IS1893 Part1 2016
IS1893 Part1 2016
IS1893 Part1 2016
( Sixth Revision )
ICS 91.120.25
© BIS 2016
This Indian Standard (Part 1) (Sixth Revision) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft
finalized by the Earthquake Engineering Sectional Committee had been approved by the Civil Engineering Division
India is prone to strong earthquake shaking, and hence earthquake resistant design is essential. The Committee
has considered an earthquake zoning map based on the maximum intensities at each location as recorded from
damage surveys after past earthquakes, taking into account,
a) known magnitudes and the known epicentres (see Annex A) assuming all other conditions as being
average; and
b) tectonics (see Annex B) and lithology (see Annex C) of each region.
The Seismic Zone Map (see Fig. 1) is broadly associated with 1964 MSK Intensity Scale (see Annex D) corresponding
to VI (or less), VII, VIII and IX (and above) for Seismic Zones II, III, IV and V, respectively. Seismic Zone Factors
for some important towns are given in Annex E.
Structures designed as per this standard are expected to sustain damage during strong earthquake ground shaking.
The provisions of this standard are intended for earthquake resistant design of only normal structures (without
energy dissipation devices or systems in-built). This standard provides the minimum design force for earthquake
resistant design of special structures (such as large and tall buildings, large and high dams, long-span bridges and
major industrial projects). Such projects require rigorous, site-specific investigation to arrive at more accurate
earthquake hazard assessment.
To control loss of life and property, base isolation or other advanced techniques may be adopted. Currently, the
Indian Standard is under formulation for design of such buildings; until the standard becomes available, specialist
literature should be consulted for design, detail, installation and maintenance of such buildings.
IS 1893 : 1962 Recommendations for earthquake resistant design of structures was first published in 1962, and
revised in 1966, 1970, 1975 and 1984. Further, in 2002, the Committee decided to present the provisions for different
types of structures in separate parts, to keep abreast with rapid developments and extensive research carried out
in earthquake-resistant design of various structures. Thus, IS 1893 was split into five parts. The other parts in the
series are:
Part 1 General provisions and buildings
Part 2 Liquid retaining tanks Elevated and ground supported
Part 3 Bridges and retaining walls
Part 4 Industrial structures, including stack-like structures
Part 5 Dams and embankments (to be formulated)
This standard (Part 1) contains general provisions on earthquake hazard assessment applicable to all buildings
and structures covered in Parts 2 to 5. Also, Part 1 contains provisions specific to earthquake-resistant design of
buildings. Unless stated otherwise, the provisions in Parts 2 to 5 are to be read necessarily in conjunction with the
general provisions as laid down in Part 1.
In this revision, the following changes have been included:
a) Design spectra are defined for natural period up to 6 s;
b) Same design response spectra are specified for all buildings, irrespective of the material of construction;
IS 1893 (Part 1) : 2016
Indian Standard
( Sixth Revision )
1 SCOPE IS No. Title
800 : 2007 Code of practice for general
1.1 This standard (Part 1) primarily deals with
construction in steel (second revision)
earthquake hazard assessment for earthquake-resistant
875 Code of practice for design loads
design of (1) buildings, (2) liquid retaining structures,
(other than earthquake) for buildings
(3) bridges, (4) embankments and retaining walls,
and structures:
(5) industrial and stack-like structures, and (6) concrete,
(Part 1 : 1987) Dead loads Unit weights of
masonry and earth dams. Also, this standard (Part 1)
deals with earthquake-resistant design of buildings;
material and stored materials (second
earthquake-resistant design of the other structures is
dealt with in Parts 2 to 5.
(Part 2 : 1987) Imposed loads (second revision)
1.2 All structures, like parking structures, security (Part 3 : 2015) Wind loads (third revision)
cabins and ancillary structures need to be designed for (Part 4 : 1987) Snow loads (second revision)
appropriate earthquake effects as per this standard. (Part 5 : 1987) Special loads and load combinations
(second revision)
1.3 Temporary elements, such as scaffolding and temporary
1343 : 2012 Code of practice for prestressed
excavations, need to be designed as per this standard.
concrete (second revision)
1.4 This standard does not deal with construction 1498 : 1970 Classification and identification of
features relating to earthquake-resistant buildings and soils for general engineering
other structures. For guidance on earthquake-resistant purposes (first revision)
construction of buildings, reference may be made to the 1888 : 1982 Method of load test on soils (second
latest revisions of the following Indian Standards: revision)
IS 4326, IS 13827, IS 13828, IS 13920, IS 13935 and 1893 Criteria for earthquake resistant design
IS 15988. of structures:
(Part 2) : 2014 Liquid retaining tanks
1.5 The provisions of this standard are applicable even
(Part 3) : 2014 Bridges and retaining walls
to critical and special structures, like nuclear power
(Part 4) : 2015 Industrial structures including stack-
plants, petroleum refinery plants and large dams. For
like structures (first revision)
such structures, additional requirements may be
1905 : 1987 Code of practice for structural use of
imposed based on special studies, such as site-specific
unreinforced masonry (third revision)
hazard assessment. In such cases, the earthquake
2131 : 1981 Method of standard penetration test
effects specified by this standard shall be taken as at
for soils (first revision)
least the minimum. 2809 : 1972 Glossary of terms and symbols relating
2 REFERENCES to soil engineering (first revision)
2810 : 1979 Glossary of terms relating to soil
The standards listed below contain provisions, which, dynamics (first revision)
through reference in this text, constitute provisions of 2974 Code of practice for design and cons-
this standard. At the time of publication, the editions truction of machine foundations:
indicated were valid. All standards are subject to (Part 1) : 1982 Foundation for reciprocating type
revision, and parties to agreements based on this machines
standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility (Part 2) : 1980 F o u n d a t i o n s f o r i m p a c t type
of applying the most recent editions of the standards machines (Hammer foundations)
indicated below: (Part 3) : 1992 Foundations for rotary type machines
IS No. Title (Medium and high frequency)
456 : 2000 Code of practice for plain and (Part 4) : 1979 Foundations for rotary type
reinforced concrete (fourth revision) machines of low frequency
IS 1893 (Part 1) : 2016
IS 1893 (Part 1) : 2016
deformation pattern of oscillation along degree of design of structures subjected to earthquake ground
freedom i, when the structure is oscillating in its natural shaking; this value depends on the natural period of
mode k. A structure with N degrees of freedom oscillation of the structure and damping to be
possesses N natural periods and N associated natural considered in the design of the structure.
mode shapes. These natural mode shapes are together
3.24 Seismic Mass of a Floor It is the seismic weight
presented in the form of a mode shape matrix [φ], in
of the floor divided by acceleration due to gravity.
which each column represents one natural mode shape.
The element φik is called the mode shape coefficient 3.25 Seismic Mass of a Structure It is the seismic
associated with degree of freedom i, when the structure weight of a structure divided by acceleration due to
is oscillating in mode k. gravity.
3.18 Natural Period (Tk) in Mode (k) of Oscillation 3.26 Seismic Weight of a Floor (W) It is the sum of
The time taken (in second) by the structure to complete dead load of the floor, appropriate contributions of
one cycle of oscillation in its natural mode k of weights of columns, walls and any other permanent
oscillation. elements from the storeys above and below, finishes
and services, and appropriate amounts of specified
3.18.1 Fundamental Lateral Translational Natural
imposed load on the floor.
Period (T1) It is the longest time taken (in second)
by the structure to complete one cycle of oscillation in 3.27 Seismic Weight of a Structure (W) It is the
its lateral translational mode of oscillation in the sum of seismic weights of all floors.
considered direction of earthquake shaking. This mode 3.28 Seismic Zone Factor (Z) It is the value of peak
of oscillation is called the fundamental lateral ground acceleration considered by this standard for
translational natural mode of oscillation. A three- the design of structures located in each seismic zone.
dimensional model of a structure will have one such
fundamental lateral translational mode of oscillation 3.29 Time History Analysis It is an analysis of the
along each of the two orthogonal plan directions. dynamic response of the structure at each instant of
time, when its base is subjected to a specific ground
3.19 Normal Mode of Oscillation The mode of motion time history.
oscillation in which there are special undamped free
oscillations in which all points on the structure oscillate 4 SPECIAL TERMINOLOGY FOR BUILDINGS
harmonically at the same frequency (or period), such
4.1 The definitions given below shall apply for the
that all these points reach their individual maximum
purpose of earthquake resistant design of buildings,
responses simultaneously.
as enumerated in this standard.
