1943 Courant Variational Methods For The Solution of Problems of Equilibrium and Vibrations

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As Henri Poincaré once remarked, "solution of a mathematical

problem" is a phrase of indefinite meaning. Pure mathematicians
sometimes are satisfied with showing that the non-existence of a solu-
tion implies a logical contradiction, while engineers might consider a
numerical result as the only reasonable goal. Such one sided views
seem to reflect human limitations rather than objective values. In
itself mathematics is an indivisible organism uniting theoretical
contemplation and active application.
This address will deal with a topic in which such a synthesis of
theoretical and applied mathematics has become particularly con-
vincing. Since Gauss and W. Thompson, the equivalence between
boundary value problems of partial differential equations on the
one hand and problems of the calculus of variations on the other
hand has been a central point in analysis. At first, the theoretical in-
terest in existence proofs dominated and only much later were prac-
tical applications envisaged by two physicists, Lord Rayleigh and
Walther Ritz ; they independently conceived the idea of utilizing this
equivalence for numerical calculation of the solutions, by substituting
for the variational problems simpler approximating extremum prob-
lems in which but a finite number of parameters need be determined.
Rayleigh, in his classical work—Theory of sound—and in other pub-
lications, was the first to use such a procedure. But only the spectacu-
lar success of Walther Ritz and its tragic circumstances caught the
general interest. In two publications of 1908 and 1909 [39], Ritz,
conscious of his imminent death from consumption, gave a masterly
account of the theory, and at the same time applied his method to
the calculation of the nodal lines of vibrating plates, a problem of
classical physics that previously had not been satisfactorily treated.
Thus methods emerged which could not fail to attract engineers
and physicists; after all, the minimum principles of mechanics are
more suggestive than the differential equations. Great successes in
applications were soon followed by further progress in the under-
standing of the theoretical background, and such progress in turn
must result in advantages for the applications.

An address delivered before the meeting of the Society in Washington, D.C., on

May 3, 1941, by invitation of the Program Committee; received by the editors June
16, 1942.
2 R. COURANT [January

The following address will try to convey an idea of this interplay

between practical and theoretical points of view. Completeness can-
not be attempted; rather some selected topics with which the
speaker has been personally concerned will be discussed.
Usually the solution of a difficult problem in analysis proceeds
according to a general scheme : The given problem P with the solution
5 is replaced by a related problem Pn so simple that its solution Sn
can be found with comparative ease. Then by improving the ap-
proximation Pn to P we may expect, or we may assume, or we may
prove, t h a t Sn tends to the desired solution S of P. The essential
point in an individual case is to choose the sequence Pn in a suitable
Here we shall deal mainly with problems of equilibrium and vibra-
tions (boundary value and eigenvalue problems, 1 respectively). They
lead to linear self-adjoint differential equations for an unknown
function u{x, y):
(1) L(u) = ƒ,
(2) L(u) + \u = 0,
in a two-dimensional domain of the x, ;y-plane, or rather to equivalent
variational problems for the kinetic and potential energies of the

We assume our domain B bounded by a piecewise smooth curve

C, and we denote the arc length measured along C by s1 and differ-
entiation in the direction of the inward normal by d/dn or by a sub-
script n.
1. Quadratic f unctionals. Our variational problems refer to quad-
ratic functional
Q(v) = Q(v, v)
defined by symmetric bilinear expressions such as

(3) D(v, w) = I I (vxwx + VyWy)dxdyt

(4) M(v, w) = I I [AZJAW + a{vxxwyy + vyywxx — 2vxywXy)]dxdy>

Problems of critical loads (buckling) are likewise mathematically formulated as
eigenvalue problems.

which occur in the study of membranes and plates, respectively. In

(4) the symbol A denotes the Laplacian operator, and a a constant.
Furthermore, we shall have to use other quadratic integrals defined
by bilinear expressions such as

(5) H(v, w) = I I vwdxdy,

(6) K(v, w) = I vwds,


(7) R(v, « 0 = 1 vxxwxxdx,

where L is a line y = const, in B and C is the boundary of B. We then

consider functionals such as
Q(v, w) = aD(v, w) + bM(v, w) + cK(v, w) + dR(v, w),

where a, 6, c, d are constants. Always the "admissible" junctions u> v,

w, • • • are restricted by the condition t h a t all the occurring inte-
grands be at least piece wise continuous.
The stable equilibrium of a plate or membrane under an external
pressure ƒ is characterized by a variational problem of the type
(8) Q(v) + 2 H(v, ƒ) = minimum,

for the deflection v, whereas vibrations of plates, and membranes cor-

respond to the problem of finding stationary values, i>2=X, of
(9) Q(v)/H(v).
The values v thus defined are the natural frequencies of the system.
Q(v) corresponds to the potential energy of the system in the case of
equilibrium, while for vibrations Q(v) and H(v) are the "reduced"
potential and kinetic energies, respectively. 2 Terms of the form K
and R appearing in the expression Q represent additional energies
concentrated along the boundary C of B or along a line L in B. For ex-
ample, in the case of reinforced plates we would have Q = M+dR if
the reinforcement consists of a bar along the line L.
By "reduced" energies we mean the following: If we assume the free system vi-
brating with a frequency w (not necessarily a natural frequency), then the deflection
u may be represented in the form u~v cos wt, where v is a function of position only.
The potential energy V may then be written in the form Q(v) cos2w/ and the kinetic
energy T in the form co2H(v) sin2co/; the quantities Q and H are termed the reduced
4 R. COURANT [January

