Proposed Draft Rules Regarding M.Phil. Degree

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Proposed Draft Rules Regarding M.Phil.

For any feedback please contact to the Assistant Registrar, Admissions or email to
[email protected] before 12th October, 2006.

1. Status :

The M.Phil. Degree shall have the status of an intermediate Degree between the first
Post-Graduate Degree and the Doctorate Degree. It will have both research and course
components and will give the student adequate background for advanced research.

2. Eligibility and Admission :

(i) 55% marks at Master’s Degree in relevant subject or Grade B according to

U.G.C. norms of grading in relevant/related subject.
(ii) 50% marks for Reserved categories.

Satisfactory performance at a test conducted by the Department/College concerned.

Admission to the M.Phil. Course shall be made at the beginning of either the 1st term or
the 2nd term depending upon the convenience of the concerned Department/College. The
Admission to M.Phil. course will be made on the basis of a written test and an interview.
Weightage: 70% marks to written test & 30% marks for interview.

Reservation: As per Government of Maharashtra rules and regulations.

3. Duration of the Course :

The M.Phil. Course can be done either on a full-time or on a Vacational basis

depending upon the availability of the programme in the Department/College.

Full-time Course :

(a) The duration of the full-time M.Phil. Course shall be 18 months. If an M.Phil.
student is unable to complete his dissertation within this period, he will be allowed to do
so within an additional period of six months. Period may be extended for maximum of
one more year in exceptional cases on the recommendation of the guide. In case of
failure to submit the dissertation in this extended period, the candidate will have to apply
for fresh registration.

(b) Vacational Course :

The vacational M.Phil. course should be only for employed persons. The vacational
M.Phil. course shall extend over a period of 24 months. Such a Vacational M.Phil.
student shall have to devote a minimum period of 4 months for his course work at the

M.Phil. Centre of his registration. Like a regular student, a vacational student also may be
permitted to complete his dissertation within the additional period of one year. In case of
failure to submit the dissertation in this additional period, the candidate will have to
apply for fresh registration.

The facility of vacational M.Phil. course shall be generally available to full-time teachers
of Colleges/Universities and full-time research workers of the Recognised Institutions
within the jurisdiction of the University of Pune. The students who desires to seek
admission to M.Phil. course, will have to submit a certificate of their employment and No
Objection Certificate from the Employer.

4. The criteria for granting admission to the Vacational M.Phil. programme in all the
faculties will be as follows :

Top preference will be given to the lecturers of University departments/Senior

Colleges affiliated to Pune University.

Second preference to teachers of Junior College/Recognised Institutes/ lecturers

working in the colleges under the jurisdiction of University of Pune.

Third preference to Senior College lecturers working in colleges affiliated to

Universities other than Pune University.

6. Content :

The M.Phil. course programme shall consist of :

(a) Three courses on advanced Subjects which may include Research Methodology.
A dissertation based on the project work assigned to an individual student.

7. Administration of M.Phil. Programme :

The M.Phil. Programme shall be administrated at each recognized M.Phil. Centre by the
M.Phil. Committee.

(a) Constitution of the M.Phil. Committee :

Head of the University Department/Head of the Research Institute/ Principal of the

College shall appoint the M.Phil. Committee. The Head of the University
Department / Head of the Research Institute/ Principal of the College will be the Ex-
officio Chairperson. He may nominate some other recognized guide as the

The M.Phil. Committee shall consist of the Chairperson and not less than three
research guides/experts in the subject. The tenure of the committee shall be of three

M Phil Rules 2

The members of the Committee shall be so chosen as would give representation

to maximum number of specializations in the Department.

(b) Powers and duties of the M.Phil. Committee :

The M.Phil. Committee shall function under the general control and guidance of the
Departmental Committee of the University Department/Principal of the College/
Director of Recognised Research Institute and shall have following powers and

(i) To make admission to the M.Phil. Course depending on subject specialization

and willingness and availability of appropriate guides. At the time of admission, the
Committee shall make an assessment of the number of guides available at that time
and then declare the maximum number of seats available for that academic year
which should not exceed 30.

(ii) To recommend to the Academic Council through the BUTR the syllabi for the

(iii) To assign students to project guides and dissertation supervisors before the end of
the first term for full-time students and before the end of one year for vacational students
of the M.Phil. programme.

(iv) To assign various courses to teachers of the Department/College.

(v) To assign various courses to different students.

(vi) To make arrangements for evaluating the performance of the students at the
Seminar/Course Work/Dissertation.

(vii)To organize Seminars, Tutorials, Group Discussions etc.

(viii)To prepare Semesterwise time-table for regular students.

(ix) To prepare the guidance programme for Vacational students.

(x) To recommend to the Vice-Chancellor through the Dean of the Faculty for extension
of the period of the M.Phil. registration.

(xi) To recommend to the Departmental Committee, Principal of the College the removal
of the name of a student from the roll on account of unsatisfactory performance or in-
disciplinary behaviour.

M Phil Rules 3

(xii) To prepare a panel of referees by taking into consideration the requirements of the
specialization for submission to the Board of Examination through the Chairman,
Board of Studies & Research & Recognition Committee. Maximum period of 2
months will be ensured by the Chairman Board of Studies & the Dean. In no case, of
further delay in getting the panel approved the Head/Principal/ Director will co-
ordinate and ensure approval of the Chairman, BOS and the Dean.

