64 NRC

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RULES, 20031

In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-sections (1) and (3) of Section 18 of the Citizenship Act,
1955 (57 of 1955), the Central Government hereby makes the following rules, namely—


1. Short title and commencement

2. Definitions
3. National Register of Indian Citizens
4. Preparation of the National Register of Indian Citizens
4A. Special provisions as to National Register of Indian Citizens in
State of Assam
5. Officials of the Central Government, State Governments and Local
bodies to assist the Registrar Genaral of Citizen Registration
6. Initialization of National Register of Indian Citizens
7. Head of family and Individual to act as informant
8. Power of District Registrar, Sub-district or Taluk Registrar or
Local Registrar of Citizen Registration to obtain information
9. Procedure as to making of entries in National Register of
Indian Citizens
10. Deletion of name and particular from National Register of
Indian Citizens
11. Maintenance and updating of National Register of Indian
12 Modification of entries in National Register of Indian Citizens
13. Issue of National Identity Cards
14. National identity Cards to be Government property and
responsibility of Citizens to keep them properly
15. Designation of National Registration Authority and officers
16. Supervision and Control of Registrar General of Citizen
Registration over District, Sub-district or Taluk and Local
Registrars of Citizen Registration
17. Penal consequences in certain cases
18. Guidelines for collection of particulars of individual, verification,
Issue of National Identity Cards, etc.

1. Published in the Gazette of India, 2003 Extraordinary Part II, s.3(ii), dated 10th December, 2003, Vide
G.S.R. 937(E), dated 10th December, 2003.
1. Short title and commencement— (1) These rules may be called the Citizenship
(Registration of Citizens and Issue of National Identity Cards) Rules, 2003.

(2) They shall come into force on the date’ of their publication in the Official Gazette.

2. Definitions— In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires,—

(a) “Act” means the Citizenship Act, 1955 (57 of 1955);

(b) “Chief Registrar of Births and Deaths” means the Chief Registrar of Births and Deaths
appointed under the Registration of Births and Deaths Act, 1969 (18 of 1969);

(c) “Citizen” means the citizen of India in terms of the Constitution of India and provisions of
the Act;

(d) “Director of Citizen Registration” means the Director of Census in a State or Union
territory appointed by the Central Government under the Census Act, 1948 (37 of 1948), who
shall also function as the Director of Citizen Registration in that State, or as the case may be, in
the Union territory;

(e) “District Register of Indian Citizens” means the register containing details of Indian
citizens usually residing in the district;

(f) “District Registrar of Citizen Registration” means the District Magistrate of every
revenue district, by whatever name known, who shall act as the District Registrar of Citizen

(g) “Local Register of Indian Citizens” means the register containing details of Indian
citizens usually residing in a village or rural area or town or ward or demarcated area
(demarcated by the Registrar General of Citizen Registration) within a ward in a town or
urban area;

(h) “Local Registrar of Citizen Registration” means a local officer, or a revenue officer,
appointed by the State Government ‘at the lowest geographical jurisdiction, that is to say, of a
village or rural area or town, or ward or demarcated area (demarcated by the Registrar
General of Citizen Registration) within a ward in a town or urban area, who shall function as
Local Registrar for the purpose of preparation of Local Register of Indian Citizens;

1. Come into force 10th December, 2003.

(i) “National Identity Card” means the identity card issued under Rule 13;

(j) “National Identity Number” means a unique identity number allotted to every Indian Citizen
by the Registrar General of Citizen Registration, India;

(k) “National Register of Indian Citizens” means the register containing details of Indian
Citizens living in India and outside India;

(l) “Population Register” means the register containing details of persons usually residing in a
village or rural area or town or ward or demarcated area (demarcated by the Registrar
General of Citizen Registration) within award in a town or urban area;

(m) “Registrar General of Citizen Registration” means the Registrar General, India, appointed
under the Registration of Births and Deaths Act, 1969 (18 of 1969), who shall also function as
the Registrar General of Citizen Registration, India;

[(ma) “Schedule” means a Schedule appended to these rules;]1

(n) “State Register of Indian Citizens” means the register containing details of Indian citizens
usually residing in the State;

(o) “Sub-district or Taluk Registrar or Citizen Registration” means the Sub-district Magistrate
or Taluk Executive Magistrate or every sub-district or taluk, by whatever name known, as the
case may be, who shall function as sub district or Taluk Registrar of Citizen Registration;

(p) “Sub-district Register of Indian Citizens” means the register containing details of Indian
citizens usually residing in a taluk, or by whatever name known, of the sub-district.


