Gorman 2016 Combining Psychodynamic Psychotherapy and Pharmacotherapy
Gorman 2016 Combining Psychodynamic Psychotherapy and Pharmacotherapy
Gorman 2016 Combining Psychodynamic Psychotherapy and Pharmacotherapy
Jack M. Gorman
Abstract: Many patients with depression, anxiety disorders, and other psychiat-
ric disorders are treated with combinations of psychodynamic psychotherapy
and medication. Whether this is better than monotherapy is an empirical ques-
tion that requires much more extensive research than is currently available.
When medications were first introduced to treat psychiatric illnesses, some
psychopharmacologists insisted that it heralded a new area of “biological
psychiatry” that would ultimately render psychotherapy obsolete. Psychody-
namic theorists and practitioners, on the other hand, argued that psychophar-
macology offered only a superficial approach to treatment. Fortunately, these
battles are now largely supplanted by the belief that whatever treatment offers
the patient the best outcome should be employed, regardless of the therapist’s
theoretical outlook. This should motivate more extensive study of the value
of combination treatment. So far, the few studies that have been done suggest
that the combination of psychodynamic psychotherapy and medication may
be superior for the treatment of mood and anxiety disorders, but most of these
studies have small sample sizes and involve only short-term psychotherapy.
An examination of the neuroscience of mood and anxiety disorders and of
the mechanism of action of psychodynamic psychotherapy and of antidepres-
sant medication suggests several routes by which the two treatment modali-
ties could be synergistic: stimulation of hippocampal neurogenesis; epigenetic
regulation of gene expression; dendritic remodeling; enhanced prefrontal cor-
tical control of limbic system activity; and action at specific neurohormonal
and neurotransmitter targets. The evidence for each of these mechanisms is
reviewed with an eye toward potential experiments that might be relevant to
• What is the state of the once ferocious divide between the so-called
“biologists” and “therapists” in psychology and psychiatry today?
• Are there any data from properly conducted clinical trials that ad-
dress the issue of combination therapy?
• Is there a neurobiological basis upon which to assume that combi-
nation treatment might be superior (or inferior) to monotherapy?
Historical Perspective
If we assume that two treatments work on the same target but neither
is capable of producing a maximum effect on its own or that two treat-
ments affect different targets that are both involved in illness patho-
physiology, then it is reasonable to conjecture that their combination
may be more efficacious that either alone.
There are, of course, many examples of this in medicine. The obvi-
ous ones are situations involving two classes of medication for the
same disease. It is common practice to add a second anti-hypertensive
agent—perhaps a calcium channel blocker—to a first one—perhaps a
diuretic—when initial monotherapy is only partially successful. Either
medication alone is effective in reducing blood pressure, but combin-
ing two mechanisms of action may offer additional benefit. Less often
considered in this context but certainly common is the combination of a
behavioral, lifestyle approach with a medication to treat conditions like
diabetes, hyperlipidemia, or alcohol use disorder. For instance, if diet
and exercise prove insufficient to lower glucose level in a person with
type II diabetes, a hypoglycemic agent is added to the behavioral in-
tervention. A statin may be combined with a low fat diet or naltrexone
with a 12-step program.
If it is the case, then, that psychodynamic psychotherapy and anti-
depressant medications work at different targets and are both effec-
tive, then combining them might offer benefits. It is immediately obvi-
ous, however, that this assertion is based on assumptions that may or
may not be the case. In the next section of this article we will consider
whether it is reasonable to suppose that psychodynamic psychothera-
py and medication in fact work at different targets, but it is certainly
the case that at the present moment we do not in fact know for sure
what the mechanism of action of antidepressant medications actually is
and some would argue that we are equally limited in our understand-
ing of exactly how psychodynamic therapies work. In terms of efficacy,
we have certainly been humbled in recent years with studies showing
that antidepressants, at least in the context of randomized controlled
trials (RCTs), are less effective than we might have once believed. The
STAR*D study, for example, is perhaps most famous for revealing that
though the difference was not statistically significant, this may be due
to sample size limitations.