2. Rigid and natural boundary conditions. (See [1, 2, 9].) The

Euler differential equations (1) or (2) of our variational problems
must be supplemented by appropriate boundary conditions. If we
focus our attention on the differential equations as such, it is not at
all obvious what boundary conditions belong to a particular problem
of mechanics. However, from the point of view of the calculus of
variations a complete clarification of this delicate question is almost
automatically obtained if the mathematical reasoning follows our
mechanical intuition. In the first place we observe that in a varia-
tional problem (not so in a problem of differential equations) we
need not in advance impose boundary conditions in order to single
out a specific solution. If the functions admissible in the competition
are not subjected to restrictions at the boundary, we speak of a
"free problem." In these problems the first variation of the functional
will contain terms referring to the boundary, and the vanishing of
the first variation will imply not only Euler's differential equation
for the domain B but also conditions on the boundary C, which we
call "natural boundary conditions." Now the dominant fact is: appro-
priate boundary conditions for differential equations are obtained as
natural boundary conditions of corresponding variational problems. In
the latter they may, but they need not be prescribed in advance.
There is only the exceptional case, often termed the "simplest case
of a variational problem" of fixed boundary values of u or derivatives
of u or other expressions in u. Here the situation seems somewhat ob-
scured. (The clamped membrane with the boundary condition u = 0
and the clamped plate with the boundary conditions u = ux=:Uy = 0
belong in this category.) Such fixed or rigid or artificial boundary con-
ditions must be explicitly stipulated for the variational problem not
only for the differential equation. However, we shall recognize them
as limiting cases or degenerations of natural conditions.
Physically, rigid conditions correspond to rigid constraints of the
system at the boundary C while natural conditions express equilib-
rium of the system of C if along C partial or full freedom of motion
is permitted.
To understand the significance of natural boundary conditions the
following observation is essential: The Euler differential equations
depend only on the domain integrals or the energies spread over B.
But the natural boundary conditions are essentially affected by the
boundary integrals representing those contributions to the energies
which are concentrated along the boundary C. These terms lead to a
great variety of possible natural boundary conditions for the same
differential equation. In a somewhat different way we may formulate

the fact: Natural boundary conditions, but not Euler's equations, are
affected by divergence expressions in the domain integrals.
2a. Examples. Plates, plane torsion for multiply-connected do-
mains. As an example we consider a membrane with a free boundary.
A pressure ƒ of average value zero may act on the membrane. In this
case we have a variational problem for D(v) +2H(v, ƒ) ; if f denotes an
arbitrary variation of v, the variational condition is
D(V, r) + ff (r, ƒ) = o.
Transforming D(v, f) by Green's formula into a domain integral
plus a boundary integral, we find the natural boundary condition
- = o,
expressing the fact that no force acts on the boundary C. For a plate,
free at the boundary, Q(v) = M{v), and the natural boundary condi-
tions appear as the classical Kirchhoff conditions:
2 2
(1 + a)Av = a(vxxxn + 2vxyxnyn + vvvyn),

— Av = a(vxxxnx8 + vxy[xnys + xsyn) + vvyynyù>

where xn> yn and xa, y8 are, respectively, direction cosines of the inner
normal and tangent vector along C.
In M{v) the term a(vxxvyy—vly):=ad(vxVyy)/dx—ad(vxvXy)/dy is a
divergence expression, very essential for Kirchhoff's natural boundary
conditions but irrelevant for Euler's differential equation AAz; = 0
and without consequence for the clamped plate.
Similar remarks apply to natural "discontinuity conditions" that
arise if energy is concentrated along lines L interior to J5, such as in
the case of reinforced plates. For example, for a rectangular plate
clamped at the boundary but reinforced by a bar along the line y = 0,
the variational problem becomes

Q(v) + 2H(v,f) + kR(v) = ƒ ƒ [(AÏ;) 2 + 2a(vxxvvy - vly)]dxdy

+ k I vxxdx + 2 I I vfdxdy = mm.

with the condition that z ; = ^ = ^ = 0 o n C and v, vxt vy are continuous

in B while the second derivatives of v are at least piecewise continu-
6 R. COURANT [January

ous in B. If f is an arbitrary variation of v satisfying these conditions,

we obtain as above not only the Euler equation AAz;+ƒ = (), but also
the natural discontinuity condition
1+ d4
[(Av + avxx)\ =
v(x, 0),
where the symbol [g]t means the amount of discontinuity suffered
by a function g in crossing the line y==0 from positive to negative
values of y. Another example of a somewhat different character is the
the problem of torsion of long columns with multiply connected cross sec-
tions. The contour C of the cross section may include a domain B
in the x, ^-plane from which are removed holes Bi, B^ BSl • • • with
contours G, C2, C3, • • • and areas Ai, A^ Az, • • • . The multiply-
connected domain between C and Ci, C2, C3, • • • may be called B*.

FIG. 1

Then the adequate variational formulation of the torsion problem in

proper units is: To find a function <j> = u continuous in B + C, having
piecewise continuous first derivatives in J5, having the boundary
values zero on C and constant, but not prescribed values d in the
holes Bi, such that for the whole domain B

#(<*>) = ƒ ƒ [(*; + *;) + 2*]dxdy

attains its least value d for 0 = w. The function u then will give the
stresses in the cross section by differentiation.

Note that this problem requires not only to determine u in 5 * as

a solution of Euler's equation
Au = 1
with the boundary conditions u = 0 on C and u = const. =Ci on C»,
but also to find the constants cit The freedom for these parameters
in the functions <j> admissible in the variational problem must lead
to natural conditions from which the Ci are to be characterized.
Indeed, from the variational condition D(u, Ç)XffÇdxdy = 0 valid
for arbitrary f that vanishes on C and has constant values in each B :
we can only obtain Euler's equation, but likewise immediately the
natural boundary conditions
• du
— ds + CiA i = 0
/ d an
which connect the unknown boundary constants with the known
areas Ai.
Incidentally, for the special choice f = « we obtain (in line with
more general results) that the solution, representing a state of equi-
librium, satisfies the relation

S = D(u) = — I I udxdy.

