HB WitchlightStyle

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title: Witchlight Style

description: ''
tags: ''
- 5e
renderer: V3
theme: 5ePHB


/* FONT IMPORTS ____________________________________________________ *
/* ________________________________________________________________ */

@import url('https://rawcdn.githack.com/Kaiburr-kath-hound/HomebreweryStyles/

@import url('https://rawcdn.githack.com/Kaiburr-kath-hound/HomebreweryStyles/

/* FOOTER IMAGES __________________________________________________ */

/* ________________________________________________________________ */

/* Like the PHB or Xanathar's, this book has unique footer images per chapter. The
way it works is fairly simple, but requires some effort.

First, below is the default (clear) footer image. If you want the WHOLE document to
have a different image, copy the url of the color you like from the OTHER lines
below, replace this url, and delete the remaining lines of code in this section. */
.page:after {
background-image : url(https://i.imgur.com/bhhzqIL.png);

/* This code changes the colors of the page stains, footer image, notes, tables,
and drop cap letters to all be bluish gray. You just need to put the following
somewhere on the page:


Or, if you want a slightly cleaner way to do it, I like to put the "blue" class in
the page number code, like the following:


The same goes for the themes below, just use the names of the classes you see in
each section.*/

.page:has(.bluegreen):after {
background-image : url(https://i.imgur.com/8ofLvKG.png);}

/* This is the second chapter (pink/orange) footer image. Since both numbers are 8,
this footer only appears on page 8. */
.page:has(.pinkorange):after {
background-image : url(https://i.imgur.com/0UpTfKk.png);}

/* This is the third chapter (yellow/orange) footer image. */

.page:has(.yelloworange):after {
background-image : url(https://i.imgur.com/Jz9EGTo.png);}

/* This is the fourth chapter (purple/blue) footer image. */

.page:has(.purplepink):after {
background-image : url(https://i.imgur.com/JHVY1pD.png);}

/* This is the fifth chapter (pink/purple) footer image. */

.page:has(.pinkpurple):after {
background-image : url(https://i.imgur.com/AZT7mAY.png);}

/* This is the appendix chapter (green/yellow) footer image. */

.page:has(.greenyellow):after {
background-image : url(https://i.imgur.com/9ZoimsK.png);}

/* GENERAL CODE ___________________________________________________ */

/* ________________________________________________________________ */

.page {
background-image : url(https://i.imgur.com/OVxyjTz.jpg);
background-size : cover;
.page:nth-of-type(odd) {
background-image : url(https://i.imgur.com/ZMjqsU3.jpg);

.page h1,
.page h2,
.page h3,
.page h4 {
letter-spacing : 1px;
color : #6c0007;

.page h1 {
font-weight : normal;
letter-spacing : 0.5px;
font-size : 34px;

.page h3 {
border-bottom : 2px solid #d7c598;
margin-bottom : 0.3em;

.page h4{
margin-bottom : 0.2em;

.page h5 {
text-shadow : #000 0px 0px 0.1px;

/* NOTES */
.page .note {
background-color : #ffe1b3;
.page .note {
border-image : url(https://i.imgur.com/KtrHa62.png) 14
border-image-outset : 6px 0px;
border-image-width : 11px;

/* IMAGES */
.page img:not(.logo img):not(.frontcredit img) {
position : absolute;
z-index : -2;
user-select : none;
.page .emblem img {
z-index : 1!important;

.page .descriptive {
background-color : #dbd0dd;
.page .descriptive {
border-image : url(https://i.imgur.com/avUmGCk.png) 12
border-image-outset : 4px;

/* TABLES */
.page table tr:nth-child(odd) td {
background-color : #d1dac9;

.page .monster.frame {
background-color : #f7eebf;
.page .monster table tr:nth-child(odd) td {
background-color : transparent;

