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Necrotizing Enterocolitis 2012

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N e c ro t i z i n g En t e ro c o l i t i s

Kathleen M. Dominguez, MD, R. Lawrence Moss, MD*

 Necrotizing enterocolitis  Prematurity  Pneumatosis intestinalis
 Peritoneal drainage  Short gut syndrome  Intestinal failure
 Neurodevelopmental outcomes

 Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) is a serious cause of morbidity and mortality in premature
 Despite improvements in neonatal care, the incidence of NEC has increased and mortality
remains unchanged.
 The pathogenesis of NEC is multifactorial, but is believed to include factors such as intes-
tinal and immunologic immaturity, ischemia, hypoxia, genetic predisposition, and feeding
 Neonates who require surgical treatment of NEC fare worse in terms of mortality, neuro-
developmental outcomes, and gastrointestinal morbidity.


Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) is primarily a disease of premature infants, and remains

a leading cause of death in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). As neonatal care has
advanced over the last 30 years, the incidence of NEC has increased and mortality has
remained unchanged. Despite early, aggressive treatment, the progression of bowel
necrosis can lead to sepsis and death. Survivors, particularly those who require surgery,
suffer significant morbidity in terms of gastrointestinal (GI) disease and poor neurodeve-
lopmental outcomes. Despite decades of rigorous research, few advances have been
made in the care of infants once NEC has been established; prevention of this often fatal
disease is likely to have the greatest overall impact on morbidity and mortality.


NEC is the most common GI emergency affecting premature infants, particularly those
infants classified as very low birth weight (VLBW, <1500 g) or extremely low birth weight

Department of Surgery, Nationwide Children’s Hospital, The Ohio State University College of
Medicine, 700 Children’s Drive, Columbus, OH 43205, USA
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: larry.moss@nationwidechildrens.org

Clin Perinatol 39 (2012) 387–401

doi:10.1016/j.clp.2012.04.011 perinatology.theclinics.com
0095-5108/12/$ – see front matter Ó 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
388 Dominguez & Moss

(ELBW, <1000 g)1–3 The overall incidence of NEC is approximately 1 in 1000 live
births,3–5 but in infants less than 1500 g, the incidence increases to between 3% and
10%.6–9 The incidence shows a clear, inverse relationship with birth weight and gesta-
tional age.4,6,10 The incidence of NEC has increased in recent years, as a result of
advances in neonatal intensive care, which allow younger, sicker infants (the population
most at risk for NEC) to survive.11,12 Black infants, and in particular black males, are
significantly more likely to develop NEC,3,6 even when correcting for birth weight.2,4,8,13
Mortality from the disease, overall ranging from 15% to 30%, is higher in those
with lower birth weight and younger gestational age, and male infants.2,10,14 In addi-
tion, black males have a higher rate of mortality associated with NEC.2 A particularly
severe form of NEC, termed NEC totalis or fulminant NEC, in which the entire
intestine is affected, has a mortality of more than 90%.15–17 These infants tend to
have lower birth weight and earlier gestational age than infants affected with less
severe NEC.16
Most NEC cases occur in premature infants, with an incidence of approximately 0.5
per 1000 in term or near-term live births.18,19 Full-term infants who develop NEC typi-
cally have specific risk factors, including congenital heart disease, sepsis, or hypoten-
sion.18,20,21 What seems to be the common feature of these predisposing conditions is
reduced mesenteric perfusion.22–24 The mortality for term infants with NEC seems to
be similar to that seen in premature infants with NEC.1,8
Spontaneous intestinal perforation (also called isolated or focal intestinal perfora-
tion) is defined as bowel perforation without other evidence of NEC on physical or
radiographic examination. Much like classic NEC, this disease process occurs in
VLBW and ELBW infants. An association has been found with indomethacin and
with glucocorticoid exposure.25 This process typically occurs within a few days after
birth, and is not associated with the onset of feeding.24 Unlike classic NEC, there is not
significant intestinal inflammation, and systemic markers of inflammation, such as
serum cytokines, are low.26 Typical radiographic findings are pneumoperitoneum in
the absence of pneumatosis.27 Controversy exists as to whether this finding is a subset
of NEC or a distinct clinical entity. The preoperative differentiation between classic
NEC and spontaneous intestinal perforation is difficult, with even experienced
surgeons often wrong in their preoperative diagnosis.28
Medical management is sufficient for most patients with NEC, but 20% to 40%
develop severe enough disease to require surgical intervention.3,9 Outcomes in
patients who require surgical intervention are significantly worse than those seen in
patients who improve with medical management alone. Mortality for surgical NEC is
roughly 50%, and has not significantly changed over the past 30 years.3,9,14 In addi-
tion, infants who survive are more likely to have long-term complications such as neu-
rodevelopmental delay, growth delay, and chronic GI problems.9
In addition to the medical implications for babies who develop NEC, there is also an
enormous societal economic burden because of the disease. The estimated annual
cost for caring with infants affected by NEC in the United States is between $500
million and $1 billion.26 Bisquera and colleagues29 performed a case-control analysis
evaluating the impact of NEC on hospital length of stay and hospital charges in VLBW
infants. These investigators found that, on average, infants with medically treated NEC
had an NICU length of stay exceeding controls by 22 days, and infants with surgically
treated NEC had a length of stay exceeding controls by 60 days. Hospital costs were
also substantially higher than that seen for controls, averaging $73,700 higher for
medically treated infants and $186,200 higher for surgically treated infants. These
estimates do not include costs associated with long-term morbidity seen in NEC survi-
vors, including short bowel syndrome (SBS), parenteral nutrition (PN)-associated liver
Necrotizing Enterocolitis 389

