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A Project Work -II Report

KURUVA ADITYA (1608-20-735-059)
VARDTHYA VISHAL (1608-20-735-088)
NANDI VIJAY KUMAR (1608-20-735-089)

Under the guidance of

M.Tech, (Ph. D)
Assistant Professor

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering

(Accredited by NAAC A+ & NBA)
(Sponsored by Matrusri Education Society, Estd1980)
(Approved by AICTE, Affiliated to Osmania University)
#16-1-486, Saidabad, Hyderabad, Telangana- 500 059

Matrusri Engineering College
(Sponsored by: MATRUSRI EDUCATION SOCIETY, Estd:1980)
(Approved by AICTE, Affiliated to Osmania University)
email: [email protected] website: Ph:040-24072764
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
(Accredited by NAAC A+ & NBA)


This is to certify that the project work-Ⅱ report entitled “GENERATION,
WASTE” being submitted by Mr. KURUVA ADITYA (1608-20-735-059),Mr.
VARTHYA VISHAL (1608-20-735-088) and Mr. NANDI VIJAY KUMAR
(1608-20-735-089) in partial fulfilment for the award of the Degree of Bachelor of
Engineering in Electronics and Communication Engineering of the OsmaniaUniversity,
Hyderabad during 2022-2023, is a record of bonafide work carried out under our
guidance and supervision.
The results presented in this project seminar report have not been submitted to
any other University or Institute for the award of any Degree or Diploma.

Project Work -II Coordinators

Project Guide
Associate Professor Assistant Professor


Assistant Professor

Dr. N. Srinivasa Rao


This is to declare that the work submitted in the present project work report titled
FROM ORGANIC WASTE” is a record of bonafide work done by us in the
Department of Electronics and communication engineering, Matrusri Engineering
College, Saidabad, Hyderabad.
No part of the report is copied from books, journals, internet, and wherever the
subject content is taken, the same has been duly referred to in the text. The report
generated is based on the project work carried out entirely by us and not copied from
any other source.

Mr. KURUVA ADITYA (1608-20-735-059)

Mr. VARDTHYA VISHAL (1608-20-735-088)
Mr. NANDI VIJAY KUMAR (1608-20-735-089)

Date: 01/05/2024

“The pleasure that follows the successful completion of our project would
remain incomplete without a word of gratitude for the people and without whose
cooperation the achievement would remain a distant dream. It is not a mere formality
to place a record of the tireless efforts, ceaseless cooperation, constant guidance and
encouragement of the people closely associated with the assignment but a distinct
necessity for the authenticity and readability of the project”.
It is a great pleasure for us to undertake this project. We feel highly doing the project
We are grateful to our project guide “Mrs.A.S. KEERTHI NAYANI”, for her
scholarly guidance, advice and encouragement and also for providing necessary
facilities to carry out the dissertation in prescribed period. This project would not have
been completed without her enormous help and worthy experience. Whenever we were
in need, they were there behind us.
We would like to express our deep gratitude to the Head of Department Dr. N.
SRINIVASA RAO and project coordinators Dr. K. KOTESHWARA RAO, Dr.N.
SHRIBALA for their timely cooperation while carrying the project. It is their
friendliness that made us feel free and learn more about them.
Although, this report has been prepared with utmost care and deep-rooted
interest. Even then we accept respondent and imperfection.

Mr. KURUVA ADITYA (1608-20-735-059)

Mr. VARDTHYA VISHAL (1608-20-735-088)
Mr. NANDI VIJAY KUMAR (1608-20-735-089)

Globally, one third of the food that is being produced for consumption of humans
and animals is been lost or wasted every year. The wastage of food is one of the major
problems that affects the agriculture and the people those who depends on agriculture
is also affected. The wastes in high amount can increase the presence of greenhouse
gases which has a huge impact in climate changes. When processed food or vegetables
or fruits is wasted the energy and time that has been consumed for the growth and
preparation is also wasted. The food and organic wastes should be handled properly, if
not it may cause health problems and sanitary problems. At last, the organic waste goes
to landfill and gets decomposed which can produce a hazardous greenhouse gas –
Methane which is also inflammable. This gas traps heat from the sun which leads to
global warming. This project provides a solution for the above cited issue. The organic
wastes are degraded by microorganisms under anaerobic condition and converted into
biogas that consist of methane, carbon and a small quantity of other gases. The gas
produced is used for generation of electricity.

The proposed project aims to address environmental pollution and energy

production challenges by converting organic waste into electricity. The system
leverages the Seebeck effect to transform heat from biogas into electrical energy using
a TEC 12703 thermoelectric device. The block diagram is divided into estimation and
automation components, managed by an Arduino Nano and a NodeMCU ESP32
microcontroller, respectively. The Arduino Nano, powered by an external source,
controls the estimation processes and interfaces with an LCD display, HX711 weighing
module, and a load cell to measure waste weight and potential electricity generation.
The NodeMCU ESP32 handles automation, including Wi-Fi connectivity and appliance
operation. It is linked to a current sensor and a relay that manages a bulb and fan based
on system requirements. The thermoelectric device generates electricity from biogas
heat, stored in capacitors for use by the system's light and fan, showcasing a
comprehensive approach to sustainable energy production from organic waste.

Keywords: Biogas, Organic Waste, Electricity, Renewable.

Page No

Certificate i
Declaration ii
Acknowledgment iii
Abstract iv
Contents v
List of Figures vii
1.1 Introduction 2
1.2 Problem Statement 2
1.3 Objectives 2
1.4 Specifications 2
1.5 Methodology 3
1.6 Project Motivation 3
1.7 Thesis Organization 3
2.1 Introduction 5
2.2 Literature Review 5
3.1 Introduction 17
3.2 Block Diagram 17
3.3 Components 18
3.3.1 Hardware Components 18
3.3.2 Software Used 19
4.1 Introduction 20
4.2 Methodology 21
4.2.1 organic waste collection 21
4.2.2 Generation and estimation of electricity 21
4.2.3 Automation of electricity 21
4.3 Hardware Components Explanation 22

4.3.1 Arduino Nano 22
4.3.2 NodeMCU ESP32 23
4.3.3 LCD display 24
4.3.4 Heat Sink 25
4.3.5 2 channel relay module 26
4.3.6 TEC 12703 27
4.3.7 HX 711 28
4.3.8 Current Sensor 30
4.3.9 Capacitor 31
4.3.10 Jumper wire cables 32
4.4 Flow chart 34
5.1 Introduction 36
5.1.1 Arduino IDE 36
5.1.2 C language 37
6.1 Integration and Testing 39
6.1.1 Integration 39
6.1.2 Testing 39
Chapter 7 RESULT 41
7.1 Conclusion 43
7.2 Future Scope 43

Figure No Name of the Figure Page No
Figure 3.1 Block Diagram 18
Figure 4.3.1 Arduino Nano 23
Figure 4.3.2 Node MCU ESP32 24
Figure 4.3.3 LCD display 25
Figure 4.3.4 Heat Sink 26
Figure 4.3.5 2 Channel Relay 27
Figure 4.3.6 TEC12703 28
Figure 4.3.7 HX 711 29
Figure 4.3.8 Current Sensor 31
Figure 4.3.9 Capacitor 32
Figure 4.3.10 Jumper wires Cables 33
Figure 4.4.1 Flow Chart 34
Figure 5.1 Command Window 37

Chapter 1
1.1 Introduction
Generating, estimating, and automating electricity from organic waste is an
innovative and sustainable approach that capitalizes on the potential of biological
materials to address both energy production and waste management challenges. Organic
waste encompasses a broad range of materials, including agricultural residues, food
scraps, manure, and sewage sludge, all of which contain significant amounts of biomass.
This biomass can be converted into energy through various technologies such as
anaerobic digestion, gasification, and incineration. Anaerobic digestion, for example,
involves the microbial decomposition of organic matter in the absence of oxygen,
resulting in the production of biogas—a mixture primarily consisting of methane and
carbon dioxide—which can be utilized to generate electricity and heat. Gasification, on
the other hand, converts organic materials into syngas through partial oxidation at high
temperatures, which can then be used to produce electricity.
Estimating the potential electricity generation from organic waste requires a
thorough assessment of the availability and energy content of the waste, the efficiency
of the conversion technology, and the overall system design. Advanced computational
models and simulation tools are employed to predict energy yields and optimize
processes. These estimations take into account various factors such as feedstock
composition, moisture content, and calorific value, enabling accurate predictions of
potential energy output.
Automation plays a crucial role in enhancing the efficiency and reliability of
electricity generation from organic waste. By integrating sophisticated control systems,
sensors, and IoT devices, the entire conversion process can be monitored and managed
in real-time. AI-driven analytics and machine learning algorithms are employed to
optimize feedstock input, adjust process parameters, and maximize energy output.
Automated systems ensure consistent operation, reduce human error, and enable
predictive maintenance, thus enhancing the overall performance and longevity of the
bioenergy systems.

