Acoustic WG Guide r3

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Fan Coil Acoustics

Best Practice

Rev 3 July 2021

Introduction Page 3

Fan Coil Testing Page 4

Layout of reverberant chambers Page 5

Inlet / casing test installation photograph Page 6

Discharge test installation photograph Page 7

Features of an installation and the effect on resultant noise Page 8

NR Predictions - 1 to 10 Page 9 – 18

Variable air volume operation Page 19

Quoted Sound Power Levels Page 20 - 21

Acoustic Installation Summary Page 22

Conclusion / checklist Page 23

Glossary Page 24

Optional reading Page 25

Fan Coil Acoustics - Introduction

Fan coil manufacturers manufacture fan coils, they do not make or install ductwork, grilles,
diffusers or ceilings – the other components that are critical to system noise.
However, in selling fan coils, it has become common practice for fan coil manufacturers to
specify acoustic installation requirements, and base installation noise predictions on that
It is therefore important that the key aspects of a complete system are widely understood and
correctly applied on site.
The purpose of this document is to highlight those system components, the effect they can
have, and the associated pitfalls that can occur, especially in relation to small scale projects.
Key points to note are:
There is no industry standard for NR predictions.
Acoustic assumptions have to be made which affect the specification of other equipment /
subcontract work.
The spacing of the units affects the resulting noise level.
Ceiling attenuation is crucial.
Discharge duct attenuation is more important than inlet attenuation.
The fabric of the served environment affects the resulting noise level.

Fan Coil Testing

Factory ‘type’ testing is carried out in accordance with :

BS EN 16583:2015 Heat exchangers – Hydronic room fan coil units – Determination of the
sound power level.
• The FCU is mounted within a reverberant chamber and ducted via spiral ducting into
another chamber.
• The room Background and Reverberant time is measured across the octave centre
frequencies (usually 63Hz, 125Hz, 250Hz, 500Hz, 1KHz, 2KHz, 4KHz and 8KHz).
• The unit is switched on and the voltage to the fan is controlled remotely. The air velocity
is measured using a pitot tube traverse in each duct to determine the total air volume.
• The external pressure is regulated via dampers on the air inlet or discharge of the
reverberant chamber.
• The voltage and dampers are varied to achieve the desired air volume against design
external pressure.
• The sound pressure levels (SPL) are measured at the above frequencies. The Inlet/Casing
Radiated Sound Power Level (SWL) in one chamber and Discharge SWL in the other can
then be calculated.

Layout of Reverberant Test Chambers

Layout of Reverberant Chamber

Fan Coil Noise Test Installation – Inlet and Casing Radiated sound measurement

Fan Coil Noise Test Installation – Discharge sound measurement

Installation features and the effect on resultant noise.

The installation built up over the next few pages is a horizontal ceiling slab suspended fan
coil unit in a cellular office. The unit is installed with circular discharge duct, rectangular
plenum and linear slot diffuser. The office walls and floor are initially hard surfaces, and
subsequently carpets and other softening items are introduced. The suspended ceiling system
is a 600mm square grid with fibre or insulated metal pan tiles. Correct and incorrect return
air path design is indicated. Along the way, common pitfalls are identified in the panel on the
right of the page.
The stated NR noise levels are for comparison before and after the addition of system
components, and actual NR values will vary depending on other variables such as the design
and selection of the fan coil and the size/shape of the room.
Multiple Sound Sources
The more dominant noise sources are indicated in each view. As a rule of thumb, two noise
sources of the same magnitude and frequency characteristic, experienced very near to each
other, will add together to produce a resultant level 3db higher than the greater of the two
noises. This is true for two fan coils very close together, and to a lesser extent for two
sources – inlet and outlet - from one fan coil.
For two noises which differ by 5db, the resultant is 1db greater than the loudest original
For two noises which differ by 10db, only the greater noise source is experienced.
NR Prediction 1 - Chassis unit fixed to slab (Hard room 6m x 6m x 3.2m h)

Watch out for :-

Hard faced walls
and floors, large
areas of glazing.
Adjacent similar
(@1.8m above ffl.)
noise sources add

All FCU in a
common space
should be a similar
noise selection, or
the loudest might
annoy, even if within
FCU @ 240 l/s & 30 Pa To demonstrate how the different components affect the
No Room absorption finished NR level , we have built a room, and then add
No Ductwork attenuating items one at a time.
No Ceiling
When we calculate what the NR level will be without
room absorption, ductwork or ceiling, the result is a very
high NR53 when measured at head height 9
NR Prediction 2 - Chassis unit fixed to slab (Furnished room 6m x 6m x 3.2m h)

Watch out for :-

Dirty filters at time
of commissioning.