In one study, 35 patients with major depressive disorder (MDD) were
treated with either citalopram or paroxetine and randomized to either
brief dynamic therapy or brief supportive therapy for six months, fol-
lowed by six months of medication alone (Maina, Rosso, Crespi, & Bo-
getto, 2007). There were no differences in Hamilton Depression Rating
Scale (HAM-D) scores or other outcome measures at the end of the six
months of randomized treatment, but patients who had been treated
with brief dynamic therapy continued to improve in the six-month
medication only phase, so that at 12 months they had significantly
greater reductions in symptoms compared to those who had received
brief supportive therapy, including a large and statistically significant
advantage in remission rates (75% vs. 12.5%). However, although this
study showed that brief dynamic therapy combined with medication
was superior to brief supportive therapy combined with medication,
it did not adjudicate between combined therapy and psychotherapy
In a subsequent study, however, the same group (Maina, Roso, & Bo-
getto, 2009) first randomized patients with MDD to a six-month acute
treatment phase of either brief psychodynamic psychotherapy plus
an SSRI (citalopram or paroxetine) or medication alone. There was no
difference in remission rate between the groups (64.1% and 61.4%, re-
spectively). Ninety-two patients who did achieve remission were then
enrolled in continuation treatment with medication alone at the same
dose and then a 48-month follow-up period with no treatment. At the
end of the study, there was a significant advantage for those who had
received combined treatment during the acute phase: 46.9% of the com-
bined group had sustained remission based on HAM-D score criteria at
48 months compared to 27.5% of those who had only received medica-
tion during the acute phase.
The Maina et al. study also suggests that there may be long-term
advantages to psychodynamic therapy that are not necessarily appar-
ent during acute phase treatment. For example, Van et al. (2009) found
that adding medication to the regimen of patients who had not initially
responded to short-term psychodynamic supportive psychotherapy
for depression did not improve outcome, but “it might be warranted
to continue an initially ineffective psychotherapy for depression, be-
cause a considerable number of patients do have a pattern of delayed
response” (p. 205). In at least one analysis of patients with MDD there
is a suggestion that medication plus psychodynamic psychotherapy of-
fered a poorer outcome than psychotherapy alone. Of 53 patients with
depression, anxiety, and/or personality disorders who entered a long-
Hippocampal Neurogenesis
Until 50 years ago it was held that neurons in the adult mammalian
nervous system are in a permanent post-mitotic phase and therefore
incapable of generating new cells. This explains why spinal cord neu-
rons do not regenerate after injury and brain tumors generally involve
cell types other than neurons. The discovery that neurogenesis does
occur in the brain of mammals throughout the lifespan (Altman & Das,
1965; Bond, Ming, & Song, 2015) stimulated a new area of research that
has burgeoned in the last decade (Ming & Song, 2011). Neurogenesis in
adult mammalian brain occurs mainly in two specific regions, the olfac-
tory bulb and the subgranular zone of the dentate gyrus of the hippo-
campus. Because of the latter’s important role in learning and memory,
it was natural to consider the possibility that a defect in hippocampal
neurogenesis might be involved in psychiatric illness. Indeed, a de-
crease in hippocampal neurogenesis has been posited to play an im-
portant role in both depression and anxiety disorders (Mendes-David,
Hen, Gardier, & David, 2013; Miller & Hen, 2015; Revest et al., 2009).
On theoretical grounds it has been argued that the hippocampal neu-
rogenesis hypothesis cannot explain a complex disorder like depres-
sion in its entirety, since depression appears to involve abnormalities
in vegetative functions and in complex cognitions that are not ascribed
to the hippocampus alone but also to brain regions that do not support
neurogenesis such as prefrontal cortex, amygdala, and ventral striatum
(Gorman & Docherty, 2010). Hippocampal neurogenesis is of course
nearly impossible to measure in humans and even animal models of
depression have not yielded consistent evidence that a defect in hip-
pocampal neurogenesis is a necessary factor.