3.20 Peak Ground Acceleration It is the maximum
4.2 Base It is the level at which inertia forces
acceleration of the ground in a given direction of ground
generated in the building are considered to be
shaking. Here, the acceleration refers to that of the
transferred to the ground through the foundation. For
horizontal motion, unless specified otherwise.
buildings with basements, it is considered at the
3.21 Response Reduction Factor (R) It is the factor bottommost basement level. For buildings resting on,
by which the base shear induced in a structure, if it
a) pile foundations, it is considered to be at the
were to remain elastic, is reduced to obtain the design
top of pile cap;
base shear. It depends on the perceived seismic damage
performance of the structure, characterized by ductile b) raft, it is considered to be at the top of raft;
or brittle deformations, redundancy in the structure, or and
overstrength inherent in the design process.
c) footings, it is considered to be at the top of
3.22 Response Spectrum It is the representation of the footing.
maximum responses of a spectrum of idealized single
For buildings with combined types of foundation, the
degree freedom systems of different natural periods
base is considered as the bottom-most level of the bases
but having the same damping, under the action of the
of the constituent individual foundations as per
same earthquake ground motion at their bases. The
definitions above.
response referred to here can be maximum absolute
acceleration, maximum relative velocity, or maximum 4.3 Base Dimension (d) It is the dimension (in metre)
relative displacement. of the base of the building along a direction of shaking.
3.23 Response Acceleration Coefficient of a Structure 4.4 Centre of Mass (CM) The point in the floor of a
(Sa/g) It is a factor denoting the normalized design building through which the resultant of the inertia force
acceleration spectrum value to be considered for the of the floor is considered to act during earthquake
IS 1893 (Part 1) : 2016
shaking. Unless otherwise stated, the inertia force In step-back buildings, it shall be taken as the average
considered is that associated with the horizontal of heights of all steps from the base, weighted with
shaking of the building. their corresponding floor areas. And, in buildings
founded on hill slopes, it shall be taken as the height of
4.5 Centre of Resistance (CR) the roof from the top of the highest footing level or pile
4.5.1 For Single Storey Buildings It is the point on cap level.
the roof of a building through which when the resultant 4.11 Horizontal Bracing System It is a horizontal
internal resistance acts, the building undergoes, truss system that serves the same function as a
a) pure translation in the horizontal direction; diaphragm.
and 4.12 Joints These are portions of columns that are
b) no twist about vertical axis passing through common to beams/braces and columns, which frame
the CR. into columns.
4.5.2 For Multi-Storey Buildings It is the set of 4.13 Lateral Force Resisting System It is part of
points on the horizontal floors of a multi-storey building the structural system, and consists of all structural
through which, when the resultant incremental internal members that resist lateral inertia forces induced in the
resistances across those floors act, all floors of the building during earthquake shaking.
building undergo, 4.14 Moment-Resisting Frame It is an assembly of
a) pure translation in the horizontal direction; beams and columns that resist induced and externally
and applied forces primarily by flexure.
b) no twist about vertical axis passing through 4.14.1 Ordinary Moment-Resisting Frame (OMRF)
the CR. It is a moment-resisting frame designed and detailed as
per IS 456 or IS 800, but not meeting special detailing
4.6 Eccentricity requirements for ductile behaviour as per IS 13920 or
IS 800, respectively.
4.6.1 Design Eccentricity (edi) It is the value of
eccentricity to be used for floor i in calculations of 4.14.2 Special Moment-Resisting Frame (SMRF) It
design torsion effects. is a moment-resisting frame designed and detailed as
per IS 456 or IS 800, and meeting special detailing
4.6.2 Static Eccentricity (e si) It is the distance
requirements for ductile behaviour as per IS 13920 or
between centre of mass (CM) and centre of resistance
IS 800, respectively.
(CR) of floor i.
4.15 Number of Storeys (n) It is the number of levels
4.7 Design Seismic Base Shear (VB) It is the horizontal
of a building above the base at which mass is present
lateral force in the considered direction of earthquake
in substantive amounts. This,
shaking that the structure shall be designed for.
a) excludes the basement storeys, where
4.8 Diaphragm It is a horizontal or nearly horizontal
basement walls are connected with the ground
structural system (for example, reinforced concrete
floor deck or fitted between the building
floors and horizontal bracing systems), which transmits
columns; and
lateral forces to vertical elements connected to it.
b) includes the basement storeys, when they are
4.9 Height of Floor (hi) It is the difference in vertical
not so connected.
elevations (in metre) of the base of the building and
top of floor i of the building. 4.16 Core Structural Walls, Perimeter Columns,
Outriggers and Belt Truss System It is a structural
4.10 Height of Building (h) It is the height of building
system comprising of a core of structural walls and
(in metre) from its base to top of roof level,
perimeter columns, resisting the vertical and lateral
a) excluding the height of basement storeys, if loads, with
basement walls are connected with the ground
a) the core structural walls connected to select
floor slab or basement walls are fitted between
perimeter column element(s) (often termed
the building columns, but
outrigged columns) by deep beam elements,
b) including the height of basement storeys, if known as outriggers, at discrete locations
basement walls are not connected with the along the height of the building; and
ground floor slab and basement walls are not b) the outrigged columns connected by deep
fitted between the building columns. beam elements (often known as belt truss),
IS 1893 (Part 1) : 2016
typically at the same level as the outrigger 4.23 Storey Lateral Shear Strength (Si) It is the
elements. total lateral strength of all lateral force resisting
elements in the storey considered in a principal plan
A structure with this structural system has enhanced
direction of the building.
lateral stiffness, wherein core structural walls and
perimeter columns are mobilized to act with each other 4.24 Storey Lateral Translational Stiffness (Ki) It
through the outriggers, and the perimeter columns is the total lateral translational stiffness of all lateral
themselves through the belt truss. The global lateral force resisting elements in the storey considered in a
stiffness is sensitive to: flexural stiffness of the core principal plan direction of the building.
element, the flexural stiffness of the outrigger
4.25 RC Structural Wall Plan Density (ρsw) It is
element(s), the axial stiffness of the outrigged
the ratio of the cross-sectional area at the plinth level
column(s), and the flexural stiffness of the outrigger
of RC structural walls resisting the lateral load and the
elements connecting the core structural walls to the
plinth of the building, expressed as a percentage.
perimeter columns.
4.17 Principal Plan Axes These are two mutually 5 SYMBOLS
perpendicular horizontal directions in plan of a building The symbols and notations given below apply to the
along which the geometry of the building is oriented. provisions of this standard:
4.18 P-∆∆ Effect It is the secondary effect on shear Ah Design horizontal earthquake acceleration
forces and bending moments of lateral force resisting coefficient
elements generated under the action of the vertical
Ak Design horizontal earthquake acceleration
loads, interacting with the lateral displacement of
spectrum value for mode k of oscillation
building resulting from seismic effects.
bi Plan dimension of floor i of the building,
4.19 RC Structural Wall It is a wall designed to perpendicular to direction of earthquake
resist lateral forces acting in its own plane. shaking
4.19.1 Ordinary RC Structural Wall It is a reinforced C Index for the closely-spaced modes
concrete (RC) structural wall designed and detailed as d Base dimension (in metre) of the building in
per IS 456, but not meeting special detailing the direction in which the earthquake
requirements for ductile behaviour as per IS 13920. shaking is considered
4.19.2 Special RC Structural Wall It is a RC DL Response quantity due to dead load
structural wall designed and detailed as per IS 13920, e di Design eccentricity to be used at floor i
and meeting special detailing requirements for ductile calculated as per 7.8.2
behaviour as per IS 13920.
e si Static eccentricity at floor i defined as the
4.20 Storey It is the space between two adjacent distance between centre of mass and centre
floors. of resistance
4.20.1 Soft Storey It is one in which the lateral ELX Response quantity due to earthquake load
stiffness is less than that in the storey above. The storey for horizontal shaking along X-direction
lateral stiffness is the total stiffness of all seismic force ELY Response quantity due to earthquake load
resisting elements resisting lateral earthquake shaking for horizontal shaking along Y-direction
effects in the considered direction.