Higher fan voltage

NR47 = higher noise.

(@1.8m above ffl.) Other sound sources

fresh air duct,
external noise and
other plant
generated noise.

FCU @ 240 l/s & 30 Pa Room Absorption (or room effect) resulting from softer
With Room absorption surfaces such as carpet, blinds, fixtures and fittings,
No Ductwork can reduce the noise level experienced by 6NR
No Ceiling

NR Prediction 3 - Chassis unit fixed to slab with acoustic discharge ductwork
Watch out for :-
Duct leaks and poor air
FCU measurement technique,
resulting in fans moving
more air than is apparent.

NR45 Duct leaks also allow noise

to bypass attenuating
(@1.8m above ffl.) components, and generate
high frequency noise.
Quantity of duct connections
sufficient for total air
volume, recommended duct
velocity of 3 m/s.
Duct length causing
excessive pressure drop.
Volume commissioning
FCU @ 240 l/s & 30 Pa If 1m of acoustic flex and a diffuser is added then
With Room absorption a further 2NR comes off the noise level.
should be achieved with fan
1 m of Acoustic Ductwork, However all this is doing is attenuating the speed voltage, not with
Plenum & Grille discharge side of the unit, the dominant noise level discharge dampers
No Ceiling is coming from the open casing and inlet of the
Higher fan voltage = higher
noise. 11
NR Prediction 4 – Chassis unit mounted above a false ceiling with spiral
discharge ductwork
Watch Out For:-

Noise breakout
through duct wall.

Poor plenum air

NR45 entry design
generating noise.
(@1.8m above ffl.)
plenums installed,
where design is
based on insulated

FCU @ 240 l/s & 30 Pa To demonstrate that both ends of the fan coil need attenuating,
With room absorption we have now installed a false ceiling with insulated pads above
1 m of spiral ductwork, each tile, this provides a good level of attenuation to the Casing
plenum & grille / Inlet of the FCU.
With 10mm insulated pan However we have swapped the acoustic flex for spiral, this has
tile ceiling. little or no attenuation properties and allows noise transmission
through the duct wall. The result is a still unacceptable NR45. 12
NR Prediction 5 – Chassis unit mounted above a false ceiling with acoustic
flex discharge ductwork (Poor return air position)
Watch Out For :-

Return air grille too

close to fan coil
inlet, allowing direct
transmission of
NR39 casing/inlet noise.

(@1.8m above ffl.) Inadequate return air

path area / grille size
causing extra fan

FCU @ 240 l/s & 30 Pa An inadequate return air grille (causing increased fan effort)
With room absorption placed immediately under the unit inlet allowing direct
1 m of acoustic ductwork, transmission of noise also returns the room to unacceptable
plenum & grille. NR levels.
With insulated metal pan
NR Prediction 6 – Chassis unit mounted above a false ceiling with acoustic
discharge ductwork – Recommended Installation
Watch Out For :-
FROM UNIT Poor ceiling fit and
finish, missing tiles,
poor ceiling tile

NR35 Bends or collapse in

flexible connections
(@1.8m above ffl.) restrict air flow
causing unnecessary
fan effort and noise.
If ductwork has to
route through or
under beams, ensure
sufficient duct area
is used to reduce
FCU @ 240 l/s & 30 Pa Once the inlet and casing of the unit is attenuated by the duct velocity to
With room absorption ceiling, the measured NR comes down to an acceptable below 3m/s.
1 m of acoustic ductwork, level. This is because both sides of the unit are now
plenum & grille. acoustically treated.
With 10mm insulated pan The example ceiling has an insulated metal pan tile ceiling,
tile ceiling. but the same figures can be used for fibre board tiles
NR Prediction 7 – Chassis unit “exposed” with acoustic discharge ductwork
Watch Out For :-
FCU The inlet noise will
be dominant,
followed by the case

NR 44 Placing an acoustic
raft underneath the
(@1.8m above ffl.) fan coil footprint
will have minimal

FCU @ 240 l/s & 30 Pa The inlet and casing of the unit is not attenuated by the
With room absorption ceiling, the measured NR level increases to an unacceptable
1 m of acoustic ductwork, level. This is because the inlet side is not acoustically
plenum & grille. treated.
With No ceiling.