The quantity S represents the "total stiffness" of the column with

respect to torsion.
In the appendix we shall see how this problem, which as an ordi-
nary boundary value problem of a partial differential equation would
be rather formidable, can be attacked numerically with success from
the point of view developed here.
2b. Rigid constraints as limiting cases. If we have additional en-
ergy concentrated at the boundary and expressed, for example, by the
term K(v)=fcv2ds, then not the Euler equation but the natural
boundary conditions will be influenced by these terms. Thus, for the
free membrane with
Q{v) = D{v) + yK(v)
we obtain the natural boundary condition
(10) — - yv = 0.
We observe that as the parameter y increases indefinitely, that is, as
8 R. COURANT [January

the elastic restoring forces at the boundary approach a rigid con-

straint, the condition (10) tends to the boundary condition v = 0 of
the clamped membrane. This is in harmony with the fact that for
large positive 7 the boundary values of v2 though free, must in the
average be small in order to keep the energy Q(v) in bounds.
Quite generally rigid boundary conditions should be regarded as
limiting cases of natural conditions in which a parameter tends to
infinity. This corresponds to the physical fact that rigid constraints
are only idealized limiting cases of very large restoring f or ces.z It may
be mentioned that this interpretation of fixed boundary conditions is
the key to a more penetrating analysis of the question what we may
and what we may not prescribe at the boundary (see [l]).
3. General conclusions. The mere formulation of our problem in
terms of maxima and minima leads to further important applica-
tions. As an example we mention a famous principle first formulated
by Lord Rayleigh [38]: If a vibrating system whose energies are ex-
pressed by quadratic integrals is changed into another system by an
increase of masses or by a decrease of elastic forces, then all the
natural frequencies of the syste.*$ can only change toward lower
values. This fact was recognized by the speaker (see [9]) as a conse-
quence of the following theorem, which is easily proved: The nth
natural frequency of any of our vibration problems is the highest
value of the lowest frequency of all systems obtained from the given
system by imposing n — 1 constraints; or the nth eigenvalue Xn is
the largest value attained by the minimum d(wi, • • • , wn-\) of the
quotient Q(v)/H(v) if v is subjected to n — 1 linear conditions of the
H(v, wt) = 0, i = 1, • • • , n — 1,

the Wi being arbitrarily chosen functions. Here "minimum" refers to

a fixed set oi n — 1 functions w%.
This principle can render useful service for appraising the change
in the natural frequencies resulting from changes in the given vibrat-
ing system. We recognize immediately that a stiffening of the system
by the introduction of new elastic forces (which lead to an increase in
potential energy) must produce higher natural frequencies through-
out. Likewise, imposing new rigid constraints will have the same
effect. Even quantitative results can be obtained by a simple applica-
It might be mentioned that A. Weinstein's method (see §3) is a somewhat differ-
ent way of presenting rigid boundaries as limiting cases of problems with fewer re-

tion of this principle. The asymptotic behavior of the natural fre-

quencies j>w=Xn/2 for large n was found by A. Sommerfeld, H. Weyl,
and the speaker. Fpr example, the nth eigenvalue of Az/+Xz; = 0 for a
free or clamped boundary and domain of area A behaves asymp-
totically like Awn/A. (See [9].)
Recently Alexander Weinstein has made an interesting applica-
tion of this maximum-minimum principle to clamped plates [4]. The
eigenvalue problem for a "supported" plate (with a = 0) refers to the
quadratic energy expressions Q(v) = J JB{àv)2dxdy, H(v) = ffBv2dxdy.
It is then required to make the quotient Q/H stationary only under
the boundary condition v = 0. From this variational problem, we
obtain the Euler equation AAz; — Xz; = 0 and one natural boundary
condition, Az; = 0; the solutions for this problem are in this case
identical with those of the clamped membrane. Now Weinstein, by
imposing successively a denumerable number of boundary condi-
tions of the form Jc{dv/dn)^>ids = ^, ^ = 1, 2, 3, • • • , where the <j>i
form a complete system of functions on the boundary C, obtains the
problem of the clamped plate as a limiting case. The approximating
problems stipulate conditions less restrictive than the limiting prob-
lem of a clamped plate, consequently they lead to smaller values of
the minima and hence of the maxi-minima, and therefore provide
lower bounds for the natural frequencies of the clamped plate. It is
remarkable t h a t the approximating problems could be solved ex-
plicitly in terms of solutions of the membrane problem [20, 21, 22].


We now discuss the question of attacking a variational problem

numerically. In principle, there are many ways in which such a
variational problem may suggest approximations by simpler prob-
lems. The Rayleigh-Ritz method is only one of them.
1. The principle and theoretical aspects. Suppose we seek the mini-
mum d of an integral expression or any other variational expression
7(0) (for example, our quadratic functionals of the preceding sec-
tion). We then start with a minimizing sequence