In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 18 of the Citizenship Act, 1955, read with Rule
3 of the Citizenship (Registration of Citizens and

1. Inserted by G.S.R. 803(E). dated. 9th November, 2009 (with effect from 9/11/200g.

2. Ministry of Home Affairs (Office of Registrar General, India), Order No. S.O. 596(E),
dated 15th March, 2010, published in the Gazette of India, Extra., Part H, No. 504S.3(ii). dated 16th
March, 2010 p.1.
Issue of National Identity Cards) Rules, 2003 the Central Government hereby
decides to prepare the Population Register in the country and the field work
for data collection relating to all persons who are usually residing within
the jurisdiction of their respective Local Registers shall be undertaken
between the 1st April, 2010 and 30th September, 2010.

3. National Register of Indian Citizens— (1) The Registrar General of Citizen Registration
shall establish and maintain the National Register of Indian Citizens.

(2) The National Register of Indian Citizens shall be divided into sub-parts consisting of the
State Register of Indian Citizens, the District Register of Indian Citizens, the Sub-district Register of
Indian Citizens and the Local Register of Indian Citizens and shall contain such details as the Central
Government may, by order, in consultation with the Registrar General of Citizen
Registration, specify.
(3) The National Register of Indian Citizens shall contain the following particulars in respect of
every Citizen, namely—

(i) Name;
(ii) Father’s name;
(iii) Mother’s name;
(iv) Sex;
(u) Date of birth;
(vi) Place of birth;
(vii) Residential address (present and permanent);
(viii) Marital status — If every married, name of the spouse;
(ix) Visible identification mark;
(x) Date of registration of Citizen;
(xi) Serial number of registration; and
(xii) National Identity Number.

(4) The Central Government may, by an order issued in this regard, decide a date by which the
Population Register shall be prepared by collecting information relating to all persons who are usually
residing within the jurisdiction of Local Registrar.

(5) The Local Register of Indian citizens shall contain details of persons after due verification
made from the Population Register.

4. Preparation of the National Register of Indian Citizens—

(1) The Central Government shall, for the purpose of National
Register of Indian Citizens, cause to carry throughout the country a house-to-house enumeration for
collection of specified particulars to each family and individual, residing in a local area including the
Citizenship status.

(2) The Registrar General of Citizen Registration shall notify the period and duration of the
enumeration in the Official Gazette.

(3) For the purposes of preparation and inclusion in the Local Register of Indian Citizens, the
particulars collected of every family and individual in the Population Register shall be verified and
scrutinized by the Local Registrar, who may be assisted by one or more persons as specified by the
Registrar General of Citizen Registration.

(4) During the verification process, particulars of such individuals, whose Citizenship is
doubtful, shall be entered by the Local Registrar with appropriate remark in the Population Register for
further enquiry and in case of doubtful Citizenship, the individual or the family shall be informed in a
specified proforma immediately after the verification process is over.

(5)(a) Every person or family specified in sub-rule (4), shall be given an opportunity of being
heard by the sub-district or Taluk Registrar of Citizen Registration, before a fmal decision is taken to
include or to exclude their particulars in the National Register of Indian Citizens.

(b) The Sub-district or Taluk Registrar shall finalize his findings within a period of ninety days
of the entry being made,or within such reasonable extended time for which he shall record the reasons
in writing.

(6) (a) The draft of the Local Register of Indian Citizens shall be published by the sub-district
or Taluk Registrar, for inviting any objections or for inclusion of any name or corrections for the family
or individual particulars collected and proposed to be finally entered in the National Register of Indian

(b) Any objection against a particular entry or for inclusion of a name, or corrections if any, in
the Local Register of Indian Citizens may be made within a period of thirty days from the date of
publication of the draft of the Local Register of Indian Citizens, spelling out the nature and reasons for
the objection in such form as may be specified by the Registrar General of Citizen Registration;

(c) Subject to the provisions contained in clause (a) of sub-rule (5), the sub-district or Taluk
Registrar shall consider such objections and summarily dispose off the same within a period of ninety
days, and thereafter submit the Local Register of Indian Citizens so prepared to the District Registrar of
Citizen Registration who shall cause the entries in the Local Register of Indian Citizens, to be transferred
to the National Register of Indian Citizens.
(7)(a) Any person aggrieved by the order of the Sub-district or Taluk Registrar under sub-rule
(5) or sub-rules (6), may prefer an appeal within thirty days from the date of such order, to the District
Registrar of Citizen Registration;

(b) The District Registrar of Citizen Registration shall take a final decision, after giving an
opportunity of being heard to the person so aggrieved, within a period of ninety days from the date of

(c) In case the appeal is allowed, the particulars shall be

entered in the National Register of Indian Citizens.