ELZ Response quantity due to earthquake load
4.20.2 Weak Storey It is one in which the storey for horizontal shaking along Z-direction
lateral strength [cumulative design shear strength of Froof Design lateral forces at the roof due to all
all structural members other than that of unreinforced modes considered
masonry (URM) infills] is less than that in the storey
Fi Design lateral forces at the floor i due to all
above. The storey lateral strength is the total strength
modes considered
of all seismic force resisting elements sharing the lateral
storey shear in the considered direction. g Acceleration due to gravity
4.21 Storey Drift It is the relative displacement h Height (in metre) of structure
between the floors above and/or below the storey under hi Height measured from the base of the
consideration. building to floor i
4.22 Storey Shear (Vi) It is the sum of design lateral I Importance factor
forces at all levels above the storey i under IL Response quantity due to imposed load
consideration. Ki Lateral translational stiffness of storey i
IS 1893 (Part 1) : 2016
IS 1893 (Part 1) : 2016
provisions for appropriate ductile detailing of steel irregular, consisting of several frequencies and
members are given in IS 800. of varying amplitudes each lasting for a small
duration. Therefore, usually, resonance of the
6.1.5 The soil-structure interaction refers to effects of
type as visualized under steady-state
the flexibility of supporting soil-foundation system on
sinusoidal excitations will not occur, as it would
the response of structure. Soil-structure interaction may
need time to build up such amplitudes. But,
not be considered in the seismic analysis of structures
there are exceptions where resonance-like
supported on rock or rock-like material at shallow depth.
conditions have been seen to occur between
6.1.6 Equipment and other systems, which are long distance waves and tall structures
supported at various floor levels of a structure, will be founded on deep soft soils.
subjected to different motions at their support points.
b) Earthquake is not likely to occur
In such cases, it may be necessary to obtain floor
simultaneously with high wind, maximum flood
response spectra for design of equipment and its
or maximum sea waves.
supports. For details, reference may be made to IS 1893
(Part 4). c) The values of elastic modulus of materials,
wherever required, will be taken as for static
6.1.7 Additions to Existing Structures
analysis, unless more definite values are
Additions shall be made to existing structures only as available for use in dynamic conditions [see
follows: IS 456, IS 800, IS 1343, IS 1905 and IS 2974
(Parts 1 to 5)].
a) An addition that is structurally independent
from an existing structure shall be designed 6.3 Load Combinations and Increase in Permissible
and constructed in accordance with the Stresses
seismic requirements for new structures.
6.3.1 Load Combinations
b) An addition that is structurally connected to
an existing structure shall be designed and The load combinations shall be considered as specified
constructed such that the entire structure in respective standards due to all load effects mentioned
conforms to the seismic force resistance therein. In addition, those specified in this standard
requirements for new structures, unless the shall be applicable, which include earthquake effects.
following three conditions are complied with: Even when load combinations that do not
1) Addition shall comply with the contain earthquake effects, indicate larger demands
requirements for new structures, than combinations including them, the provisions shall
be adopted related to design, ductile detailing and
2) Addition shall not increase the seismic
construction relevant for earthquake conditions, which
forces in any structural element of the
are given in this standard, IS 13920 and IS 800.
existing structures by more than
5 percent, unless the capacity of the 6.3.2 Design Horizontal Earthquake Load
element subject to the increased force is When lateral load resisting elements are oriented
still in compliance with this standard, and
along two mutually orthogonal horizontal directions,
3) Addition shall not decrease the seismic
structure shall be designed for effects due to full design
resistance of any structural element of the
earthquake load in one horizontal direction at a time,
existing structure unless reduced
and not in both directions simultaneously.
resistance is equal to or greater than that
required for new structures. When lateral load resisting elements are not
oriented along mutually orthogonal horizontal
6.1.8 Change in Occupancy
directions [as per 7.1 and Table 5(e)], structure shall be
When a change of occupancy results in a structure being designed for the simultaneous effects due to full design
re-classified to a higher importance factor (I), the structure earthquake load in one horizontal direction plus
shall conform to seismic requirements laid down for new 30 percent of design earthquake load along the other
structures with the higher importance factor. horizontal direction. Thus, structure should be designed
for the following sets of combinations of earthquake
6.2 Assumptions effects:
The following assumptions shall be made in the a) ± ELX ± 0.3 ELY, and
earthquake-resistant design of structures: b) ± 0.3 ELX ± ELY,
a) Earthquake ground motions are complex and where X and Y are two orthogonal horizontal plan
IS 1893 (Part 1) : 2016
directions. Thus, EL in the load combinations given in 0.3 ELZ), (ELY ± 0.3 ELZ ± 0.3 ELX) or (ELZ ± 0.3 ELX ±
6.3.1 shall be replaced by (ELX ± 0.3 ELY) or (ELY ± 0.3 ELY,). This implies that the sets of load combinations
0.3 ELX). Hence, the sets of load combinations to be involving earthquake effects to be considered shall be
considered shall be as given below: as given below:
1) 1.2 [DL + IL ± (ELX ± 0.3 ELY)] and 1) 1.2 [DL + IL ± (ELX ± 0.3 ELY ± 0.3 ELZ)] and
1.2 [DL + IL ± (ELY ± 0.3 ELX)];
1.2 [DL + IL ± (ELY ± 0.3 ELX ± 0.3 ELZ)];
2) 1.5 [DL ± (ELX ± 0.3 ELY)] and
2) 1.5 [DL ± (ELX ± 0.3 ELY ± 0.3 ELZ)] and
1.5 [DL ± (ELY ± 0.3 ELX)]; and
1.5 [DL ± (ELY ± 0.3 ELX ± 0.3 ELZ)]; and
3) 0.9 DL ± 1.5 (ELX ± 0.3 ELY) and
0.9 DL ± 1.5 (ELY ± 0.3 ELX). 3) 0.9 DL ± 1.5 (ELX ± 0.3 ELY ± 0.3 ELZ) and
6.3.3 Design Vertical Earthquake Effects 0.9 DL ± 1.5 (ELY ± 0.3 ELX ± 0.3 ELZ). Effects due to vertical earthquake shaking shall As an alternative to the procedure in,
be considered when any of the following conditions the net response (EL) due to the combined effect of the
apply: three components can be obtained by:
a) Structure is located in Seismic Zone IV or V;
( ELX ) + ( ELY ) + ( ELZ )
2 2 2
EL =
b) Structure has vertical or plan irregularities;
c) Structure is rested on soft soil; Caution may be exercised on loss of sign especially of
the axial force, shear force and bending moment
d) Bridges; quantities, when this procedure is used; it can lead to
e) Structure has long spans; or grossly uneconomical design of structures.
f) Structure has large horizontal overhangs of Procedure for combining shaking effects given
structural members or sub-systems. by and apply to the same response
quantity (say, bending moment in a column about its When effects due to vertical earthquake shaking major axis, or storey shear force in a frame) due to
are to be considered, the design vertical force shall be different components of the ground motion.
calculated for vertical ground motion as detailed in 6.4.6. When components corresponding to only two Where both horizontal and vertical seismic ground motion components (say one horizontal and
forces are taken into account, load combination one vertical, or only two horizontal) are combined, the
specified in 6.3.4 shall be considered. equations in and should be modified by
6.3.4 Combinations to Account for Three Directional deleting the term representing the response due to the
Earthquake Ground Shaking component of motion not being considered. When responses from the three earthquake 6.3.5 Increase in Net Pressure on Soils in Design of
components are to be considered, the responses due Foundations
to each component may be combined using the In the design of foundations, unfactored loads
assumption that when the maximum response from one shall be combined in line with IS 2974, while assessing
component occurs, the responses from the other two the bearing pressure in soils.
components are 30 percent each of their maximum. All
possible combinations of three components (ELX, ELY When earthquake forces are included, net
and ELZ) including variations in sign (plus or minus) bearing pressure in soils can be increased as per
shall be considered. Thus, the structure should be Table 1, depending on type of foundation and type of
designed for the following sets of combinations of soil. For determining the type of soil for this purpose,
earthquake load effects: soils shall be classified in four types as given in Table
2. In soft soils, no increase shall be applied in bearing
a) ± ELX ± 0.3 ELY ± 0.3 ELZ, pressure, because settlements cannot be restricted by
b) ± ELY ± 0.3 ELZ ± 0.3 ELX, and increasing bearing pressure.