(11) 4>U <t>2y 08» * " ' > 4>n, * ' * ,

that is, a sequence of functions, admissible in our variational prob-

lem, for which

(12) lim 7(0.) = d,

10 R. COURANT [January

d being the lower bound of the functional 7(0). The existence of the
lower bound d is obvious or may be easily proved in all relevant
problems and the existence of the minimizing sequence (11) is then a
logical consequence.
However, the problem in applications is one, not of the existence,
but of the practical construction of such a minimizing sequence. Ritz's
method is nothing but a recipe for such a construction. A minimizing
sequence immediately furnishes an approximation to d (sometimes
this is all we wish to know, for example, if we are interested in the
natural frequencies of a vibrating system). Moreover, it may be
assumed and in many cases it can be proved that the minimizing
sequence itself will furnish a good approximation for the function u
which actually solves the problem.
Ritz's construction proceeds as follows : We start with an arbitrarily
chosen system of " coordinate f unctions"
(13) «i, co2, • • • , con, • • • ,
which should satisfy the two conditions :
(a) Any linear combination
(14) <j>n — cioii + c2co2 + • • • + cno)n
of them is admissible in the variational problem.
(b) They should form a complete system of functions in the sense
that any admissible function 0 and its relevant derivatives may be
approximated with any degree of accuracy by a linear combination
of coordinate functions and of their corresponding derivatives, re-
If we begin with such a system of coordinate functions, it is clear
that for n sufficiently large and for a suitable choice of the coefficients
Cu C2, • • • , cn of (14) we can find admissible functions <f>n for which
7(0 n ) differs arbitrarily little from d. In other words, it is possible to
find a minimizing sequence 0i, 0 2 , • • • , 0n> • • • as a sequence of
linear combinations of the coordinate functions. In order to obtain
such a minimizing sequence we choose the d in the following manner.
We consider any function 0 n defined by (14) and substitute it in our
variational problem. 7(0 n ) then becomes a function F(ci, • • • , cn)
of the n parameters d which we may now determine from the ordinary
minimum problem of the calculus
(15) 7(0») = F(clt • • • , cn) = min.
In the problems considered here, 7(0) is a quadratic or bilinear func-
tional, and (IS) leads to a system of n linear equations for the

parameters, 4 a system which may be solved by established methods.

Thus the minimizing sequence, 0 n (n = l, 2, • • • ) is found. Recalling
our general scheme we may identify the construction of the <f>n with
the problem P w .
At this point one important remark may be made [ l ] . While the
convergence of I(0 n ) to d is assured, it is by no means generally true
that 0 n tends to u, the solution of the original minimum problem, or,
even less so, t h a t the derivatives of <j>n tend to the corresponding
derivatives of u. However, a comparative investigation of different
types of variational problems reveals that, generally speaking, the
convergence of a minimizing sequence <£i, <£2, • • • , <t>m • • • and the
sequences of the derivatives of the <f>n is improved if the order of the
occurring derivatives becomes higher. On the other hand, there is a
tendency toward worse convergence as the number of independent
variables increases. For example, in the one-dimensional problem of an
elastic string (Q(v) —JQV'HX), the convergence of the <j>n to u is as-
sured, the derivatives $ n ', however, need not converge to u'. But for
the corresponding problem of the bar (Q(v) =fov"2dx), not only does
<j>n converge to u but also <j>n to u'. On the other hand, in the mem-
brane problem even the <f>n need not converge to u, while in the
case of the plate the convergence of <t>n to u is assured. The first
success attained by Ritz depended largely on his good fortune in
attacking the seemingly more difficult problem of the plate rather
than that of the membrane.
These facts which are intimately related to more profound ques-
tions in the general theory of the variational calculus have sug-
gested the following method of obtaining better convergence in the
Rayleigh-Ritz method. Instead of considering the simple variational
problem for the corresponding boundary value problem, we modify
the former problem without changing the solution of the latter. This
is accomplished by adding to the original variational expression
terms of higher order which vanish for the actual solution u. For
This suggests the following interpretation and generalization of the procedure
whereby reference to a minimum problem need no longer be made: we replace our
differential equation Z(«)=0 by the condition that L(u) should be orthogonal to n
functions of a previously selected complete system of functions. If, then, n tends to
infinity, the totality of all these relations will be substituted for the differential equa-
tion, and for any fixed n, u may be chosen, for example, as a linear combination (14):
w —0n. In this general pattern that goes back to Galerkin, there is more freedom left
for the choice of the approximations to the solution «. However, in the Rayleigh-Ritz
method proper, generally speaking the question of convergence is more easily in-
vestigated. (The generalized view interpretation is implicitly mentioned in Ritz'
papers and was later developed by several authors. See for example [18, 19].)
12 R. COURANT [January

example, we may formulate the equilibrium problem for a mem-

brane under the external pressure ƒ as follows :

I(v) = I I (v* + vv + vf)dxdy + I I &(Az> — ƒ) dxd;y = min.,

where & is an arbitrary positive constant or function. Such additional

terms make I(v) more sensitive to variations of v without changing
the solution. In other words, minimizing sequences attached to such
a "sensitized" functional will by force behave better as regards con-
vergence [7].
The practical value of the method of sensitizing the integral by
the addition of terms of higher order has not yet been sufficiently
explored. Certainly the sensitizing terms will lead to a more compli-
cated system of equations for the d. This means that a compromise
must be made for a suitable choice of the arbitrary positive function
k so t h a t good convergence is assured while the necessary labor is
kept within bounds.
2. Practical viewpoints. Theoretically the Rayleigh-Ritz method
consists merely in the construction of the minimizing sequence. How-
ever, the difficulty that challenges the inventive skill of the applied
mathematician is to find suitable coordinate functions and to esti-
mate the accuracy of the result. From a practical point of view al-
most any success depends on the selection of coordinate functions.
If these functions are chosen without proper regard for the indi-
viduality of the problem the task of computation will become hope-
less. A choice should be made so t h a t the system of linear equations
for the Ci obtained from (15) will have a preponderance of terms along
the diagonal of their matrix, and t h a t the number of terms to be taken
into account be kept small. Since only a few of the coordinate func-
tions will enter into the calculation, the theoretical completeness of
the <f>n is irrelevant. It is important t h a t the initial function be al-
ready a fair approximation, and furthermore t h a t the functions 0i,
02, • • • should be sufficiently different 5 so t h a t increasing the number
of terms will lead to an actual improvement of the approximation.
Importance should also be attached to the need for making the
numerical evaluation of the coefficients of our linear equations
In many cases the use of polynomials for coordinate functions is
most advantageous. Si Luan Wei has shown in his thesis t h a t results
Such a "difference" can be measured. See Courant-Hilbert, Methoden der mathe-
mateschen Physik, vol. I, p. 52.

