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No: 1 Date:

Studying Internet Connection Procedures

AIM: To study about basic internet connection procedures.

DESCRIPTION: To connect to the Internet, you need an Internet provider, a method of conneting to the Internet, and connection software. Internet is a network of networks that connects computers all over the world. Computers connected to the Internet communicate by using the Internet Protocol(IP), which slices information into packets and routes them to therir destination. Along with IP most computers communicate with Transmission Control Protocol(TCP), and the combination is called TCP/IP. Many of the computers on the Internet offer services to other computers on the Internet. Computers that provides services for other computers to use are called servers. The Software run by server computers to provide service is called server software. A Domain name system server (DNS) translates between numeric IP addresses that identify each host computer on the Internet and the corresponding domain names. Many services available over the Internet, E-mail, Mailing lists, Usenet Newsgroups, Online chat, Voice and Video conferencing, The World Wide Web, File Transfer.

Connectin Dial-up Internet Accounts: When we register ourself for Dial up Internet connection with ISP , the ISP will provide a Username and Password. Whenever we need to connect to Internet we will insisted to provide these details. Dial up networking programs comes with Windows 98,95,and NT. Dial up networking uses the Dial up adapter to communicate with Internet accounts via TCP/IP, the communications protocol used on the Internet. The Dial up adapter is a Windows network driver the Dial up networking uses to connect to the Internet with a modem or ISDN line. To create a new Dial up networking connection to an Internet provider, you can use the Internet connection wizard to create a Dial up Networking connection. We can start the wizard by choosing Start | Programs | Internet Explorer | Connection Wizard. High Speed Connections : ISDN, ADSL, and Cable Modems: ISDN: Intergrated Services Digital Network is available from nearly all local telephone companies. ISDN is upgraded phone line that can be used for faster Internet access and for regular voice calls. Using one line, you can talk on the phone while youre surfing the web. ISDN is all digital, which means that data doesnt have to be converted to an analog signal. ADSL: Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line, like ISDN, uses an upgraded phone line, all digital technology, and supports simultaneous Internet browsing and

phone use. ADSL is optimized for the way many people use the Internet: more downloads and uploads. The line is asymmetric because it has more capacity for data received by computer than for data send. Cable Modem Services: Cable modem service is that brings dozons of TV channels can now bring to million of websites. The problem is that cable network was designed to move information in one direction, from broadcaster to receiver. Large cable companies are spending money to upgrade their networks to hybrid fiber coax to better handle two way traffic. Intranets: Connecting LANs to the Internet LANs and intranets both let you share hardware, software, and information by connecting computers together. Intranets use standard protocols Intranets are scalable Intranet components are relatively cheap Intranets enable to set up Internet style information services Intranets let people to share information Disadvantages Intranets cost money People in organization may waste time.

RESULT: Thus the Internet connection procedures are studied.

Ex.No: 2 Date:

Sending and Receiving Mails from Email Clients

AIM: To study about sending and receiving mails from one or more email clients.

DESCRIPTION: E-mail provides a wonderful means of communication. E mail can be almost instanataneous way to communicate. E mail has its drawbacks too: because e-mail is more casual than a letter or memo, some people find they write things in an e-mail that they would never write in a regular letter. You can receive Internet E-mail when its send to your unique e-mail address. E-mail messager are passed through Internet by using a protocol called Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP). Receiving Incoming Messages: To receive e-mail in Internet you need a mailbox that resides on a mail server, a computer that permenanently attached to the Internet. Mail Servers receive and store e-mail messages in mailboxes by using a protocol called Post Office Protocol (POP) or POP3. Mail servers are sometimes also called as POP Servers. To read your e-mail you need an e-mail application ( also called as e-mail client or POP client), such as outlook or Eudora. Sending Outgoing Messages:

Sending e-mail requires a similar process. You write messages on your own computer by using your e-mail application. Then, you transfer the messages to a SMTP server.

RESULT: Thus the sending and receiving email procedures are studied. Ex.No: 3 Date:

Video Conferencing and Demonstration

AIM: To study about Video conferencing and demonstrate the video conferencing procedures.

DESCRIPTION: Video Conferencing is talking to another person via the microphone and speakers connected to your computer. Video conferencing is sending your image and voice to one or more other people, through camera and microphone attached to your computer, and receiving pictures and voices back. With voice conferencing

and Video conferencing you can talk to other people, see their faces, and transmit your video so that they can see you, too. When you want to conference with someone, you connect to your ISP, start your conferencing software, and log on to one of the conference servers listed in your software. The servers are used as the central meeting area. Each server has a directory, which is analogous to a phone book that lists everyone who is logged on to the server. The Person that you want to talk to also has to be logged on. You select the person from the servers directory, and when the other person accepts your call, your conference begins. Video conferencing is an easy way to meet with people when you need to speak face to-face. Conferencing is a popular business application.

