and
how data should be transmitted between them.
TCP: is responsible for breaking down data into small packets before they can be sent over a network, and for
assembling the packets again when they arrive.
IP: takes care of the communication between computers. It is responsible for addressing, sending, and
receiving the data packets over the Internet.
TCP/IP Protocols for the Web: web browsers and servers use TCP/IP protocols to connect to the Internet.
Common TCP/IP protocols are:
1. HTTP: Hyper Text Transfer Protocol takes care of the communication between a Web Server and a Web
Browser. HTTP is used for sending requests from a Web Client (Browser) to a Web Server, returning Web
Content (Web Pages) from the Server back to the Client.
2. HTTPS: Secure HTTP, takes care of secure communication between a Web Server and a Web Browser. HTTPS
typically handles Credit Card transactions and other sensitive data.
3. FTP: File Transfer Protocol, takes care of transmission of files between Computers.
4. SMTP: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, used to send or receive Emails between Senders and Receivers.
IP is Connection-Less:
IP is a “connection-less” communication protocol.
IP does not occupy the communication line between two computers. This reduces the need for network lines.
Each line can be used for communication between many different computers at the same time.
With IP, messages are broken up into small independent “packets” and sent between computers via the
Internet. IP is responsible for “routing” each packet to the correct destination.
IP Routers:
When an IP Packet is sent from a computer, it arrives at an IP Router.
IP Router is now responsible for “routing” the packet to the correct destination, directly or via another Router.
Communicating via IP is like sending a long letter as many small postcards, each finding its own way to the
IP Addresses:
This is a unique identification for every device in the network.
IP uses 32 bits or four bytes numeric value where each number should be ranging between 0 to 255.
IP addresses are normally written as four numbers separated by a period, like this:
Each device must have a unique IP address before it can connect to the Internet.
Each IP packet must have an address before it can be sent to another computer.
This is an IP address: This might be the same address:
Domain Names:
A name is much easier to remember than a 12-digit number.
Names used for IP addresses are called Domain Names; for example, “” is a domain name.
When you address a web site, like “”, the name is translated to a number by a Domain
Name Server (DNS).
All over the world, DNS Servers are connected to the Internet. DNS servers are responsible for translating
domain names into IP Addresses.
When a new domain name is registered together with an IP Address, DNS servers all over the world are
updated with this information.
Registering a Domain:
Domains can be registered from domain name registration companies.
These companies provide an interface to search for available domain names, and they offer a variety of
domain name extensions that can be registered at the same time.
Choosing a Domain Name:
Choosing a domain name is a major step for any individual or organization.
New domain name extensions and creative thinking offer thousands of excellent domain names!
When choosing a name, it is important to consider the purpose of a domain name, which is to provide an easy
way to reach your web site.
The best domains have the following characteristics: Short, Meaningful, Clear and Exposure:
1. Short - People don’t like to type! A short domain name is easier to type, read, and remember.
2. Meaningful - A short domain is nothing without meaning, “” is not easy to enter or to remember.
Select a domain that relates to your site in a way that people will understand about you or your site.
3. Clear - Clarity is important when selecting a domain name. Avoid a name that is difficult to spell or pronounce.
4. Exposure - Names that are short and easy to remember are an asset. In addition to visitors, also consider
search engines. Search engines index your site and rank it for relevance against terms people search for your
sites, consider including a relevant search term in your domain.
Domain Name Servers (DNS): it is the Internet’s equivalent of a phone book. They maintain a directory of domain
names and translate them to IP Addresses. This is necessary because, although domain names are easy for people
to remember, computers or machines, access websites based on IP Addresses only. Information from all the
domain name servers across the Internet are gathered and housed at the Central Registry. Host companies and
Internet Service Providers interact with the Central Registry on a regular schedule to get updated DNS information.
The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA): manages IP address space allocations globally and delegates
five Regional Internet Registries (RIRs) to allocate IP address blocks to local Internet Registries like ISP’s and other
entities. A Regional Internet Registry (RIR) is an organization that manages the allocation and registration of
Internet number resources within a particular region of the world. The Regional Internet Registry system
eventually dividing the world into 5 RIR’s:
Till now you might have created some Web Pages by using HTML, Java Script, and CSS, and are able to access
those pages from your local machines by using their physical path or address in the browser; but how can we
access those Web Pages from remote machines within a network?
Ans: If we want to provide access to the Web Pages, we have developed to remote machines we need to take the
help of a Server Software known as “Web Server”.
What is a Server?
Ans: It is software which works on 2 principles like request and response. There are so many Servers software’s in
the industry, like Server Operation Systems (Windows Servers, Linux, Solaris, etc.) Database Servers (Oracle, SQL
Server, and My SQL etc.), Application Servers, Web Servers, etc., and for us what we need is a Web Server to
provide access to our Web Pages to Remote Clients.
Note: If IIS is not installed on your machine, we get the below error:
“HTTP Error 404. The requested resource is not found.”
Installing IIS on our machine if not installed already: Go to Control Panel => click on Programs and Features => In
the window opened, click on “Turn Windows features on or off”, which opens another window called “Windows
Features” => in the new window opened select the CheckBox “Internet Information Services” and also select each
and every Sub-Item (Checkbox’s) under it and click on the Ok button which will install IIS on your machine, then
restart your machine. Once IIS is installed on your machine re-verify whether it is working or not by using the
above URL.
What is a Web Site?
Ans: Web Site is a collection of Web Pages, and a Web Server is a collection of Web Sites, i.e., a Web Server can
contain 1 or more Web Sites under it and by default when IIS is installed on a machine there will be 1 Website
already created, with the name as “Default Web Site”.
If we want to access Web Pages thru Web Server, we are provided with 3 different options:
Option 1: Accessing thru “Default Web Site”, because this Website is already created under IIS Web Server we can
access our Web Pages thru the Site and to do that we need to copy our Web Pages to a folder that is linked with
this Website i.e., “<OS Drive>:\inetpub\wwwroot” and if we copy our Web Pages into this folder we can access
them thru IIS using their “Virtual Path” either from a local or a remote machine also. To test this let’s copy our
“Login.html” file into this folder and then access it thru the Virtual Path of the file as following:
Note: for every Web Site that is created on IIS, there will be 1 associated folder on the Hard Disk and all the Web
Pages of that Site should be placed into that folder, right now “Default Web Site” is mapped with the “wwwroot”
folder and that is the reason why we placed our “Login.html” Page into that folder. To view the mapping folder of
“Default Web Site”, right click on the “Default Web Site” in “IIS Manager” Window => select “Manage Website”
and under that select “Advanced Settings” which opens a window and in that we find “Physical Path” property and
beside that we find the folder that is mapped to this Web Site.
Option 2: Accessing them thru an application or virtual directory created under Default Web Site, in this case
without copying all the Web Pages into “inetpub/wwwroot” folder as we did in the previous case, we can create an
“Application or Virtual Directory” under “Default Web Site” and map them to our physical folder where we have
saved our Web Pages i.e., “MVC7” Folder.
Note: An Application or Virtual Directory is a Sub-Item under the Default Web Site mapped with a physical folder.
To create an application or virtual directory, Right Click on “Default Web Site” in “IIS Manager”, select the
option “Add Application” or “Add Virtual Directory” which opens a Window and in that, in “Alias” TextBox enter a
name of your choice and under “Physical Path” TextBox enter the physical path of your folder i.e., "<drive>:\
Now following the above process, create 1 Application with the name “Site1” and create 1 Virtual
Directory with the name “Site2” and map both to our physical folder i.e., “MVC7”. From now we can access the
page of this folder in any of the following ways:
Option 3: Accessing the Web Pages by creating a Site. In this case we create a new Site under IIS just like the
existing site i.e., Default Web Site and map it to a physical folder, but the difference is; in this case we can give our
own Host Name or Domain Name just like “localhost” which is the Host Name or Domain Name for “Default Web
Site” or we can use the same Host Name i.e., “localhost” and change the Port No.
Creating a new Site by changing Port No: right click on “Sites” node in “Connections” panel and select the option
“Add Website”, which opens a new window and in that window under “Site name” Textbox specify a name to the
site for example: “NITSite1” and under “Physical path” TextBox specify location of our folder i.e., “<drive>:\MVC7”,
now under “Port” Textbox the default Port will be shown as “80”, change to any new value like “90” and click on
the “Ok” button which will create the new site under IIS. Now we can access the Web Pages in our folder using the
below URL:
Creating a new Site by changing Host or Domain Name: right click on “Sites” node in “Connections” panel and
select the option “Add Website”, which opens a new window and in that window under “Site name” Textbox
specify a name to the site for example: “NitSite2” and under “Physical path” TextBox specify location of our folder
i.e., “<drive>:\MVC7”, now under “Host Name” TextBox specify a Host Name or Domain Name, for example
“” and click on the “Ok” button, which will create a new Site under Sites.
Note: To use the Web Site we need to specify the Host Name under a file “hosts” which is in the following folder:
“C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc”. To do that open “hosts” file and in the last line write the below code:
Now we can access the Web Pages in our folder using the following URL:
Local Machine =>
Remote Machine =>
Note: till now we have created 1 Application and 1 Virtual Directory under “Default Web Site” and 2 Sites under
the Server with the name “MySite1” and “MySite2” so all these 4 will be present under “IIS Manager” under
Connections panel as below:
Design Patterns
Design patterns represent the best practices used by experienced object-oriented software developers.
Design patterns are solutions to general problems that software developers faced during software development.
These solutions were obtained by trial and error by numerous software developers over quite a substantial period.
Design patterns have been evolved over a long period of time and they provide best solutions to certain
problems faced during software development. Learning these patterns helps un-experienced developers to learn
software design in an easy and faster way. Design patterns are solutions to software design problems you find
again and again in real-world application development.
Creational Patterns: These design patterns provide a way to create objects while hiding the creation logic, rather
than instantiating objects directly using new operator. This gives program more flexibility in deciding which objects
need to be created for a given use case.
Structural Patterns: These design patterns concern class and object composition. Concept of inheritance is used to
compose interfaces and define ways to compose objects to obtain new functionalities.
Behavioral Patterns: These design patterns are specifically concerned with communication between objects.
Creational Patterns:
Abstract Factory Creates an instance of several families of classes.
Builder Separates object construction from its representation.
Factory Method Creates an instance of several derived classes.
Prototype A fully initialized instance to be copied or cloned.
Singleton A class of which only a single instance can exist.
Structural Patterns:
Adapter Match interfaces of different classes.
Bridge Separates an object’s interface from its implementation.
Composite A tree structure of simple and composite objects.
Decorator Add responsibilities to objects dynamically.
Facade A single class that represents an entire subsystem.
Flyweight A fine-grained instance used for efficient sharing.
Proxy An object representing another object.
Behavioral Patterns:
Chain of Responsibility A way of passing a request between a chain of objects
Command Encapsulate a command request as an object
Interpreter A way to include language elements in a program
Iterator Sequentially accessing the elements of a collection
Mediator Defines simplified communication between classes
Memento Capture and restore an object's internal state
Observer A way of notifying change to several classes
State Alter an object's behavior when its state changes
Strategy Encapsulates an algorithm inside a class
Template Method Defer the exact steps of an algorithm to a subclass
Visitor Defines a new operation to a class without change
Architectural Patterns
An architectural pattern is a general, reusable solution to a commonly occurring problem in software
architecture within a given context. These are like software design pattern only but have a broader scope.
Software application architecture is the process of defining a structured solution that meets all the
technical and operational requirements, while optimizing common quality attributes such as performance,
security, and manageability.
It involves a series of decisions based on a wide range of factors, and each of these decisions can have
considerable impact on the quality, performance, maintainability, and overall success of the application. The
architectural patterns address various issues in software engineering, such as computer hardware performance
limitations, high availability and minimization of a business risk and cost.
What is MVC?
Ans: The Model-View-Controller (MVC) is an architectural pattern which separates an application into three main
groups of components: Models, Views, and Controllers. This pattern helps to achieve separation of concerns. Using
this pattern, user requests are routed to a Controller which is responsible for working with the Model to perform
user actions and/or retrieve results of queries. The Controller chooses the View to display to the user and provides
it with any Model data it requires. The following diagram shows the three main components and which ones
reference the others:
MODEL: The Model in an MVC application represents the state of the application and any business logic or
operations that should be performed by it. Business logic should be encapsulated in the model, along with any
implementation logic for persisting the state of the application.
VIEW: Views are responsible for presenting content through the user interface. There should be minimal logic
within views, and any logic in them should relate to presenting content.
Controller: Controllers are the components that handle user interaction, work with the model, and ultimately
select a view to render. In an MVC application, the view only displays information; the controller handles and
responds to user input and interaction. In the MVC pattern, the controller is the initial entry point, and is
responsible for selecting which model types to work with and which view to render (hence its name - it controls
how the application responds to a given request).
History of MVC: MVC traditionally used for Desktop Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) and later this architecture has
become popular for designing Web Applications and even Mobile and other Clients. Popular programming
languages like Java, .NET, Ruby, PHP, Python, Java Script, and others have their own MVC Frameworks that are
currently being used in Web Application development.
Language MVC Framework
Java Spring, Structs
PHP Cake PHP, Code Igniter, Zend Framework, Laravel
Perl Catalyst, Dancer
Python Django, Flask, Grok
Ruby Ruby on Rails, Nitro
Java Script Angular, Spine
Trygve Reenskaug introduced MVC into Smalltalk-76 while visiting the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center in
the 70’s. In the 1980’s, Jim Althoff and others implemented a version of MVC for the Smalltalk-80 class library.
MVC pattern has subsequently evolved giving rise to variants such as hierarchical model -view - controller
(HMVC), model - view - adapter (MVA), model - view - presenter (MVP), model - view - view model (MVVM), and
others that adapted MVC for different contexts.
Although originally developed for desktop computing, MVC has been widely adopted as architecture for
web applications in major programming languages. Several MVC Web Frameworks have been designed that
enforce the MVC pattern that are listed above.
ASP.NET Web Forms Request Life Cycle (Page Life Cycle):
Routing: ASP.NET Routing is the first step in MVC request cycle. Basically, it is a pattern matching system that
matches the request’s URL against the registered URL patterns in the Route Table. When a matching pattern found
in the Route Table, the Routing engine forwards the request to the corresponding “IRouteHandler” for that request
and the default one calls the “MvcHandler”. The routing engine returns a 404 HTTP status code against that
request if the patterns are not found in the Route Table. When application starts at first time, it registers one or
more patterns to the Route Table to tell the routing system what to do with any requests that match these
patterns. An application has only one Route Table and this is setup in the “Global.asax” file of the application.
MvcHandler: The “MvcHandler” is responsible for initiating the real processing inside ASP.NET MVC. “MvcHandler”
implements “IHttpHandler” interface and further process the request by using “ProcessRequest” method.
Controller: “MvcHandler” uses the “IControllerFactory” instance and tries to get an “IController” instance. If
successful, then it calls the Execute method.
Action Execution: Once the controller has been instantiated, Controller’s “ActionInvoker” determines which
specific action to invoke on the controller. Action to be executed is chosen based on attributes
“ActionNameSelectorAttribute” (by default method which have the same name as the action is chosen) and
“ActionMethodSelectorAttribute” (If more than one method found, the correct one is chosen with the help of this
View Result: The action method receives user input, prepares the appropriate response data, and then executes
the result by returning a result type. The result type can be “ViewResult”, “RedirectToRouteResult”,
“PartialViewResult”, “RedirectResult”, “ContentResult”, “JsonResult”, “FileResult”, and “EmptyResult”.
View Engine: The first step in the execution of the View Result involves the selection of the appropriate View
Engine to render the View Result. It is handled by “IViewEngine” interface of the view engine. By default, ASP.NET
MVC uses “Web Forms” and “Razor” view engines. You can also register your own custom view engine to your
MVC application.
View: Action method may return a text string, a binary file or a JSon formatted data. The most important Action
Result is the View Result, which renders and returns an HTML page to the browser by using the current view
1 July 2014 ASP.NET MVC 5.2.0
28 August 2014 ASP.NET MVC 5.2.2
9 February 2015 ASP.NET MVC 5.2.3
12 February 2018 ASP.NET MVC 5.2.4
2 May 2018 ASP.NET MVC 5.2.5
11 May 2018 ASP.NET MVC 5.2.6
29 November 2018 ASP.NET MVC 5.2.7
29 September 2019 ASP.NET Core MVC 3.0.0
3 December 2019 ASP.NET Core MVC 3.1.0
14 January 2020 ASP.NET Core MVC 3.1.1
14 July 2020 ASP.NET Core MVC 3.1.6
10 November 2020 ASP.NET Core MVC 5.0
10 November 2021 ASP.NET Core MVC 6.0
8 November 2022 ASP.NET Core MVC 7.0
Note: There is no separate versioning for ASP.NET Core. It is the same as .NET Core versions.
Developing an ASP.NET MVC 5 Application: This is the last version of MVC from .NET Framework and the next
version is first named as MVC 6 but later changed to ASP.NET Core MVC and ported to .NET Core. So, first let’s
learn working with ASP.NET MVC 5.
Step 1: Download and install the latest version of Visual Studio Community Edition i.e., VS 2022 (Version 17), from and in the downloader select the below workloads:
ASP.NET and web development
Azure development
Data storage and processing
Visual Studio extension development
Now select individual components tab on the top and make sure all the below are selected:
.NET 7.0 Runtime
.NET 6.0 Runtime (Long Term Support)
.NET 5.0 Runtime (Out of support)
.NET Core 2.1 Runtime
.NET Core 3.1 Runtime
Select all .NET Framework versions Checkbox's leaving other out of support Checkbox’s and ML.NET
Step 2: Creating an MVC Project and to do this, open Visual Studio 2022 => Click on “Create a new project” on RHS
of the window, now in the new window opened, under “All Languages” Dropdown select “C#”, under “All
Platforms” Dropdown select “Windows”, under “All Project Types” Dropdown select “Web”, now in the below list
select “ASP.NET Web Application (.NET Framework)” and click on “Next” button, now in the new Window opened,
under “Project Name” TextBox enter “MVCTestProject1” as name of our project, under “Location” TextBox enter
“<drive>:\MVC7”, under “Framework” Dropdown List, choose the latest version of “.NET Framework” i.e., “.NET
Framework 4.8” and click on “Create” button which will launch a new Window with the name “Create a new
ASP.NET Web Application” and under this select the following options: choose “Empty” project template, in the
RHS select “MVC” CheckBox under “Add folders & core references”, uncheck all the other Checkbox’s over there
and click on the “Create” button which will create the project.
Note: Same as the above create another new project naming the project as “MVCTestProject2”, but now under
“Create a new ASP.NET Web Application” Choose “MVC” project template, uncheck all the other Checkbox’s over
there and click on the “Create” button to create the project.
MVC Project Structure: when we create a new project either by choosing “Empty Project Template and select MVC
CheckBox” or “MVC Project Template”, a set of files and folders are added in the project as following:
1. Connected Services: This is used for integrating Microsoft Azure Service into Visual Studio, so that we can easily
host and manage our application to Azure Portal from Visual Studio it-self.
2. App_Data: this folder contains local Data Source files like “.mdf” files, “.xml” files, “Excel” files, etc.
3. App_Start: this folder contains a set of files which contains classes, and these classes get executed when the
application starts execution. App_Start folder can contain following files in it:
1. BundleConfig.cs => Contains BundleConfig Class
2. FilterConfig.cs => Contains FilterConfig Class
3. IdentityConfig.cs => Contains IdentityConfig Class
4. RouteConfig.cs => Contains RouteConfig Class
5. Startup.Auth.cs => Contains Startup Class
Note: if we opened an “Empty Project Template” then “App_Start” folder contains only “RouteConfig.cs” file,
whereas if we opened an “MVC Project Template” then “App_Start” folder contains “BundleConfig.cs”,
“FilterConfig.cs” and “RouteConfig.cs” files.
4. Content: this folder contains static files like “.css” files, “image” files, etc.
Note: if we open an “Empty Project Template” then Content folder will not be existing, whereas if we open an
“MVC Project Template” then this folder exists with a set of “.css” (Bootstrap) files in it.
5. Controllers: this folder contains Controller classes where each Controller should be defined in a separate file.
Note: if we open an “Empty Project Template” then Controllers folder is empty, whereas if we open an “MVC
Project Template” then this folder will contain 1 default Controller with the name “HomeController” under the file
6. Fonts: this folder contains any custom fonts that are being used in the application.
Note: if we open an “Empty Project Template” then Font’s folder will not exist, whereas if we open an “MVC
Project Template” then this folder will exist with a set of fonts in it.
7. Models: this folder contains Model classes i.e., classes representing the Entities and Properties representing the
Attributes of Entities as well as all the Methods to manipulate the data.
Note: if we open an “Empty Project Template” or “MVC Project Template” also this folder will exist but will be
empty only.
8. Scripts: this folder contains Java Script or jQuery files that are used for development of the application.
Note: if we open an “Empty Project Template” then Scripts folder will not exist, whereas if we open an “MVC
Project Template” then this folder will exist with a set of “.js” (jQuery) files in it.
9. Views: this folder contains all the View files (UI) that are required for this application and the extension of these
files will be “.cshtml” in case we are working with “C#” Language or else if we are working with “VB” Language
then extension of the files will be “.vbhtml” and these files contains both “C# / VB” and Html code in them, and we
call these files as “Razor Pages”.
Note: if we open an “Empty Project Template” then Views folder comes with a file in it i.e., “Web.config”, whereas
if we open an “MVC Project Template” then this folder will contain 2 sub folder in it with the names “Home” and
“Shared” and these folders will contain a set of “.cshtml” files, and apart from that “Views” folder also contain
“_ViewStart.cshtml” and “Web.config” files.
Under the Views folder, for every Controller it will create a folder to store all the Views that are associated with
that Controller, for example if there is a Controller with the name “HomeController” then there will be a “Home”
folder created under Views folder to store all the Views associated with the “HomeController” class.
Under the Views folder, we can also have Shared folder containing all the Views that are common for all the
Controllers in the application, for example Layout View, Error View, etc.
10. Global.asax: this is a file that contains a Global Configuration class, and, in this class, we define a set of
methods: “Application_Start”, “Application_End”, “Application_Error” that executes for application-level actions
and other methods like: “Session_Start” and “Session_End” that executes for session level actions.
11. Packages.config: this contains information of packages that are used under this project, so that anyone can
easily understand if there are any 3rd party packages consumed for the development of this application.
12. Web.config: this is a configuration file for the whole application which contains configuration settings like “App
Settings”, “Connection Strings”, “Network Settings”, “Compiler Settings”, etc.
It is a class that handles user requests i.e., this class is responsible for taking all the incoming requests for
an MVC Application.
The parent class for all Controllers we define should be the class “Controller” which is in turn a child of
class “ControllerBase” and both the classes are defined in “System.Web.MVC” namespace. Every Controller class
should suffix the word “Controller” to it, for example if we want to define a controller with the name “Home” then
it should be named as “HomeController”.
To test working with Controllers, create a new ASP.Net Web Application Project, naming it as
“MVCTestProject3”, select Empty Project Template, check the MVC CheckBox, un-check all the other Checkbox’s
and click on the Create button.
Adding a Controller to our MVC Project: We can add a controller to an MVC Project in 2 different ways:
1. Manually defining Controller class.
2. Using scaffolding to define Controller class.
Step 2: Inherit our TestController class with Controller class which should now look as below:
Note: Every Controller class contains methods in it known known as Action methods and there should be minimum
1 Action method in a Controller class.
Step 3: Define 2 action methods in the class as below:
public string Index()
return "Hello from Test Controller - Index Action Method.";
public string Show()
return "Hello from Test Controller - Show Action Method.";
Step 4: Press F5 to run the project, which will launch the Browser and by default it displays “http://localhost:port”
in the address bar, add “/Test/Index” to it, to run the Index Action method or “/Test/Show” to run Show Action
method, which should look as below:
In the above URL => “Test” is the name of Controller class, and “Index or Show” are names of the Action
methods we want to invoke.
IIS Express, for unique identification of every Web Application will assign a numeric logical address to the
application and we call it as “Port”, which is going to be different from Project to Project and Machine to Machine.
Ports are logical i.e.; they don’t have any physical existence and we use them for unique identification of an
application. By default, every machine will be having 65,536 ports ranging between 0 - 65535 and IIS Express will
allocate any port of its choice randomly.
Note: IIS Express is a development Web Server, which the whole industry uses in development environment, and
in staging and production environments we don’t run Web Applications on IIS Express i.e., we will be running them
using “IIS Web Server” because IIS Express can provide access to the application only from local computer and that
to IIS Express will start only when we run the project whereas when we use IIS, applications can be accessed from
remote computers in the network also, and it will be running independent of it-self directly under the OS, 24/7.
We can host or publish our web applications into “IIS” from Visual Studio provided “IIS” is installed on our
computers. To test “IIS” is installed on our computer or not, go to Windows Search and search for “inetmgr” which
will show “Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager”, click on it to open.
Installing IIS on our machine if not installed: to install IIS on our computer, go to Control Panel => Click on
Programs and Features => In the window opened click on “Turn Windows features on or off”, which opens another
window called “Windows Features” => In the window opened select the CheckBox “Internet Information Services”
and also select each and every Sub-CheckBox under it, and click on Ok button which installs IIS on your machine.
Hosting a Web Application in IIS from Visual Studio: to do this open Solution Explorer, right click on the Project
and select Properties which will open the “Project Property Window”. In the LHS select Web and then in the RHS
we find the option “Servers” and in that we will find a DropDownList showing the value “IIS Express” selected,
change the selection to “Local IIS” in the DropDownList which will change the “Project URL” in the TextBox below
and now the value will be: http://localhost/MVCTestProject3 and beside the TextBox we will find a Button with the
caption “Create Virtual Directory” click on it which will host or deploy the application in IIS, click on the Save
button is “Standard Tool Bar” and close “Project Property Window”. Now hit F5 to run the project which will
display http://localhost/MVCTestProject3 in the address bar add, “/Test/Index” to it, to run the Index Action
method or “/Test/Show” to run Show Action method, which should now look as below:
Default Action Method and Default Controller in an MVC Application:
We can even execute the Index Action Method using the below URL also:
IIS Express: http://localhost:port/Test
Local IIS: http://localhost/MVCTestProject3/Test
Note: in the above case even if Action method name is not specified in the URL still it will launch “Index” Action
method because the default Action method for all controllers is Index. Same as that the default Controller for the
project is “HomeController” and to test that add a new class in the Project naming it as “HomeController” and
write the following code under the class by importing “System.Web.MVC” namespace and inherit the class from
Now when we run the project it will execute the Home Controller’s Index Action method and the URL in
the address bar will be as below:
IIS Express: http://localhost:port
Local IIS: http://localhost/MVCTestProject3
The below URL’s when used will give you the following results:
IIS Express:
http://localhost:port //Invokes Home Controller’s Index
http://localhost:port/Home //Invokes Home Controller’s Index
http://localhost:port/Home/Index //Invokes Home Controller’s Index
http://localhost:port/Home/Show //Invokes Home Controller’s Show
Local IIS:
http://localhost/MVCTestProject3 //Invokes Home Controller’s Index
http://localhost/MVCTestProject3/Home //Invokes Home Controller’s Index
http://localhost/MVCTestProject3/Home/Index //Invokes Home Controller’s Index
http://localhost/MVCTestProject3/Home/Show //Invokes Home Controller’s Show
To add a controller using scaffolding open Solution Explorer => right click on Controllers folder => select
Add => Controller => now in the “Add New Scaffolded Item” window select “MVC 5 Controller – Empty” template
and click on the “Add” button which will then open a window asking for a name, enter the name as
“DemoController” and click on “Add” button which adds the Controller class as following:
IIS Express:
http://localhost:port/Demo //Invokes Demo Controller's Index
http://localhost:port/Demo/Index //Invokes Demo Controller's Index
http://localhost:port/Demo/Show //Invokes Demo Controller's Show
Local IIS:
http://localhost/MVCTestProject3/Demo //Invokes Demo Controller's Index
http://localhost/MVCTestProject3/Demo/Index //Invokes Demo Controller's Index
http://localhost/MVCTestProject3/Demo/Show //Invokes Demo Controller's Show
Where is the information of default controller “Home” and default action method “Index” were specified?
Ans: Those details are present in “RouteConfig.cs” file which is present in “App_Start” folder. To verify that open
“RouteConfig.cs” file and there we find a class with the name “RouteConfig” and code in the class will be as
What is Routing?
Ans: Routing enables you to use URL’s that do not have to map to specific files in a Web Site. Because URL does not
have to map to a file, you can use URL’s that are descriptive of the user’s action and therefore easily understood by
the users. In an ASP.NET Web Forms application that does not use routing, an incoming request for a URL typically
maps to a physical file that handles the request, such as an “.aspx” file. For example, a request for
http://localhost:port/Products.aspx?id=4 maps to a file that is named “Products.aspx” that contains the code and
markup for rendering a response to the browser. The Web Page uses the query string value “id=4” to determine
what type of content to display.
By using routing, we can define URL patterns that map to request-handler files, but that do not necessarily
include the names of those files in URL. In addition, we can also include placeholders in a URL pattern so that
variable data can be passed to the request handler without requiring a query string. For example, in this URL:
http://localhost:port/Products/Show/4, routing parser can pass the values Products, Show, and 4 to the page
handler if the route is defined by using the URL pattern “{controller}/{action}/{id}”. The page handler would receive
a dictionary collection in which the value associated with the key, controller is Products, the value for the key
action is Show, and the value for the id is 4. In a request that is not managed by URL routing, the
“/Products/Show/4” fragments would be interpreted as the path of a file in the application.
Routes: A route is a URL Pattern that is mapped to a handler. A handler can be a class that processes the request,
such as a Controller in an MVC App. To define a route, you create an instance of the Route class by specifying the
URL Pattern, the handler, and optionally a name for the route. You add the route to the application by adding the
Route object to the static Routes property of the RouteTable class. The Routes property is a RouteCollection object
that stores all the routes for the application.
We typically do not have to write code to add routes in an MVC application. Visual Studio project
templates for MVC include pre-configured URL routes. These are defined in RouteConfig class, which is defined in
“RouteConfig.cs” file and then registered in “Application_Start” method of “MVCApplication” class defined under
“Global.asax” file by calling “RouteConfig.RegisterRoutes”.
URL Patterns: This can contain literal values and variable placeholders (referred to as URL Parameter’s). The literals
and placeholders are in segments of the URL which are delimited by the slash (/) character. When a request is
made, the URL is parsed into segments and placeholders, and the variable values are provided to the request
handler. This process is like the way the data in query strings is parsed and passed to the request handler. In both
cases variable information is included in the URL and passed to the handler in the form of “key-value” pairs. For
query strings both the keys and the values are in the URL. For routes, the keys are the placeholder names defined
in the URL Pattern, and only the values are in the URL.
In an URL Pattern, you define placeholders by enclosing them under curly braces {}. You can define more
than one placeholder in a segment, but they must be separated by a literal value. For example, {language}-
{country}/{action} is a valid route pattern. However, {language}{country}/{action} is not a valid pattern, because
there is no literal value or delimiter between the placeholders. Therefore, routing cannot determine where to
separate the value for language placeholder from the value for the country placeholder.
name: "Student",
url: "NIT/Students",
defaults: new { controller = "Student", action = "Index" }
Now we have added a new route with the name Student, so MVC Framework will first evaluate this route
to check if the incoming request satisfy the URL pattern or not, and if not satisfied then it will go to “default” route
which is existing.
Now add a new Controller in the Controllers folder using “Scaffolding”, name it as “StudentController”
and re-write the existing Index action method in the class as following:
Note: while defining multiple routes it’s better to define the “default” route in the last otherwise all incoming
requests will be handled by “default” route only and to understand that change the sequence of the routes we
defined in “RouteConfig” class and try to access the Student Controller with the above URL will give you “Not
Found – 404” error.
Passing parameters to Controller’s Action methods: we can define parameters to Action methods of Controllers in
different ways like using Route Parameters and Query Strings.
Using Route Parameters: by default, we can pass 1 parameter to any action method i.e., “id” because it was
defined in “default route” under the class “RouteConfig” and to check that, open “RouteConfig.cs” file and watch
the value of “URL” which will be as following:
url: "{controller}/{action}/{id}"
Note: by default, this “id” is optional, and we can find that under “defaults” in the next line.
defaults: new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }
If required we can send this “id” value to the Action method and that value can be used inside the action
method and to use it, Action method should have “id” as parameter.
To test this, let’s add a new controller under our current project i.e., “MVCTestProject3” with the name
“ParamsController”, delete the existing Index action method and write the below methods under the class:
Local IIS:
http://localhost/MVCTestProject3/Params/Index1 //Invalid
http://localhost/MVCTestProject3/Params/Index1/100 //Valid
http://localhost/MVCTestProject3/Params/Index2 //Valid, but value of id is 0
http://localhost/MVCTestProject3/Params/Index2/200 //Valid
http://localhost/MVCTestProject3/Params/Index3 //Valid, but value of id is null
http://localhost/MVCTestProject3/Params/Index3/300 //Valid
Note: the parameter name in all the 3 Index action methods should be “id” only (not case sensitive and can be of
any type) because it is the same name we have in “RouteConfig.cs” file, so we can’t change it in our action
methods and if we try to use a different name to the parameter other than “id” then the value we passed thru the
route will not be taken by the action method and to test that define 2 new action methods in the
“ParamsController” class as below:
//Passing value to x is mandatory and if passed also it will not take it because of parameter name
public string Index4(int x)
return "The value of id is: " + x;
//Passing value to x is optional and if passed also it will not take it because of parameter name
public string Index5(int? x)
return "The value of id is: " + x;
Local IIS:
http://localhost/MVCTestProject3/Params/Index4 //Invalid because there is no value for x
http://localhost/MVCTestProject3/Params/Index4/400 //Invalid because the value is not taken to x
http://localhost/MVCTestProject3/Params/Index5 //Valid and the value for x is null
http://localhost/MVCTestProject3/Params/Index5/500 //Valid, but now also the value for x is null only
The name “Id” which is defined in “RouteConfig” under the default route is not specified to be of a
particular type so while using it in our action method we can specify any type to it and to test that define a new
Action method in the “ParamsController” class as following:
//Passing value to Id is option because it is defined as type string & strings are by default Nullable (reference types)
public string Index6(string Id) {
return "The value of id is: " + Id;
Execute the above method as following:
IIS Express:
http://localhost:port/Params/Index6 //Valid and value of Id is null
http://localhost:port/Params/Index6/Hello //Valid and value of Id is Hello
http://localhost:port/Params/Index6/600 //Valid and value of Id is 600
http://localhost:port/Params/Index6/true //Valid and value of Id is true
http://localhost:port/Params/Index6/34.56 //Invalid, because of the special character decimal
Local IIS:
http://localhost/MVCTestProject3/Params/Index6 //Valid and value of Id is null
http://localhost/MVCTestProject3/Params/Index6/Hello //Valid and value of Id is Hello
http://localhost/MVCTestProject3/Params/Index6/600 //Valid and value of Id is 600
http://localhost/MVCTestProject3/Params/Index6/true //Valid and value of Id is true
http://localhost/MVCTestProject3/Params/Index6/34.56 //Invalid, because of the special character decimal
Passing multiple parameters to Action method: If we want to pass multiple parameters to Action methods, we
can change the default route “URL” in RouteConfig class, for example if we want to have 2 parameters to our
action methods re-write the “URL” as following :
url: "{controller}/{action}/{id}/{name}"
Now we can define action methods to accept 2 parameters with the names “id” & “name” and to test that
add 2 new Action methods under our “ParamsController” class as following:
Local IIS:
http://localhost/MVCTestProject3/params/Index7 //Invalid because Id is mandatory parameter
http://localhost/MVCTestProject3/params/Index7/700 //Valid, in this case Name will be null value
http://localhost/MVCTestProject3/params/Index7/700/Raju //Valid
http://localhost/MVCTestProject3/Params/Index7/Raju/700 //Invalid because parameter values not in order
http://localhost/MVCTestProject3/Params/Index7?Id=700&Name=Raju //Valid
http://localhost/MVCTestProject3/Params/Index7?Name=Raju&Id=700 //Valid
IIS Express:
http://localhost:port/params/Index8 //Valid, in this case Id & Name will be null value
http://localhost:port/params/Index8/800 //Valid, in this case Name will be null value
http://localhost:port/params/Index8/800/Raju //Valid
http://localhost:port/Params/Index8/Raju/800 //Invalid because parameter values not in order
http://localhost:port/Params/Index8?Name=Raju //Valid, in this case id will be null value
http://localhost:port/Params/Index8?Id=800&Name=Raju //Valid, as we are passing values by specifying names
http://localhost:port/Params/Index8?Name=Raju&Id=800 //Valid, as we are passing values by specifying names
Local IIS:
http://localhost/MVCTestProject3/params/Index8 //Valid
http://localhost/MVCTestProject3/params/Index8/800 //Valid
http://localhost/MVCTestProject3/params/Index8/800/Raju //Valid
http://localhost/MVCTestProject3/Params/Index8/Raju/800 //Invalid
http://localhost/MVCTestProject3/Params/Index8?Name=Raju //Valid
http://localhost/MVCTestProject3t/Params/Index8?Id=800&Name=Raju //Valid
http://localhost/MVCTestProject3/Params/Index8?Name=Raju&Id=800 //Valid
Using Query String: by using Query String’s also we can pass values to Action methods and to test that add a new
Action method into the “ParamsController” class as following:
Local IIS:
http://localhost/MVCTestProject3/Params/Index9/101/Shoes/3500 //Invalid
http://localhost/MVCTestProject3/Params/Index9?Pid=101&Pname=Shoes&Price=3500 //Valid
http://localhost/MVCTestProject3/Params/Index9?Pname=Shoes&Price=3500&Pid=101 //Valid
http://localhost/MVCTestProject3/Params/Index9?Price=3500&Pid=101&Pname=Shoes //Valid
Note: Without defining any parameters to the Action method also we can read Query String values in our code, to
test that add a new Action method into the “ParamsController” class as following:
Local IIS:
http://localhost/MVCTestProject3/Params/Index10/101/Shoes/3500 //Invalid
http://localhost/MVCTestProject3/Params/Index10?Pid=101&Pname=Shoes&Price=3500 //Valid
http://localhost/MVCTestProject3/Params/Index10?Pname=Shoes&Price=3500&Pid=101 //Valid
http://localhost/MVCTestProject3/Params/Index10?Price=3500&Pid=101&Pname=Shoes //Valid
Note: In this case “id” and “name” parameters in RouteConfig class will not have any impact because both are
Now let’s write another 2 methods to understand about Query String’s, 1 with-out parameters and 1 with
We can execute the above methods following:
IIS Express:
Local IIS:
Action Methods: The methods that we defined under the Controller class for performing user interactions are
known as Action methods i.e., users will directly call these methods for performing actions.
public string SayHello()
return "Hello how are you?";
public string SayHello(string Name)
return "Hello " + Name + " how are you?";
Note: in the above case we need to call the method with the “ActionName” we have defined by but not with the
original method name, to test this define the above methods inside of “ParamsController” class and then we need
to call them as following:
Local IIS:
4. If we want to define any non-action methods in a controller class, make sure they are not public or else
decorate them with “NonAction” attribute and in this case when we try to access those methods from browser we
get “404 Not Found” error.
5. Action methods are generally value returning and very importantly in an MVC Application - Action Methods
return type is an “ActionResult”, where “ActionResult” is a class type and under this class there are a set of
child classes and we call all those classes as Action Result’s only, and we can use any of those child classes as a
return type of our Action method.
Note: The most important ActionResult of an Action method is “ViewResult”, and a View in an MVC Application is
the UI (User Interface) which contains all the presentation logic in it. The extension of a View will be “.cshtml” in
case the programming language is “C#” or “.vbhtml” in case the programming language is “VB.NET”.
6. An Action method to return an “ActionResult”, we are provided with a set of methods known as “Helper
Methods” and these helper methods are defined under Controller class, which is the parent or base class for all the
controllers we define.
Note: all the above helper methods are defined under the class “Controller” and to see them go to
“ParamsController.cs” file and in that file, right click on the “Controller” class and select the option “Go to
Definition” which will take you to the pre-defined Controller class and display’s the metadata of that class.
View is the second important component in an MVC Application which acts as a UI (User Interface) for
presenting the data or results to end users as well as for accepting data from users. Views are stored under
“Views” folder and under this folder a separate folder is maintained for storing the Views associated with each
Controller i.e., if we have an “EmployeeController” then under the Views folder we will have “Employee” folder for
storing all the Views that are associated with “EmployeeController” and so on.
Note: if a Controller is added by using Scaffolding, then automatically it will also add an associated folder for
storing its Views, under the Views folder, whereas this will not happen if we define a Controller with manual
coding and in that case, it is our responsibility to do that. Under the Views folder we can also maintain a folder
with the name “Shared” for storing the Views that are common for multiple Controllers.
What is rendering?
Ans: Unfortunately, Internet still has bandwidth limitations and not every person is running on the same OS, same
Web Browser or same Device, and these issues make it necessary to stick with HTML (Text Format) as our mark-up
language of choice. So, in all the Server-Side technologies including ASP.NET; Web Server will process all the logic
implemented by us using any language and converts the result into Text (HTML) which we call it as “Rendering”
and then that HTML will be sent to clients as response. Views in ASP.NET MVC are processed by “View Engines” to
render the results and we are provided with a support of 2 different View Engines, those are:
1. Web Forms Engine
2. Razor Engine
Web Forms Engine: this is the default View Engine that is introduced along with MVC in 2008 and the coding style
will exactly be like ASP.NET Web Forms, and the extension of View Pages here is “.aspx.cs” or “.aspx.vb”.
Razor Engine: this is introduced in MVC 3.0 and in this case, View Pages will be having an extension of “.cshtml” or
“.vbhtml” based on the language we use for developing the Views.
Note: Razor Engine is the most advanced View Engine and the most recommended also. Pages that are created for
Razor Engine are known as Razor Pages and these Pages can contain either “HTML and C# or VB” code in them
with an easy to use syntax.
Sample Razor page with a for loop:
for(int i=1;i<=10;i++)
<h3>Hello World</h3>
Note: apart from the above 2 View Engines, ASP.NET MVC also supports many other third-party View Engines also
like “NHaml”, “Brail”, “NDjango”, “Spark”, “Hasic”, etc.
Creating Action methods returning ViewResult: create a new ASP.NET Web Application project naming it as
“MVCActionResults”; choose “Empty Project Template”, check “MVC” CheckBox and click on the Create Button.
Now add a Controller in to the Controllers folder of the project naming it as “HomeController” and by
default the class contains a method with the name “Index” and it’s return type will be “ActionResult”, change it as
“ViewResult” (not mandatory) or leave the same and add 2 more Action methods in the class as following:
Adding Views for Action Methods: we place Views under Views folder of the project and whenever a Controller is
added to the project using Scaffolding, automatically a new folder gets added to the Views folder with the name of
that Controller, so under the Views folder we will now find a folder with the name “Home” as we added a
controller with the name “Home” and all Views that are associated with this Controller are generally placed into
the Home folder.
Now let’s add 3 Views i.e., 1 for each Action method and to do that right click on the Home folder, select
Add => “View”, this will open a new window with the name “Add New Scaffolded Item”, in that select “MVC 5
View” and click “Add” which opens a new window “Add View”, in that window under “View Name” TextBox specify
the view name as “Index” (will by default show the name as “View”), leave the “Template” TextBox with its existing
value i.e., “Empty (without model)”, un-check all other Checkbox’s on the screen and click on “Add” button which
will add the View with some HTML Code in it.
Now in the view file write the below code under the “<div>” tag:
<h1 style="text-align:center;color:red;text-decoration:underline">Naresh I Technologies</h1>
<h2>Click on the links below to navigate:</h2>
<a href="/Home/Register">Register</a> <br />
<a href="/Home/Login">Login</a> <br />
<a href="/Home/ForgotPassword">Forgot Password</a><br />
<a href="/Home/ResetPassword">Reset Password</a><br />
<a href="/Home/Contact">Contact Us</a><br />
<a href="/Home/Mission">Mission</a><br />
<a href="/Home/About">About Us</a><br />
Add another view same as the above with the name Register and write the below code in its <div> tag:
<h1 style="text-align:center;color:red;text-decoration:underline">Naresh I Technologies</h1>
<h3 style="text-align:center;text-decoration:underline">Registration Page</h3>
<table align="center">
<tr><td>Name:</td><td><input type="text" id="txtName" name="txtName" /></td></tr>
<tr><td>User Id:</td><td><input type="text" id="txtUid" name="txtUid" /></td></tr>
<tr><td>Password:</td><td><input type="password" id="txtPwd" name="txtPwd" /></td></tr>
<tr><td>Confirm Password:</td><td><input type="password" id="txtCPwd" name="txtCPwd" /></td></tr>
<tr><td>Mobile:</td><td><input type="tel" id="txtMobile" name="txtMobile" /></td></tr>
<tr><td>Email Id:</td><td><input type="email" id="txtEmail" name="txtEmail" /></td></tr>
<td colspan="2" align="center">
<input type="submit" id="btnRegister" value="Register" />
<input type="reset" id="btnReset" value="Reset" />
<h4 style="text-align:center;color:red">
Click here to go to <a href="/Home/Index">Home Page.</a>
Now add another view same as the above with the name Login and write the below code in its <div> tag:
<h1 style="text-align:center;color:red;text-decoration:underline">Naresh I Technologies</h1>
<h3 style="text-align:center;text-decoration:underline">Login Page</h3>
<table align="center">
<tr><td>User Id:</td><td><input type="text" id="txtUid" name="txtUid" /></td></tr>
<tr><td>Password:</td><td><input type="password" id="txtPwd" name="txtPwd" /></td></tr>
<td colspan="2" align="center">
<input type="submit" id="btnLogin" value="Login" />
<input type="reset" id="btnReset" value="Reset" />
<h4 style="text-align:center;color:red">
Click here to go to <a href="/Home/Index">Home Page.</a>
Now run the project which will launch the “Index” view first because we are already aware that, default
Controller is Home and default Action method is Index (listed in RouteConfig class). Index View will provide Links
for launching Login and Register views, click on them to launch the corresponding Views.
Note: while launching a View we don’t require to specify the View Name in the Helper method => “View()”
because View names matches with the Action method names.
Now go to “HomeController” class and add 2 new Action Methods in the class as following:
public ViewResult ForgotPassword()
return View("ForgotPwd");
public ViewResult ResetPassword()
return View("~/Views/Home/ResetPwd.cshtml");
Note: in the above case Action method names are not matching with View names so we are explicitly passing View
name as parameter to the Action method and that can be done in any of the above 2 ways.
Is it mandatory to place the View exactly under the folder representing the Controller?
Ans: No, it is not mandatory i.e., we can place them in “Shared” folder also which will be present inside of the
Views folder. To test this, add a new folder under Views folder naming it as “Shared” and add a View into the
folder naming it as “Contact.cshtml” and write the below code under its “<div>” tag:
Now go to “HomeController” class and add a new Action Methods in the class as following:
public ViewResult Contact()
return View();
Note: in the above case the View gets launched even if it is not present inside of the Home folder because View
Engine will first search in the Home folder and if not found, then it will search in the Shared folder to find the View.
Apart from the Shared folder we can also place it in any other folders also but if we do so, we need to explicitly
specify path of the View to the Helper method, and to test this add another new folder in Views folder with the
name as “Test”, and under the new folder add a View naming it as “Mission.cshtml” and write the below code
under its “<div>” tag:
<h4 style="text-align:center;color:red">Click here to go to <a href="/Home/Index">Home Page.</a></h4>
Now go to “HomeController” class and add a new Action method in the class as following:
public ViewResult Mission()
return View("~/Views/Test/Mission.cshtml");
To test this, add 2 new Views into the Home folder of Views folder with the name “About.aspx” and
Note: From MVC5 the support for adding “Web Form Views” is removed in Visual Studio, so we should explicitly
add an “ASP.NET Web Form” and make the necessary changes to it to make it a “Web Form View Page” and to do
that, right click on the Home folder under Views Folder, select Add => New Item and in the New Item Window
select “Web Form”, name it as “About.aspx” and click on “Add” button to add a “Web Form” and then write the
below code in “About.aspx” file under its “<div>” tag:
Now go to “About.aspx.cs” and to do that right click on “About.aspx” and select the option “View Code”
which will take us to “About.aspx.cs” and there we will find a class “About” inheriting from “System.Web.UI.Page”,
change that as “System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage”.
Now add another view in home folder naming it as “About.cshtml” and write same code as above View in
the “<div>” tag but change the “Inner Html” of “<h3>” tag in the top as: About page created using Razor View
Now go to HomeController class and add a new Action Methods in the class as following:
public ViewResult About()
return View();
Now launch Index View and click on the “About Page” hyper link and this will launch “About.aspx” page
because by default it will search for “.aspx” pages first, whereas if we want “About.cshtml” page to be launched we
need to pass the address of “About.cshtml” file as parameter to Helper method and to test that re-write code in
“About” Action method as following:
return View("~/Views/Home/About.cshtml");
Without passing the address of View Page to Helper Method also, we can launch the “.cshtml” View and
to do that we need to either clear all the “View Engines” and then freshly add “Razor View Engine” or remove the
“Web Form View Engine” to make “Razor View Engine” as default View Engine. To do that go to “Global.asax” file
and write the below code in top of “Application_Start” method:
ViewEngines.Engines.Add(new RazorViewEngine());
Note: Now even if the code under “About” action method is “return View();” also, it will launch “About.cshtml”
only and in this case if we try to launch “About.aspx” View Page by specifying the explicit path also, we get an error
because “WebFormViewEngine” support has been removed by us.
<h1 style="text-align:center;color:red;text-decoration:underline">Naresh I Technologies</h1>
<div style="background-color: cyan"><h3 style="text-align: center">This is Show1 View Page</h3></div>
<h4>Click here to go to <a href="/Home/Index">Home Page.</a></h4>
<h1 style="text-align: center; color: red">Naresh I Technologies</h1>
<div style="background-color: cyan"><h3 style="text-align: center">This is Show2 View Page</h3></div>
<h4>Click here to go to <a href="/Home/Index">Home Page.</a></h4>
return View("Show1");
return View("Show2");
MVC Action Selectors: these are attributes that can be applied on an Action method, and they help the View
Engine to select the correct Action method to handle the request.
ActionName: this attribute is used to specify a different name to any Action method than its actual name. We use
this attribute when we want an Action method to be called with a different name instead of the actual name of the
method. Generally used in-case we want to overload Action methods. For Example:
public ViewResult LaunchViewPageLoadingDataFromDatabase()
Non-Action: this attribute indicates a public method of the Controller is not an Action method i.e., when we use
this attribute, then the public method in the Controller class will not be treated as an Action method and we can't
call this method from browsers using a URL. For Example:
public string SayHello()
ActionVerbs: this attribute is used on an Action method when we want to handle different type of HTTP Requests.
MVC framework provides various action verbs like: “HttpGet”, “HttpPost”, “HttpPut”, “HttpDelete”, “HttpOptions”
and “HttpPatch”. You can apply one or more action verbs on an action method to handle different HTTP Requests.
If we don’t apply any action verb on an action method, then by default it handles “HttpGet” requests. In our
application if we have defined 2 Login Action methods and those methods are decorated with [HttpGet] and
[HttpPost] ActionVerbs, then whenever we send the first request (get request) to “Login” Action method then it
will invoke the method which is decorated with [HttpGet] Action Verb and launches the corresponding View. When
we fill in the credentials and click on the “Login” button it will send a “Post” or “Postback” request and will then
invoke “Login” Action method which is decorated with [HttpPost] Action Verb. For Exampe:
public ViewResult Login() //Responds for Get Request
public ViewResult Login(string Name, string Password) //Responds for Post Request
Razor Programming
From MVC 3.0, Microsoft has introduced Razor Engine for creating View Pages without using Web Form
Pages. View Pages that are created targeting Razor Engine are saved with “.cshtml” extension whereas View Pages
that are created targeting Web Form Engine are saved with “.aspx” extension.
Web Form Pages are provided with Design View, Source View and Code View, where we will be using
Design View for design the UI with a “drag & drop” feature and Source View for implementing HTML, Java Script
and CSS, and Code View for implementing C# Logic whereas Razor Pages is provided only with Source View and
here only we can implement HTML, Java Script, CSS and C# Logic also, and this is the reason why these pages are
saved with “.cshtml” extension.
Razor View Pages are light weight when compared to Web Form View Pages because we don’t use any
ASP.NET Server Controls but will use only Html Controls so doesn’t require maintaining of View State.
Razor View Pages uses “@{ ... }” sign to implement C# code, whereas in Web Form Pages if we want to
write any C# code it should be under “<% ... %>” tags.
Single Line Statements: these are generally for declarations and Initializations.
@{ <Stmt>; }
@{ int Count = 0; }
@{ Count += 100; }
@{ Object obj = new Object(); }
In-Line Statements: these statements are generally used for accessing or printing the values of Members, just by
pre-fixing “@” character before the Member.
<h3>Value of count is: @Count</h3>
<h3>obj is of type: @obj.GetType() </h3>
Multi Line Statements: we use this for writing multiple lines of code.
string Date = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString();
string Time = DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString();
<h3>Today's Date is: @Date</h3>
<h3>Current Time is: @Time</h3>
Note: in multiline statement block we can write HTML Code directly without enclosing them in double quotes,
whereas if we want to use any static text, we need to either prefix it with “@:” or put it under “<text></text>”
string Date = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString();
string Time = DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString();
@:Today's Date is: @Date
<text>Current Time is:</text> @Time
Comments in razor programming should be under “@* Comment Text *@” and in a multiline statement
block we can also use our CSharp style of single line commenting i.e., “//”.
To test the above add, a new Controller in our current project i.e., “MVCActionResults”, name the
Controller as “RazorController”, add a View to the default “Index” Action method, and write the below code in its
“<div>” tag:
@* In Line Statements *@
Value of count is: @Count
Value of str is: @str
Obj is of type: @Obj.GetType()
@* If condition in Razor programming *@
int x = 131;
if (x % 2 == 0)
<span>@x is an even number.</span>
<span>@x is an odd number.</span>
@* Loops in Razor programming - ForEach Loop *@
<h4>List of colors printed using foreach loop:</h4>
@foreach (string color in Colors)
Passing values from Controller Action Methods to Views in an MVC Application
We are already aware that in an MVC Application all requests are handled by a Controller and these
Controllers only will receive the information either from the End User or Model and these values should be sent to
the View for displaying. To pass values from a Controller’s Action method to a View we are provided with various
options like:
1. ViewData
2. ViewBag
3. TempData
4. Cookies
5. Session
6. Application
7. Anonymous Types
8. Model Objects
To test all the above options, create a new “ASP.Net Web Application” project naming it as
“MVCDataTransfer”, choose “Empty Project Template”, select “MVC Checkbox” and click on the Create button.
ViewData: this is a property defined under the class “ControllerBase” which is a grandparent for all our Controllers,
so we can directly consume “ViewData” property in our Controller classes. ViewData is of type
“ViewDataDictionary” which will internally store the data in the form of “Key-Value” or “Name-Value”
combinations, so values that are stored in this “ViewData” will internally be stored in “ViewDataDictionary”.
Add a new Controller in our project naming it as “HomeController”, delete the existing “Index” action
method in the class and write the below code in the class:
public ViewResult Index1(int? id, string name, double? price)
ViewData["Id"] = id;
ViewData["Name"] = name;
ViewData["Price"] = price;
return View();
Now add a View to the “Index1” Action method (with-out choosing any layout) and write the following
code inside of the “<div>” tag:
Drawbacks of ViewData:
ViewData can transfer data from a Controllers - Action method to its corresponding View only.
ViewData life lasts only during the current HTTP request i.e., ViewData values will be cleared if redirection
ViewData is resolved dynamically at runtime, as a result, it doesn’t provide any compile-time error checking as
well as we do not get support of Intellisense. For example, if we miss-spell the “Key Names” then we will not
get any compile-time or runtime error also, whereas we come to know about the problem at the runtime
because the value is not displayed.
ViewData values must be converted into an appropriate type (un-boxing) before using them because they are
present in object format, as we have performed in-case of Price value to calculate 10% Tax.
Note: we can store scalar as well as complex types also in ViewData but while accessing them we need to explicitly
convert them into its original type again. To test this, add a new Action method in “HomeController” class as
Now add a View to the “Display1” Action method (with-out choosing any layout) and write the following
code inside of the “<div>” tag:
ViewBag: this is also a property defined in the class “ControllerBase”, but this of type “dynamic”. Dynamic is a new
type introduced in C# 4.0, capable of storing any type of value and this is type safe because it represents the value
in its exact type in runtime. ViewBag was introduced in MVC 3.0 which was just a wrapper around the ViewData
but was type safe, so it doesn’t require any type-conversions while consuming.
To test working with ViewBag add 2 new Action methods in the class Home Controller as below:
public ViewResult Index2(int? id, string name, double? price)
ViewBag.Id = id;
ViewBag.Name = name;
ViewBag.Price = price;
return View();
public ViewResult Display2()
List<string> Colors = new List<string>() { "Red", "Blue", "Pink", "Black", "White", "Green", "Purple", "Yellow" };
ViewBag.Colors = Colors;
return View();
Now add a View to each action method and write the below code under their <div> tag:
<table border="1" align="center" width="15%">
<caption>Product Details</caption>
double Price = ViewBag.Price;
Price = Price + (Price * 10 / 100);
<h3>List of colors: </h3>
@foreach (string color in ViewBag.Colors)
As discussed above “ViewBag” is a wrapper around “ViewData” i.e., data that is stored in the “ViewBag”
will be internally stored in “ViewDataDictionary” only, so values that are stored in a “ViewBag” can also be
accessed thru “ViewData” and vice-versa. To test this, go to “Index2.cshtml” and change the statement
@ViewBag.Id to @ViewData["Id"] and execute Index2 action method and still we get the same output as before.
Note: ViewBag is “Type Safe”, i.e., it doesn't require any type conversions while accessing the data because we get
the values back in their original types only, whereas ViewData requires type conversion as the values come back as
object. ViewData and ViewBag are accessible only within the request, that is in the corresponding Views associated
with the Action Methods. In both the cases if the “Key Names” are misspelled then we don’t get a compile-time or
a runtime error.