1[4A. Special provisions as to National Register of Indian Citizens in the State of

Assam— (1) Nothing in rule 4 shall, on and after the commencement of the Citizenship (Registration of
Citizenship and Issue of National Identity Cards) Amendment Rules, 2009, apply to the State of Assam.

(2) The Central Government shall, for the purpose, of the National Register of Indian Citizens
in the State . of Assam, cause to carry out throughout the State of Assam for preparation of the National
Register of Indian Citizens in the State of Assam by inviting applications from all the residents, for
collection of specified particulars relating to each family and individual,
residing in a local area in the State including the citizenship status based on the National Register of
Citizens 1951, and the [electoral rolls up to the midnight of the 24th day of March, 197 l]2.

(3) The Registrar General of Citizens Registration . shall notify the period and duration of the
enumeration in the Official Gazette.

(4) The manner of preparation of the National Register of Indian Citizens in the State of Assam
shall be such as specified in the Schedule appended to these rules.)

5. Officials of the Central Government, State Governments and local bodies to assist the
Registrar General of Citizen Registration— Every official of the Central Government, State
Government, local bodies or their undertakings shall assist the Registrar General of Citizen Registration
or any person authorized by him in this behalf, in preparation of the database relating to each family and
every person, and in implementing the provisions of these rules.

1. Inserted vide G.S.R. 803(E), dated 9th November, 2009 (with effect from 9/11/2009.
2. Substituted for words, figures and letters “electoral rolls prior to the year 1971’ by Noti .No. G.S.R.
207(E), dated 23rd March. 2010, published in the Gazette of India, Extra., Part II, No. 130, S.3(i), dated
23rd March, 2010. p.2.
6. Initialization of National Register of Indian Citizens— (1) The Registrar General of
Citizen Registration shall, by order, notify the date on which the National Register of Indian Citizens
shall be initialized throughout the country.
(2) The order made under sub-rule (1) may provide for the initialization period specified by
the Registrar General of Citizen Registration for establishment of the National Register of Indian
(3) Every individual must get himself registered with the Local Registrar of Citizen
Registration during the period of initialization as specified under sub-rule (2).

7. Head of family and individual to act as informant— (1) It shall be compulsory for every
citizen of India to assist the officials responsible for preparation of the National Register of Indian
Citizens under Rule 4 and get himself registered in the Local Register of Indian Citizens during the
period of initialization.
(2) It shall be the responsibility of the head of every family, during the period specified for
preparation of the Population Register, to give the correct details of name and number of members and
other particulars, as specified in sub-rule (3) of Rule 3, of the family of which he is the head.
(3) It shall be the responsibility of every Citizen to register once with the Local Registrar of
Citizen Registration and to provide correct individual particulars to that authority.
(4) In the case of dependents, such as minor who has not attained the age of eighteen years, or
who is disabled, the responsibility of reporting the particulars under this rule shall be of the head of the
family :

Provided that in so far as inmates of institutions, such as orphanages, old age homes, mental
asylums are concerned, the responsibility for providing the requisite details shall lie with the head of the

8. Power of District Registrar, Sub-district or Taluk Registrar or Local Registrar of

Citizen Registration to obtain information—The District Registrar, Sub-district or Taluk Registrar or
the Local Registrar of Citizen Registration may, by order, require any person to furnish any information
within his knowledge in connection with the determination of Citizenship status of any person and
the person required to furnish information shall be bound to comply with such requisition.

9. Procedure as to making or entries In National Register of Indian Citizens- The

Registrar General of Citizen Registration may, by order, specify the procedure to be followed in
preparation of the National Register of Indian Citizens and disposal of claims and objections with regard
to family and individual particulars proposed to be entered in that Register.

10. Deletion of name and particulars from National Register of Indian Citizens— (1) The
name and particulars of a Citizen may be removed from the National Register of Indian Citizens by an
order of the Registrar General of Citizen Registration or any officer authorized by him in this behalf in
the event of—
(i) death of the person; or
(ii) the person ceasing to be an Indian citizen under Section 8 of the Act; or
(iii) revocation of Indian citizenship under Section 9 of the Act; or
(iv) the particulars provided by the individual or the family found to be incorrect
Subsequently, thereby affecting the Citizenship status of the person.