disease, and neurodevelopmental delay. The economic burden of these outcomes is

substantial, but has not been quantified.

Intrinsic Factors
The pathogenesis of NEC is not clearly defined, but is likely multifactorial. NEC is
a severe inflammatory disorder, which can involve any portion of the GI tract, but
most typically involves the ileum and proximal colon.30,31 Intestinal involvement can
be patchy, focal, or diffuse.31 NEC is believed to represent an inappropriate or over-
exuberant inflammatory response to some type of insult. The nature of the insult is
not well defined, and may vary between infants. It may be a global ischemic insult
related to congenital heart disease or sepsis, an infectious insult from bacteria, or
an insult related to formula feeding. This initial insult results in disruption of the intes-
tinal epithelium, bacterial translocation, and an exaggerated immune response by
immature intestinal epithelial cells.32 Classic histologic findings include inflammation,
bacterial overgrowth, and coagulation necrosis, and are seen in nearly all affected
infants.30,33 As the disease progresses, the injury progresses to full-thickness intes-
tinal wall, after which perforation can occur.
The neonatal intestinal tract is immature in many ways, and this seems to predis-
pose premature infants to intestinal injury. Abnormalities in motility, digestion, circula-
tory regulation, barrier function, and immune defense are all present. Motility normally
develops during the third trimester of pregnancy.34 In premature infants, decreased
motility leads to slowed transit of intestinal contents and increased bacterial load,
and exposure of the intestinal epithelium to potentially noxious substances.4,35,36
Digestion and absorption are also decreased and may further exacerbate this
problem.12,37,38 These factors likely also contribute to abnormal microbial colonization
of the intestine in premature infants.
The intestinal epithelium plays a key role in protection against potential pathogens
and acts as both a physical and biochemical barrier. In premature infants, tight junc-
tions, which function to zipper together the intestinal epithelia, are incompletely devel-
oped, allowing for increased permeability.12,32,35,39 The mucin layer acts not only as
a physical barrier but also aids in aggregation and removal of adherent bacteria, as
well as in trapping enzymes near the epithelial surface to enhance digestion. In prema-
ture infants, the composition and volume of this layer is less mature and, hence, less
effective, allowing for increased bacterial adherence and permeability.12,32
Immunologic function of the neonatal intestinal tract is also immature, which plays
an important role in the pathogenesis of NEC. This immaturity, which involves many
facets of the immune system, from antigen processing and presentation to production
of antibacterial compounds, leads to abnormal microbial colonization.21,39 Secretory
IgA, which functions to bind luminal bacteria, is not produced until several weeks post-
natally.12 In addition, many premature infants receive antibiotics, and this likely has an
influence on bacterial colonization.20,36 Normally, the flora that populate the intestinal
tract act to modulate the immune system and play an important role in maintaining the
intestinal barrier; as the composition of the flora changes, the modulation of the
immune response is lost.25 A local insult, which in a more mature infant would be con-
tained by the local immune system in the gut, can quickly lead to bacterial transloca-
tion and an exuberant systemic inflammatory response in a premature infant.
Ischemia and hypoxia also seem to be important in the pathogenesis of NEC. In the
microvasculature of the intestine there is a fine balance between vasodilation and
vasoconstriction. Nitric oxide (NO) is normally present at low levels and acts as a local
390 Dominguez & Moss