c) ± ELZ ± 0.3 ELX ± 0.3 ELY, In soil deposits consisting of submerged loose
sands and soils falling under classification SP with
where X and Y are orthogonal plan directions and Z corrected standard penetration test values N, less than
vertical direction. Thus, EL in the above referred load 15 in Seismic Zones III, IV and V, and less than 10 in
combinations shall be replaced by (ELX ± 0.3 ELY ± Seismic Zone II, the shaking caused by earthquake
IS 1893 (Part 1) : 2016
ground motion may cause liquefaction or excessive damping, given by expressions below:
total and differential settlements. Such sites should be a) For use in equivalent static method
avoided preferably for locating new structures, and [see Fig. 2(a)]:
should be avoided for locating structures of important
projects. Otherwise, settlements need to be 2.5 0 < T < 0.40 s
investigated, and appropriate methods adopted of For rocky
or hard 1 0.40 s < T < 4.00 s
compaction or stabilization to achieve N values soil sites T
indicated in Note 4 of Table 1. Alternatively, deep pile 0.25 T > 4.00 s
foundations may be adopted and anchored at depths
well below the underlying soil layers, which are likely 2.5 0 < T < 0.55 s
For med-
to liquefy or undergo excessive settlements. Sa 1.36
= ium stiff 0.55 s < T < 4.00 s
Also, marine clay layers and other sensitive clay layers g soil sites T
are known to liquefy, undergo excessive settlements or 0.34 T > 4.00 s
even collapse, owing to low shear strength of the said
2.5 0 < T < 0.67 s
soil; such soils will need special treatment according For soft 1.67
to site condition (see Table 2). 0.67 s < T < 4.00 s
soil sites T
A simplified method is given in Annex F, for evaluation 0.42 T > 4.00 s
of liquefaction potential.
b) For use in response spectrum method
6.4 Design Acceleration Spectrum [see Fig. 2(b)]
6.4.1 For the purpose of determining design seismic 1 + 15T T < 0.10 s
force, the country is classified into four seismic zones
as shown in Fig. 1. For rocky2.5 0.10 s < T < 0.40 s
or hard 1
6.4.2 The design horizontal seismic coefficient Ah for a soil sites 0.40 s < T < 4.00 s
structure shall be determined by: T
0.25 T > 4.00 s
Z Sa 1 + 15T T < 0.10 s
2 g
Ah =
For med- 2.5 0.10 s < T < 0.55 s
R Sa
= ium stiff 1.36
g soil sites 0.55 s < T < 4.00 s
where T
Z = seismic zone factor given in Table 3; 0.34 T > 4.00 s
I = importance factor given in IS 1893 (Parts 1 1 + 15T T < 0.10 s
to 5) for the corresponding structures; when 2.5 0.10 s < T < 0.67 s
not specified, the minimum values of I shall For soft
soil sites 1.67
be, T 0.67 s < T < 4.00 s
a) 1.5 for critical and lifeline structures;
0.42 T > 4.00 s
b) 1.2 for business continuity structures; and For determining the correct spectrum to be used
c) 1.0 for the rest. in the estimate of (Sa/g), the type of soil on which the
R = response reduction factor given in IS 1893 structure is placed shall be identified by the
(Parts 1 to 5) for the corresponding classification given in Table 4, as:
structures; and a) Soil type I Rock or hard soils;
g = design acceleration coefficient for different
b) Soil type II Medium or stiff soils; and
soil types, normalized with peak ground
acceleration, corresponding to natural period c) Soil type III Soft soils.
T of structure (considering soil-structure In Table 4, the value of N to be used shall be the
interaction, if required). It shall be as given weighted average of N of soil layers from the existing
in Parts 1 to 5 of IS 1893 for the corresponding ground level to 30 m below the existing ground level;
structures; when not specified, it shall be here, the N values of individual layers shall be the
taken as that corresponding to 5 percent corrected values.
IS 1893 (Part 1) : 2016
Table 1 Percentage Increase in Net Bearing Table 2 Classification of Types of Soils for
Pressure and Skin Friction of Soils Determining Percentage Increase in Net
(Clause Bearing Pressure and Skin Friction
Sl No. Soil Type Percentage Increase Allowable
(1) (2) (3) Sl No. Soil Type Remarks
(1) (2) (3)
i) Type A: Rock or hard soils 50
ii) Type B: Medium or stiff soils 25 i) Type A Well graded gravel (GW) or well graded sand
iii) Type C: Soft soils 0 Rock or (SW) both with less than 5 percent passing
hard soils 75 mm sieve (Fines)
NOTES Well graded gravel sand mixtures with
or without fines (GW-SW)
1 The net bearing pressure shall be determined in
Poorly-graded sand (SP) or Clayey sand
accordance with IS 6403 or IS 1888.
(SC), all having N above 30
2 Only corrected values of N shall be used. Stiff to hard clays having N above 30, where
3 If any increase in net bearing pressure has already been N is corrected standard penetration test value
permitted for forces other than seismic forces, the ii) Type B Poorly graded sands or poorly graded sands
increase in allowable bearing pressure, when seismic force Medium or with gravel (SP) with little or no fines having
is also included, shall not exceed the limits specified stiff soils N between 10 and 30
above. Stiff to medium stiff fine-grained soils,
4 The desirable minimum corrected field values of N shall like silts of low compressibility (ML) or
be as specified below: clays of low compressibility (CL) having
N between 10 and 30
Seismic Depth (m) below N Values Remarks
Zone Ground Level iii) Type C All soft soils other than SP with N<10. The
Soft soils various possible soils are:
III, IV £5 15 For values of Silts of intermediate compressibility (Ml);
and V ³10 25 depths between Silts of high compressibility (MH);
5 m and 10 m,
II £5 10 Clays of intermediate compressibility (CI);
interpolation is Clays of high compressibility (CH);
³10 20
recommended Silts and clays of intermediate to high
com-pressibility (MI-MH or CI-CH);
Silt with clay of intermediate compressibility
If soils of lower N values are encountered than those (MI-CI); and
specified in the table above, then suitable ground Silt with clay of high compressibility
improvement techniques shall be adopted to achieve (MH-CH).
these values. Alternately, deep pile foundations should iv) Type D Requires site-specific study and special
be used, which are anchored in stronger strata, underlying Unstable, treatment according to site condition (see
the soil layers that do not meet the requirement. collapsible,
5 Piles should be designed for lateral loads neglecting lateral liquefiable
resistance of those soil layers (if any), which are liable soils
to liquefy.
6 Indian Standards IS 1498 and IS 2131 may be referred
for soil notation, and corrected N values shall be
Table 3 Seismic Zone Factor Z
determined by applying correction factor CN for effective (Clause 6.4.2)
overburden pressure σ 'vo using relation N = C N N1 , Seismic Zone Factor II III IV V
where CN = Pa σ ' vo ≤ 1.7 , P a is the atmospheric (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
pressure and N1 is the uncorrected SPT value for soil.
Z 0.10 0.16 0.24 0.36
7 While using this table, the value of N to be considered
shall be determined as below:
a) Isolated footings Weighted average of N of soil 6.4.3 Effects of design earthquake loads applied on
layers from depth of founding, to depth of founding structures can be considered in two ways, namely:
plus twice the breadth of footing;
b) Raft foundations Weighted average of N of soil a) Equivalent static method, and
layers from depth of founding, to depth of founding b) Dynamic analysis method.
plus twice the breadth of raft;
c) Pile foundation Weighted average of N of soil
In turn, dynamic analysis can be performed in three
layers from depth of bottom tip of pile, to depth of ways, namely:
bottom tip of pile plus twice the diameter of pile;
d) Group pile foundation Weighted average of N of
1) Response spectrum method,
soil layers from depth of bottom tip of pile group, to 2) Modal time history method, and
depth of bottom tip of pile group plus twice the width
of pile group; and 3) Time history method.
e) Well foundation Weighted average of N of soil
layers from depth of bottom tip of well, to depth of In this standard, Equivalent Static Method, Response
bottom tip of well plus twice the width of well. Spectrum Method and Time History Method are
IS 1893 (Part 1) : 2016
The territorial waters of India extend into the sea to a distance of twelve nautical miles measured from the appropriate baseline.
The interstate boundaries between Arunachal Pradesh, Assam and Meghalaya shown on this map are as interpreted from the North-Eastern Areas (Reorganization) Act, 1971, but have
yet to be verified.
The state boundaries between Uttarakhand & Uttar Pradesh, Bihar & Jharkhand, and Chhattisgarh & Madhya Pradesh have not been verified by the Governments concerned.
