Paradigmatic Foundations of Psychological Inquiry Practical

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The following pages contain a series of statements about how people might think, feel, or
behave. You are asked to indicate the extent to which each statement pertains to you
Your answers to the items in the questionnaire are anonymous, so please do not write your
name on any of the materials. In order to complete the questionnaire, read cach statement
carefully and decide how much it pertains to you personally. Using a scale like the one
below, indicate your answer by entering it to the left of the number of the statement.
There are no right or wrong answers. Just give the answer that is most accurate for you.
Remember, your responses are confidential, so please be completely honest. Please give an
answer all items.

Iam usually in a good mood. In the blank space, enter a 1 if you definitely disagree
with the statement; enter a 2 if you mostly disagree; enter a 3 if you neither agree nor
disagree;enter a 4 if you mostly agree; or enter a 5 if you definitely agree with the statement.
21234 5 Definitely Disagree Mostly Disagree neither Agree nor Disagree Mostly Agree
Definitely Agree.
1. Before going out in public, Ialways notice how I look.
2. I am careful to buy clothes that will make me look my best.
3.I would pass most physical-fitnesstests.
4. It is important that I have superior physical strength.
5. My body is sexually appealing.
6. Iam not involved in a regular exercise program.
7.Iam in control of my health.
8. I know a lot about things that affect my physical health.
9. I have deliberately developed a healthy lifestyle.
10. I constantly worry about being or becoming fat.
11. I like my looks justthe way they are.
12. Icheck my appearance in a mirror whenever I can.
13. Before going out, Iusually spend a lot of time getting ready.
14. My physical endurance is good.
15. Participating in sports is unimportant to me.
16. I do not actively do things to keep physically fit.
17. My health is a matter of unexpected ups and downs.
18.Good health is one of the most important things in my life.
19. Idon't do anything that I know might threaten my health.
20. Iam very conscious of even small changes in my weight.
21. Most people would consider me good-looking.
22. It is important that I always look good.
23.I use very few grooming products.
24.I easily learn physical skills.
25. Being physically fit is not a strong priorityin my life.
26. Ido things to increase my physical strength.
27. I am seldom physically ill.
28. Itake my health for granted.
29. I often read books and magazines that pertain to health.
30. I like the way I look without my clothes on.
31.Iam self-conscious if my grooming isn't right.
32.I usually wear whatever is handy without caring how it looks.
33.I do poorly in physical sports or games.
34. Iseldom think about my athletic skills.
35. I work to improve my physical stamina.
36. From day to day,I never know how my body will feel.
37. IfIam sick, I don't pay much attention to my symptoms.
38.I make no special effort toeat a balanced and nutritious diet.
39.I like the way my clothes fit me.
40. I don't care what people think about my appearance.
41.Itake special care with my hair grooming.
42. I dislike my physique.
43.Idon't care to improve my abilities in physical activities.
44. Itry to be physically active.
45. Ioften feel vulnerable to sickness.

46. Ipay close attention to my body for any signs of illness.

47. If I'm coming down with a cold or flu, I just ignore it and go on as usual.
48. Iam physically unattractive.
49. Inever think about my appearance.
50. Iam always trying to improve my physical appearance.
51.Iam very well coordinated.
52. I know a lot about physical fitness.
53. Iplay a sport regularly throughout the ycar.
54. Iam a physically healthy person.
55.Iam very aware of small changes in my physical health.
56. At the first sign of illness, I seek medical advice.
57. Iam on a weight-loss diet.
For the remainder of the items use the response scale given with the item, and enter your
answer in the space beside the item.
58. I have tried to lose weight by fasting or going on crash diets.
1. Never 2. Rarely 3. Sometimes 4. Often 5. Very Often
59. I think Iam:

1. Very underweight 2. Somewhat underweight 3. Normal Weight

4. Somewhat Overweight 5. Very Overweight
60. From looking at me, most other people would think Iam:
1. Veryunderweight 2. Somewhat underweight 3. Normal weight
4. Somewhat Overweight 5. Very Overweight
61-69. Use this 1to 5 scale to indicate how dissatisfied or satisfied you are with each of the
following areasor aspects of your body:
12345 Very Dissatisfied Mostly Dissatisfied Neither Satisfied Nor Dissatisfied Mostly
Satisfied Very Satisfied
61. Face (facial features, complexion)
62. Hair (colour, thickness, texture)
63. Lower torso (buttocks, hips, thighs, legs)
64. Mid torso (waist, stomach)
65. Upper torso (chest or breasts, shoulders, arms)
66. Muscle tone

67. Weight
68. Height
69. Overall appearance


Below is a list of statements dealing with your general feclings about yourself. Please
indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with cach statement.

SN Statements Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly

agree disagree
1 On the whole,I am satisfied with myself.
2. At times I think I am no good at all.
3 Ifeel that I have a number of good qualities.
4 Iamable to do things as well as most other people.
5. Ifeel I do not have much to be proud of.
6 Icertainlyfeel useless at times.
7 I feel that I'm a person of worth, at least on an equal
plane with others.
8 Iwish Icould have more respect for myself.
9 All in all, I am inclined to feel that Iam a failure.
10. Itake a positive attitude toward myself.

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