NR Prediction 8 – Chassis unit “exposed” with acoustic discharge ductwork
and an inlet attenuator
Watch Out For :-
Bends or collapse in
flexible connections
restrict air flow
causing unnecessary
fan effort and noise.
NR 38 If ductwork has to
(@1.8m above ffl.) route through or
under beams, ensure
sufficient duct area
is used to reduce
duct velocity to
below 3m/s.

FCU @ 240 l/s & 30 Pa Once the inlet of the unit is attenuated by the attenuator, the
With room absorption measured NR comes down to a more acceptable level. This
1 m of acoustic ductwork, is because both sides of the unit are now acoustically
plenum & grille. treated.
With inlet attenuator.

NR Prediction 9 – Vertical unit mounted behind a partition wall with acoustic
discharge ductwork Watch Out For :-

Restrictions in ductwork,
attenuators, sharp bends,
limited grille area which
will increase external
static pressure.

Bends or collapse in
NR38 flexible connections
restrict air flow causing
(@1.8m above ffl.) unnecessary fan effort
and noise.
Partition wall sound
reduction index will need
to be evaluated.

If ductwork has to route

through or under beams,
ensure sufficient duct area
FCU @ 210 l/s & 30 Pa Note, lower air volume due to lower on coil temp. is used to reduce duct
With room absorption, Generally lower cooling performance if vertical FCU are velocity to below 3m/s.
ductwork, plenum & compared with horizontal ceiling mounted FCU.
grille. Potentially both sides of the unit will require acoustic Access for maintenance
NR Prediction 10 – Cased Vertical unit in a room
Watch Out For :-

Location, especially
that there is sufficient
return air path.

Position of ChW,
NR42 LTHW valves, pipes &
condensate routes.
(@1.8m above ffl.)
Access for maintenance


FCU @ 210 l/s & 0 Pa Note, lower duties due to the lack of acoustic attenuation.
With room absorption. Applications where acoustics is not important such as server
rooms, back of house & receptions areas.
Also commonly used in hotels and under window
applications in offices (refurbishments) where acoustics can
be an issue.
Can be installed at high level.
Variable Air Volume Operation
Typical Base building cooling load Typical VAV fan coil strategy
Total Hourly Room Cooling Load (kW)




Load (kW)





Hourly input over 12 months

EC motors enable a form of ‘variable air volume’ (VAV) For variable speed FCU’s, some relaxation may be
control, where a BMS system, or similar, can modulate appropriate for worst case conditions (up to +5dB
the airflow rate, as well as water flow rate, between a relaxation at maximum design duty) to avoid
present maximum and minimum air volume flow rate to overdesign, provided the criteria are achieved
meet the actual heating or cooling demand thus saving under normal conditions.
energy, reducing noise and increasing life expectancy.

Watch Out For :-

Air dumping from the air terminal device at Vmin.
Building services noise levels are critically important in providing masking of transferred noise and hence privacy.
If the proposed building systems cannot provide reliable background levels, the use of electronic sound masking
systems should be considered.
Quoted Sound Power Levels
It is normal to quote Octave band sound power levels in the octaves 63Hz to 8KHz for “Discharge” and combined
“Inlet + case radiated” levels.

Discharge sound power levels

It is important to clarify the status of the quoted levels as they can be numerically different . These can
either be;
1. In duct (Radiated + Duct end correction E).
2. Radiated
Here there are two possibilities;
2.1. Flush which gives a hemispherical radiation (2π)
2.2. Free field which gives spherical radiation (4 π)

When comparing quoted sound power levels, it is normal to use the in-duct value as this is independent of
the discharge configuration
Inlet + case radiate sound power levels
Measurement of these levels can be undertaken as described in BS EN 16583:2015 using Figure 12 -
Typical installation for measurement of discharge sound level on the right side and free inlet + sound
radiated by the case on the left side
Duct end correction.
As the sound level is conveyed by one or several ducts, the sudden acoustic impedance change at the free
end of the duct creates a reflection of the sound in the duct, the sound transferred to the measurement space
being reduced. The duct end correction shall then be applied to take into account this reflection effect,
giving the sound power level travelling in the duct.
Quoted Sound Power Levels
BS EN 16583:2015 Heat exchangers - Hydronic room fan coils units - Determination of the sound
power level Paragraph Duct end correction gives full details of the correction process. The
calculation is based on
c the speed of sound (m/s);
f octave band centre frequency (Hz);
S section of duct opening in the measurement space (m2);
Ω solid angle of the radiation field;
2π for flush termination (hemi spherical);
4π for free termination (spherical).