The administrative headquarters of Chandigarh, Haryana and Punjab are at Chandigarh.
The external boundaries and coastlines of India agree with the Record/Master Copy certified by Survey of India.
The responsibility for the correctness of internal details rests with the publisher.
NOTE — Towns falling at the boundary of zones demarcation line between two zones shall be considered in higher zone.
IS 1893 (Part 1) : 2016
i) I a) Well graded gravel (GW) or well graded sand (SW) both with less than 5 percent passing 75 µm sieve
Rock or b) Well graded gravel-sand mixtures with or without fines (GW-SW)
Hard soils c) Poorly graded sand (SP) or clayey sand (SC), all having N above 30
d) Stiff to hard clays having N above 30, where N is standard penetration test value
ii) II a) Poorly graded sands or poorly graded sands with gravel (SP) with little or no fines having N between 10 and 30
Medium or b) Stiff to medium stiff fine-grained soils, like silts of low compressibility (ML) or clays of low
Stiff soils compressibility (CL) having N between 10 and 30
iii) III All soft soils other than SP with N<10. The various possible soils are:
Soft soils a) Silts of intermediate compressibility (Ml);
b) Silts of high compressibility (MH);
c) Clays of intermediate compressibility (CI);
d) Clays of high compressibility (CH);
e) Silts and clays of intermediate to high compressibility (MI-MH or CI-CH);
f) Silt with clay of intermediate compressibility (MI-CI); and
g) Silt with clay of high compressibility (MH-CH).
IS 1893 (Part 1) : 2016
adopted. Equivalent static method may be used for 6.4.7 When design acceleration spectrum is developed
analysis of regular structures with approximate natural specific to a project site, the same may be used for
period Ta less than 0.4 s. design of structures of the project. In such cases,
effects of the site-specific spectrum shall not be less For structural analysis, the moment of inertia
than those arising out of the design spectrum specified
shall be taken as:
in this standard.
a) In RC and masonry structures: 70 percent of
Igross of columns, and 35 percent of Igross of 7 BUILDINGS
beams; and The four main desirable attributes of an earthquake
b) In steel structures: Igross of both beams and resistant building are:
columns. a) Robust structural configuration,
6.4.4 Where a number of modes are to be considered in b) At least a minimum elastic lateral stiffness,
response spectrum method, Ah as defined in 6.4.2 for c) At least a minimum lateral strength, and
each mode k shall be determined using natural period d) Adequate ductility.
Tk of oscillation of that mode.
7.1 Regular and Irregular Configurations
6.4.5 For underground structures and buildings whose
base is located at depths of 30 m or more, Ah at the base Buildings with simple regular geometry and uniformly
shall be taken as half the value obtained from 6.4.2. distributed mass and stiffness in plan and in elevation,
This reduced value shall be used only for estimating suffer much less damage, than buildings with irregular
inertia effects due to masses at the corresponding levels configurations. All efforts shall be made to eliminate
below the ground; the inertia effects for the above irregularities by modifying architectural planning and
ground portion of the building shall be estimated based structural configurations. A building shall be considered
on the unreduced value of Ah. For estimating inertia to be irregular for the purposes of this standard, even
effects due to masses of structures and foundations if any one of the conditions given in Tables 5 and 6 is
placed between the ground level and 30 m depth, the applicable. Limits on irregularities for Seismic Zones
design horizontal acceleration spectrum value shall be III, IV and V and special requirements are laid out in
linearly interpolated between Ah and 0.5 Ah, where Ah Tables 5 and 6.
is as specified in 6.4.2.
Table 5 Definitions of Irregular Buildings Plan
6.4.6 The design seismic acceleration spectral value Av Irregularities (see Fig. 3)
or vertical motions shall be taken as: (Clause 7.1)
IS 1893 (Part 1) : 2016
Dmax > 1.5 Dmin
L L2
Ao>0.5Atotal Ao>0.1Atotal
Atotal Atotal
(i) (ii)
IS 1893 (Part 1) : 2016
IS 1893 (Part 1) : 2016
MASS Wi+1 Wi > 1.5Wi+1
Wi Wi > 1.5Wi-1
Wi -1
IS 1893 (Part 1) : 2016
IS 1893 (Part 1) : 2016
Table 7 Minimum Design Earthquake Horizontal critical damping for the purposes of estimating Ah in
Lateral Force for Buildings the design lateral force VB of a building as per 7.2.1,
(Clause 7.2.2) irrespective of the material of construction (namely
steel, reinforced concrete, masonry, or a combination
Sl No. Seismic Zone ρ
thereof of these three basic materials) of its lateral load
(1) (2) (3) resisting system, considering that buildings experience
inelastic deformations under design level earthquake
i) II 0.7 effects, resulting in much higher energy dissipation
ii) III 1.1
iii) IV 1.6
than that due to initial structural damping in buildings.
iv) V 2.4 This value of damping shall be used, irrespective of
the method of the structural analysis employed, namely
Equivalent Static Method (as per 7.6) or Dynamic
7.2.3 Importance Factor (I)
Analysis Method (as per 7.7).
In estimating design lateral force VB of buildings as
7.2.5 Design Acceleration Spectrum
per 7.2.1, the importance factor I of buildings shall be
taken as per Table 8. Design acceleration coefficient Sa/g corresponding to
5 percent damping for different soil types, normalized to
Table 8 Importance Factor (I) peak ground acceleration, corresponding to natural period
(Clause 7.2.3) T of structure considering soil-structure interaction,
Sl No. Structure I irrespective of the material of construction of the structure.
(1) (2) (3) Sa/g shall be as given by expressions in 6.4.2.
i) Important service and community build- 1.5 7.2.6 Response Reduction Factor (R)
ings or structures (for example, critical
governance buildings, schools), signature Response reduction factor, along with damping during
buildings, monument buildings, lifeline and extreme shaking and redundancy: (a) influences the
emergency buildings (for example,
hospital buildings, telephone exchange
nonlinear behaviour of buildings during strong
buildings, television station buildings, earthquake shaking, and (b) accounts for inherent
radio station buildings, bus station system ductility, redundancy and overstrength normally
buildings, metro rail buildings and metro available in buildings, if designed and detailed as per
rail station buildings), railway stations,
airports, food storage buildings (such as
this standard and the associated Indian Standards.
warehouses), fuel station buildings, power For the purpose of design as per this standard,
station buildings, and fire station
buildings), and large community hall response reduction factor R for different building
buildings (for example, cinema halls, systems shall be as given in Table 9. The values of R
shopping malls, assembly halls and subway shall be used for design of buildings with lateral load
stations) resisting elements, and NOT for just the lateral load
ii) Residential or commercial buildings [other 1.2
than those listed in Sl No. (i)] with resisting elements, which are built in isolation.
occupancy more than 200 persons
7.2.7 Dual System
iii) All other buildings 1.0
Buildings with dual system consist of moment resisting
NOTES frames and structural walls (or of moment resisting
1 Owners and design engineers of buildings or structures frames and bracings) such that both of the following
may choose values of importance factor I more than
conditions are valid:
those mentioned above.
2 Buildings or structures covered under Sl No. (iii) may be a) Two systems are designed to resist total
designed for higher value of importance factor I, design lateral force in proportion to their lateral
depending on economy and strategy.
stiffness, considering interaction of two
3 In Sl No. (ii), when a building is composed of more than
one structurally independent unit, the occupancy size systems at all floor levels; and
shall be for each of the structurally independent unit of
the building.
b) Moment resisting frames are designed to
4 In buildings with mixed occupancies, wherein different I
resist independently at least 25 percent of the
factors are applicable for the respective occupancies, design base shear.
larger of the importance factor I values shall be used for
estimating the design earthquake force of the building. 7.3 Design Imposed Loads for Earthquake Force
7.2.4 Damping Ratio
7.3.1 For various loading classes specified in IS 875
The value of damping shall be taken as 5 percent of (Part 2), design seismic force shall be estimated using
IS 1893 (Part 1) : 2016
full dead load plus percentage of imposed load as given shall be designed to be ductile. Hence, this system is not
allowed in these seismic zones.
in Table 10. The same shall be used in the three-
2 Eccentric braces shall be used only with SBFs.
dimensional dynamic analysis of buildings also. 3 Buildings with structural walls also include buildings
having structural walls and moment frames, but where,
Table 9 Response Reduction Factor R for Building a) frames are not designed to carry design lateral
loads, or
b) frames are designed to carry design lateral loads,
(Clause 7.2.6) but do not fulfill the requirements of Dual Systems.