for plates can be obtained by polynomials more readily and more

accurately than by the coordinate functions originally used by Ritz
Recently physicists have chosen coordinate functions according to
the following pattern. One starts with a choice of the function o?i,
which is expected to be a fair approximation to the actual solution.
Then C02 is defined by co2=.L(coi). Finally one chooses o>3=L(co2)
= LL(o>i), co4 = L(co3) —LLL(o)i)t and so on. This choice makes the
calculation of the matrix elements of our linear equations for the Ci
comparatively simple. Since the operator L introduces higher deriva-
tives which may lead to cumbersome complications at boundaries,
it is understandable that such a choice of the œn seems feasible pri-
marily for infinite domains where no boundary is given and where the
natural boundary conditions are equivalent to the finiteness of the
variational integrals.
3. Boundary conditions. For rigid boundary conditions the ap-
proximation by the Rayleigh-Ritz method is comparatively good.
Few admissible coordinate functions would in most cases suffice to
yield a result near the desired solution. This pleasant feature, how-
ever, is offset by the restriction imposed by the rigid boundary condi-
tions which in general precludes the choice of simple coordinate
For free boundaries and natural boundary conditions the choice of
coordinate functions is eased considerably since no boundary condi-
tions need be stipulated in advance. As a general rule we might well
use, for the <j>ny polynomials with undetermined coefficients. For this
great advantage, however, we must pay a price, namely, the necessity
for using many more terms to secure reasonable accuracy. Therefore
it is sometimes preferable if we can satisfy in advance, at least ap-
proximately, the natural boundary conditions, by a proper choice of
functions. Still, the advantage gained by making the <j>n polynomials
might be decisive.
In this connection it seems to be of importance that rigid boundaries
can be considered as a limiting case of free boundaries, as indicated pre-
viously in §1, 2. As an example we may consider the following problem
for a membrane:

D(v) + 2H(v, f) + yKiv) = ƒ ƒ (vl + v*y + 2vf)dxdy

+ 7 I v2ds — min.
14 R. COURANT [January

If 7 is very large, then the free boundary problem relating to this

expression is almost identical to the corresponding problem for a
clamped membrane. By letting 7 tend to infinity we "freeze" the
boundary. This suggests an attempt to solve the equilibrium prob-
lem of the clamped plate by choosing a large numerical value for 7
and then treating the problem as one for a free membrane. However,
to obtain reasonable accuracy for the free problem, the larger the
quantity 7 the more terms will be necessary. Hence the practical
application of the method again requires a compromise—7 must be
chosen large enough to approximate rigidity but small enough to
keep the necessary labor within reasonable bounds. From a theoretical
as well as from a practical point of view it would seem worth while
to study the preferable choices of these artificial parameters.
4. Estimates. A weak point in the Rayleigh-Ritz procedure is that
it does not contain a principle for estimating the accuracy of the
approximation. This is not the place to give an account of the
numerous efforts made to fill this gap at least theoretically. For prob-
lems of equilibrium, estimates for the minimum d can be obtained by
a method suggested by Castigliano's principle in the theory of elas-
ticity. The mathematical idea is to represent the minimum value d
of the given problem as a maximum value of another variational
problem (see [28]). The margins obtained are quite narrow. But the
practical value of this accuracy does not appear great since the value
of d in problems of equilibrium is of little interest, 6 whereas we are
concerned with the deflection u and its derivatives. In the case of
vibrations, where the minimum values, as squares of the frequencies,
are of considerable importance, methods for the estimation of ac-
curacy are in general less satisfactory [29].
5. Objections to the Rayleigh-Ritz method. The vagueness as to
the accuracy of the approximation obtained is only one of the objec-
tions to the Rayleigh-Ritz method that may be raised. More annoy-
ing is t h a t a suitable selection of the coordinate functions is often
very difficult and t h a t laborious computations are sometimes neces-
sary. For these reasons, alternative methods must be studied.


As far as practical experience goes the most important of these
See, however, E. Trefftz, M a t h . Ann. vol. 108 (1933), p. 595 where the deflection
at a point xof yo is represented as such a minimum d of a modified functional.

methods is t h a t of finite differences. In this well known procedure we

replace differential quotients by difference quotients and integral
expressions by finite sums defined over a set of net-points in the
plane, for example, a quadratic net in the domain B formed by the in-
tersection of the lines x = yhfy= JJLJI (7 = 1,2, • • -, iV;/x = l , 2 , • • •, M).
The simplified problem Pn of difference equations can very often be
solved with relative ease. Then if we permit the mesh, h = l/n, of the
net to tend to zero with increasing n, not only does Pn tend to P , but
the solutions Sn of the difference equations approach the solution S of
the original problem exceedingly well. Furthermore, we have the
remarkable fact t h a t all relevant difference quotients of first and
higher order converge to the corresponding derivatives pertaining to
the original problem.
On these grounds the method of finite difference as a general pro-
cedure is often preferable to the Rayleigh-Ritz method. The latter
might lend itself more readily to the solution of specific problems
where suitable analytic expressions are available for coordinate func-
tions. However, in other cases experience points to the superiority
of the method of finite differences. One of the underlying reasons is
t h a t finite differences are attached directly to the values of the func-
tion itself without an interceding medium such as the more or less
arbitrary coordinate functions.
If the variational problems contain derivatives not higher than the
first order the method of finite difference can be subordinated to the
Rayleigh-Ritz method by considering in the competition only func-
tions <j> which are linear in the meshes of a sub-division of our net
into triangles formed by diagonals of the squares of the net. For such
polyhedral functions the integrals become sums expressed by the
finite number of values of <f> in the net-points and the minimum condi-
tions become our difference equations. Such an interpretation sug-
gests a wide generalization which provides great flexibility and seems
to have considerable practical value. Instead of starting with a
quadratic or rectangular net we may consider from the outset any
polyhedral surfaces with edges over an arbitrarily chosen (preferably
triangular) net. Our integrals again become finite sums, and the mini-
mum condition will be equations for the values of <j> in the net-points.
While these equations seem less simple than the original difference
equations, we gain the enormous advantage of better adaptability to
the data of the problem and thus we can often obtain good results
with very little numerical calculation. (See appendix.)
This procedure of finite differences was analyzed from a mathemat-
ical point of view—and in particular the convergence for the quad-
16 R. COURANT [January