1.2 Problem Statement
The challenge is to create a system that efficiently turns organic waste like food
scraps and agricultural leftovers into electricity while being environmentally friendly.
This involves finding the best way to convert waste into power, using methods like
anaerobic digestion or microbial fuel cells. We need to make sure the process produces
a consistent amount of electricity and is efficient in breaking down the waste. The
system should be flexible to fit different communities' needs and be affordable for both
cities and rural areas. Additionally, we need to monitor how much electricity we can
generate from the waste and consider the environmental impact, such as reducing
greenhouse gas emissions. Ultimately, we aim to create a sustainable solution that not
only generates electricity but also helps manage waste responsibly.
1.3 Objectives
To make a robot which The objective is to develop a sustainable and efficient
system for generating electricity from organic waste. This involves several key goals:
first, to optimize the process of converting organic waste materials into electricity while
minimizing harmful emissions and environmental impact. Second, to maximize energy
production and ensure consistent power output through the use of various technologies
like anaerobic digestion and microbial fuel cells. Third, to design a scalable solution
that can be adapted to different communities' needs and is accessible and cost-effective.
Fourth, to implement monitoring systems that track performance and estimate energy
output from organic waste inputs in real-time. Fifth, to assess and minimize the
environmental impact of the electricity generation process, including factors like waste
management and greenhouse gas emissions. Ultimately, the objective is to create an
economically viable and environmentally sustainable solution for harnessing the energy
potential of organic waste.
1.4 Specifications
Collecting organic waste and storing
Collecting of organic waste and storing it for the process of anaerobic digestion is
necessary in the project for generation of the bio gas. We can generate electricity from
this bio gas.
Generation of electricity
Generation of electricity from the bio gas has few steps and the electricity is
Automation of appliances

The automation of appliances done by using a mobile phone app and Bluetooth
module connected to the Arduino.
1.5 Methodology
While applying practically, organic wastes are dirty, wet and can smell when kept
open. Also, the gas that gets produced from these wasted can also be smelly and has a
highly flammable composition and need to be produced in the absence of air with
airtight condition. Producing the biogas in small level and generating electricity is a
complex task. Since when produced in small level the amount of biogas from the output
can be very small. Also, without cow dung the level of biogas production may be low.
So, a system that can produce biogas and convert it into electricity even without any
other complex chemicals or composition is designed. Here we proposed a system that
allows us to collect the food wastes or any other biological organic wastes and allows
them to undergo anaerobic digestion that produces biogas which in turn is used for the
generation of electricity.
1.6 Project Motivation
The motivation for developing a system to generate electricity from organic waste
stems from several important factors. Firstly, there is a pressing need for sustainable
energy sources as traditional fossil fuels contribute to environmental degradation and
climate change. By utilizing organic waste, we can tap into a renewable energy resource
that would otherwise be discarded, reducing our reliance on non-renewable energy
sources. Additionally, organic waste management is a significant challenge globally,
with landfills contributing to pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. Converting
organic waste into electricity not only provides a solution to this waste management
issue but also helps mitigate environmental impacts by reducing methane emissions
from landfills. Moreover, implementing such a system can contribute to local economic
development by creating jobs in waste management and renewable energy sectors.
Overall, generating electricity from organic waste aligns with sustainability goals,
addresses environmental concerns, and offers economic benefits, making it a
compelling and socially responsible.

1.7 Thesis Organization

Introduction to the project, problem statement, objectives, specifications,
methodologies are used, project motivation were discussed in chapter 1. Later we
discussed a literature survey starting from a restaurant in chapter 2. In chapter 3 we
discussed the performance of project. In chapter 4 we discussed the hardware

implementation. In chapter 5 we discussed the software implementation. chapter 6 we
discussed the results. In chapter 7 we discussed the conclusion and future scope in this

Chapter 2
2.1 Introduction
With the growing concern for environmental sustainability and the increasing
demand for renewable energy sources, the generation, estimation, and automation of
electricity from organic waste have garnered significant attention. In today’s world,
where the efficient utilization of resources is paramount, converting organic waste into
electricity presents a promising solution.
This literature survey aims to explore existing research and developments in the field
of generating electricity from organic waste. By examining various methodologies,
technologies, and approaches, this study seeks to identify trends, challenges, and
opportunities in this rapidly evolving area.
Efforts to harness electricity from organic waste not only contribute to sustainable
energy production but also address the pressing issue of waste management. By converting
organic waste into a valuable energy resource, these initiatives offer a sustainable and eco-
friendly solution to the increasing energy demands of modern society.
To gain deeper insights into the generation, estimation, and automation of electricity
from organic waste, this literature survey examines a range of scholarly articles, research
papers, and technological advancements in the field. By analyzing the current state of
research and identifying areas for further exploration, this study aims to contribute to the
advancement of sustainable energy solutions.
2.1 Literature Review

[1]. Chellam.S, Shunmugalatha.A, Jannet Christina Jenifer.S, Madhumitha,

Sowmiya. “Generation and estimation of electricity from organic waste”, 2022.

The generation and estimation of electricity from organic waste have become
crucial areas of research in recent years due to the increasing demand for renewable
energy sources and the pressing need for sustainable waste management solutions. With
a growing focus on environmental sustainability and energy efficiency, researchers are
exploring various methodologies and technologies to convert organic waste into
electricity. Chellam et al. (2022) address this challenge by proposing a novel approach
to generate and estimate electricity from organic waste. Their research aims to explore
innovative techniques for converting organic waste into a valuable energy resource,
thereby contributing to both energy production and waste management.

The paper investigates different methods for electricity generation from organic
waste, considering factors such as the type of organic waste, conversion technologies,
and estimation techniques. By evaluating the feasibility and efficiency of these
methods, the researchers aim to identify the most effective approaches for electricity
generation from organic waste. This includes techniques such as anaerobic digestion,
microbial fuel cells, and thermochemical conversion methods like pyrolysis and
gasification. Each of these methods presents unique advantages and challenges, and the
paper aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of their potential.

Furthermore, the study explores the potential environmental benefits of generating

electricity from organic waste, including reduced greenhouse gas emissions and
mitigated environmental pollution. By harnessing the energy potential of organic waste,
the research contributes to the development of sustainable energy solutions while
addressing the challenges of waste management. The paper also discusses the economic
viability of electricity generation from organic waste, considering factors such as capital
costs, operational expenses, and revenue generation from electricity sales.

In addition to electricity generation, the paper also focuses on the estimation of

electricity production from organic waste. Accurate estimation of electricity production
is essential for planning and optimizing waste-to-energy systems. The researchers
explore various estimation techniques, including mathematical modeling, empirical
correlations, and experimental methods. By comparing the results obtained from
different estimation techniques, the paper aims to provide insights into the accuracy and
reliability of electricity production estimates from organic waste.

Overall, the research conducted by Chellam et al. (2022) offers valuable insights
into the generation and estimation of electricity from organic waste, providing a
foundation for further advancements in renewable energy technologies and sustainable
waste management practices. The findings of this study have significant implications
for policymakers, waste management practitioners, and researchers working in the field
of renewable energy and environmental sustainability.
[2]. T. Indeevar Reddy, Akhila Nalluri, Kishore Bhamidipati, M. Srilakshmi.
“Home automation of lights & fans using IoT”, 2022.

The integration of Internet of Things (IoT) technology into home automation

systems has revolutionized the way we interact with our living spaces. In their paper,
Reddy et al. (2022) explore the implementation of IoT for the automation of lights and

fans in residential buildings. This research is particularly relevant in the context of
increasing demand for energy-efficient and convenient home automation solutions.

The authors address the need for a more efficient and user-friendly approach to
home automation by leveraging IoT technology. By connecting lights and fans to the
internet, homeowners gain remote control and monitoring capabilities through their
smartphones or other connected devices. This allows for greater flexibility and
convenience in managing household appliances, while also providing opportunities for
energy conservation.