4 In these buildings, (a) punching shear failure shall be
avoided, and (b) lateral drift at the roof under design
Sl No. Lateral Load Resisting System R
(1) (2) (3) lateral force shall not exceed 0.1 percent.
IS 1893 (Part 1) : 2016
IS 1893 (Part 1) : 2016
7.6.1 7.6.1
5B 5B
5D 5E
IS 1893 (Part 1) : 2016
IS 1893 (Part 1) : 2016
∑ (λ )
2 Number of modes to be considered λ= k
k =1
The number of modes Nm to be used in the analysis for where
earthquake shaking along a considered direction,
λk = peak response quantity in mode k,
should be such that the sum total of modal masses of
these modes considered is at least 90 percent of the
total seismic mass. Nm = number of modes considered.
2) If building has a few closely-spaced
If modes with natural frequencies beyond 33 Hz are to
modes, then net peak response quantity
be considered, the modal combination shall be carried
λ∗ due to these closely space modes alone
out only for modes with natural frequency less than
shall be obtained as:
33 Hz; the effect of modes with natural frequencies more
than 33 Hz shall be included by the missing mass λ * = ∑ λc
correction procedure following established principles c
of structural dynamics. If justified by rigorous analysis,
designers may use a cut off frequency other than 33 Hz. λc = peak response quantity in closely
spaced mode c. The summation is Combination of modes for closely spaced modes only.
The responses of different modes considered shall be Then, this peak response quantity
combined by one of the two methods given below: λ∗ due to closely spaced modes is
combined with those of remaining
a) Peak response quantities (for example, member well-separated modes by method
forces, displacements, storey forces, storey described above.
shears, and base reactions) may be combined Simplified method of dynamic analysis of
as per Complete Quadratic Combination (CQC)
method, as given below:
Regular buildings may be analyzed as a system of
Nm Nm
masses lumped at the floor levels with each mass
λ = ∑∑
i =1 j =1
λ i ρij λ j
having one degree of freedom, that of lateral
displacement in the direction under consideration. In
where such a case, the following expressions shall hold in the
computation of the various quantities:
λ = estimate of peak response quantity;
λi = response quantity in mode i (with sign); a) Modal mass Modal mass Mk of mode k is
given by:
λj = response quantity in mode j (with sign);
ρij = cross-modal correlation co-efficient n
8 ζ 2 (1 + β ) β1.5 M k = in=1
= ;
g∑Wi (φik )
(1 − β )
2 2
+ 4 ζ 2β (1 + β )2 i =1
Nm = number of modes considered;
g = acceleration due to gravity,
ζ = modal damping coefficient ratio which
φik = mode shape coefficient at floor i in
shall be taken as 0.05; mode k,
ωj Wi = seismic weight of floor i of the structure,
β = natural frequency ratio = ω ; and
IS 1893 (Part 1) : 2016
where Em and Ef are the modulii of elasticity c) connected preferably to the moment resisting
of the materials of the URM infill and RC frame of the building.
MRF, Ic the moment of inertia of the adjoining
7.10.3 When the RC structural walls are provided, they
column, t the thickness of the infill wall, and
shall be designed such that the building does NOT
θ the angle of the diagonal strut with the
c) For URM infill walls with openings, no a) Additional torsional irregularity in plan than
reduction in strut width is required; and that already present in the building. In
assessing this, lateral stiffness shall be
d) Thickness of the equivalent diagonal strut included of all elements that resist lateral
shall be taken as thickness t of original URM actions at all levels of the building;
infill wall, provided h/t < 12 and l/t < 12, where
h is clear height of URM infill wall between b) Lateral stiffness in the open storey(s) is less
the top beam and bottom floor slab, and l clear than 80 percent of that in the storey above;
length of the URM infill wall between the and
vertical RC elements (columns, walls or a c) Lateral strength in the open storey(s) is less
combination thereof) between which it spans. than 90 percent of that in the storey above.
7.10.4 When the RC structural walls are provided, the
RC structural wall plan density ρsw of the building shall
be at least 2 percent along each principal direction in
Seismic Zones III, IV and V. These walls shall be well
distributed in the plan of the building along each plan
direction. RC structural walls of this measure can be
adopted even in regular buildings that do not have
open storey(s).
7.10.5 RC structural walls in buildings located in
Seismic Zones III, IV and V shall be designed and
detailed to comply with all requirements of IS 13920.
IS 1893 (Part 1) : 2016
7.11.3 Separation between Adjacent Units moments due to fixity to pile cap.
Two adjacent buildings, or two adjacent units of the 7.12.2 Cantilever Projections
same building with separation joint between them, Vertical projections
shall be separated by a distance equal to R times sum
of storey displacements ∆1 and ∆2 calculated as per Small-sized facilities (like towers, tanks, parapets, smoke
7.11.1 of the two buildings or two units of the same stacks/chimneys) and other vertical cantilever
building, to avoid pounding as the two buildings or projections attached to buildings and projecting
two units of the same building oscillate towards each vertically above the roof, but not a part of the structural
other. system of the building, shall be designed and checked
for stability for five times the design horizontal seismic
When floor levels of the adjacent units of a building or
coefficient Ah specified in 6.4.2 for that building. In the
buildings are at the same level, the separation distance
analysis of the building, weights of these projecting
shall be calculated as (R1∆1 + R2∆2), where R1 and ∆1
elements shall be lumped with the roof weight.
correspond to building 1, and R2 and ∆2 to building 2. Horizontal projections
7.12 Miscellaneous
All horizontal projections of buildings (like cantilever
7.12.1 Foundations
structural members at the porch level or higher) or
Isolated RC footings without tie beams or unreinforced attached to buildings (like brackets, cornices and
strip foundations, shall not be adopted in buildings balconies) shall be designed for five times the design
rested on soft soils (with corrected N < 10) in any vertical coefficient Av specified in 6.4.6 for that building.
Seismic Zone. Use of foundations vulnerable to The increased design forces specified
significant differential settlement due to ground shaking
in and are only for designing the
shall be avoided in buildings located in Seismic Zones
projecting parts and their connections with the main
III, IV and V.
structures, and NOT for the design of the main
Individual spread footings or pile caps shall be structure.
interconnected with ties (see of IS 4326), except 7.12.3 Compound Walls
when individual spread footings are directly supported
on rock, in buildings located in Seismic Zones IV and V. Compound walls shall be designed for the design
All ties shall be capable of carrying, in tension and in horizontal coefficient Ah of 1.25Z, that is, Ah calculated
compression, an axial force equal to Ah/4 times the larger using 6.4.2 with I = 1, R = 1 and Sa/g = 2.5.
of the column or pile cap load, in addition to the 7.12.4 Connections between Parts
otherwise computed forces, subject to a minimum of
All small items and objects of a building shall be tied to
5 percent of larger of column or pile cap loads. Here,
the building or to each other to act as single unit, except
Ah is as per 6.4.2.
those between the separation joints and seismic joints.
Pile shall be designed and constructed to withstand These connections shall be made capable of
maximum curvature imposed (structural response) by transmitting the forces induced in them, but not less
earthquake ground shaking. Design of anchorage of than 0.05 times weight of total dead and imposed load
piles into the pile cap shall consider combined effects, reactions; frictional resistance shall not be relied upon
including that of axial forces due to uplift and bending in these calculations.
IS 1893 (Part 1) : 2016
(From Catalog of 2015)
The territorial waters of India extend into the sea to a distance of twelve nautical miles measured from the appropriate baseline.
The interstate boundaries between Arunachal Pradesh, Assam and Meghalaya shown on this map are as interpreted from the North-Eastern Areas (Reorganization) Act, 1971, but have
yet to be verified.
The state boundaries between Uttarakhand & Uttar Pradesh, Bihar & Jharkhand, and Chhattisgarh & Madhya Pradesh have not been verified by the Governments concerned.
The administrative headquarters of Chandigarh, Haryana and Punjab are at Chandigarh.
The external boundaries and coastlines of India agree with the Record/Master Copy certified by Survey of India.
The responsibility for the correctness of internal details rests with the publisher.
NOTE — For details regarding the up-to-date seismic activity (plotted on the Map of India), please visit the online portal of the National Centre for Seismology (NCS),
Ministry of Earth Sciences, New Delhi.
