ERCEA TA 221 2023 Call For Expression of Interest

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The European Research Council Executive Agency (ERCEA), located in Brussels, Belgium, supports the
work of the European Research Council (ERC), the first pan-European funding body sustaining
excellent frontier research in Europe. The fundamental activity of the ERCEA, via its main frontier
research grants, is to provide attractive, long-term funding to support excellent investigators and their
research teams to pursue ground-breaking and ambitious research. The ERCEA funds projects in any
field of research, with excellence as the sole selection criterion.

The ERCEA is establishing a Reserve List of qualified candidates from which to hire for the position of:

Research Programme Agent

in the domain of Life Sciences


CONTRACT TYPE Temporary Agent, AD 6 (Step 1 or 2)

MINIMUM BASIC SALARY € 6.169,72 (plus benefits)

DEADLINE FOR APPLICATION 31 January 2024 by 12:00 (midday) Brussels time

Research Programme Agents in the ERCEA are responsible for the coordination of ERC Panel Teams.
The Life Sciences Unit of the ERCEA counts around 45 highly committed and qualified staff members,
subdivided into Panel Teams. These Panel Teams cover different areas of research and scholarship in
the domain of Life Sciences allocated along nine ERC Panels (see the panel descriptors in Annex 1):

− LS1 Molecules of Life: Biological Mechanisms, Structures and Functions

− LS2 Integrative Biology: From Genes and Genomes to Systems
− LS3 Cell Biology, Development, Stem Cells and Regeneration
− LS4 Physiology in Health, Disease and Ageing
− LS5 Neuroscience and Disorders of the Nervous System
− LS6 Immunity, Infection and Immunotherapy
− LS7 Prevention, Diagnosis and Treatment of Human Diseases
− LS8 Environmental Biology, Ecology and Evolution
− LS9 Biotechnology and Biosystems Engineering
In addition to the Panel Teams linked the nine ERC Panels, the Unit also includes a LS 'Synergy' Panel
Team, linked to the ERC Synergy call.

ERC Executive Agency I Read more about the ERC and ERC Executive Agency here: I
Have a question? We are happy to help you at: [email protected] I
Job description
The Research Programme Agent in Life Sciences would be entrusted with the following tasks and

Support in the coordination of the evaluation and selection of research proposals

− Coordinate the peer-review process for the selection of research proposals for the relevant
evaluation panels, including the preparation, organisation and operation of the meetings, and the
documentation of results.
− Contribute to the development of guidelines, orientations and new approaches relating to the
proper implementation of the programme.
− Coordinate one or more ERC LS Panel Teams – usually two or three Project Advisers and an
Administrative Assistant – under the guidance of the Head of Sector.
Project management
− Assess the scientific implementation of projects primarily in LS panel(s) through periodic reviews,
reporting, etc.
− Contribute to the analysis of the portfolio of ERC funded projects.
− As appropriate, analyse and assess the results and impact of the ERC programme, provide
feedback and suggestions for improvement.
External communication
− Present the ERC programme and project results at workshops, seminars, conferences and other
public events, to external stakeholders.
− Contribute to publications produced by the ERC programme intended for external stakeholders.
− Extract and disseminate best practices and facilitate exchanges of experience.
− Collate information and draft replies to questions from external stakeholders.
− Produce reports and minutes on high-level meetings as required.
Key strengths needed to establish trust-based relationships with different stakeholders and to
manage demanding situations include: effective organisational, analytical and communication skills,
as well as outstanding drafting and presentation skills.
While not being directly involved in scientific research, the position requires an excellent knowledge
of the state of the art in the field and the ability to leverage this knowledge for portfolio analysis and
for research project management.

Candidates must fulfil the following general criteria by the deadline for application mentioned on
page 1 of this Call:
− Be a national of a member state of the European Union and enjoy full rights as a citizen.
− Have fulfilled any obligations imposed by the applicable laws regarding military service.
− Meet the character requirements for the duties involved.1
− Be physically fit to perform their duties.2
Candidates must fulfil the following specific criteria by the deadline for application mentioned on
page 1 of this Call:

− Have a level of education corresponding to completed university studies of at least three years,
attested by a diploma.

1 In case of inclusion on a Reserve List and in case the ERCEA decides to offer a contract of employment, prior to
appointment, the successful candidate will be asked to provide a certificate from their police file indicating that they do not
have a criminal record in line with Article 12.2(c) of the Conditions of Employment of Other Servants of the European Union
2 In case of an offer of employment by the ERCEA, prior to appointment, the selected candidate will be asked to undergo a

compulsory medical examination by one of the Institutions' medical officers to demonstrate the fulfilment of the
requirement of Article 12.2(d) of the CEOS.