vasodilator, maintaining low systemic vascular resistance. NO is produced from argi-

nine by NO synthase (NOS); there are 3 isoforms of NOS: endothelial NOS (eNOS),
neuronal NOS (nNOS), and inducible NOS (iNOS). Although eNOS and nNOS produce
NO at constitutively low levels, inflammation can cause sustained upregulation of
iNOS, leading to a million-fold increase in NO production.40 In higher concentrations
NO has been shown to cause direct epithelial injury and apoptosis.11,12,22,25,39,40 In
addition, overproduction of NO has been implicated in impaired mucosal healing after
an initial insult. This situation seems to lead to a sustained defect in the barrier function
and prolonged activation of the inflammatory cascade.12,40 Endothelin 1 (ET-1) is the
primary mediator of vasoconstriction in the newborn intestinal circulation22,41,42; ET-1
is a potent vasoconstrictor, and because of a unique interaction with its receptor, can
induce sustained ischemia for hours.33 Production of ET-1 is upregulated by a wide
range of stimuli, including hypoxia and inflammatory cytokines.22,33 In pathologic
states, the balance between NO and ET-1 is upset and vasoconstriction occurs,
leading to intestinal ischemia and tissue injury.41,42
Several key mediators have been identified in the pathogenesis of NEC. Three of
these mediators are lipopolysaccharide (LPS), tumor necrosis factor a (TNF-a), and
platelet activating factor (PAF). LPS is the endotoxin component of gram-negative
bacteria and acts as an important inflammatory mediator. LPS acts to impair intestinal
barrier function and promotes the release of other inflammatory mediators, such as
NO and interferon g, which have a direct cytotoxic effect on intestinal epithelial
cells.25,39,43 LPS is used in animal models to experimentally induce NEC.44 TNF-a is
an inflammatory cytokine that has been found to be present in increased levels in
neonates with NEC, and administration of TNF-a has also been found to lead to
increased production of PAF.45 PAF is an endogenous inflammatory mediator, the
effects of which are compounded by LPS43 and by ET-1.33,46 PAF has also been
shown to cause bowel injury and apoptosis through the formation of oxygen-
derived free radicals,43,45,46 and is seen at higher circulating levels in patients with
Premature infants are prone to abnormal bacterial colonization for many reasons.
Alterations in peristalsis, digestion, absorption, and immune function have already
been discussed. In addition, premature infants are colonized by fewer bacterial strains
than term neonates,20,26 and are more likely to be colonized by pathogenic bacteria,32
such as Klebsiella, Enterobacter and Clostridiums species.8 Although no specific
species of bacteria has been implicated in the pathogenesis of NEC, it seems that
this alteration in gut flora predisposes to a breach of the immature intestinal barrier
and the resulting inflammatory cascade that defines NEC.