IS 1893 (Part 1) : 2016
(From Catalog of 2001)
The territorial waters of India extend into the sea to a distance of twelve nautical miles measured from the appropriate baseline.
The interstate boundaries between Arunachal Pradesh, Assam and Meghalaya shown on this map are as interpreted from the North-Eastern Areas (Reorganization) Act, 1971, but have
yet to be verified.
The state boundaries between Uttarakhand & Uttar Pradesh, Bihar & Jharkhand, and Chhattisgarh & Madhya Pradesh have not been verified by the Governments concerned.
The administrative headquarters of Chandigarh, Haryana and Punjab are at Chandigarh.
The external boundaries and coastlines of India agree with the Record/Master Copy certified by Survey of India.
The responsibility for the correctness of internal details rests with the publisher.
IS 1893 (Part 1) : 2016
The territorial waters of India extend into the sea to a distance of twelve nautical miles measured from the appropriate baseline.
The interstate boundaries between Arunachal Pradesh, Assam and Meghalaya shown on this map are as interpreted from the North-Eastern Areas (Reorganization) Act, 1971, but have
yet to be verified.
The state boundaries between Uttarakhand & Uttar Pradesh, Bihar & Jharkhand, and Chhattisgarh & Madhya Pradesh have not been verified by the Governments concerned.
The administrative headquarters of Chandigarh, Haryana and Punjab are at Chandigarh.
The external boundaries and coastlines of India agree with the Record/Master Copy certified by Survey of India.
The responsibility for the correctness of internal details rests with the publisher.
IS 1893 (Part 1) : 2016
(Foreword and Clause 3.11)
D-1 The following description shall be applicable. limits of sensibility; the tremor is detected and
a) Type of Structures (Buildings) recorded by seismograph only.
sensation of vibration is like that due to heavy ii) Most buildings of Type C suffer damage of
objects falling inside the buildings. Grade 2, and few of Grade 3. Most buildings
of Type B suffer damage of Grade 3. Most
ii) Slight damages in buildings of Type A are
buildings of Type A suffer damage of Grade 4.
Occasional breaking of pipe seams. Memorials
iii) Slight waves on standing water. Sometimes and monuments move and twist. Tombstones
changes in flow of springs. overturn. Stone walls collapse.
IS 1893 (Part 1) : 2016
IS 1893 (Part 1) : 2016
IS 1893 (Part 1) : 2016
(Clauses 3.12 and
F-1 Due to the difficulties in obtaining and testing and high initial static shear stress using:
undisturbed representative samples from potentially
liquefiable sites, in-situ testing is the approach CRR = CRR7.5 ( MSF ) K ó K á ,
preferred widely for evaluating the liquefaction where
potential of a soil deposit. Liquefaction potential
CRR7.5= standard cyclic resistance ratio for a 7.5
assessment procedures involving both the SPT and
magnitude earthquake obtained using
CPT are widely used in practice. The most common
values of SPT or CPT or shear wave
procedure used in engineering practice for the
velocity (as per Step 6), and
assessment of liquefaction potential of sands and silts
is the simplified procedure. The procedure may be MSF = magnitude scaling factor given by
used with either standard penetration test (SPT) blow following equation:
count or cone penetration test (CPT) tip resistance or MSF = 102.24 M W2.56
shear wave velocity Vs measured within the deposit
as described below: This factor is required when the magnitude is different
than 7.5. The correction for high overburden stresses
Step 1 The subsurface data used to assess Kσ is required when overburden pressure is high
liquefaction susceptibility should include the location (depth > 15 m) and can be found using following
of the water table, either SPT blow count N or tip equation:
resistance qc of a CPT cone or shear wave velocity Vs,
( f −1)
unit weight, and fines content of the soil (percent by K ó = (σ vo
′ Pa )
weight passing the IS Standard Sieve No. 75 µ).
Step 2 Evaluate total vertical overburden stress σvo where σ 'vo effective overburden pressure and Pa
and effective vertical overburden stress σ 'vo at atmospheric pressure are measured in the same units
different depths for all potentially liquefiable layers and f is an exponent and its value depends on the
within the deposit. relative density Dr. For Dr = 40 percent ~ 60 percent,
f = 0.8 ~ 0.7 and for Dr = 60 percent ~ 80 percent,
Step 3 Evaluate stress reduction factor rd using: f = 0.7 ~ 0.6. The correction for static shear stresses Kα
is required only for sloping ground and is not required
1 − 0.00765 z 0 < z ≤ 9.15 m
rd = in routine engineering practice. Therefore, in the scope
1.174 − 0.0267 z 9.15 m < z ≤ 23.0 m of this standard, value of Kα shall be assumed unity.
where z is the depth (in metre) below the ground surface. For assessing liquefaction susceptibility using:
Step 4 Calculate cyclic stress ratio CSR induced by a) SPT, go to Step 6(a) or
the earthquake using: b) CPT, go to Step 6(b) or
IS 1893 (Part 1) : 2016
( N1 )60CS = α + β ( N1 )60 ,
IS 1893 (Part 1) : 2016
qC1N = CQ c ,
a (for Ic > 1.64), and
IS 1893 (Part 1) : 2016
IS 1893 (Part 1) : 2016
i) Non-standard hammer weight or height of fall 0.75 (for Donut hammer with rope and pulley)
1.33 (for Donut hammer with trip/auto)
Energy ratio = 80 percent
ii) Non-standard hammer weight or height of fall CHW =
H = height of fall (mm), and
W = hammer weight (kg)
iii) Non-standard sampler setup (standard samples with 1.1 (for loose sand)
room for liners, but used without liners) 1.2 (for dense sand)
iv) Non-standard sampler setup (standard samples with 0.9 (for loose sand)
room for liners, but liners are used) 0.8 (for dense sand)
= 0.75 (for rod length 0-3 m)
= 0.80 (for rod length 3-4 m)
v) Short rod length CRL = = 0.85 (for rod length 4-6 m)
= 0.95 (for rod length 6-10 m)
= 1.0 (for rod length 10-30 m)
vi) Nonstandard borehole diameter 1.00 (for bore hole diameter of 65-115 mm)
CBD = = 1.05 (for bore hole diameter of 150 mm)
= 1.15 (for bore hole diameter of 200 mm)
1 N = Uncorrected SPT blow count.
3 N 60 = NC60
IS 1893 (Part 1) : 2016
Earthquake Engineering Sectional Committee, CED 39
Organization Representative(s)
IS 1893 (Part 1) : 2016
Organization Representative(s)
Member Secretary
c) Bases of various load combinations to be considered have been made consistent for earthquake effects,
with those specified in the other codes;
d) Temporary structures are brought under the purview of this standard;
e) Importance factor provisions have been modified to introduce intermediate importance category of
buildings, to acknowledge the density of occupancy of buildings;
f) A provision is introduced to ensure that all buildings are designed for at least a minimum lateral force;
g) Buildings with flat slabs are brought under the purview of this standard;
h) Additional clarity is brought in on how to handle different types of irregularity of structural system;
j) Effect of masonry infill walls has been included in analysis and design of frame buildings;
k) Method is introduced for arriving at the approximate natural period of buildings with basements, step
back buildings and buildings on hill slopes;
m) Provisions on torsion have been simplified; and
n) Simplified method is introduced for liquefaction potential analysis.
In the formulation of this standard, effort has been made to coordinate with standards and practices prevailing in
different countries in addition to relating it to the practices in the field in this country. Assistance has particularly
been derived from the following publications:
1) IBC 2015, International Building Code, International Code Council, USA, 2015
2) NEHRP 2009, NEHRP Recommended Seismic Provisions for New Buildings and Other Structures, Report No.
FEMA P-750, Federal Emergency Management Agency, Washington, DC, USA, 2009
3) ASCE/SEI 7-10, Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures, American Society of Civil
Engineers, USA, 2010
4) NZS 1170.5: 2004, Structural Design Actions, Part 5: Earthquake Actions New Zealand, Standards New
Zealand, Wellington, New Zealand, 2004
Also, considerable assistance has been given by Indian Institutes of Technology, Jodhpur, Madras, Bombay,
Roorkee and Kanpur; Geological Survey of India; India Meteorological Department, National Centre for Seismology
(Ministry of Earth Sciences, Govt of India) and several other organizations. Significant improvements have been
made to the standard based on findings of a project entitled, Review of Building Codes and Preparation of
Commentary and Handbooks awarded to IIT Kanpur by the Gujarat State Disaster Management Authority
(GSDMA), Gandhinagar, through World Bank finances during 2003-2004.