/* Adds spacing beneath Headers and Notes */

.page .note {
margin-top : 5mm;
.page .note + .note {
margin-top : 2.5em;
/* Adjusts the various spacings of Numbered and Bulleted Lists */
.page .note ol > li {
padding : 0 0 0 0.4em;
text-indent : -1.5em;
list-style-type : none;
counter-increment : item;
.page .note ul {
margin-top : 0.6em;

.page ol {
margin : 0.4em 0 0.5em;
padding : 0;
.page ol > li {
padding : 0 0 0 1.3em;
text-indent : -1.5em;
list-style-type : none;
counter-increment : item;
.page ol > li:before {
display : inline-block;
width : 1em;
padding-right : 0.5em;
font-weight : bold;
text-align : right;
content : counter(item) ".";

.page .artist {
position : absolute;
bottom : 180px;
right : -40px;
width : 20%;
transform : rotate(-90deg);
font-family : ScalySansSmallCapsRemake;
font-size : 13px;
text-align : left;
text-transform : lowercase;
color : #c5ab6d;
z-index : 200;
.page:nth-of-type(even) .artist {
right : unset;
left : -40px;
.page .artist p {
font-family : ScalySansSmallCapsRemake !important;
font-size : 13px !important;

.page caps {
font-variant : small-caps;
.page .backcover caps {
font-size : 120%;

.page [class*="watercolor"] {
background-color : #ecb75b;

.page:after {
content : '';
left : 0px;
bottom : 0px;
width : 110px;
height : 242px;
z-index : -5;
background-size : cover;

.page:nth-of-type(even):after {
left : unset;
right : 0px;

.page .footnote{
left : 90px;
bottom : 43px;
font-size : 11px;
color : #5b3457;
text-transform : uppercase;
text-align : left;
width : 400px;
font-weight : 800;
font-family : Marco Polo;
letter-spacing : 1.2px;
z-index : -3;
text-shadow : white 0px 0px 20px;

.page:nth-child(even) .footnote{
left : unset;
right : 90px;
text-align : right;

.page .pageNumber{
left : 35px;
bottom : 34px;
font-size : 16px;
color : #5b3457;
text-align : left;
font-family : Marco Polo;
font-weight : 100;
z-index : -3;
--shadow-x0 : white 0px 0px 10px;
--shadow-x1 : var(--shadow-x0), var(--shadow-x0),
text-shadow : var(--shadow-x1), var(--shadow-x1),
.page:nth-child(even) .pageNumber{
left : unset;
right : 35px;
text-align : right;

.page a {
color : inherit;
text-decoration : none;
font-weight : inherit;
.page a:hover{
text-decoration : underline;

/* QUOTE */
.page .quote {
font-family : Cormorant;
font-size : 15px;
line-height : 1em;
margin-top : 0px;
padding-bottom : 4px;

.page .quote.author p:last-child {

font-family : BookInsanityRemake;
font-size : 0.34cm;
margin-top : 4px;
text-align : right;

/* FRONT COVER ____________________________________________________ */

/* ________________________________________________________________ */

.page:has(.frontCover) .logo {
filter : drop-shadow(0 0 0.08cm rgba(0,0,0,0.75));

.page:has(.frontCover) hr {
margin : 12px auto 12px;

.page:has(.frontCover) h1 {
filter : drop-shadow(0 0 1.4px black) drop-shadow(0 0 0 black)
drop-shadow(0 0 0 black) drop-shadow(0 0 0 black)
drop-shadow(0 0 0 black) drop-shadow(0 0 0
drop-shadow(0 0 0 black) drop-shadow(0 0 0

.page:has(.frontCover) h2 {
font-family : Nodesto;
letter-spacing : 1px;
.page:has(.frontCover) h3 {
filter : drop-shadow(0 0 1px black) drop-shadow(0 0 0 black)
drop-shadow(0 0 0 black) drop-shadow(0 0 0 black)
drop-shadow(0 0 0 black) drop-shadow(0 0 0 black)
drop-shadow(0 0 0 black) drop-shadow(0 0 0 black);
font-family : Nodesto;
font-weight : 100;
font-size : 0.8cm;
letter-spacing : 0.1cm;
color : white;
border-bottom : unset;
margin-top : 10px;
font-family : 'Modesto Expanded';