The paper details the design and implementation of a home automation system that
utilizes IoT-enabled devices to control lights and fans. The system includes sensors and
actuators that communicate with a central control unit via a wireless network. Users can
access the control unit through a mobile application or web interface, allowing them to
remotely monitor and control the operation of lights and fans in their homes.

One of the key features of the proposed system is its ability to automate lighting
and fan operations based on predefined schedules or user-defined preferences. For
example, users can set timers or create custom rules to automatically turn lights on or
off at specific times of the day, or adjust fan speed based on temperature or occupancy
levels. This not only enhances user convenience but also contributes to energy savings
by optimizing the use of lighting and cooling systems.

Furthermore, the paper discusses the potential benefits of integrating additional

sensors and actuators into the home automation system. For instance, occupancy
sensors can be used to automatically adjust lighting and fan settings based on room
occupancy, while environmental sensors can monitor factors such as temperature,
humidity, and air quality to further optimize energy usage and indoor comfort.

In conclusion, Reddy et al. (2022) present a comprehensive framework for the

implementation of IoT-based home automation systems for lights and fans. By
leveraging the power of IoT technology, their research offers a scalable and
customizable solution for enhancing user comfort, convenience, and energy efficiency
in residential buildings. This paper contributes to the growing body of research on IoT-
enabled smart home technologies and lays the foundation for future advancements in
this field.
[3]. M.A.O. Mydin, N.F. Nik Abllah, N. Md Sani, N. Ghazali, N.F. Zahari.
“Generating Renewable Electricity from Food Waste”, 2022.

The generation of renewable electricity from food waste has emerged as a
promising solution to both waste management and energy production challenges. In
their paper, Mydin et al. (2022) explore the feasibility and potential of converting food
waste into electricity, thereby contributing to sustainable energy generation and waste
reduction efforts.

Food waste is a significant environmental and social issue, contributing to

greenhouse gas emissions and landfill pressures. However, it also represents a valuable
source of organic material that can be converted into renewable energy. Mydin et al.
(2022) address this issue by proposing a method to harness the energy potential of food
waste through anaerobic digestion or other bioconversion technologies.

The paper investigates various methods for generating electricity from food waste,
including anaerobic digestion, microbial fuel cells, and thermochemical conversion
processes such as pyrolysis and gasification. Each of these methods offers unique
advantages and challenges, and the authors aim to provide a comprehensive analysis of
their suitability for converting food waste into electricity.

Furthermore, the study explores the potential environmental and economic benefits
of generating electricity from food waste. By diverting organic waste from landfills and
converting it into renewable energy, the proposed method can help reduce greenhouse
gas emissions, mitigate environmental pollution, and contribute to the transition
towards a circular economy.

The researchers also discuss the technical aspects of implementing a food waste-
to-energy system, including waste collection and preprocessing, energy conversion
technologies, and electricity generation and distribution. By evaluating the efficiency
and scalability of these technologies, the paper aims to provide insights into the
feasibility of implementing food waste-to-energy systems on a larger scale.

In conclusion, Mydin et al. (2022) present a comprehensive framework for

generating renewable electricity from food waste, highlighting the potential of this
approach to address both waste management and energy production challenges. Their
research contributes to the growing body of knowledge on sustainable waste-to-energy
technologies and provides valuable insights for policymakers, waste management
practitioners, and researchers working in the field of renewable energy and
environmental sustainability.

[4]. Kusumika Krori Dutta, Kavya Venugopal, Vanishri Damodar Naik, Vismaya
Praveen. “Generation of Electricity from Food Waste”, 2022.

The generation of electricity from food waste has gained significant attention as a
sustainable solution to both waste management and energy production challenges. In
their paper, Dutta et al. (2022) explore the feasibility and potential of converting food
waste into renewable electricity, thereby contributing to environmental sustainability
and energy security.

Food waste represents a significant environmental and social issue, contributing to

greenhouse gas emissions, landfill pressures, and resource wastage. However, it also
presents a valuable source of organic material that can be converted into renewable
energy. Dutta et al. (2022) address this issue by proposing a method to harness the
energy potential of food waste through anaerobic digestion, microbial fuel cells, or other
bioconversion technologies.

The paper investigates various methods for generating electricity from food waste,
including anaerobic digestion, microbial fuel cells, and thermochemical conversion
processes such as pyrolysis and gasification. Each of these methods offers unique
advantages and challenges, and the authors aim to provide a comprehensive analysis of
their suitability for converting food waste into electricity.

Furthermore, the study explores the potential environmental and economic benefits
of generating electricity from food waste. By diverting organic waste from landfills and
converting it into renewable energy, the proposed method can help reduce greenhouse
gas emissions, mitigate environmental pollution, and contribute to the transition
towards a circular economy.

The researchers also discuss the technical aspects of implementing a food waste-
to-energy system, including waste collection and preprocessing, energy conversion
technologies, and electricity generation and distribution. By evaluating the efficiency
and scalability of these technologies, the paper aims to provide insights into the
feasibility of implementing food waste-to-energy systems on a larger scale.

In conclusion, Dutta et al. (2022) present a comprehensive framework for

generating renewable electricity from food waste, highlighting the potential of this
approach to address both waste management and energy production challenges. Their

research contributes to the growing body of knowledge on sustainable waste-to-energy
technologies and provides valuable insights for policymakers, waste management
practitioners, and researchers working in the field of renewable energy and
environmental sustainability.

[5]. Babel, S., J. Sae-Tang, A. Pecharaply. “Automatic switching of lights and fans
using IoT”, 2022.

The integration of Internet of Things (IoT) technology into home automation

systems has transformed the way we interact with our living spaces. In their paper,
Babel et al. (2022) explore the implementation of IoT for the automatic switching of
lights and fans in residential buildings. This research is particularly relevant in the
context of increasing demand for energy-efficient and convenient home automation

The authors address the need for a more efficient and user-friendly approach to
home automation by leveraging IoT technology. By connecting lights and fans to the
internet, homeowners gain remote control and monitoring capabilities through their
smartphones or other connected devices. This allows for greater flexibility and
convenience in managing household appliances, while also providing opportunities for
energy conservation.

The paper details the design and implementation of a home automation system that
utilizes IoT-enabled devices to automatically switch lights and fans on and off based on
predefined conditions or user preferences. The system includes sensors and actuators
that communicate with a central control unit via a wireless network. Users can set up
rules and schedules through a mobile application or web interface, allowing for hands-
free operation of lights and fans in their homes.

One of the key features of the proposed system is its ability to automate lighting
and fan operations based on environmental factors such as ambient light levels, room
occupancy, and temperature. For example, lights can be programmed to turn on when
motion is detected in a room and turn off when the room is vacant. Similarly, fans can
be set to adjust their speed based on temperature and humidity levels, ensuring optimal
comfort while minimizing energy consumption.

Furthermore, the paper discusses the potential benefits of integrating additional

sensors and actuators into the home automation system. For instance, environmental

sensors can monitor factors such as air quality and temperature, allowing the system to
adjust lighting and fan settings accordingly. Additionally, the system can be integrated
with other smart home devices such as thermostats, door locks, and security cameras to
provide a comprehensive home automation solution.

In conclusion, Babel et al. (2022) present a comprehensive framework for the

automatic switching of lights and fans using IoT technology. By leveraging the power
of IoT technology, their research offers a scalable and customizable solution for
enhancing user comfort, convenience, and energy efficiency in residential buildings.
This paper contributes to the growing body of research on IoT-enabled smart home
technologies and lays the foundation for future advancements in this field.
[6]. Pervez Alam. “Impact of Solid Waste on Health and The Environment”, 2020.

The management of solid waste is a critical issue that affects public health and the
environment. In his paper, Alam explores the significant impact of solid waste on health
and the environment, highlighting the need for effective waste management strategies.

Solid waste, which includes various types of household, commercial, and industrial
waste, poses serious health risks when not properly managed. Improper disposal of solid
waste can lead to the contamination of air, water, and soil, resulting in the spread of
diseases and environmental degradation. For example, organic waste can produce
harmful gases such as methane and hydrogen sulfide when decomposing in landfills,
contributing to air pollution and global warming.