TempData: this is also a property under the class “ControllerBase”, but this is of type “TempDataDictionary”. Both
“ViewDataDictionary” and “TempDataDictionary” are child classes of “IDictionary” interface which is designed for
storing data in [key-value] or [name-value] combination.
The difference between TempData and ViewData is TempData can maintain the state of values between
multiple requests i.e., it can pass values from 1 action method to another action method which are present in the
same controller or another controller also.
Now add a View to Index4 action method and write the below code in its “<div>” tag:
<table border="1" align="center" width="15%">
<caption>Product Details</caption>
double Price = Convert.ToDouble(TempData["Price"]);
Price = Price + (Price * 10 / 100);
When the request is sent to “Index3” action method, it will redirect to “Index4” action method by calling
“RedirectToAction()”, so this method will send a re-direction response (302) to the browser, so that browser will
send a new request to “Index4” action method and then “Index4” view gets launched and we can watch that in the
browser’s address bar which will be shown as following: http://localhost:port/Home/Index4. If we watch the
output in the browser, it will not display the values of “Id” and “Name” but will display the value of “Price” because
“ViewData” and “ViewBag” can’t maintain the state of values between multiple requests, but “TempData” can
If we want to resolve the above problem, go to “Index3” action method and change “ViewData” and
“ViewBag” to “TempData” and change the code in “Index4.cshtml” file and watch the difference.
In the above example by using “RedirectToAction” helper method we are able to transfer the control from
1 action method to another action method that is present in the same controller, whereas we can also transfer to
an action method that is present in another controller also, and to test it add a new action method in the
“HomeController” class as below:
RedirectToAction(string actionName)
RedirectToAction(string actionName, string controllerName)
Now add a new Controller in the project naming it as “TestController”, change the default Action method
name i.e., “Index” to “Index1”, add a View to the method and write the below code in the View under “<div>” tag:
Execute Index5 Action Method of Home Controller as following:
After execution of Index5 Action method, the URL in address bar will be as following because it is re-directed:
Flow of control: Request sent to => Index5 action method of HomeController => Redirected to => Index1 action
method of TestController.
Note: “TempData” is also not type safe like “ViewData” so here also we need to perform type conversion while
working with data and the only difference between “ViewData” and “TempData” is “TempData” can maintain the
state of values between multiple requests.
Drawback of TempData: If we access values once from “TempData” immediately all those values get deleted and
can’t be accessed in next requests, to test this add a hyper link after the table in “Index1.cshtml” file of
“TestController” as following:
So, if we click on the hyper link it must call “Display1” action method of “TestController” class, so add a
new action method in “TestController” class as following:
Add a View to Display1 action method and write the below code in its “<div>” tag:
<table border="1" align="center" width="15%">
<caption>Product Details</caption>
double Price = Convert.ToDouble(TempData["Price"]);
Price = Price + (Price * 10 / 100);
This will launch “Index1” view of “TestController” displaying the values and now click on the hyper link we
added to launch “Display1” view of “TestController”, but “Display1” view will not display the values because we
accessed values in “Index1” view and immediately those values got deleted, so can’t be accessed in “Display1”
view again.
Flow of control: Request sent to => Index5 action method of HomeController => Redirected to => Index1 action
method of TestController => when the link is clicked redirects to => Display1 Action method of TestController.
To overcome the above problem and access the values in next requests, we need to use the “Peek”
method of “TempData” while accessing values, so that the values will be persisting even after accessing them and
can be accessed again. To do that, change the code of accessing data in “Index1” view as following:
@TempData["Id"] => @TempData.Peek("Id")
@TempData["Name"] => @TempData.Peek("Name")
@TempData["Price"] => @TempData.Peek("Price")
Note: In this case if we want to transfer data from “Display1” view to any other views there also we must change
the code as above.
To retain the values of “TempData” after accessing, we can also call “Keep” method in place of “Peek”,
but the difference is when we use “Keep” it will retain all the values of “TempData” and can be consumed in the
next request, where “Peek” method is used for retaining specific values only. So, without calling the Peek method
3 times we can simply call the Keep method and to try this write the below code, above the “<table>” tag in
“Display1.cshtml” file:
@{ TempData.Keep(); }
Note: Call Keep for retaining all the values of TempData and call Peek to retain specific values of TempData.
Cookies: A Cookie is a small piece of text that is used to store user-specific information and that information can be
read by the Web Application whenever user re-visits the site. When a user requests for a Web Page, Web Server
sends not just a page, but also a cookie containing the date and time. Cookies are stored in browser memory or a
folder on the user’s hard disk and when the user requests for the Web Page again, browser looks for the Cookies
associated with the Web Site or Web Application and sends them to the Server. Browser stores cookies separately
for each different site we visit.
Writing Cookies on client machine: To write a Cookie on Client Machine first we need to create the instance of
HttpCookie class; store values into it treating it like an array and then write that Cookie to Client Machine by using
Response object.
HttpCookie cookie = new HttpCookie("LoginCookie");
cookie["User"] = "Raju"; cookie["Pwd"] = "Admin@123";
Reading Cookies back on our WebPages: we can read Cookies Present on the Client Machine from a View or
Action Method using Request object.
HttpCookie cookie = Request.Cookies["LoginCookie"];
string User = cookie["User"];
string Pwd = cookie["Pwd"];
Cookies are or 2 types:
I. In-Memory Cookies
II. Persistent Cookies
In-Memory cookies are stored in browser's memory so once the browser is closed, immediately all the
cookies that are associated with that browser window will be destroyed, and by default every cookie is In-Memory
only. Persistent Cookies are stored on Hard Disk of the client machines, so even after closing the browser window
also they will be persisting and can be accessed next time we visit the site. To make a cookie as persistent we need
to set “Expires” property of Cookie with a “DateTime” value.
To test working with Cookies, add 2 new Action methods in “HomeController” for creating a Cookie with a
set of values and then launching the View to display those values as below:
Now add a View to “Index6” Action method and write the below code under its “<div>” tag:
HttpCookie cookie = Request.Cookies["ProductCookie"];
int Id = int.Parse(cookie["Id"]);
string Name = cookie["Name"];
double Price = double.Parse(cookie["Price"]);
<table border="1" align="center" width="20%">
<caption>Product Details</caption>
Price = Price + Price * 10 / 100;
<center>Click to launch new <a href="/Home/Index7">Page</a>.</center>
In the above case when we call Index6 action method, will launch the associated view and displays the
values that are stored in the cookie and when we click on the Link in the bottom will call Index7 action method of
the same controller which will also display the values that stored in the cookie and to test that add a View for
Index7 action method and write the below code in it under the “<div>” tag:
HttpCookie cookie = Request.Cookies["ProductCookie"];
int Id = int.Parse(cookie["Id"]);
string Name = cookie["Name"];
double Price = double.Parse(cookie["Price"]);
<table border="1" align="center" width="20%">
<caption>Product Details</caption>
Price = Price + Price * 10 / 100;
<center>Click to launch new <a href="/Test/Index2">Page</a>.</center>
When we click on the Link in above View will launch Index2 action method of TestController and here also
it displays the values that are stored in Cookie and to test it add a new action method in TestController class as
Add a View to the above Index2 action method and write the below code under it’s “<div>” tag:
HttpCookie cookie = Request.Cookies["ProductCookie"];
int Id = int.Parse(cookie["Id"]);
string Name = cookie["Name"];
double Price = double.Parse(cookie["Price"]);
<table border="1" align="center" width="20%">
<caption>Product Details</caption>
Price = Price + Price * 10 / 100;
Flow of control: Request sent to => “Index6” Action method of “HomeController” => When the hyper link is clicked
on page, it is redirect to => “Index7” Action method of “HomeController” => When the hyper link is clicked on
page, it is redirect to => “Index2” Action method of “TestController”
Drawbacks of Cookies:
1. We can create only 50 cookies for each website, so every new cookie from the site will override the old cookie
once after reaching the limit.
2. A cookie can store only 4 K.B. of data that too of type string only.
3. Cookies are not secured because they are stored on client machines.
4. Because cookies are stored on client machines there is a problem like clients can either delete the cookies or
even disable cookies.
Location of Cookies:
Microsoft Edge: C:\Users\<User>\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default
Google Chrome: C:\Users\<User>\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default
Disabling cookies on Brower: Click on “…” option beside the Address bar in browser => select settings and in the
window opened, on the LHS select “Cookies and site permissions” and then on the RHS click on “Manage and
delete cookies and site data” option and under that switch off the toggle button => “Allow sites to save and read
cookie data (recommended)”.
Delete Cookies on Browser: To delete cookies on our browser use the command Ctrl + Shift + Delete which will
open “Clear browsing data” window, in that select “Cookies and other site data” Checkbox and click “Clear now”.
We can also delete individual cookies using “Manage and delete cookies and site data” option.
Session: this is also a property but defined under “Controller” class and this is of type “HttpSessionStateBase”, and
these are same as Sessions in “ASP.NET Web Forms”. Values that are stored in a Session are accessible from
anywhere to anywhere for a particular User in the Session Life-time i.e., Action to Action in same Controller or
another Controller, Controller to View, View to Controller, View to View etc.
Whenever a user connects to the Web Server, server will create a Session and gives it to the user for
storing any values that are associated with him which are accessible only to him in every page he visits in the site.
This happens for every user connecting to the server. So, each user will be having a Session of his own which will
not be shared between other users, in short, a session is a “Single-User Global Data”.
To test Sessions, add 2 new Action methods in “HomeController” as below for transferring session values
from Action method to Action method within a Controller:
<table border="1" align="center" width="15%">
<caption>Product Details</caption>
<tr><td>Id: </td><td>@Session["Id"]</td></tr>
<tr><td>Name: </td> <td>@Session["Name"]</td></tr>
<td>Price: </td>
double Price = Convert.ToDouble(Session["Price"]);
Price = Price + (Price * 10 / 100);
After execution of Index8 Action Method, the URL in the address bar will be as following because it re-directed:
Flow of control: Request sent to => “Index8” Action method of “HomeController” => Redirected to => “Index9”
Action method of “HomeController”.
Values that are stored in a Session are accessible in Action methods or Views which are defined in same or
different Controller also and for testing this add a new Action method in “HomeController” as below:
In the above case “Index10” action method of “HomeController” is storing the values into a Session and
then redirecting to “TestController” => “Index3” action method, so the view that is associated with the “Index3”
action method can access the values from Session and from there if we further redirect to any other View also, we
can access the values from the Session and to test that add 2 new Action methods in “TestController” as below:
return View();
Add a View to “Index3” Action method and write the below code under its “<div>” tag:
<table border="1" align="center" width="15%">
<caption>Product Details</caption>
double Price = Convert.ToDouble(Session["Price"]);
Price = Price + (Price * 10 / 100);
<center>Click to launch new <a href="/Test/Display2">Page</a>.</center>
Add a View to Display2 Action method and write the below code under its “<div>” tag:
<table border="1" align="center" width="15%">
<caption>Product Details</caption>
double Price = Convert.ToDouble(Session["Price"]);
Price = Price + (Price * 10 / 100);
Flow of control: Request sent to => “Index10” Action method of “HomeController” => Redirected to => “Index3”
Action method of “TestController” => when the hyper link is clicked on page, it is again redirected to => “Display2”
Action method of “TestController” and provides access to all the values that are stored in the Session but for this
User only.
How is a session identified to which user it belongs to?
Ans: Whenever a Session is created for a user it is given with a Unique I’d known as “SessionId” and this
“SessionId” is written to client’s browser in the form of a “In-Memory Cookie”, so whenever the client comes back
to the server in the next request, server will read the Cookie, picks the “SessionId” and associates user with his
exact Session.
Note: because SessionId is stored on client’s browser in the form of an “In-Memory Cookie”, other tabs under the
browsers instance can also access that Session, whereas a new instance of a new browser can’t access the Session.
What happens to Sessions associated with clients if the client closes the browser?
Ans: Every Session will be having a “time-out” period of “20 Minutes (default)” from the last request (Sliding
Expiration), so within 20 Minutes if the Session is not used by the User, Server will destroy that, Session.
Note: we can change the default time-out period of “20 Mins” to our required value thru “Web.config” file by
setting “timeout” attribute value of “sessionState” element as following:
<sessionState timeout="1" />
In-Proc: this is the default option used for storing Session values and in this case Session values are stored under
the memory of “IIS Worker Process”. To understand about these, first host your application on “Local IIS”.
If you notice the above there are 22 applications on the server running under “DefaultAppPool” and it is
still possible to run each Web Application under a separate Application Pool which enables us to isolate our Web
Application for better Security, Reliability and Availability; therefore, problems in one Application Pool do not
affect Web Sites or Applications in other Application Pools.
Note: whenever a new Site is created under IIS, it will also create an Application Pool under which the new Site
runs, and name of that Application Pool will be the same name of Site.
We can also create our own Application Pools under IIS and to do that right click on Application Pools
node under Connection Panel and select “Add Application Pool” which opens a window asking for a name, enter
name as “MyPool” and click “Ok”. Currently the new Application Pool i.e., “MyPool” doesn't have any applications
running under it and if we want our application to run under “MyPool”, then right click on our application under
“Default Web Site” and choose Manage Applications => Advanced Settings, which opens a window and in that
select “Application Pool” and click on the button beside it which opens another window listing all the Application
Pools that are available in a DropDownList, select “MyPool” and click Ok and Ok again.
The IIS Worker Process is a Windows Process (w3wp.exe) which runs Web Applications and is responsible
for handling requests sent to a Web Server for a specific Application Pool. Each Application Pool creates at least 1
instance of w3wp.exe and that is responsible for processing ASP.NET application request and sending back
response to the client. All ASP.NET functionalities run within the scope of this Worker Process.
We can view the “IIS Worker Process” that is associated with each Application Pool under “Task Manager”
which displays a separate “IIS Worker Process” for each Application Pool. To get the exact details go to “Details
Section” in the Task Manager and there we find “w3wp.exe” and beside that it will display the Application Pool to
which this Worker Process is associated.
Note: in In-Proc session mode Session values are stored under the Memory that is associated with IIS Worker
Process, who runs our Web Application. So, in this case if we recycle the IIS Worker Process all the Session Values
that are stored under this will be destroyed and to test this, open “Task Manager” identify the “IIS Worker
Process” under which our Web Application is running, select it and click on “End Task” button which will destroy all
the session values associated with that application.
State Server: this is separate software for storing “Session Values” which is installed when we install .NET Runtime
on any machine and it can be found in the “Services Window”. To see that go to Control Panel => Administrative
Tools => Services and in that we find “ASP.NET State Server” Service. To use this, first we need to set “mode”
attribute of <sessionState> element in the “Web.config” file and “mode” attribute accepts any of the following
values like: Off, In-Proc [d], SQL Server and State Server.
Note: default is In-Proc i.e., Sessions are stored under IIS Worker Process Memory, if set as off application will not
maintain Sessions at all and if set as State Server then Session values are stored under ASP.NET State Service.
To use State Service for storing Session values we need to do the following:
Step 1: Open Windows Services console, right click on ASP.NET State Service and select Start to start the service.
Step 2: Now open Web.config file and write the sessionState tag as following:
<sessionState mode="StateServer" stateConnectionString="tcpip=localhost:42424" />
Note: “localhost” refers to the machine name and if ASP.NET State Server software is running on a remote
machine then write that machine name in place of localhost and 42424 is the Port No. on which ASP.NET State
Server software will be running.
SQL Server: if “Session Mode” is set as SQL Server then Session values are stored under SQL Server Database and
to use that we need to create a Database, a set of Tables and Stored Procedures. Without creating all these objects
manually we are provided with a command line tool called as “aspnet_regsql” that should be used from “Visual
Studio Developer Command Prompt” as below:
Step 1: run the “aspnet_regsql” tool at “VS Developer Command Prompt”, so that the required Database, Tables
and Stored Procedure for maintaining Sessions will be created under SQL Server.
Note: If we want to remove the support for session state we need to use -ssremove in place -ssadd.
-sstype: is to specify the type of tables we want to use where “t” indicates temporary tables, “p” indicates
persisted tables and “c” indicates custom Tables - but in this case we need to create our own Database to store
Session data, and to specify that Database name we need to use “-d <Database Name>” option in the last.
Note: in the above case we have specified sstype as “t” so we are using temporary tables for storing Session State
values, so a new Database is created on SQL Server with the name “ASPState” and under the Database it creates a
set of Stored Procedures for managing the data, and because we have asked for temporary tables, tables are
created on “TempDB - System Database” and this Database will be re-created every time we re-start SQL Server. If
we ask for persisted tables by specifying sstype as “p” then all the required tables also get created on “ASPState”
Database only, so even if we re-start SQL Server also tables and their values will be persisting. Same as persisted if
we use specify sstype as “c” i.e., custom then it will behave same as persisted only but in this case, we need to
specify the Database name by using “-d database” (database indicates the name of database) under which we
want the Tables and Stored Procedure to be created and in this case, it will not create “ASPState” Database again.
Step 2: Now open Web.config file and re-write the <sessionState> tag as following:
Windows Authentication:
<sessionState mode="SQLServer" sqlConnectionString="Data Source=Server;Integrated Security=SSPI" />
When to use State Server and SQL Server Session Modes over In-Proc Session Mode?
Ans: State Server and SQL Server session mode options are used in scenarios where a Web Application is running in
“Web Farm” or “Web Garden” architectures.
Web Farm: it's an approach of hosting a Web Application on multiple Web Servers for balancing the load, so that
client request first comes to Load Balancer and Load Balancer will in-turn redirect the client to an appropriate Web
Server which is free currently. In case of Web Farm architecture “In-Proc” Session Mode can’t be used because if
each request from the same client is re-directed to a different Web Servers, then Session Data of 1 Web Server is
not accessible to other Web Servers, so to overcome this problem we install “State Server” or “SQL Server”
software on a remote machine and configure all the Web Servers to that machine as following:
Web Garden: as discussed earlier every Application Pool under which our Web Application executes will be having
1 Worker Process to execute that Application, but we can have more than 1 Worker Process also in an Application
Pool and if we do that, we call that as Web Garden.
To add Worker Processes to an Application Pool right click on the Application Pool in “IIS Manager”, select
“Advanced Settings” which opens a window and, in that window, under the “Process Model” settings we find
“Maximum Worker Processes” with the value 1, change it to any value other than 1 and click Ok.
Application: this is a global storage mechanism that is used to store data on the server which is shared between all
users i.e., data stored in Application is accessible to all users and anywhere in the application (Multi-User Global
Data). Application-State is stored in the memory of the Web Server and is faster than storing and retrieving
information from a Database. Application is used in the same way as Session, but Session is specific for a single
user, whereas Application is common for all users of the application.
Application does not have any default expiration period like Session, so when we recycle the Worker
Process or restart the Web Server only the data in application will be lost. Data is stored into Application in the
form of name/value pairs only like we store in Session, ViewData or TempData. We store data into Application by
using “Application” property of “HttpContext” class that is defined in “System.Web”.
Note: Application Memory is not Thread-Safe, so to overcome the problem whenever we are dealing with
Application-State data we need to call Lock() and UnLock() methods on Application object.
Now add a View to “Index11” Action method and write the below code under its “<div>” tag:
<table border="1" align="center" width="20%">
<caption>Product Details</caption>
double Price = Convert.ToDouble(HttpContext.Current.Application["Price"]);
Price = Price + Price * 10 / 100;
<center>Click to launch new <a href="/MVCDataTransfer/Home/Index12">Page</a>.</center>
In the above case when we call Index11 action method, will launch the associated View and displays the
values that are stored in the Application Memory and when we click on the Link in the bottom will call Index12
action method of the same controller which will also display the values that stored in Application Memory and to
test that add a View for Index12 action method and write the below code in it under the “<div>” tag:
When we click on the Link in above View will launch Index4 action method of TestController and here also
it displays the values that are stored in Cookie and to test it add a new action method in TestController class as
public ViewResult Index4()
return View();
Add a View to the above Index4 action method and write the below code under it’s “<div>” tag:
<table border="1" align="center" width="20%">
<caption>Product Details</caption>
double Price = Convert.ToDouble(HttpContext.Current.Application["Price"]);
Price = Price + Price * 10 / 100;
Flow of control: Request sent to => “Index11” Action method of “HomeController” => When the hyper link is
clicked on page, it is redirect to => “Index12” Action method of “HomeController” => When the hyper link is clicked
on page, it is redirect to => “Index4” Action method of “TestController”
Anonymous Types: This is another mechanism using which we can transfer values from Action method to View or
Action method to Action method within the same Controller or another Controller also, without using ViewData,
ViewBag, TempData and Session. An anonymous type is a type (class) without a name that contains a set of read
only properties, for which we can directly create the instance by using “new” keyword.
In the above case we are creating the instance of “Employee” class which is defined first and then
initializing the attributes (Id, Name, Job, Salary and Status) that are associated with it, so now the instance “Emp”
contains all attribute values in it. Without explicitly defining a class/type also, we can create an instance for a type
and initialize it as following:
var Emp = new { Id = 1001, Name = "Raju", Job = "Manager", Salary = 50000.00, Status = true };
In the above case also instance “Emp” is an instance containing all the attribute values in it same as in the
first scenario, but the difference is in the first case we defined the class first and then created the instance whereas
in the second case we created the instance without defining the type and we call this “Anonymous Type”.
Anonymous type (introduced in C# 3.0), as the name suggests, is a type that doesn’t have any name. C#
allows you to create an instance with the new keyword without defining a class. The implicitly typed variable -
“var” or “dynamic” is used to hold the reference of anonymous types. In the above example, “Emp” is an instance
of the anonymous type which is created by using the new keyword and object initializer syntax. It includes 5
properties of different data types. An anonymous type is a temporary type that is inferred based on the data that
you include in an object initializer. Properties of anonymous types will be read-only properties so you cannot
change their values.
Notice that the compiler applies the appropriate type to each property based on the value assigned. For
example, Id is of integer type, Name and Job are of string type, Salary is of double type and Status is of boolean
type. Internally, the compiler automatically generates the new type for anonymous types. You can check that by
calling GetType() method on an anonymous type of instance which will return the following value:
By using these anonymous types also, we can transfer values from an Action method to its corresponding
View or an Action method to another Action method that is present in the same Controller or other Controller.
Price = Price + (Price * 10 / 100);
In the above case while accessing values from an anonymous type in the View, we need to first capture
those values from ViewData i.e., even if we did not explicitly store the values in ViewData, they are implicitly
stored into ViewData and accessible under the View.
While accessing the values from ViewData we require calling “Eval” method on ViewData, because the
values are stored in the form of an “instance or object (Complex type)” and under that instance or object we have
all the 3 values which should be separated first and then consumed.
Add a View to Index5 Action method and write the below code in its “<div>” tag:
int? Id = Convert.ToInt32(ViewData.Eval("Id"));
string Name = ViewData.Eval("Name").ToString();
double? Price = ViewData.Eval("Price") as double?;
<table border="1" align="center" width="15%">
<caption>Product Details</caption>
Price = Price + (Price * 10 / 100);
Flow of control: Request sent to => Index14 action method of HomeController => Redirected to => Index5 action
method of TestController.
Model Object: this is another way how we can transfer data from Controller to the View, which provides “type
safety” and “intellisense” support in Views, so by using this also we can transfer values from Action method to
corresponding View or Action method to Action method of same Controller or other Controller. To test this, first
add a class in the project under “Models” folder naming the class as “Product” and write the below code in it:
In the above action method, we can write code in any of these ways:
Product product = new Product { Id = id, Name = name, Price = price };
return View(product);
var product = new Product { Id = id, Name = name, Price = price };
return View(product);
dynamic product = new Product { Id = id, Name = name, Price = price };
return View(product);
return View(new Product { Id = id, Name = name, Price = price });
Add a View to “Index15” Action method and write the below code:
@*Write the below statement at top of the View *@
@model MVCDataTransfer.Models.Product
In the above “Index15” action method without reading each parameter value individually we can directly
read it thru the Model class, by using the class as method parameter.
To test that let’s now add another Action method in “HomeController” class as following:
public RedirectToRouteResult Index16(Product product)
return RedirectToAction("Index6", "Test", product);
Add a new Action method in “Test Controller” class as following:
public ViewResult Index6(Product product)
return View(product);
Note: now add a View to Index6 Action method of Test Controller and write code same as we written in Index15
Action method of Home Controller.
Flow of control: Request sent to => Index16 action method of HomeController => Redirected to => Index6 action
method of TestController.
State Management: Web Applications are stateless i.e., we can never access the values of 1 request, in the next
request of the same page or other pages also. But sometimes we need the values of 1 request, in the next request
to same page or other pages and to overcome this problem and maintain the state of values between multiple
requests to the same page or between different pages we are provided with the concept called as State
Management. In ASP.NET to maintain the state of values we are provided with various techniques like:
Query String
Hidden Field
UI Designing
We design user interfaces in any application for taking input from end users or displaying the results.
Designing of a user interface in Web Applications is performed with HTML, which provides with a set of controls.
Whereas in ASP.NET MVC we call user interface as View, and we can design them by using any of the below
1. Using Html Controls
2. Using Html Helpers
3. Using Strongly Typed Html Helpers
To test these, create a new “ASP.Net Web Application” project naming it as “MVCUIDesigning”, choose
“Empty Project Template”, check the “MVC” Checkbox and click on “Create” button to create the project.
Designing a View (UI) by using HTML Controls: Add a Controller into the Controllers folder naming it as
“EmpController”, delete all the existing code in the class and write the below code:
public ViewResult AddEmp()
return View();
public ViewResult AddEmp(int? id, string name, string job, double? salary)
ViewData["Id"] = id;
ViewData["Name"] = name;
ViewData["Job"] = job;
ViewData["Salary"] = salary;
return View("DisplayEmp1");
Add a view to “AddEmp” action method and write the below code in its “<div>” tag:
<form id="f1" method="post">
Enter Employee Id: <br />
<input type="text" name="Id" id="Id" /> <br />
Enter Employee Name: <br />
<input type="text" name="Name" id="Name" /> <br />
Enter Employee Job: <br />
<input type="text" name="Job" id="Job" /> <br />
Enter Employee Salary: <br />
<input type="text" name="Salary" id="Salary" /> <br /><br />
<input type="submit" value="Save" />
<input type="reset" value="Reset" />
Flow of Control => Call AddEmp => Get Action method of EmpController which will launch AddEmp => View => on
click of “Save” button it will invoke AddEmp => Post Action method and launches DisplayEmp1 => View.
Add another view in “Emp” folder of “Views” folder with the name “DisplayEmp1” and write the below
code in its “<div>” tag:
Note: in this example, Action method “Parameter Names” are exactly matching with “Control Names” of the View,
so that values entered in the Controls will directly come into those Parameters. But the drawback in this approach
is when there are multiple Controls on the View, there should also be multiple Parameters defined to the Action
method to read all those Control Values, so the Parameter List will be lengthy and code gets complex, to overcome
this problem of reading each Control Value thru an individual Parameter we can use “Form Collection” class as
Action method parameter, and read values of each Control present on the Form.
Note: without reading each controls value thru “FormCollection” we can use “Model Binding” and capture all the
values at a time in the View and pass them to another View for displaying which provides type safety and
intellisense support.
To test this, add a new class under the Models folder with the name “Employee” and write the below code in it:
public class Employee
public int? Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Job { get; set; }
public double? Salary { get; set; }
Now go to “EmpController” class and rewrite the “AddEmp – Post Action” method as following by
importing “MVCUIDesigning.Models” namespace.
public ViewResult AddEmp(Employee Emp)
return View("DisplayEmp2", Emp);
Add another view with the name “DisplayEmp2” and write the below code in it:
@*Write the below statement at top of the View *@
@model MVCUIDesigning.Models.Employee
Flow of Control => Call AddEmp => Get Action method of EmpController which will launch AddEmp => View => on
click of “Save” button it will invoke AddEmp => Post Action method and launches DisplayEmp2 => View.
Designing a View (UI) by using HTML Helpers: we are all aware that in Web Applications we design User Interfaces
with the help of HTML Controls, and to simplify UI designing process, MVC provides us “HTML Helper Methods”
and these methods will generate or render required “HTML Code” i.e., the return type of these methods is a string
and that produces required HTML. These helper methods are equivalent to “ASP.NET Server Controls” that we
used in “ASP.NET Web Forms”.
In the above case “@Html” is an instance of the class “System.Web.Mvc.HtmlHelper” and this class will
generate the required HTML and returns it in the form of a string when we call methods of the class, and these
methods are called as “HTML Helper Methods” and all of them are “Extension Methods”.
Methods of the “HtmlHelper” class:
-Place all controls here
-Place all controls here
Creating a Label:
@Html.Label(string value)
@Html.Label(string name, string value)
@Html.Label(string name, string value, object HtmlAttributes)
Creating a TextBox:
@Html.TextBox(string name)
@Html.TextBox(string name, object default)
@Html.TextBox(string name, object default, object HtmlAttributes)
Creating a Password:
@Html.Password(string name)
@Html.Password(string name, string default)
@Html.Password(string name, string default, object HtmlAttributes)
To work with “Html Helpers” add a new Controller under “MVCUIDesigning” project naming it as
“AccountController”, delete the existing code in the class and write the below code over there:
Note: if we want to use Bootstrap for styling of HTML in Views, we need to install Bootstrap in our projects, and
this can be done in 2 different ways i.e., either by using “NuGet Package Manager” or by using “Library Manager”.
What is NuGet?
Ans: NuGet can be used to find and install packages, i.e., software libraries, assemblies, and any other things that
you want to use in your project. NuGet is not a tool that is specific to “ASP.NET MVC” projects. This is a tool that
you can use inside of “Visual Studio” for “Console Applications”, “Windows Applications”, “WPF Applications” and
any other type of Application. NuGet is a Package Manager, and is responsible for downloading, installing,
updating, and configuring software in your project. From the term software we don’t mean end users software like
Microsoft Word or Notepad, etc. but any pieces of software, which you want to use in our project i.e., “Assembly”
NuGet Package Manager: this is an option which provides an interface to search for the libraries that can be used
in our project, which also helps in installing those libraries in our projects and consume. To use this, go to Tools
Menu => Select the Menu Item, “NuGet Package Manager” and under that select the Sub Menu Item, “Manage
NuGet Packages for Solution” and this will launch a new window, choose “Browse” option on the top and search
for “Bootstrap”, which displays various “Bootstrap” libraries that are available, select “bootstrap”, “by The
Bootstrap Authors, Twitter Inc.,” and then in the RHS select the “Checkbox” that displays our “Project Name” and
then the “Install” button is enabled, click on it, which will install the required “Bootstrap” files into our application
by creating a new folder under the project with the name “Content”.
Library Manager: this option was newly added from “Visual Studio 2017” for managing all the client-side libraries
and to use this open Solution Explorer, right-click on the Project and choose Add => “Client-Side Library” which will
launch “Add Client-Side Library” dialog and in that fill the below details:
Provider: cdnjs (default)
Library: twitter-bootstrap@5.1.0
Select Include all library files radio button.
Target Location: Content/Bootstrap
Click “Install” button and this will install “Bootstrap” in our project under the specified folder, and this
action will add a file in the project with a name “libman.json” and under this file the details of all the libraries
installed will be present as following:
"version": "1.0",
"defaultProvider": "cdnjs",
"libraries": [
"library": "twitter-bootstrap@5.2.0",
"destination": "Content/Bootstrap"
Note: same as the above we can also install any other libraries like jQuery, Ajax, etc. into our projects by using the
above 2 tools.
To use bootstrap in “Login.cshtml”, drag and drop “bootstrap.min.css” file from “Content” folder in to the
“<head>” section and then write the below code under the “<div>” tag:
Execute Login Action method of “HomeController” using the below URL:
This will launch “Login.cshtml” View to enter user credentials and when we fill the credentials and click on
“Login” button it will launch “Success.cshtml” View if the credentials are valid or else “Failure.cshtml” View if the
credentials are invalid.
Designing Views using “Html Helpers” and reading Form values using Models:
Step 1: Add a new class in Models folder of “MVCUIDesigning” project, naming it as “Student” and write the below
code in it:
Step 2: Add a new Controller in the Controllers folder naming it as “StudentController”, delete all the existing
content of the class and write the below code over there by importing “MVCUIDesigning.Models” namespace for
working with “Student” class:
public ViewResult AddStudent()
return View();
public ViewResult AddStudent(Student student)
return View("DisplayStudent", student);
Step 3: Add a View for “AddStudent” action method and write the below code in it:
@Html.Label("Class: ");
List<int> li = new List<int>() { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 };
SelectList items = new SelectList(li);
@Html.DropDownList("Class", items, "-Select Class-"); <br />
@Html.Label("Gender: ");
@Html.RadioButton("Gender", "Male"); @:Male
@Html.RadioButton("Gender", "Female"); @:Female <br />
@Html.Label("Fees: "); <br />
@Html.TextBox("Fees"); <br />
@Html.Label("Address: "); <br />
@Html.TextArea("Address", "", 3, 21, new { });
<br /><br />
<input type="submit" value="Save" />
<input type="reset" value="Reset" />
Step 4: Add a new View with the name “DisplayStudent” under “Student” folder of “Views” folder and write the
below code in it:
This will launch “AddStudent” view to enter details for a new “Student” and when we fill the Form and
click on the “Save” button, will launch “DisplayStudent.cshtml” View to display the details which the user has
entered in the Form.
Strongly Typed Html Helpers: In the above program when we are reading the form values by using Model Object
in “Post” action method we have a problem, i.e., Control Name should exactly be same as the Property Name of
Model class. For example, if the Property Name is “Sid” in Model Class then Control Name also should be “Sid” only
and if we give this as wrong, we don’t get any compile time or run-time errors, but that controls value will not be
read into the Model’s Property, and also intellisense will not help us, to identify the Model Property Name. To
overcome this problem, in “MVC 2.0” we are provided with “Strongly Typed Html Helper” and these Helpers purely
depends on Model Classes, so while designing the UI’s we don’t require to give any name to Control’s. Strongly
Typed Html Helpers are also same as Html Helpers we have used till now, but the only difference is, here every
Helper method is suffixed with “For”, for example:
Html Helpers Strongly Typed Html Helpers
Label LabelFor
Hidden HiddenFor
ListBox ListBoxFor
TextBox TextBoxFor
TextArea TextAreaFor
Password PasswordFor
CheckBox CheckBoxFor
RadioButton RadioButtonFor
DropDownList DropDownListFor
Editor EditorFor
Display DisplayFor
DisplayName DisplayNameFor
To work with Strongly Typed Html Helpers add 2 new action methods in the “StudentController” as following:
public ViewResult AddStudentST()
return View(new Student());
public ViewResult AddStudentST(Student student)
return View("DisplayStudentST", student);
Add a View to “AddStudentST” Action method and write the below code in its “<div>” tag:
@*Write the below statement at top of the View *@
@model MVCUIDesigning.Models.Student
@Html.RadioButtonFor(S => S.Gender, "Male")@:Male
@Html.RadioButtonFor(S => S.Gender, "Female")@:Female <br />
@Html.LabelFor(S => S.Fees); <br />
@Html.TextBoxFor(S => S.Fees); <br />
@Html.LabelFor(S => S.Address); <br />
@Html.TextAreaFor(S => S.Address, 3, 21, new { });
<br /><br />
<input type="submit" value="Save" />
<input type="reset" value="Reset" />
Add a new View with the name “DisplayStudentST” under “Student” folder of “Views” folder and write
the below code in it:
This will launch “AddStudentST” view to enter details for a new “Student” when we fill the Form and click
on “Save” button will launch “DisplayStudentST.cshtml” view to display the details which the user has entered in
the Form.
Note: In “DisplayStudentST.cshtml” we have used DisplayNameFor method will get the Property-Name
over there and DisplayFor method will get the Property-Value over there.
Partial Views
Just like we have “User Controls” in ASP.NET Web Forms we have “Partial Views” in ASP.NET MVC. A
Partial View is also a View, but this can be used in other Views, i.e., they provide re-usability.
Creating a Partial View is also just like creating a normal View and the extension of the Partial View also
will be “.cshtml” only, but in a Partial View we don’t have any HTML tag’s like “<head>” and “<body>” by default.
Partial Views are generally stored in the “Shared” folder of “Views” folder because they are consumed by multiple
Views in the application, and it is suggested (optional) to prefix Partial View names with “underscore (_)” to
differentiate them from other Views.
To work with Partial Views in our existing project i.e., “MVCUIDesigning” add a new folder with the name
“Shared” in the “Views” folder and add another folder under the project with the name “Images”, copy an image
into that folder and rename it as “Header”.
Now right click on the Shared folder select “Add” => “View”, name it as “_Header” and check the “Create
as a Partial View” Checkbox which will disable all the other Checkbox’s on the window, and then Click on “Add”
button. This action will create a blank “.cshtml” file, write the below code in it:
<div style="color:darksalmon;text-align:center;height:150px;background-color:azure;border-style:dotted;
border-color:slateblue;border-width:thick; box-shadow: 0px 0px 50px inset">
<img id="imgNaresh" alt="" src="~/Images/Header.png" width="96%" height="80%" />
<marquee style="font-size:x-large;color:crimson;" behavior="alternate">
.NET, Java, Python, Hadoop, Data Science, DevOps, etc.
Consuming a Partial View: after creating the Partial View, we can consume it in any of our Views by calling the
below 3 methods of “HtmlHelper” class:
@Html.Partial(string PartialViewName) => MvcHtmlString
@ { Html.RenderPartial(string PartialViewName); } => void
@ { Html.RenderAction(string ActionMethodName); } => void
The first option of calling the method “Partial” returns an “MVCHtmlString” and we can call this method in
any of our View Pages. Because this method returns a string back there is a chance to manipulate the content of
the Partial View in the future within our View Pages.
The second option of calling the method “RenderPartial” is also done in our View Pages, and this is a
preferred option because its return type is void and there is no chance to manipulate the Partial View i.e., it can be
used as is only.
Third option is also non-modifiable but to use this we again need to define a new Action method under
any Controller class because in this case we call the Action method in our View Page but not Partial View.
Html.Partial: to test this, open “AddStudent.cshtml” View of “StudentController” and write the below code in its
“<body>” section just above the “<div>” tag:
Note: as said above we can manipulate the content of the Partial View in this case and to test that, go to
“DisplayStudent.cshtml” view of “StudentController” and write the below code in its “<body>” section just above
the “<div>” tag:
String str = Html.Partial("_Header").ToString();
str = str.Replace("150", "200");
MvcHtmlString htmlString = new MvcHtmlString(str);
In the above case the width of “<div>” is increased from 150 pixels to 200 pixels and in the same way we
can manipulate anything with-in the Partial View.
Html.RenderPartial: to test this, open “AddStudentST.cshtml” View of “StudentController” and write the below
code in its “<body>” section just above the “<div>” tag:
Html.RenderAction: in this case we can’t directly call the “PartialView”, but what we need to call is an Action
method, which will in-turn, call the “PartialView”. To test this, go to “StudentController” and define a new Action
method in it as below:
public PartialViewResult Header()
return PartialView("_Header");
Now go to “DisplayStudentST.cshtml” view of “StudentController” and write the below code in the
“<body>” section just above the “<div>” tag:
Step 2: under the Images folder of the project add 6 images corresponding to 6 Customers naming them as
“Image1”, “Image2”, “Image3”, “Image4”, “Image5” and “Image6”.
Step 3: add a new Controller under the Controllers folder with the name as “CustomerController”, delete existing
code in the class and write the below code over there, by importing the namespace “MVCUIDesigning.Models”:
In the above case Display action method is creating instance of 6 Customers, adding them into a List and
then sending that List to its corresponding View to display. To display each Customer’s data in a table format lets
create a Partial View first.
Step 4: add a Partial View in the Shared folder of the Views folder naming it as “_CustomerView”, select the
“Create as a Partial View” CheckBox, click Add button and write the below code in it:
@model MVCUIDesigning.Models.Customer
<table border="1" width="350">
<td rowspan="6" style="width:200px;height:200px">
<img style="width:100%;height:100%" src="@Url.Content(Model.Photo)" />
<td>Custid: @Model.Custid</td>
<tr><td>Name: @Model.Name</td></tr>
<tr><td>Account: @Model.Account</td></tr>
<tr><td>Balance: @Model.Balance</td></tr>
<tr><td>City: @Model.City</td></tr>
<tr><td>Status: @Html.CheckBoxFor(C => C.Status)</td></tr>
Step 5: add a View to “DisplayCustomers” action method of “CustomerController” and write the below code in it.
@*Write the below statement at top of the View *@
@model List<MVCUIDesigning.Models.Customer> Or @model IEnumerable<MVCUIDesigning.Models.Customer>
Note: IEnumerable (Interface) is a parent of all the Collection classes, so in place of the List we can also use
IEnumerable, so that going forward this IEnumerable can hold the data that is coming from any Collection object.
Layout Views
These are like “Master Pages” in “ASP.NET Web Forms” and by using these we can design a Layout for the
whole application. Generally, every application will have a common Layout like the Header, Footer, Menu Bar, and
Navigation Bar etc. So, in such scenario without re-designing them for multiple times in each View Page, we will
design it as a Layout View and then use it in the whole Application.
In “ASP.NET Web Forms” the extension of a “Master Page” is “.master” whereas in “ASP.NET MVC” the
extension of “Layout View” is also “.cshtml” only.
Page or View .aspx .cshtml
User Control or Partial View .ascx .cshtml
Master Page or Layout View .master .cshtml
Note: Layout Views are also known as Master Pages and our View Pages are known as Content Pages or Content
Views so these Content Pages or Content Views will merge with the Master Page or Layout View to display the final
To include a Content View into a particular location of a Layout View we need to call a method i.e.,
“RenderBody” so that the Content View will come and sit in that location. A Layout View can contain 1 and only 1
“RenderBody” method call.
To include a “piece of text” into any location of a Layout View we need to call the method
“RenderSection”, so that “text” can be sent into the Layout View from Content View and sending that “text” is not
mandatory i.e., while calling the “RenderSection” method we can specify a name to the section and a “boolean”
value to indicate, sending a value to that section is mandatory or optional.
RenderSection(string name, bool required)
Note: A Layout View can have any no. of “RenderSection” method calls in it, and in this process for every
“RenderSection” we need to give a unique name for identification.
Designing a Layout View:
Step 1: Create a new “ASP.NET Web Application” project naming it as “MVCLayoutViews” choose “Empty Project
Template”, check “MVC” Checkbox and click on the Create button to create the project.
Step 2: Install Bootstrap into the project either by using “NuGet Package Manager” or “Library Manager”, which
installs all the required files by creating required folders under the project.
Step 3: Add a new folder under Views folder naming it as “Shared” because “Partial Views” and “Layout Views” are
generally stored in Shared folder only and the name of these 2 Views will be prefixed with “_ (underscore)”
Step 4: add a View into the Shared folder naming it as “_SiteMaster.cshtml”, uncheck the CheckBox “Use a layout
page” and click on the Add button. This action will add a new View and if we observe the code in this View, we find
a statement on the top of the file as following to specify a Layout for this View:
Layout = null;
Right now, what we are designing is a “Layout View” only and we don’t want to apply another layout to the
current View, so delete it or leave it as is.
Now under the <title> section of the page we find “_SiteMaster”, delete it and write the following there:
“@ViewBag.Title – NIT” so that we can send any value to this “Title” from the “Content View”.
Now drag and drop “bootstrap.min.css” file from the content folder into the “<head>” section.
Add a new folder under the Project with the name Images and add 3 Images into that folder: “Header.png”,
“Footer.png” and “Logo.jpg”.
Now let’s design the Layout View as below:
Write the below code under the “<div>” tag to create the above “Layout View”:
<table style="width:100%">
<td align="center" style="background-color:aquamarine">
<img src="~/Images/Logo.jpg" style="height:100px;width:100px" class="rounded-circle" />
<img src="~/Images/Header.png" style="height:100px;width:100%" class="rounded" />
<td style="vertical-align:top;background-color:burlywood">
<nav class="navbar-dark bg-primary">
<font size="4">
@Html.ActionLink("Home Page", "Home", "NareshIt", new { @class = "navbar-brand" }) <br />
@Html.ActionLink("Registration Page", "Register", "NareshIt", new { @class = "navbar-brand" }) <br />
@Html.ActionLink("Login Page", "Login", "NareshIt", new { @class = "navbar-brand" }) <br />
@Html.ActionLink("Courses Offered", "Courses", "NareshIt", new { @class = "navbar-brand" }) <br />
@Html.ActionLink("About Us", "About", "NareshIt", new { @class = "navbar-brand" }) <br />
<td colspan="2" style="background-color:coral;text-align:center">
@RenderSection("S1", false)
<td colspan="2" style="width:100%">
<img src="~/Images/Footer.png" style="width:100%;height:50px" class="rounded" />
1. Page Level Binding: we can do this by writing the below code on the top of View Pages:
Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_SiteMaster.cshtml";
Note: while adding a new View we can select the “Layout View” for the View by selecting the CheckBox, with the
caption “Use a layout page” and when we select the CheckBox, a TextBox and Button with the caption “…” will
enable, and by clicking on that Button we can select our “Layout View” so that it will write the above code
automatically. The drawback in this approach is we need to use this statement on every “Content Page” where we
want to apply the Layout.
2. Application-Level Binding: we do this by writing code in “_ViewStart.cshtml” file because this View will execute
before execution of any other View and this is called implicitly by MVC Framework. This file should be in the root
folder of “Views” i.e., directly under the “Views” folder. Let’s add this file in the Views folder and to do that right
click on Views folder and select the option => Add => View, name the View as “_ViewStart.cshtml”, choose “Empty
(Without model)” template and make sure all the Checkboxes are un-checked and click on the Add Button. Delete
all the content present in the file and write the below code over there:
Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_SiteMaster.cshtml";
Note: if the “_ViewStart.cshtml” file is not added by us and when adding a new View if we check the CheckBox
“Use a layout page”, but did not select any “Layout View” then “MVC Scaffolding” will add a “Layout View” in to
the project with the name “_Layout.cshtml” and also it adds “_ViewStart.cshtml” file under the Views folder with
the below code in it:
Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml";
Whereas when we add “_ViewStart.cshtml” explicitly and specified the layout as “_SiteMaster.cshtml”,
then when adding a new View if we check the CheckBox “Use a layout page” but did not select a “Layout View”
then automatically the Layout we specified in “_ViewStart.cshtml” will be applied i.e., “_SiteMaster.cshtml”.
Note: if the “_ViewStart.cshtml” file is present under the Views folder, then all the Views will apply this layout
whereas if it is present under the Views folder corresponding to a Controller then it applies only to the Views in
that folder and if we have file present in both the places then first preference goes to local.
Step 5: Add a new Controller in Controllers folder naming it as “NareshITController”, delete the existing Action
method in it and write the below code over there:
Step 6: Add Views to all the Action methods and while adding them check the CheckBox “Use a layout page”.
Note: as said above, when we perform application level binding of a “Layout View” by entering the details of the
“Layout View” under “_ViewStart.cshtml” file then while adding a View if we select the CheckBox “Use a layout
page” then it will automatically make use of the “Layout View” that is specified in “_ViewStart.cshtml”, whereas if
we have multiple “Layout Views”, we need to click on “…” Button and select the “Layout View” explicitly which will
then perform Page Level Binding.
<input type="submit" id="btnRegister" value="Register" />
<input type="reset" id="btnReset" value="Reset" />
@section S1 {
<font size="3" color="blue">Join us for best IT Training.</font>
<li>Spring Boot & Microservices</li>
@section S1 {
<font size="3" color="blue">Experienced faculties with excellent training skills.</font>
Action Results in MVC
Action Methods in an “MVC Application” can return different types of results and we call them as Action
Results. In MVC, “ActionResult” is a class, and this class has various child classes under it and an Action method can
return any of those classes as a result i.e., either parent class “ActionResult” or its child classes. Controller class
(the parent class of all the Controllers we define) provides different helper methods to return a Result, where each
helper method returns a different “ActionResult”, for example:
Helper Methods Action Results
File FileResult
Json JsonResult
View ViewResult
--- EmptyResult
Content ContentResult
Redirect RedirectResult
JavaScript JavaScriptResult
PartialView PartialViewResult
HttpNotFound HttpNotFoundResult
HttpStatusCodeResult HttpUnauthorizedResult
RedirectToRoute RedirectToRouteResult
RedirectToAction RedirectToRouteResult
Note: if we open a project by choosing “MVC Project Template” then, we will find a “Content” folder with
“Bootstrap” installed and we will find a “Scripts” folder with “JQuery” installed and also a “fonts” folder with few
“Fonts” installed in it. In the “Controllers” folder we find a Controller with the name “HomeController” with 3
Action methods in it with the name: Index, About and Contact; and these methods will also have associated Views
in the “Home” folder of “Views” folder. We will also have “Shared” folder with a “Layout View (_Layout.cshtml)”
and “_ViewStart.cshtml” in which the Layout is applied.
Step 2: Add a new class in Models folder of the project naming it as “Employee” and write the below code in it:
Step 3: Add a Controller naming it as “ResultsController” and define the below “Action Methods” in the class.
using System.Text;
using ActionResultsInMVC.Models;
#region JsonResult
public JsonResult GetEmployees()
Employee e1 = new Employee { Id = 101, Name = "Scott", Job = "CEO", Salary = 25000, Status = true };
Employee e2 = new Employee { Id = 102, Name = "Smith", Job = "President", Salary = 22000, Status = true };
Employee e3 = new Employee { Id = 103, Name = "Parker", Job = "Manager", Salary = 18000, Status = true };
Employee e4 = new Employee { Id = 104, Name = "John", Job = "Salesman", Salary = 10000, Status = true };
Employee e5 = new Employee { Id = 105, Name = "David", Job = "Clerk", Salary = 5000, Status = true };
Employee e6 = new Employee { Id = 106, Name = "Maria", Job = "Analyst", Salary = 12000, Status = true };
List<Employee> Emps = new List<Employee> { e1, e2, e3, e4, e5, e6 };
return Json(Emps, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
#region FileResult
public FileResult DownloadPdf()
return File("~/Downloads/Test.pdf", "application/pdf");
public FileResult DownloadWord()
return File("~/Downloads/Test.doc", "application/msword");
#region RedirectResult
public RedirectResult OpenFaceBook()
return Redirect("");
public RedirectResult OpenTwitter()
return Redirect("");
#region ContentResult
public ContentResult SendDate1()
return Content("Current Date: " + DateTime.Now.ToString());
public string SendDate2()
return "Current Date: " + DateTime.Now.ToString();
public string SayHello1()
return "नमस्ते आप कैसे हैं?";
public ContentResult SayHello2()
return Content("नमस्ते आप कैसे हैं?", "text/plain", Encoding.Unicode);
#region JavaScriptResult
public JavaScriptResult AlertUser()
return JavaScript("alert('Hello, how are you.');");
#region EmptyResult
public EmptyResult ReturnEmpty1()
EmptyResult obj = new EmptyResult();
return obj;
public void ReturnEmpty2()
string str = "Hello World";
str = str.ToUpper();
Add a “View” to “Index Action Method” without choosing a Layout and write the below code in its “<div>” tag:
<h2>MVC Action Results</h2>
<li>@Html.ActionLink("Json Result", "GetEmployees")</li>
<li>@Html.ActionLink("Download Pdf", "DownloadPdf", null, new { target = "_blank" })</li>
<li>@Html.ActionLink("Download Word", "DownloadWord")</li>
<li>@Html.ActionLink("Facebook", "OpenFaceBook", null, new { target = "_blank" })</li>
<li>@Html.ActionLink("Twitter", "OpenTwitter", null, new { target = "_blank" })</li>
<li>@Html.ActionLink("Today’s date returned as ContentResult", "SendDate1")</li>
<li>@Html.ActionLink("Today’s date returned as String", "SendDate2")</li>
<li>@Html.ActionLink("नमस्ते बोलो returned as String", "SayHello1")</li>
<li>@Html.ActionLink("नमस्ते बोलो returned as ContentResult", "SayHello2")</li>
<li>@Html.ActionLink("Javascript Alert", "AlertUser")</li>
<li>@Html.ActionLink("Empty Result", "ReturnEmpty1")</li>
<li>@Html.ActionLink("Void Result", "ReturnEmpty2")</li>
Run the “Index” action method of “ResultsController” which provides links to execute the other action
methods defined in the class.
Minification and Bundling
These are two techniques we use in Web Applications to improve request load time. Bundling and
Minification improves load time by reducing the size of requested assets and reducing the number of requests to
the server for the assets (such as CSS and Java Script.)
Note: most of the current major browsers limit the number of simultaneous connections per each host to 6. That
means while 6 requests are being processed, additional requests for assets on a host will be queued by the
Minification: this performs a variety of different code optimizations to CSS and Scripts such as removing
unnecessary white spaces, removing comments, and shortening variable names to one character. For example,
consider the below JavaScript function:
function SayHello(name) {
//This function wishes the user with his given name
var msg = "Hello " + name;
In the above case “name” parameter is shortened as “n” and “msg” variable is shorted as “m”, removed
comments, line breaks and unnecessary white spaces.
After downloading, unzip the file into a folder and in that folder, we find “Smalify.exe”. Run it, which will
open a User Interface, drag, and drop the folder in which we have placed the “.css” or “.js” files on the UI, which
we want to minify and click on the “Minify now” button on the UI.
Step 1: Create a new “ASP.NET Web Application” project naming it as “MinificationAndBundling”; choose “Empty
Project Template”, check “MVC” checkbox and click on the “Create” button.
Add a folder under the project with the name “Content” and under this folder add 2 “.css” files with the
name “Header.css” & “Paragraph.css”, and write the below code in those files:
h1 {
color: red;text-align: center;background-color: palegreen;border-style: double;border-bottom-color: bisque;
border-top-color: coral;border-left-color: coral;border-right-color: bisque;text-decoration: underline;
text-align: justify;text-justify: inter-word;
color: green;font-family: courier;font-size: 160%;
text-transform: capitalize;text-indent: 50px;line-height: 1.8;border: 2px solid #0066FF;
border-top-width: 2px;border-right-width: 2px;border-bottom-width: 2px;border-left-width: 2px;
border-top-style: solid;border-right-style: solid;border-bottom-style: solid;border-left-style: solid;
border-top-color: #0066FF;border-right-color: #0066FF;border-bottom-color: #0066FF;
border-left-color: #0066FF;
Step 2: Minification of “.css” files and to do that right click on Project in Solution Explorer, select “Open Folder in
File Explorer” which will display the list of folders and files under project folder in Windows Explorer. Run
“Smalify.exe”, drag and drop the “Content” folder on to the UI of the “Smalify.exe” and click on “Minify now”
button, which will generate the minified files “Header.min.css” and “Paragraph.min.css”. To load these files in our
project, select “Content” folder in Solution Explorer and choose the option “Show All Files” in the top of Solution
Explorer which will show the 2 files under Content folder, right click on them and select the option “Include in
Project”, which will load them into the project, and after loading again click on “Show All Files”.
Step 3: Add a new Controller with the name “HomeController” and add a View to the existing Index Action Method
without selecting “Use a layout page” Check Box. Now drag and drop “Header.min.css” and “Paragraph.min.css”
files under the “<head>” tag of the View and write the below code under the “<div>” tag of the View:
<h1>Naresh I Technologies</h1>
<p>Classroom Training schedule is a custom-made training program to suit the aspirants from different
educational backgrounds, the training programs are conducted by well-trained faculties in the corresponding
specializations in a real-time environment. The classroom training is conducted exclusively in the campus of Naresh
i Technologies with well equipped and configured architecture to give students exactly an environment of
industrial exposure.</p>
<p>Naresh i Technologies is renowned around the world for classroom training where every aspirant is encouraged
to attend technical sessions discussing every facet of the subject with excruciating detail on varied technologies.
Every aspirant in the training program will be provided with the hands-on experience through a number of Lab
assignments and case studies there by making them more employable.</p>
<p>Digital marketing is an umbrella for an online system. Digital marketing refers to advertising which is delivered
through the digital channel. Few digital marketing is like websites, social media, emails and mobile apps. The
product is being marketed through digital technology. This Digital marketing online training course will help how to
use the Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc for online advertisement. In simple term, the digital marketing means the
promotion of the products or brands via some electronic media.</p>
<p>Corporate Training program is tailor-made to suit the working professionals in the industry who are expected
to have a shift in their domain or technology as per their career demand. The corporate training courses are
customized to meet the project requirements as expected from the corporate trainees.</p>
<p>The Corporate Training is provided either at the client location or at our Naresh i Technologies campus
depending upon the need of the client. In the global markets of competition training and development of the
employees to keep up their technical expertise has become the most important composition of any I.T.
<p>The corporate employees require regular enhancements and update of the up-coming technologies in
accordance with the advancements as demanded by the end clients. This requirement of the corporate sector is
the key juncture where Naresh iTechnologies started sharing its expertise in reducing the training over-heads of
the corporate sector.</p>
<p>The success of Naresh i Technologies lies in customized course content depending on the project requirements
of the client and the experience level of the participants thereby enhancing the productivity of the overall
<h1>Excellence In IT Training</h1>
Now run the “Index View” and watch the output, because the page is using 2 CSS Files (Assets) there will
be total 3 requests sent from the browser to server to load the assets as following:
To watch this hit “F12” in the Browser which will open a window on the “RHS” or “Bottom” of the Browser
called as “Developer Tools”, in that window go to “Network” tab, and click on the refresh button on the Browser
which will show the no. of requests in the bottom on “Developer Tools” window.
Note: To minimize the no. of requests from browser to server, we can take the help of bundling, so that both the
CSS files will be loaded in a single request and the no. of requests can be reduced to 2 from 3 in the current case.
Bundling: this is a new feature introduced in “ASP.NET 4.5”. Bundling makes it easy to combine or bundle multiple
files into a single unit, and by using this we can create CSS, Java Script and other bundles. Fewer files mean fewer
HTTP requests and that can improve page load performance.
To perform Bundling we need to take the help of “Web Optimization Framework” library in our project
and to use it we need to install it thru “NuGet Package Manager”, and to do that, open “NuGet Package Manager”,
go to Browse and search for “Web Optimization Framework” that displays “Microsoft.AspNet.Web.Optimization”,
select it and install it.