RESULT: Thus the video conferencing procedures are studied.

Ex. No: 4 Date:

Downloading and Installing Softwares

AIM: To study about procedures of Downloading and Installing softwares.

DESCRIPTION: To download software from a Web site, we simply click a link on a Web page. Take note of any description provided for the file, such as self-extracting, Stuff It, or ZIP, as you may need that information in order to know what to do after the file downloads. We can click Web page links to download and save other types of files, too. If you are downloading a file other than a program file, however, simply clicking a link to that file my cause the browser to display the files contents rather than saving it on your system. To ensure that the browser downloads a file, right-click on the link and look for Save Target as menu choice, Select the choice. If you do not have a link to click, but you know the Internet Address (URL) of a file, you may type that URL directly into your web browser. When downloading certain software, some browsers display a dialog box giving you option of running the software rather than downloading it. On most systems and browsers, a dialog box prompts you for the filename and folder you wish to use for storing the program on your computer.

The time required for downloading large file can be quite long. Depending on the server that supplies the file, your browser may be able to estimate download time and displays it in the dialog box that appears during downloading. After completing the Download either by decompressing or extracting the file from an archive or by downloading it in a ready to run form we can install the software in our system. Downloading and Installing Java: To download the latest version of Java editions go to

http://java.oracle.com/download link and click the link to download file. After few seconds the download will start. It will download an executable file such as JAVA(TM) SE Development Kit 7 _ 2007.exe in your computer. After completing the download double click on the file. A dialog box will appear

Click the next button in that dialog box after to it you need to accept the licence agreement. Click on the accept button

After clicking on the accept button a dialog box appears to customize the installation of java in your system.

Setting up Path to Java: To set the path for run java programs in Windows NT/XP right click on My computer and go to properties. In properties click on the tab Advanced. Under that tab a button Environment variables will appear. Click on that button a dialog box will appear. Click on the new button on User variables.

Enter the variable name as path and value as the installation directory of java as like c:\java\jdk1.7.0\bin;

RESULT: Thus the downloading and installing software processes are performed.

Ex. No: 5 Date:

MainClient.java import java.io.*; import java.net.*;

File transfer protocol

public class MainClient { public static void main(String[] argv) throws Exception

Socket sock = new Socket("",1080); byte[] mybytearray = new byte[1024]; InputStream is = sock.getInputStream(); FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream ("c:/aa.c"); BufferedOutputStream bos = new BufferedOutputStream(fos); int bytesRead = is.read(mybytearray, 0, mybytearray.length); bos.write(mybytearray, 0, bytesRead); bos.close(); sock.close(); } }

MainServer.java import java.io.*; import java.net.*;

public class MainServer { public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { ServerSocket servsock = new ServerSocket(1080); File myFile = new File("c:/MainClient.java"); while (true) { Socket sock = servsock.accept(); byte[] mybytearray = new byte[(int) myFile.length()]; BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(myFile)); bis.read(mybytearray, 0, mybytearray.length); OutputStream os = sock.getOutputStream(); os.write(mybytearray, 0, mybytearray.length); os.flush(); sock.close(); } }

Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600] (C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.

Window1: C:\>path=C:\jdk1.3\bin C:\>javac MainClient.java C:\>javac MainServer.java C:\>java MainServer Window2: C:\>path=C:\jdk1.3\bin C:\>java MainClient

Ex. No: Date:

Reading and writing a text file

import java.io.*; import java.lang.*; class fileinput { void fread()throws IOException { int size; InputStream f=new FileInputStream("c:/MainClient.java"); size=f.available(); System.out.println("Reading from the buffer...\n"); System.out.println("Number of bytes available for read:"+size); for(int i=0;i<10;i++) System.out.println((char)f.read()); byte[] b=new byte[size]; f.read(b); int s=b.length;

System.out.println(new String(b,0,s)); f.close(); } }

class fileoutput

{ void fwrite()throws FileNotFoundException,IOException,SecurityException { String source="this is good morning"; byte buf[]=source.getBytes(); OutputStream fo=new FileOutputStream("file1.txt"); fo.write(buf); fo.close(); } }

class Fileinput1 { public static void main(String ar[])throws IOException { fileoutput fo=new fileoutput(); fo.fwrite(); fileinput fi=new fileinput(); fi.fread(); } }


D:\java\bin>javac fileinput1.java D:\java\bin\>java fileinput1 Number of bytes available for read:583 import java.io.*; import java.net.*; public class MainClient { public static void main(String[] argv) throws Exception { Socket sock = new Socket("",1080); byte[] mybytearray = new byte[1024]; } }

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