Furthermore, solid waste can serve as breeding grounds for disease vectors such as
flies, rodents, and mosquitoes, increasing the risk of vector-borne diseases such as
dengue fever, malaria, and cholera. Inadequate waste management practices also pose
a threat to wildlife, as animals may ingest or become entangled in waste materials,
leading to injury or death.

Alam discusses the various health problems associated with exposure to solid
waste, including respiratory illnesses, skin infections, gastrointestinal disorders, and
allergic reactions. Children, the elderly, and individuals with pre-existing health
conditions are particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of solid waste exposure.

In addition to its impact on human health, improper solid waste management can
have serious environmental consequences. Landfills and dumpsites release leachate, a
toxic liquid that contaminates groundwater and surface water, posing risks to aquatic

ecosystems and public health. The decomposition of organic waste in landfills also
generates greenhouse gases, contributing to climate change and global warming.

To address these challenges, Alam emphasizes the importance of implementing

sustainable waste management practices, including waste reduction, reuse, recycling,
and proper disposal. He discusses the role of government policies, public awareness
campaigns, and community participation in promoting responsible waste management

In conclusion, Alam highlights the urgent need for comprehensive solid waste
management strategies to protect public health and the environment. By raising
awareness of the impact of solid waste on health and the environment, his research aims
to inform policymakers, waste management practitioners, and the general public about
the importance of adopting sustainable waste management practices.
[7]. Regina Kulugomba, Sahataya Thongsan, Sarayooth Vivuidth. “Techno-
Economic Evaluation of Biogas Production from Food Waste for Electricity
Generation”, 2020.

The utilization of food waste for biogas production presents a promising solution
to both waste management and energy generation challenges. In their paper,
Kulugomba et al. (2020) conduct a techno-economic evaluation of biogas production
from food waste for electricity generation, providing insights into the feasibility and
economic viability of this renewable energy technology.

Food waste is a significant environmental and social issue, contributing to

greenhouse gas emissions, landfill pressures, and resource wastage. However, it also
represents a valuable source of organic material that can be converted into renewable
energy. Kulugomba et al. (2020) address this issue by exploring the potential of biogas
production from food waste as a sustainable energy solution.

The paper presents a comprehensive analysis of the techno-economic aspects of

biogas production from food waste, including feedstock availability, biogas production
potential, process efficiency, and electricity generation capacity. The researchers
evaluate the technical feasibility and economic viability of biogas production systems
using different configurations and technologies.

Furthermore, the study assesses the environmental benefits of biogas production

from food waste, including greenhouse gas emissions reduction, waste diversion from

landfills, and energy conservation. By converting organic waste into biogas, the
proposed technology contributes to environmental sustainability and helps mitigate
climate change.

The researchers also conduct a cost-benefit analysis to evaluate the financial

viability of biogas production from food waste for electricity generation. They compare
the capital and operational costs of biogas production systems with the potential
revenue generated from selling electricity to the grid or using it for onsite power

In conclusion, Kulugomba et al. (2020) demonstrate that biogas production from

food waste is a technically feasible and economically viable solution for electricity
generation. Their techno-economic evaluation provides valuable insights for
policymakers, investors, and waste management practitioners interested in
implementing biogas production systems as part of sustainable waste management and
renewable energy strategies. This research contributes to the growing body of
knowledge on renewable energy technologies and provides a roadmap for the
development and implementation of biogas production systems from food waste.
[8]. Dr. A. Senthilkumar, K R Prasana Ezhilan, SM Kannammai, S Santhosh
Kumar. “Food Wastage Monitoring System using GSM and ARDUINO”, 2019.

Food wastage is a significant problem that not only contributes to economic losses
but also has environmental and social implications. In their paper, Dr. A. Senthilkumar
and his team propose a Food Wastage Monitoring System using GSM (Global System
for Mobile Communications) and Arduino technology. This system aims to address the
issue of food wastage by providing real-time monitoring and management of food

The Food Wastage Monitoring System consists of an Arduino microcontroller,

GSM module, load sensors, and a liquid crystal display (LCD) screen. The load sensors
are placed beneath the food containers to measure the weight of the food items. The
Arduino microcontroller processes the sensor data and sends it to the user's mobile
phone via the GSM module.

The system allows users to monitor the quantity of food items in real-time through
a mobile application. When the quantity of a particular food item falls below a
predefined threshold, the system sends an alert message to the user's mobile phone. This
helps users to avoid food wastage by enabling them to take timely action, such as

consuming the food item or replenishing the inventory.

The Food Wastage Monitoring System also includes features such as data logging
and analysis. The system logs the quantity of food items over time, allowing users to
track consumption patterns and identify areas where food wastage can be minimized.
By analyzing this data, users can make informed decisions about food purchasing and

One of the key advantages of the proposed system is its simplicity and affordability.
By using off-the-shelf components such as Arduino microcontrollers and GSM
modules, the system can be easily replicated and deployed in various settings, including
households, restaurants, and grocery stores.

In conclusion, the Food Wastage Monitoring System proposed by Dr. A.

Senthilkumar and his team offers an effective solution to the problem of food wastage.
By providing real-time monitoring and management of food inventory, the system helps
users to minimize food wastage and reduce economic losses. This research contributes
to the development of innovative technologies for sustainable food management and
environmental conservation.
[9]. Lianhui Li, Sijia Feng, Yuanyuan Bai, Xianqing Yang. “Enhancing Hydro
Voltaic Power Generation through Heat Conduction Effects”.

Hydro voltaic power generation, which combines solar photovoltaic and water
evaporation processes, has emerged as a promising renewable energy technology. In
their paper, Li et al. explore the potential of enhancing hydro voltaic power generation
through heat conduction effects, aiming to improve the efficiency and performance of
this innovative energy conversion process.

The hydro voltaic power generation system utilizes the heat generated by solar
radiation to enhance the evaporation of water, thereby increasing the efficiency of solar
energy conversion. Li et al. propose a novel approach to further improve the
performance of this system by leveraging heat conduction effects.

The paper presents a theoretical analysis and experimental study of the heat
conduction effects in hydro voltaic power generation systems. The researchers
investigate the impact of various factors, such as material properties, surface
morphology, and environmental conditions, on heat conduction and energy conversion


Through their research, Li et al. demonstrate that optimizing the heat conduction
pathways within the hydro voltaic system can significantly enhance its power
generation performance. By improving heat transfer efficiency and maximizing the
utilization of solar energy, the proposed approach offers a promising solution for
increasing the overall energy output of hydro voltaic power generation systems.

Furthermore, the researchers explore the potential applications of enhanced hydro

voltaic power generation in various settings, including off-grid energy supply, water
desalination, and agricultural irrigation. They highlight the versatility and scalability of
this technology, which makes it suitable for both small-scale and large-scale renewable
energy projects.

In conclusion, Li et al. propose a novel approach to enhancing hydro voltaic power

generation through heat conduction effects, offering a promising solution for improving
the efficiency and performance of this innovative renewable energy technology. Their
research contributes to the development of sustainable energy solutions and
demonstrates the potential of hydro voltaic power generation as a cost-effective and
environmentally friendly alternative to traditional energy sources.
[10]. H.M. Mahmudul, D. Akbar, M.G. Rasul, R. Narayanan, M. Mofijur.
“Estimation of the Sustainable Production of Gaseous Biofuels, Generation of
Electricity, and Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Using Food Waste in
Anaerobic Digesters”.

The sustainable management of food waste presents a significant opportunity for

bioenergy production, electricity generation, and greenhouse gas emissions reduction.
In their paper, Mahmudul et al. estimate the potential for sustainable production of
gaseous biofuels, electricity generation, and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions
through the anaerobic digestion of food waste.

Anaerobic digestion is a biological process that converts organic waste into biogas,
a mixture of methane and carbon dioxide that can be used as a renewable energy source.
Mahmudul et al. analyze the feasibility and benefits of using anaerobic digesters to treat
food waste and produce biogas for electricity generation.

The paper presents a comprehensive analysis of the potential for biogas production
from food waste, considering factors such as feedstock availability, digestion

efficiency, and biogas composition. The researchers estimate the sustainable production
of biogas, electricity generation capacity, and greenhouse gas emissions reduction
potential from anaerobic digestion systems.

Through their analysis, Mahmudul et al. demonstrate that anaerobic digestion of

food waste offers significant environmental and economic benefits. By converting
organic waste into renewable energy, the technology helps reduce greenhouse gas
emissions, mitigate climate change, and contribute to energy security.