(2) It shall be the duty of the Indian Citizen concerned to inform the District Registrar of
Citizen Registration, within a period of thirty days, about the cessation of his Indian citizenship under
clause (ii) of sub-rule (1).

(3) In the event of an order under sub-rule (1), the person concerned, or in the event of his
death his nearest relative, shall be duly informed about the deletion of any entry from the National
Register of Indian Citizens:

Provided that any person aggrieved by the order of an authorized officer may prefer an appeal
against such order to the Authority within a period of thirty days of such order.

(4) The appeal under sub-rule (3) shall be disposed off, after giving to the appellant an
opportunity of being heard, and produce any documentary or oral evidence in support of his claim.

11. Maintenance and updating of National Register of Indian Citizens- (1) The Registrar
General of Citizen Registration shall cause to maintain the National Register of Indian Citizens in
electronic or some other form which shall entail its continuous updating on the basis of extracts from
various Registers specified under the Registration of Births and Deaths Act, 1969 (18 of 1969)
and the Act. .

(2) It shall be the responsibility of the head of each and every family to ensure that any event
of birth or death occurring in the family has been duly entered in, or deleted from, the Local Register of
Indian Citizens.

(3) The Chief Registrar of Births and Deaths and all other officials engaged in the registration
of Births and Deaths shall assist the Registrar General of Citizen Registration in updating the National
Register of Indian Citizens as required under sub-rule (1).

12. Modification of entries In National Register of Indian Citizens- The Sub-district or

Taluk Registrar may, on an application made by the concerned person and after due verification,
authorize the modification of any entry in respect of the following particulars in National Register of
Indian Citizens, namely,—
(a) change of name; or
(b) the name of the applicant’s parent in case his status has been altered by adoption under the
relevant laws;
(c) change of residential address; or
(d) change of marital status; or
(e) change of sex.

13. Issue of National Identity Cards— The Registrar General of Citizen Registration, or any
officer authorized by him in this behalf, shall issue the National Identity Card to every Citizen whose
particulars are entered in the National Register of Indian Citizens under sub-rule (3) of Rule 3.

14. National identity Cards to be Government property and responsibility of Citizens to

keep them properly— (1) The National Identity Card shall be the property at the Central Government.

(2) No person shall wilfully destroy, alter, transfer or use in any form the National Identity
Card, except for the lawful purposes.

(3) On the happening of any of the events specified under sub-rule (1) of Rule 10, the National
Identity Card shall be surrendered, by the Citizen concerned or his nearest relative, as the case may be,
to the Registrar General of Citizen Registration or any other authorized officer acting on his behalf.

(4) In the event of a loss of the National Identity Card, it shall be the duty of the Citizen or his
nearest relative, as the case may be, to the matter immediately to the nearest police station and the
concerned Authority.

15. Designation of National Registration Authority and officers— (1) On and from the date
of commencement of these rules, the Registrar General, India shall be designated as the Registrar
General of Citizen Registration, India who shall also function as such for the purposes of these rules.

(2) The Central Government may designate—

(a) One or more officers as Additional or Joint or Deputy Registrar General of Citizen
Registration and such other officers and staff as may be required; and
(b) an officers as a Director, and one or more officers as Joint Director, Deputy Director,
Assistant Director of Citizen Registration for each of the States and the Union territories
along with requisite support staff, to assist the Registrar General of Citizen Registration
in discharging the functions and responsibility under these rules.

(3) The State Government shall notify a State Co—coordinator of National Registration not
below the rank of a Secretary in the State Government or equivalent.
16. Supervision and Control of Registrar General of Citizen Registration over District,
Sub-district or Taluk and Local Registrars of Citizen Registration— (1) The State Governments
shall designate an officer or a person as Local Registrar of Citizen Registration for each lowest
geographical jurisdiction, that is to say, of a village or rural area or town, or ward or demarcated area
(demarcated by the Registrar General of Citizen Registration)within a ward in a town or urban area who
shall function as Local Registrar for the purpose of preparation of Local Register of Indian Citizens.

(2) Every Local Registrar of Citizen Registration shall function under the overall supervision of
the Sub-district or Taluk Registrar of Citizen Registration.

(3) Every Sub-district or Taluk Registrar of Citizen Registration shall function under the
overall supervision of the District Registrar of Citizen Registration.