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Only qualifications issued by EU Member State authorities and qualifications recognised as
equivalent by the relevant EU Member State authorities will be accepted.3
− Have professional experience of at least five years. This should be acquired after graduation
referred to under the qualifications above. A completed doctoral programme, even unpaid, will
be counted as professional experience for a maximum of three years.
− Have a thorough knowledge of English and a satisfactory knowledge of another official EU
language to the extent necessary for the performance of the duties outlined in the Job
Description. English is the working language of the ERCEA and is generally considered to be the
lingua franca of the scientific community.

The selection criteria will be assessed at the various stages of the selection process. The applications of
candidates who at any stage of the selection process are found not to meet one or more of the essential
selection criteria, will not be considered further.4
It is the candidates’ responsibility to make explicitly clear in their Application Form how and to what
extent they meet the selection criteria, in particular to highlight the relevance of their educational and
professional background and motivation for the position, as well as their strengths and past
achievements relevant for the position.
Essential selection criteria
Professional research experience
Research qualification at PhD level PLUS two further years of professional experience related to
research in any of the areas covered by the nine ERC panels of the Life Sciences domain.
Five years of professional experience in conducting research in any of the areas covered by the nine ERC
Panels of the Life Sciences domain.
Knowledge of languages
Excellent knowledge of English: spoken and written skills equivalent to level C15 or higher level for
working purposes.6
Skills and competences
− Outstanding drafting and presentation skills, with an eye for detail.
− Ability to work well under pressure in demanding situations and ability to handle several tasks
− Ability to deliver quality and results individually and in a team while working in a multicultural
− Strong organisational and communication skills.
− Ability to coordinate and inspire a small team as well as evaluation panels involving senior
external experts.

3 In case diplomas are obtained from a non-EU Member State, the candidate may be required to provide the relevant
document of comparability by a recognised authority. UK diplomas awarded until 31 December 2020 are accepted without
an equivalence. UK diplomas awarded as from 1 January 2021 must be accompanied by an equivalence issued by a
competent authority of an EU Member State.
Please note that fulfilling the essential criteria is mandatory, meaning that an application will not be further assessed if a
candidate does not fulfil the essential selection criteria.
Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
The language for this selection process has been defined in line with the interests of the service, which require newly
recruited Temporary Agents to be immediately operational and capable of communicating effectively in their daily work.
Accordingly, given that new recruits need to be able to assume their duties immediately without receiving additional
language training, the new Temporary Agents must be able to communicate with the scientific community and the already
operating staff in ERCEA and services in the Commission in the most commonly working language used in the ERCEA.

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Advantageous selection criteria
− Motivation for the position and strengths and achievements relevant for the position.
− Excellent knowledge of the state of the art in the field, and ability to make use of it in portfolio
analysis and feedback to policy.
− Experience in conducting research in a relevant area for the profile.
− Experience managing research projects at an institutional, national, European, or international
level, including experience at a research funding organisation.
− Other professional experience related to research (e.g., science policy, science journalism, impact
assessment, foresight, etc.)
− Knowledge of European research policies and programmes.
− Experience in supervising staff or leading teams.


All correspondence regarding this Call for Expression of Interest will be in English and will be sent to
the e-mail from which candidates submitted their application. Should candidates’ e-mail address
change, they are asked to inform [email protected].
The selection process will take several months to complete. Candidates will be informed of the
outcome of the different stages in due time. Please note that, as a general rule, for organisational
purposes, appointments set by the ERCEA cannot be changed at the candidate’s request.
The ERCEA Director will appoint a Selection Committee. The names of the Selection Committee
members will be communicated to the candidates invited to interviews.7
After the deadline for applications, the Selection Committee will check the applications against the
eligibility criteria. The Selection Committee will assess the applications of eligible candidates with
reference to the selection criteria detailed above. The Selection Committee will establish a shortlist of
approximately 90 candidates best matching the profile and needs of the Agency for the functions and
tasks described in this Call, ensuring the appropriate and necessary diversity of scientific backgrounds
and specialisations.
These shortlisted candidates will be invited to sit a written test, which is a qualifying step for the
interview stage. The Selection Committee will assess the anonymised written tests. The approximately
50 candidates who obtain the highest marks in the written test will be invited to an interview.
The results of the written test will not be taken into account in the assessment of the interview
performance. Candidates who succeed in the interview will be included in a Reserve List, initially valid
for two years, with the possibility of extension. This Reserve List will be approved by the ERCEA
Director and will include the names of approximately 25 candidates who obtain the highest marks in
the interview, listed alphabetically.
Candidates included in the Reserve List could be offered a job when there is a vacancy for which their
profile is suitable and subject to reference checks. Candidates should note that the inclusion on the
Reserve List does not imply any entitlement to employment.