More persuasive, however, have been findings that antidepressant
medications stimulate hippocampal neurogenesis and that this action
is a critical component of their mechanism of action in treating mood
and anxiety disorders (David et al., 2010; Sahay & Hen, 2007; Warner-
Schmidt & Duman, 2006). At the same time, it is clear from preclinical
studies that stress, a known factor in the etiology of mood and anxiety
disorders, suppresses hippocampal neurogenesis (Mirescu & Gould,
2006; Warner-Schmidt & Duman, 2006), whereas positive experiential
factors, such as exercise, environmental stimulation, and enriched en-
vironments (Kempermann, Brandon, & Gage, 1998; Nilsson, Perfilieva,
Johansson, Orwar, & Eriksson, 1999; Van Praag, Kempermann, & Gage,
1999) enhance neurogenesis. Interestingly, both antidepressant medi-
cation and exercise appear to stimulate neurogenesis at least in part
through interaction with serotonin receptors (Kondo, Nakamura, Ishi-
da, & Shimada, 2015). Hence, to the extent that psychosocial therapies,
like psychodynamic psychotherapy, decrease the response to stressful
situations and create a new, more positive mental environment for the
patient it is plausible that they work at least in part to increase neuro-
genesis. Since hippocampal neurogenesis has also been linked to en-
hanced learning and memory (Deng, Almone, & Gage, 2010), this effect
thus, life experience, both positive and negative, affects the pattern of
gene expression (Nestler, Pena, Kunakovic, Mitchell, & Akbarian, 2015).
Although there are complexities and still-emerging nuances, in gen-
eral methylation suppresses gene expression and acetylation enhances
it. Acetyl groups are removed by the enzyme histone deacetylase and
therefore a class of compounds called histone deacetylase (HDAC) in-
hibitors like sodium butyrate, increase acetylation and in many cases
gene expression. HDAC inhibitors have been shown in numerous pre-
clinical studies to be neuroprotective and to have an antidepressant ef-
fect in animal models of depression. Hence it is possible to affect the
epigenetic status of a gene or genes both by a variety of environmental
interventions and by drugs.
Many animal studies have now shown that early life experience pro-
duces long-lasting changes in DNA methylation and histone acetyla-
tion (Sun, Kennedy, & Nestler, 2013). In a landmark study, Weaver et
al. (2004) found that rat pups with high versus low nurturing mothers
show differences in DNA methylation and histone acetylation begin-
ning in the first week of life and lasting into adulthood. Many of these
changes were reversed by the administration of HDAC inhibitors. In
rats, methylation and demethylation of DNA in the ventral tegmen-
tal area (VTA) of the brain is critical for reward-related memory (Day,
Childs, & Gusman-Karlsson, 2013). In mice, chronic social stress induc-
es long-term demethylation in the region of the gene encoding cortico-
trophin releasing hormone (Crh) and is associated with social avoid-
ance behavior in these mice (Elliot, Ezra-Nevo, Regev, Neufeld-Cohen,
& Chen, 2010). Early life stress causes hypomethylation of the gene en-
coding arginine vasopressin (AVP) protein, leading to persistent over-
expression of the Crh gene (Best & Carey, 2010; Murgatroyd et al., 2009).
There are many more examples of studies that have documented epi-
genetic alterations in response to stress that alter gene expression and
affect the animal’s behavior on a long-term basis.
Although studying epigenetic responses to stress are of course much
more difficult to conduct in humans, studies have shown alterations in
the expression of HDAC genes in blood samples taken from patients
with major depressive disorder and bipolar disorder (Hobara et al.,
2010; Iga et al., 2007). Guintivano et al. (2013) examined DNA methyla-
tion profiles from blood samples of pregnant women with mood disor-
ders and found that subsequent postpartum depression was associated
with DNA methylation changes that were previously associated with
hippocampal synaptic plasticity in rodent models. A genome-wide
methylation study of 94 maltreated and 96 non-traumatized children
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Neurotransmitter Function
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