.page:has(.frontCover) .footnote {
font-family : VeraCruz;
text-transform : none;
text-shadow : unset;
position : absolute;
bottom : 3.5em;
width : 100%;
letter-spacing : 1.6px;
text-transform : none;
text-align : center;
transform : scaleX(90%);
z-index : 2;
-webkit-text-stroke : unset;

.page small {
position : relative;
text-transform : lowercase;
bottom : 10px;
font-size : 90%;

.page:has(.frontCover) .emblem,
.page:has(.frontCover) .color {
position : absolute;
top : 0px;
left : 0px;
background-size : 100% 100%;
background-repeat : no-repeat;
.page:has(.frontCover) .emblem {
height : 80px;
width : 340px;
z-index : 0;
background-image : url(https://i.imgur.com/y2xctk4.png);
.page:has(.frontCover) .color {
height : 19px;
width : 650px;
background-color : black;
opacity : 75%;
z-index : -1;
-webkit-mask-image : url(https://i.imgur.com/bURATrX.png);
-webkit-mask-size : 100% 100%;
.page:has(.frontCover) .emblem img {
left : 20px;
top : 0px;
min-width : unset;
max-width : 50%;
max-height : 100%;
z-index : 1;

/* INSIDE COVER CODE ______________________________________________ */

/* ________________________________________________________________ */

.page:has(.insideCover) h1 {
font-size : 88px;

.page:has(.insideCover) h2 {
font-family : Nodesto;
font-size : 3em;
letter-spacing : 0.8px;

.page:has(.insideCover) h3 {
font-family : 'Modesto Expanded';
font-weight : normal;
font-size : 31px;
letter-spacing : 1px;
border-bottom : unset;
margin : 10px -80px 20px;
width : 816px;

.page:has(.insideCover) hr {
margin : 12px auto 12px;

/* CREDITS PAGE ___________________________________________________ */

/* ________________________________________________________________ */

.page:has(.credits):after {
all : unset;

.page h1+p::first-letter,
.page h1+p::first-line {
all : unset;

.page .credits h1 {
font-size : 40px;
color : #58180D;

.page .credits h2,

.page .credits h5 {
margin-bottom :14px;

.page .credits p {
font-family : Martel_SansRegular;
font-style : normal;
font-size : 0.83em;
line-height : 1.5em;
text-indent : -1em;
margin-left : 1em;

.page .credits strong {

font-family : Martel_SansExtraBold;

.page .credits a {
color : #b5954a;
font-weight : 900;

.page .frontcredit {
position : relative;
right : 10px;
width : 340px;
height : 240px;
margin-top : 15px;
margin-bottom : 110px;

.page .frontcredit::before {
content : '';
position : absolute;
top : 4px;
left : -20px;
height : 98%;
width : 109.2%;
background-image : url(https://i.imgur.com/ygQogIc.png);
background-size : 100% 100%;
z-index : 1;

.page .frontcredit img {

position : relative;
top :
left : -19px;
width : 108.5%;
height : 234px;
-webkit-mask-image :
-webkit-mask-position : top;
-webkit-mask-size : 95% 220px;
-webkit-mask-repeat : no-repeat;

.page .frontcredit h5 {
margin-top : 10px;
margin-bottom : -2px;
text-shadow : #000 0px 0px 0.1px;

.page .frontcredit p {
text-indent : 0em;
margin-left : 0em;

.page .credits .footnote {

bottom : 20px;
left : 0px;
width : 100%;
font-size : 1em;
text-transform : none;
text-align : left;
color : black;
text-shadow : none;

.page .credits .footnote p {

padding : 4.5em;
text-indent : 0px;

