Lpe 2503 Writting Portfolio (Outline)
Lpe 2503 Writting Portfolio (Outline)
Lpe 2503 Writting Portfolio (Outline)
1. Based on your chosen topic, construct an outline of two body paragraphs. Your thesis statement, topic sentences, supporting
sentences and concluding sentences must be written in COMPLETE SENTENCES. The supporting details may be written in
2. In your supporting details, provide the reference sources in APA style. You should have at least two references for
each paragraph.
The causes of inflation are cost-push inflation and demand-pull inflation.
The first cause of inflation is cost-push inflation. Another cause of inflation is demand-pull inflation.
SS1: Production costs rise when the price of imported or SS1: When a nation's money supply expands faster than its
Sentences &
Supporting domestic inputs (such as raw materials or oil) rises. economic output, inflation takes place. In this case, the
Details 1: Businesses often produce less and raise the pricing of their amount of money in exchange within an economy has
goods and services because of having to pay more for each increased more than the number of products created. In this
unit of output. The prices of other goods and services may structure, there is now more money chasing fewer goods.
rise as a result, creating a chain reaction of prices. Aside from the money supply, other factors can also have an
UPM-CALC/LPE2503/SEM 1/2023-24/WP/TASK 1
SD1: Javed et al. (2010) state the costs of imported raw impact on inflation, which is the average rate of growth in the
materials have a significant impact on inflation, and the cost of goods and services over time.
positive indication suggests that when raw material prices
rise in foreign markets, the domestic price level rises as well. SD1: According to Christensen (2001), there is a long-term,
For instance, increasing oil prices will initially result in higher direct, or positive correlation between the money supply and
petrol costs since oil is a major input in many economic the rate of inflation. In a money market, an increase in the
sectors. money supply will also result in a rise in the demand for
products and services. Therefore, the inflation problem will
arise from more money being chased after fewer products and
Alvarez et al. (2001) state that the Central Bank would surely
lower interest rates concurrently with its decision to expand the
money supply in the market. Because of this, there will be an
inflationary problem because the money supply in the market
is growing endlessly.
References- Javed, Z. H., Farooq, M., & Akram, S. (2010). Cost-push Christensen, M. (2001). Real supply shocks and the money
APA style: shocks and inflation: An empirical analysis from the growth–inflation relationship. Economics Letters,
(for economy of Pakistan. Journal of Economics and 72(2001),67-72.
supporting International Finance, 2(12), 308-312. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S016
detail 1) http://www.academicjournals.org/JEIF 5176501004037
UPM-CALC/LPE2503/SEM 1/2023-24/WP/TASK 1
SS2: Cost-push inflation can be caused by higher labour SS2: The cost of production might rise in response to an
& expenses, such as when production workers are required to increase in government purchasing. Inflation driven by
Supporting receive mandatory wage increases because of a rise in the demand will result from increased government spending. This
Details 2: minimum wage per worker. Consequently, businesses face is so because a portion of aggregate demand (AD) is made up
pressure to increase their prices to safeguard their profit of government spending. A rise in government spending will
margins. raise the amount of AD in the economy. This causes the
aggregate supply (AS) curve to extend, the price level to rise,
SD2: The following competitiveness amongst business and real GDP to rise.
owners for fully engaged labour pushes nominal pay higher
until real wages return to their starting point. In the goods SD2: “The government expenditure indicates a positive and
market, the rise in real wages creates unexpected pressure. significant relationship with inflation (CPI). It shows that a rise
Prices rise once more. The only way to stop an inflation spiral in one percent of government expenditures will raise the
that results from the wage-lag mechanism's continued Consumer Price Index by 0.533762.” This finding is in line
operation is to lower aggregate demand, which can be done with earlier studies' conclusions that inflation is indeed
by raising taxes or cutting government expenditure caused by an increase in government spending. There's a
(Kibritçioğlu, 2002). good chance that rising government spending will raise
aggregate demand (AD). As a result, inflation may arise, and
the growth rate may accelerate in the near run (Yusof et al.,
Kibritçioğlu, A. (2002). “Causes of Inflation in Turkey: A Yusof, N., Nin, L. F., Kamal, H. K. M., Taslim, J. R. A., &
APA style:
(for Literature Survey with Special Reference to Zainoddin, A. I. (2021). Factors that Influence the
supporting Theories of Inflation”. Forthcoming in: Inflation and Inflation Rate in Malaysia. International Journal of
detail 2) Disinflation in Turkey, 43-76. Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences,
https://econwpa.ub.uni-muenchen.de/econ- 11(9),626–637.
wp/mac/papers/0107/0107002.pdf http://dx.doi.org/10.6007/IJARBSS/v11-i9/10838
UPM-CALC/LPE2503/SEM 1/2023-24/WP/TASK 1
Concluding Hence, the cause of inflation in the economy is cost-push Consequently, demand-pull inflation is another cause of
Sentences: inflation. inflation.