As Particle Physics

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Particle Physics HW Questions

409 minutes

405 marks

Q1.An atom of calcium, , is ionised by removing two electrons.

(i) State the number of protons, neutrons and electrons in the ion formed.




(ii) Calculate the charge of the ion.

charge ........................................... C

(iii) Calculate the specific charge of the ion.

specific charge ................................... C kg −1

(Total 6 marks)

Q2.A positron is emitted from a nucleus when a proton changes to a neutron in the nucleus.The
Feynman diagram for the quark interaction is shown in the diagram below.
(a) Identify the particles labelled A, B, C and D in the diagram.

A ....................................................

B ....................................................

C ....................................................

D ....................................................

(b) (i) State the interaction responsible for this process.


(ii) State which letter in the diagram above represents an exchange particle.


(iii) State one difference between this exchange particle and a photon.


(c) Energy and momentum have to be conserved in this process. State two other quantities
that need to be conserved and show that they are conserved in the process.

quantity 1........................................................................................................



quantity 2........................................................................................................


(Total 10 marks)

Q3.(a) Hadrons and leptons are two groups of particles.Write an account of how particles are placed
into one or other of these two groups.Your account should include the following:
• how the type of interaction is used to classify the particles

• examples of each type of particle

• details of any similarities between the two groups

• details of how one group may be further sub-divided.

The quality of your written communication will be assessed in your answer.




















(b) Every type of particle has a corresponding antiparticle.

(i) Give one example of a particle and its corresponding antiparticle.


(ii) State one difference between this particle and its antiparticle.


(Total 8 marks)

Q4.(a) Name the constituent of an atom which

(i) has zero charge,


(ii) has the largest specific charge,


(iii) when removed leaves a different isotope of the element.



(b) The equation

represents the decay of technetium−99 by the emission of a β particle. −

(i) Identify the particle X.


(ii) Determine the values of A and Z.

A =.........................................

Z = ........................................

(iii) Calculate the specific charge of the technetium−99 nucleus. State an

appropriate unit for your answer.
specific charge = ....................................... unit .....................................
(Total 10 marks)

Q5.(a) (i) State how many quarks there are in a baryon.


(ii) Hadrons fall into two groups, baryons being one of them.

State the name that is given to the other group of hadrons.


(iii) Give two properties of hadrons that distinguish them from leptons.

property 1..............................................................................................


property 2..............................................................................................


(b) The forces between particles can be explained in terms of exchange particles.

Complete the following table by identifying an exchange particle involved in the interaction.


electromagnetic ........................

weak ........................


(c) The following equation shows electron capture.

p+e →n+v−

(i) Draw a Feynman diagram that represents this interaction.


(ii) Explain why, when electron capture occurs, a neutrino rather than an antineutrino is



(Total 10 marks)

Q6.(a) State one similarity and one difference between an elastic collision and an inelastic collision.





(b) An unstable isotope of neodymium, , decays into an isotope of cerium, Ce, by

emitting an α particle.

(i) Complete the following decay equation.


(ii) The α particle is emitted from a stationary nucleus at a speed of

9.3 × 10 m s . Calculate the recoil speed of the daughter nucleus.
6 −1
recoil speed ........................... ms −1


(iii) Show that, when a stationary nucleus decays, the kinetic energy of the
recoiling cerium nucleus is only about 3% of the kinetic energy of the emitted α

(Total 8 marks)

Q7. (a) The K meson has strangeness –1.

(i) State the quark composition of a meson.


(ii) State the baryon number of the K meson. –


(iii) What is the quark composition of the K meson? –



(b) The figure below shows a Feynman diagram for a possible decay of the strange quark.
(i) Which interaction is responsible for this decay?


(ii) Energy and momentum are conserved when the W particle is produced. State two –

other quantities that are also conserved and one that is not.

conserved .............................................................................................

conserved .............................................................................................

not conserved .......................................................................................


(iii) Complete this equation for the decay of a K meson. –

K → ........... + ........... + ...........

.. .. ..