/* TABLE OF CONTENTS ______________________________________________ */

/* ________________________________________________________________ */

.page .toc h1 {
text-align : left;
font-size : 40px;
color : #6c0007;

.page .toc h3 {
font-family : BookInsanityRemake;
font-size : 13.5px;
font-weight : 800;
letter-spacing : 0px;
border-bottom : unset;
color : #6c0007;

.page .toc ul h3 span:first-child::after {

content : "";
bottom : 0.08cm;
flex : 1;
margin-left : 0.08cm;
margin-right : 0.16cm;
border-bottom : 0.05cm dotted #000;
margin-bottom : 0.08cm;

.page .toc h4 {
margin-top : 2px;
margin-bottom : 0px;
font-family : BookInsanityRemake;
font-weight : 100;
color : black;
font-size : 13px;
letter-spacing : 0px;

.page .toc ul li + li h3 {
margin-top : 8px;

.page .toc a {
font-weight : inherit;

.page .toc.wide {
columns :3;
column-gap : 14px;

/* CHAPTER HEADING ________________________________________________ */

/* ________________________________________________________________ */

.page .chapter {
column-span : all;
display : block;
padding-bottom : 38px;
text-align : center;

.page .chapter:before {
content : '';
position : absolute;
width : 100%;
height : 175px;
top : -1px;
left : 0px;
z-index : -10;
background-image : url(https://i.imgur.com/YuxZaLX.png);
background-size : cover;
.page .chapter.one::before {
background-image : url(https://i.imgur.com/SWjSzhA.png);
height : 308px;}
.page .chapter.two::before {
background-image : url(https://i.imgur.com/TkxACvM.png);
height : 335px;}
.page .chapter.three::before {
background-image : url(https://i.imgur.com/u8nJS5X.png);
height : 228px;}
.page .chapter.four::before {
background-image : url(https://i.imgur.com/jipZdFg.png);
height : 259px;}
.page .chapter.five::before {
background-image : url(https://i.imgur.com/fqYQrda.png);
height : 213px;}
.page .chapter.six::before {
background-image : url(https://i.imgur.com/tn4Rqi6.png);
height : 194px;}
.page .chapter.seven::before {
background-image : url(https://i.imgur.com/xKsr6m4.png);
height : 166px;}
.page .chapter.eight::before {
background-image : url(https://i.imgur.com/HS8Ui3N.png);
height : 248px;}

.page .chapter h2 {
color : #cfb987;
letter-spacing : 3px;
font-weight : 100;
font-size : 24px;
text-transform : lowercase;
padding-top : 6px;
padding-bottom : 6px;

.page .chapter h1 {
font-weight : normal;
letter-spacing : 0.5px;
font-size : 42px;
color : #4e2d4a;
--shadow-x0 : #cfb987 0px 0px 1.3px;
--shadow-x1 : var(--shadow-x0), var(--shadow-x0), var(--shadow-
--shadow-x2 : var(--shadow-x1), var(--shadow-x1), var(--shadow-
--shadow-x3 : var(--shadow-x2), var(--shadow-x2), var(--shadow-
text-shadow : var(--shadow-x3), var(--shadow-x3), var(--shadow-

.page .chapter+p::first-letter,
.page .chapter+.quote::first-letter {
float : left;
font-family : MrEavesRemake;
line-height : 1em;
color : #4e2d4a;
--shadow-x0 : #cfb987 0px 0px 1.8px;
--shadow-x1 : var(--shadow-x0), var(--shadow-x0), var(--shadow-
--shadow-x2 : var(--shadow-x1), var(--shadow-x1), var(--shadow-
--shadow-x3 : var(--shadow-x2), var(--shadow-x2), var(--shadow-
text-shadow : var(--shadow-x3), var(--shadow-x3), var(--shadow-