Working with Microsoft AspNet Web Optimization Framework: in this library we are provided with a set of
classes under “System.Web.Optimization” namespace:
Step 4: To perform bundling, add a “Code File” under “App_Start” folder with the name “BundleConfig.cs” and
write the below code in the file:
using System.Web.Optimization;
namespace MinificationAndBundling
public class BundleConfig
public static void RegisterBundles(BundleCollection bundles)
//Create a StyleBundle and include all the CSS files into it
StyleBundle styleBundle = new StyleBundle("~/Content/NITStyleBundle");
styleBundle.Include("~/Content/Header.min.css", "~/Content/Paragraph.min.css");
//Create a ScriptBundle and include all the Scripts files into it (Example Code)
//ScriptBundle scriptBundle = new ScriptBundle("~/Scripts/NITScriptBundle");
//scriptBundle.Include("~/Scripts/Test1.min.js", "~/Scripts/Test2.min.js");
//bundles.Add(scriptBundle); //Example Code
Step 5: Now open the “Global.asax” file and call “RegisterBundles” method of “BundleConfig” class inside of
“Application_Start” method by importing “System.Web.Optimization” namespace:
Delete the 2 <link> tag statements in the head section and write the below code over there:
Now run the “Index.cshtml” file again and watch the output, but now also we will have 3 requests only
because bundling is performed only in the “Release or Production” mode but not in “Debug or Development”
mode. If we want to test bundling at the time of “Application Development” we can achieve that in 2 different
Open “Web.config” file and there under “<system.web>” tag we find “<compilation>” tag with a boolean
attribute “debug” and its value will be “true” by default, change it as “false” and run “Index.cshtml” file again.
The code in “Web.config” should now look as following:
<compilation debug="false" targetFramework="4.8" />
With-out changing the “debug” attribute value as “false” in “Web.config” file also, we can perform bundling
i.e., in “Debug or Development” mode bundling can be performed and to do that, change the “false” value as
“true” again in “Web.config” file, go to “BundleConfig.cs” and write the below statement in the end of
“RegisterBundles” method and run “Index.cshtml” page again.
BundleTable.EnableOptimizations = true;
It is an approach of dividing a large “MVC Applications into smaller logical units, so that organizing of the
application becomes much simple and easier. Area in an MVC Application is a collection of “Controllers”, “Views”
and “Models” i.e., we can maintain them separately for each module.
For example, in a Hospital Management Application, for better development of the Application the
Project Manager divided the Application into different modules like Patient Module, Doctor Module, Staff Module,
Insurance Module, Billing Module, Labs Module, Medicine Module and HR Module. Now each Module is given for a
different team to develop, so every Module will be having its own Controllers, Views and Models, for example:
Patients => Controllers, Views and Models
Doctors => Controllers, Views and Models
Staff => Controllers, Views and Models
Insurance => Controllers, Views and Models
Billing => Controllers, Views and Models
Labs => Controllers, Views and Models
Medicines => Controllers, Views and Models
HR => Controllers, Views and Models
While integrating all these Modules, for a clear separation and management of the Application we use
areas because every area will be having its own Controllers, Views and Models, so under the project we maintain 1
area for each Module as below:
PatientArea => PatientControllers, PatientViews, PatientModels
DoctorArea => DoctorControllers, DoctorViews, DoctorModels
StaffArea => StaffControllers, StaffViews, StaffModels
InsuranceArea => InsuranceControllers, InsuranceViews, InsuranceModels
BillingArea => BillingControllers, BillingViews, BillingModels
LabArea => LabControllers, LabViews, LabModels
MedicinesArea => MedicineControllers, MedicineViews, MedicineModels
HRArea => HRControllers, HRViews, HRModels
To work with areas, create a new “ASP.NET Web Application” project naming it as “MVCAreas”, choose
“Empty Project Template”, check the “MVC” CheckBox and click on “Create” button to create the project. To add
an Area under the project, right click on the Project and select the option Add => “New Scaffolded Item”, this will
open a new window and in that window on the LHS expand the “MVC Node” and select the option “Area” and
then on the RHS it will display “MVC 5 Area”, select it and click on “Add” button which will ask for a name to the
Area, enter the name as “Patient” and click on the “Add” button which will add “Areas” folder under the Project
and under that “Areas” folder it will add another folder with the name “Patient” and under this it will add
“Controllers”, “Views” and “Data (Models)” folders and also 1 file with name “PatientAreaRegistration.cs” and
under this we find a class “PatientAreaRegistration” inheriting from “AreaRegistration” class and under this class
we find a method “RegisterArea” defining the route to accessing the “Action Methods” in this area as following
new { action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }
Adding multiple areas in the Project: to add more “Areas” in the project, now directly right click on the “Areas” in
Solution Explorer and select “Add” => “Area” and in the window opened select “MVC 5 Area” and give a name to it,
and by following this process add 2 new Areas with the names “Doctor” and “Staff”.
Note: under every Area we have added, we will find “Controllers”, “Views” and “Data” folders as well as
“AreaRegistration” class as following:
Add a Controller in each Controllers folder with-in the “Areas” naming them as “HomeController” and add
a View to each “Index Action Method” by choosing a layout and write the below code in them by deleting the
existing code:
Add a Controller under the project’s root “Controllers” folder naming it as “HomeController” only, add a
View to existing “Index Action Method”, choosing a layout and write the below code in it by deleting existing code:
ViewBag.Title = "Site - Index";
<h2>This is the Home Page of Site.</h2>
@Html.ActionLink("Doctor Home Page", "Index", "Home", new { area = "Doctor" }, null)
<br />
@Html.ActionLink("Patient Home Page", "Index", "Home", new { area = "Patient" }, null)
<br />
@Html.ActionLink("Staff Home Page", "Index", "Home", new { area = "Staff" }, null)
Run the project which must launch the above “Index.cshtml” View of the root “Home Controller” but it
will not launch because there are multiple “Home Controllers” and “Index Action Methods” under the project, so
we get an error. To resolve the problem open “RouteConfig.cs” file present in “App_Start” folder of the project and
specify the namespace of our Root “HomeController” to it in “routes.MapRoute” method, which should now look
as below:
name: "Default",
url: "{controller}/{action}/{id}",
defaults: new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional },
namespaces: new string[] { "MVCAreas.Controllers" }
This action should now launch the “Site Home Page” i.e., “Index Page” of root “Home Controller” of the
Project and in that “Page” we will find links to launch “Doctor’s Home Page”, “Patient’s Home Page” and “Staff
Home Page”, click on them and test it.
Same as above when we enter below URL’s they should launch their corresponding Home Pages, for example:
http://localhost:port/Doctor => should launch Doctor home page
http://localhost:port/Patient => should launch Patient home page
http://localhost:port/Staff => should launch Staff home page
But when to try them, we get “Page Not Found” error and to resolve this problem go to each
“AreaRegistration.cs” file that are present in each “Areas” folder and there we find the method “RegisterArea”,
and in that method with-in the last line specify the default Controller name i.e., “Home”, as following:
Data Annotations
These are nothing but validations that we put on our “Models” to validate the input from the user. These
are similar to “Validation Controls” in “ASP.NET Web Forms”. “ASP.NET MVC” provides a unique feature by using
which we can validate the models by using the “Data Annotation” attributes importing the namespace
“System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations”. Data Annotations can be used in our View Pages for validating
Controls as well as they can also be used in “Entity Framework”. Data Annotations allows us to define all the rules a
Model Class and its Properties has to follow, and they are divided into different categories, like:
Display Attributes
Validation Attributes
Modeling Attributes
Every Data Annotation is a class that is defined in the libraries of our language under the namespace
“System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations” and the parent class for all these classes is “Attribute” and the
hierarchy of classes is as following:
RemoteAttribute (This class is defined under “System.Web.MVC” namespace)
Note: Data Annotation’s - Validation Attributes, will perform data validations both on Client as well as Server also
i.e., first they will validate the data on Client Machine and if at all those validations fail, page will not be submitted
to the Server, whereas if the Client disables Java Script on his browser, then data is submitted to Server even if the
Validations fail and to overcome this problem validations are re-performed on Server also.
To perform the Client-Side Validations, Data Annotations uses JQuery Library, so our View Pages have to
use the below JQuery libraries:
Display Attribute: by using this attribute we can specify a name that has to be displayed by a Label on the View for
the Model’s Property.
[Display(Name = "First Name:")]
public string FirstName { get; set; }
DisplayFormat Attribute: by using this attribute we can specify how data fields are displayed and formatted and
with the help of this we can do the following:
Display the text as “[Null]” when a data field is empty.
Display currency data in locale-specific currency format.
Display date information in any pre-defined or specified format.
Validation Attributes:
Required Attribute: this attribute is used to specify that the value is mandatory and cannot be skipped.
[Required(ErrorMessage = "Name field can't be left empty.")]
public string Name { get; set; }
DataType Attribute: this attribute is used to specify the data type for the model’s property.
public string Password { get; set; }
Compare Attribute: this attribute is used to compare the value of 1 Model property with other property.
[Compare("Password", ErrorMessage = "Confirm password should match with password.")]
public string ConfirmPassword { get; set; }
Range Attribute: this attribute is used to specify a range for the Model properties value.
[Range(18, 60)]
public int Age { get; set; }
RegularExpression Attribute: this attribute is used to compare the Model properties value with a
[RegularExpression(@"[6-9]\d{9}")] //Mobile No. should start with 6, 7, 8, and 9 only and can be
having a length of 10 digits (Both Max & Min).
public string Mobile { get; set; }
Remote Attribute: this attribute class is defined in “System.Web.MVC” namespace which is used to make “AJAX”
call to Server and validate data without posting the entire form to the server, whenever a server-side validation is
preferable in any particular scenario and in this case the result is sent back from server to client in JSON format.
To test all the above, create a new “ASP.NET Web Application” project naming it as
“MVCDataAnnotations”, choose “MVC Project Template” and click on “Create” button to create the project.
Step 1: Add a Model class under the Models folder naming it as “User.cs” and write the below code in it by
importing “System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations” namespace:
[Required(ErrorMessage = "Password field can't be left empty.")]
[RegularExpression(@"(?=.*[0-9])(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*[@#$_-])(?=\S+$).{8,16}", ErrorMessage = "Password
Format: <br />-No spaces.<br />-Minimum 1 numeric.<br />-Minimum 1 upper case & lower case alphabet.
<br />-Minimum 1, any of these Special characters: -, _, @, #, $.<br />-Should be ranging between 8 - 16 chars.")]
public string Password { get; set; }
[Display(Name = "Date of Birth")]
[Required(ErrorMessage = "Date of birth field can't be left empty.")]
[System.Web.Mvc.Remote("IsValidDate", "User", ErrorMessage = "User should attain 18 years age to register.")]
public DateTime DOB { get; set; }
[Display(Name = "Addresss")]
public string Address { get; set; }
Password rules Regular Expression:
(?=.*[0-9]) represents a digit must occur at least once.
(?=.*[a-z]) represents a lower case alphabet must occur at least once.
(?=.*[A-Z]) represents an upper case alphabet that must occur at least once.
(?=.*[@#$_-]) represents a special character that must occur at least once.
(?=\S+$) white spaces are not allowed in the entire string.
.{8, 16} represents at least 8 characters and at most 16 characters allowed.
Step 2: Add a Controller class in Controllers folder of the project naming it as “UserController” delete all the
content in the class and write the below code in it by importing “MVCDataAnnotations.Models” namespace:
//Validation code for DOB field which is called using Remote Attribute
public JsonResult IsValidDate(DateTime DOB)
bool Status;
if (DOB > DateTime.Now.AddYears(-18))
Status = false;
Status = true;
return Json(Status, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
public ViewResult AddUser()
return View();
public ViewResult DisplayUser(User user)
return View(user);
Step 3: Add a view to “AddUser” action method without choosing any “Layout”, update the version of JQuery
(existing is 3.4.1 and latest is 3.6.1) using “Nuget Package Manager” and do the following:
@* Drag and Drop the following files from Scripts folder into the "<head>" section. *@
<script src="~/Scripts/jquery-3.6.1.min.js"></script>
<script src="~/Scripts/jquery.validate.min.js"></script>
<script src="~/Scripts/jquery.validate.unobtrusive.min.js"></script>
@* Drag and Drop the following file from Content folder into the "<head>" section. *@
<link href="~/Content/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet" />
@Html.LabelFor(U => U.Name)<br />
@Html.EditorFor(U => U.Name)
@Html.ValidationMessageFor(U => U.Name)
@Html.LabelFor(U => U.Password)<br />
@Html.EditorFor(U => U.Password)
@Html.ValidationMessageFor(U => U.Password)
@Html.LabelFor(U => U.ConfirmPassword)<br />
@Html.EditorFor(U => U.ConfirmPassword)
@Html.ValidationMessageFor(U => U.ConfirmPassword)
@Html.LabelFor(U => U.DOB)<br />
@Html.EditorFor(U => U.DOB)
@Html.ValidationMessageFor(U => U.DOB)
@Html.LabelFor(U => U.Mobile)<br />
@Html.EditorFor(U => U.Mobile)
@Html.ValidationMessageFor(U => U.Mobile)
@Html.LabelFor(U => U.Email)<br />
@Html.EditorFor(U => U.Email)
@Html.ValidationMessageFor(U => U.Email)
@Html.LabelFor(U => U.Address)<br />
@Html.EditorFor(U => U.Address)
<input type="submit" value="Save User" class="btn btn-primary" />
<input type="reset" value="Reset Data" class="btn btn-danger" />
Note: Data Annotations will perform Data Validations when we bind Views with Model Classes using the “Strongly
Typed Html Helpers” like LabelFor, TextBoxFor, EditorFor, etc.
Now run the View, fill in the details and click on “Save User” button to launch “DisplayUser” View but in
this process if we enter any wrong values into the controls or did not enter values into the controls, Validation
Attributes comes into picture, display’s “Error Messages” and will not allow the page to be submit to the server. By
default, “Validation Error Messages” are displayed by using the “Span” tag and the text will in black color, whereas
if we want to highlight those messages go to “<head>” section of the “AddUser” View and define a style for
“<span>” tag as following:
<style>span { color: red;background-color: yellow;font-style: oblique }</style>
Validation Attributes will perform Data Validations on the Client Machine and if at all those validations
fail, page will not be submitted to server. Even in case of the “Remote” validation also without submitting the page
to Server it will perform an “AJAX” call to the Server and receives the result as “JSON” which will be “true” if the
validation is successful and “false” if the validation fails. In case, if Java Script is disabled on client’s browser, then
there will be a problem i.e., page gets submitted to Server even if Validations fail, so to overcome the problem, in
our “DisplayUser” action method we need to verify with a condition i.e., “ModelState.IsValid” which returns “true”
if all the data validations are successfully completed or else it returns “false” if any validation fails.
All Validation Attributes will perform Validations on client side only and if at all Java Script is disabled on
client’s browser, page will be submitted to the Server, so to overcome this problem, Server will again re-validate all
the input, and if the Validations are successful, it will set the Models “IsValid” property as “true”, or “false” if any
of the Validations fail which we can use in our Server-Side Logic to perform further actions as we have done above.
Now add a View to “DisplayUser” action method and to do this right click on the “DisplayUser” method in
Controller class, select “Add View” and in the window opened choose the option “Details” under “Template
DropDownList” and choose “User” under “Model Class DropDownList” which will create a View to display data and
this is also “Scaffolding”. Run the “AddUser.cshtml”, fill in form with correct values and click on the “Submit”
button which will launch “DisplayUser.cshtml” file, by displaying all the values we have entered in “AddUser” View.
If we open “DisplayUser.cshtml” file and watch the code, there we find a “<dl> (Description List)” to
display the data and under this “<dt>” tag is used to display “Attribute Name” by calling the helper method
“DisplayNameFor” and “<dd>” tag is used to display “Attribute Value” by calling the helper method “DisplayFor”.
Validation Summary: This is similar to the “ValidationSummary” we use in “ASP.Net Web Forms” and by using this
we can display all the “Error Messages” at 1 place without displaying them beside the controls. To display all our
“Error Messages” on top of the form, write the below code in “AddUser” View in the top of “Begin Form” block.
<div>@Html.ValidationSummary("", new { @class = "alert-danger" })</div>
Note: After adding this all the “Error Messages” will be displayed by the “Validation Summary” i.e., all at 1 place,
but the “Error Messages” will be displayed beside the controls also and to avoid that, change the style code we
have defined for “<span>” tag that we have added in “<head>” section as following:
Old Code: <style>span { color: red;background-color: yellow;font-style: oblique }</style>
New Code: <style>span { display: none }</style>
Language Integrated Query
In C# 3.0 .Net has introduced a new language known as “LINQ” much like “SQL (which we use universally
with relational databases to perform queries)”. LINQ allows you to write query expressions like SQL queries that
can retrieve information from a wide variety of Data Sources like Objects, Relational Databases and XML.
Introduction to LINQ: LINQ stands for Language Integrated Query. LINQ is a data querying methodology which
provides querying capabilities to .NET languages with syntax like a SQL Query. LINQ has a great power of querying
from any source of data i.e., the Data Source can be collections of Objects, Relational Databases or XML.
LINQ to Objects: used to perform queries against the in-memory data like an Array or Collection.
LINQ to Databases:
LINQ to DataSet’s is used to perform queries against ADO.NET Data Table’s.
LINQ to SQL is used to perform queries against Microsoft SQL Server Database.
LINQ to Entities is used to perform queries against any Relation Database like SQL Server, Oracle, etc.
LINQ to XML (XLinq): used to perform queries against the XML Source.
Advantages of LINQ:
LINQ offers an object-based, language-integrated way to query over data, no matter where that data came
from. So, through LINQ we can query Database, XML as well as Collections and Arrays also.
Compile time syntax checking.
It allows us to Query Collections, Arrays, & Classes etc. in the native language of our application like VB or C#.
Probably the biggest and most exciting addition to the .Net Framework 3.5 is the addition of the .Net
Language Integrated Query Framework (LINQ) into C# 3.0. Basically, what LINQ provides is a lightweight façade
over programmatic data integration. This is such a big deal because data is King. Pretty much every application
deal with data in some manner, whether that data comes from memory, databases, XML files, text files, or
something else. Many developers find it very difficult to move from the strongly typed object-oriented world of C#
to the data tier where objects are second-class citizens. The transition from the one world to the next was a kludge
at best and was full of error-prone actions.
In C#, programming with objects means a wonderful strongly typed ability to work with code. You can
navigate very easily through the namespaces, work with a debugger in the Visual Studio IDE, and more. However,
when you must access data, you will notice that things are dramatically different. You end up in a world that is not
strongly typed, where debugging is a pain or even non-existent, and you end up spending most of the time sending
strings to the database as commands. As a developer, you also must be aware of the underlying data and how it is.
Microsoft has provided LINQ as a lightweight façade that provides a strongly typed interface to the
underlying data stores. LINQ provides the means for developers to stay within the coding environment they are
used to and access the underlying data as objects that work with the IDE, Intellisense, and even debugging. With
LINQ, the queries that you create now become first-class citizens within the .NET Framework alongside everything
else you are used to. When you work with queries for the data store you are working with, you will quickly realize
that they now work and behave as if they are types in the system. This means that you can now use any .NET-
compliant language and query the underlying data stores as you never have before.
LINQ to SQL and Visual Studio: LINQ to SQL in particular is a means to have a strongly typed interface against a
SQL Server Database. You will find the approach that LINQ to SQL provides is by far the easiest approach for
querying SQL Server available now. It is important to remember that LINQ to SQL is not only about querying data,
but you can also perform Insert/Update/Delete operations that you need to perform which are known as CRUD
operations (Create/Read/Update/Delete). Visual Studio comes into strong play with LINQ to SQL in that you will
find an extensive user interface that allows you to design the LINQ to SQL classes you will work with.
Adding a LINQ to SQL Class: To work with LINQ first you need to convert Relational Objects of Database into
Object Oriented Types of our language and the process of conversion is known as ORM (Object Relational
Mapping) and to perform this we are provided with a tool under Visual Studio i.e., OR Designer (Object-Relational
Designer) which does an outstanding job of making it as easy as possible.
To work with LINQ to SQL first create a Database in SQL Server with the name “MVCDB” and then create a
table with the name Student using the below SQL Statement:
Create Table Student (Sid Int Primary Key, Name Varchar(50), Class Int, Fees Money, Photo Varchar(100), Status Bit
Not Null Default 1)
Now create a new “ASP.NET Web Application” project, naming it as “MVCWithLinq1”, choose “MVC
Template” and click on Create button to create the Project. In the project created open Solution Explorer and
under the Models folder add the “OR Designer” and to do this open “Add New Item” Window, in the LHS of the
Window select “Data” and in the RHS select the option “Linq to SQL Classes” name the item as “MVCDB.dbml”
(Database Markup Language). We can give any name to the “.dbml” file but it is always suggested to use our
Database name as a name to this, because our database name is “MVCDB” we have named it as “MVCDB.dbml”,
now click “Add” button which will do the following:
Adds a reference to “System.Data.Linq” assembly which is required to work with “LINQ to SQL”.
Under “Models” folder of Solution Explorer we will find “MVCDB.dbml” and under it we will find 2 sub-items
“MVCDB.dbml.layout” and “MVCDB.Designer.cs” and under this file only “OR-Designer” writes all the “ORM”
code by converting “Relational Objects” into “Object Oriented Types”.
The item “MVCDB.dbml” is added to the studio which will appear as a tab within the document window, and
this is made up of two parts. The first part on the left is for “Data Classes”, which map to Tables, Views, etc,
dragging such items on this surface will give us a visual representation of those objects. The second part on
the right is for Methods, which map to the Stored Procedures within the Database.
Let us have a look into the code of “MVCDB.designer.cs” file and there we will find a class
“MVCDBDataContext” inheriting from “DataContext” class of “System.Data.Linq” namespace. “DataContext” class
works with the “Connection String” and connects to the Database for any required operations when we create
instance of the class. “DataContext” class also contains methods in it like “CreateDatabase”, “DeleteDatabase”,
“GetTable”, “ExecuteQuery”, “SubmitChanges” etc, using which we can perform action directly on the Database.
The “MVCDBDataContext” class which is defined here by default contains 4 parameterized Constructors in it.
Creating the Student Entity: For this example, we want to work with the “Student” (Entity) table from the
“MVCDB” database, which means that you are going to create a “Student” (Entity) class that will use LINQ to SQL
map to Student table. To accomplishing this task simply open the “Server Explorer” within Visual Studio from
“View” menu and configure it with our DB i.e., “MVCDB”. To configure the Database under “Server Explorer”, right
click on “Data Connections” node and select the option “Add Connection” which open a window “Choose Data
Source” and in that select “Microsoft SQL Server” and click on “Ok” button, which opens another window “Add
Connection”, in the new window under “Server name:” TextBox enter your “Server Name”, under “Log on to the
server” option choose the “Authentication Mode” and provide the “Credentials”, under “Connect to a database”
option choose your “Database” from “Select or enter a database name” DropDownList (Database name is
“MVCDB” in our case) and click on the “OK” button which adds the Database under “Data Connections” node. Now
drag and drop the “Student” table of our “MVCDB” Database onto the design surface of “O/R Designer” in to LHS
and this action will add a bunch of code in to “MVCDB.designer.cs” file on our behalf with a set of classes in it, and
those classes will give you a strongly typed access to the Student (Entity) table.
When we drag & drop the first object (Table or SP) on OR Designer it will perform the following actions:
Writes Connection String in to “Web.config” file targeting to the Database we have configured in Server
Defines a new parameter less or default constructor in “MVCDBDataContext” class and we can use this
constructor for creating the instance of “MVCDBDataContext” class for connecting to the Database and this
constructor will read the Connection String from “Web.config” file.
When we drag & drop a table on OR Designer the following actions gets performed internally:
Defines a class representing the Entity (Table) we have dragged & dropped on the OR Designer where the
name of the class will be same as the table name, right now we have dropped “Student” table on OR Designer,
so “Student” class gets defined.
Defines properties under the entity class (Student), where each property represents each attribute of the
entity (table). So, in the student class we will find the properties Sid, Name, Class, Fees, Photo and Status.
Defines a property under “MVCDBDataContext” class referring to the table we are working with, and the type
of this property will be “Table<Entity>”, because we are working with “Student Entity” here the name of the
property will be “Students” and type of the property will be “Table<Student>”.
Note: Table<Entity> is a generic class under “System.Data.Linq” namespace which also contains a set of methods
like “DeleteOnSubmit”, “InsertOnSubmit”, “SingleOrDefault” etc. for performing CRUD operations on the Entity.
Performing CRUD (Create (Insert), Read (Select), Update and Delete) Opertions: to Perform CRUD operations on
SQL Server Database by using Linq to SQL we need to adopt the following process for Insert, Update and Delete:
Steps for Inserting:
1. Create an instance of Entity (Student) class, which is defined representing the Student Entity because each
instance is a record, and then assign values to the properties because those properties represent attributes.
2. Call InsertOnSubmit method on the table (Students) which adds the record into the table in a pending state.
3. Call SubmitChanges method on DataContext object for saving the changes to Database Server.
return student;
catch(Exception ex)
throw ex;
public void AddStudent(Student student)
catch(Exception ex)
throw ex;
public void UpdateStudent(Student newValues)
Student oldValues = context.Students.Single(S => S.Sid == newValues.Sid);
oldValues.Name = newValues.Name;
oldValues.Class = newValues.Class;
oldValues.Fees = newValues.Fees;
oldValues.Photo = newValues.Photo;
catch(Exception ex)
throw ex;
public void DeleteStudent(int Sid)
Student oldValues = context.Students.First(S => S.Sid == Sid);
//dc.Students.DeleteOnSubmit(oldValues); //Permenant Deletion
oldValues.Status = false; //Updates the status with-out deleting the record
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
Add a Controller under the Controllers folder with the name StudentController and write the below code in it:
using System.IO;
using MVCWithLinq1.Models;
public class StudentController : Controller
StudentDAL obj = new StudentDAL();
public ViewResult DisplayStudents()
return View(obj.GetStudents(true));
public ViewResult DisplayStudent(int Sid)
return View(obj.GetStudent(Sid, true));
public ViewResult AddStudent()
return View(new Student());
public RedirectToRouteResult AddStudent(Student student, HttpPostedFileBase selectedFile)
if (selectedFile != null)
//Checking whether the folder "Uploads" is exists or not and creating it if not exists
string PhysicalPath = Server.MapPath("~/Uploads/");
selectedFile.SaveAs(PhysicalPath + selectedFile.FileName);
student.Photo = selectedFile.FileName;
student.Status = true;
return RedirectToAction("DisplayStudents");
public ViewResult EditStudent(int Sid)
Student student = obj.GetStudent(Sid, true);
TempData["Photo"] = student.Photo;
return View(student);
public RedirectToRouteResult UpdateStudent(Student student, HttpPostedFileBase selectedFile)
if (selectedFile != null)
string PhysicalPath = Server.MapPath("~/Uploads/");
if (!Directory.Exists(PhysicalPath))
selectedFile.SaveAs(PhysicalPath + selectedFile.FileName);
student.Photo = selectedFile.FileName;
else if(TempData["Photo"] != null)
student.Photo = TempData["Photo"].ToString();
return RedirectToAction("DisplayStudents");
public RedirectToRouteResult DeleteStudent(int Sid)
return RedirectToAction("DisplayStudents");
Add a view with the name DisplayStudents.cshtml, selecting layout Checkbox and write the below code in it:
@model IEnumerable<MVCWithLinq1.Models.Student>
<h2 style="text-align:center;background-color:yellowgreen;color:orangered">Students Details</h2>
<table border="1" align="center" class="table-condensed">
<th>@Html.DisplayNameFor(S => S.Sid)</th>
<th>@Html.DisplayNameFor(S => S.Name)</th>
<th>@Html.DisplayNameFor(S => S.Class)</th>
<th>@Html.DisplayNameFor(S => S.Fees)</th>
<th>@Html.DisplayNameFor(S => S.Photo)</th>
@foreach (MVCWithLinq1.Models.Student student in Model)
<td>@Html.DisplayFor(S => student.Sid)</td>
<td>@Html.DisplayFor(S => student.Name)</td>
<td>@Html.DisplayFor(S => student.Class)</td>
<td>@Html.DisplayFor(S => student.Fees)</td>
<td><img src='/Uploads/@student.Photo' width="40" height="25" alt="No Image" /></td>
@Html.ActionLink("View", "DisplayStudent", new { Sid = student.Sid })
@Html.ActionLink("Edit", "EditStudent", new { Sid = student.Sid })
@Html.ActionLink("Delete", "DeleteStudent", new { Sid = student.Sid },
new { onclick = "return confirm('Are you sure of deleting the record?')" })
<tr><td colspan="6" align="center">@Html.ActionLink("Add New Student", "AddStudent")</td></tr>
Add a view with the name DisplayStudent.cshtml, selecting layout Checkbox and write the below code in it:
@model MVCWithLinq1.Models.Student
<h2 style="text-align:center;background-color:yellowgreen;color:orangered">Student Details</h2>
<table border="1" align="center">
<td rowspan="4"><img src='~/Uploads/@Model.Photo' width="200" height="200" alt="No Image" /></td>
<td>Sid: @Model.Sid</td>
<tr><td>Name: @Model.Name</td></tr>
<tr><td>Class: @Model.Class</td></tr>
<tr><td>Fees: @Model.Fees</td></tr>
<td colspan="2" align="center">@Html.ActionLink("Back to Student Details", "DisplayStudents")</td>
Add a view with the name AddStudent.cshtml, selecting layout Checkbox and write the below code in it:
@model MVCWithLinq1.Models.Student
<h2 style="text-align:center;background-color:yellowgreen;color:orangered">Add New Student</h2>
@using (Html.BeginForm("AddStudent", "Student", FormMethod.Post, new { enctype = "multipart/form-data" }))
<div>@Html.LabelFor(S => S.Sid)<br />@Html.TextBoxFor(S => S.Sid)</div>
<div>@Html.LabelFor(S => S.Name)<br />@Html.TextBoxFor(S => S.Name)</div>
<div>@Html.LabelFor(S => S.Class)<br />@Html.TextBoxFor(S => S.Class)</div>
<div>@Html.LabelFor(S => S.Fees)<br />@Html.TextBoxFor(S => S.Fees)</div>
<div>@Html.LabelFor(S => S.Photo)<br /><input type="file" name="selectedFile" /></div>
<input type="submit" value="Save" />
<input type="reset" value="Reset" />
@Html.ActionLink("Back to Student Details", "DisplayStudents")
Add a view with the name EditStudent.cshtml, selecting layout Checkbox and write the below code in it:
@model MVCWithLinq1.Models.Student
<h2 style="text-align:center;background-color:yellowgreen;color:orangered">Edit Student</h2>
@using (Html.BeginForm("UpdateStudent","Student",FormMethod.Post,new { enctype = "multipart/form-data" }))
<div>@Html.LabelFor(S => S.Sid)<br />@Html.TextBoxFor(S => S.Sid)</div>
<div>@Html.LabelFor(S => S.Name)<br />@Html.TextBoxFor(S => S.Name)</div>
<div>@Html.LabelFor(S => S.Class)<br />@Html.TextBoxFor(S => S.Class)</div>
<div>@Html.LabelFor(S => S.Fees)<br />@Html.TextBoxFor(S => S.Fees)</div>
@Html.LabelFor(S => S.Photo)<br />
<img src='~/Uploads/@Model.Photo' height="50" width="50" alt="No Image" style="border:dashed 2px red" />
<input type="file" name="selectedFile" />
<input type="submit" value="Update" />
@Html.ActionLink("Cancel", "DisplayStudents")
Calling Stored Procedures using LINQ
If we want to call Stored Procedures of SQL Server Database by using LINQ we need to first drag & drop
those Procedures on to the RHS panel of OR-Designer from Server Explorer, so that they get converted into
methods under our “DataContext” class with the same name of Procedures. In this process if the Stored Procedure
has any parameters, then those parameters will be defined for Method also, i.e., “input” parameters of Procedure
will become “input” parameters of the Method and “output” parameters of the Procedure will become “ref”
parameters of the Method.
If the Procedure is defined to perform any Non-Query operations then return type of the method will be
integer, whereas if the Procedure is defined to perform Query operations then return type of the method will be
“ISingleResult<T>”, where “T” represents a class that is newly defined when we drag & drop the Query Procedure
and the name of the new class will be “SP Name” suffixed with “Result” i.e. for example if the Procedure name is
“Student_Select” then the class name will be “Student_SelectResult”.
To test calling Stored Procedures, create a new “ASP.NET Web Application” project, naming it as
“MVCWithLinq2” choose “MVC Project Template” and click on “Create” button. Now open “Solution Explorer” and
under the Models folder add “OR Designer” and to do that open “Add New Item” window, select the option “Linq
to SQL Classes”, name it as “MVCDB.dbml” and click on the Add button. Now open “Server Explorer” and configure
our “MVCDB” Database under it and create the below 4 Stored Procedure’s in the Database to perform CRUD
Operations on “Student” table. To create a Procedure right click on the “Stored Procedures” node under the
Database and select the option “Add New Stored Procedure” which opens a window, write the Procedure code
over there and after implementing the code write click on the document window and select “Execute” which will
create the Procedure in the Database.
If @Sid Is Null And @Status Is Null --Fetches all the records of table
Select Sid, Name, Class, Fees, Photo From Student Order By Sid;
Else If @Sid Is Null And @Status Is Not Null --Fetches records based on Status
Select Sid, Name, Class, Fees, Photo From Student Where Status=@Status Order By Sid;
Else If @Sid Is Not Null And @Status Is Null --Fetches a single record based on Sid
Select Sid, Name, Class, Fees, Photo From Student Where Sid=@Sid;
Else If @Sid Is Not Null And @Status Is Not Null --Fetches a single record based on Sid & Status
Select Sid, Name, Class, Fees, Photo From Student Where Sid=@Sid And Status=@Status;
Create Procedure Student_Insert(@Sid int, @Name varchar(50), @Class int, @Fees money, @Photo varchar(100)=null)
Insert Into Student (Sid, Name, Class, Fees,Photo) Values (@Sid, @Name, @Class, @Fees, @Photo)
Create Procedure Student_Update(@Sid int, @Name varchar(50), @Class int, @Fees money, @Photo varchar(100)=Null)
Update Student Set Name=@Name, Class=@Class, Fees=@Fees, Photo=@Photo Where Sid=@Sid;
Create Procedure Student_Delete(@Sid Int)
Update Student Set Status=0 Where Sid=@Sid;
Now drag and drop the 4 Stored Procedures we have defined above on to the RHS Panel of “OR
Designer”, which will generate the required methods in “MVCDBDataContext” class. It also generates a class with
the name “Student_SelectResult” mapping with the results retrieved by “Student_Select” Stored Procedure.
Note: In this case we don’t have “Student (Model)” class generated because we did not drag and drop “Student”
table on the “OR-Designer”, so we can use “Student_SelectResult” class as our Model to perform Model Binding
for Views.
Add a controller in Controllers folder naming it as StudentController.cs and write the below code in it:
using System.IO;
using MVCWithLinq2.Models;
public class StudentController : Controller
MVCDBDataContext dc = new MVCDBDataContext();
public ViewResult DisplayStudents()
List<Student_SelectResult> students = dc.Student_Select(null, true).ToList();
return View(students);
public ViewResult DisplayStudent(int Sid)
Student_SelectResult student = dc.Student_Select(Sid, true).ToList()[0];
return View(student);
public ViewResult AddStudent()
Student_SelectResult student = new Student_SelectResult();
return View(student);
public RedirectToRouteResult AddStudent(Student_SelectResult student, HttpPostedFileBase selectedFile)
if(selectedFile != null)
string folderPath = Server.MapPath("~/Uploads/");
selectedFile.SaveAs(folderPath + selectedFile.FileName);
student.Photo = selectedFile.FileName;
dc.Student_Insert(student.Sid, student.Name, student.Class, student.Fees, student.Photo);
return RedirectToAction("DisplayStudents");
public ViewResult EditStudent(int Sid)
Student_SelectResult student = dc.Student_Select(Sid, true).ToList()[0];
TempData["Photo"] = student.Photo;
return View(student);
public RedirectToRouteResult UpdateStudent(Student_SelectResult student, HttpPostedFileBase selectedFile)
if (selectedFile != null)
string folderPath = Server.MapPath("~/Uploads/");
if (!Directory.Exists(folderPath))
selectedFile.SaveAs(folderPath + selectedFile.FileName);
student.Photo = selectedFile.FileName;
else if(TempData["Photo"] != null) {
student.Photo = TempData["Photo"].ToString();
dc.Student_Update(student.Sid, student.Name, student.Class, student.Fees, student.Photo);
return RedirectToAction("DisplayStudents");
public RedirectToRouteResult DeleteStudent(int Sid)
return RedirectToAction("DisplayStudents");
Add a view with the name DisplayStudents.cshtml, selecting layout Checkbox and write the below code in it:
@model IEnumerable<MVCWithLinq2.Models.Student_SelectResult>
<h2 style="text-align:center;background-color:yellowgreen;color:orangered">Students Details</h2>
<table border="1" align="center" class="table-condensed">
<th>@Html.DisplayNameFor(S => S.Sid)</th>
<th>@Html.DisplayNameFor(S => S.Name)</th>
<th>@Html.DisplayNameFor(S => S.Class)</th>
<th>@Html.DisplayNameFor(S => S.Fees)</th>
<th>@Html.DisplayNameFor(S => S.Photo)</th>
@foreach (MVCWithLinq2.Models.Student_SelectResult student in Model)
<td>@Html.DisplayFor(S => student.Sid)</td>
<td>@Html.DisplayFor(S => student.Name)</td>
<td>@Html.DisplayFor(S => student.Class)</td>
<td>@Html.DisplayFor(S => student.Fees)</td>
<td><img src='/Uploads/@student.Photo' width="40" height="25" alt="No Image" /></td>
@Html.ActionLink("View", "DisplayStudent", new { Sid = student.Sid })
@Html.ActionLink("Edit", "EditStudent", new { Sid = student.Sid })
@Html.ActionLink("Delete", "DeleteStudent", new { Sid = student.Sid },
new { onclick = "return confirm('Are you sure of deleting the record?')" })
<tr><td colspan="6" align="center">@Html.ActionLink("Add New Student", "AddStudent")</td></tr>
Add a view with the name DisplayStudent.cshtml, selecting layout Checkbox and write the below code in it:
@model MVCWithLinq2.Models.Student_SelectResult
<h2 style="text-align:center;background-color:yellowgreen;color:orangered">Student Details</h2>
<table border="1" align="center">
<td rowspan=4><img src='~/Uploads/@Model.Photo' width="200" height="200" alt="No Image" /></td>
<td>Sid: @Model.Sid</td>
<tr><td>Name: @Model.Name</td></tr>
<tr><td>Class: @Model.Class</td></tr>
<tr><td>Fees: @Model.Fees</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">@Html.ActionLink("Back to Student Details", "DisplayStudents")</td></tr>
Add a view with the name AddStudent.cshtml, selecting layout Checkbox and write the below code in it:
@model MVCWithLinq2.Models.Student_SelectResult
<h2 style="text-align:center;background-color:yellowgreen;color:orangered">Add New Student</h2>
@using (Html.BeginForm("AddStudent", "Student", FormMethod.Post, new { enctype = "multipart/form-data" }))
<div>@Html.LabelFor(S => S.Sid)<br />@Html.TextBoxFor(S => S.Sid)</div>
<div>@Html.LabelFor(S => S.Name)<br />@Html.TextBoxFor(S => S.Name)</div>
<div>@Html.LabelFor(S => S.Class)<br />@Html.TextBoxFor(S => S.Class)</div>
<div>@Html.LabelFor(S => S.Fees)<br />@Html.TextBoxFor(S => S.Fees)</div>
<div>@Html.LabelFor(S => S.Photo)<br /><input type="file" name="selectedFile" /></div>
<input type="submit" value="Save" name="btnSave" />
<input type="reset" value="Reset" name="btnReset" />
@Html.ActionLink("Back to Student Details", "DisplayStudents")
Add a view with the name EditStudent.cshtml, selecting layout Checkbox and write the below code in it:
@model MVCWithLinq2.Models.Student_SelectResult
<h2 style="text-align:center;background-color:yellowgreen;color:orangered">Edit Student Details</h2>
@using (Html.BeginForm("UpdateStudent","Student", FormMethod.Post, new { enctype="multipart/form-data" }))
<div>@Html.LabelFor(S => S.Sid)<br />@Html.TextBoxFor(S => S.Sid, new { @readonly = "true" })</div>
<div>@Html.LabelFor(S => S.Name)<br />@Html.TextBoxFor(S => S.Name)</div>
<div>@Html.LabelFor(S => S.Class)<br />@Html.TextBoxFor(S => S.Class)</div>
<div>@Html.LabelFor(S => S.Fees)<br />@Html.TextBoxFor(S => S.Fees)</div>
@Html.LabelFor(S => S.Photo)
<br />
<img src='~/Uploads/@Model.Photo' width="50" height="50" alt="No Image" style="border:dashed 2px red" />
<input type="file" name="selectedFile" />
<input type="submit" value="Update" name="btnUpdate" />
@Html.ActionLink("Cancel", "DisplayStudents")
Working with multiple tables using Linq to SQL
We can work with multiple tables that are present under Database which have a relationship with each
other by using LINQ, but to do that we need to define a model class that contains attributes of both the Entities. To
test this, create 2 new tables under our “MVCDB” Database with the name “Department” and “Employee”, and
insert few records into “Department” table as following:
Create Table Department(Did Int Constraint Did_PK Primary Key Identity(10, 10), Dname Varchar(50), Location
Create Table Employee(Eid Int Constraint Eid_PK Primary Key Identity(1001, 1), Ename Varchar(50), Job
Varchar(50), Salary Money, Did Int Constraint Did_FK References Department(Did), Status Bit Not Null default 1);
Insert Into Department Values ('Marketing ', 'Mumbai ');
Insert Into Department Values ('Sales ', 'Chennai ');
Insert Into Department Values ('Accounting ', 'Hyderabad ');
Insert Into Department Values ('Finance ', 'Delhi ');
To test working with multiple tables, create a new “ASP.NET Web Application” project, naming it as
“MVCWithLinq3”, choose “MVC Project Template” and click on the “Create” button. Now under the Models folder
add “OR Designer” naming it as “MVCDB.dbml”. Configure our “MVCDB” Database under “Server Explorer” and
then drag & drop “Department” and “Employee” Tables on the LHS Panel of OR Designer. Now under Models
folder add a Class with the name “EmpDept.cs” and write the below code in it:
using System.Web.Mvc;
public class EmpDept
public int Eid { get; set; }
public string Ename { get; set; }
public string Job { get; set; }
public decimal? Salary { get; set; }
public int Did { get; set; }
public string Dname { get; set; }
public string Location { get; set; }
public List<SelectListItem> Departments { get; set; }
Add another class under Models folder with the name EmployeeDAL.cs and write the below code in it:
using System.Web.Mvc;
public class EmployeeDAL
MVCDBDataContext dc = new MVCDBDataContext();
public List<SelectListItem> GetDepartments()
List<SelectListItem> Depts = new List<SelectListItem>();
foreach (var Item in dc.Departments)
SelectListItem li = new SelectListItem { Text = Item.Dname, Value = Item.Did.ToString() };
return Depts;
public EmpDept GetEmployee(int Eid)
var Record = (from E in dc.Employees join D in dc.Departments on E.Did equals D.Did where E.Eid == Eid select
new { E.Eid, E.Ename, E.Job, E.Salary, D.Did, D.Dname, D.Location }).Single();
EmpDept Emp = new EmpDept { Eid = Record.Eid, Ename = Record.Ename, Job = Record.Job,
Salary = Record.Salary, Did = Record.Did, Dname = Record.Dname, Location = Record.Location };
return Emp;
public List<EmpDept> GetEmployees()
var Records = from E in dc.Employees join D in dc.Departments on E.Did equals D.Did where E.Status == true
select new { E.Eid, E.Ename, E.Job, E.Salary, D.Did, D.Dname, D.Location };
List<EmpDept> Emps = new List<EmpDept>();
foreach (var Record in Records)
EmpDept Emp = new EmpDept { Eid = Record.Eid, Ename = Record.Ename, Job = Record.Job,
Salary = Record.Salary, Did = Record.Did, Dname = Record.Dname, Location = Record.Location };
return Emps;
public void Employee_Insert(EmpDept obj)
Employee Emp = new Employee { Ename = obj.Ename, Job = obj.Job, Salary = obj.Salary, Did = obj.Did,
Status = true };
public void Employee_Update(EmpDept NewValues)
Employee OldValues = dc.Employees.Single(E => E.Eid == NewValues.Eid);
OldValues.Ename = NewValues.Ename;
OldValues.Job = NewValues.Job;
OldValues.Salary = NewValues.Salary;
OldValues.Did = NewValues.Did;
public void Employee_Delete(int Eid)
Employee OldValues = dc.Employees.Single(E => E.Eid == Eid);
OldValues.Status = false;
Add a Controller under Controllers folder with the name EmployeeController.cs and write the below code in it:
using MVCWithLinq3.Models;
public class EmployeeController : Controller
EmployeeDAL obj = new EmployeeDAL();
public ViewResult DisplayEmployees()
return View(obj.GetEmployees());
public ViewResult DisplayEmployee(int eid)
return View(obj.GetEmployee(eid));
public ViewResult AddEmployee()
EmpDept emp = new EmpDept();
emp.Departments = obj.GetDepartments();
return View(emp);
public RedirectToRouteResult AddEmployee(EmpDept emp)
return RedirectToAction("DisplayEmployees");
public ViewResult EditEmployee(int eid)
EmpDept Emp = obj.GetEmployee(eid);
Emp.Departments = obj.GetDepartments();
return View(Emp);
public RedirectToRouteResult UpdateEmployee(EmpDept emp)
return RedirectToAction("DisplayEmployees");
public RedirectToRouteResult DeleteEmployee(int eid)
return RedirectToAction("DisplayEmployee");
Add a view with the name DisplayEmployees.cshtml, selecting layout Checkbox and write the below code in it:
@model IEnumerable<MVCWithLinq3.Models.EmpDept>
<h2 style="text-align:center;background-color:yellowgreen;color:orangered">Employee Details</h2>
<table border="1" align="center">
<th>@Html.DisplayNameFor(E => E.Eid)</th>
<th>@Html.DisplayNameFor(E => E.Ename)</th>
<th>@Html.DisplayNameFor(E => E.Job)</th>
<th>@Html.DisplayNameFor(E => E.Salary)</th>
<th>@Html.DisplayNameFor(E => E.Did)</th>
<th>@Html.DisplayNameFor(E => E.Dname)</th>
<th>@Html.DisplayNameFor(E => E.Location)</th>
@foreach (var Employee in Model)
<td>@Html.DisplayFor(E => Employee.Eid)</td>
<td>@Html.DisplayFor(E => Employee.Ename)</td>
<td>@Html.DisplayFor(E => Employee.Job)</td>
<td>@Html.DisplayFor(E => Employee.Salary)</td>
<td>@Html.DisplayFor(E => Employee.Did)</td>
<td>@Html.DisplayFor(E => Employee.Dname)</td>
<td>@Html.DisplayFor(E => Employee.Location)</td>
@Html.ActionLink("View", "DisplayEmployee", new { Eid = Employee.Eid })
@Html.ActionLink("Edit", "EditEmployee", new { Eid = Employee.Eid })
@Html.ActionLink("Delete", "DeleteEmployee", new { Eid = Employee.Eid },
new { onclick = "return confirm('Are you sure of deleting the record?')" })
<tr><td colspan="8" align="center">@Html.ActionLink("Add New Employee", "AddEmployee")</td></tr>
Add a view with the name DisplayEmployee.cshtml, selecting layout Checkbox and write the below code in it:
@model MVCWithLinq3.Models.EmpDept
<h2 style="text-align:center;background-color:yellowgreen;color:orangered">Employee Details</h2>
<table border="1" align="center">
<tr> <td>Eid:</td> <td>@Model.Eid</td> </tr>
<tr> <td>Ename:</td> <td>@Model.Ename</td> </tr>
<tr> <td>Job:</td> <td>@Model.Job</td> </tr>
<tr> <td>Salary:</td> <td>@Model.Salary</td> </tr>
<tr> <td>Did:</td> <td>@Model.Did</td> </tr>
<tr> <td>Dname:</td> <td>@Model.Dname</td> </tr>
<tr> <td>Location:</td> <td>@Model.Location</td> </tr>
<td colspan="2" align="center">@Html.ActionLink("Back to Employee Details", "DisplayEmployees")</td>
Add a view with the name AddEmployee.cshtml, selecting layout Checkbox and write the below code in it:
@model MVCWithLinq3.Models.EmpDept
<h2 style="text-align:center;background-color:yellowgreen;color:orangered">Add New Employee</h2>
@using (Html.BeginForm("AddEmployee", "Employee"))
<div>@Html.LabelFor(E => E.Ename)<br />@Html.TextBoxFor(E => E.Ename)</div>
<div>@Html.LabelFor(E => E.Job)<br />@Html.TextBoxFor(E => E.Job)</div>
<div>@Html.LabelFor(E => E.Salary)<br />@Html.TextBoxFor(E => E.Salary)</div>
@Html.LabelFor(E => E.Dname)<br />
@Html.DropDownListFor(E => E.Did, Model.Departments, "-Select Dept-")
<input type="submit" value="Save" name="btnSave" />
<input type="reset" value="Reset" name="btnReset" />
Add a view with the name EditEmployee.cshtml, selecting layout Checkbox and write the below code in it:
@model MVCWithLinq3.Models.EmpDept
<h2 style="text-align:center;background-color:yellowgreen;color:orangered">Edit Employee Details</h2>
@using (Html.BeginForm("UpdateEmployee", "Employee"))
<div>@Html.LabelFor(E => E.Eid)<br />@Html.TextBoxFor(E => E.Eid, new { @readonly = "true" })</div>
<div>@Html.LabelFor(E => E.Ename)<br />@Html.TextBoxFor(E => E.Ename)</div>
<div>@Html.LabelFor(E => E.Job)<br />@Html.TextBoxFor(E => E.Job)</div>
<div>@Html.LabelFor(E => E.Salary)<br />@Html.TextBoxFor(E => E.Salary)</div>
<div>@Html.LabelFor(E => E.Dname)<br />@Html.DropDownListFor(E => E.Did, Model.Departments)</div>
<input type="submit" value="Update" name="btnUpdate" />
@Html.ActionLink("Cancel", "DisplayEmployees")
Note: while working with multiple tables, model binding is done with the class we have defined representing the 2
tables i.e., “EmpDept”, whereas while performing Insert, or Update or Delete operations we will be working with
the original Model class only i.e., “Employee” or “Department”.
Entity Framework
Prior to .NET 3.5, we (developers) often used to write “ADO.NET” code to save or retrieve application data
from the underlying Database. We used to open a connection to the Database, create a “DataSet” or “DataReader”
to fetch or submit the data to the Database and in this process, we convert data present in the “DataSet” or
“DataReader” to .NET objects or vice-versa to apply business rules. This was a cumbersome and error prone
process. Microsoft has provided a framework called “Entity Framework” to automate all these Database related
activities for your application.
Entity Framework is an open source “ORM Framework” for .NET Applications supported by Microsoft. It
enables developers to work with data using objects of domain specific classes without focusing on the underlying
Database or Tables and Columns where this data is stored. With Entity Framework, developers can work at a
higher level of abstraction when they deal with data and can create and maintain data-oriented applications with
less code compared with traditional applications. “Entity Framework is an Object-Relational Mapper (O/RM) that
enables .NET developers to work with a Database using .NET Objects. It eliminates the need for most of the data-
access code that developers usually need to write.”
As per the above figure, Entity Framework fits between the business entities (domain classes) and the
Database. It saves data stored in the properties of business entities and retrieves data from the Database and
converts it to business entity objects automatically.
Entity Framework Versions: Microsoft introduced Entity Framework in 2008 with .NET Framework 3.5 SP1. Since
then, it released many versions of Entity Framework. Currently, there are two latest versions of Entity Framework:
“EF 6” and “EF Core”. The following table lists important difference between EF 6 and EF Core.
EF 6 Version History:
EF 3.5,
EF 4.0, EF 4.1, EF 4.1.1, EF 4.2, EF 4.3, EF 4.3.1,
EF 5.0,
EF 6.0, EF 6.0.1, EF 6.0.2, EF 6.1.0, EF 6.1.1, EF 6.1.2, EF 6.1.3, EF 6.2.0, EF 6.3.0, EF 6.4.0, EF 6.4.4
EF Core Version History:
EF Core 1.0, EF Core 1.1
EF Core 2.0, EF Core 2.1, EF Core 2.2
EF Core 3.0, EF Core 3.1
EF Core 5.0
EF Core 6.0
EF Core 7.0
Development Approaches with Entity Framework: There are 3 different approaches you can use while developing
your application using Entity Framework:
Database-First Approach: in this approach we generate the context and entity classes (model classes) for an
existing Database using EDM Wizard which is integrated into Visual Studio or executing EF commands.
Note: EF 6 supports the database-first approach extensively whereas EF Core includes limited support for this
Code-First Approach: in this approach we don’t have any existing Database for our application and in such case,
we start writing our entities (model) and context classes first and then generate the Database from these classes
using migration commands. Developers who follow the “Domain-Driven Design (DDD)” principles, prefer to begin
with coding their domain classes first and then generate the database required to persist their data.
Model-First Approach: In this approach, you create entities, relationships, and inheritance hierarchies directly on
the visual designer integrated in Visual Studio and then generate entities, the context class, and the Database
script from your visual model.
Note: EF 6 includes limited support for this, and EF Core does not support this approach.
Choosing a Development Approach for our Application: use the following flow chart to decide which will be the
right approach to develop an application using Entity Framework:
Data Source and loads all the objects from there. Under tables select our “Department” and “Employee” tables
and click “Finish”, which generates all the classes that are necessary for working with tables.
Under solution explorer if we expand “TestEF.edmx” item we find “” and if we expand
this we find “TestEF.context.cs” and if we expand this we find “MVCDBEntities” item and if we double click on it, it
opens “TestEF.context.cs” file and there we find a class with the name “MVCDBEntities” (DataContext class)
inheriting from “DbContext”. DbContext is the main class that is responsible for interacting with the Database and
it can perform the following activities:
Querying: Converts “LINQ-to-Entities” Queries to SQL Queries and sends them to the Database.
Change Tracking: Keeps track of changes that occurred on the entities after Querying from the Database.
Persisting Data: Performs the Insert, Update and Delete operations to the Database, based on entity states.
Caching: Provides first level caching by default. It stores the entities which have been retrieved during the life
time of a context class.
Manage Relationship: Manages relationships using CSDL, MSL and SSDL in Db-First or Model-First approach,
and using fluent API configurations in Code-First approach.
Object Materialization: Converts raw data from the Database into Entity Objects.
Now expand “” and there we find “Department.cs” file which contains the Entity i.e., Department
class (representing Department table) with all of its attributes (properties or columns), and also “Employee.cs” file
which contains the Entity i.e., Employee class (representing Employee table) with all of its attributes (properties or
columns) and in this class we also find a property “Department” (Navigation Property) which refers to the
“Department” (1 to 1 relationship) entity which is the parent table for “Employee”. Same as the above under
“Department” class we find a property “Employees” (Navigation Property) referring to “Employees” (1 to many
relationship) corresponding to each Department.
Generating Controllers and Views using Scaffolding: we are provided with an option of generating the required
Controllers, Action Methods and Views by using Scaffolding and to do that first build the project, and then right
click on the Controllers folder and select “Add” => “Controller” which opens “Add New Scaffolded Item” window,
in that window choose “MVC5 Controller with views, using EntityFramework” and click on “Add” button which
opens “Add Controller” window , now in that window select “Model class” as “Employee”, “Data context class” as
“MVCDBEntities”, and in the bottom it will display a name to the controller i.e., “EmployeesController” (either
leave the same or change to EmployeeController) and click on “Add” button which will generate a Controller with
all the required “Action Methods” and corresponding views to perform CRUD Operations. Run the project and
watch the behaviour of the whole application by performing CRUD Operations.