Extrinsic Factors
Feeding practices have long been implicated in the development of NEC. This theory
has been difficult to clearly elucidate, because feeding practices have varied signifi-
cantly with time, as well as from NICU to NICU. Several case-control and retrospective
studies have reported that feeding or increasing feeds too rapidly seems to increase
the risk of NEC48,49; however, Cochrane systematic reviews50–53 examining feeding
practices including delayed introduction of enteral feeds and slow advancement of
enteral feed volumes have failed to show a significant association. Similarly,
a Cochrane review50 comparing trophic feeding with no feeding or advancing feeding
practices showed no consistent results in terms of incidence of NEC, and hence no
clear benefit to either practice regarding NEC. Standardized feeding protocols or
feeding guidelines, which typically involve initiation of feeding based on gestational
age of the infant and slow gradual advancement of both volumes and concentration,
Necrotizing Enterocolitis 391

have been shown to have a lower incidence of NEC compared with nonstandardized
initiation of feeds.27,54,55 In addition, the use of feeding guidelines has been shown to
improve growth, reduce the length of stay, and lower hospital costs.27
Human breast milk is well known to have antimicrobial and antiinflammatory prop-
erties.27,45 Breast milk would be expected to have a protective effect against the
development of NEC, but this has been difficult to study clinically because of lack
of standardized definitions of what is considered human breast milk. Variations in
human breast milk feeding practices include maternal versus donor breast milk, use
of fortification and type of fortifier, and whether infants are fed only breast milk or sup-
plemented with formula. Meta-analyses have suggested that the use of human milk
reduces the incidence of NEC,56,57 and that fortification of milk does not increase
the incidence of NEC.58 A recent prospective, randomized trial comparing the exclu-
sive use of human breast milk with bovine milk-based products found that the inci-
dence of NEC was 77% lower in infants exclusively fed human breast milk and that
the incidence of NEC requiring surgical intervention was also significantly lower.59
Gastric pH seems to play a role in the development of NEC, presumably because of
an alteration in the bacterial flora of the intestinal tract. Accordingly, infants who are
treated with histamine 2 blockers have an increased incidence of NEC.6 It remains
unclear whether this is a causative association or a marker of general illness in patients
thus already at increased risk of developing NEC. Similarly, infants with anemia seem
to be at increased risk of NEC, and a temporal association of the onset on NEC is seen
after transfusions of red blood cells.60 Again, it is unclear whether the anemia and
resultant transfusions are a cause of NEC or a marker of more severely ill infants at
risk for the development of the disease.

Clinical presentation
NEC can vary widely in its presentation, from a slow, indolent course, to a rapidly
progressive illness resulting in death in just a few hours.61,62 Clinical signs of NEC
are often nonspecific and include apnea, bradycardia, temperature instability, leth-
argy, mottling, and increase in need for ventilatory support.63 Infants may show
feeding intolerance (increased residuals or emesis), abdominal distension/increased
girth, bloody stools, discoloration of the abdominal wall, or a palpable mass.63
Laboratory findings include nonspecific indicators of inflammation such as leukocy-
tosis and bandemia. Thrombocytopenia is also common, and is a poor prognostic
indicator when the decrease in platelets is rapid. Metabolic acidosis and increased
C-reactive protein (CRP) levels are also common findings. Multiple studies have
attempted to find unique biochemical markers for NEC or markers of disease severity
in those affected, but thus far, this has not been successful. CRP can be useful in
monitoring the course of the disease. Ordinarily, this marker normalizes as inflamma-
tion subsides; a persistent increase can be suggestive of a complication such as
abscess, stricture, or fistula.
The hallmark radiographic finding of NEC is pneumatosis intestinalis (Fig. 1A). This
condition may be linear or cystic, and is the most common radiographic finding asso-
ciated with NEC. More severe disease may have portal venous gas64 (see Fig. 1A); this
finding is a poor prognostic indicator. Pneumoperitoneum indicates full-thickness
intestinal injury with perforation (see Fig. 1B). Other less specific findings that may
be seen in NEC include dilated loops of bowel with or without air fluid levels, thickened
bowel wall, a paucity of gas (gasless abdomen), or dilated loops of bowel that are unal-
tered on repeat examinations (fixed loops). Radiographs should include both a supine
and dependent view (cross-table lateral or left lateral decubitus) to fully evaluate for
392 Dominguez & Moss