The units used with the items covered by the symbols shall be consistent throughout this standard, unless
specifically noted otherwise.
The composition of the Committee responsible for the formulation of this standard is given in Annex G.
For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the final value
observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in accordance with IS 2 : 1960
Rules for rounding off numerical values (revised). The number of significant places retained in the rounded off
value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard.
Bureau of Indian Standards
BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986 to promote
harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods
and attending to connected matters in the country.
BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form
without the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the course of
implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations.
Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director (Publications), BIS.
Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also reviewed
periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that no changes are
needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision. Users of Indian Standards
should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by referring to the latest issue of
BIS Catalogue and Standards : Monthly Additions.
This Indian Standard has been developed from Doc No.: CED 39 (7975).
(Sixth Revision)
(Page 7, clause, line 3) — Substitute ‘Table 5(v)’ for ‘Table 5(e)’.
(Page 21, clause 7.4.2) — Insert the following new clause at the end:
See 7.2.2.’
[Page 21, clause 7.6.2(b)] — Substitute the following for the existing
formula of Aw:
𝐿𝐿wi 2
𝐴𝐴w = � �𝐴𝐴wi �0.2 + � �� �
[Page 39, clause F-1, step 6(a)] — In para 4 under step 6(a), substitute ‘α = 5’
for ‘α = 0.5’
(CED 39)
Publication Unit, BIS, New Delhi, India
(Page 5, clause 4.25) — Insert the following new definition at the end:
‘4.26 Floating Column — A vertical element (column) which at its lower level
(termination level) rests on a beam.’
Price Group 2
Amendment No. 2 to IS 1893 (Part 1) : 2016
[Page 14, Table 5, Sl No. (i), last para] — Substitute the following for the
‘In a building with torsional irregularity, when the horizontal total displacement
Δmax (which is larger in amplitude) at one end of the building in plan is:
i) in the range of 1.2 Δave to 1.4 Δave (where Δave = (Δmax+ Δmin)/2, in which
Δmin is the horizontal total displacement, which is smaller in amplitude at
the other end), (a) the building configuration shall be revised to ensure
that the natural period of the fundamental torsional mode of oscillation
shall be smaller than those of the first two translational modes along
each of the principal plan directions, and then (b) three dimensional
dynamic analysis method shall be adopted.
ii) more than 1.4Δave, the structural configuration of the building shall be
[Page 16, Table 5, Sl No. (ii), last para] — Substitute the following for the
‘In a building with re-entrant corners, three-dimensional dynamic analysis method
with flexible floor diaphragm shall be adopted to capture the concentration of
forces generated in the re-entrant corners especially in the floor diaphragm and
special elements adjoining the re-entrant corner. This is in addition to the case of
rigid diaphragm analysis, if applicable, and the worst effect considered.’
[Page 16, Table 5, Sl No. (iii), last para] — Substitute the following for the
‘In a building with floor slabs having excessive cut-outs or openings, if the area
of the geometric cut-out is,
a) less than or equal to 50 percent, the floor slab shall be taken as rigid or
flexible in plane in structural analysis of the building depending on the
location of and size of openings.
b) more than 50 percent, the floor slab shall be taken as flexible in plane in
structural analysis of the building’.
[Page 16, Table 5, Sl No.(iv), para (b)] — Substitute the following for the
‘b) the following two conditions shall be satisfied, if the building is located in
Seismic Zones III, IV and V:
1) The forces and moments due to earthquake effects in the elements
connecting the two vertical elements with out of plane offset elements,
Amendment No. 2 to IS 1893 (Part 1) : 2016
[Page 16, Table 5, Sl No. (v), last para] — Substitute the following for the
‘In a building with non-parallel lateral force resisting system, the building shall
be analyzed for load combinations mentioned in or’
[Page 16, Table 6, Sl No. (i)] — Substitute the following for the existing:
[Page 16, Table 6, Sl No. (ii), last para] — Substitute the following for the
‘In a building with mass irregularity and located in Seismic Zones III, IV and V,
the earthquake effects shall be estimated by dynamic analysis (as per 7.7).’
[Page 16, Table 6, Sl No. (iii), last para] — Substitute the following for the
‘In a building with vertical geometric irregularity and located in Seismic Zones
III, IV and V, the earthquake effects shall be estimated by Dynamic Analysis
(as per 7.7).’
Amendment No. 2 to IS 1893 (Part 1) : 2016
[Page 16, Table 6, Sl No. (iv), last para] — Substitute the following for the
‘In a building with in-plane discontinuity and located in Seismic Zone II, the
lateral drift of the building under the design lateral force shall be limited to 0.2
percent of the building height. Buildings with in-plane discontinuity shall not be
permitted in Seismic Zones III, IV and V.’
[Page 16, Table 6, Sl No. (v), last para] — Substitute the following for the
‘Buildings with strength irregularity shall not be permitted. In case, the weak
storey is because of URM infills, provisions of 7.10 shall be followed.’
[Page 16, Table 6, Sl No. (vi)] — Substitute the following for the existing:
[Page 16, Table 6, Sl No. (vii)] — Substitute the following for the existing:
‘vii) Irregular Modes of Oscillation in Two Principal Plan Directions
Stiffnesses of beams, columns, braces and structural walls determine the lateral
stiffness of a building in each principal plan direction. A building is said to have
lateral irregularity in a principal plan direction, if:
a) the first three lateral translational modes contribute less than 65 percent
mass participation factor in each principal plan direction, and
b) the fundamental lateral translational natural periods of the building in the
two principal plan directions are closer to each other by 10 percent of the
larger value.
In a building with lateral irregularity in any of its two principal plan directions,
and which is located in:
1) Seismic Zones II and III, it shall be ensured that the first three lateral
translational modes together contribute at least 65 percent mass
participation factor in each principal plan direction.
Amendment No. 2 to IS 1893 (Part 1) : 2016
[Page 20, Table 9, Sl No. (ii)(a), line 2] — Insert the words ‘(see Note 1)’ at
the end.
[Page 20, Table 9, Sl No. (iv), title] — Delete the words ‘(see Note 3)’.
[Page 20, Table 9, Sl No. (v)] — Substitute the following for the existing:
‘v) Flat Slab — Structural Wall Systems (see Note 4)
RC building with the features given below: 3.0
a) Ductile RC structural walls (which are designed to resist
100 percent of the design lateral force),
b) Perimeter RC SMRFs (which are designed to independently
resist 25 percent of the design lateral force), and
c) Preferably a system (such as outrigger belt truss system)
connecting the core ductile RC structural walls and the
perimeter RC SMRFs.’
[Page 20, Table 9, Note 1, line 1] — Substitute ‘Structures’ for ‘RC and steel
Amendment No. 2 to IS 1893 (Part 1) : 2016
(Page 20, Table 9, Note 3) — Substitute the following for the existing note:
‘See 7.2.7’.
(Page 20, Table 9, Note 4) — Substitute the following for the existing:
‘4 In these buildings, (a) punching shear failure shall be avoided, and (b) lateral
drift at the roof under lateral force shall not exceed 0.1 percent. Lateral drift of the
flat slab buildings shall be estimated: (i) considering total lateral displacement,
including torsional effects, and (ii) using three-dimensional models. Scaling need
not be done for displacement response quantities, as stated in’
[Page 21, clause 7.6.2 (b) (see also Amendment No. 1)] — Substitute the
following for the existing expression of Aw:
AW = ∑ AWi 0.2 + Wi
i =1
[Page 21, clause 7.6.2(c)] — Insert the following at the end of (c):
‘ The value of Ta obtained shall neither be taken to be more than that given
in 7.6.2 (a) nor less than that given in 7.6.2 (c).’
(Page 23, clause 7.7.3, para 2, line 1) — Substitute the following for the
(Page 23, clause 7.7.3, para 2, last line) — Insert the following new clause
at the end:
‘ When VB < VB , the displacement response quantities need not be scaled.’
(Page 25, clause 7.9.1, last line) — Insert the following new clause at the
Amendment No. 2 to IS 1893 (Part 1) : 2016
(Page 26, clause — Substitute the following for the existing:
(Page 27, clause 7.11.3, line 5) — Substitute ‘for the two’ for ‘of the two’.
(CED 39)
Publication Unit, BIS, New Delhi, India