(Total 9 marks)

Q8. (a) The nucleus of a particular atom has a nucleon number of 14 and a proton number of

(i) State what is meant by nucleon number and proton number.

nucleon number ....................................................................................


proton number ......................................................................................



(ii) Calculate the number of neutrons in the nucleus of this atom.

answer = .....................................

(iii) Calculate the specific charge of the nucleus.

answer = .......................... Ckg –1


(b) The specific charge of the nucleus of another isotope of the element is 4.8 × 10 Ckg . 7 –1

(i) State what is meant by an isotope.




(ii) Calculate the number of neutrons in this isotope.

answer = .....................................
(Total 10 marks)

Q9. (a) Protons can interact with electrons by gravity and by two other fundamental
interactions. In the following table identify these interactions and name the exchange
particle involved.
interaction exchange particle


(b) State the quark composition of a proton.


(c) A change in quark identity is involved in electron capture.

(i) Explain what is meant by electron capture.







(ii) In the space below draw a Feynman diagram representing electron capture.

(Total 9 marks)

Q10. The diagram shows the path of an α particle deflected by the nucleus of an atom.
Point P on the path is the point of closest approach of the α particle to the nucleus.
Which one of the following statements about the α particle on this path is correct?

A Its acceleration is zero at P.

B Its kinetic energy is greatest at P.

C Its speed is least at P.

D Its potential energy is least at P.

(Total 1 mark)

Q11. (a) The table gives information about some fundamental particles.

Complete the table by filling in the missing information.

particle quarkstructure charge strangene baryonnumber

uud 0

Sigma +
uus +1

ud 0 0


(b) Each of the particles in the table has an antiparticle.

(i) Give one example of a baryon particle and its corresponding antiparticle.

particle ..................................................................................................

antiparticle ............................................................................................

(ii) State the quark structure of an antibaryon.


(iii) Give one property of an antiparticle that is the same for its corresponding particle
and one property that is different.

Same ....................................................................................................


Different ................................................................................................

(Total 11 marks)

Q12. (a) State what is meant by the specific charge of a nucleus and give an appropriate unit
for this quantity.





unit: ...................................................

(b) Nucleus X has the same nucleon number as nucleus Y. The specific charge of X is 1.25
times greater than that of Y.

(i) Explain, in terms of protons and neutrons, why the specific charge of X is greater
than that of Y.




(ii) Nucleus X is . Deduce the number of protons and the number of neutrons in
nucleus Y.

number of protons ...........................

number of neutrons ..........................

(Total 8 marks)

Q13. (a) Pair production can occur when a photon interacts with matter. Explain the process of
pair production.





(b) Explain why pair production cannot take place if the frequency of the photon is below a
certain value.






(c) Energy and momentum are conserved during pair production. State two other quantities
that must also be conserved.


(Total 7 marks)

Q14. (a) (i) Name two baryons.


(ii) State the quark structure of the pion .


(b) (i) The K kaon is a strange particle. Give one characteristic of a strange particle

thatmakes it different from a particle that is not strange.



(ii) One of the following equations represent a possible decay of the K kaon. +

K + → π+ + π0

K+→ μ+ +
State, with a reason, which one of these decays is not possible.



(c) Another strange particle, X, decays in the following way:

X → π– + p
(i) State what interaction is involved in this decay.


(ii) Show that X must be a neutral particle.



(iii) Deduce whether X is a meson, baryon or lepton, explaining how you arrive at





(iv) Which particle in this interaction is the most stable?

(Total 11 marks)

Q15. Alpha decay is a process by which an unstable isotope of an element may decay.

(i) State what is meant by isotopes.





(ii) Complete this equation for alpha decay.

(iii) Calculate the specific charge of an alpha particle, stating an appropriate unit.

answer = .....................................

(iv) Explain why the alpha particle, once outside the nucleus, is unaffected by the
strongnuclear force.





(Total 10 marks)

Q16. The isotope of potassium can decay by positron emission to form an isotope of argon,

(a) Complete the following equation which represents this decay.

→ ……… + ……… + ………

(b) The following equation represents another possible decay for

+ → +
(i) What is this type of decay called?