(4) For the purposes of implementing and carrying out the provisions of these rules, the
District Registrar, the Sub-district or Taluk Registrar and the Local Registrar of Citizen Registration shall
be under the supervision and control of the Registrar General of Citizen Registration.

(5) The Registrar General of Citizen Registration or any officer authorized by him at any time
may call for any records for examination, and issue directions regarding inclusion or exclusion of any
individual or family particulars from the Population Register or Local Register of Indian Citizens, to the
District Registrar, the Sub-district or Taluk Registrar and the Local Registrar of Citizen Registration.

17. Penal consequences in certain cases— Any violation of provisions of Rules, 5, 7, 8, 10,
11 and 14 shall be punishable with fine which may extend to one thousand rupees.

18. Guidelines for collection of particulars of individuals, verification, issue of National

Identity Cards, etc.— The Registrar General of Citizen Registration may, in consultation with the
Central Government, issue from time to time, such guidelines to the State Governments as are
considered necessary for implementation of these rules.

(See rule 4A (4))


1. Definition— (1) In this Schedule, unless the context otherwise requires,

(a) “National Register of Citizen 1951” means the Register containing details of Indian
citizens residing in the State of Assam, as mentioned in the National Register of
Citizen which was prepared along with 1951 census under a directive of the Ministry
of Home Affairs;
[(b) “electoral rolls up to the midnight of the 24th day of March, 1971” means the
electoral rolls containing details of voters prepared by the Election Commission of
India or the State Election Commission of the State of Assam in a relevant period up
to the midnight of the 24th day of March, 1971]2.

(2) All other words and expressions used herein and not defined but defined in Rule 2 of
these rules, shall have the meanings, respectively, assigned to them in that rule.

2. Manner of preparation of draft National Register of Indian Citizen in State of Assam—

(1)(a) The District Magistrate shall cause to be published the copies of the National Register of Citizens
1951 and 3[electoral rolls up to the midnight of the 24th day of March, 19711, as available, is sufficient
numbers and publish it and send the same to the Local Register of Citizen Registration for wide
circulation and public inspection in each village and ward.

(b) The Local Registar of Citizen Registration shall select centrally located public places for
display of the records and for issue and receipt of the application forms.


1. Inserted vide G.S.R. 803(E), dated 9th November, 2009 (with effect from 9/11/2009.
2. Substituted clause (b) of paragraph 1, by Noti. No. G.S.R 207(E), dated 23rd March,2010, published in
the Gazette of India, Extra., Part Il, No. 130, S.3(i), dated 23rd March, 2010. p.2. Before Substitution, which
(b) “electoral rolls prior to 1971” means the electoral rolls containing details of voters as
prepared by the Election Commission of India or the State Election commission of the State of Assam in a
relevant period prior to the year 1971.
3. Substituted for words, figures and letters “electoral rolls prior to the year 1971” by Ibid.
(c) The Local Registar of Citizens Registration shall be the custodian of the records in the area
under his jurisdiction and shall be responsible for its display during the office hours.

(2) The Local Registar of Citizen Registration shall receive the filled up application forms, at
the same place where the applications are issued, and issue the receipt thereof to the applicant.

(3) The Local Registar of Citizen Registration, after the receipt of the application under sub-
paragraph (2) shall scrutinize the applications and after its verification, prepare a consolidated list
thereof which shall contain the names of the following persons, namely—

(a) person whose name appear in any of the electoral rolls prior to the year 1971, or in
National Register of Citizens, 1951;

(b) descindants of the persons mentioned in clause (a) above;

3. Scrutiny of applications— (1) The scrutiny of applications received under sub-paragraph

(3) of paragraph 2 shall be made by comparing the information stated in the application form with the
official records and the persons, of whom the information is found in order, shall be eligible for inclusion
of their names in the consolidated list.

(2) The names of persons who have been declared as illegal migrants or foreigners by the
competent authority shall not be included in the consolidated list:

Provided that the names of persons who came in the State of Assam after 1966 and before the
25th March, 1971 and registered themselves with the Foreigner Registration Regional Officer and who
have not been declared as illegal migrants or foreigners by the competent authority shall be eligible to
be included in the consolidated list.