If you are interested in applying for this post, please download the Application Form which can be
found on the ERC website:!mjtcF9 and follow the instructions and rules listed in
the Application Form. In the Application Form you will have to indicate which of the Life Sciences
Panels matches your profile best. In addition, you also have to submit a maximum 2-page8 CV in pdf
format. Both the Application Form and CV must be sent to [email protected] by
31 January 2024, 12:00 (midday) Brussels time.

Under no circumstances should candidates approach the Selection Committee themselves, either directly or indirectly
concerning this selection process. The ERCEA Director reserves the right to disqualify any candidate who disregards these
instructions. In assessing candidates’ merits, the Selection Committee shall observe the principle of equal treatment.
All pages beyond the first two will be disregarded.

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If the application has been submitted successfully, candidates will receive a confirmation e-mail
within three working days. Candidates are strongly advised not to leave the submission process to the
last minute. The ERCEA cannot be held responsible for any delay due to, for example, heavy internet
traffic or connection difficulties. In the case of multiple submissions, only the latest valid and
complete application will be considered.
At any stage of the selection, the ERCEA can request candidates to present, for example, certified
copies of degrees, diplomas, or proof of experience. These documents should not be sent during the
selection process, except upon request of the ERCEA. If it is established at any point in time that the
information in the Application Form has been falsified, candidates will be disqualified from the
selection process. Candidates will also be disqualified, or their applications will not be retained, if they
do not: comply with the conditions of application for the Call published; send their application by the
deadline; send a complete application including all requested elements; meet all the eligibility criteria;
complete the form in English.

The selection process aims to establish a Reserve List of eligible and qualified candidates. These candidates
may be offered a contract with the ERCEA under the following terms:

− A two-year contract as a Temporary Agent 2(f) with the possibility of renewal for one year, which
could be followed by a contract of indefinite duration.
− The basic monthly salary for this post currently ranges between € 6.169,72 (in Step 1) and
€ 6.429,00 (in Step 2), according to the assessment of the qualification and professional
experience.9 On top of the basic salary, the remuneration package may include further monthly
allowances (expatriation allowance; household allowance; dependent child allowance; education
allowance; and other benefits). For example, a Research Programme Agent who has five years’
professional experience after the qualifying degree, who is married, has one child, and is entitled
to an expatriation allowance, earns an estimated monthly net salary between € 7.037,13 and
€ 7.556,91.
− Full international health insurance coverage under the European Union Institutions’ Joint Sickness
Insurance Scheme.
− Access to the European Union’s pension plan after ten years of service.
− Generous leave entitlements; recuperation of overtime worked; flexible working hours.
− Free access to a European School and access to childcare facilities of the European Commission.
− An inspiring and multicultural working environment in the heart of Brussels, Belgium. The ERCEA
cares about well-being and offers ample opportunities for personal and professional learning and

The ERCEA values difference and promotes equality. The ERCEA applies a policy of equal
opportunities and accepts applications without discrimination on any grounds such as sex, race,
colour, ethnic or social origin, genetic features, language, religion or belief, political or any other
opinion, membership of a national minority, property, birth, disability, age or sexual orientation, as
per Article 1(d)(1) of the Staff Regulations.


The ERCEA ensures that applicants' personal data are processed as required by Regulation (EU)
2018/1725 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2018 on the protection of
natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data by the Union institutions, bodies,
offices and agencies and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Regulation (EC) No

9 The classification in Step 1 or 2 will be done in accordance with the ERCEA's general implementing provisions concerning
the criteria applicable to classification in step on appointment or engagement and will depend on the assessment of the
qualification and professional experience of the selected candidate.