E – Corrections to be added to radiated levels to obtain in-duct

SPIGOT SIZE sound power levels.
OCTAVE BANDS 63 125 250 500 1K 2K 4K 8K
200mm Dia
SPHERICAL RADIATION 19 13 8 3 1 0 0 0
250mm Dia
SPHERICAL RADIATION 17 11 6 2 1 0 0 0
WxH 800x200mm
SPHERICAL RADIATION 12 7 3 1 0 0 0 0
WxH 1400x200mm
SPHERICAL RADIATION 10 5 2 1 0 0 0 0

Final Sound power level Lw in-duct = Lw measured outside + E

Acoustic Installation Summary

To ensure that the installed noise levels achieve the suppliers quotations,
many manufacturers include an installation specification like this, to
ensure that the units are not installed into non-standard applications.
Follow best practice and the final system will achieve the specified noise

For Economic Fan Coil Selection

• Use acoustic flex on the discharge of unit.

• An Insulated ceiling is part of the system.

• Fan speed = Fan voltage = Unit noise. Minimise duct resistance and use speed
control to match performance by varying demand.

• Reduce FCU oversizing by using Best Acoustic Practice

• FCU - Fan Coil Unit – A packaged air conditioning unit consisting of an inlet filter, chilled water and hot water heat exchange coil, fan and
discharge plenum

• SWL- Sound Power Level –Expressed a relation to the threshold of hearing –10-12Watts or 0.000000000001Watts in a logarithmic scale
named sound power level
Lw,= 10 log (N/N0)expressed as
Lw = Sound Power Level in Decibels (dB)
N = sound power (W)
N0 = 10-12 - reference sound power (W).
i.e A quiet office has a SWL of = 10log (10-7/10-12) = 50 Lw
• SPL – Sound Pressure Level is the force (N) of sound on a surface area (m2) perpendicular to the direction of the sound. The SI-unit for the
Sound Pressure is N/m2 or Pa.
Sound is usually measured with microphones responding proportionally to the sound pressure - p. The power in a sound wave goes as the
square of the pressure.
The log of the square of x is just 2 log x, so this introduces a factor of 2 when we convert to decibels for pressures.
The lowest sound pressure possible to hear is approximately 2 10-5 Pa (20 micro Pascal, 0.02 mPa), 2 ten billionths of a an atmosphere.
It therefore convenient to express the sound pressure as a logarithmic decibel scale related to this lowest human hearable sound - 2 10-5 Pa,
0 dB.
The Sound Pressure Level:
Lp = 10 log( p2 / pref2 ) = 10 log( p / pref )2 = 20 log ( p / pref )
Lp = sound pressure level (dB)
p = sound pressure (Pa)
pref = 2 10-5 - reference sound pressure (Pa)

• dB – Decibel is a logarithmic unit used to describe the ratio of the signal level - power, sound pressure, voltage or intensity or several other
The decibel can be expressed as:
decibel = 10 log(P / Pref )
P = signal power (W)
Pref = reference power (W

• Hz – The hertz (symbol: Hz) is the (SI) unit of frequency. It is defined as the number of complete cycles per second.

Optional Reading

• Noise Control in Building Services – Sound Research Laboratories Ltd

• CIBSE Guide TM43 - Fan Coil Units

• British Council of Offices (BCO) guide

• CIBSE Guide F

• BSRIA TG 20/2021 Noise in the Built Environment

FETA does not guarantee, certify or assure the safety or performance of any product, components, or system tested, installed or operated in accordance with FETA’s
Standards or Guidelines or that any tests conducted under its Standards or Guidelines will be non-hazardous or free from risk. FETA disclaims all liability to any
person for anything or for the consequences of anything done or omitted to be done wholly or partly in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this


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