(3) The names of persons who are originally inhabitants of the State of Assam and their
children and descendants, who are Citizens of India, shall be included in the consolidated list if the
citizenship of such persons is ascertained beyond reasonable doubt and to the satisfaction of the
registering authority;

(4) The Local Registrar of Citizens Registration may, in case of any doubt in respect of parental
linkage or any particular mentioned in the application received under sub-paragraph (3) of paragraph 2,
refer the matter to the District Magistrate for investigation and his decision and Local Registar of
Citizens Registration shall also inform the same to the individual or the family.

1 [(5) The Local Registar of Citizens Registration may, in respect of a person who—

(a) was residing in a place other than the State of Assam up to the midnight of 24th day of
March, 1971; or
(b) has shifted from one district to another within the State of Assam up to the midnight of
24th day of March, 1971,verify information relating to such person through inter-State correspondence,
or, as the case may be, through inter-district correspondence].

4. Publication of consolidated list— (1) The Local Registrar of Citizen Registration shall, after
completion of scrutiny of all applications, prepare the consolidated list village and ward wise and
authenticate each entry in the list.

(2) The District Magistrate, shall cause to publish the consolidated list, prepared and
authenticated under sub-paragraph (1), as draft of the National Registrar of Indian Citizens in the State
of Assam and cause to publish a public notice with regard to publication of .he draft National Register of
Indian Citizens in the State of Assam in the local news paper having vide circulation in
the village and ward inviting objections and suggestions on it.

(3) The Local Registrar of Citizen Registration may at any time before the final-publication of
the National Register of Indian Citizens in the State of Assam may cause or direct to cause verification of
names of such persons considered necessary.

(4) The Local Registrar of Citizen Registration shall take special care in attending the instances
of allegation of undue harassment, if brought to their notice during the conduct of verification and take
necessary action as he may consider appropriate.

(5) The report of the verification shall be examined by the District Registrar of Citizen

(6) The District Registrar of Citizen Registration shall, by order, and for reasons to recorded in
writing for inclusion or, as the case may be, exclusion of names, dispose of the report of the verification,
and the report of verification which are allowed for inclusion of names and which are not allowed for
inclusion shall be kept separately, village and ward wise along with a list of all such cases.

5. Publication of additional list— (1) After the decision of the District Registrar of Citizens
Registration under sub-paragraph(6) of Paragraph 4, the additional list, if any, to the draft National
Register of Indian Citizens shall be published in the manner specified under paragraph 2.

1. Substituted sub-paragraph (5) of Paragraph 3 by Noti. No. G.S.R. 237(E), dated 23rd March, 2010,
published in the Gazette of India, Extra., Part II, 130, S.3(i), dated 23rd March, 2010. p.2, before
substitution sub-para (5), which was—
“(5) The Local Registar of citizens Registration may, in case of any person who was
resident of any place other than the State of Assam on or before 1971 or who have shifted to
different districts in the State of Assam after 1971, if he considers it necessary, verify the
information though, inter-District and inter-State correspondences.
6. Claims and objection— (1) Any person may—

(a) whose names do not appear in the draft National Register of Indian Citizens published
under paragraph 2 or in the additional list published under paragraph 4,file his claim,
along with necessary documents in support of thereof, or

(b) Object to inclusion of any name in the draft National Register of Indian Citizens published
under paragraph 2 or in the additional list published under paragraph 4, within a period of
thirty days from the date of such publication, before the Local Registrar of Citizen Registration.

(2) The Local Registrar of Citizen Registration shall maintain the list of claims received under
clause (a) of sub-paragraph (1) and the objections received under clause of sub-paragraph (1) in
separate registers in chronological order.

(3) The Local Registrar of Citizen Registration shall, give a notice to every person, who has
filed his claim or objection under sub-paragraph (1) to file documents, if any, in support of his claim of
objection, and after giving the reasonable opportunity of hearing to the applicant or objector, dispose of
the claim or, as the case may be, the objection.

7. Publication of supplementary list— The Local Registrar of Citizen Registration shall, after
the disposal of claims and the objections under sub-paragraph (3) of Paragraph 6, prepare and publish a
supplementary list for inclusion or deletion of names,as the case may be, and thereafter, the Registrar
General of Citizens Registration shall publish the final National Register of
Indian Citizens in the State of Assam.

8. Appeal— Any person, not satisfied with the outcome of the decisions of the claims and
objections under paragraph 7, may prefer appeal, before the designated Tribunal constituted under the
Foreigners (Tribunals) Order, 1964, within a period of sixty days from the date of such order, and or the
disposal of appeal by the Tribunals the names shall be included or deleted, as the case may be, in the
National Register of Indian Citizens in the State of Assam.)

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