.page .chapter+p::first-letter,
.page .chapter+.quote::first-letter {
font-size : 118px;
margin-left : -45px;
margin-top : -40px;
margin-bottom : -10px;
padding-left : 40px;
padding-right : 6px;
.page .chapter span {
width : 100px;
height : 150px;
text-align : left;
position : absolute;
display : block;
left : 58px;
margin-top : 59px;
z-index : -1;

.page .chapter span::after {

content : attr(letter);
font-family : Ivory Swashes;
color : #cfb987;
font-size : 83px;

.page .chapter+.quote::first-letter {
font-size : 88px;
margin-left : -4px;

.page .chapter+.quote::first-line,
.page .chapter+p:first-line {
font-variant : small-caps;
font-family : BookInsanityRemake;
font-size : 15px;
text-transform : lowercase;
line-height : 14px;

/* FULL PAGE ART __________________________________________________ */

/* ________________________________________________________________ */

.page .fullpage::before,
.page .fullpage::after,
.page .fullpage .text::after,
.page .fullpage img,
.page .fullpage .text {
content : '';
position : absolute;
bottom : 0px;
right : 0px;

.page .fullpage .text.dark::after {

right : 20px;
width : 700px;
height : 900px;
background-image : url(https://i.imgur.com/L1iKttN.png);
background-size : 100% 100%;
mix-blend-mode : multiply;
.page .fullpage .text.light::after {
width : 800px;
height : 180px;
background-image : url(https://i.imgur.com/r8FdBcq.png);
background-size : 100% 100%;
mix-blend-mode : hard-light;

.page .fullpage img {

height : 100%;
min-width : 100%;

.page .fullpage::before {
top : 0px;
width : 430px;
height : 235px;
background-image : url(https://i.imgur.com/SbZ3B8G.png);
background-size : 100% 100%;
mix-blend-mode : screen;

.page .fullpage::after {
width : 100%;
height : 100%;
background-image : url(https://i.imgur.com/GT2CKQS.png),

background-size : 490px 496px,
287px 92px;
background-repeat : no-repeat,
background-position : top right,
bottom left;
mix-blend-mode : hard-light;

.page .fullpage .text {

width : 370px;

.page .fullpage .text p {

position : relative;
left : -225px;
height : 85px;
font-family : WalterTurncoat;
font-size : 10.4px;
letter-spacing : 0.6px;
display : flex;
align-items : center;
text-align : center;
z-index : 1;

.page .fullpage .text a {

font-style : italic;

.page .fullpage .text.dark p {

color : white;
text-shadow : black 0px 0px 5px,
0px 0px 10px,
0px 0px 15px,
0px 0px 5px,
0px 0px 10px,
0px 0px 15px;

.page .fullpage .text.light p {

color : #50473a;
text-shadow : #f6f4ee 0px 0px 5px,

#f6f4ee 0px 0px 10px,

#f6f4ee 0px 0px 15px,

#f6f4ee 0px 0px 5px,

#f6f4ee 0px 0px 10px,

#f6f4ee 0px 0px 15px;


.page:nth-child(even) .fullpage::before,
.page:nth-child(even) .fullpage span,
.page:nth-child(even) .fullpage::after {
transform : scaleX(-1);
left : 0px;

.page:nth-child(even) .text p {
left : unset;
right : 136px;

.page:nth-child(even) .text::after {
transform : scaleX(-1);
left : -446px;

.page:nth-child(even) .text p {
left : unset;
right : 200px;

.page .fullpage .artist {

color : white;
right : -10px;
text-shadow : black 0px 0px 10px,
black 0px 0px 20px,
black 0px 0px 20px,
black 0px 0px 30px;

.page:nth-of-type(even) .fullpage .artist {

left : -10px;

/* BACK COVER CODE_________________________________________________ */

/* ________________________________________________________________ */

/* If you change the last "0" in the line below to "0.75", the backcover will
project a red shadow over the background image. Feel free to change the other three
rgba values to whatever color you'd like (I recommend using
https://www.hexcolortool.com/ to pick a color */
.page:has(.backCover) .backCover {
filter : drop-shadow(0px 0px 30px rgba(143, 205, 250, 0.8));