Fig. 1. Radiographic features of NEC. (A) Supine abdominal radiograph showing pneumatosis
intestinalis (white arrow) and portal venous gas (black arrow). (B) Supine abdominal radiograph
showing pneumoperitoneum, a sign of advanced NEC and indication for surgical intervention.

The role of ultrasonography in the evaluation of NEC is not yet clear. This modality
can be used to assess bowel wall viability (using color Doppler), as well as assess
bowel wall thickness, peristalsis, fluid collections with presence of particulate debris,
pneumatosis, or portal venous gas, and may be useful in cases in which radiographs
do not match the clinical picture.65 Further studies are needed to define the role of
ultrasonography in the evaluation of NEC. Other modalities, such as computed tomog-
raphy or magnetic resonance imaging, do not have a role in the evaluation of NEC.
A staging system for NEC was first proposed by Bell in 1978.66 This system, which
has undergone modification since, uses a combination of historical factors, systemic
manifestations, GI manifestations, and radiographic manifestations, to assign a stage,
which can then be used to determine treatment, and is also useful for categorizing the
severity of disease for research purposes (Table 1).


In ill neonates, a septic ileus can present similarly to NEC, with a distended abdomen,
increased residuals and clinical signs of sepsis. In addition, NEC may not always have
classic radiographic or other clinical findings. Sometimes these 2 entities can be
differentiated only by monitoring the course of the disease over time. For this reason,
it is important to consider and treat potential causes of sepsis. Careful abdominal
examination and radiographs are key in the evaluation of an infant with abdominal
distension, and can help differentiate between NEC, intestinal atresia, Hirschsprung
disease, volvulus, and meconium disease.25
Neonates who are not acutely ill may also show some of the clinical signs seen in
NEC. A distended abdomen or increased residuals may be seen with meconium
disease of prematurity or a nonspecific feeding intolerance. Bloody stools can be
seen with anal fissure or milk protein allergy.


Most patients affected by NEC can be managed medically. When clinical, laboratory,
and radiographic findings are suspicious for NEC, initial management should include
bowel rest; abdominal decompression with a gastric tube; cultures of the blood, urine,
Necrotizing Enterocolitis 393

Table 1
Modified Bell criteria for staging NEC

Stage Systemic Criteria Abdominal Criteria Radiographic Criteria

1a: suspected NEC Temperature Increased pregavage Normal or intestinal
instability, apnea, residuals, mild dilatation, mild
bradycardia abdominal ileus
distension, occult
blood in stool
1b: suspected NEC Same as above Grossly bloody stool Same as above
2a: definite NEC; Same as above Same as stage 1 plus Ileus, pneumatosis
mildly ill lack of bowel intestinalis
sounds, possible
2b: definite NEC; Same as stage 1 plus Same as above plus Same as above plus
moderately ill mild metabolic peritonitis, possible portal
acidosis, mild definite abdominal venous gas
thrombocytopenia tenderness,
possible cellulitis,
right lower
quadrant mass
3a: advanced NEC; Same as stage 2b plus Same as above with Same as above plus
severely ill, intact hypotension, marked tenderness ascites
bowel severe apnea, and abdominal
combined distension
respiratory and
metabolic acidosis,
coagulation, and
3b: advanced NEC; Same as stage 3a Same as stage 3a Pneumoperitoneum
severely ill,
perforated bowel