(xiii) To process invitation to dissertation examiners, get reports from them arrange viva-
voce examination of the students and finalise the result and forward the same to the
University authorities through the M.Phil. Committee concerned for declaration.

8 Terms :

(a) For full-time students the duration of the M.Phil. course shall be three terms of
six months each.

(b) A full-time M.Phil. student shall attend lectures, tutorials, practicals and seminars
and must complete to the satisfaction of the M.Phil. Committee the assignment
prescribed for the course.

A Vacational student must stay at the M.Phil. centre for at least four months in a year and
must attend lectures, tutorials, practicals and seminars must complete to the satisfaction
of the M.Phil. Committee the assignments prescribed for the course.

9. Evaluation :

(a) The evaluation of the candidate’s course work will be a continuous process.

(b) The evaluation of the performance of the students in the M.Phil. course shall be
done by the course in-charge.

(c) The submission of dissertation may be permitted only after the candidate
publishes one paper in a referred journal or presents a paper in
State/National/International workshop/seminar/conference.

(d) The dissertation will be evaluated by the guide of the candidate and an external
referee appointed by the University authorities.

(e) The evaluation of the final seminar and the viva-voce test will be done by a
committee consisting of the following members:

(i) A research guide to be nominated by the Head Professor-in-charge of the

University Department/Director/Principal of the Institute/college from a
panel of three senior research guides to be suggested. The person nominated
will act as a Chairman.

M Phil Rules 4

(ii) The dissertation supervisor.

(iii)A member of the M.Phil. Committee to be nominated by the M.Phil.


(f) The evaluation of candidates for the M.Phil. degree shall be done according to the
following grading system :

Letter Quality Grade Equivalent

Grade Points Numerical Scale
(out of 100)
O Outstanding 6 75-100
A Very Good 5 65-74
B Good 4 55-64
C Average 3 50-54
D Below Average 2 45-49
E Poor 1 40-44
F Fail 0 39 & less

The Examiners will submit the marks as well as Letter Grades.

The performance of the candidates will be evaluated under the following Heads of
Passing. The weightage given to each Head of Passing and the maximum final grade-
points are as below :

Head of Passing Maximum Final

Grade Points

Group I
Course 1 06
Course 2 06
Course 3 06

Group II
Dissertation 20
*Seminar 05
Viva-Voce 05

* Seminar and Viva-Voce will be based on the dissertation.

M Phil Rules 5

Final Grade Points :

Grade Points Final Grade

05.00 – 06.00 O
04.50 – 04.99 A
03.50 – 04.49 B
02.50 – 03.49 C
01.50 – 02.49 D
00.50 – 01.49 E
00.00 – 00.49 F

Common Formula for GPA

Total of (Grade points earned x Credit hrs for each course)

GPA (Grade point Average) = ------------------------------------------------------
(Total Credit hours)

‘B’ Grade is equivalent to at least 55% of the marks as per GR No. UGC –
1298/[4619]/UNI – 4 dt. December 11, 1999.

In the case of Dissertation the marks and grades awarded by the external referee
shall be taken as final. If external referee has suggested modifications, the candidate
may resubmit the dissertation after suitable modifications within a period of one year
from the declaration of the first result. In case of rejection of dissertation, the candidate
may resubmit the dissertation within a period of one year. A fress Referee panel may be
appointed. Only one resubmission of the dissertation is allowed.

If the candidate has secured minimum final grade points in all the Heads of Passing, then
the final seminar and the viva-voce test will be arranged. All interested persons can
attend the seminar and the viva-voce test, which will constitute the defence of the
dissertation, and they shall have the right to ask questions and participate in discussion on
dissertation. The Chairman appointed in the manner prescribed above will exercise his
discretion to all or not to allow a question. However, the members of the audience at the
defence shall have no right to express their opinion on the suitability or otherwise on the
dissertation for the award of the M.Phil. Degree.

In the case of course work, a student who does not get the minimum final grade point will
have to reappear for the examination in that course.

A student will have to give another seminar and appear for viva-voce if he does not get
the minimum grade-point.

M Phil Rules 6

A student can repeat the seminar and viva-voce only once.

10. Final Transcript :

(a) The Chairman of the M.Phil. Committee shall submit through the M.Phil.
Committee to the University a final Grade sheet in duplicate of the student in the
separate prescribed pro forma along with viva-voce report and external Referee’s
detailed report.

(b) The evaluation of the performance of the M.Phil. Candidate in the course work,
seminars, viva-voce test, dissertation shall be sent separately in the prescribed

11. Disposal of the copies of Dissertation :

After the result are declared, out of three copies of the dissertation submitted by the
student, one will be returned to the student, one will be retained by the Department
and one will be given to the dissertation supervisor.

12. Academic staff and organization :

For the introduction of the M.Phil. course a centre shall have at least six teachers who
are recognised M.Phil/Ph.D. guides, out of whom at least two shall be on its own staff
and at least four teachers who can be actively associated with the conduct of the
M.Phil. programme at the centre on contributory basis. However, contributory
teacher should not be associated with more than one M.Phil. Centre.

For starting M.Phil. programme, prior approval of the University would be necessary.

The number of M.Phil. students registered with a guide should not exceed four at
any time.

M Phil Rules 7

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