ratic mesh width A—>0 was proved—first by Philipps in unpublished

papers, then by Philipps and Wiener [14], and at the same time by
Lusternik and by Courant [S], and later by Courant, Friedrichs, and
Lewy [8].
As was already observed by Philipps and Wiener, equations of
finite differences can be interpreted by processes of probability—the
so-called random walk. This connection has led Courant, R. Luene-
burg [16], and Petrovsky [l7] to a more general attack upon our
problems, as follows: Instead of simply replacing our integral expres-
sions by finite sums defined over a net, we may replace them in vari-
ous ways by other simple functionals and thus obtain a greater variety
of possible approximate problems Pn. Consider, for example, the non-
negative function K(x, y; %, rj) which is assumed to be symmetric,
to be defined and piecewise continuous in the entire plane and to
satisfy fftZK(x, y; £, rj) d^drj = l. We then focus our attention on
integrals of the following form

(16) r(co) = ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ K(x, y; *• *)[«(*, y) - «(*, v)]2dxdyd^

taken over the entire plane, and investigate the problem P n ,
(16a) T(œ) = min.,

for which the admissible functions are prescribed in the domain B,

complementary to B, that is, in the portion of the plane outside of B.
For example, if K=f(r), where r2 = (x — Q2 + (y — rj)2 a n d / ( r ) è O ,
while f(r)*=0 for r>h, it is easily verified that, as the parameter h
tends to zero, we have T(<*))—>D(co) so that Pn tends to the boundary
value problem for Au = 0. It can be shown generally that the nucleus
K may be chosen dependent on a parameter h so that T(a>) tends to a
given quadratic functional which yields as Euler equation any pre-
scribed homogeneous elliptic differential equation.
Now the variational condition for the problem (16a) is no longer
a differential equation but a Fredholm integral equation, which is
more easily treated:

(17) u(x, y) = J J K(x, y; £, iy)«(£, y)d£dr) + g(x, y),


g(x> y) = J [^{x, y\ £, r?M£, rj)dtdr)


is known because u is prescribed in B. The solution un of (17) for

K = Kn converges to the solution u of the problem P . Moreover, and
this is the important point for practical applications, it can be proved
that the integral equation (17) is solvable by the Neumann method of
iteration under very wide conditions for the nucleus K. Thus we may
develop a new method for attacking boundary value problems which,
however, so far has not been tested in practical applications.
It may be remarked that, generally speaking, the iteration process
will converge more slowly if the approximation of Pn to P becomes
better. Hence again a compromise for practical purposes is indicated.
In passing, we mention the intimate connection of this method with
statistics. Let us suppose a substance to be distributed with a density
u(x, y) over the plane. We now imagine that the substance is redis-
tributed in distinct steps in such a manner that a unit mass concen-
trated at the point P(x, y) will be spread over the plane with a
density K(x, y; £, rj) at the point Q(%, 77). The integral equation (17)
then characterizes a state of statistical equilibrium, if the density
u(xj y) is prescribed in the complementary domain B of B. Of course,
if we interpret the integrals as Stieltjes' integrals, we may include in
our formulation even problems of finite differences and random walk
problems of the classical type. For us here, the main objective is to
point out a method that enables us in principle to find approximately
solutions of boundary value problems.


Still another alternative to the Rayleigh-Ritz procedure should be

mentioned. This is the method of gradients, which goes back to a
paper published by Hadamard in 1907 [12]. Highly suggestive as is
Hadamard's attempt, difficulties of convergence were encountered.
However, recent developments in the theory of conformai mapping
and in Plateau's problem throw new light on Hadamard's idea, so
that it seems justified now to expect from it not only purely mathe-
matical existence proofs but also a basis for numerical treatment in
suitable cases [13, 10, 11].
The principle of the method may be understood from the elemen-
tary geometric concept of a vector gradient. Let u=f(xi, • • - , # „ )
be a non-negative function of the n variables Xi, or as we might say
of the position vector X = (xi, •••,#»»), and let us seek to determine
a vector X = X0 for which u is at least stationary. We then proceed
as follows: on the surface u=f(x) we move a point (xi, • • • , xn, u)
so that Xi(t) and u(t) become functions of a time-parameter t. Then
18 R. COURANT [January

the velocity of ascent or descent along the line X = X(t)> u = u(t) on

the surface is

— = ù = J2 XifXi = X g r a d ƒ.
at l==i

We now choose the line along the line along which the motion pro-
ceeds so that the descent is as steep as possible (lines of steepest
descent). This means to make u negative and as large "as possible" in
absolute value, for example, by choosing