.page:has(.backCover) h1 {
font-size : 58px;
font-weight : normal;

.page:has(.backCover) p {
font-family : martel_sanssemibold;
font-size : 11.7px;
line-height : 1.6em;
text-indent : 0em;
color : white;

.page:has(.backCover) caps {
font-size : 125%;

Here is a link to all my other Homebrewery templates, if you're interested:


Also, IF you want to buy me a coffee (or something), here's my Ko-fi page:


{{logo ![](/assets/naturalCritLogoRed.svg)}}

*Technically* The Wild Beyond the Withclight book doesn't have a black banner like
this one, but I like to give the Homebrewery credit wherever I can, so I've
included it here.
![image](https://i.imgur.com/Nfw1Mpq.png) {opacity:70%}

# The Child Beyond <br> The ... Which Light?

## a way wild adventure

{{banner HOMEBREW}}

A wickedly whimsical template made <br> for the world's greatest roleplaying game

![background](https://i.imgur.com/AelSWeM.jpg) {right:-20px,top:-36px,height:110%}



# The Child Beyond <br> The ... Which Light?

### A Way Wild Adventure


<!--- This template makes use of different blend modes, since the sourcebook's
visual elements makes use of a lot of layers. This gives it a very unique look with
lots of depth, but is difficult to replicate.

Feel free to re-use these two background elements for your document. --->



[Alayna Danner](https://www.alayna.net/)




# Credits
**Template Designers:**


##### Artist Credits

**Front Cover:** *The Witchlight Carnival* by [Tyler
Jacobson](http://www.tylerjacobsonart.com/), @Wizards of the Coast

**Inside Cover:** *Chris Frogkins* by [Alayna Danner](https://www.alayna.net/),

@Wizards of the Coast

**Page 7, Page 10:** *Yarnspinner* by [Magali Villeneuve](http://www.magali-

villeneuve.com/), @Wizards of the Coast


Replace the url below with whatever image you use for the front cover; the image
will automatically arrange itself inside the display box
![image](https://i.imgur.com/AelSWeM.jpg) {height:300px;margin-top:-40px;margin-

##### On the Cover

The Witchlight Carnival has come to town! On the back cover, a displacer beast
finds 8-year-old [Tyler Jacobson](http://www.tylerjacobsonart.com/) and leads him
back to the carnival, where he belongs.


The contents of this document is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan
Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.



# Contents

- ### [{{ Introduction: Into the Feywild }}{{ 5}}](#p5)

- ### [{{ Ch. 1: Withclight Carnival}}{{ 6}}](#p6)
- ### [{{ Ch. 2: Hither}}{{ 8}}](#p8)
- ### [{{ Ch. 3: Thither}}{{ 9}}](#p9)
- ### [{{ Ch. 4: Yon}}{{ 11}}](#p11)
- ### [{{ Ch. 5: Place Where Hearts Conspire}}{{ 12}}](#p12)
- ### [{{ Appendix A: Magic Items}}{{ 13}}](#p13)
- ### [{{ Appendix B: Factions}}{{ 14}}](#p14)
- ### [{{ Appendix C: Creatures}}{{ 15}}](#p15)
- #### [{{ Anime Sphinx}}{{ 15}}](#p15)
- [{{ Actions}}{{ 15}}](#p15)


<!--- As per other templates, adding the "one" tag will change the background of
the chapter title, from numbers one to eight. --->
## Introduction

# Into the Feywild

The code below determines the letter of the golden, decorative, background font
behind the drop cap (the font is called Ivory Swashes W95).