Furthermore, the researchers explore the potential for integrating anaerobic

digestion with other renewable energy technologies, such as combined heat and power
(CHP) systems and gas turbines, to maximize energy efficiency and resource utilization.

In conclusion, Mahmudul et al. highlight the potential of anaerobic digestion as a

sustainable solution for food waste management, bioenergy production, and greenhouse
gas emissions reduction. Their research provides valuable insights for policymakers,
waste management practitioners, and energy planners interested in promoting
sustainable bioenergy technologies.

Chapter 3

3.1 Introduction
In response to the imperative for sustainable practices, the generation, estimation,
and automation of electricity from organic waste have emerged as a promising solution.
Organic waste, Annually, one third of the food produced for human and animal
consumption is lost or wasted, posing a significant problem for agriculture and those
reliant on it. This extensive waste affects food security and leads to environmental
issues as large quantities of organic waste end up in landfills. Here, the waste
decomposes and produces methane, a potent greenhouse gas that contributes to climate
change. The energy and resources expended in growing, processing, and preparing food
are also squandered, and improper waste management can lead to severe health and
sanitation problems.

The proposed project aims to mitigate these issues by converting organic waste into
electricity, thereby addressing both environmental pollution and energy production
challenges. The system leverages the Seebeck effect to transform heat from biogas into
electrical energy using a TEC 12703 thermoelectric device. The block diagram is
divided into two main components: estimation and automation. The estimation process,
controlled by an Arduino Nano, involves measuring the weight of the waste using an
HX711 weighing module and a load cell, and displaying relevant information on an
LCD display. The Arduino Nano also calculates the potential electricity generation
from the collected waste.

The automation process, managed by a NodeMCU ESP32 microcontroller,

includes Wi-Fi connectivity for remote operation of appliances, a current sensor to
monitor system performance, and a relay to control a bulb and fan based on system
requirements. The thermoelectric device, heated by biogas, generates electrical energy
stored in capacitors for later use by the system's light and fan. This comprehensive
approach ensures efficient and sustainable energy production from organic waste,
providing a viable solution to the dual problems of waste management and energy

3.2 Block Diagram

The proposed block diagram provides a comprehensive overview of the intricate

components and interactions of the estimation and automation of electricity from
organic waste. It is done to save the environment from pollution and using the waste to
produce electricity. Using see back effect the heat produced from the bio gas is
converted to electricity. We use TEC 12703 for converting the heat to electricity. The
block diagram can be divided into two parts one for estimation and one for automation.
All the estimation process and LCD is controlled by the Arduino Nano. Automation
process is controlled by micro controller NodeMCU ESP32.

The block diagram illustrates a system where an Arduino Nano, powered by an

external power supply, acts as the central control unit, interfacing with various
components for data collection and control. Connected to an LCD display, the Arduino
Nano provides information about power consumption, load weight, and potential
electricity generation. It communicates with an HX711 weighing module linked to a
load cell for accurate weight measurement. The ESP8266 microcontroller, connected to
the Arduino Nano, offers additional processing and Wi-Fi connectivity for remote
appliance operation via mobile. It also interfaces with a current sensor and a relay to
control a bulb and fan based on system requirements. The thermoelectric device, heated
by biogas and cooled by a coolant, generates electrical energy stored in capacitors for
use by the system's light and fan.

Fig. 3.1 Block diagram

3.3 Components
3.3.1 Hardware Components
 Node MCU 32
 Arduino Nano
 LCD Display
 Relay
 Capacitors
 TEC 12703
 HX 711
 Heat sink
 Current Sensor
 Electric appliances
 Coolant
 12 Volts Adapter
 Bottle with biogas
 DC Mini Water Pump
 Jumper Wires
3.3.2 Software Used
 C language
 Arduino IDE
The Hardware components which have been used are explained in chapter 4
and for implementation of software are which has been used are explained in chapter

Chapter 4
4.1 Introduction
In today’s technologically driven world, hardware implementation plays a pivotal
role in bringing innovative ideas to life. Whether it's enhancing efficiency, improving
functionality, or introducing entirely new capabilities, the hardware aspect of a project
forms the foundation upon which tangible solutions are built. This introduction serves
as a roadmap, providing a glimpse into the intricate process of translating conceptual
designs into tangible hardware realities.
At its core, hardware implementation encompasses the physical components and
systems that form the backbone of a project. From circuit boards to sensors, actuators
to microcontrollers, each element serves a distinct purpose in realizing the project's
objectives. However, beyond the mere assembly of components lies a complex interplay
of design considerations, technical constraints, and practical challenges that must be
navigated to achieve success.
The hardware implementation process is characterized by meticulous planning,
precise execution, and iterative refinement. It involves a series of steps, beginning with
conceptualization and design, followed by prototyping, testing, and eventual
deployment. Each phase demands attention to detail, rigorous testing, and continuous
optimization to ensure the hardware solution meets the desired specifications and
performance standards.
Moreover, the hardware implementation of a project often necessitates
interdisciplinary collaboration, drawing upon expertise from fields such as electrical
engineering, mechanical engineering, and computer science. This interdisciplinary
approach fosters innovation, allowing for the integration of diverse technologies and
methodologies to address complex real-world challenges.
In this introduction, we delve into the key components and methodologies involved
in the hardware implementation of our project. From discussing the selection of
components and materials to outlining the design considerations and technical
specifications, we aim to provide a comprehensive overview of the journey from
concept to realization.
Ultimately, the hardware implementation phase serves as a critical milestone in the
project lifecycle, marking the transition from theoretical ideation to tangible

4.2 Methodology

4.2.1 Organic waste collection

Collection and production of bio gas from the organic waste for the production of
flame is done in this process.
• Collecting waste
The organic waste like spoiled fruits, vegetables, cow manure are collected. All
these can be found in the house holds.
• Storage of waste
The collected waste must be stored in a bottle or container by adding some amount
of water in it. The container must be placed in dark place where there is less supply of
• Anaerobic digestion
The process of anaerobic digestion takes place in the container after few days. This
process is most essential for the production of bio gas.
• Bio gas formation
After few days’ bio gas is formed in the container. This gas is used to produce
the flame.

4.2.2 Generation and estimation of electricity

Generation and estimation of electricity that can be produced from the waste can
be done in this process.
• Estimation of electricity
The collected organic waste is put on the weighing scale and the amount of
electricity that can be generated from the waste can be known.
• Generation of electricity
The fire is given to the TEC 12703 which converts the heat from the flame to
electricity and this electricity is stored in the capacitors.

4.2.3 Automation of electricity

The electricity produced can be used for working of devices like bulbs and fans.
These appliances are controlled using the relay and smart phone using a microcontroller
with Wi-Fi.

4.3 Hardware Components Explanation
The hardware components which have been used are explained below:
4.3.1 Arduino Nano
The Arduino Nano is a compact, breadboard-friendly microcontroller board, which
is designed for small-scale projects and is based on the ATmega328P microcontroller.
Its compact size and rich feature set make it ideal for embedded systems and rapid

Arduino Nano Overview

The Arduino Nano is designed to provide the same functionality as the Arduino
Uno but in a much smaller package. It has a micro-USB interface for programming and
power, and it can be powered via USB or an external power source.

 Microcontroller: ATmega328P
 Operating Voltage: 5V
 Input Voltage (recommended): 7-12V
 Input Voltage (limits): 6-20V
 Digital I/O Pins: 22 (6 provide PWM output)
 Analog Input Pins: 8
 DC Current per I/O Pin: 40 mA
 Flash Memory: 32 KB (ATmega328P) of which 2 KB used by bootloader
 SRAM: 2 KB
 Clock Speed: 16 MHz
 Dimensions: 45 x 18 mm
 USB Connection: Mini USB
 Power Jack: None, powered via Mini USB or external power pins
 Reset Button: Onboard reset button
 LED Indicators: Power (on) LED, TX and RX LEDs for serial communication
 Bootloader: Arduino bootloader pre-installed, allowing easy programming with the
Arduino IDE
Software Development
 Arduino IDE: Fully compatible with the Arduino IDE, which makes it easy to program
and debug.

 Programming Languages: Primarily uses C/C++, but libraries and extensions can add
support for other languages.