(18) X = -grad/,
so that
ù = - (grad/) 2 .
Hence the position vector X moves according to the system of ordi-
nary differential equations (18) along the lines of steepest descent
with respect to the function ƒ. Under very general assumptions, it is
clear t h a t X, starting from an arbitrary initial position, will, for /—> QO ,
approach a position for which g r a d , / = 0 , and therefore for which ƒ is
stationary and possibly a minimum. However, instead of using the
continuous procedure given by the differential equation (18), we
may proceed stepwise, correcting a set of approximations x to the
solutions of the equations grad ƒ = 0 by corrections proportional to
the respective components of —grad ƒ.
This elementary idea can be generalized to variational problems.
If we wish to determine a function u(x, y) defined in B and having
prescribed boundary values such that u is the solution of a variational

(19) I(v) = I I F(x> y, v, vxi vy)dxdy = min.,

then we interpret the desired function u as the limit for /—><x> of a

function v(x, y, /), whose values may be chosen arbitrarily for / = 0
and for all t thereafter are determined in such a way that the expres-
sion I(v), considered as a function I(t) of /, decreases as rapidly as
possible toward its minimal value. Of course the boundary values of
v(x, y, t) are the same as those for u(x> y), so t h a t vt must vanish at
the boundary. If we choose v = v(x1 y, t), we find

(20) î(t) = - f f VtL(v)dxdyy


where L(v) is the Euler expression corresponding to (20). To con-

sider a concrete example, we suppose that

(21) I(v) = ƒ ƒ (v\ + vl)dxdy,

so that our minimum problem amounts to determining the equi-

librium of a membrane with given boundary deflections g (s). Then
L(v) = — 2At>. Incidentally (20) displays an analogy between the Euler
expression and the gradient of a function f(x\y • • • , xn) of n inde-
pendent variables. The variation or "velocity" of I(v) is expressed as
an "inner product" of the velocity of the "independent function" v
with the Euler expression L(v), the gradient of a functional in f unc-
tion space.
We now assure ourselves of a steady descent or decrease of I(t)
by choosing vt in accordance with the differential equation
(22) vt = - kL(v),
where k is a positive arbitrary function of x, y. (21) then becomes

I(t) = - C C k[L(v)]2dxdy,

and again we can infer that, for /—> <x>, v(x, y, t) will tend to the solu-
tion u(x, y) of the corresponding boundary value problem L(u) = 0.
For the case of the membrane the differential equation (22) be-
(23) vt = Av,
the equation of heat transfer. In our interpretation this equation de-
scribes a rapid approach to a stationary state along the "lines of
steepest descent." While for the equations (23) or (22) the con-
vergence of v for /—>oo can be proved, serious difficulty arises if we
want to replace our continuous process by a process of stepwise cor-
rections as would be required for numerical applications. Each step
means a correction proportional to Av, thus introducing higher and
higher derivatives of the initial function v. Another great difficulty
is presented by rigid boundary values. 7
Yet there do exist classes of problems where such difficulties can
be overcome if the method is extended properly. First of all we may
Incidentally, if we apply this procedure to a problem for a finite net, it converges
very well and is, as a matter of fact, nothing but a natural method of solving a system
of linear equations by a method of iteration.
20 R. COURANT [January

observe that it is not necessary to select the steepest descent along the
gradient; it suffices to secure a safe descent at a suitably fast rate.
Furthermore, if we consider problems for which the boundary value
problem of the differential equation presents no difficulties for the
domain B, but for which a degree of freedom in the boundary values
is left, then the problem reduces to one for finding these boundary
values, and now all our difficulties disappear. A typical example is
the problem of the conformai mapping of a circle B onto a simply-
connected domain G, and it may be that the method of gradients
opens a path for the attack of the problem of conformai mapping for
multiply-connected domains and other problems as well.
This address has emphasized more theoretical aspects. However,
some of the general principles described may be helpful in enlarging
our equipment for practical purposes.


The computation of the stiffness 5 defined in §1, 2a furnishes an
example of independent interest which permits to compare the prac-
tical merits of some of the methods described in this address. Numer-
ical calculations were carried out for the cross sections of the follow-
ing diagrams, a square from which a smaller square is cut out; and
a square, from which four squares are cut out. In the first case our
quadratic frame was supposed to be bounded by the lines x = ± 1 ,
y = ± 1 and x = ± 3/4, y = ± 3/4. To apply the Rayleigh-Ritz method
for the domain as a whole would already be cumbersome because of
the boundary conditions for admissible functions </>. However, this
difficulty disappears if we exploit the symmetry of the domain and
the resulting symmetry of the solution; thus we may confine our-
selves to considering only one-eighth of the domain B*, namely the
quadrangle ABCD. For this polygon any function of the type
<t> = a(l - x)[l + (x - 3/4)P]
where P(x, y) is a polynomial, is admissible, and its substitution in
the integral leads to simple linear equations for the cofficients. Thus
for the simplest attempt
/ = a(l — x)
which leaves only one constant a to be determined, we find with a
Addition not contained in the original address.

negligible amount of numerical labor 5 = .339 and c= - . 1 1 . A re-

fined attempt with the function
4> = a ( l - *)[1 + a(x- 3/4)y]

yielded S = .340 and c= —.109 with little more labor.