and sputum; and administration of broad spectrum antibiotics. Intravenous fluid

resuscitation and PN are initiated. Depending on the clinical condition, additional
supportive care may be necessary, including increased ventilator support, support
of blood pressure with pressors, or blood transfusions. Serial abdominal examinations
and abdominal radiographs should be performed and often dictate when surgical
management is indicated. Expectant medical management remains appropriate if
the patient’s condition is stable or improving. The duration of antibiotic treatment is
not clear and has not been well studied; typical practices are 7 to 14 days.
The only absolute indication for surgery is frank bowel perforation, as indicated by
pneumoperitoneum on abdominal films, or the presence of stool or bile on paracent-
esis.9,15 A relative indication is clinical deterioration despite maximal medical therapy.
In the past, the presence of portal venous gas was often used as an indication for
operative intervention. Although this finding does infer a poor prognosis, retrospective
studies have had conflicting results. One study reported that 47% of infants with this
finding on plain abdominal radiograph survived without an operation,9 whereas
another reported that 93% of infants with portal venous gas have full-thickness bowel
necrosis at the time of surgery.15 Other relative indications for surgery include fixed
loops on abdominal radiograph, erythema of the abdominal wall, and a palpable
394 Dominguez & Moss

abdominal mass. These indications must be taken in context with the overall clinical
condition of the patient, because they are neither sensitive nor specific.
When surgical intervention is performed, the 2 primary means of treatment are lapa-
rotomy and primary peritoneal drainage (PPD). Traditionally, surgical management of
NEC consisted of laparotomy with resection of clearly ischemic bowel and the creation
of ostomies (Fig. 2). In 1977, placement of a peritoneal drain was described by Ein and
colleagues.67 The operation was initially proposed for patients considered too unstable
for laparotomy, and was intended to be used only as a temporizing measure until defin-
itive treatment could be performed. Over time, PPD has become an accepted alterna-
tive to laparotomy and is used as a definitive treatment in many cases, although
controversy exists as to whether the laparotomy or PPD approach is superior. Three
prospective studies have been conducted to compare laparotomy with PPD; all have
failed to show clear superiority of either method. The initial study, a prospective obser-
vational cohort study, was performed with data from 16 centers through the National
Institute of Child Health and Human Development Neonatal Research Network. Initial
findings suggested that laparotomy had a decreased risk of adverse outcomes;
however, the treatment groups were not similar. When adjustments were made to
reflect differences between the treatment groups, there was no longer evidence of
a reduction in adverse outcomes with laparotomy.14
Two subsequent randomized trials have compared laparotomy with PPD in perfo-
rated NEC. The Necrotizing Enterocolitis Study Towards Evidence-based Pediatric
Surgery trial randomized 117 infants of less than 1500 g to either PPD or laparotomy.
No difference in mortality at 90 days was found. Secondary outcomes, such as length
of hospitalization and dependence on PN at 90 days, were also similar between the 2
groups.68 The Necrotizing Enterocolitis trial compared PPD and laparotomy in infants
of less than 1000 g worldwide. The main outcome was mortality at 1 and 6 months,
and no significant difference was found between the 2 groups. However, a large
percentage of infants in the PPD group (74%) underwent delayed laparotomy, and
only 11% of patients survived with PPD alone.69


Infants who require surgical treatment of NEC require ongoing physiologic support
postoperatively. This support includes fluid resuscitation, and pressor and ventilator
support as necessary. Antibiotics are typically continued for 7 to 14 days, and gastric
decompression is continued until there is evidence of bowel function. PN is maintained
until enteral feeding is appropriate. Once bowel function returns, feedings are slowly