Figure 4.3.1 Arduino Nano

4.3.2 NodeMCU ESP32
The ESP8266 NodeMCU is a development board that integrates the ESP8266 Wi-Fi
microcontroller with additional components to facilitate easy development and
prototyping of IoT applications. It is widely used due to its low cost, ease of use, and
extensive community support.

 Microcontroller: ESP8266EX
 CPU: Ten silica Xtensa L106 32-bit microprocessor
 Clock Speed: 80 MHz (can be overclocked to 160 MHz)
 Storage: 4 MB flash memory
 Wi-Fi: 2.4 GHz (IEEE 802.11 b/g/n)
 GPIO Pins: 11 programmable GPIOs
 ADC: 1 × 10-bit SAR ADC
 Interfaces: SPI, I²C, I²S, UART, PWM
 USB-to-Serial: CH340 or CP2102 (depending on the board version)
 Power Supply: 3.3V (via onboard LDO regulator)

 Power Consumption: Deep sleep current: 10 µA, Standby current: 1.0 mA
 Operating Voltage: 3.0V to 3.6V
 Integrated Wi-Fi: Supports Station (STA), Soft Access Point (AP), and both modes
 Networking Protocols: TCP/IP, UDP, HTTP, FTP
 Security Protocols: WPA/WPA2
 Development Environments: Compatible with Arduino IDE, NodeMCU (LUA), and
Micro Python.
 Onboard Components: USB-to-Serial converter, power management, and a reset button.
 Size: 58 mm x 31 mm

Figure 4.3.2 NODEMCU ESP32

The ESP8266 NodeMCU development board remains a popular choice for Wi-Fi-
enabled projects due to its low cost, ease of use, and robust feature set. It is especially
favored in the maker community for rapid prototyping and the development of
connected devices.
4.3.3 LCD display
An LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) is a type of flat-panel display that uses liquid
crystals to produce images. These displays are widely used in various electronics
projects for showing alphanumeric characters, symbols, and simple graphics.

 Size: Common sizes are 16x2 and 20x4 characters

 Operating Voltage: 5V
 Current Consumption: Typically, 1-2 mA without backlight, 15-20 mA with backlight.
 Interface: Parallel (4-bit or 8-bit)
 Backlight: LED (usually white or blue)
 Character Matrix: 5x8 dots
 Contrast Control: Adjustable via a potentiometer
 Commands: Supports commands for clearing the display, cursor positioning, and
character blinking
 Communication: Easily interfaced with microcontrollers like Arduino using libraries
such as Liquid Crystal
 Backlight Control: Some models allow backlight control via software or hardware

Figure 4.3.3 Liquid Crystal Display

4.3.4 Heat Sink

A heat sink is a component that increases the heat flow away from a hot device as
shown in below figure 4.16. It accomplishes this task by increasing the device's working
surface area and the amount of low-temperature fluid that moves across its enlarged
surface area.
Based on each device's configuration, we find a multitude of heat sink aesthetics, design,
and ultimate capabilities.

 The source generates heat.

 Heat transfers away from the source.

 Heat distributed throughout the heat sink.
 Heat moves away from the heat sink.
Heat sinks are one of the most common forms of thermal management in
technology, machinery, and even in natural systems. These components are so
ubiquitous that they're easy to overlook, even by those who are familiar with the
We'll address the basic working principles involved in heat sinks, introduce
active and passive heat sink configurations, and discuss how some users implement heat
sinks in their applications.

Figure 4.3.4 Heat Sink

 Material: Aluminum
 Color: Silver
 Size: 40 x 40 x 20mm
 Plate thickness: 20mm
 Tooth slice thickness:1mm
 Tooth spacing: 2.5mm
 Tooth piece quantity: 11
4.3.5 2 Channel Relay module
A 2-channel relay module is an electronic device that allows you to control two high-
power devices, such as appliances or lights, using low-power signals from a
microcontroller. Each relay on the module can act as an electrically operated switch that
isolates the low-power control circuit from the high-power load.


 Number of Channels: 2
 Relay Type: Electromagnetic
 Operating Voltage: Typically, 5V (can also be found in 3.3V and 12V variants)
 Trigger Voltage: Low-level trigger (0V) or high-level trigger (depends on the module)
 Control Signal: Low-level (0V) or high-level (3.3V/5V)
 Maximum Load:
 AC: 250V @ 10A (per channel)
 DC: 30V @ 10A (per channel)
 Isolation: Optical isolation between control and load circuits
 Indicator LEDs: Power LED and relay status LEDs
 Dimensions: Varies, commonly around 50mm x 40mm
 Isolation: Optical isolation ensures the control side is electrically isolated from the load
side, providing protection to the microcontroller.
 Status Indicators: LEDs for power and individual relay status make it easy to see the
operational state.
 Mounting Holes: Often includes mounting holes for easy installation in enclosures.

Figure 4.3.5 2 Channel Relay Module

4.3.6 TEC 12703
The TEC1-12703 is a thermoelectric generator (TEG) module, leveraging the See
beck effect to convert heat energy into electrical energy directly. It operates on the same
fundamental principle as a thermoelectric cooler but is optimized for power generation
rather than cooling.

 Model: TEC1-12703
 Maximum Temperature Difference (ΔTmax): Depends on specific conditions and
 Output Voltage: Varies with temperature difference and TEG characteristics
 Output Power: Determined by module size, efficiency, and application
Principle of Operation:
The TEC1-12703 utilizes the Seebeck effect, which generates a voltage when a
temperature gradient is maintained across a material. As one side of the module is
heated and the other side is cooled, a potential difference is created, driving the flow of
electrical current. This enables the module to convert heat directly into electrical power.


 Efficient Energy Conversion: Converts waste heat or renewable heat sources into
electricity without moving parts.
 Scalable Design: Available in various sizes to accommodate different applications and
heat sources.
 Environmentally Friendly: Harnesses waste heat to generate clean electricity, reducing
energy waste.
 Reliable Operation: Solid-state construction ensures durability and longevity with
minimal maintenance.

Figure 4.3.6 TEC 12703

4.3.7 HX 711
The HX711 is a precision analog-to-digital converter (ADC) specifically designed
for weigh scale and industrial control applications. It provides highly accurate and
stable readings for load cells, enabling precise measurement of weight or force.


 Model: HX711
 Input Voltage: 2.6V to 5.5V
 Selectable Gain: 32, 64, or 128
 Maximum Input Voltage: ±40mV
 ADC Resolution: 24-bit
 Sample Rate: Up to 80 samples per second
 Operating Temperature Range: -40°C to 85°C
 Dimensions: Typically in a small DIP or SOP package

Principle of Operation:

The HX711 operates by amplifying the small electrical signals generated by load
cells or strain gauges and converting them into digital data that can be read by a
microcontroller. It utilizes a precision analog front end to amplify and condition the
weak signals from the sensors before digitizing them with its high-resolution ADC.


 High Resolution: Provides 24-bit ADC resolution for precise weight measurement.
 Programmable Gain: Selectable gain settings allow optimization for different load cell
configurations and measurement ranges.
 Low Noise: Integrated low-noise amplifier ensures accurate readings even in noisy
 On-Chip Filtering: Built-in digital filtering reduces noise and improves stability.
 Serial Interface: Supports serial communication protocols like SPI and I2C for easy
integration with microcontrollers.
 Low Power Consumption: Optimized for battery-powered applications with low standby

Figure 4.3.7 HX711

4.3.8 Current Sensor

A current sensor is a device used to measure electric current flowing through a
conductor. It provides an output signal proportional to the current being measured,
enabling monitoring and control of electrical systems. Current sensors are crucial
components in various applications, including power management, industrial
automation, and renewable energy systems.


 Model: Depends on the specific current sensor manufacturer and model.

 Measuring Range: Typically ranges from milliamps to kiloamps.
 Accuracy: Typically specified as a percentage of full scale (%FS).
 Output Signal: Analog voltage, current, or digital signal (e.g., PWM, I2C, SPI).
 Response Time: Time taken for the sensor to respond to changes in current.
 Operating Temperature Range: Specifies the range of temperatures in which the sensor
operates reliably.
 Isolation: Some sensors offer galvanic isolation to protect the measuring circuitry and
ensure safety.