In most cases, changing the "letter" attribute to be the same as the drop cap
letter will make for an excellent background, but you can mix and match (like they
do in the book). The "left" distance can be altered to move the letter around, but
58px is the default.
<span letter='e' style='left:62px'></span>

This Dungeons and Dragons adventure begins in a world of your choosing—perhaps a

world of your own creation—then ventures into the Feywild. Also known as the Plane
of Faerie, the Feywild is a place of wonder and whimsy ruled by unfettered emotion.
Before running this adventure, please read the "Feywild" section in the Dungeon's
Masterguide, as it contains useful information about this dusky, fantastic plane of

The information in this book is intended for the DM's eyes only. If you're planning
to play through the adventure with someone else as your DM, stop reading now!

For watercolor splashes, if you delete the color specification, there is a default
stain color that matches the template.

The footer images in this template change depending on what page you're on,
denoting different sections. Be sure to read the "FOOTER IMAGES" section of the
Style Editor tab to see how to change the page ranges of these images.

{{footnote Introduction | Into the Feywild}}

## Chapter 1

# Withclight Carnival

<span letter='p' style='left:64px'></span>


The Witchlight Carnival is a fairground of kaleidoscopic tents and wagons crewed by

wondrous beings, including many denizens ofthe Feywild. This is no ordinary
carnival: it uses magic to travel from world to world across the Material Plane,
visiting each world once every eight years and setting up busi- ness on the
outskirts of populated areas. The carnival spends a few days at each location, then
packs up and moves to another location on the same world until the decision is made
to leave that world and visit the next. The carnival includes a fey crossing,
allowing travel to and from the Feywild domain of Prismeer.

The characters are free to explore the carnival as they please. There are many
paths through this chapter, so it can play out differently each time you run it.


##### Time to Drop Knowledge
Use notes to point out some interesting information.
**Tables and lists** both work within a note.

##### Time to Drop Knowledge
Use descriptive boxes to highlight text that should be read aloud.

**Tables and lists** both work within a descriptive box.


##### Character Advancement

| Experience Points | Level | Proficiency Bonus |
| 0 | 1 | +2 |
| 300 | 2 | +2 |
| 900 | 3 | +2 |
| 2,700 | 4 | +2 |
| 6,500 | 5 | +3 |
| 14,000 | 6 | +3 |

{{footnote Chapter 1 | Witchlight Carnival}}

<!--- Full page images will format themselves on even pages differently than odd
pages, to add some variety. --->
![image](https://i.imgur.com/o6fNlJs.jpg) {}

Captions for images are not required, but if you want, there are both light and
dark options for text, just add the "light" or "dark" tag to the end of a .text

Here is a dark text box. A light text box is shown later in the document.
Yarnspinner is an Archfey who loves to tell stories.

<!--- Artist credits will appear differently in full page classes (ALWAYS GIVE
[Magali Villeneuve](http://www.magali-villeneuve.com/)



## Chapter 2

# Hither

<span letter='v' style='left:65px'></span>


When I was writing this template, I realized that there are actually a lot of
spoilers in the first paragraph of each chapter, so instead of copying that down
for the sake of demonstrating visual accuracy, I'll just be writing some
s&ast;&ast;&ast; like this.

{{footnote Chapter 2 | Hither}}

## Chapter 3

# Thither

<span letter='v'></span>

The thing about writing something that is *effectively* nothing, is there are a few
kinds of nothing. There is nothing without content, nothing with useless content,
nothing with useful but irrelevant content, or Lorem Ipsum text. The lattermost can
be preferable in cases of large content, but honestly, I prefer quidquid volo.

{{footnote Chapter 3 | Thither}}

![image](https://i.imgur.com/o6fNlJs.jpg) {}

<!--- Whether the caption is long or short, the text should fit nicely within the
text box. However, instead of having two paragraphs of text, use the "<br>" code
instead, as shown below. --->
Yarnspinner is an Archfey who loves to tell stories. <br> Yarnspinner is an Archfey
who loves to tell stories. Yarnspinner is an Archfey who loves to tell stories.