Fig. 2. Intraoperative photograph showing necrotic bowel and adjacent healthy bowel.
Necrotizing Enterocolitis 395

advanced, with careful attention to stoma output. Patients who do not have sufficient
small bowel remaining to absorb full enteral nutrition are maintained on long-term
PN. Typically, patients are able to be weaned off PN over several months. For those
patients with insufficient intestinal length or function, surgical options such as intestinal
lengthening procedures or transplantation may be considered once the child is older.
Approximately 5% of NEC cases recur; these patients can usually be managed non-
operatively.35,70 Disease can recur at the initial site, or anywhere along the GI tract.
Recurrent NEC is more common in patients with underlying disease, such as congen-
ital heart disease. The mortality for recurrent NEC is similar to that for primary NEC.70
Complications related to the stoma are seen in at least half of patients who survive;
these include retraction, prolapse, hernia, and wound infection.71,72 Although many
techniques for ostomy creation exist, none has been shown to be superior in terms
of function or complications. Patients with proximal ostomies can have significant
issues with fluid losses and resulting electrolyte imbalances, resulting in failure to
gain weight, dehydration, and skin breakdown.
In patients who have had laparotomy and stoma creation, consideration must be
given to the timing of stoma takedown. There is variation in practice between surgeons,
with most waiting at least 1 month and some as many as 4 months after the initial oper-
ation. Timing of stoma takedown may also be based on patient weight (typically at least
2000 g) and overall medical condition, including adequate nutrition and growth.17
An additional complication that can be seen in patients who have recovered from
NEC is stricture. Stricture can occur in both patients who are medically managed
and those undergoing surgery and is seen in 10% to 40% of patients.28,71 Most often,
these strictures occur in the left colon.71,73 There does not seem to be any difference
between choice of surgical technique and stricture formation, with an equal incidence
seen in patients undergoing PPD and laparotomy.72


Mortality from NEC remains high, averaging 10% to 50%, despite the many advances
made in the care of premature infants.28 For those infants who do survive, long-term
difficulties with GI morbidity and poor neurodevelopmental outcome are a persistent
The most common long-term GI complication is SBS. SBS is defined as inadequate
intestine to absorb nutrients for growth.73 Approximately one-fourth of survivors of
NEC requiring surgical treatment are affected, with those having undergone more
extensive bowel resection at the greatest risk.15,74 Multiple studies have shown that
the ability to wean from PN correlates with the length of residual intestine.75 However,
intestinal length is not the only determinant of adequate GI function, because SBS is
also seen in patients who have not had resection (those who underwent PPD), or
sometimes in patients with medically managed NEC. Despite normal intestinal length,
the absorptive capacity of the intestine may be poor in areas that were involved in the
disease process. The likelihood of SBS is also influenced by the portion of the intestine
that is affected or resected; certain portions of the intestine have a greater capacity to
undergo adaptation, with the ileum being the most adaptive. As a result, patients with
jejunal disease tend to fare better long-term than patients who require extensive
resection of the ileum. Although conventional wisdom indicated that those with an
intact ileocecal valve fare better, the data are mixed and the overall outcome seems
to be more influenced by intestinal length and functionality.73 Other common GI issues
seen in patients with NEC include constipation, encopresis, gastroesophageal reflux
disease, and bowel obstruction.28,76
396 Dominguez & Moss

For those infants dependent on long-term PN, liver disease is a serious problem.
Since the development of PN, mortality secondary to dehydration and malnutrition
has essentially been eliminated; however, patients on long-term PN commonly
develop serious hepatic dysfunction, a condition known as PN-associated liver
disease (PNALD). PNALD is characterized by steatosis, cholestasis, and inflammatory
changes. Over time, PNALD can progress to fibrosis and cirrhosis: 40% to 60% of
pediatric patients receiving prolonged PN develop PNALD.74,77 Patients who develop
PNALD have an increased mortality of 80% to 90%.78 Other complications associated
with prolonged use of PN include recurrent central venous catheter sepsis and poor
bone mineralization. Complications are correlated to duration of PN.75
Even for patients without SBS, growth may be affected. When compared with
patients without NEC and patients with medically managed NEC, patients with surgi-
cally managed NEC were significantly more likely to have substantial growth delay.79
Neurologic outcomes are a major problem in survivors of NEC, a realization that
Stevenson was among the first to describe in 1980.80 Although patients with medically
managed NEC are likely to be similar to matched controls in terms of growth and devel-
opment, survivors of surgically treated NEC are nearly twice as likely to have neurode-
velopmental impairment, and developmental delay is seen in approximately 50% of
patients.28,76,79 Dysfunction is often shown in vision, auditory, speech, motor, and intel-
lectual delays, as well as problems with interpersonal and social skills.28,76,79 A prospec-
tive observational cohort study performed by Blakely and colleagues28 suggests that
patients treated with PPD fare worse in terms of neurodevelopmental outcomes when
compared with patients treated with laparotomy. No firm conclusions could be drawn
because of significant differences between the treatment groups; however, this finding
does raise concerns, and underscores the need for further research.