Performing CRUD operations manually without using Scaffolding:
open a new “ASP.NET Web Application” project naming it as “MVCWithEFDBF2”, choose “MVC Project
Template” and click on “Create” button. Now open the solution explorer right click on the Models folder and open
the “Add New Item” window and select the item “ADO.NET Entity Data Model” and name it as “TestEF.edmx” and
click “Ok” which opens a wizard and in that select the option “EF Designer from database” and click “Next” and in
the window opened click on “New Connection” button and enter the connection details for our “MVCDB” database
and then select the radio button “Yes, include the sensitive data in the connection string.”, click “Next” button,
choose the radio button “Entity Framework 6.x”, click “Next” button which will connect to data sources and load all
the object from it, now under tables select our “Department” and “Employee” tables we have and click Finish,
which generates all the classes that are necessary for working with database. Now add a controller under
Controller’s folder naming it as “EmployeeController.cs” and write the below code:
using System.Data.Entity;
using MVCWithEFDBF2.Models;
public class EmployeeController : Controller
MVCDBEntities dc = new MVCDBEntities();
public ViewResult DisplayEmployees()
var Emps = dc.Employees.Where(E => E.Status == true);
return View(Emps);
public ViewResult DisplayEmployee(int Eid)
var Emp = dc.Employees.Find(Eid);
return View(Emp);
public ViewResult AddEmployee()
ViewBag.Did = new SelectList(dc.Departments, "Did", "Dname");
return View();
public RedirectToRouteResult AddEmployee(Employee Emp)
Emp.Status = true;
return RedirectToAction("DisplayEmployees");
public ViewResult EditEmployee(int Eid)
Employee Emp = dc.Employees.Find(Eid);
ViewBag.Did = new SelectList(dc.Departments, "Did", "Dname", Emp.Did);
return View(Emp);
public RedirectToRouteResult UpdateEmployee(Employee Emp)
Emp.Status = true;
dc.Entry(Emp).State = EntityState.Modified;
return RedirectToAction("DisplayEmployees");
public ViewResult DeleteEmployee(int Eid)
Employee Emp = dc.Employees.Find(Eid);
return View(Emp);
public RedirectToRouteResult DeleteEmployee(Employee Emp)
//If we want to update the status of employee use the below code:
dc.Entry(Emp).State = EntityState.Modified;
//If we want to delete the record permanently comment the above statement and un-comment the below:
//dc.Entry(Emp).State = EntityState.Deleted;
return RedirectToAction("DisplayEmployees");
Add a view with the name DisplayEmployee.cshtml, selecting layout Checkbox and write the below code
in it by deleting the whole content in the View:
@model IEnumerable<MVCWithEFDBF2.Models.Employee>
ViewBag.Title = "Display Employees";
<h2 style="text-align:center;background-color:yellowgreen;color:orangered">Employee Details</h2>
<table border="1" align="center">
<th>@Html.DisplayNameFor(E => E.Eid)</th>
<th>@Html.DisplayNameFor(E => E.Ename)</th>
<th>@Html.DisplayNameFor(E => E.Job)</th>
<th>@Html.DisplayNameFor(E => E.Salary)</th>
<th>@Html.DisplayNameFor(E => E.Status)</th>
<th>@Html.DisplayNameFor(E => E.Did)</th>
<th>@Html.DisplayNameFor(E => E.Department.Dname)</th>
<th>@Html.DisplayNameFor(E => E.Department.Location)</th>
@foreach (var Employee in Model)
<td>@Html.DisplayFor(E => Employee.Eid)</td>
<td>@Html.DisplayFor(E => Employee.Ename)</td>
<td>@Html.DisplayFor(E => Employee.Job)</td>
<td align="right">@Html.DisplayFor(E => Employee.Salary)</td>
<td align="center">@Html.DisplayFor(E => Employee.Status)</td>
<td align="center">@Html.DisplayFor(E => Employee.Did)</td>
<td>@Html.DisplayFor(E => Employee.Department.Dname)</td>
<td>@Html.DisplayFor(E => Employee.Department.Location)</td>
@Html.ActionLink("View", "DisplayEmployee", new { Eid = Employee.Eid })
@Html.ActionLink("Edit", "EditEmployee", new { Eid = Employee.Eid })
@Html.ActionLink("Delete", "DeleteEmployee", new { Eid = Employee.Eid })
<tr><td colspan="9" align="center">@Html.ActionLink("Add New Employee", "AddEmployee")</td></tr>
Generate a view for DisplayEmployee action method and while adding the View, choose the Template as
Empty, Model Class as Employee, choose “Use a layout page” CheckBox in the “Add View” window and write the
below code over there by deleting the existing “<h2>” element:
@Html.HiddenFor(E => E.Eid)
<div>@Html.LabelFor(E => E.Ename)<br />@Html.TextBoxFor(E => E.Ename)</div>
<div>@Html.LabelFor(E => E.Job)<br />@Html.TextBoxFor(E => E.Job)</div>
<div>@Html.LabelFor(E => E.Salary)<br />@Html.TextBoxFor(E => E.Salary)</div>
<div><label>Department</label><br />@Html.DropDownList("Did")</div>
<input type="submit" value="Update" name="btnUpdate" />
@Html.ActionLink("Cancel", "DisplayEmployees")
Generate a view for DeleteEmployee action method and while adding the View, choose the Template as
Empty, Model Class as Employee, choose “Use a layout page” CheckBox in the “Add View” window and write the
below code over there by deleting the existing “<h2>” element:
Eager Loading Vs Lazy Loading in Entity Framework: eager loading is the process whereby a query for one type of
entity also loads related entities as part of the query, so that we don’t need to execute a separate query for related
entities. Eager loading is achieved using Include() method. In our above project under the “DisplayEmployees”
action method we have accessed data of Employee entity as following:
MVCDBEntities dc = new MVCDBEntities();
var Emps = dc.Employees.Where(E => E.Status == true);
Default loading is lazy loading only and if we want to use eager loading then we need to first set
“<DbContextClass>.Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled = false”, and the above code should be replaced as below:
MVCDBEntities dc = new MVCDBEntities();
dc.Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled = false;
var Emps = dc.Employees.Where(E => E.Status == true).Include(E => E.Department);
To enable eager loading in “DisplayEmployees” and “DisplayEmployee” methods re-write the code under
both the methods as below:
public ViewResult DisplayEmployees()
dc.Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled = false;
var Emps = dc.Employees.Where(E => E.Status == true).Include(E => E.Department);
return View(Emps);
public ViewResult DisplayEmployee(int Eid)
dc.Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled = false;
var Emp = (dc.Employees.Where(E => E.Eid == Eid).Include(E => E.Department)).Single();
return View(Emp);
Lazy loading is delaying the loading of related data, until you specifically request for it. It is the opposite of
eager loading. For example, the Employee entity contains the Department entity. In the lazy loading, the context
first loads the Employee entity data from the Database, and then it will load the Department entity when we
access the Department property.
In our Procedures, we have a Select Procedure which is fetching 5 columns out of the 6 columns present
in our table so mapping to the results of this Stored Procedure, it defines a new class whose name will be
<ProcedureName>_Result, because the procedure name is Student_Select, the class name will be
“Student_Select_Result” and this class will contain 5 properties representing the 5 columns we are fetching. To
view that class, open Solution Explorer and under Models folder expand TestEF.edmx, under that expand,
under that we find a file Student_Select_Result.cs which contains the class Student_Select_Result and this class is
what we will be using for model binding the views, which will be as following:
Note: even if we are fetching all 6 columns of the table also, still it creates this class and in such cases we can
delete this class and map the results with original Student class.
Add a folder under the project naming it as “Uploads” and then add a new Controller class in Controllers
folder naming it as StudentController.cs and write the below code in it:
return RedirectToAction("DisplayStudents");
public ViewResult EditStudent(int sid)
var student = dc.Student_Select(sid, true).Single();
TempData["Photo"] = student.Photo;
return View(student);
public RedirectToRouteResult UpdateStudent(Student_Select_Result student, HttpPostedFileBase selectedFile)
if (selectedFile != null)
string PhysicalPath = Server.MapPath("~/Uploads/");
if (!Directory.Exists(PhysicalPath))
selectedFile.SaveAs(PhysicalPath + selectedFile.FileName);
student.Photo = selectedFile.FileName;
else if (TempData["Photo"] != null)
student.Photo = TempData["Photo"].ToString();
dc.Student_Update(student.Sid, student.Name, student.Class, student.Fees, student.Photo);
return RedirectToAction("DisplayStudents");
public ViewResult DeleteStudent(int sid)
return View(dc.Student_Select(sid, true).Single());
public RedirectToRouteResult DeleteStudent(Student_Select_Result student)
return RedirectToAction("DisplayStudents");
Add a view with the name DisplayStudent.cshtml, selecting layout Checkbox and write the below code in
it by deleting the whole content in the View:
@model IEnumerable<MVCWithEFDBF3.Models.Student_Select_Result>
ViewBag.Title = "Display Students";
<h2 style="text-align:center;background-color:yellowgreen;color:orangered">Student Details</h2>
<table border="1" align="center">
<th>@Html.DisplayNameFor(S => S.Sid)</th>
<th>@Html.DisplayNameFor(S => S.Name)</th>
<th>@Html.DisplayNameFor(S => S.Class)</th>
<th>@Html.DisplayNameFor(S => S.Fees)</th>
<th>@Html.DisplayNameFor(S => S.Photo)</th>
@foreach (var Student in Model)
<td>@Html.DisplayFor(S => Student.Sid)</td>
<td>@Html.DisplayFor(S => Student.Name)</td>
<td>@Html.DisplayFor(S => Student.Class)</td>
<td>@Html.DisplayFor(S => Student.Fees)</td>
<td><img src='/Uploads/@Student.Photo' width="85" height="30" alt="No Image"/></td>
@Html.ActionLink("View", "DisplayStudent", new { Sid = Student.Sid })
@Html.ActionLink("Edit", "EditStudent", new { Sid = Student.Sid })
@Html.ActionLink("Delete", "DeleteStudent", new { Sid = Student.Sid })
<tr><td colspan="6" align="center">@Html.ActionLink("Add New Student", "AddStudent")</td></tr>
Generate a view for DisplayStudent action method and while adding the View, choose the Template as
Empty, Model Class as Student, choose “Use a layout page” CheckBox in the “Add View” window and write the
below code over there by deleting the existing “<h2>” element:
<div>@Html.LabelFor(S => S.Sid)<br />@Html.TextBoxFor(S => S.Sid)</div>
<div>@Html.LabelFor(S => S.Name)<br />@Html.TextBoxFor(S => S.Name)</div>
<div>@Html.LabelFor(S => S.Class)<br />@Html.TextBoxFor(S => S.Class)</div>
<div>@Html.LabelFor(S => S.Fees)<br />@Html.TextBoxFor(S => S.Fees)</div>
<div>@Html.LabelFor(S => S.Photo)<br /><input type="file" name="selectedFile" /></div>
<input type="submit" value="Save" name="btnSave" />
<input type="reset" value="Reset" />
@Html.ActionLink("Back to Student Details", "DisplayStudents")
Generate a view for EditStudent action method and while adding the View, choose the Template as
Empty, Model Class as Student, choose “Use a layout page” CheckBox in the “Add View” window and write the
below code over there by deleting the existing “<h2>” element:
<tr><td>Class: @Model.Class</td></tr>
<tr><td>Fees: @Model.Fees</td></tr>
<font color="red">Are you sure of deleting the current record?</font>
<input type="submit" value="Yes" />
@using (Html.BeginForm("DisplayStudents", "Student"))
<text>Click</text> <input type="submit" value="No" /> @:for going back to Student Details.
Code-First Approach
Entity Framework introduced the Code-First approach with Entity Framework 4.1. Code-First is mainly
useful in Domain Driven Design. In the Code-First approach, we focus on the domain of your application and start
creating classes for our domain entity rather than design our database first and then create the classes which
match your database design. The following figure illustrates the code-first approach.
As you can see in the above figure, EF API will create the database based on your domain classes and
configurations. This means you need to start coding first in C# or VB.NET languages and then EF will create the
database from your code.
Code-First Workflow: The below figure illustrates the code-first development workflow.
To work with Code First Approach, create a new “ASP.NET Web Application” project naming it as
“MVCWithEFCF1”, choose “MVC Project Template” and click on the “Create” button. Now do the following actions:
Step 1: Install Entity Framework in our project and to do that open “Nuget Package Manager”, go to Browse tab,
search for “Entity Framework” and install “Entity Framework by Microsoft”. This will add all the references that are
required to work with Entity Framework in our project.
Step 2: Add 3 Classes into the Models folder naming them as “Category.cs”, “Product.cs” and “StoreDbContext.cs”,
and we call them as Domain Classes and then write the below code under them:
public string Description { get; set; }
public ICollection<Product> Products { get; set; }
using System.Data.Entity;
public class StoreDbContext : DbContext
public DbSet<Category> Categories { get; set; }
public DbSet<Product> Products { get; set; }
Step 3: Go to “Web.config” file and write the below code inside of <configuration></configuration> tag:
<add name="StoreDbContext" connectionString="Data Source=Server;User Id=Sa;Password=123;
Database=StoreDB" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
Step 4: Go to “_Layout.cshtml” and add 2 menus to work with Categories and Products. To do this, add 2
ActionLinks below the following statement:
<li>@Html.ActionLink("Contact", "Contact", "Home")</li>
Step 5: Add a controller in Controllers folder naming it as “CategoryController.cs”, define all the required Action
methods and also create Views that are necessary to perform CRUD operations on “Categories” table.
using System.Data.Entity;
using MVCWithEFCF1.Models;
public class CategoryController : Controller
StoreDbContext dc = new StoreDbContext();
public ViewResult DisplayCategories()
var categories = dc.Categories;
return View(categories);
public ViewResult AddCategory()
return View();
public RedirectToRouteResult AddCategory(Category category)
return RedirectToAction("DisplayCategories");
public ViewResult EditCategory(int CategoryId)
Category category = dc.Categories.Find(CategoryId);
return View(category);
public RedirectToRouteResult UpdateCategory(Category category)
dc.Entry(category).State = EntityState.Modified;
return RedirectToAction("DisplayCategories");
public RedirectToRouteResult DeleteCategory(int CategoryId)
Category category = dc.Categories.Find(CategoryId);
return RedirectToAction("DisplayCategories");
Add a View with the name DisplayCategories.cshtml, selecting layout Checkbox and write the below code
in it by deleting the whole content in the View:
@model IEnumerable<MVCWithEFCF1.Models.Category>
ViewBag.Title = "Display Categories";
<h2 style="text-align:center;background-color:yellowgreen;color:orangered">Categories List</h2>
<table border="1" align="center">
<th>@Html.DisplayNameFor(C => C.CategoryId)</th>
<th>@Html.DisplayNameFor(C => C.CategoryName)</th>
<th>@Html.DisplayNameFor(C => C.Description)</th>
@foreach (var Category in Model)
<td>@Html.DisplayFor(C => Category.CategoryId)</td>
<td>@Html.DisplayFor(C => Category.CategoryName)</td>
<td>@Html.DisplayFor(C => Category.Description)</td>
@Html.ActionLink("Edit", "EditCategory", new { CategoryId =Category.CategoryId })
@Html.ActionLink("Delete", "DeleteCategory", new { CategoryId = Category.CategoryId },
new { onclick = "return confirm('Are you sure of deleting the record?')" })
<tr><td colspan="4" align="center">@Html.ActionLink("Add New Category", "AddCategory")</td></tr>
Generate a view for AddCategory action method and while adding the View, choose the Template as
Empty, Model Class as Category, choose “Use a layout page” CheckBox in the “Add View” window and write the
below code over there by deleting the existing “<h2>” element:
@Html.ActionLink("Cancel", "DisplayCategories")
Step 6: Add another controller in Controllers folder naming it as “ProductController.cs”, define all the required
Action methods and also create Views that are necessary to perform CRUD operations on “Products” table.
using System.IO;
using System.Data.Entity;
using MVCWithEFCF1.Models;
public class ProductController : Controller
StoreDbContext dc = new StoreDbContext();
public ViewResult DisplayProducts()
dc.Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled = false;
var products = dc.Products.Include(P => P.Category).Where(P => P.Discontinued == false);
return View(products);
public ViewResult DisplayProduct(int Id)
dc.Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled = false;
Product product = (dc.Products.Include(P => P.Category).Where(
P => P.Id == Id && P.Discontinued == false)).Single();
return View(product);
public ViewResult AddProduct()
ViewBag.CategoryId = new SelectList(dc.Categories, "CategoryId", "CategoryName");
Product product = new Product();
return View(product);
public RedirectToRouteResult AddProduct(Product product, HttpPostedFileBase selectedFile)
if(selectedFile != null)
string DirectoryPath = Server.MapPath("~/Uploads/");
if (!Directory.Exists(DirectoryPath))
selectedFile.SaveAs(DirectoryPath + selectedFile.FileName);
BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(selectedFile.InputStream);
product.ProductImage = br.ReadBytes(selectedFile.ContentLength);
product.ProductImageName = selectedFile.FileName;
return RedirectToAction("DisplayProducts");
public ViewResult EditProduct(int Id)
Product product = dc.Products.Find(Id);
TempData["ProductImage"] = product.ProductImage;
TempData["ProductImageName"] = product.ProductImageName;
ViewBag.CategoryId = new SelectList(dc.Categories, "CategoryId", "CategoryName", product.CategoryId);
return View(product);
public RedirectToRouteResult UpdateProduct(Product product, HttpPostedFileBase selectedFile)
if (selectedFile != null)
string DirectoryPath = Server.MapPath("~/Uploads/");
if (!Directory.Exists(DirectoryPath))
selectedFile.SaveAs(DirectoryPath + selectedFile.FileName);
BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(selectedFile.InputStream);
product.ProductImage = br.ReadBytes(selectedFile.ContentLength);
product.ProductImageName = selectedFile.FileName;
else if(TempData["ProductImage"] != null && TempData["ProductImageName"] != null)
product.ProductImage = (byte[])TempData["ProductImage"];
product.ProductImageName = (string)TempData["ProductImageName"];
dc.Entry(product).State = EntityState.Modified;
return RedirectToAction("DisplayProducts");
public RedirectToRouteResult DeleteProduct(int Id)
Product product = dc.Products.Find(Id);
product.Discontinued = true;
dc.Entry(product).State = EntityState.Modified;
return RedirectToAction("DisplayProducts");
Add a View with the name DisplayProducts.cshtml, selecting layout Checkbox and write the below code in
it by deleting the whole content in the View:
@model IEnumerable <MVCWithEFCF1.Models.Product>
ViewBag.Title = "Display Products";
<h2 style="text-align:center;background-color:yellowgreen;color:orangered">Display Products</h2>
<table border="1" align="center">
<th>@Html.DisplayNameFor(P => P.Id)</th>
<th>@Html.DisplayNameFor(P => P.ProductName)</th>
<th>@Html.DisplayNameFor(P => P.UnitPrice)</th>
<th>@Html.DisplayNameFor(P => P.ProductImage)</th>
<th>@Html.DisplayNameFor(P => P.CategoryId)</th>
<th>@Html.DisplayNameFor(P => P.Category.CategoryName)</th>
<th>@Html.DisplayNameFor(P => P.Category.Description)</th>
@foreach (var Product in Model)
<td>@Html.DisplayFor(P => Product.Id)</td>
<td>@Html.DisplayFor(P => Product.ProductName)</td>
<td>@Html.DisplayFor(P => Product.UnitPrice)</td>
<td><img src='/Uploads/@Product.ProductImageName' width="40" height="25" alt="No Image" /></td>
<td>@Html.DisplayFor(P => Product.CategoryId)</td>
<td>@Html.DisplayFor(P => Product.Category.CategoryName)</td>
<td>@Html.DisplayFor(P => Product.Category.Description)</td>
@Html.ActionLink("View", "DisplayProduct", new { Id = Product.Id })
@Html.ActionLink("Edit", "EditProduct", new { Id = Product.Id })
@Html.ActionLink("Delete", "DeleteProduct", new { Id = Product.Id },
new { onclick = "return confirm('Are you sure of deleting the record?')" })</td>
<tr><td colspan="9" align="center">@Html.ActionLink("Add New Product", "AddProduct")</td></tr>
Generate a view for DisplayProduct action method and while adding the View, choose the Template as
Empty, Model Class as Product, choose “Use a layout page” CheckBox in the “Add View” window and write the
below code over there by deleting the existing “<h2>” element:
<tr><td>ProductName: @Model.ProductName</td></tr>
<tr><td>UnitPrice: @Model.UnitPrice</td></tr>
<tr><td>CategoryId: @Model.CategoryId</td></tr>
<tr><td>CategoryName: @Model.Category.CategoryName</td></tr>
<tr><td>Description: @Model.Category.Description</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">@Html.ActionLink("Back to Product Details", "DisplayProducts")</td></tr>
Generate a view for AddProduct action method and while adding the View, choose the Template as
Empty, Model Class as Product, choose “Use a layout page” CheckBox in the “Add View” window and write the
below code over there by deleting the existing “<h2>” element:
Step 7: Now if we want the Database and Tables to be created on the Database Server, we need to perform
Migrations. Migration is a feature “Entity Framework Code First” provides which is used to keep the “Domain
Classes” and “Database” in sync with each other. Entity Framework 6 provides 2 different types of Migrations
whereas in Entity Framework Core we have only 1.
Now when we run the application it launches the “HomeController’s”, “Index View” and the Menu in
Layout will display “Categories” and “Products” links on top of the Page and when we click on the “Categories” link
it will immediately create the Database on the server with the name “StoreDB”.
To test this, run the project, click on “Categories” link on the top and then it will display the View
“Category List” providing options for adding a new category. Now go to SQL Server Database and watch, we will
find a new Database with the name “StoreDB” (we specified this in Web.config file) and under the Database we
will find Categories and Products tables (names of tables are taken based on DbSet properties in DbContext class).
Note: in our “Web.config” file we specified the name of “Connection String” as “StoreDbContext” and this name is
the same name of our “DbContext” class, so we don’t require writing any code to read the “ConnectionString” into
our application. If we want to give our own name for Connection String in “Web.config” without using the name
“StoreDbContext”, we need to explicitly specify that name by defining a default constructor in “StoreDbContext”
class and call its base class constructor using “base” keyword and pass the “Connection String” name as a
parameter to it. For example, in “Web.config”, if we give the name of “Connection String” as “ConStr” but not
“StoreDbContext”, then we need to define a constructor in our Context class as below:
public StoreDbContext() : base("ConStr")
Database Initialization Strategies: right now, when we run the project for first time it will create the “Database
and Tables” and from next time on wards it will use the same “Database and Tables” when we run the application.
There are various options to decide for us whether we want to use the existing Database next time or re-create it
every time, and that is based on Database Initialization Strategies. To handle this, we have to use one of the
Database Initialization Strategies which should be specified in our Context class constructor as following:
Database.SetInitializer(new CreateDatabaseIfNotExists<ContextClassName>());
DropCreateDatabaseIfModelChanges: This initializer drops an existing Database and creates a new if your model
classes (entity classes) have been changed. So, you don’t have to worry about maintaining your Database schema,
when your model classes change.
DropCreateDatabaseAlways: As the name suggests, this initializer drops an existing Database every time you run
the application, irrespective of whether your model classes have changed or not.
To try them go to constructor of our Context class i.e., “StoreDbContext” and use any one of the following:
Database.SetInitializer(new CreateDatabaseIfNotExists<StoreDbContext>()); //Default Strategy
Database.SetInitializer(new DropCreateDatabaseIfModelChanges<StoreDbContext>());
Database.SetInitializer(new DropCreateDatabaseAlways<StoreDbContext>());
Turn off the DB Initializer: you can even turn off the Database initializer for your application if you don’t want to
lose existing data in production environment, then you can turn off initializer, as shown below:
EF 6 Code-First Conventions: conventions are a set of default rules which automatically configure a conceptual
model based on our domain classes when working with the Code-First approach. As you have seen in the previous
example, EF API configured Primary Keys, Foreign Keys, Relationships, and Column Data Types etc. from the
domain classes without any additional configurations. This is because of the EF Code-First conventions. If they are
followed in domain classes, then the database schema will be configured based on the conventions. These EF 6.x
Code-First conventions are defined in the “System.Data.Entity.ModelConfiguration.Conventions” namespace.
The following table list C# data types mapped with SQL Server data types:
C# Data Type Mapping to SQL Server Data Type
int Int
string nvarchar(Max)
decimal decimal(18,2)
float Real
byte[] varbinary(Max)
datetime Datetime
bool Bit
byte Tinyint
short Smallint
long Bigint
double float
char No Mapping (Throws Exception)
sbyte No Mapping (Throws Exception)
object No Mapping (Throws Exception)
Data Annotations: Data Annotations are .NET attributes which can be applied on an entity class or properties to
override default conventions in EF 6 and EF Core. Data Annotations are provided in EF 6 and EF Core under the
namespaces System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations and System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.Schema.
These attributes can be used in Entity Framework as well as with ASP.NET MVC Data Controls.
System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations Attributes:
Attribute Description
Key Can be applied to a property to specify a key property in an entity and make the
corresponding column a “Primary Key” column in the Database.
Timestamp Can be applied to a property to specify the data type of a corresponding column in the
Database as “Row Version”.
ConcurrencyCheck Can be applied to a property to specify that the corresponding column should be included
in the optimistic concurrency check.
Required Can be applied to a property to specify that the corresponding column is a “Not Null”
column in the Database.
MinLength Can be applied to a property to specify the minimum string length allowed in the
corresponding column in the Database.
MaxLength Can be applied to a property to specify the maximum string length allowed in the
corresponding column in the Database.
StringLength Can be applied to a property to specify the maximum string length allowed in the
corresponding column in the Database.
System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.Schema Attributes:
Attribute Description
Table Can be applied to an entity class to configure the corresponding table name and schema
in the database.
Column Can be applied to a property to configure the corresponding column name, order and
data type in the database.
Index Can be applied to a property to configure that the corresponding column should have an
Index in the database. (EF 6.1 onwards only)
ForeignKey Can be applied to a property to mark it as a foreign key property.
NotMapped Can be applied to a property or entity class which should be excluded from the model and
should not generate a corresponding column or table in the database.
DatabaseGenerated Can be applied to a property to configure how the underlying database should generate
the value for the corresponding column e.g., identity, computed or none.
InverseProperty Can be applied to a property to specify the inverse of a navigation property that
represents the other end of the same relationship.
ComplexType Marks the class as complex type in EF 6. EF Core 2.0 does not support this attribute.
To test overriding the default Code First Conventions with Data Annotations create a new “ASP.Net Web
Application” project naming it as “MVCWithEFCF2”, choose MVC Project Template and click on “Create” button.
Install Entity Framework in the project and then add 3 new classes into the Models folder naming them as
“Supplier.cs”, “Customer.cs” and “CompanyDbContext.cs”, and write the below code under them:
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.Schema;
[Table("Supplier")] //Specifying Name for the table being created in database.
public class Supplier
[Key] //Setting this column as Primary Key column.
[DatabaseGenerated(DatabaseGeneratedOption.None)] //Setting identity off, so will not autogenerate values.
public int Sid { get; set; }
public class Customer
[Column(TypeName = "Money")]
public decimal? Balance { get; set; }
[Column(TypeName = "Varchar")]
public string Address { get; set; }
public int Custid { get; set; }
using System.Data.Entity;
public class CompanyDbContext : DbContext
public CompanyDbContext() : base("ConStr")
Database.SetInitializer(new DropCreateDatabaseAlways<CompanyDbContext>());
public DbSet<Supplier> Suppliers { get; set; }
public DbSet<Customer> Customers { get; set; }
Now open Web.config file and write the following code between <configuration></configuration> tag:
<add name="ConStr"
connectionString="Data Source=Server;Database=CompanyDB;User Id=Sa;Password=123"
providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
Add a controller naming it as SupplierController and write the below code under it by deleting existing code:
using MVCWithEFCF2.Models;
public class SupplierController : Controller
CompanyDbContext dc = new CompanyDbContext();
public ActionResult Index()
Supplier s1 = new Supplier { Sid = 101, SupplierName = "Ashok Distributors." };
Supplier s2 = new Supplier { Sid = 102, SupplierName = "Meghna Distributors." };
Supplier s3 = new Supplier { Sid = 103, SupplierName = "Diamond Distributors." };
Supplier s4 = new Supplier { Sid = 104, SupplierName = "Prasad Distributors." };
dc.Suppliers.Add(s1); dc.Suppliers.Add(s2);
dc.Suppliers.Add(s3); dc.Suppliers.Add(s4);
return View(dc.Suppliers);
Add a view to the Index action method and while adding the View, in “Add View” window choose
“Template:” as “List”, “Model class:” as “Supplier (MVCWithEFCF2.Models)”, “Data context class:” as
“CompanyDbContext (MVCWithEFCF2.Models)” and click on “Add” button. Run the view we have created which
will create the Database and Tables under SQL Server.
Using Stored Procedure to Perform Insert, Update and Delete operations in Code First:
Entity Framework Code-First provides the ability to create Stored Procedures for insert, update and delete
operations when the “SaveChanges” method is called, which will create all the procedures and uses them in place
of SQL Statements. To test this, create a new “ASP.NET Web Application” Project naming it as “MVCWithEFCF3”,
choose “MVC Project Template” and click on “Create” button. Install Entity Framework in the project, then add 2
new classes with the name Student and SchoolDbContext in Models folder and write the below code under them:
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.Schema;
public class Student
public int Sid { get; set; }
[Column("Sname", TypeName = "Varchar")]
public string StudentName { get; set; }
public byte StudentClass { get; set; }
[Column(TypeName = "Varchar")]
public string Address { get; set; }
public float Fees { get; set; }
using System.Data.Entity;
public class SchoolDbContext : DbContext
public SchoolDbContext() : base("Constr")
Database.SetInitializer(new DropCreateDatabaseAlways<SchoolDbContext>());
public DbSet<Student> Students { get; set; }
protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
Note: we need to call “MapToStoredProcedures()” method on “DbModelBuilder” object, to map an entity with
default Stored Procedures and those Stored Procedures will be created by “EF API” and to do that we need to
override the method “OnModelCreating” under our “SchoolDbContext” class and call “MapToStroredProcedures”.
Go to Web.config file and write the following code between <configuration></configuration> tag:
<add name="ConStr"
connectionString="Data Source=Server;Database=SchoolDB;User Id=Sa;Password=123"
Add a controller under the Controllers folder naming it as “StudentController.cs” and write below code in it:
using MVCWithEFCF3.Models;
public class StudentController : Controller
public ActionResult Index()
SchoolDbContext dc = new SchoolDbContext();
Now in the Database along with the Table it also creates 3 Stored Procedures with the name
“Student_Insert”, “Student_Update” and “Student_Delete” and Entity Framework will internally use these Stored
Procedures to perform insert, update and delete operations. It is also possible to give our own names to the Stored
Procedures, provided we are not satisfied with the existing names and to do that we need to write code under
“OnModelCreating” method as following in place of the previous:
Note: in this case the names of the procedures will be Insert_Student to perform Insert operation, Update_Student
to perform Update operation and Delete_Student to perform Delete operation.
Inheritance Strategies in Entity Framework:
We can design domain classes using inheritance, Entity Framework will create tables based on the entity
class’s hierarchy and there are 3 approaches to represent an inheritance hierarchy in Code-First:
Table per Hierarchy (TPH): This approach suggests one table for the entire class inheritance hierarchy. The table
includes a discriminator column which distinguishes between inheritance classes. This is a default inheritance
mapping strategy in Entity Framework.
Table per Type (TPT): This approach suggests a separate table for each domain class.
Table per Concrete Class (TPC): This approach suggests one table for one concrete class, but not for the parent
class. So, we need to make the parent class as abstract, so that the properties of the abstract class will be part of
each table of the concrete
To test Inheritance Strategies, create a new “ASP.NET Web Application” project naming it as
“MVCWithEFCF4”, choose “MVC Project Template” and click on “Create” button. Install Entity Framework in our
project, add 4 new classes in to the Models folder with the names “Person”, “Student”, “Teacher”,
“SchoolDbContext” and write the below code under them:
public class Teacher : Person
public string Subject { get; set; }
public double Salary { get; set; }
public string Designation { get; set; }
using System.Data.Entity;
public class SchoolDbContext : DbContext
public SchoolDbContext() : base("ConStr")
Database.SetInitializer(new DropCreateDatabaseAlways<SchoolDbContext>());
public DbSet<Person> People { get; set; }
Go to Web.config file and write the following code between <configuration></configuration> tags:
<add name="ConStr"
connectionString="Data Source=Server;Database=SchoolDB;User Id=Sa;Password=123"
Add a new controller under Controllers folder naming it as “SchoolController” and write the below code in it:
using MVCWithEFCF4.Models;
public class SchoolController : Controller
SchoolDbContext dc = new SchoolDbContext();
public ActionResult Index()
Student s1 = new Student { Name = "Rajesh", Phone = "23746666", Address = "Pune", Class = 10,
Marks = 450.00f, Fees = 5000.00f };
Student s2 = new Student { Name = "Ajay", Phone = "23747777", Address = "Mumbai", Class = 10,
Marks = 450.00f, Fees = 5000.00f };
Student s3 = new Student { Name = "Venkat", Phone = "23748888", Address = "Delhi", Class = 10,
Marks = 450.00f, Fees = 5000.00f };
Teacher t1 = new Teacher { Name = "Raju", Phone = "23741234", Address = "Delhi", Designation = "Lecturer",
Salary = 25000.00, Subject = "Physics" };
Teacher t2 = new Teacher { Name = "Suresh", Phone = "23745678", Address = "Delhi", Designation = "Lecturer",
Salary = 25000.00, Subject = "Maths" };
Teacher t3 = new Teacher { Name = "Rahul", Phone = "23747890", Address = "Delhi", Designation = "Lecturer",
Salary = 25000.00, Subject = "Chemistry" };
return View();
public ViewResult DisplayPeople()
var People = from S in dc.People select S;
return View(People);
public ViewResult DisplayStudents()
var Students = from S in dc.People.OfType<Student>() select S;
return View(Students);
public ViewResult DisplayTeachers()
var Teachers = from S in dc.People.OfType<Teacher>() select S;
return View(Teachers);
Now add a normal view for “Index” action method and model bounded views for “DisplayPeople”,
“DisplayStudents” and “DisplayTeachers” action methods and write the below code under them:
@Html.ActionLink("Show All People Details", "DisplayPeople")
@model IEnumerable<MVCWithEFCF4.Models.Person>
<table border="1" align="center">
<th>@Html.DisplayNameFor(P => P.Id)</th>
<th>@Html.DisplayNameFor(P => P.Name)</th>
<th>@Html.DisplayNameFor(P => P.Phone)</th>
<th>@Html.DisplayNameFor(P => P.Address)</th>
@foreach (var item in Model)
<td>@Html.DisplayFor(P => item.Id)</td>
<td>@Html.DisplayFor(P => item.Name)</td>
<td>@Html.DisplayFor(P => item.Phone)</td>
<td>@Html.DisplayFor(P => item.Address)</td>
@Html.ActionLink("Display All Students", "DisplayStudents")
@Html.ActionLink("Display All Teachers", "DisplayTeachers")
@model IEnumerable<MVCWithEFCF4.Models.Student>
<table border="1" align="center">
<caption>Student Details</caption>
<th>@Html.DisplayNameFor(P => P.Id)</th>
<th>@Html.DisplayNameFor(P => P.Name)</th>
<th>@Html.DisplayNameFor(P => P.Phone)</th>
<th>@Html.DisplayNameFor(P => P.Address)</th>
<th>@Html.DisplayNameFor(P => P.Class)</th>
<th>@Html.DisplayNameFor(P => P.Marks)</th>
<th>@Html.DisplayNameFor(P => P.Fees)</th>
@foreach (var item in Model)
<td>@Html.DisplayFor(P => item.Id)</td>
<td>@Html.DisplayFor(P => item.Name)</td>
<td>@Html.DisplayFor(P => item.Phone)</td>
<td>@Html.DisplayFor(P => item.Address)</td>
<td>@Html.DisplayFor(P => item.Class)</td>
<td>@Html.DisplayFor(P => item.Marks)</td>
<td>@Html.DisplayFor(P => item.Fees)</td>
<center>@Html.ActionLink("Back to home page", "DisplayPeople")</center>
@model IEnumerable<MVCWithEFCF4.Models.Teacher>
<table border="1" align="center">
<caption>Student Details</caption>
<th>@Html.DisplayNameFor(P => P.Id)</th>
<th>@Html.DisplayNameFor(P => P.Name)</th>
<th>@Html.DisplayNameFor(P => P.Phone)</th>
<th>@Html.DisplayNameFor(P => P.Address)</th>
<th>@Html.DisplayNameFor(P => P.Subject)</th>
<th>@Html.DisplayNameFor(P => P.Designation)</th>
<th>@Html.DisplayNameFor(P => P.Salary)</th>
@foreach (var item in Model)
<td>@Html.DisplayFor(P => item.Id)</td>
<td>@Html.DisplayFor(P => item.Name)</td>
<td>@Html.DisplayFor(P => item.Phone)</td>
<td>@Html.DisplayFor(P => item.Address)</td>
<td>@Html.DisplayFor(P => item.Subject)</td>
<td>@Html.DisplayFor(P => item.Designation)</td>
<td>@Html.DisplayFor(P => item.Salary)</td>
<center>@Html.ActionLink("Back to home page", "DisplayPeople")</center>
Table Per Hierarchy: now run the Index action method and “SchoolDB” Database gets created on SQL Server with a
table “People” and it contains columns representing all the properties of our 3 Model Classes because the
inheritance strategy we used is “TPH” i.e., Table Per Hierarchy and in that table we find 10 columns representing
the 10 attributes of the 3 Model Classes and also we find an additional column with the name “Discriminator”
which is used to identify to which entity the record belongs to, as following:
Table Per Type: in our above example inheritance strategy is “TPH” and if we want to make it as “TPT” i.e., Table
Per Type then we need to override “OnModelCreating” method in our “SchoolDbContext” class and implement the
logic in it as below. To test this, add the below code in “SchoolDbContext” class and run the “Index” method again:
In the above case Student and Teacher tables also will contain an Id column which is a primary key for
those tables as well as that column is also a foreign key referring to the Id column (primary key) in People table.
Table Per Concrete Class: if we want to change the above example code to “TPC” i.e., Table Per Concrete Class do
the following changes:
Change 1: change the person class as Abstract so that EF will not create a table for this entity and also for the Id
Property in the class set the Identity option as none by using “Database Generated” data annotation, because in
this strategy EF will create 2 separate tables combining the attributes of Person class, so both tables will have an
“Id” column and identity will generate the “Id” values randomly into the 2 table and to avoid this, remove Identity
option. After making these changes, Person class should be looking as following:
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.Schema;
public abstract class Person
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Phone { get; set; }
public string Address { get; set; }
Student s1 = new Student { Id = 101, Name = "Raj", Phone = "23746666", Address = "Pune", Class = 10,
Marks = 450.00f, Fees = 5000.00f };
Student s2 = new Student { Id = 102, Name = "Ajay", Phone = "23747777", Address = "Mumbai", Class = 10,
Marks = 450.00f, Fees = 5000.00f };
Student s3 = new Student { Id 103, Name = "Venkat", Phone = "23748888", Address = "Delhi", Class = 10,
Marks = 450.00f, Fees = 5000.00f };
Teacher t1 = new Teacher { Id = 1001, Name = "Ram", Phone = "23741234", Address = "Delhi",
Designation = "Lecturer", Salary = 25000.00, Subject = "Physics" };
Teacher t2 = new Teacher { Id = 1002, Name = "Suresh", Phone = "23745678", Address = "Delhi",
Designation = "Lecturer", Salary = 25000.00, Subject = "Maths" };
Teacher t3 = new Teacher { Id = 1003, Name = "Rahul", Phone = "23747890", Address = "Delhi",
Designation = "Lecturer", Salary = 25000.00, Subject = "Chemistry" };
Run the project again and verify the “SchoolDB” Database and there we will find 2 tables with the name
“Students” and “Teachers” with data as below:
One-to-Zero or One: a “One-to-Zero-or-One” relationship happens when a Primary Key of one table becomes
Primary Key and Foreign Key in another table. To test “One-to-Zero or One” relationship, create a new “ASP.NET
Web Application” project naming it as “MVCWithEFCF5”, choose “MVC Project Template” and click on “Create”
button. Install Entity Framework in to the project and then add 3 new classes in to the Models folder naming them
as “Player”, “Spouse” and “FamilyDbContext” and write the below code under them:
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.Schema;
public class Player
public int PlayerId { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Profession { get; set; }
public Spouse Spouse { get; set; }
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.Schema;
public class Spouse
[Key, ForeignKey("Player")]
public int PlayerId { get; set; }
public string SpouseName { get; set; }
public string SpouseProfession { get; set; }
public Player Player { get; set; }
Note: We need to configure the above entities in such a way that EF creates the Players and Spouses tables in the
DB and makes the “PlayerId” column in Players table as Primary Key and “PlayerId” column in the Spouses table as
Primary Key and Foreign Key.
using System.Data.Entity;
public class FamilyDbContext : DbContext
public FamilyDbContext() : base("ConStr")
Database.SetInitializer(new DropCreateDatabaseAlways<FamilyDbContext>());
public DbSet<Player> Players { get; set; }
public DbSet<Spouse> Spouses { get; set; }
Go to Web.config file and write the below code in it:
<add name="ConStr"
connectionString="Data Source=Server;Database=FamilyDB; User Id=Sa;Password=123"
providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
Add a controller under the Controllers folder naming it as “FamilyController” and write the below code in it:
using MVCWithEFCF5.Models;
public class FamilyController : Controller
FamilyDbContext dc = new FamilyDbContext();
public ActionResult Index()
Player p1 = new Player { PlayerId = 101, Name = "Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar", Profession = "Cricketer" };
Player p2 = new Player { PlayerId = 102, Name = "Rishab Pant", Profession = "Cricketer" };
Player p3 = new Player { PlayerId = 103, Name = "Mahindra Singh Dhoni", Profession = "Cricketer" };
Spouse s1 = new Spouse { PlayerId = 101, SpouseName = "Anjali", SpouseProfession = "Doctor" };
Spouse s2 = new Spouse { PlayerId = 103, SpouseName = "Sakshi", SpouseProfession = "Home Maker" };
create the Database and Tables SQL Server. When we verify the “FamilyDB” Database created under SQL Server
there we find the tables “Players” and “Spouses” and for each player there can only be one entry for spouse or no
entry also. In the Player table “PlayerId” will be “Primary Key” and in Spouse table “PlayerId” will be “Primary Key”
and “Foreign Key” also as below:
Many-to-Many: in a many-to-many relationship, a row in table “A” can have many matching rows in table “B”, and
vice versa. A many-to-many relationship could be thought of as 2 one-to-many relationships, linked by an
intermediary table. The intermediary table is typically referred to as a “junction table” (also as a “cross-reference
table”). This table is used to link the other 2 tables together. It does this by having two fields that reference the
primary key of each of the other two tables. Entity Framework includes default conventions for many-to-many
relationships. You need to include a collection navigation property at both ends. For example, the Customer class
should have a collection navigation property of Product type, and the Product class should have a collection
navigation property of Customer type to create a many-to-many relationship between them.
To test Many-to-Many relationship create a new “ASP.NET Web Application” project naming it as
“MVCWithEFCF6”, choose “MVC Project Template” and click on “Create” button. Install “Entity Framework” and
then add 3 new classes into the Models folder naming them as “Product”, “Customer” & “StoreDbContext”, and
write the below code under them:
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.Schema;
public class Product
public int ProductId { get; set; }
public string ProductName { get; set; }
public ICollection<Customer> Customers { get; set; }
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.Schema;
public class Customer
public int CustomerId { get; set; }
public string CustomerName { get; set; }
public ICollection<Product> Products { get; set; }
using System.Data.Entity;
public class StoreDbContext : DbContext
public StoreDbContext() : base("ConStr")
Database.SetInitializer(new DropCreateDatabaseAlways<StoreDbContext>());
public DbSet<Customer> Customers { get; set; }
public DbSet<Product> Products { get; set; }
Go to Web.config file and write the below code in it:
<add name="ConStr"
connectionString="Data Source=Server;Database=StoreDB;User Id=Sa;Password=123"
Add a controller under the Controllers folder naming it as “StoreController” and write the below code in it:
using MVCWithEFCF6.Models;
public class StoreController : Controller
StoreDbContext dc = new StoreDbContext();
public ActionResult Index()
Customer c1 = new Customer { CustomerId = 101, CustomerName = "Raju" };
Customer c2 = new Customer { CustomerId = 102, CustomerName = "Ajay" };
Customer c3 = new Customer { CustomerId = 103, CustomerName = "Suresh" };
return View();
Add a view to Index action method, run the project and verify the “StoreDB” Database creaed under SQL
Server, where we find 3 tables “Customers”, “Products” and “ProductCustomers” and the 3rd table is known as a
Junction Table which includes the “Primary Keys” of both “Customers” and “Products” tables as following:
One-to-Many: this is the most common relationship type. In this type of relationship, a row in table “A” can have
many matching rows in table “B”, but a row in table “B” can have only one matching row in table “A”. One-to-
Many relationships can also be viewed as Many-to-One relationships, depending on which way you look at it.
There are certain conventions in Entity Framework which if followed in entity classes (domain classes) will
automatically result in a one-to-many relationship between two tables in the database.
There should be a reference (scalar) navigation property in the detail entity of its master entity.
There should be a collection navigation property in master entity to its detail entities.
For example, if we want to establish a “one-to-many” relationship between “Department” & “Employee”
entities where many “Employees” are associated with “1 Department”, it means that each Employee entity points
to a Department. This can be achieved by including a scalar navigation property of type Department in Employee
entity class and a collection navigation property in Department entity of type “ICollection<Employee>”.
To test Many-to-Many relationship create a new “ASP.NET Web Application” project naming it as
“MVCWithEFCF7”, choose “MVC Project Template” and click “Install” button. Install “Entity Framework” and add 3
new classes in the Models folder naming them as “Department”, “Employee” & “CompanyDbContext”, and then
write the below code under them:
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.Schema;
public class Department
public int Did { get; set; }
public string Dname { get; set; }
public string Location { get; set; }
public ICollection<Employee> Employees { get; set; }
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.Schema;
public class Employee
public int Eid { get; set; }
public string Ename { get; set; }
public string Job { get; set; }
public double Salary { get; set; }
public int Did { get; set; }
public Department Department { get; set; }
using System.Data.Entity;
public class CompanyDbContext : DbContext
public CompanyDbContext() : base("ConStr")
Database.SetInitializer(new DropCreateDatabaseIfModelChanges<CompanyDbContext>());
public DbSet<Department> Departments { get; set; }
public DbSet<Employee> Employees { get; set; }
Go to Web.config file and write the below code in it:
<add name="ConStr"
connectionString="Data Source=Server;Database=CompanyDB;User Id=Sa;Password=123"
Add a controller under the Controllers folder naming it as “CompanyController” and write the below code in it:
using MVCWithEFCF7.Models;
public class CompanyController : Controller
CompanyDbContext dc = new CompanyDbContext();
public ActionResult Index()
Department d1 = new Department { Did = 10, Dname = "Sales", Location = "Hyderabad" };
Department d2 = new Department { Did = 20, Dname = "Research", Location = "Delhi" };
Department d3 = new Department { Did = 30, Dname = "HR", Location = "Mumbai" };
Department d4 = new Department { Did = 40, Dname = "Finance", Location = "Chennai" };
Employee e1 = new Employee { Ename = "Raju", Job = "Manager", Salary = 25000.00, Did = 10 };
Employee e2 = new Employee { Ename = "John", Job = "Clerk", Salary = 10000.00, Did = 10 };
Employee e3 = new Employee { Ename = "Pankaj", Job = "Manager", Salary = 25000.00, Did = 20 };
Employee e4 = new Employee { Ename = "Suneel", Job = "Manager", Salary = 25000.00, Did = 30 };
return View(dc.Employees);
Add a view to the Index action method and while adding the View, in “Add View” window choose
“Template:” as “List”, “Model class:” as “Employee (MVCWithEFCF7.Models)”, “Data context class:” as
“CompanyDbContext (MVCWithEFCF7.Models)” and click on “Add” button. Run the project and verify SQL Server
Database where we find “CompanyDB” Database created and under it we find the 2 tables “Departments” and
“Employees”. “Employee” table will be having a “Foreign Key” column “Did” referring to “Department” table’s
“Primary Key” column “Did” as below:
Seed Data in Entity Framework Code-First:
We can insert data into our Database tables during the Database initialization process. This will be
important when we want to provide some “default - master data” for any table in the application, for example in
our previous application if we want to insert default data into “Department” table then we need to use the
concept of “Seed” and insert default data into the table. To seed data into any table, we need to implement the
logic in “Seed” method of any DBInitializer classes (“CreateDatabaseIfNotExists”, “DropCreateDatabaseAlways”,
“DropCreateDatabaseIfModelChanges”) and to do that we have to define a custom “DBInitializer” class inheriting
from any of the above 3 “DBInitializer” classes and then override the “Seed” method. To test this process, add a
new class in the Models folder of our previous project with the name “CompanyDBInitializer.cs” and write the
below code in it:
using System.Data.Entity;
public class CompanyDBInitializer : DropCreateDatabaseIfModelChanges<CompanyDbContext>
protected override void Seed(CompanyDbContext context)
Department d1 = new Department { Did = 10, Dname = "Sales", Location = "Hyderabad" };
Department d2 = new Department { Did = 20, Dname = "Research", Location = "Delhi" };
Department d3 = new Department { Did = 30, Dname = "HR", Location = "Mumbai" };
Department d4 = new Department { Did = 40, Dname = "Finance", Location = "Chennai" };
context.Departments.Add(d1); context.Departments.Add(d2);
context.Departments.Add(d3); context.Departments.Add(d4);
Go to “CompanyController” class and delete the below code, because we have implemented the Seed
method in “CompanyDBInitializer” class and it will insert data into Department table during the database
initialization process, so this code is no more required in the “CompanyController” class.
Department d2 = new Department { Did = 20, Dname = "Research", Location = "Delhi" };
Department d3 = new Department { Did = 30, Dname = "HR", Location = "Mumbai" };
Department d4 = new Department { Did = 40, Dname = "Finance", Location = "Chennai" };
Entity Framework Code First Migrations:
Entity Framework Code-First has different Database initialization strategies like
“CreateDatabaseIfNotExists”, “DropCreateDatabaseIfModelChanges”, “DropCreateDatabaseAlways” however,
there are problems with these strategies. In the first case Model changes will not be updated to the Database and
also throws an error when we run the project, whereas in the second and third cases Model changes will be
updated to the Database but if we already have data (other than seed data) or we created our own Stored
Procedures, Triggers, Views etc. in our Database then these strategies will drop the entire Database and recreates
it, so we will lose the Data and Database objects also.
To overcome the above problems “Entity Framework” introduced “Migrations” that automatically
updates the Database schema whenever our model changes without losing any existing Data or other Database
objects. To do that we need to use a new Database Initializer called “MigrateDatabaseToLatestVersion”.
Automated Migration: Entity Framework provides automated migration option so that you don’t have to process
Database migration manually for each change you make in your domain classes. The automated migrations can be
implemented by executing the “enable-migrations” command in the Package Manager Console.
To test “Automated Migrations”, create a new “ASP.NET Web Application” project naming it as
“MVCWithEFCF8”, choose “MVC Project Template” and click on “Create” button. Install Entity Framework, add 2
classes under Models folder with names “Student” and “SchoolDbContext” and write the below code under them:
using System.Data.Entity;
public class SchoolDbContext : DbContext
public SchoolDbContext() : base("ConStr")
public DbSet<Student> Students { get; set; }
Go to Web.config file and write the below code between <configuration></configuration> tag:
<add name="ConStr" providerName="System.Data.SQLClient"
connectionString="Data Source=Server;Database=SchoolDB;User Id=Sa;Password=123" />
Add a controller under the Controllers folder naming it as “SchoolController” and write the below code in it:
using MVCWithEFCF8.Models;
public class StudentController : Controller
SchoolDbContext dc = new SchoolDbContext();
public ActionResult Index()
Student s = new Student { Name = "Raju" };
return View();
Add a view to “Index” action method; run the project which will create “SchoolDB” Database under SQL
Server and in that “Student” Table is created with 2 Columns and also 1 record is inserted into the Table.
Now if we make any changes to the Model class like adding new attributes (properties) or modifying
existing attributes and run the project we get an error because by default the Database Initialization Strategy is
“CreateDatabaseIfNotExists” and if we try to change the Database Initialization Strategy to
“DropCreateDatabaseIfModelChanges” or “DropCreateDatabaseAlways” we will be losing the existing data in the
table and to overcome this problem let’s use “Migrations”.
Automatic Migrations: to use Automatic Migrations we need to enable migrations in our project and to do that go
to “Package Manager Console” window from “Tools Menu” => “Nuget Package Manager” => “Package Manager
Console” and run the below command there:
PM> Enable-Migrations -EnableAutomaticMigration:$true
The above command will add a “Migrations” folder in our project and under that folder we find a file
“Configuration.cs” which contains a class called “Configuaration” with the below code in it:
Now go to our “SchoolDbContext” class and write the below statement in its constructor by importing the
namespace “MVCWithEFCF8.Migrations”.
Database.SetInitializer(new MigrateDatabaseToLatestVersion<SchoolDbContext, Configuration>());
With this action everything is set ready for Automatic Migrations, and to test this either add new
properties to Student Class or add new Model classes in the project and the next time when we run the project, we
see all the changes reflecting under the database. However, sometimes when you modify or remove existing
properties in domain classes we get “System.Data.Entity.Migrations.Infrastructure.AutomaticDataLossException”,
and this is because we may lose data in corresponding column of the Table. So, to handle this kind of scenario, we
have to set “AutomaticMigrationDataLossAllowed = true” in the “Configuration” class Constructor. To do that go to
“Configuration” class in “Migrations” folder and add the above statement which should now look as following:
public Configuration()
AutomaticMigrationsEnabled = true;
AutomaticMigrationDataLossAllowed = true;
ContextKey = "MVCWithEFCF8.Models.SchoolDbContext";
Code Based Migrations: code-based migration provides more control on the migration and allows you to configure
additional things such as setting a default value to a column, change data type of a column, add not null constraints
on a column, configure a computed column etc.
In order to use code-based migration we need to execute the following commands in “Package Manager
Console” window under Visual Studio:
Enable-Migrations: enables the migration in your project by creating a Configuration class.
Add-Migration: creates a new migration class as per specified name with the Up() and Down() methods.
Update-Database: executes the last migration file created by the Add-Migration command and applies
changes to the database schema.
To test Code Based Migrations create a new “ASP.NET Web Application” project naming it as
“MVCWithEFCF9”, choose “MVC Project Template” and click on “Create” button. Install Entity Framework in the
project, add 2 new classes in to Models folder naming them as “Student” and “SchoolDbContext”, and write the
below code under them:
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.Schema;
public class Student
public int StudentId { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public int Class { get; set; }
[Column(TypeName = "Varchar")]
public string Section { get; set; }
using System.Data.Entity;
public class SchoolDbContext : DbContext
public SchoolDbContext() : base("ConStr")
public DbSet<Student> Students { get; set; }
Go to Web.config file and write the below code between <configuration></configuration> tag:
<add name="ConStr" providerName="System.Data.SQLClient"
connectionString="Data Source=Server;Database=SchoolDB;User Id=Sa;Password=123" />
Add a controller under the Controllers folder naming it as “SchoolController” and write the below code in it:
using MVCWithEFCF9.Models;
public class StudentController : Controller
SchoolDbContext dc = new SchoolDbContext();
public ActionResult Index()
Student s1 = new Student { Name = "Raju", Class = 10, Section = "A" };
Student s2 = new Student { Name = "Venkat", Class = 10, Section = "B" };
Student s3 = new Student { Name = "Srinivas", Class = 10, Section = "C" };
dc.Students.Add(s1); dc.Students.Add(s2); dc.Students.Add(s3);
return View();
Add a view to Index action method and run the project which will create “SchoolDB” Database on SQL
Server and under that Database, “Student” table is created with 4 columns in it.
Working with Code Based Migrations: To work with code-based migrations, first execute the “enable-migrations”
command in the “Package Manager Console” and to do that go to Tools menu => Nuget Package Manager =>
Package Manager Console and run the below command over there:
This command will create the Configuration class same as we saw in case of “Automated Migrations” but
in this case Configuration class Constructor will have “AutomaticMigrationsEnabled = false” because we are using
Code Based Migrations now, and this command also creates a “<timestamp>_InitialCreate.cs” file containing a
class “InitialCreate” with “Up() and Down()” methods as following:
CreateTable("dbo.Students", c => new
StudentId = c.Int(nullable: false, identity: true),
Name = c.String(),
Class = c.Int(nullable: false),
Section = c.String(maxLength: 1, unicode: false),
}).PrimaryKey(t => t.StudentId);
public override void Down()
As we can see the “Up()” method contains code for creating Database objects and the “Down()” method
contains code for dropping or deleting Database objects. You may also write your own custom code for additional
configurations and that is the advantage of Code Based Migrations over Automated Migrations.
Now go to “SchoolDbContext” class and write the below code in its constructor by importing the
namespace “MVCWithEFCF9.Migrations”:
From now when ever we make changes to existing Model classes or add new Model classes we need to
create a new Migration class by using the “Add-Migration” command in the “Package Manager Console” with a
name to the class (any name) as following:
Syntax => PM> Add-Migration <Some Name>
To test this go to Student class and add a new property into the class as following:
public float Fees { get; set; }
Open Package Manager Console (PMC) and create a new migration file by executing the following statement:
PM> Add-Migration SchoolDB-V1
The above action will create a new migration file with the name “<timestamp>_SchoolDB-v1.cs” and in
the same way we can create any no. of migration files as above whenever we make changes to the Model classes
and to discriminate between each file give a different name every time.
PM>Add-Migration SchoolDB-v2
PM>Add-Migration SchoolDB-v3
PM>Add-Migration SchoolDB-v4
After creating a migration file as above, we have to execute the “Update-Database” command in the
“Package Manager Console” and update the Database as below:
Note: to view the SQL statements being applied to the target Database use “-verbose” option as following:
PM>Update-Database –Verbose
The above statement when executed will run the last or latest migration file and alters the Database
based on the changes, we have made to domain classes.
Let’s now add another 2 properties in the “Student” class and to do that go to “Student.cs” file and write
the below code in the class:
public float Marks { get; set; }
public string Address { get; set; }
Note: the above action will create a new migration file with the name “<timestamp>_SchoolDB-v2.cs”.
Get Migrations: right now, we have 3 migrations files that are created but what we have applied on the Database
is only 2 and to check what migration are applied on the Database use the “Get-Migrations” command at Package
Manager Console as below:
Now let’s apply the 3rd migration file also to the Database i.e. “SchoolDB-V2” and to do that run the
following statement at Package Manager Console:
PM>Update-Database -Verbose
Rollback Migration: suppose if we want to roll back the Database schema to any of the previous states, then you
can execute the “update-database” command with the “-TargetMigration” parameter to the point which you want
to roll back to. For example, suppose there are many migrations applied to the above “SchoolDB” Database but
you want to roll back to “SchoolDB-V1” migration then execute the below command:
PM>Update-Database -TargetMigration:SchoolDB-V1
Note: this statement will execute the “Down” method in the migration file and drops the 2 columns from the
Database table, which are added in “SchoolDB-V2” migration. This action will not delete the migration file under
“Migrations” folder, so if we don’t want it, we need to explicitly delete the file on our own.
Model-First Approach
In Model-First approach, we create entities, relationships, and inheritance hierarchies directly on visual
designer integrated in Visual Studio and then generate entities, context class, and the Database script from your
visual model.
Note: EF 6 includes limited support for this, and EF Core does not support this approach at all.
To work with Entity Framework Model First Approach, create a new “ASP.NET Web Application” project
naming it as “MVCWithEFMF”, choose “MVC Project Template” and click on “Create” button. Open Solution
Explorer, right click on the Models folder and choose “Add => New Item” option and in the window opened select
the item “ADO.NET Entity Data Model” name it as “TestEF” and click on the “Add” button and in the window
opened select “Empty EF Designer Model” and click on “Finish” button. This will add “TestEF.edmx” item under
Models folder and under this item we will find 2 items with the names “TestEF.Designer.cs” and
“TestEF.edmx.diagram”. We also see “TestEF.edmx [Diagram1]” displayed in document window and by using this
we can design Model classes.
Creating a Department Entity: now right click on the “TestEF.edmx [Diagram1]”, in the document window and
select the option “Add New” => “Entity”, which will open “Add Entity” window => enter the “Entity name” as
“Department” and this will automatically fill the other details in the window, watch them and click on “Ok” button
which will add the “Department” entity with “Id” attribute.