(ii) Where does the electron on the left-hand side of the equation come from?


(iii) Explain why this reaction has to produce a neutrino rather than an antineutrino.



(iv) Complete the Feynman diagram shown in the figure below that represents this

(Total 10 marks)

Q17. Sub-atomic particles can either be hadrons or leptons.

(a) (i) State one difference between these two groups of particles.


(ii) Give an example of a non-strange hadron and an example of a lepton.

hadron ................................................................................................
lepton ..................................................................................................

(iii) Hadrons can be further divided into two groups. Name these two groups and state a
difference between them.





(b) The Feynman Diagram in the figure below represents an interaction known as electron

State a conservation law obeyed in this interaction. Show how the property mentioned in
the law is conserved.





(Total 8 marks)

Q18. A neutral atom of a radium isotope may be represented by .

(a) (i) Name the constituents of this atom and state how many of each are present.



(ii) Which constituent of an atom has the largest specific charge?


(iii) This isotope of radium decays by β decay to form an element with symbol, Ac. Write

down an equation that represents this decay.


(b) is a neutral atom of a different isotope of radium. State a possible value for
A and for Z.

A: ..................................................................................................................

Z: ..................................................................................................................
(Total 10 marks)

Q19. Under certain circumstances, a photon moving through a material can interact with the
nucleus of an atom of the material to produce an electron and a positron.

(i) What is the name of this process?


(ii) Give one reason why the photon could not produce a single electron instead of an
electron and a positron.





(iii) Make use of the Data and Formulae booklet to show that the minimum energy of the
photon required for this process is 1.02 MeV.


(iv) Photons whose wavelength exceeds a certain value will not cause this process.
Calculate the maximum wavelength for the process to occur stating your answer to an
appropriate number of significant figures.

answer = ...................................... m

(v) Explain what will happen to the positron produced by the interaction.




(Total 10 marks)

Q20. (a) The photoelectric effect suggests that electromagnetic waves can exhibit particle-like
behaviour. Explain what is meant by threshold frequency and why the existence of a
threshold frequency supports the particle nature of electromagnetic waves.

The quality of your written communication will be assessed in this question.


















(b) (i) An alpha particle of mass 6.6 × 10 kg has a kinetic energy of 9.6 × 10 J.
–27 –13

Show that the speed of the alpha particle is 1.7 × 10 m s . 7 –1


(ii) Calculate the momentum of the alpha particle, stating an appropriate unit.
answer = .....................................

(iii) Calculate the de Broglie wavelength of the alpha particle.

answer = ..................................... m
(Total 14 marks)

Q21. A nucleus decays, forming a new nucleus, by releasing a β particle and one other +

which is difficult to detect.

(a) Name the particle which is difficult to detect.

answer = ......................................

(b) Write down the proton number and the nucleon number of the new nucleus.

proton number ..............................................................................................

nucleon number ...........................................................................................


(c) Name the baryon and each of the leptons formed as a result of this decay.

baryon ..........................................................................................................

lepton ............................................................................................................

lepton ............................................................................................................

(d) Give the quark structure for a neutron and a proton.

neutron ........................................................................................................
proton ..........................................................................................................

(e) Complete the following Feynman diagram so that it represents β decay. +

(Total 10 marks)

Q22. (a) Describe how the strong nuclear force between two nucleons varies with the
separation of the nucleons quoting suitable values for separation.







(b) An unstable nucleus can decay by the emission of an alpha particle.

(i) State the nature of an alpha particle.



(ii) Complete the equation below to represent the emission of an α particle by a


→ Th + α

(c) decays in stages by emitting α particles and β particles, eventually forming

, a stable isotope of lead.

(i) State what is meant by isotopes.



(ii) If there are eight alpha decays involved in the sequence of decays from
to deduce how many β decays are involved.

answer = .........................................
(Total 11 marks)

Q23. (a) Hadrons are a group of particles composed of quarks. Hadrons can either be
baryons or mesons.

(i) What property defines a hadron?


(ii) What is the quark structure of a baryon?


(iii) What is the quark structure of a meson?