Principle of Operation:

Current sensors operate based on different principles, including Hall effect, magnetic
field modulation, and resistive shunts. The Hall effect sensors utilize the Hall effect to
measure magnetic fields generated by the current flowing through a conductor.
Magnetic field modulation sensors vary the magnetic field strength proportionally to
the current, while resistive shunts measure the voltage drop across a known resistance,
which is then converted into a current measurement.


 Wide Measuring Range: Supports a wide range of current levels, from low to high
 High Accuracy: Provides accurate measurement of current with low error margins.
 Fast Response Time: Responds quickly to changes in current, enabling real-time
monitoring and control.
 Compact Size: Available in compact form factors suitable for integration into various
systems and applications.
 Isolation: Some sensors offer galvanic isolation to prevent ground loops and ensure
safety in high-voltage applications.
 Digital Output: Some sensors provide digital output signals, simplifying integration with
microcontrollers and digital systems.

Figure 4.3.8 Current Sensor
4.3.9 Capacitor
A capacitor is an essential electronic component that stores electrical energy in an
electric field. It consists of two conductive plates separated by a dielectric material.
Capacitors come in various types and sizes, each designed for specific applications and
operating conditions.


 Type: Electrolytic, ceramic, film, tantalum, etc., depending on the dielectric material and
 Capacitance (C): The amount of charge a capacitor can store, measured in farads (F),
microfarads (μF), Nano farads (nF), or Pico farads (pF).
 Voltage Rating: The maximum voltage the capacitor can withstand without breakdown.
 Tolerance: Specifies the allowable deviation from the rated capacitance.
 Temperature Coefficient: Indicates how the capacitance changes with temperature.
 Equivalent Series Resistance (ESR): The resistance inherent in the capacitor, affecting its
performance at high frequencies.
 Operating Temperature Range: The range of temperatures within which the capacitor
operates reliably.
 Lifetime: Specifies the expected lifespan of the capacitor under normal operating

Principle of Operation:

When a voltage is applied across the terminals of a capacitor, it stores energy in the
form of an electric field between its plates. The amount of energy stored is proportional
to the capacitance and the square of the voltage applied. Capacitors can release this
stored energy quickly when needed, making them useful in filtering, timing, and energy
storage applications.


 Energy Storage: Stores electrical energy temporarily and releases it when needed.
 Filtering: Filters out noise and ripple from power supplies and signals.
 Coupling and Decoupling: Connects and isolates different parts of a circuit while
allowing AC signals to pass.
 Timing: Sets the timing in oscillators, timers, and pulse circuits.
 Power Factor Correction: Improves the power factor in electrical systems to optimize
energy efficiency.
 Voltage Regulation: Stabilizes voltage levels in power supplies and voltage dividers.
 Miniaturization: Available in compact sizes suitable for integration into electronic
devices and circuits.
 Wide Range of Types: Various types cater to different applications, including surface-
mount, through-hole, and high-voltage capacitors.

Figure 4.3.9 Capacitor

4.3.10 Jumper Wires and cables
Jumper wires make changing circuits as simple as possible. They come in a wide
array of colors, too. A jumper wire may appear uncomplicated, and it doesn’t get much
more basic than other wires or cables. But there are tiny details you need to pay attention
to. Continue reading to learn the basics of jumper wires, their uses, types, and color
schemes as shown in below figure 4.18.
Generally, jumpers are tiny metal connectors used to close or open a circuit part.
They have two or more connection points, which regulate an electrical circuit board.
Their function is to configure the settings for computer peripherals, like the
motherboard. Suppose your motherboard supported intrusion detection.
A jumper can be set to enable or disable it. Jumper wires are electrical wires
with connector pins at each end. They are used to connect two points in a circuit without

soldering. We can use jumper wires to modify a circuit or diagnose problems in a
circuit. Further, they are best used to bypass a part of the circuit that does not contain a
resistor and is suspected to be bad.
This includes a stretch of wire or a switch. Suppose all the fuses are good and
the component is not receiving power; find the circuit switch. Then, bypass the switch
with the jumper wire.
The I and V rating will depend on the copper or aluminum content present in
the wire. For an Arduino application is no more than 2A and 250V. We also recommend
using solid-core wire, ideally 22 American Wire Gauge (AWG).
Jumper Wire Colors
Although jumper wires come in a variety of colors, they do not actually mean
anything. The wire color is just an aid to help you keep track of what is connected to
which. It will not affect the operation of the circuit. This means that a red jumper wire
is technically the same as the black one.
Types of Jumper Wires
 Jumper wires come in three versions:
 Male-to-male jumper
 Male-to-female jumper
 Female-to-female jumper

Figure 4.3.10 Jumper wires

4.4 Flow Chart

The process begins with the collection of organic waste, which is then used to
produce biogas through anaerobic digestion. This biogas serves as a fuel source that can
be used for various applications. Concurrently, the system is powered by an Arduino
Nano, which is responsible for managing the various components and ensuring the
smooth operation of the entire setup. The Arduino Nano receives power from a power
supply and interfaces with an HX711 weighing module connected to a load cell and
container. This setup measures the weight of the organic waste, and the estimated
amount of electricity that can be generated from the biogas is displayed on an LCD
connected to the Arduino, providing real-time data to the user.

Figure 4.4.1 Flow Chart

The flame from the produced biogas is directed to a TEC12703 thermoelectric
device, which converts thermal energy into electrical energy. This converted energy is
then stored in capacitors for later use. The thermoelectric conversion process involves
the direct conversion of temperature differences into electric voltage, making it a crucial
component in the system for generating electricity from the biogas flame. As the
capacitors store this electricity, the system is equipped to efficiently manage and utilize
the energy for powering various devices.

A NodeMCU ESP8266 microcontroller plays a pivotal role in controlling a relay

that switches a bulb and a fan on or off based on specific conditions. The relay control
is essential for managing the power distribution to these devices. The amount of
electricity used by the bulb and fan is continuously monitored, and this data is displayed
on the LCD. This provides a clear and concise way to track electricity consumption.
The entire process ensures efficient utilization of biogas, converting waste into a
valuable energy source, and making the system an effective solution for sustainable
energy management. The flowchart concludes with the end of the process, signifying
the completion of the cycle from biogas production to the usage of generated electricity.

Chapter 5
5.1 Introduction
5.1.1 Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE is an integrated development environment (IDE) that is widely used by
hobbyists, students, and professionals to program and develop electronic projects using Arduino
microcontrollers. The Arduino IDE is an open-source software tool that is designed to make it
easy for users to write, compile, and upload code to their Arduino boards.
The Arduino IDE is a user-friendly software that is easy to install and use. It supports many
programming languages, including C and C++, and provides a simple interface for users to write
and upload their code. The IDE also includes a builtin serial monitor that allows users to view the
output of their code and debug any issues that may arise. One of the key features of the Arduino
IDE is its vast library of pre- written code, known as "sketches." These sketches can be
downloaded and used to quickly build complex projects without having to write code from scratch.
Additionally, the IDE supports many third-party libraries, which can be downloaded and
used to expand the functionality of an Arduino project. Another key feature of the Arduino IDE
is its ability to support a wide range of Arduino boards. These boards come in different shapes,
sizes, and configurations, and the IDE can be used to program each of them. This means that users
can easily switch between different boards, depending on the requirements of their project.
The Arduino IDE is also highly customizable. Users can change the color scheme, font size,
and other settings to make the IDE more comfortable to use. Furthermore, the IDE supports many
plugins and extensions, which can be downloaded and used to add new features and functionality.
Despite its many benefits, the Arduino IDE does have some limitations. For example, it may not
be suitable for complex projects that require advanced programming skills. Additionally, the IDE
may not provide the same level of control over hardware as other programming environments,
such as Assembly language.