These results were checked with those obtained by our generalized
method of finite differences where arbitrary triangular nets are
permitted. The diagrams are self-explanatory. Unknown are the

(c) (d)
FIG. 2 FIG. 3

net-point-values uit (c = u0). In the net-triangles our functions were

chosen as linear, so that the variational problem results in linear
equations for the w». The results, easily obtainable, were: case (a)
with two unknowns: S = .344, w 0 = - . l l ; case (b) with three un-
knowns: 5 = .352, w o = — . l l ; case (c) with five unknowns 5 = .353,
UQ= —.11; case (d) with nine unknowns, corresponding to the ordi-
nary difference method 5 = .353, u0= —.11.
These results show in themselves and by comparison that the
generalized method of triangular nets seems to have advantages. It
was applied with similar success to the case of a square with four
holes, and it is obviously adaptable to any type of domain, much
more so than the Rayleigh-Ritz procedure in which the construc-
tion of admissible functions would usually offer decisive obstacles.
In a separate publication it will be shown how the method can be
extended also to problems of plates and to other problems involving
higher derivatives.
Of course, one must not expect good local results from a method
22 R. COURANT [January

using so few elements. However, it might be expected that a smooth

interpolation of the net functions obtained will yield functions which
themselves with their derivatives are fairly good approximations to
the actual quantities.
1. R. Courant, Ueber direkte Methoden bei Variations- und Randwertproblemen,
Jber. Deutschen M a t h . Verein. vol. 34 (1925) p. 90 ff.; reprinted in Math. Ann. vol. 97
(1927) p. 711 ff.
2. , Ueber direkte Methoden • • •, Proceedings of the International Congress
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3. , Ueber partielle Differenzengleichungen, Atti del Congresso Interna-
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4. , Ueber Randwertaufgaben bei partiellen Differenzengleichungen, Zeit-
schrift fiir angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik vol. 6 (1926) p. 1 ff.
5. , Ueber die Theorie der linear en partiellen Differenzengleichungen, Goet-
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6. , Bemerkungen zur numerischen Aufloesung von Randwertproblemen • • • ,
Goettingen Nachrichten, 1926, p. I l l ff.
7# 1 Ueber ein convergenzerzeugendes Prinzip der Variationsrechnung, Goet-
tingen Nachrichten, 1922.
8. R. Courant, K. Friedrichs, H. Lewy, Ueber die partiellen Differenzengleichungen
der mathematischen Physik, M a t h . Ann. vol. 100 (1928) p. 32 ff.
9. R. Courant and D. Hubert, Methoden der mathematischen Physik, vol. I, 2d edi-
tion, 1931; vol. I I , 1937.
10. R. Courant, On a method for the solution of boundary-value problems, Theodore
von Kârmân Anniversary Volume, 1941.
11 m 1 Qn the first variation of the Dirchlet-Douglas integral and on the method of
gradients, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. vol. 27 (1941) p. 242 ff.
12. J. Hadamard, Mémoire sur le problème d'analyse relatif à Véquilibre des plaques
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Goettingen Nachrichten, 1925, p. 118 ff.
14. Philipps and N . Wiener, Nets and the Dirichlet problem, Publication of the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1925.
15. R. G. D. Richardson, A new method in boundary value problems f or differential
equations, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. vol. 18 (1917) p. 489 ff.
16. R. Lueneburg, Das Problem der Irrfahrt ohne Richtungsbeschraenkung • • • ,
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17. Petrovsky, Ueber das Irrfahrtenproblem, Math. Ann. vol. 109 (1934) p. 425 ff.
18. W. Feller, Zur Theorie der Stochastischen Prozesse, Math. Ann. vol. 113 (1936)
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19. C. J. Thorne and J. V. Atanasoff, A functional method f or the solution of thin
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21. , On a minimal problem in the theory of elasticity, J. London, Math. Soc.
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22. , Les vibrations et le calcul des variations, Portugaliae Mathematica,

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23. E. Trefftz, Ueber Fehlerabsch&tzungen bei Berechnung von Eigenwerten, Math.
Ann. vol. 108 (1933) p. 595 ff.
24. 1 Konvergenz und Fehlerabschaetzung beim Ritz schen Verfahren, Math.
Ann. vol. 100 (1928) p. 503 ff.
25. , Ein Gegenstueck zum Ritzfschen Verfahren, Verhandlungen, Congress
für technische Mechanik, Zuerich, 1927, p. 131.
26. H. Cross, Analysis of continuous frames by distributing fixed-end moments,
Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers vol. 96 (1932) pp. 1-10.
27. R. V. Southwell, Relaxation methods in engineering science. A treatise on
approximate computations, Oxford, 1940.
28. K. Friedrichs, Ein Verfahren der Variationsrechnung . . . , Goettingen Nach-
richten, 1929, p. 13 ff.
29. K. Friedrichs and G. Horvay, The finite Stieltjes momentum problem, Proc.
Nat. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. vol. 25 (1939) pp. 528-534.
30. L. Collatz, Das Differenzenverfahren . . . , Schriften des Mathematisches Sem-
inars der Universitaet Berlin, vol. 3 (1935).
31. , Ueber das Differenzenverfahren . . . , Zeitschrift für angewandte
Mathematik und Mechanik vol. 16 (1936) p. 239 ff.
32. , Bemerkungen zur Fehlerabschaetzung für das Differenzenverfahren bei
partiellen Differentialgleichungen, Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Me-
chanik vol. 13 (1933) p. 56 ff.
33. H. P. Geiringer, Zur Praxis der Loesung linearer Gleichungen in der Statik,
Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik vol. 8 (1928) p. 446 ff.
34. R. von Mises and H. P. Geiringer, Praktische Verfahren der Gleichungsauf-
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35. J. P. Den Hartog, Mechanical vibrations, 1st edition, 1934, New York.
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partieller Differentialgleichungen, Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Me-
chanik vol. 10 (1930) pp. 373-382.
37. S. Timoshenko, Vibration problems in engineering, 2d edition, New York,
38. Lord Rayleigh, Theory of sound, 2d edition, 1894 and 1896, London.
39. W. Ritz, Ueber eine neue Methode zur Loesung gewisser Variationsprobleme
der mathematischen Physik, J. Reine Angew. Math. vol. 135 (1908); Theorie der Trans-
versalschwingungen einer quadratischen Platte mit f reien Raendern, Annalen der Physik
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40. Si Luan Wei, Ueber die eingespannte rechteckige Platte . . . , dissertation, Goet-
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