Adding new Properties to Department Entity: right click on the Department Entity and select “Add New” =>
“Scalar Property” which will add a new property name it as “Dname”, right click on “Dname” property and select
the option “Properties” which opens “Property Window” and in that window we can set various attributes like
Type, Nullable, Length etc, and by default the Type will be “String” which is ok for “Dname” so leave it and set the
“Max Length” property value as “50”, “Unicode” property value as “false” and “Nullable” property value as “false”.
Repeat the same process again and add another property with the name “Location” and set the “Max Length”
property value as “50”, “Unicode” property value as “false” and “Nullable” property value as “true”.
Creating an Employee Entity: right click on the document window and select the option “Add New” => “Entity”,
which will open “Add Entity” window => enter the “Entity name” as “Employee” which will automatically fill the
other details, watch them and click on the “Ok” button which will add the “Employee” entity with “Id” attribute.
Adding new Properties to Employee Entity: now add all the other required properties to “Employee” Entity with
the following names and attribute values:
Ename: Type: String, Max Length: 50, Unicode: False, Nullable: False
Job: Type: String, Max Length: 50, Unicode: False, Nullable: True
Salary: Type: Decimal, Precision: 9, Scale: 2, Nullable: True
Status: Type: Boolean, Default Value: True, Nullable: False
Adding a relationship between the tables: to add a relationship between the 2 tables right click, on the
document window and select the option “Add New” => “Association” and in the window opened it will display the
following details, verify them, change if anything is not as per our requirements (as of now everything is perfectly
set, so no need to make any changes) and click on the “Ok” button.
This will add a “DepartmentId” column to the “Employee” entity, also adds navigation properties in both
the entities and this will also create a relationship between the tables as following:
Generating Model Classes and Database with Tables: right click on the document window and select the option
“Generate Database from Model” which will open a window and in that click on “New Connection” button and
enter the connection details like “Server Name”, “Authentication Details” and in “Select or enter a database
name:” TextBox enter Database Name as “CompanyDB” (make sure this Database is not existing under SQL Server)
and when we click on the “Ok” button it will ask for creating the Database because it is not existing, click on the
“Yes” button which will create the Database and launches a new window, here select the radio button “Yes,
include the sensitive data in the connection string.” => Click “Next” and select the Entity Framework version i.e.,
“6.x” => Click “Next” which displays the required “SQL Script” code that is generated for creating tables and this
code will be saved into our “Models” folder with the name “TestEF.edmx.sql” and click on the “Finish” button to
complete the configuration which will also install “Entity Framework” in our project.
Now open “Solution Explorer” and watch the “TestEF.edmx” item under “Models” folder there we find
new items added with the names “” and “”. We find a “Context” class with the name
“TestEFContainer” under the file “TestEF.Context.cs” which is present under “” item, and we also
find Model classes under “” item, which when expanded will show “Department.cs” and “Employee.cs”
files containing “Department” and “Employee” classes.
Note: In the Context class i.e., “TestEFContainer” Constructor, we find a class to its base or parent class
Constructor and under that we find the the name of “Connection String” which is nothing but “TestEFContainer”,
so in the “Web.config” file we will find the “Connection String” with this name. Even if it is not required
to specify the name and call base class constructor because we have already learnt that if the “Context”
class name and “Connection String” name are same no need to specify that explicitly, but “Entity
Framework Model First” will include that code in Constructor.
Creating Tables on Database Server: after all the above actions i.e., Entity Framework generating required Context
and Model Classes, now we need to create the tables under our Database i.e., “CompanyDB” and to create the
tables, inside of the Model’s folder we find a SQL Script file with name “TestEF.edmx.sql” which is generated by
“Entity Framework Code First” which we need to execute and to do that, open the script file, right click on it in
document window and select the option “Execute” which will open “Connect” window, in that expand the node
“Local” and under that we find our “Server Name” (Server in my case) select it, and in the below specify the
Authentication Details and choose the Database as “CompanyDB” under “Database Name” DropDownList and click
connect which will create the tables on Database.
Note: Now we can start working with those Tables and Domain Classes by creating the required Controllers, Action
Methods and Views.
Pretty much every application deal with data in some manner, whether that data comes from memory,
databases, XML files, text files, or something else. The location where we store the data can be called as a Data
Source or Data Store where a Data Source can be a file, database, address books or indexing server etc.
Programming Languages cannot communicate with Data Sources directly because each Data Source
adopts a different Protocol (set of rules) for communication, so to overcome this problem long back Microsoft has
introduced intermediate technologies like ODBC and Ole DB which works like bridge between the Applications and
Data Sources to communicate with each other.
ODBC (Open Database Connectivity) is a standard C programming language middleware API for accessing
database management systems (DBMS). ODBC accomplishes DBMS independence by using an ODBC driver as a
translation layer between the application and the DBMS. The application uses ODBC functions through an ODBC
driver manager with which it is linked, and the driver passes the query to the DBMS. An ODBC driver will be
providing a standard set of functions for the application to use and implementing DBMS-specific functionality. An
application that can use ODBC is referred to as "ODBC-Compliant". Any ODBC-Compliant application can access any
DBMS for which a driver is installed. Drivers exist for all major DBMS’s as well as for many other data sources like
Microsoft Excel, and even for Text or CSV files. ODBC was originally developed by Microsoft in 1992.
It's a collection of drivers, where these drivers sit between the App's and Data Source's to communicate with
each other and more over we require a separate driver for each and every data source.
ODBC drivers comes along with your Windows O.S. and we can find them at the following location:
Control Panel => Administrative Tools => ODBC Data Sources
To consume these ODBC Drivers first we need to configure them with the data source by creating a "DSN"
(Data Source Name).
ODBC drivers are open source i.e. there is an availability of these ODBC Drivers for all the leading O.S's in the
OLE DB (Object Linking and Embedding, Database, sometimes written as OLEDB or OLE-DB), an API
designed by Microsoft, allows accessing data from a variety of data sources in a uniform manner. The API provides
a set of interfaces implemented using the Component Object Model (COM) and SQL. Microsoft originally intended
OLE DB as a higher-level replacement for, and successor to, ODBC, extending its feature set to support a wider
variety of non-relational databases, such as object databases and spreadsheets that do not necessarily implement
SQL. OLE DB is conceptually divided into consumers and providers. The consumers are the applications that need
access to the data, and the providers are the software components that implement the interface and thereby
provide the data to the consumer. An OLE DB provider is a software component enabling an OLE DB consumer to
interact with a data source. OLE DB providers are alike to ODBC drivers. OLE DB providers can be created to access
such simple data stores as a text file and spreadsheet, through to such complex databases as Oracle, Microsoft SQL
Server, and many others. It can also provide access to hierarchical data stores. These OLE DB Providers are
introduced by Microsoft around the year 1996.
It’s a collection of providers where these providers sit between the App's and Data Source to communicate
with each other, and we require a separate provider for each data source.
OLE DB Providers are designed for communication with relational & non-relational Data Sources also i.e. it
provides support for communication with any Data Source.
OLE DB Providers sits on server machine so they are already configured with data source and when we
connect with any data source they will help in the process of communication.
OLE DB Providers are developed by using COM and SQL Languages, so they are also un-managed.
Microsoft introduced OLEDB as a replacement for ODBC for its Windows Systems.
OLE DB is a pure Microsoft technology which works only on Windows Platform.
Note: If any language wants to consume ODBC Drivers or OLE DB Providers, they must use some built-in libraries of
the language in which we are developing the application without writing complex coding.
ADO.NET: It is a set of types that expose data access services to the .NET programmer. ADO.NET provides
functionality to developers writing managed code similar to the functionality provided to native COM developers
by ADO. ADO.NET provides consistent access to data sources such as Microsoft SQL Server, as well as data sources
exposed through OLE DB and XML. Data-sharing consumer applications can use ADO.NET to connect to these data
sources and retrieve, manipulate, and update data. It is an integral part of the .NET Framework, providing access to
relational data, XML, and application data. ADO.NET supports a variety of development needs, including the
creation of front-end database clients and middle-tier business objects used by applications or Internet browsers.
ADO.Net provides libraries for Data Source communication under the following namespaces:
Note: System.Data, System.Data.Odbc, System.Data.Oledb and System.Data.SqlClient namespaces are under the
assembly System.Data.dll whereas System.Data.OracleClient is under System.Data.OracleClient.dll assembly.
System.Data: types of this namespace are used for holding and managing of data on client machines. This
namespace contains following set of classes in it: DataSet, DataTable, DataRow, DataColumn, DataView,
DataRelation, etc.
System.Data.Odbc: types of this namespace can communicate with any Relational Data Source using Un-Managed
Odbc Drivers.
System.Data.Oledb: types of this namespace can communicate with any Data Source using Oledb Providers (Un-
Managed COM Providers).
System.Data.SqlClient: types of this namespace can purely communicate with Sql Server database only using
SqlClient Provider (Managed .Net Framework Provider).
System.Data.OracleClient: types of this namespace can purely communicate with Oracle database only using
OracleClient Provider (Managed .Net Framework Provider).
All the above 4 namespaces contain same set of types as following: Connection, Command, DataReader,
DataAdapter, Parameter and CommandBuilder etc, but here each class is referred by prefixing with Odbc, Oledb,
Sql and Oracle keywords before the class name to discriminate between each other as following:
OracleConnection OracleCommand OracleDataReader OracleDataAdapter OracleCommandBuilder
Performing Operations on a DataSource: the operations we perform on a Data Source will be Select, Insert,
Update and Delete, and each operation we perform on a Data Source involves in 3 steps, like:
Establishing a connection with the data source.
Sending a request to Data Source by using SQL.
Capturing the results given by the data source.
Note: ConnectionString is a collection of attributes that are required for connecting with a DataSource, those are:
Data Source
User Id and Password
Integrated Security
Database or Initial Catalog
Extended Properties
DSN: this is the only attribute that is required if we want to connect with a data source by using ODBC Drivers and
by using this attribute, we need to specify the DSN Name.
Provider: this attribute is required when we want to connect to the data source by using Oledb Providers. So, by
using this attribute we need to specify the provider’s name based on the data source we want to connect with.
Oracle: Msdaora or ORAOLEDB.ORACLE Sql Server: SqlOledb
MS-Access or MS-Excel: Microsoft.Jet.Oledb.4.0 MS-Indexing Server: Msidxs
Data Source: this attribute is required to specify the server’s name if the data source is a database or else if the
data source is a file, we need to specify path of the file and this attribute is required in case of any provider
User Id and Password: This attribute is required to specify the credentials for connection with a database and this
attribute is required in case of any provider communication.
Oracle: Scott/tiger SQL Server: Sa/123
Integrated Security: this attribute is used while connecting with SQL Server Database only to specify that we want
to connect with the Server by using Windows Authentication and in this case, we should not use User Id and
Password attributes and this attribute is required in case of any provider communication.
Database or Initial Catalog: these attributes are used while connecting with SQL Server Database only to specify
the name of DB we want to connect with, and this attribute is required in case of any provider communication.
Extended Properties: this attribute is required only while connecting with MS-Excel using Oledb Provider.
List of attributes which are required in case of Odbc Drivers, Oledb and .Net Framework Providers:
Attribute ODBC Driver OLEDB Provider .NET Framework Provider
DSN Yes No No
Provider No Yes No
Data Source No Yes Yes
User Id and Password No Yes Yes
Integrated Security* No Yes Yes
Database or Initial Catalog* No Yes Yes
Extended Properties** No Yes -
*Only for Sql Server **Only for Microsoft Excel
Note: in case of Windows Authentication in place of User Id and Password attributes we need to use Integrated
Security = SSPI (Security Support Provider Interface).
Sending request to Data Source by using SQL:
In this process we send a request to Data Source by specifying the type of action we want to perform by
using a SQL Statement like Select, Insert, Update, and Delete or by calling a Stored Procedure present under the
Data Source. To send and execute SQL Statements or call Stored Procedures in Data Source we use Command
Note: CommandText means it can be any SQL Statement like Select or Insert or Update or Delete Statements or
Stored Procedure Name, whereas “Connection” refers to instance of Connection class created in 1st step.
The object of class Command can be created in any of the following ways:
Command cmd = new Command(); cmd.Connection = <con>; cmd.CommandText = "<Sql Stmt or SP Name>";
Command cmd = new Command("<Sql Stmt or SP Name>", <con>);
Note: after creating object of Command class, we need to call any of the execute methods to execute the stmt’s.
Use ExecuteReader() method when we want to execute a Select Statement that returns data as rows and
columns. The method returns an object of class DataReader which holds data that is retrieved from data source in
the form of rows and columns.
Use ExecuteScalar() method when we want to execute a Select Statement that returns a single value
result. The method returns result of the query in the form of an object.
Use ExecuteNonQuery() method when we want to execute any SQL statement other than select, like
Insert or Update or Delete etc. The method returns an integer that tells the no. of rows affected by the statement.
Note: The above process of calling a suitable method to capture results is our third step i.e., capturing the results.
DataReader: it's a class designed for holding the data on client machines in the form of Rows and Columns.
Features of DataReader:
Can hold multiple tables in it at a time and to load multiple tables into a DataReader pass multiple Select
Statements as “CommandText” to command separated by a semi-colon.
Faster access to data from the Data Source because it is “Connection Oriented”.
Drawbacks of DataReader:
As it is connection oriented requires a continuous connection with data source while we are accessing the
data, so there are chances of performance degradation if there are more no. of clients accessing data at the
same time.
It gives forward only access to the data i.e., allows going either to next record or table but not to previous
record or table.
It is a read only object which will not allow any changes to data that is present in it.
Accessing data from a DataReader: DataReader is a class which can hold data in the form of rows and columns, to
access data from DataReader it provides the following members:
Moves record pointer from current table to next table and returns a Boolean value which tells whether
the location to which it moved contains a table or not, which will be true if present or false if not present.
Dis-Connected Architecture: ADO.Net supports 2 different models for accessing data from Data Sources:
Connection Oriented Architecture
Disconnected Architecture
In the first case we require a continuous connection with Data Source for accessing data from it and in this
case, we use DataReader class for holding data on client machines, whereas in the 2nd case we don’t require a
continuous connection with Data Source for accessing the data from it i.e., we require a connection only for
loading data from Data Source and in this case, we use DataSet class for holding data on client machines.
Working with DataSet
DataSet: It's a class present under System.Data namespace designed for holding and managing of the data on
client machines apart from DataReader. DataSet class provides the following features:
DataSet is also capable of holding multiple tables like a DataReader whereas in case of DataSet those tables
can be loaded from different Data Sources.
It is designed in disconnected architecture which requires a connection just for loading data but not for
holding and accessing the data.
It provides scrollable navigation to data which allows us to move in any direction i.e., either top to bottom or
bottom to top.
It is updatable i.e.; changes can be made to data present in it and those changes can be sent back to DB for
It provides options for searching and sorting of data that is present under it.
It provides options for establishing relations between the tables that are present under it.
Loading Data into DataSet's: The class which is responsible for loading data into DataReader from a DataSource is
Command, in the same way DataAdapter class is required for communication between DataSource and DataSet.
DataSource <= Command => DataReader
DataSource <=> DataAdapter <=> DataSet
Note: Select Command Text means it can be a Select Stmt or a Stored Procedure which contains a Select Stmt.
Instance of DataAdapter class can be created in any of the following ways:
Connection con = new Connection(“<Connection String>”);
Command cmd = new Command(“<Select Stmt or SP Name>”, con);
DataAdapter da = new DataAdapter();
da.SelectCommand = cmd;
Connection con = new Connection(“<Connection String>”);
Command cmd = new Command(“<Select Stmt or SP Name>”, con);
DataAdapter da = new DataAdapter(cmd);
Connection con = new Connection(“<Connection String>”);
DataAdapter da = new DataAdapter(“<Select Stmt or SPName>”, con);
DataAdapter da = new DataAdapter(“<Select Stmt or SPName>”, “<Connection String>”);
Properties of DataAdapter:
Methods of DataAdapter:
Fill(DataSet ds, string tableName)
Update(DataSet ds, string tableName)
Fill method is used for loading data from DataSource into the DataSet and Update method is used for
updating any changes made in the DataSet back to DataSource:
Fill: DataSource => DataAdapter => DataSet
Update: DataSource <= DataAdapter <= DataSet
When we call Fill method on DataAdapter class, then following actions will take place internally:
1. DataAdapter will open a connection with the Data Source.
2. Executes the SelectCommand present in it on the DataSource and loads data from table to DataSet.
3. Closes the connection.
Once the execution of Fill method is completed data gets loaded into the DataSet as below:
As we are discussing DataSet is updatable, we can make changes to the data that is loaded into it like
adding, and modifying and deleting of records and after making changes to data in DataSet if we want to send
those changes back to DataSource we need to call Update method on DataAdapter, which performs the following:
Once Update method execution is completed data gets re-loaded into DataSet as below with unchanged rows:
Accessing data from DataSet: DataReader’s provides pointer-based access to the data, so we can get data only in a
sequential order whereas DataSet provides index-based access to the data, so we can get data from any location
randomly. DataSet is a collection of tables where each table is represented as a class DataTable and identified by
its index position or name. Every DataTable is again collection of Rows and collection of Columns where each row
is represented as a class DataRow and identified by its index position and each column is represented as a class
DataColumn and identified by its index position or name.
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
public class Student
[Display(Name = "Student Id")]
public int Sid { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public int? Class { get; set; }
public decimal? Fees { get; set; }
public string Photo { get; set; }
Open Web.config file and add Connection String for connecting to DB under <configuration> tag as following:
<add name="ConStr" connectionString="Data Source=Server;Database=MVCDB;User Id=Sa; Password=123"
providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
Now add another class in Model’s folder with the name “StudentDAL.cs” and write the following code in it:
using System.Data;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
public class StudentDAL
SqlCommand cmd;
SqlConnection con;
public StudentDAL()
string ConStr = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ConStr"].ConnectionString;
con = new SqlConnection(ConStr);
cmd = new SqlCommand();
cmd.Connection = con;
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
public Student GetStudent(int Sid, bool? Status)
Student student = null;
cmd.CommandText = "Student_Select";
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Sid", Sid);
if (Status != null)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Status", Status);
SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
student = new Student();
student.Sid = Convert.ToInt32(dr["Sid"]);
student.Name = dr["Name"].ToString();
student.Class = Convert.ToInt32(dr["Class"]);
student.Fees = Convert.ToDecimal(dr["Fees"]);
student.Photo = dr["Photo"].ToString();
catch (Exception ex)
{ throw ex; }
{ con.Close(); }
return student;
public List<Student> GetStudents(bool? Status)
List<Student> students = new List<Student>();
cmd.CommandText = "Student_Select";
if (Status != null)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Status", Status);
SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
while (dr.Read())
Student student = new Student
Sid = Convert.ToInt32(dr["Sid"]),
Name = dr["Name"].ToString(),
Class = Convert.ToInt32(dr["Class"]),
Fees = Convert.ToDecimal(dr["Fees"]),
Photo = dr["Photo"].ToString(),
catch (Exception ex)
{ throw ex; }
{ con.Close(); }
return Students;
public int InsertStudent(Student student)
int Count = 0;
cmd.CommandText = "Student_Insert";
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Sid", student.Sid);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Name", student.Name);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Class", student.Class);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Fees", student.Fees);
if (student.Photo != null && student.Photo.Length != 0)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Photo", student.Photo);
Count = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
catch (Exception ex)
{ throw ex; }
{ con.Close(); }
return Count;
public int UpdateStudent(Student student)
int Count = 0;
cmd.CommandText = "Student_Update";
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Sid", student.Sid);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Name", student.Name);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Class", student.Class);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Fees", student.Fees);
if (student.Photo != null && student.Photo.Length != 0)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Photo", student.Photo);
Count = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
catch (Exception ex)
{ throw ex; }
{ con.Close(); }
return Count;
public int DeleteStudent(int Sid)
int Count = 0;
cmd.CommandText = "Student_Delete";
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Sid", Sid);
Count = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
catch (Exception ex)
{ throw ex; }
{ con.Close(); }
return Count;
Add a Controller under Controllers folder with the name “StudentController” and write the following code in it:
using System.IO;
using MVCWithADO.Models;
public class StudentController : Controller
StudentDAL obj = new StudentDAL();
public ViewResult DisplayStudents()
return View(obj.GetStudents(true));
public ViewResult DisplayStudent(int Sid)
return View(obj.GetStudent(Sid, true));
public ViewResult AddStudent()
return View();
public RedirectToRouteResult AddStudent(Student student, HttpPostedFileBase selectedFile)
if (selectedFile != null)
string PhysicalPath = Server.MapPath("~/Uploads/");
if (!Directory.Exists(PhysicalPath)) {
selectedFile.SaveAs(PhysicalPath + selectedFile.FileName);
student.Photo = selectedFile.FileName;
return RedirectToAction("DisplayStudents");
public ViewResult EditStudent(int Sid)
Student student = obj.GetStudent(Sid, null);
TempData["Photo"] = student.Photo;
return View(s);
public RedirectToRouteResult UpdateStudent(Student student, HttpPostedFileBase selectedFile)
if (selectedFile != null)
string PhysicalPath = Server.MapPath("~/Uploads/");
if (!Directory.Exists(PhysicalPath)) {
selectedFile.SaveAs(PhysicalPath + selectedFile.FileName);
student.Photo = selectedFile.FileName;
student.Photo = TempData["Photo"].ToString();
return RedirectToAction("DisplayStudents");
public RedirectToRouteResult DeleteStudent(int Sid) {
return RedirectToAction("DisplayStudents");
Add a view with the name DisplayStudents.cshtml, selecting layout Checkbox and write the below code in
it by deleting the whole content in the View:
@model IEnumerable<MVCWithADO.Models.Student>
<h2 style="text-align:center;background-color:yellowgreen;color:orangered">Student Details</h2>
<table border="1" align="center" class="table-condensed">
<th>@Html.DisplayNameFor(S => S.Sid)</th>
<th>@Html.DisplayNameFor(S => S.Name)</th>
<th>@Html.DisplayNameFor(S => S.Class)</th>
<th>@Html.DisplayNameFor(S => S.Fees)</th>
<th>@Html.DisplayNameFor(S => S.Photo)</th>
<th align="center">Actions</th>
@foreach (MVCWithADO.Models.Student student in Model)
<td>@Html.DisplayFor(S => student.Sid)</td>
<td>@Html.DisplayFor(S => student.Name)</td>
<td>@Html.DisplayFor(S => student.Class)</td>
<td>@Html.DisplayFor(S => student.Fees)</td>
<td><img src='/Uploads/@student.Photo' width="40" height="25" alt="No Image" />
@Html.ActionLink("View", "DisplayStudent", new { Sid = student.Sid })
@Html.ActionLink("Edit", "EditStudent", new { Sid = student.Sid })
@Html.ActionLink("Delete", "DeleteStudent", new { Sid = student.Sid },
new { onclick = "return confirm('Are you sure of deleting the record?')" })
<tr><td colspan="6" align="center">@Html.ActionLink("Add New Student", "AddStudent")</td></tr>
Generate a view for DisplayStudent action method and while adding the View, choose the Template as
Empty, Model Class as Student, choose “Use a layout page” CheckBox in the “Add View” window and write the
below code over there by deleting the existing “<h2>” element present in it:
<tr><td>Name: @Model.Name</td></tr>
<tr><td>Class: @Model.Class</td></tr>
<tr><td>Fees: @Model.Fees</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">@Html.ActionLink("Back to Student Details", "DisplayStudents")</td></tr>
Generate a view for AddStudent action method and while adding the View, choose the Template as
Empty, Model Class as Student, choose “Use a layout page” CheckBox in the “Add View” window and write the
below code over there by deleting the existing “<h2>” element present in it:
MVC Filters
In ASP.NET MVC, a user request is routed to an appropriate Controller and Action Method. However,
there may be circumstances where you want to execute some logic before or after an Action Method executes or
before or after an ActionResult executes, and to achieve this ASP.NET MVC provides Filters.
Filters are used to inject extra logic at the different levels of MVC Framework’s request processing
pipeline which provide a way for cross cutting concerns like logging, authorization and caching.
Initially ASP.NET MVC Framework supports four different types of filters like Authorization Filters, Action
Filters, Result Filters and Exception Filters whereas Authentication Filters are introduced with ASP.NET MVC 5 and
each Filter allows us to introduce logic at different points during the request processing pipeline.
In MVC, filters are classes, and all those classes implement some interface. The following table lists filter
types and the interface which they implemented:
Authentication Filters: Authentication filter runs before any other filter or action method executes. Authentication
confirms that you are a valid or invalid user, and these filters must implement the IAuthenticationFilter interface.
Authorization Filters: Authorization Filters are responsible for checking User Access and these filters must
implement the IAuthorizationFilter interface. These filters are used to implement authorization for controllers and
action methods. The Authorize Attribute is the example of Authorization Filters.
Action Filters: Action Filters can be applied to a controller action method or an entire controller. These filters will
be called before the action method starts executing and after the action method has executed. Action filters
implement the IActionFilter interface that has 2 methods OnActionExecuting and OnActionExecuted.
OnActionExecuting method executes before an action method and gives an opportunity to cancel the Action call
and OnActionExecuted method executes after an action method and gives an opportunity to modify the view data
that a controller action method returns.
Result Filters: These filters contain logic that is executed before and after a view result is executed like if we want
to modify a view result right before the view is rendered to browser. OutputCacheAttribute is an example of Result
Filter and these filters implement IResultFilter interface which contains OnResultExecuting and OnResultExecuted
ExceptionFilters: These filters can be used to handle errors raised by either a controller action methods or action
results i.e., they execute if there are any unhandled exceptions thrown during the execution pipeline. The
HandleErrorAttribute is an example of ExceptionFilters, and they implement IExceptionFilter interface.
List of pre-defined filters provided by ASP.NET MVC:
ChildActionOnly: This filter ensures that an action method can be called only as a child method from a view of
another action method. We tend to use this filter to prevent action methods from being invoked directly and if we
try to do that it will throw an error.
OutputCache: One of the best ways to improve the performance of an ASP.NET MVC Application is by caching.
With the help of caching, we can reduce hosting server and database Server round trips. We can apply
OutputCache Action Filter to achieve caching either on an Action Method or on the whole controller. OutputCache
filter has several properties like CacheProfile, Duration, Location, VaryByParam, VaryByHeader etc.
ValidateInput: Cross Site Scripting (CSS/XSS) attack is very common and is a well-known attack for web
applications, for example a CSS/XSS attack is basically the result of poor form validation. How CSS/XSS attacks work
is at first the hacker does inject some HTML code into a HTML input field and the data along with the HTML tag is
saved to the database. Now, when there is a need to display the data in a user interface then we will get it from
the Database and a legitimate browser will parse it as HTML code. If the hacker then injects a normal HTML string,
then there is no problem at all but if they inject harmful Java Script code from an input field that might steal
valuable information from the user’s computer, but we are very sure that we never want to allow a user to inject a
HTML element through a form. In traditional Web Form applications, we use a form validation script (in Java Script
very often) to validate user’s input whereas in MVC the library has done all the job for us, so we need not validate
or write lengthy code externally. In MVC by default it prevents the HTML element as form data, anyway we can use
the ValidateInput attribute to prevent HTML explicitly in this way: [ValidateInput(true)] which can be used either
on controller or action method.
ValidateAntiForgeryToken: This is a built-in functionality provided by Microsoft which developers often use in their
applications for security purposes i.e., to stop CSRF (Cross Site Request Forgery) from hackers. Cross Site Request
forgery can be defined as, a forgery request, i.e., a fraud or fake request, which comes on an authenticated site
from a cross site and is treated as an authenticated request. For avoiding this situation, Microsoft provides
ValidateAntiForgeryToken functionality which we can use in our application so that no one can hack our site or
invade some critical information.
HandleError: This is an Exception Filters to handle errors in ASP.NET MVC which can be applied over the action
method as well as Controller or at the global level. The HandleError Error filter has a set of properties that are very
useful in handling the exception. This comes under Exception Filter.
ExceptionType: Type of exception to be catch. If this property is not specified, then the HandleError filter
handles all exceptions.
View: Name of the view page for displaying the exception information.
Master: Master View for displaying the exception.
Order: Order in which the action filters are executed. The Order property has an integer value, and it specifies
the priority from 1 to any positive integer value. 1 means highest priority and greater the value of the integer
is, the lower is the priority of the filter.
AllowMultiple: indicates whether more than one instance of error filter attribute can be specified.
Authorize: specifies that access to a controller or action method is restricted to users who meet the authorization
requirement. You can apply the Authorize attribute to individual methods as well as the controller class. If you add
the Authorize attribute to the controller class, then any action methods on the controller will be available only to
authenticated users. The Authorize attribute is inheritable which means that you can add it to a base controller
class of yours and thereby ensure that any methods of the derived controllers are also subject to authentication.
AllowAnonymous: when applied to a method, the AllowAnonymous attribute instructs the ASP.MVC runtime to
accept and process the call even if the caller is not authenticated. The scenario when the AllowAnonymous comes
handy is when you apply Authorize at the class level and then need to enable free access to some methods like
login action method, registration action methods etc. This comes under Authorization Filter.
To test filters, create a new Table in our “MVCDB” Database with the name Customer as following, and
insert some records into the table:
Create Table Customer (Custid Int Primary Key, Name Varchar(50), Balance Money, City Varchar(50), Status Bit
Default 1 Not Null)
Create a new “ASP.NET Web Application” project naming it as “MVCFilters”; choose “Empty Project
Template”, select “MVC” CheckBox and click on “Create” button. First host the Web Application on IIS and then
under Model’s folder add “ADO.NET Entity Data Model” naming it as “TestEF”, choose “EF Designer from
database” (DB First), provide the connection details for our “MVCDB” Database and choose “Department”,
“Employee” and “Customer” tables. Add a controller under Controller’s folder naming it as “HomeController”,
delete existing content under the class and write the code:
using System.Web.UI;
using MVCFilters.Models;
public class HomeController : Controller
MVCDBEntities dc = new MVCDBEntities();
#region OutputCache Filter
public ViewResult DisplayCustomers1()
return View(dc.Customers);
[OutputCache(Duration = 45, Location = OutputCacheLocation.Server)]
public ViewResult DisplayCustomers2()
return View(dc.Customers);
[OutputCache(Duration = 45, Location = OutputCacheLocation.Server, VaryByParam = "City")]
public ViewResult DisplayCustomers3(string City)
return View(from C in dc.Customers where C.City == City select C);
[OutputCache(Duration = 45, Location = OutputCacheLocation.Server, VaryByCustom = "browser")]
public ViewResult DisplayCustomers4()
return View(dc.Customers);
public ViewResult DisplayCustomers5()
return View(dc.Customers);
Emp.Status = true;
return "Record Inserted";
@model IEnumerable<MVCFilters.Models.Employee>
Layout = null;
<table align="center">
<th>@Html.DisplayNameFor(E => E.Eid)</th>
<th>@Html.DisplayNameFor(E => E.Ename)</th>
<th>@Html.DisplayNameFor(E => E.Job)</th>
<th>@Html.DisplayNameFor(E => E.Salary)</th>
<th>@Html.DisplayNameFor(E => E.Status)</th>
@foreach (var Emp in Model)
<td>@Html.DisplayFor(E => Emp.Eid) </td>
<td>@Html.DisplayFor(E => Emp.Ename) </td>
<td>@Html.DisplayFor(E => Emp.Job) </td>
<td align="right">@Html.DisplayFor(E => Emp.Salary) </td>
<td align="center">@Html.CheckBoxFor(E => Emp.Status)</td>
Add a view with the name “DisplayDepts.cshtml”, selecting layout Checkbox and write the below code in
it by deleting the existing code in the file:
@model IEnumerable<MVCFilters.Models.Department>
ViewBag.Title = "Display Depts";
<table border="1" align="center">
<caption>Department Details</caption>
<th>@Html.DisplayNameFor(D => D.Did)</th>
<th>@Html.DisplayNameFor(D => D.Dname)</th>
<th>@Html.DisplayNameFor(D => D.Location)</th>
@foreach (var Dept in Model)
<td>@Html.DisplayFor(D => Dept.Did) </td>
<td>@Html.DisplayFor(D => Dept.Dname) </td>
<td>@Html.DisplayFor(D => Dept.Location) </td>
<td>@Html.Action("DisplayEmpsByDept", new { Did = Dept.Did })</td>
ChildActionOnly: in the above case “DisplayDepts” view is internally invoking “DisplayEmpsByDept” action method
so under each “Department” it will display the “Employees” corresponding to that “Department”. If required we
can also directly call “DisplayEmpsByDept” action method from browser as below and access “Employee” data
corresponding to a particular “Department”.
If we want to restrict accessing the “DisplayEmpsByDept” action method directly from a browser as above
we need to decorate the method with [ChildActionOnly] attribute, so that we are not authorized to call that
method directly and should be invoked only as a child action. To test that go to “HomeController” and add the
“ChildActionOnly” attribute to “DisplayEmpsByDept” action method as following:
public ViewResult DisplayEmpsByDept(int Id)
var Emps = from E in dc.Employees where E.Did == Id select E;
return View(Emps);
Note: now if we try to access “DisplayEmpsByDept” action method directly from a browser we get an error and to
test that try calling the method directly from the browser.
Add a view for “DisplayCustomers1” action method, choosing the layout CheckBox and write the below
code in it by deleting all the existing content in the file:
@model IEnumerable<MVCFilters.Models.Customer>
ViewBag.Title = "Display Customer";
<table align="center" border="1">
<td colspan="5">
<h3 style="text-align:center">Request Processed Time: @DateTime.Now.ToString("T")</h3></td>
<th>@Html.DisplayNameFor(C => C.Custid)</th>
<th>@Html.DisplayNameFor(C => C.Name)</th>
<th>@Html.DisplayNameFor(C => C.Balance)</th>
<th>@Html.DisplayNameFor(C => C.City)</th>
<th>@Html.DisplayNameFor(C => C.Status)</th>
@foreach (var Customer in Model)
<td>@Html.DisplayFor(C => Customer.Custid)</td>
<td>@Html.DisplayFor(C => Customer.Name)</td>
<td align="right">@Html.DisplayFor(C => Customer.Balance)</td>
<td>@Html.DisplayFor(C => Customer.City)</td>
@if (Customer.Status == true)
<td>In-Active </td>
Note: same as the above create views for the remaining 4 “DisplayCustomers” action methods also with the same
OutputCache: in the above case “DisplayCustomers1” is not cached, so whenever we refresh the View the
Processed Time on top of the view will change which provides clarity for us that every time the View is refreshed
the page gets re-processed. Rest of the 3 “DisplayCustomers” action methods are cached for “45” seconds because
we specified that in the “Duration” property, so in that time period if a new request is sent to those action
methods it will display the cached output of the View only without processing the whole View again and again.
Location attribute is used on “DisplayCustomers2” action method to specify the cache copy should be
created on the server because the default value is “Any” and in this case server decides where to store the cache
copy, but when changed to Server then cache copy will be stored on the Server Machine only.
VaryByParam attribute is used on “DisplayCustomers3” action method to specify that there should be a
separate cache copy created for each parameter value that is sent to the “City” attribute.
VaryByCustom attribute is used on “DisplayCustomers4” action method to specify that there should be a
separate cache copy created for each type of browser i.e., 1 copy for Edge and 1 copy for IE, etc.
Without specifying cache details on the top of an action method we can use “CacheProfiles” i.e., by
storing the details of cache under “Web.config” file and then we can use them on action methods.
To test this, go to “Web.config” file and write the following code under <system.web> tag:
<add name="MyCacheProfile" duration="45" />
Now on the top of “DisplayCustomers5” action method specify the “Cache Profile” details as following:
[OutputCache(CacheProfile = "MyCacheProfile") ]
public ViewResult DisplayCustomers5()
Add a View to “GetComments” action method, choosing the layout CheckBox and write the below code in it:
@Html.Label("Comments:")<br />@Html.TextArea("txtComments")
<input type="submit" value="Submit" name="btnComment" />
ValidateInput: Run the above view, enter some input into the TextArea and click on the “Submit” button which will
display the output on browser. Whereas if we try to enter the comments with any Html tags, for example
“<b>Hello World</b>” we get an error as following: “A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected
from the client (txtComments="<b>Hello</b>").”, because by default “ValidateInput” filters value is “true” only
which will not allow any Html Elements, whereas if we want to allow Html Elements as input then set the
“ValidateInput” filter value as “false” for “GetComments” Post action method as following:
[HttpPost, ValidateInput(false)]
public string GetComments(string txtComments)
Add a View to “AddEmployee” action method choosing the layout CheckBox and write the below code in it:
@model MVCFilters.Models.Employee
@using (Html.BeginForm())
<div>@Html.LabelFor(E => E.Ename)<br />@Html.TextBoxFor(E => E.Ename)</div>
<div>@Html.LabelFor(E => E.Job)<br />@Html.TextBoxFor(E => E.Job)</div>
<div>@Html.LabelFor(E => E.Salary)<br />@Html.TextBoxFor(E => E.Salary)</div>
<div>@Html.LabelFor(E => E.Did)<br />@Html.TextBoxFor(E => E.Did)</div>
<input type="submit" value="Save" name="btnSave" />
<input type="reset" value="Reset" />
ValidateAntiForgeryToken: run the above view to add a new Employee. The problem in the above is if we use the
“View Page Source” option of browser, copy the content from <form> to </form> tag, paste it in a new file and
change the “action” attribute value of <form> tag from “MVCFilters/Home/AddEmployee” to
http://localhost/MVCFilters/Home/AddEmployee, save the file as “AddEmployee.html” and when we open the
“AddEmployee.html” file in browser using it’s physical path and try to add a new Employee, still it adds a record
into the table. To restrict this, we need to use the “ValidateAntiForgeryToken” filter and to test it do the following:
Step 2: in “AddEmployee.cshtml” file write “@Html.AntiForgeryToken()” statement inside the “<form>” tag, so
that if anyone copies the source code and try to use it for adding a new record i.e., same as we discussed above
will not be able to invoke the action method to add a record into the table.
Add a view to “DivideNums” action method choosing the layout CheckBox and write the below code in it:
@using (Html.BeginForm())
<div>@Html.Label("Enter 1st Number: ")<br />@Html.TextBox("num1")</div>
<div>@Html.Label("Enter 2nd Number: ")<br />@Html.TextBox("num2")</div>
<input type="submit" value="Divide" name="btnDiv" />
<input type="reset" value="Reset" />
HandleError: in the above view if we give the value of 2nd number as zero or enter any non-integer values in both
Textbox’s or if the entered integer value is beyond the size of an integer, Exception gets raised in the program and
display the error details on browser screen. To avoid the problem of displaying error details of the “Exception” on-
screen do the following:
Step 1: add a view in Shared folder of views with the name “Error.cshtml” without choosing a layout and write the
below code under its “<div>” tag:
<h1 style="background-color:lightgoldenrodyellow;color:orangered;text-align:center;text-decoration:underline">
Error Page
<h3>An error occurred while processing your request. Re-check your input or contact customer support.</h3>
Step 2: go to “Web.config” file and “On” the “custom errors” option by writing the following code under
“<system.web>” tag:
<customErrors mode="On">
Step 3: now in the HomeController class re-write the “DivideNums” HttpPost method as below:
[HttpPost, HandleError]
public string DivideNums(int num1, int num2)
Now if we get any Internal Server Errors (Exceptions) in “DivideNums” methods, it will automatically
redirect to “Error.cshtml”.
For the above action method, we have not created any view, so if we try to call this action method from a
browser it will raise an error and redirect to “Error.cshtml” view only because we have decorated the method with
“HandleError” attribute.
Now if we try to call any action method which is not existing in the application then we get an “on screen
error” again without displaying “Error.cshtml” with Http Status Code 404 because currently “HandleError” attribute
will handle only the errors with Status Code 5XX series only i.e., Internal Server Errors or Exceptions, whereas if we
want to handle client errors with their appropriate “Http Status Codes” do the following:
Step 1: add a new controller in Controller’s folder naming it as ErrorController and write the below code in it:
public class ErrorController : Controller
public ActionResult BadRequest()
return View();
public ActionResult Unauthorized()
return View();
public ActionResult PaymentRequired()
return View();
public ActionResult Forbidden()
return View();
public ActionResult NotFound()
return View();
Step 2: now under Shared folder of Views folder, add a new view naming it as “NotFound.cshtml” without
choosing a layout and write the below code under the “<div>” tag:
<h1 style="background-color:lightgoldenrodyellow;color:orangered;text-align:center;text-decoration:underline">
Page Not Found
<h3>The requested page is either not available or moved to a different location or it's under construction or
Step 3: now go to “Web.config” file and re-write the custom errors element as following:
<customErrors mode="On">
<error statusCode="400" redirect="~/Error/BadRequest"/>
<error statusCode="401" redirect="~/Error/Unauthorized"/>
<error statusCode="402" redirect="~/Error/PaymentRequired"/>
<error statusCode="403" redirect="~/Error/Forbidden"/>
<error statusCode="404" redirect="~/Error/NotFound"/>
Note: same as the above we add a separate error page for each Http Status Code as per your requirements.
Handling Errors Controller Level: in the above case to handle errors we are applying “HandleError” attribute for
each Action method and without doing that we can apply “HandleError” attribute directly on the Controller class
so that it applies to all Action methods under that Controller and to test that delete “HandleError” attribute we
have used on “Http Post” action method of “DivideNums” and “ShowView” Action method, and then use it on the
Controller class i.e., “HomeController” as following:
public class HomeController : Controller
Handling Errors Globally: in the above approach we are applying “HandleError” attribute on Controller class which
must be done on every Controller in the project to handle the errors. To avoid this, we can apply filters globally to
the whole application or project and to do that do the following:
Step 1: Add a Code File under “App_Start” folder, naming it as “FilterConfig.cs” and write the below code in it:
using System.Web.Mvc;
namespace MVCFilters
public class FilterConfig
public static void RegisterGlobalFilters(GlobalFilterCollection filters)
filters.Add(new HandleErrorAttribute());
Step 2: go to “Global.asax.cs” file in the project and write the below statement in “Application_Start” method:
Note: with the above action, errors that occur in all the action methods of all the controllers get handled.
Authentication and Authorization: Authentication is the process of obtaining identification credentials such as
username (Id) and password from a user and validating those credentials against some authority. If the credentials
are valid, the user that submitted the credentials is considered an authenticated user. Once the user has been
authenticated, the authorization process determines whether that user has access to a resource or not.
Anonymous Authentication: This gives users access to the public areas of our Application without asking them for
a username or password. By default, the “IUSR” account, which was introduced in IIS 7.0, is used to allow
anonymous access. By default, IIS uses Anonymous authentication for every Application. To test this, open “IIS
Manager” and in the LHS we find “Connections Panel” and under that we find the “Server Name” (which will be
same as our computer name), expand it and under that we find a node “Sites”, expand it and under that we find a
node “Default Web Site”, expand it and under that we find our project “MVCFilters” (because we hosted it in IIS
from our Visual Studio by creating a Virtual Directory), select it and then in the RHS we find “Authentication” icon,
click on it which display the various authentication modes available and under that we can see “Anonymous
Authentication” is enabled. Right click on the “Anonymous Authentication” and select “Edit” which display the user
account i.e., “IUSR” which is used for “Anonymous Authentication” as below:
Windows Authentication: we use Windows authentication when our “IIS Server” runs on a corporate network that
is using Microsoft Active Directory service domain identities or other Windows accounts to identify users. Windows
Authentication is a secure form of Authentication because the username and password are hashed before being
sent across the network. When you enable Windows Authentication, the client browser sends a strongly hashed
version of the password in a cryptographic exchange to the Web Server. This Authentication mode is best suitable
for Intranet Applications.
Implementing Windows Authentication using Authorize Attribute: Create a new “ASP.NET Web Application”
project, naming it as “MVCAppWithWindowsAuth”, choose Empty Project Template, select “MVC CheckBox” and
click on the “Create Button”. Now host the project under IIS by creating a Virtual Directory and then open IIS
Manager select our “MVCAppWithWindowsAuth” project under the “Default Web Site” and now on the RHS select
the option “Authentication” will displays Authentication options and in that if you notice “Anonymous
Authentication” is enabled by default, so right click on it and select the option “Disable” and then right click on the
“Windows Authentication” and select the option “Enable” because by default it is “Disabled”.
Add a controller under Controller’s folder naming it as HomeController, add a view to Index action
method choosing a layout, delete the existing content in it and write the below code over there:
Add another 2 controllers under the Controllers folder with the names “ManagerController” and
“StaffController”, delete the existing Index Action method under the classes and write the below code in the 2 new
controller classes:
public class ManagerController : Controller
public ActionResult Home()
return View();
public ActionResult Help()
return View();
public class StaffController : Controller
public ActionResult Home()
return View();
public ActionResult Help()
return View();
Now add views to all the above action methods, choosing a layout and write the following code under
them by deleting the existing code in it:
Now run Home Controller’s Index Action method which will display links for navigating to Manager Home
Page, Manager Help Page, Staff Home Page and Staff Help Page, and once we click on any link those pages get
opened without any restrictions because currently the site is running in Anonymous Authentication whereas if we
want Manager Home Page to be accessible only to Manager’s and Staff Home Page to be accessible only to Staff,
we can do that by using “Authorize” filter.
To do that first we need to create new user accounts on our machine and to create new user accounts do
the following, open “Computer Management” window and in that we find “Local Users and Groups” in LHS,
expand it and select Users which display users on your computer. To create a new user account right click on
“Users” and select “New User” option which opens a window and in that enter “UserName”, “Password” and
“Confirm Password” values, uncheck the CheckBox “User must change password at next logon” and check the
CheckBox’s “User cannot change password” and “Password never expires”, and then click “Create” button to
create the user. Follow this process and create 6 new user accounts with the name Manager1, Manager2, Staff1,
Staff2, Staff3, Staff4, Staff5 and Staff6.
Now go to ManagerController class and use Authorize attribute on Home Action method as following:
[Authorize(Users = "Server\\Manager1, Server\\Manager2")]
public ActionResult Home()
Same as above go to StaffController class and use Authorize attribute on Home Action method as following:
[Authorize(Users = "Server\\Staff1, Server\\Staff2, Server\\Staff3, Server\\Staff4, Server\\Staff5, Server\\Staff6")]
public ActionResult Home()
Note: in the above case Server is my machine name and same as that you need to write your machine name there.
Now use the switch user option in your machine, log in by using any new user account and based on the
user you have logged in those Index Action Methods will be accessible whereas rest of other Action Methods in the
controller will run in Anonymous Authentication.
Applying Authorize Filter - Controller Level: if required we can use Authorize Filter Controller level and in that case
all the Action Methods of that controller will be accessible to valid users only and we do that as following:
Allowing Anonymous Authentication to some Action Methods in case we apply Authorize Filter Controller level:
when we apply Authorize Filter in controller level all action methods in that controller will be running under
Authentication Mode and if we want any action method to be running in Anonymous Authentication mode we
need to use “AllowAnonymous” filter on those Action Methods. In our above example we want Help Action
Methods of ManagerController and StaffController to run in Anonymous Authentication and to do that add
“AllowAnonymous” attribute to those methods in both controllers as following:
public ActionResult Help()
Role Based Authentication: in the above case we have given authentication to users by specifying their names in a
comma-separated list but if at all we have multiple users like 5 Managers and 20 Staff Members we need to specify
the complete list of members under Authorize Filter and to avoid this we have an option of Role Based
User Groups: under the Operating System apart from Users we also find Groups and to check this open “Computer
Management” window, expand “Local Users and Groups” option which displays Users and Groups below, when we
select users, it displays existing users and when we select groups’ displays existing groups. Every group is a
collection of users and every user must be members of some group, to check this, select users, double click on any
username which displays a window “Administrator Properties” and in that we find a tab “Member Of” click on it
which displays the list of groups to which this user belongs to and these groups are what we call as roles in our
MVC Applications.
We can also create our own groups or roles under O.S. and to do that right click on Groups, select “New
Group” which opens a Window, enter group name in it as “ManagerGroup”, click on “Add” button which opens a
window in that under the last TextBox enter “Manager1” click “Check Names” button which displays
“ComputerName\Manager1” and repeat the same process to add “Manager2” also to this group. Now follow the
same process to create “StaffGroup” and add the 6 Staff members to this group.
Now replace “Users” property under Authorize filter to “Roles” and specify the role name which should be
as below for ManagerController and StaffController:
[Authorize(Roles = "ManagerGroup")]
public class ManagerController : Controller
[Authorize(Roles = "StaffGroup")]
public class StaffController : Controller
Custom Filters:
In MVC, filters are used to inject logic at different levels of request processing and allow us to share logics
across Controllers and Action Methods. We are provided with various filters in MVC which we have used above
and apart from that we can also create our own filters to implement logic at various levels and we call them as
“Custom Filters”. We write custom filters for various reasons, like logging or for saving data to a Database before
any action execution or we could also create a filter for fetching data from the Database and setting them as global
values of our application. For example, let’s say we want to run security logic or a logging logic across the
controllers, and to do so; we can write a filter containing those logics and enable them across all controllers. When
we enable a filter across all controllers or actions, the filter executes on all upcoming HTTP requests. As discussed
earlier, in ASP.NET MVC we have 5 types of filters and the sequence of running those filters is as follows:
The Authentication filter runs before any other filter or action method.
The Authorization filter runs after the Authentication filter and before any other filter or action method.
The Action filter runs before and after any action method.
The Result filter runs before and after execution of any action result.
The Exception filter runs only if filters or action methods or action results throw an exception.
The below diagram, explains the sequence of filter execution as shown below:
To create a custom filter, we need to perform the following tasks:
Define a class inheriting from the pre-defined class “FilterAttribute” class.
Override any of the methods that are present in “FilterAttribute” class as per our requirements (optional).
Implement any of the 5 filter “Interfaces” based on the type of Filter we are implementing, for example if we
are implementing Authentication Filters, we should implement IAuthenticationFilter interface and if we are
implementing Authorization Filters, we should implement IAuthorizationFilter interface and so on.
Apply the new filter on the Controller class or Action method where we want to use it.
Right now, we can run the Index View or any other Views in the site directly because Anonymous
Authentication is enabled, but if we want to implement Forms Authentication, so that only Registered Users can
access the pages in site, we need to do that by following the below process:
Create Table Users (UserId Varchar(20) Primary Key, Name Varchar(50), Password Varchar(16), Email Varchar(50),
Mobile Varchar(10), Status Bit Not Null Default 1)
Step 2: add Ado.Net Entity Data Model (DB First) in the “Models” folder naming it as “TestEF”, choose “EF Designer
from database” (DB First), provide the connection details for our “MVCDB” Database and choose “Users” table
which will create the necessary classes for working with data and here the Model class representing “Users” table
will be having the name as “User”.
Step 3: now we need to design Register and Login forms which requires data validations and to validate the data
we need to use data annotations. To do that let’s define 2 new classes “RegisterModel” and “LoginModel”, and
apply data annotations on those classes, so that we can use those classes for designing the Views by performing
Model Binding and we call this as MVVM (Model View – View Model) architecture.
Add 2 new classes in Model’s folder naming them as “RegisterModel.cs” and “LoginModel.cs” and write
the below code under the 2 classes:
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
public class RegisterModel
[Required(ErrorMessage = "Can't leave the field empty.")]
[RegularExpression("[A-Za-z0-9]{6,20}", ErrorMessage = "User Id value is invalid.")]
public string UserId { get; set; }
[Required(ErrorMessage = "Can't leave the field empty.")]
[RegularExpression("[A-Za-z\\s]{3,50}", ErrorMessage = "Name value is invalid.")]
public string Name { get; set; }
[Required(ErrorMessage = "Can't leave the field empty.")]
[RegularExpression("[A-Z]{1}[a-z0-9@#$%_-]{7,15}", ErrorMessage = "Password is invalid.")]
public string Password { get; set; }
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
public class LoginModel
[Display(Name = "User Id")]
[Required(ErrorMessage = "Can't leave the field empty.")]
[RegularExpression("[A-Za-z0-9]{6,20}", ErrorMessage = "User Id value is invalid.")]
public string UserId { get; set; }
[Required(ErrorMessage = "Can't leave the field empty.")]
[RegularExpression("[A-Z]{1}[a-z0-9@#$%_-]{7,16}", ErrorMessage = "Password is invalid.")]
public string Password { get; set; }
Step 4: add a new Controller under Controller’s folder naming it as “AccountController” and write the below code
in it by deleting all the existing code under the class:
using MVCAppWithFormsAuth.Models;
public class AccountController : Controller
MVCDBEntities dc = new MVCDBEntities();
public ViewResult Register()
return View();
[HttpPost, ValidateAntiForgeryToken]
public ActionResult Register(RegisterModel model)
if (!ModelState.IsValid)
return View(model);
User user = new User { UserId = model.UserId, Name = model.Name, Password = model.Password,
Email = model.Email, Mobile=model.Mobile, Status = true };
return RedirectToAction("Login");
public ViewResult Login()
return View();
[HttpPost, ValidateAntiForgeryToken]
public ActionResult Login(LoginModel model)
if (!ModelState.IsValid)
return View(model);
var user = from u in dc.Users where u.UserId == model.UserId && u.Password == model.Password &&
u.Status == true select u;
if(user.Count() == 0)
ModelState.AddModelError("", "Invalid Credentials");
return View(model);
Session["UserKey"] = Guid.NewGuid();
return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home");
Step 5: Add a view to Registration Action method by choosing “Create” under “Template:” DropDownList,
“RegisterModel (MVCAppWithFormsAuth.Models)” under “Model class:” DropDownList, uncheck all the
CheckBox’s on the screen and click on “Add” button:
Same as the above add a View to Login Action method by choosing “Create” under “Template:”
DropDownList, “LoginModel (MVCAppWithFormsAuth.Models)” under “Model class:” DropDownList, uncheck all
the CheckBox’s on the screen and click on “Add” Button:
Now we can create new user accounts by using “Register View” and login into the application by using
“Login View” and once we successfully login, it will take to “HomeController’s - Index Page”, but we can open this
Page even by directly calling it also because, right now we did not apply “Authentication” in our application.
Step 6: to apply Authentication let us define a custom “Authentication Filter” class under the Project. To do that,
first add a new folder under the project naming it as “Filters” and under that folder add a class naming it as
“AuthenticateFilter.cs” and write the following under the class:
using System.Web.Mvc;
using System.Web.Mvc.Filters;
public class AuthenticateFilter : FilterAttribute, IAuthenticationFilter
public void OnAuthentication(AuthenticationContext filterContext)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Convert.ToString(filterContext.HttpContext.Session["UserKey"])))
filterContext.Result = new HttpUnauthorizedResult();
public void OnAuthenticationChallenge(AuthenticationChallengeContext filterContext)
if (filterContext.Result == null || filterContext.Result is HttpUnauthorizedResult)
filterContext.Result = new RedirectResult("~/Account/Login");
Note: as explained above every filter should inherit from “FilterAttribute” class and implement any of the 5 pre-
defined filter Interfaces based on the type of filter we want to implement. In the current context we are
implementing an Authentication Filter, so we need to implement “IAuthenticationFilter” interface and write the
logic for the 2 abstract methods of the interface and those are: “OnAuthentication” and
Step 7: now go to “HomeController.cs” file and apply the “AuthenticateFilter” attribute on the class so that
Authentication comes into picture when we try to access the Action methods of “HomeController” class and to
that first import the namespace “MVCAppWithFormsAuth.Filters” and then apply the filter on “HomeController”
class as following:
public class HomeController : Controller
From now when we try to access any Action Method of “Home Controller”, first “AuthenticateFilter” class
will check whether the “User” has a “UserKey” value which we have given on successful login to each User by
storing it in a Session. If that “UserKey” value is missing then it will redirect the User to “Login View” of “Account
Controller”, so that unless and until a user is logged in to the application he/she can’t access any page of “Home
Note: If we want to apply this behavior to all the other Controllers in our Application, use the “AuthenticateFilter”
attribute on all the Controller Classes in the project except on “Account Controller” class.
Ajax and JQuery
Ajax stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML is a web development technique using many web
technologies on the client side to create asynchronous web applications. With Ajax, Web Pages can send and
retrieve data from a server asynchronously (in the background) without interfering with the display and behavior
of the existing page. By de-coupling the data interchange layer from the presentation layer, Ajax allows web pages
to change content dynamically without the need to reload the entire page.
Ajax is not a single technology but rather a group of technologies like HTML and CSS are used in
combination, to mark up and style the information. The Web Page will be modified by Java Script to dynamically
display and allow the user to interact with the new information. The built-in “XMLHttpRequest” object within Java
Script is used to execute Ajax on Web Pages allowing Web Applications to load content on to the screen without
refreshing the page. XML or JSON are used for inter-change of the data. Ajax is not a new technology, or different
language, just existing technologies used in new ways.
Note: different browsers implement the Ajax differently that means if you’re adopting the typical Java Script way
to implement the Ajax you must write different code for different browsers to ensure that Ajax would work cross-
browser. But fortunately, JQuery simplifies the process of implementing Ajax by taking care of those browser
differences. It offers simple methods such as load(), $.get(), $.post(), etc. to implement the Ajax that works
seamlessly across all the browsers. XML is commonly used as the format for receiving server data, although any
format, including plain text, can be used. In practice, modern implementations commonly utilize JSON instead of
XML due to the advantage of JSON being native to Java Script.
To work with Ajax and JQuery, create a new “ASP.NET Web Application” project, naming it as
“MVCAppUsingAjax”, choose “Empty Project Template”, select MVC - Check Box and click on the Create - Button.
Add a folder under the project naming it as “Matches”, add an “XML File” under this folder naming it as
“Score.xml” and write the following code in it:
<Score>Match starts at 7:00 PM IST</Score>
To work with JQuery, we need to install the JQuery plug-in in our project and to do that open “Nuget
Package Manager”, search for “JQuery” and install “jQuery by jQuery Foundation, Inc.,” (current version is 3.6.3),
which will add a new folder under the project with the name Scripts and installs all the JQuery files into the folder.