Figure 5.1 Command Window

5.1.2 C language
The C language is a fundamental tool in embedded systems programming due to its
efficiency, portability, and control over hardware. Developed in the early 1970s, C remains highly
relevant for modern applications. One of its key advantages is the ability to produce highly
optimized code that runs efficiently on limited-resource environments typical of embedded
systems. C provides direct access to hardware via pointers, bitwise operators, and low-level I/O
functions, enabling precise control over device behavior. Its standardized nature ensures
portability, allowing code to be reused across different platforms with minimal modifications.
Moreover, C's extensive library ecosystem, including standard libraries and platform-specific
extensions, supports a wide range of functionalities from basic data manipulation to complex
mathematical computations. The language's deterministic behavior is critical for real-time systems
where predictable performance is essential. Additionally, C's compatibility with assembly
language allows for performance-critical sections of code to be fine-tuned for specific hardware.
Despite its simplicity, C supports structured programming constructs, making it possible to write
clear and maintainable code even for complex applications. Overall, C's combination of
performance, control, and portability makes it an indispensable language for embedded systems
The NodeMCU ESP32 is a versatile microcontroller module favored for IoT projects due
to its integrated Wi-Fi and Bluetooth capabilities, making it ideal for connected devices.
Programming the ESP32 in C using the Espressif IoT Development Framework (ESP-IDF) allows
for efficient, low-level hardware control and high-performance applications. The development

process involves setting up the ESP-IDF toolchain, writing code in files like main.c, and using
tools like for building and flashing. Key functionalities include FreeRTOS for multitasking,
esp_wifi.h for Wi-Fi connectivity, and driver/gpio.h for GPIO control.
Reasons to Use C for ESP32 Programming:
o Efficiency: C code can be highly optimized for performance and memory usage,
which is crucial for resource-constrained embedded systems.
o Control: Direct manipulation of hardware registers and memory allows for fine-
tuned hardware interaction, essential for real-time applications.
o Portability: Code written in C can be easily ported to other microcontrollers,
offering flexibility for future projects or hardware upgrades.
o Extensive Libraries: Access to a wide range of libraries provided by ESP-IDF
and the larger C programming community enables rapid development and
integration of complex features.

Chapter 6
Each module has been tested individually before integrating and testing for easy debugging.
6.1.1 Integration:
Chassis Construction:
The chassis of the system was constructed using plastic, providing a stable base for all modules.
Module Assembly:
The ESP8266 microcontroller, Arduino Nano, thermoelectric device (TEC12703), capacitors, and other
components were securely mounted onto the chassis.
System Power-up:
The power supply was connected to the Arduino Nano to energize the entire system.
Real-time Monitoring:
The real-time weight of organic waste was measured and displayed using the HX711 weighing module
connected to the load cell and Arduino Nano, and this data was shown on the LCD.
Energy Generation:
The flame from biogas was directed to the thermoelectric device (TEC12703) for heat-to-electricity
conversion. The generated electricity was stored in capacitors.
Relay and Device Control:
The ESP8266 microcontroller controlled the relay, which managed the operation of the bulb and fan. The
system's performance was monitored to ensure the bulb and fan operated correctly.
System Testing:
The overall functionality of the system was tested, including the interaction between the microcontrollers,
sensors, relays, and end devices. Numerous bugs were identified and fixed during this phase.
Final Functionality:
After debugging, the system worked according to the intended design, demonstrating effective energy
conversion and management.
6.1.2 Testing
Weighing and Display:
Tested the HX711 weighing module and load cell for accurate weight measurement.
Verified the Arduino Nano correctly processed and displayed the weight on the LCD.
Thermoelectric Device Testing:
Ensured the thermoelectric device (TEC12703) effectively converted heat from the biogas flame into
Checked that the generated electricity was correctly stored in the capacitors.
Relay Control:
Confirmed the ESP8266 microcontroller correctly operated the relay to switch the bulb and fan on and off.

Monitored the system to ensure the relay responded accurately to commands.
End-to-End Testing:
Conducted comprehensive testing of the entire system to ensure all components functioned together
Monitored the display of electricity consumption on the LCD and verified it reflected the actual usage by
the bulb and fan.
By following these integration and testing procedures, the system was thoroughly evaluated to ensure
reliability and correct functionality, resulting in a fully operational and efficient energy management

Chapter 7

Chapter 8
8.1 Conclusion
The proposed project presents a comprehensive solution to the pressing issue of organic
waste management and renewable energy generation. By leveraging anaerobic digestion to
convert organic waste into biogas, this project addresses the dual challenges of waste disposal and
sustainable energy production. The innovation lies in utilizing biogas, predominantly methane, for
electricity generation, thereby transforming potential environmental hazards into valuable
resources. The system design integrates advanced components, such as load cells, Arduino Nano
and IoT-enabled monitoring systems, to ensure efficient and automated operation. These
technologies enable real-time tracking of waste input, biogas production, and energy output,
optimizing the overall process and ensuring consistent power generation. Additionally, the project
emphasizes scalability and adaptability, making it suitable for diverse communities, from urban
centers to rural areas. The environmental benefits are substantial, including reduced greenhouse
gas emissions, decreased reliance on fossil fuels, and mitigated landfill pollution. Economically,
the project promises to create new opportunities in the renewable energy and waste management
sectors, contributing to local job creation and economic growth. Ultimately, this project not only
offers a practical and sustainable solution to organic waste and energy challenges but also aligns
with global sustainability goals, promoting a cleaner, greener future. By transforming waste into
a valuable energy resource, the project exemplifies an innovative approach to sustainable
development, demonstrating the potential for integrated technologies to address complex
environmental and economic issues effectively.
8.2 Future Scope
The future scope of this project is expansive and promising, offering numerous avenues for
advancement and broader impact. As technology evolves, the integration of advanced artificial
intelligence and machine learning algorithms can further optimize the efficiency of biogas
production and electricity generation, allowing for real-time adjustments and predictive
maintenance. Scaling up the system to accommodate larger volumes of organic waste from various
sources, such as industrial, municipal, and agricultural sectors, can significantly enhance its
capacity and applicability. Moreover, expanding the scope to include diverse waste-to-energy
technologies like gasification and microbial fuel cells can diversify the energy outputs and
improve overall sustainability. The project also holds potential for integration with smart grid
technologies, enabling better distribution and utilization of the generated electricity. Additionally,
fostering collaborations with governmental bodies, environmental organizations, and private

enterprises can facilitate the adoption of such systems on a larger scale, promoting widespread
implementation and policy support. Ultimately, this project can serve as a model for circular
economy initiatives, driving innovation in waste management and renewable energy sectors
globally, and contributing significantly to climate change mitigation and sustainable development

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Sample Code
#include <Wire.h>
#include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h> // LiquidCrystal_I2C library
HX711_ADC LoadCell(3,2); // dt pin, sck pin
LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27, 16, 2); // LCD HEX address 0x27
#include <Wire.h>
#include <Adafruit_INA219.h>

Adafruit_INA219 ina219;

int taree = 12;

int a = 0;
float b = 0;
const float h= 171;
int k;
void setup() {
while (!Serial)

// Initialize the INA219.

if (! ina219.begin())
Serial.println("Failed to find INA219 chip");
while (1)
pinMode (taree, INPUT_PULLUP);
LoadCell.begin(); // start connection to HX711
LoadCell.start(1000); // load cells gets 1000ms of time to stabilize

LoadCell.setCalFactor(225); // Calibarate your LOAD CELL with 100g weight, and change the value
according to readings

lcd.begin(); // begins connection to the LCD module

lcd.backlight(); // turns on the backlight
lcd.setCursor(4, 0); // set cursor to first row
lcd.print("Energy"); // print out to LCD
lcd.setCursor(0, 1); // set cursor to first row
lcd.print(" generanion "); // print out to LCD
void loop() {

LoadCell.update(); // retrieves data from the load cell

float i = LoadCell.getData(); // get output value
float busvoltage = 0;
float current_mA = 0;
float power_mW = 0;
busvoltage = ina219.getBusVoltage_V();
current_mA = ina219.getCurrent_mA();
power_mW = ina219.getPower_mW();
// Print results to Serial Monitor to 2 decimal places
Serial.print("Input Voltage = ");
Serial.println(busvoltage, 2);
lcd.setCursor(0, 1);

lcd.setCursor(7, 1);
if (i<0)
i = i * (-1);

lcd.setCursor(0, 0); // set cursor to first row

lcd.print("W:"); // print out to LCD

lcd.print(i, 1); // print out the retrieved value to the second row
lcd.print("g ");
/* float z = i/28.3495;
lcd.setCursor(9, 1);
lcd.print(z, 2);
lcd.print("oz ");*/
float l=(h*i)/1000;
Serial.println(k, 2);
lcd.setCursor(9, 0);
lcd.print(l, 1);
if (i>=10000)
lcd.setCursor(0, 0); // set cursor to secon row
lcd.print(" Over Loaded ");
if (digitalRead (taree) == LOW)
lcd.setCursor(0, 1); // set cursor to secon row
lcd.print(" Taring... ");
lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
lcd.print(" ");


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