Given that surgical strategies do not seem to have a major effect on morbidity and
mortality related to NEC, prevention seems to have the greatest potential for avoiding
adverse outcomes. Currently proven strategies for prevention include the use of
human breast milk and standardized feeding protocols, as previously discussed.
These 2 programs are additive and likely even synergistic in their effect on reducing
the incidence of NEC; it has been estimated that together, these 2 programs can
decrease the incidence of NEC by half.27
Probiotics also seem to have promise, and have been described as living microorgan-
isms that are ingested with the intention of colonizing and replicating within the intestinal
tract.8 The mechanisms of probiotics action seem to be multifactorial; at least in part,
their actions can be attributed to modulation of the immune response, strengthening
of the intestinal barrier, and production of antibacterial substances.81 Although exact
ingredients vary, these supplements contain potentially beneficial bacteria and yeast,
most commonly Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, and Streptococcus.32,35,81 Probiotics
may aid in normalizing the colonization of the neonatal gut and in improving intestinal
function. A Cochrane review82 of probiotic use identified a reduced incidence of NEC
in neonates treated with probiotics as well as a decrease in the mortality. Although these
results are encouraging, the specifications are not known regarding strain selection,
dose, and duration of supplementation, age to begin therapy, or long-term implications
of probiotic use. Although it did not seem increased in the meta-analysis, the risk of
sepsis secondary to the probiotic organism is of particular concern in neonates. Isolated
reports of sepsis secondary to the use of Lactobacillus species in both adult and pedi-
atric patients have been reported,21 and a recent multicenter trial of probiotics noted
Necrotizing Enterocolitis 397

a trend toward a higher incidence of sepsis in infants receiving probiotics, particularly

those with a birth weight less than 750 g.20 Continued research is needed to determine
the safety and efficacy of probiotic usage for the prevention of NEC.


Epidermal growth factor (EGF) is a peptide secreted into the intestinal lumen, and is
active in a variety of biologic responses from cell replication/movement to cell
survival.83 EGF has been shown to support maintenance of the intestinal barrier
and is active in downregulation of inflammatory cytokines.35 Heparin-binding EGF
(HB-EGF) is a member of this family of growth factors, and is found in amniotic fluid
and human breast milk.27 In animal models of NEC, administration of HB-EGF has
been shown to reduce the incidence of bowel injury by half and more than double
survival.84–86 Animals with overexpression of HB-EGF have decreased susceptibility
to NEC87; conversely, animals with a deletion of the HB-EGF gene have increased
susceptibility.44,88 These effects seem to be at least in part a result of HB-EGF cyto-
protective effects, functioning to protect intestinal stem cells from injury.44 Clinical
trials testing HB-EGF treatment in the prevention of NEC are soon to be under way.


NEC is a significant cause of morbidity and mortality in neonates; despite several

decades of research, little headway has been made in reducing the impact of this
disease. The only consistently shown risk factor is prematurity, and clinical parameters
do not seem to be able to predict which infants are likely to develop NEC. Most of the
morbidity and mortality from the disease is seen in patients who require surgical interven-
tion. The choice of operation does not seem to influence the outcome. Therefore, preven-
tative strategies are likely to have the greatest impact in positively influencing outcomes.


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