Add a Controller in Controller’s folder naming it as “HomeController” and write the below code in the class:
using System.Xml.Linq; //For using LINQ to XML
public string GetScore()
//Gets the physical path of the file for the given virtual path
string physicalPath = Server.MapPath("~/Matches/Score.xml");
//Loads the XML file into the application from the specified location
var doc = XElement.Load(physicalPath);
//Reads the value or content of “Score” element from the xml file which is loaded
string score = doc.Element("Score").Value;
return score;
Now add a view to “Index” action method without choosing any layout and drag & drop the JQuery file
“jquery-3.6.3.min.js” from “Scripts” folder into the head section and write the below code under “<body>” tag by
deleting the existing “<div>” tag in it:
<body onload="LoadData()">
<div style="background-color:lightgreen;color:blueviolet">
Date & Time: @DateTime.Now.ToString()
<div style="background-color:yellow;color:red">
<marquee id="m1" behavior="alternate">Match will start by 8:00 P.M. today.</marquee>
<div style="background-color:coral;color:chartreuse">
Date & Time: @DateTime.Now.ToString()
function LoadData()
url: "/Home/GetScore",
type: "get",
cache: false,
success: F1,
error: F2
window.setTimeout("LoadData()", 1000);
function F1(responseString)
function F2()
window.alert("Error in server.");
Now run the Index View and watch the output which will display the current score value that is present
inside of “<Score>” element under the XML file and whenever we change the value under “<Score>” element it will
automatically display the modified score value with-in the “<marquee>” element of the page, because we have
called the “setTimeout” function with an interval of 1 second (1000 MilliSeconds) and all this happens behind the
screen without submitting the page to server, by Ajax.
Implementing Auto-Complete TextBox using Ajax and JQuery: Add “ADO.NET Entity Data Model” item under
Model’s folder of our previous project i.e., “MVCAppUsingAjax”, naming it as “TestEF”, choose “EF Designer from
database”, configure it with “Northwind” Database and choose the table “Products”. Add a controller under
Controller’s folder naming it as “ProductController” and write the below code in it:
using MVCAppUsingAjax.Models;
public class ProductController : Controller
NorthwindEntities dc = new NorthwindEntities();
public ViewResult DisplayProducts()
return View(dc.Products);
public ViewResult SearchProduct(string SearchTerm)
List<Product> Products;
if (SearchTerm.Trim().Length == 0)
Products = dc.Products.ToList();
//You can implement the Query in any of the below 2 ways:
Products = (from p in dc.Products where p.ProductName.Contains(SearchTerm) select p).ToList();
Products = dc.Products.Where(P => P.ProductName.Contains(SearchTerm)).ToList();
return View("DisplayProducts", Products);
public JsonResult GetProducts(string term)
List<string> Products = dc.Products.Where(
P => P.ProductName.StartsWith(term)).Select(P => P.ProductName).ToList();
return Json(Products, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
Drag and drop the below “CSS” and “JS” files under the <head> tag:
<script src="~/Scripts/jquery-3.6.0.min.js"></script>
<script src="~/Scripts/jquery-ui-1.13.2.min.js"></script>
<link href="~/Content/themes/ui-darkness/jquery.ui.theme.css" rel="stylesheet" />
Write the below logic for “AutoComplete” within the <head> tag:
$(function () {
source: '@Url.Action("GetProducts")'
ASP.NET Web API (Application Programming Interface) is a framework for building HTTP Services that can
be accessed from any client including browsers, desktops, and mobile devices. It is an ideal platform for building
“Restful Applications” on the .NET Framework.
In computer programming, an API is a set of sub-routines (methods) definitions, protocols, and tools for
building software and applications. Putting in simple terms, API is an interface which has a set of methods that
allow programmers to access specific features or data of an application, operating system, or other services.
Web API as the name suggests, is an API over the Web which can be accessed using HTTP protocol. It is a
concept and not a technology. We can build Web API using different technologies such as Java, .NET, Python etc.
For example, Twitter’s REST API’s provide programmatic access to read and write data using which we can
integrate twitter's capabilities into our own application.
The ASP.NET Web API is an extensible framework for building HTTP based services that can be accessed in
different applications on different platforms such as Web, Windows, and Mobile etc. It works the same way as an
ASP.NET MVC Web Application except that it sends Data as a response instead of Views. It is like a Web Service or
WCF Service, but the exception is that it only supports HTTP Protocol.
Background of Web API: Connectivity between applications is a very important aspect from a business applications
perspective. Nowadays there are a lot of mobile applications and single page applications are being created and
such applications needs a strong service end that can provide these applications with the data and CRUD
operations on the data.
SOAP and ASP.NET Web Services: Traditionally, Web Services using SOAP and XML provided a great way of
creating connected web applications. SOAP is a standard XML based protocol that communicates over HTTP. We
can think of SOAP as message format for sending messages between applications using XML. It is independent of
technology, platform, and language too. ASP.NET Web Services provided an excellent way of creating SOAP based
Web Services.
Problems with SOAP and Web Services: SOAP offered an excellent way of transferring the data between the
applications, but the problem with SOAP was that along with data a lot of other Metadata also needs to get
transferred with each request and response. This extra information is needed to find out the capabilities of the
service and other Meta data related to the data that is being transferred coming from the server. This makes the
payload heavy even for small data. Also, Web services needed the clients to create the proxy on their end. These
proxies will do the marshaling and un-marshaling of SOAP WSDL and make the communication between the
application and the web service possible. The problem with this proxy is that if the service is updated and the
proxy on the client is not, then the application might behave incorrectly.
Introduction of REST: REST stands for Representational State Transfer. This is a protocol for exchanging data over a
distributed environment. The main idea behind REST is that we should treat our services as resources, and we
should be able to use simple HTTP Protocols to perform various operations on that resource. For example, when
we talk about the Database as a resource, we usually talk in terms of CRUD operations i.e., Create (Insert), Retrieve
(Select), Update and Delete. Now the philosophy of REST is that for a remote resource all these operations should
be possible, and they should be possible using simple HTTP Protocols. Now the basic CRUD operations are mapped
to the HTTP Protocols in the following manner:
GET: this map to the R (Retrieve) part of the CRUD operation. This will be used to retrieve the required data from
the remote resource.
POST: this map to the C (Create) part of the CRUD operation. This will create a new entry for the current data that
is being sent to the server.
PUT: This map to the U (Update) part of the CRUD operation. This protocol will update the current representation
of the data on the remote server.
DELETE: This map to the D (Delete) part of the CRUD operation. This will delete the specified data from the remote
Let’s take a simple example of some remote resource that contains a Database for list of movies and the
list of movies can be retrieved using a URL like:
To retrieve any specific movie, let’s think there is some ID for each movie that we can use to retrieve the
movie; the possible URL might look like:
Since these are GET requests, data can only be retrieved from the server. To perform other operations, if
we use similar URI structure with PUT, POST or DELETE operation, we should be able to create, update and delete
the resource from server. Now if we compare REST API with SOAP, we can understand the benefits of REST like:
Firstly, only the data will be traveling to-and-fro from the server because the capabilities of the service are
mapped to the URIs and Protocols.
Secondly, there is no need to have a Proxy at the client end because its only data that is coming and the
application can directly receive and process the data.
WCF REST Services: Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) came into existence much later than the Web
Service. It provided a much secure and mature way of creating the services to achieve whatever we were not able
to achieve using traditional Web Services, i.e., other protocols support and even duplex communication. With
WCF, we can define our service once and then configure it in such a way that it can be used via HTTP, TCP, IPC, and
even Message Queues. We can even configure WCF Services to create REST Services too i.e., WCF REST Services.
The problem with using WCF Restful Services is that we need to do a lot of configurations in a WCF Service
to make it a Restful Service. WCF is suited for scenarios where we want to create a service that should support
special action such as one way messaging, message queues, duplex communication or the services that need to
conform to WS* specifications, whereas using WCF for creating restful services, that will provide fully resource-
oriented services over HTTP is a little complex. Still WCF is the only option for creating the Restful services if there
is a limitation of using .NET 3.5 Framework.
Evolution of Web API: To overcome the above problems, Microsoft came up with ASP.NET Web API to facilitate
the creation of Restful Services that can provide fully resource-oriented services for broad range of clients
including desktops, browsers, mobiles, and tablets. ASP.NET Web API is a framework for building REST Services
easily and in a rather simple way.
Creating a Web API Service: Create a new “ASP.Net Web Application” project naming it as “WebApiService”,
choose “Empty Project Template”, select “Web Api” CheckBox (which adds all the folders and references for
working with Web Api) and click on the “Create” Button.
Note: the folder structure here also will be same as the folder structure of an MVC Project like Controllers, Models
etc., but her we will not have View’s folder.
Adding a Web Api Controller: to add a Web Api Controller, right click on the Controllers folder and select the
option Add => Controller and in the window opened, select “Web Api” in the LHS and then select “Web Api 2
Controller - Empty” in RHS and name it as “TestController” which adds a Controller under the project, but this
controller class inherits from “ApiController” which is present under the namespace “System.Web.Http”. Write the
below code in “TestController” class:
//Responds for Put (Update) request
public void Put(int id, [FromBody] string color)
Colors[id] = color;
//Responds for Delete (Delete) request
public void Delete(int id)
Run the project which will display the Uri http://localhost:port in the browser address bar, add
“/Api/Test” to it in the last, which will display all the Colors on the browser in XML Format, because by default
every browser will be sending a “Get” request to the Server, so Get method got executed displaying all the colors.
If we add “/3” after “Test” then also “Get” method only gets executed but the “Get” method which takes “Id” as a
parameter will execute and displays a single color in XML format.
If we want to test Post, Put and Delete methods we need to use any Web Debugging Tool like Fiddler,
Postman, etc., so let’s use Fiddler and to do that first install “Fiddler.exe” by downloading it from the following
Working with Fiddler: To test all the operations of our Web Api Service using Fiddler, first host the application on
IIS Web Server, then launch Fiddler and run the service with this URL: http://localhost/WebApiService/Api/Test in
any browser which will display the output on browser, as well as this is recorded by fiddler also. To test that go to
Fiddler and watch in the LHS there you can find your request, when we double click on it, will display information
about the request on the RHS and right now the response is in XML Format. If we want to get the output in JSon
format, click on the Composer tab on the top and this page is used to compose a new request, there we find a
Dropdown displaying GET and beside that we find a TextBox, drag and drop the URL from the LHS List into the
TextBox and click on Execute button which will execute the service and if we want to view the results, click on the
URL in LHS window and now also the output will be in XML format only. To change the output to JSon format, in
the composer tab below the TextBox where we entered the URL we find another TextBox displaying various
Headers information and in that we find a Header Accept: and the value of this header will be something like:
“text/html,.....” which should be changed to text/json and click on Execute button again which will now get the
output in JSon format.
Testing Post Method: post means insert or add, and to test this go to Composer tab, and in the drop-down change
GET to POST which will display a TextBox below with the caption Request Body and in that enter the value we want
to add in quotes, for example lets enter the value as “Black” (Data should be in double quotes) and click on
execute button which gives an error Unsupported Media Type and to view details of the error double click on the
URL in LHS. To fix the error go to Composer tab again and in the TextBox, which is present below the drop down
and address bar will be showing some values in it, add this statement in the last: Content-Type: application/json
and execute which will insert the record and to check the output change POST to GET in drop-down, delete the
content in Request Body TextBox and click on Execute button again.
Note: If we want to test Put (Update) and Delete we need to make setting in Web.config file because when the
application is hosted on IIS, it will not support Put and Delete actions and to resolve this problem do the following:
Step 1: go to Web.config file and there we find a node <system.webServer> and under that we find <handlers>
node, write the following statement inside of that <handlers> node:
<remove name="WebDAV" />
Step 2: now under <system.webServer> if you find <modules> node, add the following under it:
<remove name="WebDAVModule"/>
Or else add the following:
<modules> <remove name="WebDAVModule"/> </modules>
Testing Put Method: to test Put or Update, go to Composer tab and in the drop-down change GET to PUT. To
update a value we need to the key to refer to the item we want to update and in our case Index is the key, so let’s
update the 3rd item in the List which means index 2 and to do that add “/2” to the URL in the address bar which
should now look as following: http://localhost/WebApiService/Api/Test/2 and in the Request Body TextBox enter a
value we want to update, for example lets enter the value as “Yellow” (Data should be in double quotes) and click
on execute button which will update the record and to check the output change PUT to GET in drop down, delete
the content in Request Body TextBox and also delete “/2” in the URL and click on the Execute button again.
Testing Delete Method: to test Delete go to Composer tab, and in the drop-down change GET to Delete. To delete
a value also we need to the key to refer to the item we want to delete and in our case Index is the key, so let’s
delete the 4th item in the List which means index 3 and to do that add “/3” to the URL in the address bar which
should now look as following: http://localhost/WebApiService/Api/Test/3 and click on the Execute button which
will Delete the record and to check the output change Delete to GET in drop-down and also delete “/3” in the URL
and click on the Execute button again.
Developing a Web Api Service to perform CRUD Operations with Database: under the Models folder add
“Ado.Net Entity Data Model”, naming it as “TestEF” and choose “EF Designer from database” => Configure it with
our “MVCDB” database and choose the “Customer” Table. Add a new “Web Api 2 Controller - Empty” under the
project naming it as “CustomerController” and write the below code in the class:
using System.Data.Entity;
using WebApiService.Models;
public class CustomerController : ApiController
MVCDBEntities dc = new MVCDBEntities();
public List<Customer> Get()
return dc.Customers.ToList();
public Customer Get(int id)
return dc.Customers.Find(id);
public HttpResponseMessage Post(Customer c)
c.Status = true;
return new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.Created);
catch (Exception)
throw new HttpResponseException(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError);
public HttpResponseMessage Put(Customer c)
Customer obj = dc.Customers.Find(c.Custid);
if (obj == null)
return new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.NotFound);
obj.Name = c.Name;
obj.Balance = c.Balance;
obj.City = c.City;
dc.Entry(obj).State = EntityState.Modified;
return new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.OK);
catch (Exception)
throw new HttpResponseException(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError);
public HttpResponseMessage Delete(int id)
Customer obj = dc.Customers.Find(id);
if (obj == null) {
return new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.NotFound);
obj.Status = false;
dc.Entry(obj).State = EntityState.Modified;
return new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.OK);
catch (Exception)
throw new HttpResponseException(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError);
Consuming the WebApi Service using JQuery from the same project in which WebApi was developed: add an
“MVC Controller” in the current project naming it as “HomeController” and this action will raise errors in the
application because we have opened a “Empty Project” and then selected “Web Api” Checkbox but now we are
adding an “MVC Controller”. To fix the errors we need to install 2 “Nuget Packages” => “Microsoft.AspNet.MVC”
and “Microsoft.AspNet.Web.Optimization”.
After installing the above 2 pacakges, open “Global.asax.cs” file and call “RegisterRoutes” method of
“RouteConfig” class, and to do that write the below statement under “Application_Start” method in the last line:
Add a view to the existing “Index” Action method of “HomeController” without choosing any layout.
Install “JQuery” into the project using “Nuget Package Manager”, and write the below code in “<head>” section:
<script src="~/Scripts/jquery-3.6.3.min.js"></script>
function GetCustomers() {
url: 'http://localhost/WebApiService/api/Customer',
type: 'get',
datatype: 'json',
success: BuildTable,
error: DisplayError
function BuildTable(Customers) {
$('#tblCustomers tbody').empty();
$.each(Customers, function (Index, Customer) {
var Status = (Customer.Status) ? 'Active' : 'In-Active';
$('#tblCustomers').append('<tr><td align=center>' + Customer.Custid + '</td><td>' + Customer.Name +
'</td><td align=right>' + Customer.Balance + '</td><td>' + Customer.City + '</td><td align=center>' + Status +
function DisplayError() {
window.alert("Error on the server, could not load the data.");
function GetCustomer() {
url: 'http://localhost/WebApiService/api/Customer',
type: 'get',
datatype: 'json',
data: {
'id': $('#Custid').val()
success: function (Customer) {
if (Customer == null) {
window.alert("No customer exists with the given id.");
else {
error: DisplayError
function AddCustomer() {
url: 'http://localhost/WebApiService/api/Customer',
type: 'post',
datatype: 'json',
data: $('#frmCustomer').serialize(),
success: ClearAndLoad,
error: DisplayError
function UpdateCustomer() {
url: 'http://localhost/WebApiService/api/Customer',
type: 'put',
datatype: 'json',
data: $('#frmCustomer').serialize(),
success: ClearAndLoad,
error: DisplayError
function DeleteCustomer() {
var Status = confirm('Are you sure of deleting the current record?');
if (Status) {
url: 'http://localhost/WebApiService/api/Customer/' + $('#Custid').val(),
type: 'delete',
datatype: 'json',
success: ClearAndLoad,
error: DisplayError
function ClearAndLoad() {
Now write the below code under “<body>” tag by deleting the existing “<div>” tag over there:
<body onload="GetCustomers()">
<table width="100%">
<td valign="top">
<table border="1" align="center" id="tblCustomers">
<caption>Customer Details</caption>
<td valign="top">
<form id="frmCustomer">
<table align="center">
<input id="Custid" name="Custid" />
<input type="button" id="btnSearch" name="btnSearch" value="..." onclick="GetCustomer()" />
<td>Name:</td><td><input id="Name" name="Name" /></td>
<td>Balance:</td><td><input id="Balance" name="Balance" /></td>
<td>City:</td><td><input id="City" name="City" /></td></tr>
<td colspan="2" align="center">
<input type="button" id="btnInsert" name="btnInsert" value="Insert" onclick="AddCustomer()" />
<input type="button" id="btnUpdate" name="btnUpdate" value="Update"
onclick="UpdateCustomer()" />
<input type="button" id="btnDelete" name="btnDelete" value="Delete" onclick="DeleteCustomer()" />
<input type="reset" id="btnReset" name="btnReset" value="Clear" />
Consuming the Web Api Service from an MVC Application using JQuery from a different project: to test
consuming our “Web Api service” in a new MVC Project, create a new “ASP.NET Web Application” Project naming
it as “WebApiConsumer1”, choose Empty Project Template and select the “MVC” Check Box. Install “JQuery”
package using Nuget Package Manager. Add a controller in the project naming it as “HomeController” and add a
view to the existing Index Action Method without choosing a layout, copy the complete code which we
implemented in “Index.cshtml” of previous project i.e., “WebApiService” and paste it into the current
“Index.cshtml” by deleting all existing content.
Run the project but we will not get the output because of “CORS (Cross Origin Resource Sharing)” i.e., by
default for security reasons, browsers restrict Cross-Origin HTTP Requests initiated thru Scripts and to resolve the
problem we need to enable “CORS” in our “WebApiService” project so that it lets a Web Application running at
one origin (domain) to access resources from a Server at a different origin.
To enable CORS in our “WebApiService” project we need to install a “Nuget Package” i.e.,
“Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Cors”, so open the Nuget Package Manager and install the package. After installing the
packing, we can enable CORS either for the whole Project or to a particular “Web Api” Controller class.
To enable CORS for a particular Web Api Controller class, do the following:
Step: 1 To enable CORS for a particular Api Controller class go to CustomerController.cs file and add [EnableCors]
attribute to CustomerController class by importing the namespace “System.Web.Http.Cors” as following:
[EnableCors("*", "*", "*") ]
public class CustomerController : ApiController
Step 2: Now go to “WebApiConfig.cs” file which is present under “App_Start” folder and write the following code
in the end of Register method which is present inside the class “WebApiConfig”:
To enable CORS for the whole project do the following: to enable CORS for the whole project, without adding
“[EnableCors]” attribute to each Web Api Controller class, directly go to “WebApiConfig.cs” file which is present
under “App_Start” folder and write the below code in the end of Register method which is present inside of the
class “WebApiConfig” by importing the namespace “System.Web.Http.Cors”:
Note: after enabling Cors either Controller Level or Project Level we can start accessing the Web API from other
projects also.
Developing a new Web Api Service class with Image loading:
Step 1: Create a Table under our MVCDB Database with the name Students as following:
Create Table Students (Id Int Primary Key, Name Varchar(50), Photo Image, Status Bit Not Null Default 1);
Step 2: Open the “TestEF.edmx” file under our “WebApiService” project, right click on it and choose the option
“Update Model from Database” and choose the “Students” table which we have created right now, from the
“Update Wizard” and click on Ok Button, which will add the “Students” table as an entity, with the name “Student”
beside the “Customer” entity which we have added earlier.
Step 3: Now add a “Web APi 2 Controller” under the Controllers folder naming it as “StudentController” and write
the below code in the class:
using System.Data.Entity;
using WebApiService.Models;
public class StudentController : ApiController
MVCDBEntities dc = new MVCDBEntities();
public List<Student> Get()
return dc.Students.Where(S => S.Status == true).ToList();
public Student Get(int Id)
return dc.Students.Find(Id);
public HttpResponseMessage Post(Student student)
student.Status = true;
return new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.Created);
throw new HttpResponseException(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError);
public HttpResponseMessage Put(Student student)
Student obj = dc.Students.Find(student.Id);
if (obj == null)
return new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.NotFound);
obj.Name = student.Name;
obj.Photo = student.Photo;
obj.Status = true;
dc.Entry(obj).State = EntityState.Modified;
return new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.OK);
catch (Exception)
throw new HttpResponseException(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError);
public HttpResponseMessage Delete(int Id)
Student obj = dc.Students.Find(Id);
if (obj == null)
return new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.NotFound);
obj.Status = false;
dc.Entry(obj).State = EntityState.Modified;
return new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.OK);
catch (Exception)
throw new HttpResponseException(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError);
Note: build the project and compile it, so that we can consume it from other projects.
Consuming the Web Api Service from an MVC Application using C# Code: to test consuming the above “Web Api
service” from an MVC Project, create a new “ASP.NET Web Application” project naming it as “WebApiConsumer2”,
choose “Empty Project Template”, select “MVC” Check Box and click on “Create” button.
To call Web API from an MVC Application using C# code we need to first install a Nuget Package
“Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Client” in our project which provides all the types for invoking a Web API Service from
an “MVC Controller-Action Methods”.
Right now, our MVC Application is not getting its data from a Database, so we don’t have LINQ or Entity
Framework providing the Model Classes. Our MVC Application is getting its data from a Web API Service, so in this
case we are responsible to define the Model Classes explicitly in our project and to do that add a new class under
the Models folder naming it as “Student” and write the below code in it:
The current MVC Application is being designed to consume a Web API Service and to refer the service we
need the URL of the Service. So, go to “Web.config” file and add the following element under “<appSettings>” tag:
<add key="WebApiUrl" value="http://localhost/WebApiService/Api/" />
Add a controller in the Controllers folder naming it as “StudentController” and write the below code in it
deleting the existing Index action method:
using System.IO;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using WebApiConsumer2.Models;
public class StudentController : Controller
HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
string serviceUrl = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("WebApiUrl");
public ViewResult DisplayStudents()
client.BaseAddress = new Uri(serviceUrl);
Task<HttpResponseMessage> getTask = client.GetAsync("Student");
HttpResponseMessage message = getTask.Result;
List<Student> students = message.Content.ReadAsAsync<List<Student>>().Result;
return View(students);
public ViewResult DisplayStudent(int Id)
client.BaseAddress = new Uri(serviceUrl);
Task<HttpResponseMessage> getTask = client.GetAsync("Student/" + Id);
HttpResponseMessage message = getTask.Result;
Student student = message.Content.ReadAsAsync<Student>().Result;
return View(student);
public ViewResult AddStudent()
return View(new Student());
public ActionResult AddStudent(Student student, HttpPostedFileBase selectedFile)
if (selectedFile != null)
BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(selectedFile.InputStream);
student.Photo = br.ReadBytes(selectedFile.ContentLength);
client.BaseAddress = new Uri(serviceUrl);
Task<HttpResponseMessage> postTask = client.PostAsJsonAsync("Student", student);
HttpResponseMessage message = postTask.Result;
if (message.IsSuccessStatusCode)
return RedirectToAction("DisplayStudents");
return View();
public ViewResult EditStudent(int Id)
client.BaseAddress = new Uri(serviceUrl);
Task<HttpResponseMessage> getTask = client.GetAsync("Student/" + Id);
HttpResponseMessage message = getTask.Result;
Student student = message.Content.ReadAsAsync<Student>().Result;
if (student.Photo != null)
Session["Photo"] = student.Photo;
return View(student);
public ActionResult UpdateStudent(Student student, HttpPostedFileBase selectedFile)
if (selectedFile != null)
BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(selectedFile.InputStream);
student.Photo = br.ReadBytes(selectedFile.ContentLength);
else if (Session["Photo"] != null)
student.Photo = (byte[])Session["Photo"];
client.BaseAddress = new Uri(serviceUrl);
Task<HttpResponseMessage> putTask = client.PutAsJsonAsync<Student>("Student", student);
HttpResponseMessage message = putTask.Result;
if (message.IsSuccessStatusCode)
return RedirectToAction("DisplayStudents");
return View(student);
public ActionResult DeleteStudent(int Id)
client.BaseAddress = new Uri("http://localhost/WebApiService/Api/");
Task<HttpResponseMessage> deleteTask = client.DeleteAsync("Student/" + Id);
HttpResponseMessage message = deleteTask.Result;
if (message.IsSuccessStatusCode)
return RedirectToAction("DisplayStudents");
return View();
Add a view with the name DisplayStudents.cshtml, selecting layout Checkbox and write the below code in
it by deleting the whole content in the View:
@model IEnumerable<WebApiConsumer2.Models.Student>
<h2 style="text-align:center;background-color:yellowgreen;color:orangered">Add New Student</h2>
<table border="1" align="center">
<caption>Student Details</caption>
<th>@Html.DisplayNameFor(S => S.Id)</th>
<th>@Html.DisplayNameFor(S => S.Name)</th>
<th>@Html.DisplayNameFor(S => S.Photo)</th>
@foreach (var Student in Model)
<td>@Html.DisplayFor(S => Student.Id)</td>
<td>@Html.DisplayFor(S => Student.Name)</td>
string imgSrc = "";
if (Student.Photo != null)
var base64 = Convert.ToBase64String(Student.Photo);
imgSrc = String.Format("data:image/jpeg;base64,{0}", base64);
<td><img src='@imgSrc' width="40" height="25" /></td>
@Html.ActionLink("View", "DisplayStudent", new { Id = Student.Id })
@Html.ActionLink("Edit", "EditStudent", new { Id = Student.Id })
@Html.ActionLink("Delete", "DeleteStudent", new { Id = Student.Id },
new { onclick = "return confirm('Are you sure of deleting the record?')" })
<td colspan="4" align="center">@Html.ActionLink("Add New Student", "AddStudent")</td>
Generate a view for DisplayStudent action method and while adding the View, choose the Template as
Empty, Model Class as Student, choose “Use a layout page” CheckBox in the “Add View” window and write the
below code over there by deleting the existing “<h2>” element present in it:
<h2 style="text-align:center;background-color:yellowgreen;color:orangered">Add New Student</h2>
string imgSrc = "";
if (Model.Photo != null)
var base64 = Convert.ToBase64String(Model.Photo);
imgSrc = String.Format("data:image/jpeg;base64,{0}", base64);
<table border="1" align="center">
<caption>Student Details</caption>
<td rowspan="2"><img src='@imgSrc' width="200" height="200" /></td>
<td>Sid: @Model.Id</td>
<tr><td>Name: @Model.Name</td></tr>
<td colspan="2" align="center">@Html.ActionLink("Back to Student Details", "DisplayStudents")</td>
Generate a view for AddStudent action method and while adding the View, choose the Template as
Empty, Model Class as Student, choose “Use a layout page” CheckBox in the “Add View” window and write the
below code over there by deleting the existing “<h2>” element present in it:
imgSrc = String.Format("data:image/jpeg;base64,{0}", base64);
@using (Html.BeginForm("UpdateStudent","Student",FormMethod.Post,new { enctype = "multipart/form-data" }))
<div>@Html.LabelFor(S => S.Id) <br />@Html.TextBoxFor(S => S.Id, new { @readonly = "true" })</div>
<div>@Html.LabelFor(S => S.Name)<br />@Html.TextBoxFor(S => S.Name)</div>
@Html.LabelFor(S => S.Photo) <br /><img src='@imgSrc' width="200" height="200" />
<input type="file" name="selectedFile" />
<input type="submit" value="Save" name="btnSave" />
Add a view for DeleteStudent Action method choosing a layout and write the below code in it by deleting
the existing “<h2>” element present in it:
Nowadays, when it comes to the software development, everyone is talking about free, open-source, and
cross-platform development. As we all know Microsoft is well known for its Windows-Based products. Now we are
in the new age of software development and for this, a new revolutionary product came into the market from
Microsoft, and it is ASP.NET Core.
History of ASP.NET: As we know, ASP.NET is a framework that has been used to develop data-driven Web
Applications for many years. Since then, ASP.NET Framework went through a steady evolutionary change, and
finally, the most decent evolution is ASP.NET Core.
ASP.NET Core is not a continuous part of the ASP.NET 4.x Framework, but instead it is a completely new
Framework. This Framework is actual a re-write of the current ASP.NET 4.x Framework, but with much smaller and
a lot more modular. Some people think that many things remain the same, but that is not completely true. The
ASP.NET Core is a big fundamental change to the ASP.NET Framework.
Same as .NET Core it was architected modular with minimum overhead and then other more advanced
features can be added as NuGet Packages as per application requirements. This result in high performance, require
less memory, less deployment size, and easy to maintain.
ASP.NET Core 7.0, 6.0, 5.0 and 3.x application can be targeted to develop and run-on top of the .NET Core
only whereas ASP.NET Core 1.x and 2.x application can be targeted to develop and run-on top of the .NET Core
(Cross-platform) as well as .NET Framework (Windows only).
Note: ASP.NET Core was initially launched as ASP.NET 5 but later it's renamed to ASP.NET Core.
Open Source: ASP.NET Core Framework is Open Source, and this is the main reason behind its popularity. The
entire source code of this ASP.NET Core is available at => and you are free to download
the source code and even you can also modify and compile your own version of it. “.NET Core” team is always
there to support your effort in the seamless development of the application.
Cross-Platform: The ASP.NET Core Framework is designed from scratch to keep in mind to be Cross-Platform for
both development and deployment also. So, we don’t need to build different applications for different platforms
using different Framework’s. The earlier version of ASP.NET Framework applications can run only on Windows
Platforms, whereas ASP.NET Core applications can be developed as well as run on different platforms such as
Windows, Mac, or Linux. We can host the earlier ASP.NET Framework applications on IIS only whereas we can host
the ASP.NET Core applications on IIS, Nginx, Docker, Apache, or even self-host deployment.
Editors: To develop ASP.NET Core applications we have multiple options like Visual Studio or Visual Studio Code as
well as if required, we can also use any third-party editors as per your choice.
CLI Support: Using CLI (Command Line Interface) commands you can develop and run .NET applications as well as
you can also publish the application using CLI command.
Fast: ASP.NET Core no longer depends on “System.Web.dll” for browser-server communication. ASP.NET Core
allows us to include packages that we need for the application and this will reduce the request pipelines and
improves performance and scalability.
IoC Container: One of the most important used design patterns in the real-time application is the “Dependency
Injection-Design Pattern”. It includes the built-in IoC (Inversion of Control) container for automatic dependency
injection which makes it maintainable and testable.
Unified MVC and Web API Framework: The ASP.NET Core provides a unified programming model for developing
both Web Apps and Web API. That means a single controller class can be used to handle both. A Controller we
create in ASP.NET Core (either Web App’s or Web API) application is going to inherit from the Controller base class
and all their action methods returns the “IActionResult” interface. The “IActionResult” interface provides several
implementations like “JsonResult”, “ViewResult” etc.
Integration with Modern UI Framework: It allows you to use and manage modern UI Frameworks such as
AngularJS, Angular, React JS, and Bootstrap, etc.
Handling Request and Response Pipeline: We can handle the request and response in the ASP.NET Core
application by using new Middleware Components. In earlier ASP.NET 4.x we generally use Handlers and Modules
to handle the Request and Response pipeline. The ASP.NET Core Framework provides lot of built-in Middleware
Components and we can use those Components to handle the request and response pipeline. If we want, we also
can also create our own Middleware components and use them.
Hosting: ASP.NET Core Web App’s can be hosted on multiple platforms with-in any Web Server such as IIS, Apache,
Nginx, Docker, etc. It is not dependent only on IIS as our standard .NET Framework Web App’s.
Side-by-Side Application Versioning: ASP.NET Core runs in .NET Core, which supports the simultaneous running of
multiple versions of applications.
Smaller Deployment Footprint: ASP.NET Core application runs on .NET Core, which is smaller than the full .NET
Framework. So, application which uses “.NET Core FX” libraries will be having a smaller deployment size, and this
reduces the deployment footprint.
Note: Many people are confused between “ASP.NET Core” and “.NET Core”. Please note that ASP.NET Core and
.NET Core are not the same. They are different, just like ASP.NET and .NET Framework are different. To understand
.NET Core is a fast, lightweight, modular, and open-source framework for creating Web Applications, Desktop
Applications (CUI, GUI), Mobile Applications, Microservices, Cloud, Machine Learning, Game Development and
Internet of Things (IOT) that can run on Windows, Linux, and macOS, whereas ASP.NET Core is a Web Application
Framework under .NET Core for building Web Applications. So, .NET Core is a Software Platform on which ASP.NET
Core Applications run.
.NET Core vs. ASP.NET Core
.NET Core ASP.NET Core
.NET Core is Open-Source and Cross-Platform. ASP.NET Core is Open-Source and Cross-Platform.
.NET Core is a Runtime to execute applications which ASP.NET Core is a Web Framework to build Web, IoT
are built on it. and Mobile App’s on the top of .NET Core.
Install .NET Core Runtime to run applications and There is no separate runtime and SDK are available for
install .NET Core SDK to build applications. ASP.NET Core. .NET Core runtime and SDK includes
ASP.NET Core libraries.
.NET Core 7.0 - latest version. ASP.NET Core 7.0 - latest version.
Note: There is no separate versioning for ASP.NET Core. It is the same as the .NET Core versions.
Connected Services
Note: Until ASP.NET Core 5.0 we have a different coding style and from ASP.NET Core 6.0 we have a different
coding style. To understand the differences let us create a project in latest version of ASP.NET Core i.e., 7.0.
Now same as the above project, create one more project with the name “CoreTestProject1.Core7.0” and
here select the “Target Framework” as “.NET 7.0 (Standard-term support)”, un-check “Configure for HTTPS” and
“Enable Docker” Checkbox’s, and check “Do not use top-level statements” Checkbox on this window, and click on
Create button. This project will be created with the following files and folder structure:
Connected Services
Note: Up to ASP.NET Core 5.0 we find the file “Startup.cs” whereas from ASP.NET Core 6.0 we will not have
“Startup.cs” file any more.
Run the ASP.NET Core Application’s which will open a browser and displays the output as “Hello World!”
and this output comes from the Configure method of the Startup class which is present inside the “Startup.cs” file
in case of ASP.NET Core 5.0, open the file and watch the code present in the Configure method and there you will
find the below statement in end of the method:
If we are working with ASP.NET Core 6.0 and above then this output comes from “Program.cs” file, open
the file and watch the code present over there, which displays a statement as below:
Change the “Hello World!” string to something else and re-run the projects again which will display the
output accordingly. For example, let’s change the WriteAsync and MapGet methods code as following:
5.0 => await context.Response.WriteAsync(".NET Core Empty Web Application created using ASP.NET Core 5.0");
7.0 => app.MapGet("/", () => ".NET Core Empty Web Application created using ASP.NET Core 7.0");
To create an MVC Application, open Visual Studio, click on create a new project button, in the window
opened choose “ASP.NET Core Web App (Model-View-Controller)” template and click on Next button, in the
window opened provide a name to the project as “CoreMVCProject5”, specify the location to save and click on
Next button, in the window opened choose Target Framework as “.NET 5.0 (Out of support)” and also make sure
the Checkbox “Configure for HTTPs is selected”, and click on the Create button which creates the project with the
following files and folder structure:
Connected Services
Connected Services: This is the first element in our project structure and possibly the less used one. It is intended
to automate the steps necessary to connect a project to an external service (like Azure Storage).
Dependencies: This element of your project structure contains information of all packages and projects on which
our project depends. There are four main parts inside this node:
1. Analyzers: They help you make your code better, cleaner, and error-free. Each analyzer checks that your code
satisfies a list of rules incorporated in it. If any part of your code does not apply to one of the rules, you will
see either Warning or an Error while you build your project. Please note that analyzers work only at compile
time and do not affect your resulting application.
2. Frameworks: This contains a list of frameworks your project depends on. This information is important if you
publish your web application to a Server (as opposed to a self-contained one). In this case, all the frameworks
listed here must be installed on the Server where you will run your app.
3. Packages: This is the main item which lists all the NuGet packages you added to your project. If any of those
packages depend on other packages, they will be installed automatically and listed as sub-nodes of the root-
level packages. You can remove each installed package here (right-click => Remove).
4. Projects: This is the list of other projects our project depends on in the current solution. You can reference
other projects by using the “Add Project Reference” command from the right-click menu.
Properties: This contains different properties of our project that we can modify by double-clicking on this node in
the Solution Explorer. Most of the properties here, affect the compile-time and debug-time behavior of your
project. The only item inside of this node is “launchSettings.json” file that contains the list of the launch profiles.
Each profile defines how to run your project, whether the browser should be opened or not, which port to use,
which environment variables should be set when we “Run” the project, etc. By default, we will be finding 2 profiles
to run the ASP.NET Core Web Application and those are: “IIS Express” profile and “CoreMVCProject” profile. The
“launchSettings.json” file is as below in the project we have created:
"iisSettings": {
"windowsAuthentication": false,
"anonymousAuthentication": true,
"iisExpress": {
"applicationUrl": "http://localhost:53245",
"sslPort": 44375
"profiles": {
"IIS Express": {
"commandName": "IISExpress",
"launchBrowser": true,
"environmentVariables": {
"CoreMVCProject5": {
"commandName": "Project",
"dotnetRunMessages": "true",
"launchBrowser": true,
"applicationUrl": "https://localhost:5001;http://localhost:5000",
"environmentVariables": {
Note: We can edit “launchSettings.json” file by using the project properties window also and to do that double
click on the Properties node in Solution Explorer and in the window opened, click “Debug Tab” in LHS and this
provides the option for editing “LaunchSettings” and to do that click on “Open debug launch profiles UI”, link.
wwwroot: This folder is known as a “web root” folder and contains all the static files of our web application like
CSS files, Java Script files, Html files, and Image files. As you might figure out from its name, this will be the root
folder of our web application. So, if we add a new folder under “wwwroot” with the name “images” and under the
folder if we add an image file with the name “Autumn.jpg”, then we can access that image from browser by using
the address: “/images/Autumn.jpg”. To test this run the application hitting “F5” and then append
“images/Autumn.jpg” to the “URL” in the address which should now look as following:
Note: In traditional ASP.NET Application (i.e., Framework), static files can be served from the root folder of an
application or any other folder under it, which has been changed in ASP.NET Core. Now only those files that are
present in the web root - “wwwroot” folder can be served over an http request. All other files are blocked and
can’t be served by default. Generally, there will be separate folders for different types of static files such as Java
Script, CSS, Images, and Library Scripts etc. in the “wwwroot” folder. We can rename “wwwroot” folder to any
other name as per our choice and set it as a web root while preparing hosting environment in “Program.cs”. For
example, if we change the “wwwroot” folder name as “myroot” we need to specify that in Program class under
“CreateHostBuilder” method.
By default, code in the method will be as following:
public static IHostBuilder CreateHostBuilder(string[] args) =>
.ConfigureWebHostDefaults(webBuilder =>
Change the above code as below to register our myroot folder as web root folder:
public static IHostBuilder CreateHostBuilder(string[] args) =>
.ConfigureWebHostDefaults(webBuilder =>
Controllers: this folder contains all the Controller classes we define in our project.
Models: this folder contains Model classes i.e., Classes representing the Entities and Properties representing the
Attributes of Entities as well as all the Methods to manipulate the data.
Views: this folder contains all the View files that are required for this application and the extension of these files
will be “.cshtml” and we call these files as “Razor Pages”.
Till now we have looked over all the main folder's that are present with-in the “ASP.NET Core MVC
Application” project, now let's take a closer look at the files stored in the project’s root folder which are also most
important part of the project.
appsettings.json: this file is used to store information such as connection strings or application specific settings and
they are stored in JSON format, as the file extension suggests. If you are familiar with ASP.NET you may notice that
the function of this file is like “Web.config” file, and right now we find the below code in it:
"Logging": {
"LogLevel": {
"Default": "Information",
"Microsoft": "Warning",
"Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime": "Information"
"AllowedHosts": "*"
The settings in the file have a hierarchical structure and can be accessed with the “Configuration” object
defined in the Startup class or in any other place of your program where you injected “IConfiguration” service. For
example, if we want to read the value of key “Default” then the code will be as following:
var Data1 = Configuration.GetValue<string>("Logging:LogLevel:Default");
var Data2 = Configuration.GetValue<string>("Logging:LogLevel:Microsoft");
By default, in addition to “appsettings.json” file, the ASP.NET Core Project also includes an
“appsettings.Development.json” file and all the settings defined in this file are loaded only in the Development
Environment and are not available in Production. Same as this we can also define “appsettings.Production.json” for
settings in Production Environment and “appsettings.Testing.json” for settings in UAT Environment.
Program.cs: This file contains a class in it with the name Program and a static “Main” method which is the entry
point of our “Application”. Just like our Console App’s and Windows App’s, ASP.NET Core App’s also starts from
Program class only. The purpose of this method is to define the “host” and then pass the control to the “Startup”
A host is an object that encapsulates an app’s resources, such as: Logging, Dependency Injection (DI),
Configuration, IHostedService Implementations, etc. As shown in the above code, CreateHostBuilder() method
returns an object that implements the IHostBuilder interface. Host is a static class that can be used for creating an
instance of IHostBuilder with pre-configured defaults by calling CreateDefaultBuilder() method which will create a
new instance of HostBuilder with pre-configured defaults.
Startup.cs: This file contains a class in it with the name “Startup” and it will serve three main purposes:
It performs all initialization tasks like setting, application - wide constants.
It registers all the services that are injected in this project thru the DI (Dependency Injection) container.
It defines the middleware pipeline of your web-application.
Note: This class initially contains lot of code (as per the project i.e., Empty or Web App or MVC or Web API, which
has just been created) from the very beginning and will become even bigger when you start adding new features
to your application.
By default, Startup class in the ASP.NET Core application includes three main parts:
1. The Constructor, where you can initialize variables, set some configuration settings, or performs application-
wide initializations. By default, the ASP.NET Core project template contains 1 line of code in the constructor
which initializes the in-class property Configurations with the configuration object passed by the Dependency
Injection container, so we can use it in other methods and right now the code in the constructor is as below:
public IConfiguration Configuration { get; }
public Startup(IConfiguration configuration)
Configuration = configuration;
2. The ConfigureServices method, where we register all necessary services like “Authentication/Authorization
Service”, “MVC or Razor Page Services”, “Service for working with Database”, as well as we register different
“Application Services to DI (Dependency Injection) Container” here and by default in an ASP.NET Core MVC
Application the method contains below code in it:
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
Note: the order of the services you register in “ConfigureServices” method is not important and this method is
executed only once upon application start and this method contains calls such as “services.AddDbContext”,
“services.AddRazorPages”, “services.AddControllersWithViews”, and “services.AddControllers”, etc. All these
methods are extension methods.
3. The Configure method is the place where we can set up the Middleware Pipeline for our ASP.NET Core Web
Application project. Unlike the services registered in the ConfigureServices (remember, their order is not
important), the order of all Middleware’s defined in Configure method has crucial significance.
What is a Middleware?
Ans: ASP.NET Core introduced a new concept called Middleware. A middleware is nothing but a class which is
executed on every request in ASP.NET Core Application. There will be multiple Middleware’s in an ASP.NET Core
Application. It can be either Framework provided Middleware added via NuGet or our own custom Middleware.
We can set the order of Middleware execution in the request pipeline. Each Middleware adds or modifies Http
Request and passes control to the next Middleware component.
At the beginning of the pipeline, we need to place the “Middleware’s” that are necessary for auxiliary
tasks (like logging or authentication), and that don't consume a lot of memory and processing time.
By default, in an ASP.NET Core MVC Application the method contains below code in it:
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env)
if (env.IsDevelopment())
// The default HSTS value is 30 days. You may want to change this for production scenarios, see
app.UseEndpoints(endpoints =>
name: "default",
pattern: "{controller=Home}/{action=Index}/{id?}");
Exception Handling Middleware: the first line in the method defines different middleware’s for Development and
Production modes i.e., if we are in the Development Mode, we define middleware’s that will catch all exceptions in
the pipeline and show a special page with extra information about the error (exception message, stack trace, etc.),
whereas in the Production Mode, we catch all exceptions and then re-direct the request to the specified path i.e.,
“Home/Error” in our case.
Processing static files (UseStaticFiles) Middleware: the next middleware in the pipeline is “UseStaticFiles()” which
takes care of all static files, i.e., if the application gets a request for “.js”, “.css”, or an image files, this middleware
looks for a file with the requested name inside of the “wwwroot” folder and returns it back if found. If not found it
will send back a response with a 404-status code (not found).
Routing (UseRouting and UseEndpoints): the next pair of middleware’s are, the most important ones in the
pipeline since they define the routing for all other endpoints in your web application. In simple words, they match
a particular request to a particular endpoint, a piece of executable code that handles the request.
pattern: "NIT/{controller=Home}/{action=Index}/{id?}");
Now all the requests should contain the word "NIT" before the controller’s name, as following:
http://localhost:port/NIT/Controller_Name/Action_Name => http://localhost:port/NIT/Home/Index
When the web application gets a new request, it’s not processed by any middleware defined before
“UseRouting” middleware and then the Endpoint Routing Middleware matches it to some endpoint. Then Endpoint
Middleware calls the endpoint’s delegate to handle the request. All other middleware’s that are added after
app.UseRouting() and before app.UseEndpoints() can see which endpoint was selected by EndpointRouting
Middleware and they can change something (e.g., apply an authorization policy) before EndpointMiddleware
dispatches to the selected endpoint.
Authorization (UseAuthorization): this middleware is added for authorizing a user if the current request is
anonymous, but the selected endpoint requires authorization.
Both “ConfigureServices” and “Configure” methods are called implicitly while the application starts. You
just only need to define the services and middleware’s here correspondingly.
Note: If the same project is created using .NET 6.0 and above Framework then we will not find the class “Startup”
and the code of this class will be present directly under “Program” class only. By default, the code under
“Program.cs” file will be with-out any class over there because from .NET 6.0 it uses C# 10.0 version and in this
version, we are provided with a feature called Top-Level Statement’s i.e., if the project has a single Main method
and all the code, if required to be defined under the Main method only then with-out explicitly defining a Class and
Main method we can directly write the code in the file. To test this, create a new ASP.NET Core Web App (Model-
View-Controller) naming the project as “CoreMVCProject7_1” and choose the Framework version as “.NET 6.0
(Long Term Version)” of “.NET 7.0 (Standard Term Version)”, select “Configure for HTTPs” Checkbox, un-check all
the other Checkbox’s and click on the “Create” button which will create the project, but now we don’t have
“Startup.cs” and the code in “Program.cs” will be as below with-out a class and Main method.
name: "default",
pattern: "{controller=Home}/{action=Index}/{id?}");
Note: if you still want to see the class; while creating the project, in the window where we select the Framework
version, select the Checkbox “Do not use top-level statements” so that you will find the code with a class and Main
method also as below and to test this, create another project same as above naming it as “CoreMVCProject7_2”:
but now select the Checkbox “Do not use top-level statements” and in this case code in Program.cs will be as
namespace CoreMVCProject7_2
public class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
name: "default",
pattern: "{controller=Home}/{action=Index}/{id?}");
Note: Because we don’t have Startup class here and all code need to be defined in the Main method of Program
class only, so follow the below guidelines to write the code:
All the code we need to write under “ConfigureServices” method of “Startup” class should be implemented
before this statement => “var app = builder.Build();”.
All the code we need to write under “Configure” method of “Startup” class should be implemented after this
statement => “var app = builder.Build();”.
ASP.NET Core Web Application first it looks for Main method and this is the method from where the execution
starts. Main method will then configure ASP.NET Core and starts it, and at this point of time the application
becomes a Web Application. If we look at the body of Main method, there we will find that, it makes a call to
“CreateHostBuilder()” method by passing the command line arguments “args” as a parameter value and the code
in the “Main” method will be as following:
Within the Main method, on this “IHostBuilder” object, the Build method is called which builds a Web
Host. Then it hosts our ASP.NET Core Web Application within that Web Host. Finally, on the Web Host, it calls the
Run method, which will run the Web Application and it starts listening to the incoming HTTP Requests.
CreateHostBuilder method returns an object that implements IHostBuilder interface. Host is a static class
that can be used for creating an instance of IHostBuilder with pre-configured defaults by calling its
CreateDefaultBuilder method which will create a new instance of HostBuilder with pre-configured defaults.
Internally, it will also configure Kestrel (Internal Web Server for ASP.NET Core), IIS Integration, and other
configurations. Below is the code we find in CreateHostBuilder method:
As part of setting the Web Host, the CreateDefaultBuilder method will do several things, like:
Setting up the Web Server.
Loading the application configuration from various configuration sources.
Configuring logging.
Note: when we create a new ASP.NET Core MVC Application by default it is created with In-Process hosting model
for hosting the application in IIS or IIS Express or Kestrel. To verify that, open Project Properties Window and in
that on LHS select the option “Debug” and on the right, click on “Open debug launch profiles UI” link which opens a
window and, in that select, “IIS Express” on LHS and on the right we find “Hosting Model” option with the default
value “In Process”.
In case of In-Process hosting, “CreateDefaultBuilder” method when sees the value as In-Process will
internally host the application inside “IIS Worker Process” i.e., “iisexpress.exe” for “IIS Express”, “w3wp.exe” for
“IIS” and “<ProjectName>.exe” for “Kestrel”. By default, Visual Studio uses IIS Express to run Web Applications in
ASP.NET Core 5.0 and Kestrel from ASP.NET Core 6.0.
What is IIS Web Server and how to run ASP.NET Core Web Application in IIS Web Server?
Ans: Internet Information Services (IIS) is a flexible, secure and manageable Web Server for hosting anything on
the Web. To host our ASP.NET Core Web Application on IIS Web Server first open Visual Studio in Administrator
Mode, go to Project Properties => select Debug Tab in the LHS and on the right, click on “Open debug launch
profiles UI” link which opens a window and, in that click on “Create a new profile” option in the LHS-Top and select
the option IIS which adds a new Profile with the name as “Profile1” rename it as “IIS” and now on the right fill the
following details:
Now in the “Standard Toolbar” under “Debug Target DropDownList” by default it will be showing “IIS
Express” in ASP.NET Core 5.0 and “Project Name (Kestrel)” from ASP.NET Core 6.0, let’s change it to “IIS”, and run
the project and watch the URL in address bar. Now if we open the “launchSettings.json” file we will find some
changes made to the file as following:
In the bottom of the file, it will create a new Profile i.e., “IIS” Profile as following:
"IIS": {
"commandName": "IIS",
"launchBrowser": true,
"environmentVariables": {
What is Kestrel Web Server and how to run ASP.NET Core Web Application in Kestrel Web Server?
Ans: As we already know that ASP.NET Core is a Cross-Platform Framework, which means it supports us to develop
and run our applications on different Operating System’s such as Windows, Linux, or Mac. The Kestrel is the Cross-
Platform Web Server for ASP.NET Core App’s, which means this Web Server supports all the platforms and versions
that ASP.NET Core supports. By default, it is included as the Internal Web Server in the .NET Core Application.
The Kestrel Web Server generally used as an edge server i.e., the internet facing Web Server which
directly processes incoming HTTP Request from the clients. In case of Kestrel Web Server, the Process Name that is
used to host and run the ASP.NET Core Application is our Project Name only and to check this open
“launchSettings.json” file and we will find the below code:
"CoreMVCProject5": {
"commandName": "Project",
"launchBrowser": true,
"environmentVariables": {
"dotnetRunMessages": "true",
"applicationUrl": "https://localhost:5001;http://localhost:5000"
Under profile settings we find 3 profiles now “IIS Express”, “CoreMVCProject5” (our Project Name) and
“IIS” (which we have created explicitly). “IIS Express” profile is used to run the application under IIS Express and we
find the “iisSettings” on the top of “launchSettings.json” file and the Application URL is: http://localhost:53245
(53245 is Port No. on my system and this will vary from project to project and machine to machine) and below this
we also find SSL Port as “44375” because we did create our project for “https” protocol and if we have not selected
that option while creating the project, it will also show the SSL Port No. as “0”. “CoreMVCProject5” profile is used
to run the application by using the Kestrel Web Server and the Application URL’s are: http://localhost:5000 and
https://localhost:5001 (if SSL option has been selected by us while creating the project).
In the “Standard Tool Bar” under “Debug Target DropDownList” of Visual Studio, we find “IIS Express”
selected by default, so when we hit F5 and run the project it will run using “IIS Express.exe” and in the browsers
address bar we see the Port No. which is shown in “launchSettings.json” file. We can change the profile from “IIS
Express” to “CoreMVCProject5” so that the application runs on Kestrel Web Server and now we see the Port No. as
5000 for Http Protocol and 5001 for Https Protocol, and notice that it will launch a new Command Window running
the Kestrel Web Server on Port No. 5000 and 5001 (provided Https option is selected while project creation).
Note: We can also run the ASP.NET Core Application from the command line also by using the “.NET Core CLI
(Command Line Interface)” which will use Kestrel as Web Server. To run .NET Core Application using .NET Core CLI
Command, open “Developer Command Prompt for VS”. Now change the directory to the folder where we saved
our Project i.e., “<Drive>:\<Personal_Folder>\CoreMVCProject5\CoreMVCProject5”, so change to that folder and
execute the “dotnet run” command as shown below:
<Drive>:\<Personal_Folder>\CoreMVCProject5\CoreMVCProject5> dotnet run
Once we type the “dotnet run” command and press enter key, .NET Core CLI builds and runs the
application and it also shows the URL to access our application as following => http://localhost:5000 and
https://localhost:5001 (provided Https option is selected while project creation), and if you remember these
port are configured in “launchSettings.json” file of our application under “CoreMVCProject5” profile which is
nothing but the profile for the Kestrel Web Server. Now open any browser and navigate to http://localhost:5000
or https://localhost:5001 (provided Https option is selected while project creation), which displays the output.
Note: Till now even we ran our application in “IIS Express” or “IIS” or “Kestrel Web Server” all these 3 are “In-
Process Hosting” only and now let’s learn about “Out of Process Hosting”.
Out-Of-Process Hosting: to run the application in “OutOfProcess” we need to configure it either in the “Project
File” or under “Debug” option of Project Properties Window.
Option 1: Configuring in Project File: in Solution Explorer, right click on the Project and select the option “Edit
Project File” which will open “CoreMVCProject.csproj” file in the document window. This file is an XML File, and we
need to add the <AspNetCoreHostingModel> tag under <PropertyGroup> tag with value as “OutOfProcess” as
shown below:
Option 2: Specify the Hosting Model as OutOfProcess in Project Properties Window: open the Project Properties
Window, select Debug tab in LHS and on the right click on “Open debug launch profiles UI” link and change the
value of “Hosting Model” in the DropDownList as “Out of Process”.
The very important point that we need to keep in mind is depending on how you are running your
application with the “Out of Process” hosting model, the external Web Server may or may not come into picture.
As we already discussed that Kestrel Web Server is a Cross-Platform Web Server that is already embedded with
your ASP.NET Core Application. So, if we are using “Out of Process” Hosting Model for our ASP.NET Core
Application, then Kestrel Web Server can be used in one of the following ways:
Option 1: we can use Kestrel Web Server as an internet-facing Web Server which will directly process the incoming
HTTP Requests and in this scenario only Kestrel Web Server is used, and external Web Server is not going to be
used at all. So, when we run the application using the .NET Core CLI then Kestrel is the only Web Server that is
going to be used to handle and process all the incoming HTTP Requests. To test this, open Visual Studio Developer
Command Prompt and run the application as explained earlier.
Now open any browser and navigate to the Url: http://localhost:5000, which will display the output on
the browser, and in this case even if we specified the ASP Net Core Hosting Model as “OutOfProcess” also it host
the application in Kestrel and it only will respond for the incoming requests.
Option 2: The Kestrel Web Server can also be used with the combination of a reverse proxy server such as IIS
Express, IIS, Tomcat, Apache, or Nginx. When we run our ASP.NET Core Application directly from Visual Studio
choosing IIS or IIS Express Profile, setting the “AspNetCoreHostingModel” element value as “OutOfProcess” then IIS
or IIS Express will be used as Reverse Proxy Server and Kestrel is used as Internal Web Server. To test this go to
“Startup.cs” file in our project, import the namespace “Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http” and then in the “Configure”
method we find “app.UseEndPoints” method call and we need to change the code of it.
name: "default",
pattern: "{controller=Home}/{action=Index}/{id?}");
Now set the hosting model as “Out of Process” either in the project property window or in project file and
then choose “CoreMVCProject” profile to run the project which will display the process name as “CoreMVCProject”
only which means the Kestrel Web Server is processing our incoming request directly and the URL in the address
bar is pointing to Port No. 5000, so there is no “Reverse Proxy Server” in usage.
Now choose “IIS” or “IISExpress” profile and run the project which will display the process name as
“CoreMVCProject”, which means the Kestrel Web Server is processing our incoming request, and if we watch the
URL in the address bar it is pointing to IIS or IIS Express, so in this case there is a “Reverse Proxy Server” in usage
i.e., IIS Express or IIS which is taking the incoming request and Kestrel Web Server which is processing the requests.
Now the question that comes to our mind is, if Kestrel can be used by itself as a Web Server which can directly
handle and process the incoming HTTP Request’s, then why do we need a reverse proxy server?
Ans: This is all because, the reverse proxy server provides an additional layer of security and configuration which is
not available with Kestrel Server and it also maintains load balancing. So, it is a good choice to use Kestrel Server
along with a Reverse Proxy Server. When we use Kestrel along with the Reverse Proxy Server, then the Reverse
Proxy Server will receive all the incoming HTTP Requests from client’s and then forwards that request to the
Kestrel Web Server for processing. Once the Kestrel Web Server process that request, then it sends the response
back to the reverse proxy server which then sends response back to the requested client over the internet.