[Magali Villeneuve](http://www.magali-villeneuve.com/)



## Chapter 4

# Yon

<span letter='p'></span>

Ever the issue with nonsensical writing (or non-Seussical writing) is that writing
nothing never sounds like nothing. Instead of the desired nothing, the nonsense
sounds like something. But since you're writing something, it's almost always the
kind of something that's worth writing somewhere else, instead of wasting the
somewhat-sensical something on a place intended for nonsense. But all of that is
nonsense and should be disregarded.
{{footnote Chapter 4 | Yon}}

## Chapter 5

# Place Where Hearts Conspire

<span letter='t'></span>

Zany phrases are the only ones that start with the letter 'z'. Oddly, 24 other
letters of the latin alphabet of the English language are easier than 'z' to begin
a sentence with, with the exception of perhaps 'x'. Is this useful information? You
tell me.

Oh, and the title to this chapter might be spoiler-y, so I went with something
*technically* different. Just call me Treaclewise, I guess.

{{footnote Chapter 5 | Place Where Hearts Conspire}}

## Appendix A

# Magic Items

<span letter='d' style='left:55px'></span>


Magic and the Feywild go hand in hand. This appendix describes new magic items that
appear in the adventure and presents them in alphabetical order.

{{footnote Appendix A | Magic Items}}

## Appendix B

# Factions

<span letter='o' style='left:58.5px'></span>


This Appendix describes three factions that appear in the adventure: the
[redacted], the [redacted] of [redacted], and [redacted].

{{footnote Appendix B | Factions}}

## Appendix C

# Creatures
<span letter='y'></span>

This Appendix describes new creatures that appear more than once in the adventure,
presenting them in alphabetical order. The introduction of the Monster's Manual
explains how to interpret a creature's stat block.


## Anime Sphinx
*Tiny beast, manic-depressive evil*
**Armor Class** :: 19 (chain mail, shield)
**Hit Points** :: 100(1d4 + 5)
**Speed** :: 30ft.
| STR | DEX | CON | INT | WIS | CHA |
|14 (+2)|2 (-4)|1 (-4)|13 (+2)|3 (-3)|1 (-4)|
**Condition Immunities** :: melancholy, drunk
**Senses** :: darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 16
**Languages** :: Pottymouth
**Challenge** :: 10 (8682 XP)
***Onion Stench.*** Any creatures within 5 feet of this thing develops an
irrational craving for onion rings.
***Hangriness.*** This creature is angry, and hungry. It will refuse to do anything
with you until its hunger is satisfied.

When in visual contact with this creature, you must purchase an extra order of
fries, even if they say they aren't hungry.
### Actions
***Bulldog Rake.*** *Melee Weapon Attack:* +4 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. *Hit*
5 (1d6 + 2)
***Team Foot.*** *Melee Weapon Attack:* +4 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. *Hit* 5
(1d6 + 2)
***Turnbuckle Roll.*** *Melee Weapon Attack:* +4 to hit, reach 5ft., one target.
*Hit* 5 (1d6 + 2)
***Dual Throw.*** *Melee Weapon Attack:* +4 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. *Hit* 5
(1d6 + 2)


{{footnote Appendix C | Creatures}}


# Something Wicked<br>This Way Comes

Once every eight years the fantastic Witchlight Carnival touches down on your
world, bringing joy to one settlement after the next. It's owners, Mister Witch and
Mister Light, know how to put on a good show. But there's more to this magical
extravaganza than meets the eye!
The carnival is a gateway to a fantastic Feywild domain unlike anything found on
the Material Plane. Time has not been kind to this realm, however, and the dark
days lie ahead unless someone can thwart the dastardly schemes of the Hourglass
The Wild Beyond the Witchlight takes adventureres from the Witchlight Carnival to
Prismeer, a Feywild domain of delight. This book comes with a poster map that shows
the carnival on one side and the Prismeer on the other.


For use with the fifth edition <br> [*Player's Hand

q-hmiZmTQZz), *Monster's Manual*, <br> and *Dungeon's Masterguide*.



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