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45/2001 and Decision No 1247/2002/EC (Official Journal of the European Communities, L 295 of 21
November 2018). This applies in particular to the confidentiality and security of such data.
Candidates are invited to carefully read the Data Protection Notice, which provides useful information
about the processing of their personal data and relevant rights:


The ERCEA and the Selection Committees operate within the context of the general principles of
European Union law as interpreted by the Courts. In assessing candidates' merits, Selection
Committees observe the principle of equal treatment. If candidates nevertheless believe that one of
these principles has not been applied in their case, they have the right, within 10 calendar days from
the date when they receive notification of the decision that was sent to them, to request a review by
sending an email stating their reasons to: [email protected].
Candidates must quote in the subject line: reference of this selection process; 'Request for review'. The
ERCEA will forward the request to the Chairperson of the Selection Committee if it comes within the
Committee's remit, and candidates will receive a reply as soon as possible.
Appeal procedure
If, at any stage of the selection, candidates consider that their interests have been prejudiced by a
particular decision, or lack thereof, they can take the following actions:
− Candidates may lodge an administrative complaint pursuant to Article 90(2) of the Staff
Regulations, at: [email protected].
The complaint must be lodged within three months from the date on which candidates are
notified of the act adversely affecting them, or lack thereof, only if the rules governing the
selection process have clearly been infringed. The ERCEA Director cannot overturn a value
judgement (i.e., the quality of a candidate's performance in a written or oral test or the relevance
of qualifications and professional experience) made by the Selection Committee. The ERCEA
Director will notify the person concerned of its reasoned decision within four months of the date
on which the complaint was lodged.
− Should the aforementioned complaint be rejected, candidates may request judicial review of the
act adversely affecting them, pursuant to Article 270 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the
European Union and Article 91 of the Staff Regulations:
The request for judicial review must be lodged within three months from the date on which
candidates are notified of the decision taken in response to the above-mentioned administrative
complaint. Candidates must indicate the reference of this Call for Expression of Interest.
Complaints to the European Ombudsman
Any citizen of the European Union or any natural or legal person residing in a Member State may
direct a complaint concerning instances of maladministration to the European Ombudsman pursuant
to Article 228(1) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union:
It should be noted that complaints to the European Ombudsman do not suspend the periods
mentioned in Articles 90(2) and 91 of the Staff Regulations for lodging complaints or submitting an
appeal before the Court of Justice according to Article 270 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the
European Union. It should also be noted that, under Article 2(4) of the Regulations and general
conditions governing the performance of the European Ombudsman's duties, any complaint to the
European Ombudsman must be preceded by appropriate administrative approaches to the
institutions and bodies concerned.

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Annex I
Overview of the nine LS Panels and Panel Descriptors:

− LS1 Molecules of Life: Biological Mechanisms, Structures and Functions

For all organisms: Molecular biology, biochemistry, structural biology, molecular biophysics, synthetic and
chemical biology, drug design, innovative methods and modelling

− LS2 Integrative Biology: From Genes and Genomes to Systems

For all organisms: Genetics, epigenetics, genomics and other ‘omics studies, bioinformatics, systems
biology, genetic diseases, gene editing, innovative methods and modelling, ‘omics for personalised

− LS3 Cell Biology, Development, Stem Cells and Regeneration

For all organisms: Structure and function of the cell, cell-cell communication, embryogenesis, tissue
differentiation, organogenesis, growth, development, evolution of development, organoids, stem cells,
regeneration, therapeutic approaches

− LS4 Physiology in Health, Disease and Ageing

Organ and tissue physiology, comparative physiology, physiology of ageing, pathophysiology, interorgan
and tissue communication, endocrinology, nutrition, metabolism, interaction with the microbiome, non-
communicable diseases including cancer (and except disorders of the nervous system and immunity-related

− LS5 Neuroscience and Disorders of the Nervous System

In humans and all other organisms: Nervous system development, homeostasis and ageing, nervous system
function and dysfunction, systems neuroscience and modelling, biological basis of cognitive processes and
of behaviour, neurological and mental disorders

− LS6 Immunity, Infection and Immunotherapy

The immune system, related disorders and their mechanisms, biology of infectious agents and infection,
biological basis of prevention and treatment of infectious diseases, innovative immunological tools and
approaches, including therapies

− LS7 Prevention, Diagnosis and Treatment of Human Diseases

Medical technologies and tools for prevention, diagnosis and treatment of human diseases, therapeutic
approaches and interventions, pharmacology, preventative medicine, epidemiology and public health,
digital medicine

− LS8 Environmental Biology, Ecology and Evolution

For all organisms: Ecology, biodiversity, environmental change, evolutionary biology, behavioural ecology,
microbial ecology, marine biology, ecophysiology, theoretical developments and modelling

− LS9 Biotechnology and Biosystems Engineering

Biotechnology using all organisms, biotechnology for environment and food applications, applied plant and
animal sciences, bioengineering and synthetic biology, biomass and biofuels, biohazards

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