Working with ASP.NET Core MVC Applications
Create a new “ASP.NET Core Empty” project, naming it as “CoreTestProject”, choose the Target
Framework as “.NET 5.0 (Out of support) or .NET 6.0 (Long term support)”, select the Checkbox “Configure for
HTTPS” and click on the “Create” button.
Note: If you are working with .NET 6.0 (Long term support), as explained earlier it uses a new feature “Top Level
Statements” i.e., it generates the code in Program class with out a namespace, class and Main method also. If you
don’t want to generate it like that, after selecting the Target Framework as .NET 6.0 (Long term support) we will
find a Checkbox below “Do not use top-level statements”, select it so that we get all the code as usual with a
namespace, class and Main method.
Right now, we have chosen an “Empty Project Template”, so we can configure it as a ASP.NET Core Web
App or Web API or MVC Application also. To make it as an MVC Application, do the following:
ASP.NET Core 5.0 => Open “Startup.cs” file and write the below code under “ConfigureServices” method of the
ASP.NET Core 6.0 => Open “Program.cs” file and write the below statement just above the statement “var app =
ASP.NET Core 5.0 => Now under the Configure method of Startup class add “UseStaticFiles” middleware above
“app.UseRouting” statement as following:
ASP.NET Core 6.0 => Now under Program class write the above statement just below the statement “var app =
ASP.NET Core 5.0 => Delete all the code that is present in “UseEndpoints” block and write the below code over
there which should now look as following:
app.UseEndpoints(endpoints =>
name: "default",
pattern: "{controller=Home}/{action=Index}/{id?}");
ASP.NET Core 6.0 => Now in the bottom of “Program.cs” file we find a statement “app.MapGet("/", () => "Hello
World!");” comment it or delete it and write the below code over there:
name: "default",
pattern: "{controller=Home}/{action=Index}/{id?}");
Note: after all the above changes our application is now an “MVC Application”, so we can now add “wwwroot”,
“Controllers”, “Models” and “Views” folders as per our requirements. So let us add all the 4 folders under our
Project from Solution Explorer.
Adding a Controller in Controllers Folder: Now let’s add a new Controller choosing the option “MVC Controller –
Empty” under “Add New Scaffolded Item” window, naming it as “HomeController”. If we observe the parent class
of “HomeController”, it is “Controller” only just like in our “ASP.NET MVC” but, this class is defined in
“Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc” namespace, whereas in “ASP.NET MVC” the class “Controller” is defined in
“System.Web.Mvc” namespace.
In the “HomeController” by default we find a “Action Method” with the name “Index” and the return type
of the method is “IActionResult” Interface which is the parent of all the “Action Results” in an ASP.NET Core MVC
Application, whereas in ASP.NET MVC Applications the parent of all “ActionResults” is a class i.e., “ActionResult”.
Adding a View to Index Action Method: Now right click on the “Index” action method which is present in
“HomeController” class and select the option “Add View” and in the window opened, choose “Razor View –
Empty” and click on the “Add” button which will add a new View with the name “Index.cshtml” by creating a folder
under the “Views” folder with the name “Home” and the View gets added into the “Home” folder. Write the below
code in it and execute:
Now hit “F5” and run the project which will display a Message Box asking about SSL Certificate because
we have chosen “Configure for HTTPs” option while creating the project click on “Yes” button which will display a
Security Warning window asking for installing the certification on your machine click “Yes” button again which will
launch the browser and displays the output.
Note: now if you observe the URL in Browser’s - Address Bar, the protocol will be “HTTPs”. In ASP.NET Core 6.0 the
default Web Server - Visual Studio uses to run the Web App’s is Kestrel and the Port used for HTTPS in Kestrel will
be different and for HTTP will be different. We can verify the ports used in “launchSettings.json” file. You can even
change the Server by choosing a Profile in Debug Target Dropdown List that is present in Standard Toolbar.
Routing: This is responsible for matching incoming HTTP Requests and then dispatching those requests to the
applications executable Endpoints. Endpoints are the applications units of executable request-handling code which
are defined in the application and configured when the app starts. The Endpoint matching process can extract
values from the requests URL and provide those values for request processing. All ASP.NET Core templates include
routing in their generated code. Routing is registered in the middleware pipeline of Startup class in ASP.NET Core
5.0 and Program class in ASP.NET Core 6.0.
Conventional Routing: this is a pattern matching system for URL, which maps incoming requests to a particular
Controller and Action method. In conventional routing we set all the routes in “RouteConfig.cs” file in “ASP.NET
MVC” by calling the method “MapRoute”, whereas in “ASP.NET Core MVC” we do that by calling
“MapControllerRoute” method in Startup class for ASP.NET Core 5.0 and Program class for ASP.NET Core 6.0.
Attribute Routing: this is a simple routing mechanism, compared to conventional routing. All the concepts are just
like the conventional approach only but here, we define routes and attributes on a Controller or Action method.
This was introduced from “ASP.NET MVC 5” and was available in “ASP.NET Core MVC” also. To use attribute
routing in “ASP.NET MVC 5” we need to call the method “MapMvcAttributeRoutes” in “RouteConfig.cs” file
whereas in case of “ASP.NET Core MVC” we need to call the method “MapControllers” in Startup class for ASP.NET
5.0 and Program class in ASP.NET Core 6.0.
Route Type Method to use in MVC 5 Methods to use in MVC Core
Conventional: MapRoute MapControllerRoute
Attribute: MapMvcAttributeRoutes MapControllers
To test “Attribute Routing” go to “Startup.cs” file (ASP.NET Core MVC 5.0) of our current project i.e.,
“CoreTestProject”, delete the code which we have implemented in “UseEndPoints” block earlier and then call
“MapControllers” method over there and it should now look as below:
If you are working with ASP.NET Core MVC 6.0 go to Program class, delete or comment the method call
“MapControllerRoute” and call the method “MapControllers”.
Note: after doing the above action if we try to run the “Index.cshtml” view we get a “404 – Page Not Found” error
because there is no routing pattern defined anywhere.
To define the routing pattern, go to “Home Controller” class and write the following statements above the
“Index” action method which should now look as following:
[Route("")] //http://localhost:Port
[Route("Home")] //http://localhost:Port/Home
[Route("Home/Index")] //http://localhost:Port/Home/Index
public IActionResult Index()
return View();
Note: The above statements when added on the top of action method will be launching the view when we use the
corresponding URL's.
We can even set attribute routes on Controllers also and to test this write the below statement above the
Controller class which should now like as following:
public class HomeController : Controller
In this case we don’t require using controller name while setting the route for Index action method and it
should be as following:
[Route("/")] //http://localhost:Port
[Route("")] //http://localhost:Port/Home
[Route("Index")] //http://localhost:Port/Home/Index
public IActionResult Index()
In attribute routing we can hide the original name of the controller and action method so that end users
can’t view the name of the controller and action method and to do that we need specify the alias name in the
route as following:
Without hard coding controller names or action method names in attribute routes we can use the concept
of “Token Replacements”, for example we can define the route for Controller as:
public class HomeController : Controller
In the above case "[controller]" is a token which is replaced with the name of the Controller in runtime
and same as this we can also do this for action methods also as following:
[Route("/")] //http://localhost:Port
[Route("")] //http://localhost:Port/Home
[Route("[action]")] //http://localhost:Port/Home/Index
public IActionResult Index()
In this case route for Index action method will be as following:
[Route("/")] //http://localhost:Port
[Route("/Home")] //http://localhost:Port/Home
[Route("")] //http://localhost:Port/Home/Index
public IActionResult Index()
Route Constraints: we use these to restrict the browser requests to match a particular route and we can even use
regular expressions to specify a route constraint.
To practice route constraints first set the route for controller as below:
public class HomeController : Controller
The above action method gets executed when we use the below URL’s:
http://localhost:port/Home/Display1 //Valid
http://localhost:port/Home/Display1/10 //Valid
http://localhost:port/Home/Display1/A //Valid
http://localhost:port/Home/Display1/false //Valid
http://localhost:port/Home/Display1/Hello //Valid
http://localhost:port/Home/Display1/34.56 //Valid
In the above case we defined "{id?}" as a route parameter and it is optional so if we do not pass a value to
id or if we pass a value of different data types, it will not raise any error but id value will be "0", whereas if we want
the parameter value to be an integer, or any other particular data type or if we want to apply any other restrictions
on the action method parameters, we use route constraints.
Add a new action method into the Home Controller class as following:
public string Display2(int id)
return "Value of id is: " + id;
In the above case we need to call the Display2 action method by explicitly passing an integer value only,
whereas if we try to pass any other type of values or if we do not pass a value, we get error.
http://localhost:port/Home/Display2/10 //Valid
http://localhost:port/Home/Display2 //Error
http://localhost:port/Home/Display2/Hello //Error
http://localhost:port/Home/Display2/34.56 //Error
http://localhost:port/Home/Display2/false //Error
http://localhost:port/Home/Display2/A //Error
Note: if you want to call the above method without passing a value make int as nullable int i.e., “int?”.
public string Display3(double id)
return "Value of id is: " + id;
In the above method id parameter is defined to accept a double value so we can pass an integer or a
double also as following:
http://localhost:port/Home/Display3 //Valid
http://localhost:port/Home/Display3/10 //Valid
http://localhost:port/Home/Display3/34.56 //Valid
http://localhost:port/Home/Display3/A //Error
http://localhost:port/Home/Display3/Hello //Error
http://localhost:port/Home/Display3/false //Error
public string Display4(int id)
return "Value of id is: " + id;
The above method is defined with a constraint to accept an integer with a minimum value of 50, so any
value less than 50 throws an error:
http://localhost:port/Home/Display4 //Error
http://localhost:port/Home/Display4/49 //Error
http://localhost:port/Home/Display4/50 //Valid
http://localhost:port/Home/Display4/51 //Valid
public string Display5(int id)
return "Value of id is: " + id;
The above method is defined with a constraint to accept an integer with a maximum value of 100, so any
value greater than 100 throws an error:
http://localhost:port/Home/Display5 //Error
http://localhost:port/Home/Display5/99 //Valid
http://localhost:port/Home/Display5/100 //Valid
http://localhost:port/Home/Display5/101 //Error
http://localhost:port/Home/Display5/0 //Valid
http://localhost:port/Home/Display5/-10 //Valid
[Route("Display6/{id:range(51, 100)}")]
public string Display6(int id)
return "Value of id is: " + id;
The above method is defined with a constraint to accept an integer within a range of 51 to 100, so any
value less than 51 and greater than 100 throws an error:
http://localhost:port/Home/Display6 //Error
http://localhost:port/Home/Display6/50 //Error
http://localhost:port/Home/Display6/51 //Valid
http://localhost:port/Home/Display6/100 //Valid
http://localhost:port/Home/Display6/101 //Error
public string Display7(string name)
return "Name of the user is: " + name;
The above method is defined with a constraint to accept a string value with a length of 5 characters, so
any value less than 5 or greater than 5 characters, throws an error:
http://localhost:port/Home/Display7 //Error
http://localhost:port/Home/Display7/Abcd //Error
http://localhost:port/Home/Display7/Abcde //Valid
http://localhost:port/Home/Display7/Abcdef //Error
http://localhost:port/Home/Display7/false //Valid
http://localhost:port/Home/Display7/12345 //Valid
[Route("Display8/{name:length(3, 10)}")]
public string Display8(string name)
return "Name of the user is: " + name;
The above method is defined with a constraint to accept a string value with a minimum length of 3
characters and maximum length of 10 characters, so any value less than 3 characters or greater than 10 characters,
throws an error:
http://localhost:port/Home/Display8 //Error
http://localhost:port/Home/Display8/AB //Error
http://localhost:port/Home/Display8/Sai //Valid
http://localhost:port/Home/Display8/Venkat //Valid
http://localhost:port/Home/Display8/Bangarraju //Valid
http://localhost:port/Home/Display8/DavidWarner //Error
public string Display9(string name)
return "Name of the user is: " + name;
The above method is defined with a constraint to accept a string value with a minimum length of 3
characters, so any value less than 3 characters, throws an error:
http://localhost:port/Home/Display9 //Error
http://localhost:port/Home/Display9/AB //Error
http://localhost:port/Home/Display9/Sai //Valid
http://localhost:port/Home/Display9/Bangarraju //Valid
http://localhost:port/Home/Display9/DavidWarner //Valid
public string Display10(string name)
return "Name of the user is: " + name;
The above method is defined with a constraint to accept a string value with a maximum length of 10
characters, so any value greater than 10 characters, throws an error:
http://localhost:port/Home/Display10 //Error
http://localhost:port/Home/Display10/AB //Valid
http://localhost:port/Home/Display10/Sai //Valid
http://localhost:port/Home/Display10/Bangarraju //Valid
http://localhost:port/Home/Display10/DavidWarner //Error
public string Display11(string name)
return "Name of the user is: " + name;
The above method is defined with a constraint to accept only string values so any value other than string,
throws an error:
http://localhost:port/Home/Display11 //Error
http://localhost:port/Home/Display11/Raju //Valid
http://localhost:port/Home/Display11/1234 //Error
http://localhost:port/Home/Display11/34.56 //Error
http://localhost:port/Home/Display11/false //Valid
public string Display12(bool flag)
if (flag)
return "Hello India!";
return "Hello World!";
The above method is defined with a constraint to accept only boolean values so any value other than
boolean, throws an error:
http://localhost:port/Home/Display12 //Error
http://localhost:port/Home/Display12/true //Valid
http://localhost:port/Home/Display12/Hello //Error
http://localhost:port/Home/Display12/34.56 //Error
http://localhost:port/Home/Display12/false //Valid
public string Display13(string aadhar)
return "Aadhar Id of the user is: " + aadhar;
The above method is defined with a constraint to accept Aadhar Id by using a regular expression, so any
value that doesn't match with the expression will throw an error:
http://localhost:port/Home/Display13 //Error
http://localhost:port/Home/Display13/1234-1234-1234 //Valid
http://localhost:port/Home/Display13/1234-1234-123 //Error
http://localhost:port/Home/Display13/1234-1234-12345 //Error
http://localhost:port/Home/Display13/1234-1234_1234 //Error
http://localhost:port/Home/Display13/1234-1234=1234 //Error
public string Display11(int id, string name)
return "Id of the user is: " + id + " and name of the user is: " + name;
The above method is defined with 2 mandatory parameters id and name, so if we try to call it with any
other value other than those it will throw an error:
http://localhost:50293/Home/Display14 //Error
http://localhost:50293/Home/Display14/101 //Error
http://localhost:50293/Home/Display14/101/Raju //Valid
http://localhost:50293/Home/Display14/101/Raju/50.56 //Error
Creating Views (User Interfaces) in MVC CORE
Create a new “ASP.NET Core Empty” project naming it as “MVCCoreTagHelpers”, choose Target
Framework as “.NET 5.0 (Out of support)” or “.NET 6.0 (Long term support)” and click on the Create button.
Because we have chosen an empty project template, configure the project to work as an MVC Application as
explained earlier and then do the following:
Add a new folder under the project naming it as “Models”, add a new class in to that folder naming it as
“LoginModel” and write the below code in it importing “System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations” namespace:
Add a new folder under the project naming it as “Controllers”, add a new Controller class into the folder
naming it as “AccountController”, and write the below code in it by deleting the existing Index action method:
Add a view to “Login” action method and to do that right click on the method that is present in the
Controller class, select the option “Add View” which launches a window, in that select “Razor View-Empty”, click
on “Add” button which opens a window asking for a name, enter name as “Login.cshtml” and click “Add” button.
Note: now in the view we need to import the Model class to access the properties of Model class, as following:
@model MVCCoreTagHelpers.Models.LoginModel
In the above statement we are prefixing the “Namespace-Name” before the “Model Class-Name”, and we
need to do this in every View where we are using “Model Binding”. To simply the coding or decrease the typing
work MVC Core introduced an option called as “ViewImports” i.e., it is a new “.cshtml” file present under the
Views folder just like “_ViewStart.cshtml”, but with the name “_ViewImports.cshtml” and we can use this file to
importing all the required namespaces for views, so that we don’t require to do that again and again in each View.
If we create a project of type “ASP.NET Core Empty” then we will not have “_ViewImports.cshtml” by
default in our project so we need to explicitly add it, and to do that right click on the Views folder and select the
option Add => View which will open a new window and in that window select “Razor View Empty” and click on the
“Add” button which opens another window and in that window select the template “Razor View Imports” which
displays “_ViewImports.cshtml” as the name of file, click on “Add” button to add it to the Project. By default, the
file will be empty and, in the file, write the below statement:
@using MVCCoreTagHelpers.Models
Note: If we create a project of type “ASP.NET Core Web App (Model-View-Controller)”, then we don’t require
doing all the above things because my default “_ViewImports.cshtml” file is added, and the Models namespace is
also imported.
Now in “Login.cshtml” without prefixing the namespace name before Model class name we can directly
write it as following:
@model LoginModel
Installing Bootstrap for designing Views: if we want to use bootstrap for styling of elements, we need to first
install bootstrap in our projects and we can do that either by using “NuGet Package Manager” or “Library
Manager” for managing all the client-side libraries.
Working with Library Manager: Right-click on the Project in Solution Explorer and choose Add => Client-Side
Library, which launches “Add Client-Side Library” dialog over there, and in that window fill the following details:
Provider: cdnjs (default)
Library: twitter-bootstrap@5.2.2 (5.2.2 is the latest version by the time of preparing this document).
Select Include all library files radio button.
Target Location: wwwroot/lib/bootstrap
Click install and this will install bootstrap in our project under the specified target location and this will
also add a file in the project with the name “libman.json” and under this file the details of all the libraries installed
will be present.
Now write the below code in the “Login.cshtml” file by deleting all the content in the file except the
Model class import statement, for creating the Login Form using “HtmlHelpers”:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Login Form</title>
<link href="~/lib/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<h1>Login Form</h1>
@using (Html.BeginForm("Login","Account",FormMethod.Post,new {@class="form-horizontal",role="form"}))
<hr />
<div class="form-group">
@Html.LabelFor(m => m.Email, new { @class = "col-md-2 control-label" })
@Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.Email, new { @class = "col-md-4 form-control" })
<div class="form-group">
@Html.LabelFor(m => m.Password, new { @class = "col-md-2 control-label" })
@Html.PasswordFor(m => m.Password, new { @class = "col-md-4 form-control" })
<div class="form-group">
@Html.CheckBoxFor(m => m.RememberMe)
@Html.LabelFor(m => m.RememberMe)
<div class="form-group">
<input type="submit" value="Log In" class="btn btn-primary" />
<input type="reset" value="Reset" class="btn btn-primary" />
In the View what we have created above, we used “Html Helpers” to design the UI or View whereas “MVC
Core” provided us “Tag Helpers” for UI or View designing.
How to use Tag Helpers?
Ans: To use the In-built Tag Helpers, we must import them by using “@addTagHelper” directive in
“_ViewImports.cshtml” file. If our project is “ASP.NET Core Empty” we need to perform importing explicitly
whereas if the project is “ASP.NET Core Web App (Model-View-Controller)” then it is automatically imported and
to check that go to “_ViewImports.cshtml” and watch the code, and there we find the below statement and if not
found do it manually:
@addTagHelper *,Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.TagHelpers
Note: The above statement will import all the Tag helpers that are present in the namespace
“Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.TagHelpers” and as discussed above if we import a library in “_ViewImports.cshtml”
file then it will be available for all the views. If you don’t want any views to use globally imported Tag Helpers, you
can use @removeTagHelper in the respective view.
If we want to use these Tag Helpers in our Login Page, then delete all the content that is present inside of
<section></section> tags in the code present there and write the below code inside of <section></section> tags:
<div class="form-group">
<input type="submit" value="Log In" class="btn btn-primary" />
<input type="reset" value="Reset" class="btn btn-primary" />
MVC Core Tag Helpers: these will enable server-side code to participate in creating and rendering HTML elements
in Razor Pages. There are many built-in Tag Helpers for common tasks - such as creating forms, links, loading assets
and more - and even more available in public GitHub repositories as NuGet packages as well as we can also create
our own Tag Helpers.
Tag Helpers are authored in C#, and they target HTML Elements based on the element or attribute name.
For example, the built-in “LabelTagHelper” class targets the HTML Label Element when the “LabelTagHelper”
attributes are applied. If we are familiar with HTML Helpers in MVC 5, Tag Helpers will reduce the explicit
transitions between HTML and C# in Razor views i.e., in many cases, HTML Helpers provide an alternative approach
to a specific Tag Helper, but it’s important to recognize that Tag Helpers don’t replace HTML Helpers and there is
no Tag Helper available for every HTML Helper.
Tag Helpers are a way to make developers more productive and be able to produce more robust, reliable,
and maintainable code using information that is available on the server. For example, historically the mantra of
updating images was to change the name of image whenever we change the image because Images will be cached
by the browsers for performance reasons, and unless we change the name of an image, you risk clients getting a
stale copy. Historically, after an image was edited, the name must be changed and each reference to the image in
the web application needed to be updated. Not only this is labor intensive, but it’s also errors prone (you could
miss a reference, accidentally enter the wrong string, etc.). The built-in “ImageTagHelper” can do this work
automatically for us i.e., this will append a version number to the image name, so whenever the image changes,
the server automatically generates a new unique version for the image, so clients are guaranteed to get the latest
image. This robustness and labor savings comes essentially free by using the “ImageTagHelper”.
All the built-in Tag Helpers target the standard HTML Elements and provide server-side attributes for
those elements. For example, the <input> element used in our views contains the “asp-for” attribute and this
attribute extracts the name of the specified Model Property into the rendered HTML.
Tag helper we use:
<form asp-controller="Home" asp-action="Index" method="post">
<!-- Input and Submit elements -->
Note: MVC runtime generates action attribute value based on the Form Tag Helper Attributes => asp-controller
and asp-action. The Form Tag Helper also generates a hidden Request Verification Token to prevent cross-site
request forgery (when used with [ValidateAntiForgeryToken] filter attribute in HTTP Post action method).
Protecting a pure HTML Form from cross-site request forgery is difficult; the Form Tag Helper provides this service
free for you.
Using a named route: The asp-route Tag Helper attribute can also generate markup for the HTML action attribute.
An application with a route named “RegisterRoute” could use the following markup for the Registration Page:
Form Action Tag Helper: This generates the form action attribute based on the Button or Input type - image tags.
The form action attributes controls where a form submits its data. It binds to <input> elements of type image and
<button> elements. The Form Action Tag Helper enables the usage of several “AnchorTagHelper” “asp- attributes”
to control what “form action” link is generated for the corresponding element. For example, if we define a
Controller class with a set of action methods using attribute routing along with a name to the route then we can
use form action tag helper to generate submit links.
public class AccountController : Controller
[Route("/Account/Login", Name = "LoginRoute")]
public string Login()
return "This is a Login Page.";
[Route("/Account/Register", Name = "RegisterRoute")]
public string Register()
return "This is a Registration Page.";
Note: The Input Tag Helper sets the HTML “type” attribute based on the .NET type. The below table lists, some
common .NET types, and generated HTML types:
.NET Type Input Type
bool type="checkbox"
string type="text"
DateTime type="datetime-local"
Byte, int, single, double type="number"
The following table shows some common data annotations attributes that the input tag helper will map
to specific input types:
Attribute Input Type
[EmailAddress] type="email"
[Url] type="url"
[HiddenInput] type="hidden"
[Phone] type="tel"
[DataType(DataType.Password)] type="password"
[DataType(DataType.Date)] type="date"
[DataType(DataType.Time)] type="time"
The Select Tag Helper: Generates select and associated option elements for properties of your model. The Select
Tag Helper’s “asp-for” specifies the model property name for the select element and “asp-items” specifies the
option for elements. For example:
Multi-select: The Select Tag Helper will automatically generate the multiple = "multiple" attribute if the property
specified in the “asp-for” attribute is an “IEnumerable”. For example, given the following model:
Anchor Tag Helper: Anchor Tag Helper enhances the standard HTML anchor (<a ... ></a>) tag by adding new
public class StudentController : Controller
[Route("/Student/GetStudent", Name = "StudentGet")]
public ActionResult GetStudent()
return View();
asp-route: The asp-route attribute is used for creating a URL link directly to a named route. Using routing
attributes, a route can be named as shown in the “StudentController” and used in its “GetStudent” action:
Image Tag Helper: The Image Tag Helper enhances the “<img>” tag to provide cache-busting behavior for static
image files. Cache-busting string means a unique value representing the hash of the static image file appended to
the asset’s URL. The unique string prompts clients (and some proxies) to reload the image from the host web
server and not from the client's cache.
Environment Tag Helper: The Environment Tag Helper conditionally renders its enclosed content based on the
current hosting environment i.e., this Tag Helper’s include or exclude attributes can be used to specify a comma-
separated list of environment names. If any of the given environment names match the current environment, the
enclosed content is rendered.
To work with “Image” and “Environment” TagHelpers add 2 new action methods in “AccountController”
class of “MVCCoreTagHelpers” project and write the below code under the existing Login method:
To work with “ImageTagHelper” add a new folder with the name “images” under “wwwroot” folder and
copy an image into it with the name “Register.jpg”. Add a View to Register action method and write the below
code in it by deleting the exiting content in it:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Registration Form</title>
<link href="~/lib/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<h1>Registration Form</h1>
<img src="~/images/Register.jpg" class="card-img-top" />
Call the Register action method to launch “Register.cshtml” file, now replace the image in images folder
with a new image but the image name should be “Register.jpg” only and launch Register view again but you will
see old image only but not the new image because of the cache busting behavior of the browser and to resolve the
problem add “asp-append-version="true"” to the image tag which should now look as following:
<img src="~/images/Register.jpg" class="card-img-top" asp-append-version="true" />
When we add the new attribute to Image Tag it will generate a unique hash value based on the image
content and appends to the image name, so whenever image changes (not the name) a new hash value will be
generated, appended to the image name, and then loads the image from the server without loading it from
browser cache.
To work with EnvironmentTagHelper add a new view to Index action method and write the below code in
it by deleting the exiting content in it:
The Environment Tag Helper conditionally renders its enclosed content based on the current hosting
environment and to test this, run the Index view and in the browser use “View Page Source” option, and watch the
“<link>” tag in “<head>” section which will be loading the assets from “local folder” because our project is right
now running in “Development” environment and to change it open “launchSettings.json” file present under
Properties and change ("ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT": "Development") as ("ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT":
"Production") and run Index action method again and watch the “<link>” tag by using “View Page Source” which
will now load the assets from “CDN”.
Custom Tag Helpers: We can also develop our own Tag Helpers and consume them in our applications and to do
that we need to follow the below process:
Step 1: Add a new folder under the project with the name “TagHelpers”.
Step 2: Define a new class inheriting from the pre-defined class “TagHelper” which is present under the namespace
“Microsoft.AspNetCore.Razor.TagHelpers”. The name of the class should be same as the tag we are targeting
suffixed with TagHelper.
Step 3: Now under the class define all the properties we are expecting for our tag.
Step 4: Implement logic under the class by overriding the method “Process” of “TagHelper” class.
Step 5: Import the project namespace in “_ViewImports.cshtml” file.
Step 6: Start consuming the new TagHelper class in the required Views.
Creating a Custom Tag Helper:
Step 1: Add a new folder under the project naming it as “TagHelpers” and in to that folder add a new class naming
it as “EmailTagHelper.cs” and write the below code in it by importing “Microsoft.AspNetCore.Razor.TagHelpers”
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(TargetAddress))
output.Attributes.SetAttribute("href", $"mailto:{TargetAddress}");
output.Attributes.SetAttribute("href", $"mailto:{MailTo}@{DomainName}");
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(InnerHtml))
else if(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(TargetAddress))
In the above case we are targeting the “<email>” tag and implementing the logic so whenever we use the
“<email>” tag in our View file it will be changing to “<a>” tag and the 4 properties we defined in the class (MailTo,
DomainName, TargetAddress and InnerHtml) will be defining the way how “<a>” tag is rendered.
Step 2: go to “_ViewImports.cshtml” file and import the project namespace on top of the file as following:
@addTagHelper *, MVCCoreTagHelpers
Step 3: Write the below code in <body> tag of “Index.cshtml” file by deleting the existing code present there:
<h3>Click to navigate:</h3>
<a class="btn btn-primary" href="/Home/Login">Login</a>
@Html.ActionLink("Register", "Register", "Home", null, new { @class="btn btn-primary" })
<a class="btn btn-primary" asp-controller="Home" asp-action="About">About</a>
<br /><br />
<email target-address=""></email><br />
<email mail-to="marketing" domain-name=""></email><br />
<email mail-to="sales" domain-name="" inner-html="Contact"></email>
Note: Now run the “Index.cshtml” file and watch the output of the “<email>” tag by using “View Page Source”
option where we notice “<a>” tags getting generated for all “<email>” tags.
Data Management using XML
Create a new “ASP.NET Core Web App (Model-View-Controller)” naming it as “MVCDHProject”, choose
Target Framework as “.NET 5.0 (Out of support)” or “.NET 6.0 (Long-term support)”, and click on the Create button.
Add a new XML File in the Project naming it as “Customer.xml” and write the below code in it:
Add a new class in to the Models folder naming it as “Customer” and write the below code in it:
public class Customer
public int Custid { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public decimal? Balance { get; set; }
public string City { get; set; }
public bool Status { get; set; }
Add another new class in to the Models folder naming it as “CustomerXmlDAL” and write the below code in it:
using System.Data;
public class CustomerXmlDAL
DataSet ds;
public CustomerXmlDAL()
ds = new DataSet();
//Adding Primary Key on Custid of DataTable
ds.Tables[0].PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] { ds.Tables[0].Columns["Custid"] };
public List<Customer> Customers_Select()
List<Customer> Customers = new List<Customer>();
foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
Customer obj = new Customer
Custid = Convert.ToInt32(dr["Custid"]),
Name = (string)dr["Name"],
Balance = Convert.ToDecimal(dr["Balance"]),
City = (string)dr["City"],
Status = Convert.ToBoolean(dr["Status"])
return Customers;
public Customer Customer_Select(int Custid)
//Finding a DataRow based on its Primary Key value
DataRow dr = ds.Tables[0].Rows.Find(Custid);
Customer obj = new Customer
Custid = Convert.ToInt32(dr["Custid"]),
Name = Convert.ToString(dr["Name"]),
Balance = Convert.ToDecimal(dr["Balance"]),
City = Convert.ToString(dr["City"]),
Status = Convert.ToBoolean(dr["Status"])
return obj;
public void Customer_Insert(Customer customer)
//Creating a new DataRow based on the DataTable structure
DataRow dr = ds.Tables[0].NewRow();
//Assigning values to each Column of the DataRow
dr["Custid"] = customer.Custid;
dr["Name"]= customer.Name;
dr["Balance"] = customer.Balance;
dr["City"] = customer.City;
dr["Status"] = customer.Status;
//Adding the new DataRow to DataTable
//Saving data back to XML file
public void Customer_Update(Customer customer)
//Finding a DataRow based on its Primary Key value
DataRow dr = ds.Tables[0].Rows.Find(customer.Custid);
//Finding the Index of DataRow by calling IndexOf method
int Index = ds.Tables[0].Rows.IndexOf(dr);
//Overriding the old values in DataRow with new values based on the Index
ds.Tables[0].Rows[Index]["Name"] = customer.Name;
ds.Tables[0].Rows[Index]["Balance"] = customer.Balance;
ds.Tables[0].Rows[Index]["City"] = customer.City;
//Saving data back to XML file
public void Customer_Delete(int Custid)
//Finding a DataRow based on its Primary Key value
DataRow dr = ds.Tables[0].Rows.Find(Custid);
//Finding the Index of DataRow by calling IndexOf method
int Index = ds.Tables[0].Rows.IndexOf(dr);
//Deleting the DataRow from DataTable
//Saving data back to XML file
Add a new Controller into Controllers folder naming it as “CustomerController” and write the below code in it:
using MVCDHProject.Models;
public class CustomerController : Controller
CustomerXmlDAL obj = new CustomerXmlDAL();
public ViewResult DisplayCustomers()
return View(obj.Customers_Select());
public ViewResult DisplayCustomer(int Custid)
return View(obj.Customer_Select(Custid));
public ViewResult AddCustomer()
return View();
public RedirectToActionResult AddCustomer(Customer customer)
return RedirectToAction("DisplayCustomers");
public ViewResult EditCustomer(int Custid)
return View(obj.Customer_Select(Custid));
public RedirectToActionResult UpdateCustomer(Customer customer)
return RedirectToAction("DisplayCustomers");
public RedirectToActionResult DeleteCustomer(int Custid)
return RedirectToAction("DisplayCustomers");
Add a View to DisplayCustomers Action method and write the below code by deleting existing code over there:
@model IEnumerable<Customer>
<h2 style="text-align:center;background-color:yellowgreen;color:red">Customer Details</h2>
<table border="1" align="center" class="table-condensed">
<th>@Html.DisplayNameFor(C => C.Custid)</th>
<th>@Html.DisplayNameFor(C => C.Name)</th>
<th>@Html.DisplayNameFor(C => C.Balance)</th>
<th>@Html.DisplayNameFor(C => C.City)</th>
<th>@Html.DisplayNameFor(C => C.Status)</th>
@foreach (Customer customer in Model)
<td align="center">@Html.DisplayFor(C => customer.Custid)</td>
<td>@Html.DisplayFor(C => customer.Name)</td>
<td>@Html.DisplayFor(C => customer.Balance)</td>
<td>@Html.DisplayFor(C => customer.City)</td>
<td align="center">@Html.DisplayFor(C => customer.Status)</td>
<a asp-action="DisplayCustomer" asp-route-Custid="@customer.Custid">View</a>
<a asp-action="EditCustomer" asp-route-Custid="@customer.Custid">Edit</a>
<a asp-action="DeleteCustomer" asp-route-Custid="@customer.Custid"
onclick="return confirm('Are you sure of delting the record?')">Delete</a>
<tr><td colspan="6" align="center"><a asp-action="AddCustomer">Add New Customer</a></td></tr>
Add a View to DisplayCustomer Action method and write the below code by deleting existing code over there:
@model Customer
<h2 style="text-align:center;background-color:yellowgreen;color:red">Customer Details</h2>
<table border="1" align="center">
<tr><td>Custid: </td><td>@Model.Custid</td></tr>
<tr><td>Name: </td><td>@Model.Name</td></tr>
<tr><td>Balance: </td><td>@Model.Balance</td></tr>
<tr><td>City: </td><td>@Model.City</td></tr>
<tr><td>Status: </td><td>@Model.Status</td></tr>
<div style="text-align:center">
<a asp-action="DisplayCustomers" align="center">Back to Customer Details</a>
Add a View to AddCustomer Action method and write the below code by deleting existing code over there:
@model Customer
<form asp-controller="Customer" asp-action="AddCustomer" method="post">
<div><label asp-for="Custid"></label><br /><input asp-for="Custid" /></div>
<div><label asp-for="Name"></label><br /><input asp-for="Name" /></div>
<div><label asp-for="Balance"></label><br /><input asp-for="Balance" /></div>
<div><label asp-for="City"></label><br /><input asp-for="City" /></div>
<div><label asp-for="Status"></label><br /><input asp-for="Status" /></div>
<div><input type="submit" value="Save" /><input type="reset" value="Reset" /></div>
<div><a asp-action="DisplayCustomers" align="center">Back to Customer Details</a></div>
Add a View to EditCustomer Action method and write the below code by deleting existing code over there:
@model Customer
<form asp-controller="Customer" asp-action="UpdateCustomer" method="post">
<div><label asp-for="Custid"></label><br /><input asp-for="Custid" readonly /></div>
<div><label asp-for="Name"></label><br /><input asp-for="Name" /></div>
<div><label asp-for="Balance"></label><br /><input asp-for="Balance" /></div>
<div><label asp-for="City"></label><br /><input asp-for="City" /></div>
<div><label asp-for="Status"></label><br /><input asp-for="Status" disabled /></div>
<div><input type="submit" value="Update" /><input type="reset" value="Reset" /></div>
<div><a asp-action="DisplayCustomers" align="center">Back to Customer Details</a></div>
What is the Problem in the above implementation?
Ans: As we can see in the above “CustomerController” class, to get the Customer Data, Controller depends on
“CustomerXmlDAL” class. So, with-in the Controller class we have created the instance of “CustomerXmlDAL” class
and then invoking all the methods of that class as per our requirements. So, there is a tight coupling between
“CustomerController” class and “CustomerXmlDAL” classes. Tomorrow if the DAL implementation class is changed
then we also need to change the code in all the Controller classes where we used “CustomerXmlDAL” because
Controller and DAL are tightly coupled with each other.
Note: We can overcome this problem with the help of “Dependency Injection Design Pattern”.
Dependency Injection in ASP.NET Core: ASP.NET Core Framework is designed from scratch to provide in-built
support for Dependency Injection. ASP.NET Core Framework injects objects/instances of dependency classes
through constructor or method or property by using a built-in IoC (Inversion of Control) container.
1. Framework Services: services that are a part of ASP.NET Core Framework such as “IApplicationBuilder”,
“IConfiguration”, “IServiceCollection”, “ILoggerFactory”, “IWebHostEnvironment”, etc.
2. Application Services: the services (custom types) which we as a programmer create for our application.
Note: To let the “IoC” container automatically inject our application services, we first need to register them with
the “IoC” container.
object/instance determines how many times the dependency object needs to be created and we are provided with
3 options to set the lifetime of the service, those are:
1. Singleton: in this case, the “IoC” container will create and share a single object/instance of a service object
throughout the application’s lifetime.
2. Scoped: in this case, the “IoC” container will create an object/instance of the specified service type once per
request and will be shared in a single request.
3. Transient: in this case, the “IoC” container will create a new object/instance of the specified service type every
time you ask for it (Single Call).
Note: The built-in “IoC” container manages the lifetime of a registered service i.e., it automatically disposes of a
service object/instance based on the specified lifetime.
AddSingleton: when we use this method to register a service, then it will create a singleton service which means a
single instance of that service is created and shared among all the components of the application that require it.
This instance is created when the first request comes to the service (single instance for all users).
AddScoped: when we use this method to register a service, then it will create a scoped service i.e., an instance of
the service is created once per each HTTP Request and uses that instance in other calls of the same request (one
instance for each request).
AddTransient: when we use this method to register a service, then it will create a transient service. It means a new
instance of the specified service is created each time when it is requested, and they are never shared (one instance
for each method call).
Note: we can also manually inject dependency object i.e., service into client class by implementing the below code:
var services = HttpContext.RequestServices;
var obj = (<Interface_Name>)services.GetService(typeof(<Interface_Name>));
To implement “Depdendency Injection” into our application i.e., “MVCDHProject” do the following:
Step 1: Define an interface under Model’s folder with the name “ICustomerDAL” and write the below code in it.
public interface ICustomerDAL
List<Customer> Customers_Select();
Customer Customer_Select(int Custid);
void Customer_Insert(Customer customer);
void Customer_Update(Customer customer);
void Customer_Delete(int Custid);
Step 2: Go to “CustomerXmlDAL” class and make “ICustomerDAL” interface as its parent as following:
public class CustomerXmlDAL : ICustomerDAL
Step 3: Register the “Service Class” for “Dependency Injection” in “Startup class for ASP.NET Core 5.0” or “Program
class for ASP.NET Core 6.0” by calling any of the 3 register methods => “AddSingleton” or “AddTransient” or
“AddScoped” based on your requirement, importing “MVCDHProject.Models” namespace:
ASP.NET Core 5.0: Write the below code in “Startup” Class under “ConfigureServices” Method:
services.AddSingleton<ICustomerDAL, CustomerXmlDAL>();
services.AddScoped<ICustomerDAL, CustomerXmlDAL>();
services.AddTransient<ICustomerDAL, CustomerXmlDAL>();
ASP.NET Core 6.0: Write the below code in “Program” class just above the statement => var app = builder.Build();
builder.Services.AddSingleton<ICustomerDAL, CustomerXmlDAL>();
builder.Services.AddScoped<ICustomerDAL, CustomerXmlDAL>();
builder.Services.AddTransient<ICustomerDAL, CustomerXmlDAL>();
Note: for our application what we have been developing, “AddScoped” will be the best option because in Insert,
Update and Delete we have multiple methods getting executed in each request.
Step 4: Now go to “CustomerController” class and in top of the class we have created instance of
“CustomerXmlDAL” class, delete it and write the below code over there:
Note: after doing all the above changes run the Project again and check the output of all the Action Methods which
executes as is. Now we can start implementing the DAL Class logic targeting different Data Sources.
Implementing DAL Class targeting SQL Server
Now let’s implement a new DAL Class targeting SQL Server, and to do that let’s use Entity Framework Core
which is an extension to Entity Framework.
EF Core mainly targets Code-First approach and provides very limited support for Database-First approach
because the visual designer for DB Modeling is not supported.
In Code-First approach, EF Core API creates Database and Tables using migrations, based on the conventions
and configuration provided in our domain classes. This approach is useful in Domain Driven Design (DDD).
In Database-First approach, EF Core API creates Domain and Context classes based on our existing Database
using EF Core commands. This has limited support in EF Core as it doesn’t have Visual Designer or Wizard.
EF Core Vs EF 6: EF Core is a new and improved version of Entity Framework for .NET Core applications. EF Core
continues to support the following features and concepts, same as EF 6:
EF Core will include most of the features of EF 6 gradually. However, there are some features of EF 6
which are not supported in EF Core such as:
6. Lazy loading of related data
7. Stored procedure mapping with DbContext for CUD operation
EF Core includes the following new features which are not supported in EF 6:
1. Easy relationship configuration
2. Batch INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE operations
3. In-memory provider for testing
4. Support for “IoC” (Inversion of Control)
5. Unique constraints
6. Shadow properties
7. Alternate keys
8. Global query filter
9. Field mapping
10. DbContext pooling
11. Better patterns for handling disconnected entity graphs
EF Core Database Providers (Libraries): Entity Framework Core uses provider model to access many different
Database’s. Entity Framework Core provides access too many Databases through plug-in libraries called Database
Providers and we need to install those providers as NuGet packages. List of available providers can be found at the
following location:
To work with Entity Framework Core in our applications we need to install the below 2 packages from NuGet:
Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Tools: contains a set of types and tools for Scaffolding, using which we can
perform migrations. This is common for any Database we want to work with like SQL Server or Oracle or My SQL
and this package internally depends on another package: Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Design.
Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Design: contains shared design-time components for Entity Framework Core
Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer: contains a set of types which are required to work with SQL Server
Database and this package internally depends on 2 other packages: Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Relational
and Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.
Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Relational: contains all the types that are required in common to work with
any Relational Database.
Microsoft.Data.SqlClient: contains all the types which are required to work with SQL Server Database.
To work with SQL Server using Entity Framework Core in our existing “MVCDHProject” application,
perform the below actions:
Step 2: Go to “Customer.cs” file and apply “Data Annotations” on it by importing the required namespaces:
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.Schema;
public class Customer
public int Custid { get; set; }
[Column(TypeName = "Varchar")]
public string Name { get; set; }
[Column(TypeName = "Money")]
public decimal? Balance { get; set; }
[Column(TypeName = "Varchar")]
public string City { get; set; }
Step 3: Open “appSettings.json” file and write the “ConnectionString” for connecting to SQL Server just below the
(“AllowedHosts”: “*”) statement, that should now look as following:
"Logging": {
"LogLevel": {
"Default": "Information",
"Microsoft.AspNetCore": "Warning"
"AllowedHosts": "*",
"ConnectionStrings": {
"ConStr": "Data Source=Server;User Id=Sa;Password=123;Database=MvcCoreDB"
Step 4: Now add a new class in to the Models folder with the name “MVCCoreDbContext” and this class is our
“DbContext” and under this class write the below code:
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
public class MVCCoreDbContext : DbContext
public MVCCoreDbContext(DbContextOptions options) : base(options)
public DbSet<Customer> Customers { get; set; }
Note: the above class “MVCCoreDbContext” is not specifically configured to work with SQL Server Database, but
was designed generic to work with any Relational Database, so this is also loosely coupled with the Database we
want to work with. We need to inject the information of Database we want to work with thru the Injector class i.e.,
either Startup in ASP.NET Core 5.0 or Program in ASP.NET Core 6.0.
Step 5: Because “MVCCoreDbContext” class is loosely coupled we need to register this class in Startup Class for
ASP.NET Core 5.0 and Program Class for ASP.NET Core 6.0 to tell whether it has to connect with SQL Server or SQL
Lite or My SQL or Oracle or Postgre SQL or Cosmos Database’s, so that the Dependency Injection Container will tell
“MVCCoreDbContext” class to which Database it has to connect with, in runtime. To register the Context class, we
need to use “AddDbContext” method and to do that write the below code:
services.AddDbContext<MVCCoreDbContext>(options =>
ASP.NET Core 6.0: go to “Program” class, import “Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore” namespace and write the
below code just above the statement => var app = builder.Build();
builder.Services.AddDbContext<MVCCoreDbContext>(options =>
Note: “UseSqlServer” is an extension method under “DbContextOptionsBuilder” class which is added on install of
“Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer” package; same as this when we install the “Oracle Provider” package
it will add another extension method with the name “UseOracle” and so on.
Step 6: Add a class in Model’s folder naming it “CustomerSqlDAL” and implement the interface “ICustomerDAL”
and provide implementation to all the abstract methods of interface, targeting SQL Server Database.
return context.Customers.Find(Custid);
public void Customer_Insert(Customer customer)
public void Customer_Update(Customer customer)
customer.Status = true;
public void Customer_Delete(int Custid)
Customer customer = context.Customers.Find(Custid);
customer.Status = false;
Note: in the above class we are using Dependency Injection to inject the Context class object thru the Constructor.
Step 7: We are using the Code First Approach in our application and we are not provided with Automatic
Migrations in EF Core, so we need to run few Scaffolding Commands to create the Database and Tables and to do
that open “Package Manager Console” and run the below commands 1 after the other.
PM> Add-Migration InitialMigration
The above command will create a folder under the project with the name “Migrations” and in the folder it
will create a file with the name “TimeStamp_InitialMigration.cs” and in this file we find “Create Table” and other
SQL Statements which must be executed on the Database, and to execute them run the below command:
PM> Update-Database //This command will create the Database and Table on SQL Server.
Step 8: Now go to Startup Class for ASP.NET Core 5.0 or Program Class for ASP.NET Core 6.0 and change the
“Service Class Name” in the method where we registered the interface i.e., Service Class Name “CustomerXmlDAL”
should be changed to “CustomerSqlDAL”, as below:
Or<ICustomerDAL, CustomerSqlDAL>(); //Preferred
For our application “AddScoped” is the right option because we are dealing with Database Connections.
Now run the “CustomerController” and invoke the Action Methods to perform CRUD Operations, and the
advantage here is the same Controller and Views can be used now also without re-writing them again.
Migration in Entity Framework Core: Migration is a feature which keeps the Database schema in sync with our
Entity Classes by preserving data. EF Core API builds the EF Core Model from the Domain (Entity) Classes and EF
Core Migrations will Create or Update the Database schema based on EF Core Model. Whenever we change the
Domain Classes, you need to run Migration to keep the Database schema up to date. EF Core Migrations are a set
of commands that we can executed in “NuGet Package Manager Console” or in “Dotnet Command Line Interface”.
Remove-Migration Remove
Usage: Removes the last migration snapshot.
Update-Database Update
Usage: Updates the database schema based on the last migration snapshot.
Script-Migration Script
Usage: Generates a SQL script by using all the migration snapshots.
Adding a Migration: At the very first time, when we define the initial Domain Classes and there is no Database for
our Application then we need to create our first migration, to create the Database as well as whenever we change
our Domain Classes, we need to create a new migration to update the Database.
Note: in the above statements, “InitialMigration” is the name of Migration which will create a Migration folder
with 2 files in it:
1. <timestamp>_<InitialMigration>.cs: this file includes migration operations in the Up() and Down()
methods. The Up() method includes code for creating Database Objects and Down() method includes code for
dropping Database objects.
Updating the Database: we use this command to create or update Database schema based on the Migration we
have created above.
Package Manager Console: PM> Update-Database
.NET CLI: <drive>:\<Personal Folder>\MVCDHProject\MVCDHProject> dotnet ef database Update
Note: This command will create the Database (if it is not existing) based on the Context, Domain Classes and the
Migration Snapshot, which is created using the “add-migration” or “add” commands. If this is the first migration, it
will also create a Table with the name “__EFMigrationsHistory”, which will store the names of all migrations that
are executed till now which are applied to the Database.
Removing a Migration: we can remove the last migration, provided it is not applied to the Database. Use the
following remove commands to remove the last created migration files which will revert the model snapshot.
Note: if the migration is already applied to Database, then it will throw an exception and displays below error
The migration “<Migration Name>” has already been applied to the database. Revert it and try again. If the
migration has been applied to other databases, consider reverting its changes using a new migration instead.
Reverting a Migration: suppose we changed our domain classes and created a second migration with the name
“NewMigration1” using the “add-migration” command and applied that migration to Database using “Update
Command” but, for some reason, we want to revert or rollback the Database to its previous state then we need to
use the “Update-Database <migration name>” command to revert the Database to the specified previous
migration snapshot.
The above command will revert the Database based on specified migration named “InitialMigration” and
removes all the changes applied for second migration named “NewMigration1”. This will also remove the entry
from the “__EFMigrationsHistory” table in the Database. But this will not remove the migration file related to
“NewMigration1”, so we need to use the Remove command and remove them from the project.
Generating a SQL Script: use this command to generate a SQL script for the database.
The above command will include a script for all the migrations by default, and we can specify a range of
migrations also by using the “-to” and “-from” options.
Help Commands: Package Manager Console provides us a command called “get-help” using which we can get help
about any required topic.
The above command will provide information about the “EF Core Commands” and same as this we can
also use “Get-Help” on each “EFCore” Commands as following:
Package Manager Console: PM> Get-Help Add-Migration
To try the above commands, do the following:
Step 1: Go to Customer class and add a new property in the class as below:
public string State { get; set; }
Step 2: Open Package Manager Console and create a new migration as below:
PM> Add-Migration Update1
The above action will create a new migration file under “Migrations” folder with the name “<time
stamp>_Update1.cs” which contains an “Up” method for adding the new column and “Down” method for
dropping the column. The Snapshot file will contain the modifications that are made.
The above action will create a new migration file under “Migrations” folder with the name “<time
stamp>_Update2.cs” which contains an “Up” method for adding the new column and “Down” method for
dropping the column. The Snapshot file will contain the modifications that are made.
Step 5: we can now use the Remove Migration command to remove the last created migration file as following at
Package Manager Console:
PM> Remove-Migration
The above action will remove the last migration file i.e., “Update2” and this action will also update the
Snapshot file.
Step 6: let us apply “Update1” migration on the Database and to do that use the below command at Package
Manager Console:
PM> Update-Database
The above action will update the last migration file i.e., “Update1” to the Database but the property
“Country” is not removed from the “Customer” class, which should be explicitly removed by us or we can even
create a new “Migration” for that property update.
Step 7: Open Package Manager Console and create a new migration as below:
PM> Add-Migration Update2
The above action will create a new migration file under “Migrations” folder with the name “<time
stamp>_Update2.cs” which contains an “Up” method for adding the new column and “Down” method for
dropping the column. The Snapshot file will contain the modifications that are made.
public string Continent { get; set; }
Step 9: Open Package Manager Console and create a new Migration as below:
PM> Add-Migration Update3
The above action will create a new migration file under “Migrations” folder with the name “<time
stamp>_Update3.cs” which contains an “Up” method for adding the new column and “Down” method for
dropping the column. The Snapshot file will contain the modifications that are made.
Step 10: Open Package Manager Console and update the Database as below:
PM> Update-Database
The above action will update both Migrations to the Database i.e., “Update2” and “Update3” also, and we
can verify this by connecting to SQL Server and querying on the table: “__EFMigrationsHistory” which will show the
history of all migrations we have created till now.
Note: now if we try to use the “Remove-Migration” command it will throw an error as all the migrations are
updated to the Database and to test that go to Package Manager Console and use the below command:
PM> Remove-Migration
Rollback Migration: If we want to bring our Database Schema, back to its any state i.e., to any of the Migrations
we applied, we can revert to a migration and to do that, we need to use “Update-Database” command with the
“Migration Name” (you can get the name of Migration to where we want to rollback, from the
“__EFMigrationsHistory” table) we want to revert, and to test that go to Package Manager Console and use the
below command:
PM> Update-Database <time stamp value>_InitialMigration
The above action will roll back to “InitialMigration” and updates the table “__EFMigrationsHistory” but it
will not remove the Migration Files under the project and to remove them we need to use “Remove-Migration”
command for 3 times because each time it remove only 1 migration.
Note: these actions will not remove the properties we added in our Customer class so go there and explicitly
delete them also.
Data Seeding: this is a process of populating Database-Tables with some initial data and to do that we need to
override “OnModelCreating” method in our “DataContext” class i.e., “MVCCoreDbContext”, and to test this
process write the below code in the class:
Note: generally, seed data is performed in the initial stages only i.e., the first time we create the Database then
only we will perform data seeding (preferably in initial migration).
Step 3: update the Database from Package Manager Console using the below statement:
PM> Update-Database
Note: This action will update the migration “SeedData” to the Database and inserts the 4 records into Table but
before updating the migration, go to the Database and delete if there are any existing records in the table.
Handling Errors in ASP.NET Core MVC Applications
In Web Applications we generally come across 2 different types of Errors:
1. Http Status Code Based Errors (4XX) => Client Errors
2. Exceptions (5XX) => Server Errors
Handling Client Errors: These errors occur if at all the request contains bad syntax or cannot be fulfilled. This
category of status codes is intended for situations in which the error seems to have been caused by client. For
example, if we try to send a request for a page which is not existing then it is “404; Not Found Error”. To handle
these errors, MVC Core provides us 3 Middle Ware components and they are:
1. UseStatusCodePages
2. UseStatusCodePagesWithRedirects
3. UseStatusCodePagesWithReExecute
To use these Middleware’s first let’s try to access a page which is not existing in the site, for example:
http://localhost:port/Customer/GetCustomer this will display an error page to the user which we generally see in
real-time when a resource was not found.
UseStatusCodePage: this Middleware component adds a “StatusCodePage” with a default response that displays
the “Status Code” and “Status Msg”. To use the above Middleware, do the following below in “Startup.cs” file for
ASP.NET Core 5.0 and “Program.cs” file in ASP.NET Core 6.0:
ASP.NET Core 5.0: go to “Startup.cs” file and change the existing code that is present under “Configure” method of
the class as below. Old code you find in the method will be as following:
if (env.IsDevelopment())
Change it as below:
if (env.IsDevelopment())
ASP.NET Core 6.0: go to “Program.cs” file and change the existing code that is present under the class as below.
Old code you find over there will be as following:
if (!app.Environment.IsDevelopment())
// The default HSTS value is 30 days. You may want to change this for production scenarios, see
Change it as below:
if (!app.Environment.IsDevelopment())
// The default HSTS value is 30 days. You may want to change this for production scenarios, see
Now try to access a page which is not existing again, but now we see the Error Page displaying the Status
Code and Status Message as following: “Status Code: 404; Not Found”.
UseStatusCodePagesWithRedirects: this Middleware specifies that the response should be handled by redirecting
to the given location URL template which may include “{0}” => Place Holder for Status Code. To use this
Middleware, do the following:
Step 1: Add a controller in our “MVCDHProject” naming it as “ErrorController” and write the below code in it by
deleting the existing code in the class:
public IActionResult ClientErrorHandler(int StatusCode)
case 400:
ViewBag.ErrorTitle = "Bad Request";
ViewBag.ErrorMessage = "The server can’t return a response due to an error on the client’s end.";
case 401:
ViewBag.ErrorTitle = "Unauthorized or Authorization Required";
ViewBag.ErrorMessage = "Returned by server when the target resource lacks authentication credentials.";
case 402:
ViewBag.ErrorTitle = "Payment Required";
ViewBag.ErrorMessage = "Processing the request is not possible due to lack of required funds.";
case 403:
ViewBag.ErrorTitle = "Forbidden";
ViewBag.ErrorMessage = "You are attempting to access the resource that you don’t have permission to view.";
case 404:
ViewBag.ErrorTitle = "Not Found";
ViewBag.ErrorMessage = "The requested resource does not exist, and server does not know if it ever existed.";
case 405:
ViewBag.ErrorTitle = "Method Not Allowed";
ViewBag.ErrorMessage = "Hosting server supports the method received, but the target resource doesn’t.";
return View("ClientErrorView");
Step 2: Add a new View in the Shared folder of our project naming it as “ClientErrorView” and write the below
code in it:
<h2 class="alert-danger">
Client Error Page - @ViewBag.ErrorTitle
<p style="text-align:justify;font-size:large">
Step 3: Go to “Startup.cs” or “Program.cs” file (based on the version you are targeting), comment the method
“UseStatusCodePages();” and in that place call the method “UseStatusCodePagesWithRedirects” as following:
In this case when we get any status code-based error or client error it will redirect to “ErrorController”
passing the “StatusCode” as a parameter and invokes the method “ClientErrorHandler” because we have defined a
route to “UseStatusCodePagesWithRedirects” method as “[Route("ClientError/{StatusCode}")]” and now
“ClientErrorHandler” method will launch the view i.e., “ClientErrorView” and displays the details of error.
Note: whenever a client error occurs “UseStatusCodePagesWithRedirects” Middleware will transfer the control to
browser with a redirection response (302) and then browser will send a fresh request to the action method with
the route “ClientError” and passes the status code 404 (in our case now) so that the URL in address bar gets
updated to http://localhost:port/Error/404. The drawback in this case is there is an extra round trip between the
Browser and Web Server.
UseStatusCodePagesWithReExecute: this Middleware specifies that the response body should be generated by re-
executing the request pipeline using an alternate path which may include “{0}” Placeholder for Status Code. We
can overcome the problem of “UseStatusCodePagesWithRedirects” with “UseStatusCodePagesWithReExecute”
Middleware, because in this case it will not perform a re-direction but transfers the control directly on server from
1 page to another page directly on the server itself, so the URL in browsers address bar will not be updated i.e., it
will be still showing the original requested URL only. To test this, go to “Startup.cs” or “Program.cs” file (based on
the version you are targeting), comment the method call “UseStatusCodePagesWithRedirects” and call the new
method “UseStatusCodePagesWithReExecute” as following:
Handling Server Errors: to handle server errors we need to configure the middleware “UseExceptionHandler” and
specify the address where it has to be redirected when there is a server error. Currently in an “MVC Project” it is
already configured, so if we observe the code in Configur” method of Startup class (ASP.NET Core 5.0) and Program
class (ASP.NET Core 6.0) we notice the statement: “app.UseExceptionHandler("/Home/Error");”, and right now this
is already configured to invoke the “Error” action method of “Home” Controller, so whenever there is a server
error it will redirect to the Home Controller - Error Action method. If we want to handle the error on our own
without using the pre-defined code, do the following:
Step 1: Go to “Startup.cs” or “Program.cs” file (based on the version you are targeting), change the code which is
calling the method “UseExceptionHandler” as below, so that whenever there is an error without going to Home
Controller - Error Action method, it will redirect to the Action Method with the route name as “ServerError”:
Step 2: Go to “ErrorController” class and add the below action method in that class by importing the namespace
public IActionResult ServerErrorHandler()
var ExceptionDetails = HttpContext.Features.Get<IExceptionHandlerPathFeature>();
ViewBag.ErrorTitle = ExceptionDetails.Error.GetType().Name;
ViewBag.Path = ExceptionDetails.Path;
ViewBag.ErrorMessage = ExceptionDetails.Error.Message;
return View("ServerErrorView");
Note: The “ServerErrorHandler” action method is defined with the route as "ServerError" so it gets invoked when
there is a server error as we configured it in Startup Class (ASP.NET Core 5.0) and Program Class (ASP.NET Core
6.0), which launches the view "ServerErrorView" by passing the details of the error thru ViewBag.
Step 3: Add a View in Shared folder of our project, naming it as "ServerErrorView.cshtml" and write the below
code in it:
<p style="text-align:justify;font-size:large;color:red">
ASP.NET Core Identity Framework
It is an API that supports UI Login functionality by managing users, passwords, profile data, roles, tokens,
email confirmation, and more. Users can create an account with the login information stored in Identity or they
can use external login providers that include Facebook, Google, Microsoft, and Twitter Accounts. Identity is
typically configured using an SQL Server Database to store usernames, passwords, and profile data. Alternatively,
another persistent store can be used, for example, Azure Table Storage.
Step 2: Go to our context class i.e., “MVCCoreDbContext” and change the parent class of it from “DbContext” to
“IdentityDbContext” by importing “Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.EntityFrameworkCore” namespace and this
“IdentityDbContext” class internally inherits from “DbContext” class.
Step 3: In our “DbContext” class i.e., “MVCCoreDbContext” with-in the existing “OnModelCreating” method which
we have overridden earlier, write the below statement in top of the method, so that the base class i.e.,
“IdentityDbContext”, “OnModelCreating” method also gets executed, and we need to do this call because there is
some logic implemented in the parent class for setting “IdentityUserLogin” model’s key property:
ASP.NET Core 5.0: Go to “Startup.cs” file, and write the below code under “ConfigureServices” method:
services.AddIdentity<IdentityUser, IdentityRole>().AddEntityFrameworkStores<MVCCoreDbContext>();
ASP.NET Core 6.0: Go to “Program.cs” file, and write the below code just above the statement “var app =
builder.Services.AddIdentity<IdentityUser, IdentityRole>().AddEntityFrameworkStores<MVCCoreDbContext>();
Step 5: Add Authentication Middleware to request pipeline using the below statement:
ASP.NET Core 5.0: Go to “Startup.cs” file, and write the above statement in “Configure” method between
“UseRouting” and “UseAuthorization” Middleware’s.
ASP.NET Core 6.0: Go to “Program.cs” file, and write the above statement between “UseRouting” and
“UseAuthorization” Middleware’s:
Step 6: Now open Package Manager Console and create a new Migration as below:
PM> Add-Migration AddIdentity
Step 7: Update the new migration i.e., “AddIdentity” as below, so that all the required Tables gets created on our
Database i.e., “MVCCoreDb”:
PM> Update-Database
Step 8: Now under the Models folder define the below classes:
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
public class UserModel
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Password { get; set; }
[Display(Name = "Confirm Password")]
[Compare("Password", ErrorMessage = "Confirm password should match with password.")]
public string ConfirmPassword { get; set; }
[Display(Name = "Email Id")]
public string Email { get; set; }
[RegularExpression("[6-9]\\d{9}", ErrorMessage = "Mobile No. Is Invalid")]
public string Mobile { get; set; }
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
public class LoginModel
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Password { get; set; }
Step 9: Now under the Controllers folder add a new controller with the name “AccountController”, delete the
existing Index Action method in it and write the below code:
using MVCDHProject.Models;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity;
public class AccountController : Controller
private readonly UserManager<IdentityUser> userManager;
private readonly SignInManager<IdentityUser> signInManager;
public AccountController(UserManager<IdentityUser> userManager, SignInManager<IdentityUser> signInManager)
this.userManager = userManager;
this.signInManager = signInManager;
UserManager class provides options for managing users in a persistence store.
IdentityUser class represents a user in the identity system.
SignInManager class provides options for user sign in.
Adding a Register View: right click on the Register action method in the “AccountController” class, select “Add
View”, in the window opened select “Razor View”, click “Add” button, in the window opened select Template as
“Create” Model Class as “UserModel (MVCDHProject.Models)” and click on the “Add” button which will create a
View with the name “Register.cshtml”. After the View is created, make any changes in the design (if required) and
then run the view to register new users.
Note: When we want to create a new user account a set of rules are pre-defined on Username and Password,
under 2 classes: “UserOptions” and “PasswordOptions”.
“UserOptions” class defines options for user validations and in this class, there is a property
“AllowedUserNameCharacters” which contains the list of allowed characters for the “Username” and in this the
code is as following:
“PasswordOptions” class defines options for password validations and in this class, there are properties
like RequiredLength, RequiredDigit, RequiredLowerCase, RequiredUpperCase, etc. to validate the password, and in
this class the code is as following:
We can override these options as per our requirements and we need to do that in “Startup.cs” file for
ASP.NET Core 5.0 and “Program.cs” file for ASP.NET Core 6.0. For example, if we want to set the “RequiredLength”
as 8 characters and “RequireDigit” as false do the following:
ASP.NET Core 5.0: go to “Startup.cs” file and re-write the “Services.AddIdentity” method as following:
Old Code:
services.AddIdentity<IdentityUser, IdentityRole>().AddEntityFrameworkStores<MVCCoreDbContext>();
New Code:
services.AddIdentity<IdentityUser, IdentityRole>(options =>
options.Password.RequiredLength = 8;
options.Password.RequireDigit = false;
ASP.NET Core 6.0: go to “Program.cs” file and re-write the “builder.Services.AddIdentity” method as following:
Old Code:
builder.Services.AddIdentity<IdentityUser, IdentityRole>().AddEntityFrameworkStores<MVCCoreDbContext>();
New Code:
builder.Services.AddIdentity<IdentityUser, IdentityRole>(options =>
options.Password.RequiredLength = 8;
options.Password.RequireDigit = false;
Step 10: Implementing “Login Action”, and to do that go to “AccountController” class and add the below 2 Action
Methods in the class:
Template as “Create”, Model Class as “LoginModel (MVCDHProject.Models)” and click on the “Add” button which
will create a View with the name “Login.cshtml”. Make any necessary changes to the View (if required) and run it
to Login into the application with the user accounts you have registered.
Providing Login, Register and Logout links: Let’s provide links for Login and Register if the user is not signed-in and
if signed-in, lets display Username and Logout links on the top of every page and to do that do the following:
i. Open “_ViewImports.cshtml” file that is present in “Views” folder and write the below statement in it:
@using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity
ii. Open “_Layout.cshtml” file that is present in the “Shared” folder of “Views” folder and write the below
statement on top of the file to inject “SignInManager”:
@inject SignInManager<IdentityUser> signInManager
iii. In “_Layout.cshtml” file, we find a “<div>” tag with an un-ordered list containing links for “Home” and “Privacy”
Views and with-in that “<ul>” add 1 more “<li>” to the existing 2 “<li>'s” to display a link for Managing Customers:
<li class="nav-item">
<a class="nav-link text-dark" asp-controller="Customer" asp-action="DisplayCustomers">Customers</a>
Now after the “</ul>” tag with-in the same “<div>” tag write the below code to add Login, Logout and
Register links on the RHS:
await signInManager.SignOutAsync();
return RedirectToAction("Login");
Authorization: this refers to the process that determines what a user can do. For example, in a Library
Management Application an administrative user can create a document library, add documents, edit documents,
and delete them. A non-administrative user working with the library is only authorized to read the documents.
Authorization is independent from authentication. However, authorization requires an authentication mechanism.
Authentication is the process of ascertaining who a user is. Now let’s implement authorization in our application,
so that only logged-in users can perform Edit, Insert and Delete operations on Customer, whereas all other users
can View the Customers data. To implement this, we have 2 options:
Option 1: Authorize Attribute - by using Authorize attribute we can specify that this action method is accessible
only to authorized users and to test that, go to Customer Controller class and on top of “AddCustomer” (Get
Method), “EditCustomer” and “DeleteCustomer” add the Authorize attribute as following by importing
“Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization” namespace:
public ViewResult AddCustomer()
public ViewResult EditCustomer(int Custid)
public RedirectToActionResult DeleteCustomer(int Custid)
Note: Now run the application and try to access the above 3 action methods without signing into the application,
which will redirect you to Login Page.
Without using Authorize attribute on each action method we can use it directly on the Controller class
also, so that all Action methods in the class can be accessed only by Authorizing and in this case if we want to
provide Anonymous access to any of the methods in that Controller class we need to use “AllowAnonymous”
attribute on those methods.
To test this comment or delete Authorize attribute we used on the 3 action methods and apply the
Authorize attribute on Controller class as well as on the top of “DisplayCustomer” and “DisplayCustomers” action
methods use “AllowAnonymous” attributes as following:
public class CustomerController : Controller
public ViewResult DisplayCustomers()
public ViewResult DisplayCustomer(int Custid)
Note: “AllowAnonymous” attribute by passes all authorization statements i.e., if we combine “AllowAnonymous”
and “Authorize” attributes, then “Authorize” attribute is ignored. For example, if you apply “AllowAnonymous” at
Controller level, any “Authorize” attributes on that Controller’s action methods will be ignored.
Option 2: if we want to apply authorization on all the controllers in the project, then without applying it on each
and every controller we can do that in “Startup.cs” file for ASP.NET Core 5.0 and “Program.cs” file for ASP.NET
Core 6.0 and to do that, first import the 2 namespaces: “Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization” and
“Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Authorization”, and re-write the statement “services.AddControllersWithViews()” as
ASP.NET Core 5.0: go to “Startup.cs” file and re-write the code of “AddControllersWithViews” method that is
present under “ConfigureServices” method as below:
Old Code:
New Code:
services.AddControllersWithViews(configure =>
var policy = new AuthorizationPolicyBuilder().RequireAuthenticatedUser().Build();
configure.Filters.Add(new AuthorizeFilter(policy));
ASP.NET Core 6.0: go to “Program.cs” file and re-write the code of “AddControllersWithViews” method that is
present above the statement => “var app = builder.Build();” as below:
Old Code:
New Code:
builder.Services.AddControllersWithViews(configure =>
var policy = new AuthorizationPolicyBuilder().RequireAuthenticatedUser().Build();
configure.Filters.Add(new AuthorizeFilter(policy));
With this change, now any Controller in the project will not run because we enabled Authentication
application level i.e., Home Controller, Error Controller and Account Controller also will not run, and to over the
problem add “AllowAnonymous” attribute on the top of these 3 Controller classes by importing
“Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization” namespace:
public class HomeController : Controller
public class ErrorController : Controller
public class AccountController : Controller
Return URL: after bringing Authentication into picture if we try to open any of the secured resource it will first
open Login View to Login, but after the Login process is completed it will take us to Index action of Home controller
but not to the View we have selected and to overcome this problem, when we are being re-directed to Login Page
from any secure resource then the “URL” will contain the address of the page to where it has to be redirected after
Login, and we find it with the Key-Name “ReturnUrl”, so we can use this “Return-URL” for redirecting back to the
original View we requested after a successful Login and to do that make the below changes:
Step 1: Go to “LoginModel.cs” and add a new property in LoginModel class to read the Return-URL as below:
public string ReturnUrl { get; set; } = "";
Step 2: Go to “Login.cshtml” and read the “ReturnUrl” which is present in the form of “Query String” and to do
that, do the following change on the top of the page:
Old Code:
ViewData["Title"] = "Login";
New Code:
ViewData["Title"] = "Login";
var returnUrl = @Context.Request.Query["ReturnUrl"];
Step 3: Now pass the “returnUrl” value to Login’s Post Action Method as a route and to that, change the code of
“<form>” tag as following:
Old Code:
<form asp-action="Login">
New Code:
<form asp-action="Login" asp-route-ReturnUrl="@returnUrl">
Step 4: In the Login’s Post Action Method of Account Controller change the code under “Succeeded” condition as
Old Code:
if (result.Succeeded)
return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home");
ModelState.AddModelError("", "Invalid login credentials.");
New Code:
if (result.Succeeded)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(loginModel.ReturnUrl))
return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home");
return LocalRedirect(loginModel.ReturnUrl);
ModelState.AddModelError("", "Invalid login credentials.");
Note: Now run the application and watch the difference.
Email Confirmation: this is quite an important part of the user registration process. It allows us to verify the
registered user is indeed an owner of the provided email.
To overcome this problem, it is a good practice to ask a user to confirm the email after registration and to
implement this in our application do the following changes:
Step 1: Add a new View in the Shared folder of Views folder with the name “DisplayMessages.cshtml”, to display
any information or error messages to the end users, and write the below code in it deleting the existing content:
Step 2: Go to Register Post Action Method in Account Controller class and re-write the code under the
“Succeeded” condition as following:
Old Code:
if (result.Succeeded)
//Code implemented for an automatic Sign-In after the registration is complete.
await signInManager.SignInAsync(identityUser, false);
return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home");
New Code:
if (result.Succeeded)
//Implementing logic for sending a mail to confirm the Email
var token = await userManager.GenerateEmailConfirmationTokenAsync(identityUser);
var confirmationUrlLink = Url.Action(
"ConfirmEmail", "Account", new { UserId = identityUser.Id, Token = token }, Request.Scheme);
SendMail(identityUser, confirmationUrlLink, "Email Confirmation Link");
TempData["Title"] = "Email Confirmation Link";
TempData["Message"] = "A confirm email link has been sent to your registered mail, click on it to confirm.";
return View("DisplayMessages");
Step 3: To send an Email from our application, first install “MailKit” package from NuGet Package Manager and
then in the Account Controller class import the namespaces “System.Text”, “MimeKit” and “MailKit.Net.Smtp”,
and add a new method in the class for sending an Email as following:
mailMessage.Subject = subject;
mailMessage.Body = bodyBuilder.ToMessageBody();
Note: to send mails from your Gmail Account first you need to go to “Manage your Google Account” => Select
“Security” tab => scroll down to “Signing in to Google” => under that set the “2-Step Verification” property value as
“On” and configure it. Now click on “App passwords” option => in the “Select app” Dropdown List, choose => Other
(Custom name) and enter some name in the TextBox over there for example “TestApp” and click on Generate
button which displays a “16-character Password”, use this password in your application as password for the Email.
Step 4: To generate token for Email Confirmation, Change Email and Reset Password, etc. we need to register a
default Token Provider in by calling “AddDefaultTokenProviders” method under “Startup.cs” file in ASP.NET Core
5.0 and “Program.cs” file in ASP.NET Core 6.0 as following:
ASP.NET Core 5.0: go to “Startup.cs” file and change the code of “services.AddIdentity” method which is present in
“ConfigureServices” method as below:
Old Code:
services.AddIdentity<IdentityUser, IdentityRole>(options =>
options.Password.RequiredLength = 8;
options.Password.RequireDigit = false;
New Code:
services.AddIdentity<IdentityUser, IdentityRole>(options =>
options.Password.RequiredLength = 8;
options.Password.RequireDigit = false;
ASP.NET Core 6.0: go to “Program.cs” file and change the code of “builder.Services.AddIdentity” method which is
present above the statement => “var app = builder.Build();” as below:
Old Code:
builder.Services.AddIdentity<IdentityUser, IdentityRole>(options =>
options.Password.RequiredLength = 8;
options.Password.RequireDigit = false;
New Code:
builder.Services.AddIdentity<IdentityUser, IdentityRole>(options =>
options.Password.RequiredLength = 8;
options.Password.RequireDigit = false;
After doing all the above changes whenever a new user registers, then a mail is generated and sent to his
registered mail with mail confirmation link that contains an Email Confirmation Token and User Id. Token is a
unique “ID” value that is generated for email confirmation, change email and change password, to identify the user
when he clicks on the link.
Step 5: Now with-out confirming the email a user should not be allowed to login into the application and to that,
go to Post Action of Login Method which is present in “AccountController” class and add the below code in top of
the if condition i.e., inside “if (ModelState.IsValid)” condition:
Step 6: Now when the user clicks on the Confirmation Link in his mail it will redirect to “ConfirmEmail” action
method of Account Controller class, so let’s define “ConfirmEmail” Action Method in Account Controller as
foreach (var Error in result.Errors)
Errors.Append(Error.Description + ". ");
TempData["Title"] = "Confirmation Email Failure";
TempData["Message"] = Errors.ToString();
return View("DisplayMessages"); }
TempData["Title"] = "Invalid User Id.";
TempData["Message"] = "User Id which is present in confirm email link is in-valid.";
return View("DisplayMessages");
TempData["Title"] = "Invalid Email Confirmation Link.";
TempData["Message"] = "Email confirmation link is invalid, either missing the User Id or Confirmation Token.";
return View("DisplayMessages");
Implementing Password Reset Functionality: Now let’s implement password reset functionality in our application
and for that, to do the following:
Step 1: Go to “Login.cshtml” and add links for Register and Forgot Password, just above the “</form>” tag as
<div class="form-group">
New user? <a asp-action="Register">Click</a> to register?
<br />
Forgot password? - <a asp-action="ForgotPassword">Click</a> to reset.
Step 2: Add a new Model class in Model’s folder, naming it as “ChangePasswordModel.cs” and write the below
code in the class:
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
public class ChangePasswordModel
[Display(Name = "User Name")]
public string Name { get; set; }
Step 3: Go to “AccountController” class and write the below Action Methods in the class:
public IActionResult ForgotPassword()
return View();
public async Task<IActionResult> ForgotPassword(ChangePasswordModel model)
var User = await userManager.FindByNameAsync(model.Name);
if (User != null && await userManager.IsEmailConfirmedAsync(User))
var token = await userManager.GeneratePasswordResetTokenAsync(User);
var confirmationUrlLink = Url.Action("ChangePassword", "Account", new { UserId = User.Id, Token = token },
SendMail(User, confirmationUrlLink, "Change Password Link");
TempData["Title"] = "Change Password Link";
TempData["Message"] = "Change password link has been sent to your mail, click on it and change password.";
return View("DisplayMessages");
TempData["Title"] = "Change Password Mail Generation Failed.";
TempData["Message"] = "Either the Username you have entered is in-valid or your email is not confirmed.";
return View("DisplayMessages");
return View(model);
Now add a View to “ForgotPassword” action method and to do that, choose Razor View in Scaffold Page,
click “Add” button, under Template select “Create”, under Model Class select “ChangePasswordModel” and click
on “Add” button. Run the View; enter your “Username” to receive a reset password mail. After receiving the mail,
user can click on the link to change the password and to perform that we need to define “ResetPassword” Action
Step 4: Add another Model class in Model’s folder, naming it as “ResetPasswordModel.cs” and write the below
code in it:
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
public class ResetPasswordModel
public string UserId { get; set; }
public string Token { get; set; }
public string Password { get; set; }
Step 5: Go to “AccountController” class and write the below Action Methods in that class:
public IActionResult ChangePassword()
return View();
public async Task<IActionResult> ChangePassword(ResetPasswordModel model)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
var User = await userManager.FindByIdAsync(model.UserId);
if (User != null)
var result = await userManager.ResetPasswordAsync(User, model.Token, model.Password);
if (result.Succeeded)
TempData["Title"] = "Reset Password Success";
TempData["Message"] = "Your password has been reset successfully.";
return View("DisplayMessages");
foreach (var Error in result.Errors)
ModelState.AddModelError("", Error.Description);
TempData["Title"] = "Invalid User";
TempData["Message"] = "No user exists with the given User Id.";
return View("DisplayMessages");
return View(model);
Now add a View to “ChangePassword” action method, choose Razor View in Scaffold Page, click “Add”,
under Template select “Create”, under Model Class select “ResetPasswordModel” and click on “Add” button. This
view gets launched when we user clicks on the “Reset Password Email Link” he has received, and that link contains
2 “Query String” values “UserId & Token”, and we need to read the values of them into our page and to do that
modify the code on the top of the view as following:
Old Code:
ViewData["Title"] = "ResetPassword";
New Code:
ViewData["Title"] = "ResetPassword";
var UserId = @Context.Request.Query["UserId"];
var Token = @Context.Request.Query["Token"];
Note: In the current view, it will provide “Textbox’s” for entering “User Id & “Token” values, but we are not going
to enter those values because those values came to the View as “Query Strings”, when the user clicks on the link
that is sent to his email, so delete the 2 “<div>” tags containing controls for entering “User Id” and “Token”. Now
we need to bind “User Id & Token” values we have captured, to the Model in the form of “route-values” and to do
those change the code of “<form>” tag as following:
Old Code:
<form asp-action="ResetPassword">
New Code:
<form asp-action="ResetPassword" asp-route-userId="@UserId" asp-route-token="@Token">
Implementing Open Authentication: open authentication is a process of adding an option of authenticating a User
by using external login providers like Google, Facebook, Microsoft, and Twitter.
Implementing Google and Facebook Authentication: to implement Google and Facebook authentication in our
application do the following:
<hr />
<form asp-action="Login" asp-route-ReturnUrl="@returnUrl">
<div asp-validation-summary="ModelOnly" class="text-danger"></div>
<div class="form-group">
<label asp-for="Name" class="control-label"></label>
<input asp-for="Name" class="form-control" />
<span asp-validation-for="Name" class="text-danger"></span>
<div class="form-group">
<label asp-for="Password" class="control-label"></label>
<input asp-for="Password" class="form-control" />
<span asp-validation-for="Password" class="text-danger"></span>
<div class="form-group form-check">
<label class="form-check-label">
<input class="form-check-input" asp-for="RememberMe" />
@Html.DisplayNameFor(model => model.RememberMe)
<div class="form-group">
<input type="submit" value="Login" class="btn btn-primary" />
<input type="reset" value="Reset" class="btn btn-primary" />
<div class="form-group">
New user? <a asp-action="Register">Click</a> to register?
<br />
Forgot password? - <a asp-action="ForgotPassword">Click</a> to reset.
<div class="col-md-6">
<h3>Google or Facebook</h3>
<hr />
<form asp-action="ExternalLogin" asp-route-returnUrl="@returnUrl">
<input type="submit" name="Provider" value="Google" class="btn btn-primary" />
<input type="submit" name="Provider" value="Facebook" class="btn btn-primary" />
@section Scripts {
@{await Html.RenderPartialAsync("_ValidationScriptsPartial");}
Step 2: Register our application under Google => to work with Google, first we need to register our application
with Google and to do that open the site “” and login with your credentials. Now click on
Create Project => in the window opened enter project name as “NIT Customer Management” and click on Create
button which creates a new project. Now go to “Navigation Menu” which is present in LHS, on the top and select
“APIS and Services” => “Library” => now in the window opened Search for “Google+ Api” which opens a new
window, in that click on “Google+ Api” and then click on Enable button.
Now in the LHS top we find “Google+ API” and above it we find “APIs and Services” click on it which
displays the options below, select “OAuth consent screen” in LHS and click on Create button => which will display a
screen and asks for “App Name”, enter the name as “NIT Customer Management”, Enter the Support Email Id:
“<enter your email id here>”, scroll down and enter Developer contact information also with your email id and
click on “Save and Continue” button.
Now click on “Credentials” in the LHS and click on “Create Credentials” on the top and select “OAuth
Client Id” in the provided list, and then choose “Application Type” as “Web Application”, give a name to it, for
example: “NIT Client”, and then under “Authorized Java Script Origins”, click on “+Add URI” option and specify the
URI for the home page of our site: https://localhost:port.
Note: to get the URI of our site’s home page go to Solution Explorer if our project, right click on the project and
select Properties, which opens the project property window and, in that select, “Debug” in LHS and scroll down to
the bottom in RHS, select the CheckBox “Enable SSL” which displays the URI, copy, and paste it in Google’s “URI”
TextBox. E.g.: https://localhost:YourPortNo
Now under Authorized redirect URIs option click on “+Add URI” option and specify the redirect URI as
shown: “YourSiteURI/signin-google” for example: https://localhost:YourPortNo/signin-google and click on the
Create button which opens a window and in that it will display Client ID and Client Secret, copy and save them
because we need to use those values in our Web Application.
Step 3: Registering our application under Facebook => open the site and login
with your credentials. Now in the RHS top, click on “MyApps” Menu, which opens a window click on the button
“Create App”, which opens another window asking for “Select an app type” => Select “None” Radio Button and
click on “Next”, in the window opened enter “Display Name” for our App, as “NIT Customer Management”, enter
“App Contact Email”, click on “Create App” button which will create the app and opens “App Dashboard”.
Now in the “App Dashboard” click on the “Setup” button under “Facebook Login”, which will ask to
“Select the platform for this app.”, choose “Web” which will ask for site “URL” enter it as shown:
“YourSiteURI/signin-facebook”, for example: https://localhost:YourPortNo/signin-facebook and click on “Save”.
Now click on Facebook Login in LHS and under that choose Settings, now on the RHS select the option to
configure the client “OAuth Login”, which is already selected “Yes”, so leave the same and under “Valid OAuth
Redirect URL’s” enter the URL as “YourSiteURL/signin-facebook” and click on “Save Changes”. Now in the LHS on
the top we find another “Settings” option, expand it and under it choose “Basic” which will display “App Id” and
“App Secret” in RHS, copy and save because we need to use them in our application.
Now to take your app live we need to provide a privacy policy which should be generated at the following
site: Login into the site by creating an account, in the window opened select “Private
Policy Generator” which opens a window in that choose “Website” and click on Next Step button and fill in the
following details:
1. Website URL: https://localhost:YourPortNo/
2. Website Name: NIT Customer Management
3. Entity Type: Individual
4. Country: India
5. State: Telangana
Click on Next Step button and choose the required options (select all the free options), click on Generate a
Privacy Policy URL, then click on download button which displays an URL copy it. Now come back to Facebook,
under the “Basic” Settings paste the Url in “Privacy Policy URL” TextBox and click on Save Changes button.
Now on the top of the page we find a “Toggle Button” as “In Development” click on it to change the App
to “Live”, which opens a window in that choose a Category for your application, for example Education and click on
“Switch Mode” Button.
Step 4: come back to your project in Visual Studio and install the below 2 packages using NuGet Package Manager:
Step 5: Go to “Startup.cs” file in ASP.NET Core 5.0 and “Program.cs” file in ASP.NET Core 6.0 and write the below
code to include Google and Facebook authentications in our application:
ASP.NET Core 5.0: under “ConfigureServices” method of Startup Class write the below code.
.AddGoogle(options =>
options.ClientId = "<Specify Client Id>";
options.ClientSecret = "<Enter Client Secret>";
.AddFacebook(options =>
options.AppId = "<Specify App Id>";
options.AppSecret = "<Specify App Secret>";
ASP.NET Core 6.0: in Program Class write the below code just above the statement => “var app = builder.Build();”.
.AddGoogle(options =>
options.ClientId = "<Specify Client Id>";
options.ClientSecret = "<Enter Client Secret>";
.AddFacebook(options =>
options.AppId = "<Specify App Id>";
options.AppSecret = "<Specify App Secret>";
Step 6: Now go to “AccountController” class and implement the below Action methods by importing the
namespace “System.Security.Claims”:
public IActionResult ExternalLogin(string returnUrl, string Provider)
var url = Url.Action("CallBack", "Account", new { ReturnUrl = returnUrl });
var properties = signInManager.ConfigureExternalAuthenticationProperties(Provider, url);
return new ChallengeResult(Provider, properties);
public async Task<IActionResult> CallBack(string returnUrl)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(returnUrl)) {
returnUrl = "~/";
LoginModel model = new LoginModel();
var info = await signInManager.GetExternalLoginInfoAsync();
if (info == null)
ModelState.AddModelError("", "Error loading external login information.");
return View("Login", model);
var signInResult = await signInManager.ExternalLoginSignInAsync(info.LoginProvider, info.ProviderKey, false, true);
if (signInResult.Succeeded)
return LocalRedirect(returnUrl);
var email = info.Principal.FindFirstValue(ClaimTypes.Email);
if (email != null)
var user = await userManager.FindByEmailAsync(email);
if (user == null)
user = new IdentityUser
UserName = info.Principal.FindFirstValue(ClaimTypes.Email),
Email = info.Principal.FindFirstValue(ClaimTypes.Email),
PhoneNumber = info.Principal.FindFirstValue(ClaimTypes.MobilePhone),
var identityResult = await userManager.CreateAsync(user);
await userManager.AddLoginAsync(user, info);
await signInManager.SignInAsync(user, false);
return LocalRedirect(returnUrl);
TempData["Title"] = "Error";
TempData["Message"] = "Email claim not recieved from google.";
return RedirectToAction("DisplayMessages");
Hosting MVC Core Application on Microsoft Azure
Open the site “” and create an account to login into the site. Click on the Subscriptions
button on the home screen which opens another window and in that click on “+ Add” button which opens a new
window and, in that select, “Azure for Students” and click on “Select Offer” button which opens a new window,
click on “Activate” button and provide all the required details.
Now open our project “MVCDHProject” in Visual Studio, then go to Solution Explorer, right click on the
project and select the option “Publish” this opens the Publish Window and in that under “Target” choose “Azure”
and click next, now under the “Specific Target” choose “Azure App Service (Windows)” and click next, now under
the “App Service” we need to create an “App Service Instance” and to do that click on “+ (Create an Azure App
Service)” button which opens a window and in that provide the following details:
Name: nitcore
Subscription: “Choose your subscription plan here”
Resource Group: Click on New button beside and enter a name to it, for example “NITRG”.
Hosting Plan: Click on New button besides, which opens a window and in that enter the following details:
Hosting Plan: NITHP
Location: “Choose any location or leave the default”
Size: “Choose the size or leave the default”
=> Click on the Ok button
=> Click on the Create button
=> Click on the Finish button
Now in the publish window, it will recognize all the dependencies, and our application right now has a
“Database Dependency”, so it will display that in the bottom of the window under “Service Dependencies” option,
click on the “+ (Add new service dependency)” button and in the window opened, select “Azure SQL Database”
option and click “Next” button, now in the new window opened click on the “+ (Create a SQL Database)” button
which opens a new window, provide the following details in it:
Database name: Enter a name to the Database or leave the existing name
Subscription: Choose your subscription plan here
Resource Group: NITRG
Database Server: Click on the New button beside and enter the following details in the window opened:
Database server name: nitdbserver
Location: Choose any location or leave the default
Administrator username: NitAdmin
Administrator password: NIT2022pwd
=> Click on the Ok button
=> Click on the Create button
=> Click on the Next button which will ask for Connection String details, so enter the following in it:
Database connection password: NIT2022pwd
=> Click on the Finish button which will finish the configuration, click on the Close button, and close.
Now in the Publish window we find “More actions” dropdown select “Edit” in it which opens a new
window and in that on the LHS choose “Settings” and do the following:
Expand the “Databases” option and check the CheckBox “Use this connection string at runtime”.
Expand the “Entity Framework Migrations” option and check the CheckBox “Apply this migration on publish”.
=> In the Publish window click on the Publish button which will upload the site to azure server, which we can now
access by using the URL:
Entity Framework Core DB First
This was available in Entity Framework Core also but with a very limited support. To work with DB First,
create a new “ASP.NET Core Web App (Model-View-Controller)” Project, naming it as “MVCCoreDBF”, choose
“.NET 6.0 (Long Term Support)”, Select the Checkbox “Configure for HTTPS”, Select the Checkbox “Do not use top-
level statements” and click on “Create” button.
Note: in EF Core we don’t have any designer support for creating DB First project just like what we have in EF 6. So
here we need to use Scaffolding commands to generate Model and Context classes.
To generate Model and Context classes use the below Scaffold command:
Scaffold-DbContext [ConnectionString] [Provider] [-OutputDir <Name>] [-Tables <Name]
Step 1: To use Scaffold Commands and Entity Framework Core for SQL Server first we need to install the below
packages using NuGet Package Manager:
Step 2: Open PMC (Package Manager Console) and write the below code at the “PM” command prompt.
PM>Scaffold-DbContext "Data Source=Server;User Id=Sa;Password=123;Database=MVCDB"
Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer -OutputDir Models -Tables Student
Note: in the Scaffold Command if we don’t use “[-Tables] <Table_Name>” attribute it will generate Model classes
for all the Tables in the Database.
The above statement will generate the Model class with the name “Student” and also generates the
Context class with the name “MVCDBContext” as below:
public virtual DbSet<Student> Students { get; set; }
protected override void OnConfiguring(DbContextOptionsBuilder optionsBuilder)
if (!optionsBuilder.IsConfigured)
#warning To protect potentially sensitive information in your connection string, you should move it out of
source code. You can avoid scaffolding the connection string by using the Name= syntax to read it from
configuration - see For more guidance on storing
connection strings, see
optionsBuilder.UseSqlServer("Data Source=Server;Database=MVCDB;User Id=Sa;Password=123");
protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)
modelBuilder.HasAnnotation("Relational:Collation", "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS");
modelBuilder.Entity<Student>(entity =>
entity.HasKey(e => e.Sid).HasName("PK__Student__CA1E5D78E2EF83E9");
entity.Property(e => e.Sid).ValueGeneratedNever();
entity.Property(e => e.Fees).HasColumnType("money");
entity.Property(e => e.Name).HasMaxLength(50).IsUnicode(false);
entity.Property(e => e.Photo).HasMaxLength(100).IsUnicode(false);
entity.Property(e => e.Status).IsRequired().HasDefaultValueSql("((1))");
partial void OnModelCreatingPartial(ModelBuilder modelBuilder);
Step 3: To define the Controller class, Action methods and Views also let us use Scaffolding and to do that, right
click on the Controllers folder, Select Add => Controller and in the window opened select “MVC Controller with
views, using Entity Framework” and click Add button, which will open a new window and in that select the “Model
cls:” as “Student” and “Data context class:” as “MVCDBContext (MVCCoreDBF.Models)” and click on the “Add”
button which will generate the Controller class with all the required action methods and corresponding Views, and
the name of the Controller will be “StudentsController”.
Step 4: Now go to “Startup” class in case of ASP.NET Core 5.0 or “Program” class in case of ASP.NET Core 6.0 and
register the “DBContext” class by calling “AddDbContext” method and to do this first we need to import the
namespace “MVCCoreDBF.Models” and write the code.
ASP.NET Core 5.0: write the below statement under “ConfigureServices” method of “Startup” class:
ASP.NET Core 6.0: write the below statement under “Program” class just above the statement => “var app =
Now run the project and watch the output of all the Views, but the problem is with the image i.e., it will
not be displayed and in “Add” and “Edit” Views we will not find the option for selecting the image, so we need to
now make all the necessary changes for including the Image in Display, New, Edit and Delete Views.
Step 5: Create a folder with the name “images” under “wwwroot” folder and copy all the image files of Students
into that folder.
Step 6: Now make the necessary changes in all the required Views and their corresponding Action methods as
Index View: go to “Index.cshtml” and replace the code of Photo property with new code as following:
Old Code: @Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.Photo)
New Code: <img src='/images/@item.Photo' width="30" height="30" alt="No Image" />
Details View: go to “Details.cshtml” and replace the code of Photo property with new code as following:
Old Code: @Html.DisplayFor(model => model.Photo)
New Code: <img src='/Images/@Model.Photo' width="200" height="200" alt="No Image" />
Create View: go to “Create.cshtml” and replace the code of Photo property with new code as following:
Old Code: <input asp-for="Photo" class="form-control" />
New Code: <input type="file" name="selectedFile" />
Edit View: go to “Edit.cshtml” and replace the code of Photo property with new code as following:
Old Code: <input asp-for="Photo" class="form-control" />
New Code: <img src='/images/@Model.Photo' width="100" height="100" alt="No Image" />
<input type="file" name="selectedFile" />
Note: in “Create.cshtml” and “Edit.cshtml”, add “enctype” attribute to “<form>” tag which should look as below:
Create.cshtml: <form asp-action="Create" enctype="multipart/form-data">
Edit.cshtml: <form asp-action="Edit" enctype="multipart/form-data">
Delete View: go to “Delete.cshtml” and replace the code of Photo property with new code as following:
Old Code: @Html.DisplayFor(model => model.Photo)
New Code: <img src='/images/@Model.Photo' width="100" height="100" alt="No Image" />
_environment = environment;
if (student == null)
return NotFound();
if (student.Photo != null)
TempData["Photo"] = student.Photo;
return View(student);
Re-write the Post Action method of Edit as following:
public async Task<IActionResult> Edit(int id, [Bind("Sid,Name,Class,Fees,Photo,Status")] Student student,
IFormFile selectedFile)
if (id != student.Sid)
return NotFound();
if (ModelState.IsValid)
if (selectedFile != null)
string FolderPath = Path.Combine(_environment.WebRootPath, "images");
if (!Directory.Exists(FolderPath))
string ImagePath = Path.Combine(FolderPath, selectedFile.FileName);
FileStream fs = new FileStream(ImagePath, FileMode.Create);
student.Photo = selectedFile.FileName;
else if (TempData["Photo"] != null)
student.Photo = TempData["Photo"].ToString();
await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException)
if (!StudentExists(student.Sid))
return NotFound();
return RedirectToAction(nameof(Index));
return View(student);
Web API Core
Create a new project of type “ASP.NET Core Web API”, name the project as “CoreWebApiService”, choose
Target Framework as “.NET 6.0 (Long-term support)” and check these Checkbox’s “Configure for HTTPS”, “Use
controllers (uncheck to use minimal APIs)”, “Enable Open API Support” and “Do not use top-level statements” (this
will define Program class with Main method in it and all the code will be defined inside of the Main method).
Let’s create an API Service that uses XML as Data Source and to do that follow the below process:
Step 1: add an XML File in the project naming it as “Customer.xml” and write the below code in it:
Step 2: Add a new folder under the project naming it as “Models” and then under the folder add a class naming it
as “Customer” and write the below code in it:
public int Custid { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public decimal? Balance { get; set; }
public string City { get; set; }
public bool Status { get; set; }
Step 3: Add an interface in the Models folder naming it as “ICustomerDAL” so that DAL Class implementation can
use Dependency Injection Pattern, and write the below code in the interface:
Step 4: Add a class in the Models folder naming it as “CustomerXmlDAL”, and right now we are implementing the
DAL class logic to work with XML Data Source, and to do that write the below code in the class:
using System.Data;
public class CustomerXmlDAL : ICustomerDAL
DataSet ds;
public CustomerXmlDAL()
ds = new DataSet();
ds.Tables[0].PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] { ds.Tables[0].Columns["Custid"] };
public List<Customer> Customers_Select()
List<Customer> Customers = new List<Customer>();
foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
Customer obj = new Customer
Custid = Convert.ToInt32(dr["Custid"]),
Name = (string)dr["Name"],
Balance = Convert.ToDecimal(dr["Balance"]),
City = (string)dr["City"],
Status = Convert.ToBoolean(dr["Status"])
return Customers;
public Customer Customer_Select(int Custid)
DataRow dr = ds.Tables[0].Rows.Find(Custid);
if (dr != null)
Customer obj = new Customer
Custid = Convert.ToInt32(dr["Custid"]),
Name = (string)dr["Name"],
Balance = Convert.ToDecimal(dr["Balance"]),
City = (string)dr["City"],
Status = Convert.ToBoolean(dr["Status"])
return obj;
return null;
public void Customer_Insert(Customer customer)
DataRow dr = ds.Tables[0].NewRow();
dr[0] = customer.Custid;
dr[1] = customer.Name;
dr[2] = customer.Balance;
dr[3] = customer.City;
dr[4] = customer.Status;
public void Customer_Update(Customer customer)
DataRow dr = ds.Tables[0].Rows.Find(customer.Custid);
int Index = ds.Tables[0].Rows.IndexOf(dr);
ds.Tables[0].Rows[Index]["Name"] = customer.Name;
ds.Tables[0].Rows[Index]["Balance"] = customer.Balance;
ds.Tables[0].Rows[Index]["City"] = customer.City;
ds.Tables[0].Rows[Index]["Status"] = customer.Status;
public void Customer_Delete(int Custid)
DataRow dr = ds.Tables[0].Rows.Find(Custid);
int Index = ds.Tables[0].Rows.IndexOf(dr);
Step 5: Go to “Startup.cs” file in case ASP.Net Core 5.0 and Program.cs file in case of ASP.NET Core 6.0 and write
the below statement by importing “CoreWebApiService.Models” namespace:
ASP.NET Core 5.0 => go to ConfigureServices method in Startup class and write the below statement over there:
services.AddScoped<ICustomerDAL, CustomerXmlDAL>();
ASP.NET Core 6.0 => go to Main method in Program class and write the below statement just above the statement
“var app = builder.Build();”:
builder.Services.AddScoped<ICustomerDAL, CustomerXmlDAL>();
Step 6: Add an “ApiController” in the Controllers folder and to do that right click on the “Controllers” folder, select
Add => Controller, in the window opened select API in LHS and then on the RHS select “API Controller - Empty”,
click Add button, name the class as “CustomerController” and write the below code in the class:
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Http;
using CoreWebApiService.Models;
public class CustomerController : ControllerBase
private readonly ICustomerDAL dal;
public CustomerController(ICustomerDAL dal)
this.dal = dal;
public List<Customer> GetCustomers()
return dal.Customers_Select();
public Customer GetCustomer(int Custid)
return dal.Customer_Select(Custid);
public HttpResponseMessage Post(Customer c)
return new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.Created);
public HttpResponseMessage Put(Customer c)
Customer customer = dal.Customer_Select(c.Custid);
if (customer != null)
return new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.OK);
return new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.NotFound);
public HttpResponseMessage Delete(int Custid)
Customer customer = dal.Customer_Select(Custid);
if (customer != null)
return new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.OK);
return new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.NotFound);
To test Web API Core, we are provided with a built-in tool known as “Swagger”, so we don’t require using
any web debugging tools like Postman or Fiddler etc. Run the “APIController” we have defined and test all the
functionalities by using Swagger.
Consuming our Core API Service in an MVC Controller using JQuery-Ajax with-in the Same Project: add a new
Controller in the current project and it should be an “MVC Controller”, naming it as “HomeController” and add a
View to the default Index action method and write the below code in it:
<html xmlns="">
<script src=""
$(document).ready(function() {
function GetCustomers() {
url: 'http://localhost/CoreWebApiService/api/Customer',
type: 'GET',
dataType: 'json',
success: function (Customers) {
$("#tblCustomers tbody").empty();
$("#tblCustomers").append("<tr><td><input id='custid' type='text' style='width: 50px'/></td><td><input
id='name' type='text' /></td><td><input id='balance' type='text' /></td><td><input id='city' type='text' /></td><td
align='center'><input id='status' type='checkbox' /></td><td align='center'><input type='button' id='insert'
value='Insert' onclick='AddCustomer()' /></td></tr>");
$.each(Customers, function (index, Customer) {
error: function (request) {
function BuildCustomerRow(Customer) {
var NewRow = "<tr>" + "<td align='center'>" + Customer.custid + "</td>" +
"<td><input type='text' class='input-name' value='" + + "'/></td>" +
"<td><input type='text' class='input-balance' value='" + Customer.balance + "'/></td>" +
"<td><input type='text' class='input-city' value='" + + "'/></td>";
if (Customer.status == true)
NewRow += "<td align='center'><input class='input-status' type = 'checkbox' checked /></td>";
NewRow += "<td align='center'><input class='input-status' type = 'checkbox' /></td>";
NewRow += "<td><button type='button' onclick='UpdateCustomer(this);' data-custid='" +
Customer.custid + "'>Update</button>";
NewRow += "<button type='button' onclick='DeleteCustomer(this);' data-custid='" +
Customer.custid + "'>Delete</button>";
NewRow += "</td></tr>";
return NewRow;
function HandleException(request) {
var msg = "";
msg += "Code: " + request.status + "\n";
msg += "Text: " + request.statusText + "\n";
if (request.responseJSON != null) {
msg += "Message" + request.responseJSON.Message + "\n";
var Customer = {
custid: 0,
name: "",
balance: 0,
city: "",
status: false
function AddCustomer() {
var obj = Customer;
obj.custid = $("#custid").val(); = $("#name").val();
obj.balance = $("#balance").val(); = $("#city").val();
obj.status = $("#status").is(":checked");
var options = {};
options.url = "http://localhost/CoreWebApiService/api/Customer";
options.type = "POST";
options.contentType = "application/json";
options.dataType = "json"; = JSON.stringify(obj);
options.success = function () {
$("#divMsgs").html("Insert operations is successful.");
options.error = function () {
$("#divMsgs").html("Error while performing insert operation!");
function UpdateCustomer(button) {
var obj = Customer;
obj.custid = $(button).data("custid"); = $(".input-name", $(button).parent().parent()).val();
obj.balance = $(".input-balance", $(button).parent().parent()).val(); = $(".input-city", $(button).parent().parent()).val();
obj.status = $(".input-status", $(button).parent().parent()).is(":checked");
var options = {};
options.url = "http://localhost/CoreWebApiService/api/customer";
options.type = "PUT";
options.contentType = "application/json";
options.dataType = "json"; = JSON.stringify(obj);
options.success = function () {
$("#divMsgs").html("Update operations is successful.");
options.error = function () {
$("#divMsgs").html("Error while performing update operation!");
function DeleteCustomer(button) {
url: 'http://localhost/CoreWebApiService/api/customer/' + $(button).data("custid"),
type: 'DELETE',
dataType: 'json',
success: function () {
$("#divMsgs").html("Delete operations is successful.");
error: function () {
$("#divMsgs").html("Error while performing delete operation!");
<body style="background-color:cornflowerblue">
<table align="center" id="tblCustomers" border="1">
<br />
<div id="divMsgs" style="color:red"></div>
Right now, our project is a “WebApiProject” so we can run only “ApiControllers” whereas if we want to
run our “MVCController” do the following:
Step 1: go to “Startup.cs” file in ASP.NET Core 5.0 or “Program.cs” file in ASP.Net Core 6.0 and change the method
call “AddControllers” as “AddControllersWithViews” as below:
ASP.NET Core 5.0: go to ConfigureServices method in Startup class and do the below change:
Old Code => services.AddControllers();
New Code => services.AddControllersWithViews();
ASP.NET Core 6.0: add this code just above the method call “app.MapControllers();”:
name: "default",
pattern: "{controller=Home}/{action=Index}/{id?}");
Step 3: host the “API Service on IIS” and then run the project using “IIS Web Server”.
Step 4: Go to “Web.config” file in the project and there we find a node “<system.webServer>” and under that we
find “<handlers>” node, write the below statement inside of that <handlers> node:
<remove name="WebDAV" />
Now under “<system.webServer>” node if you find “<modules>” node, add the below statement inside of it:
<remove name="WebDAVModule" />
If you don’t find “<modules>” node, then write the below statements:
<modules><remove name="WebDAVModule" /></modules>
Step 5: run the “HomeController’s - Index” action method and test all the functionalities.
Consuming our API Service in an MVC Controller using JQuery Ajax from Another Project: If we want to consume
an “API Service” from other projects first we need to enable “CORS” in our “API Service Project” and to do that
make the below changes:
ASP.NET Core 5.0 => go to “ConfigureServices” method of “Startup.cs” file and add “Cors Service” as below:
ASP.NET Core 6.0 => go to “Program.cs” file and add “Cors Service” just above the statement “var app =
ASP.NET Core 5.0 => go to “Configure” method of “Startup.cs” file and add “Cors Middleware” as below (write this
statement after “app.UseRouting();”) statement:
app.UseCors(options =>
ASP.NET Core 6.0 => go to “Program.cs” file and add “Cors Middleware” just below the statement “var app =
app.UseCors(options =>
Now create a new “ASP.NET Core Web App (Model-View-Controller)” project naming it as
“CoreWebApiConsumer1”. Add a Controller in the project naming it as “TestApiController”, add a View to the
default “Index” action method, copy the whole code of “Index View” present in “HomeController” of our previous
project i.e., “CoreWebApiService”, paste it in “Index View” of the current project and run it.
Consuming our API Service in an MVC Controller using C# Code from Another Project: In the above case we have
seen how to consume an API Service in an MVC Project using JQuery AJAX, whereas if we want to consume it from
Action Methods of an MVC Controller using C#, do the following.
Step 1: Create a “ASP.NET Core Web App (Model-View-Controller)” project naming it as “CoreWebApiConsumer2”,
add a new class in the Models folder naming it as “Customer” and write the below code in the class:
public int Custid { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public decimal? Balance { get; set; }
public string City { get; set; }
public bool Status { get; set; }
Step 3: Add a Controller in the project naming it as “TestApiController”, delete all the existing code in the class and
write the below code in the class:
using System.Net.Http;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using CoreWebApiConsumer2.Models;
public class TestApiController : Controller
HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
String serviceUri = "http://localhost/CoreWebApiService/api/";
public async Task<IActionResult> DisplayCustomers()
List<Customer> customers = new List<Customer>();
client.BaseAddress = new Uri(serviceUri);
HttpResponseMessage response = await client.GetAsync("Customer");
if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
string result = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
customers = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<Customer>>(result);
return View(customers);
public async Task<IActionResult> DisplayCustomer(int Custid)
Customer customer = new Customer();
client.BaseAddress = new Uri(serviceUri);
HttpResponseMessage response = await client.GetAsync("Customer/" + Custid);
if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
string result = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
customer = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Customer>(result);
return View(customer);
public IActionResult AddCustomer()
Customer customer = new Customer();
return View(customer);
public async Task<IActionResult> AddCustomer(Customer customer)
client.BaseAddress = new Uri(serviceUri);
HttpResponseMessage response = await client.PostAsJsonAsync("Customer", customer);
if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
return RedirectToAction("DisplayCustomers");
return View();
public async Task<IActionResult> EditCustomer(int Custid)
Customer customer = new Customer();
client.BaseAddress = new Uri(serviceUri);
HttpResponseMessage response = await client.GetAsync("Customer/" + Custid);
if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
string result = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
customer = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Customer>(result);
return View(customer);
public async Task<IActionResult> UpdateCustomer(Customer customer)
client.BaseAddress = new Uri(serviceUri);
HttpResponseMessage response = await client.PutAsJsonAsync("Customer", customer);
if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
return RedirectToAction("DisplayCustomers");
return View("EditCustomer");
public async Task<IActionResult> DeleteCustomer(int Custid)
client.BaseAddress = new Uri(serviceUri);
HttpResponseMessage response = await client.DeleteAsync("Customer/" + Custid);
if (!response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
ModelState.AddModelError("", "Delete action resulted in an error");
return RedirectToAction("DisplayCustomers");
@model IEnumerable<Customer>
<h2 style="text-align:center;background-color:yellowgreen;color:red">Customer Details</h2>
<table border="1" align="center" class="table-condensed">
<th>@Html.DisplayNameFor(C => C.Custid)</th>
<th>@Html.DisplayNameFor(C => C.Name)</th>
<th>@Html.DisplayNameFor(C => C.Balance)</th>
<th>@Html.DisplayNameFor(C => C.City)</th>
<th>@Html.DisplayNameFor(C => C.Status)</th>
@foreach (Customer customer in Model)
<td align="center">@Html.DisplayFor(C => customer.Custid)</td>
<td>@Html.DisplayFor(C => customer.Name)</td>
<td>@Html.DisplayFor(C => customer.Balance)</td>
<td>@Html.DisplayFor(C => customer.City)</td>
<td align="center">@Html.DisplayFor(C => customer.Status)</td>
<a asp-action="DisplayCustomer" asp-route-Custid="@customer.Custid">View</a>
<a asp-action="EditCustomer" asp-route-Custid="@customer.Custid">Edit</a>
<a asp-action="DeleteCustomer" asp-route-Custid="@customer.Custid"
onclick="return confirm('Are you sure of deleting the record?')">Delete</a>
<tr><td colspan="6" align="center"><a asp-action="AddCustomer">Add New Customer</a></td></tr>
@model Customer
<h2 style="text-align:center;background-color:yellowgreen;color:red">Customer Details</h2>
<table border="1" align="center">
<tr><td>Custid: </td><td>@Model.Custid</td></tr>
<tr><td>Name: </td><td>@Model.Name</td></tr>
<tr><td>Balance: </td><td>@Model.Balance</td></tr>
<tr><td>City: </td><td>@Model.City</td></tr>
<tr><td>Status: </td><td>@Model.Status</td></tr>
<div style="text-align:center">
<a asp-action="DisplayCustomers" align="center">Back to Customer Details</a>
@model Customer
<form asp-controller="TestApi" asp-action="AddCustomer" method="post">
<div><label asp-for="Custid"></label><br /><input asp-for="Custid" /></div>
<div><label asp-for="Name"></label><br /><input asp-for="Name" /></div>
<div><label asp-for="Balance"></label><br /><input asp-for="Balance" /></div>
<div><label asp-for="City"></label><br /><input asp-for="City" /></div>
<div><label asp-for="Status"></label><br /><input asp-for="Status" /></div>
<input type="submit" value="Save" />
<input type="reset" value="Reset" />
<a asp-action="DisplayCustomers" align="center">Back to Customer Details</a>
@model Customer
<form asp-controller="TestApi" asp-action="UpdateCustomer" method="post">
<div><label asp-for="Custid"></label><br /><input asp-for="Custid" readonly /></div>
<div><label asp-for="Name"></label><br /><input asp-for="Name" /></div>
<div><label asp-for="Balance"></label><br /><input asp-for="Balance" /></div>
<div><label asp-for="City"></label><br /><input asp-for="City" /></div>
<div><label asp-for="Status"></label><br /><input asp-for="Status" /></div>
<input type="submit" value="Update" />
<input type="reset" value="Reset" />
<a asp-action="DisplayCustomers" align="center">Back to Customer Details</a>
Integrating Angular into MVC Core Projects
Step 1: Visit the site and install the latest version of node, which will also install the tool
“npm (Node Package Manager)” on our machines. After installation is completed, open “Windows Command
Prompt”, and use the below commands to check the versions of “node” and “npm”.
Checking the version of node: node -v
Checking the version of npm: npm -v
Step 2: Install “Type Script” and “Angular CLI” by using the below commands on Windows Command Prompt:
Installing Type Script: npm install -g typescript
Installing Angular CLI: npm install -g @angular/cli
Step 3: Create a new “ASP.NET Core Web App (Model-View-Controller)” project naming it as “AngularInMVCCore”.
Add a new folder under the project naming it as “Angular”, right click on the new folder and select “Open Folder in
File Explorer”, this opens a window, in that window in the Path TextBox, enter “cmd” and hit enter which will open
Windows Command Prompt pointing to the folder location and, in this folder, we are going to create an Angular
Project with the help of “Angular CLI” using the command “ng new <Project Name>”, for example:
This command when executed will ask for adding Angular Routing, choose “No”, and then it will ask which
Style Sheet Format you would like to use, choose “CSS”. This will install Angular in the “FirstProject” folder which is
created under “Angular” folder.
Now change to the new folder by using “cd FirstProject” which will change us to:
<drive>:\<Personal Folder>\AngularInMVCCore\AngularInMVCCore\Angular\FirstProject>
If you want to run the Angular Project and test it use the below command and hit enter:
<drive>:\<Personal Folder>\AngularInMVCCore\AngularInMVCCore\Angular\FirstProject> ng s -o
This will open browser and displays the output, and right now this output is coming from
“app.component.html” file which is present under “FirstProject” we have created and to check that go to “Visual
Studio” and under “Angular” Folder we find the project Folder i.e., “FirstProject” and under that we will find “src”
folder and under that we find “app” folder which will contain the file “app.component.html”, open it, delete the
whole content in it and write the below code over there:
<h1>Hello World</h1>
Now come back to Command Prompt and run the project again by using “ng s -o” command, which will
display the modified output i.e., “Hello World”.
Step 4: To integrate Angular with MVC we need to do some changes in “angular.json” file of “FirstProject” which is
the configuration file of the project. By default when we build an Angular Project it will generate output files in
“dist/FirstProject” folder which is created under the “FirstProject” folder but if we want to integrate Angular with
MVC they should be stored under “wwwroot” folder, so we need to create a folder under “wwwroot” with the
name “AngularScripts” and then storing the generated build files into that folder and to do that change the
location of Output Path Directory in “angular.json” file as following:
Old Value => "outputPath": "dist/FirstProject"
New Value => "outputPath": "../../wwwroot/AngularScripts"
By default every output file that is generated by Angular will be having an “hash key” suffixed to it and
that “hash key” value will be changing whenever we make a modification in “Angular Project” so we need to copy
the new files every time in to our MVC Project Code and to avoid this we can ask the compiler not to generate an
hash value so that the file names will not be changing whenever we make modifications and to do that change the
“outputHashing” attribute value to “none” in “angular.json” file which is “all” by default, as following:
Now save the changes, go to Command Prompt, and then build the project using “ng build -watch”
command as following:
Note: This will add a new folder under “wwwroot” folder with the name “AngularScripts” and this happens when
we build the project for the first time.
Now add a new Controller in Controllers folder naming it as “TestAngular” and add a View to the Index
action method, delete the whole content in the file, and then under the “AngularScripts” folder we will find a file
“index.html”, open it, copy the whole content in that file and paste it in to our “Index.cshtml” file. Now in the
copied code under “<body>” tag we find 3 “<script>” tags that refers to the files “runtime.js”, “polyfills.js” and
“main.js” of “AngularScripts” folder.
Right now, we copied the code of “index.html” present in “AngularScirpts” to “Index.cshtml” file, which is
present in a different folder, so we need to update the path of those scripts files for pointing them to
“AngularScripts” folder as following:
Now run the “TestAngular” controller and invoke the “Index” action method which will execute the
angular code and display’s the output here, so whenever we make changes in the “Angular” Project re-compile it
and run “Index.cshtml” again.