(b) State one similarity and one difference between a particle and its antiparticle.

similarity .......................................................................................................


difference ......................................................................................................


(c) Complete the table below which lists properties of the antiproton.

baryon quark
charge / C
number structure


(d) The K is an example of a meson with strangeness –1. The K decays in the following way:
– –

K →µ +
– –

(i) State, with a reason, what interaction is responsible for this decay.





(ii) State two properties, other than energy and momentum, that are conserved in this




(Total 11 marks)
Q24. (a) An unstable nucleus, , can decay by emitting a β particle. –

(i) What part of the atom is the same as a β particle? –


(ii) State the changes, if any, in A and Z when X decays.

change in A .........................................................................................

change in Z ..........................................................................................

(b) In the process of β decay an anti-neutrino is also released.

(i) Give an equation for this decay.


(ii) State and explain which conservation law may be used to show that it is an
anti-neutrino rather than a neutrino that is released.





(iii) What must be done to validate the predictions of an unconfirmed scientific theory?





(Total 8 marks)

Q25. (a) How many protons, neutrons and electrons are there in an atom of caesium, ,
which is the most abundant and stable isotope of caesium.

......................... protons

......................... neutrons

......................... electrons

(b) (i) Explain what is meant by isotopes.



(ii) Write down an isotope that is likely to be a beta minus emitter.


(c) Determine the specific charge of a nucleus of .

specific charge = ..........................

(Total 8 marks)

Q26. The quark model was developed to help understand hadrons. Quarks cannot exist
separately, they form combinations.

(a) (i) List the three combinations that quarks can form.

............... ............... ...............

(ii) Give the quark combination for a positive pion, π and an antiproton, +
π ...............


(b) The event represented by, K + p → K + K + X, is a strong interaction.

– 0 +

The K has strangeness –1 and the kaons K and K both have strangeness +1.
– + 0

(i) Use the conservation laws to deduce the strangeness, charge, baryon number and
lepton number of the particle represented by X.

Strangeness .......................................................................................

Charge ................................................................................................

Baryon number ...................................................................................

Lepton number …….............................................................................

(ii) What will particle X eventually decay into?

(Total 8 marks)

Q27. (a) Complete the labelling of the Feynman diagram below representing positron emission
from an individual nucleon.


(b) (i) What is the virtual exchange particle used by electromotive force?


(ii) State two differences between the exchange particles used by the weak interaction
and used by the electromagnetic force.



(c) The theoretical work of Dirac suggested that for every particle there should exist a
corresponding antiparticle. The first to be antiparticle to be discovered was the positron.

(i) State what is meant by an antiparticle.



(ii) Write down the corresponding antiparticle for each of the particles listed in the
following table.

Particle antiparticle

β –
β +


(Total 11 marks)

Q28. (a) An ion of plutonium Pu has an overall charge of +1.6 × 10 C. –19

For this ion state the number of

(i) protons ..........................................

(ii) neutrons .......................................

(iii) electrons .......................................


(b) Plutonium has several isotopes.

Explain the meaning of the word isotopes.


(Total 5 marks)

Q29. Under certain conditions a γ photon may be converted into an electron and a positron.

(a) What is this process called?


(b) (i) Explain why there is a minimum energy of the γ photon for this conversion to take
place and what happens when a γ photon has slightly more energy than this value.






(ii) Using values from the data sheet calculate this minimum energy in MeV.



(c) Under suitable conditions, a γ photon may be converted into two other particles rather than
an electron and positron.
Give an example of the two other particles it could create.

(Total 5 marks)

Q30. (a) Complete the following equations

p + e –
____ + ____

n + v  p + ____
p + p p + p + K –
+ ____

(b) Give an equation that represents β decay, using quarks in the equation rather than




(c) (i) Which fundamental force is responsible for electron capture?


(ii) What type of particle is an electron?


(iii) State the other fundamental forces that electrons may experience.

(Total 9 marks)

Q31. A radioactive isotope of carbon is represented by C.

(a) Using the same notation, give the isotope of carbon that has two fewer neutrons.


(b) Calculate the charge on the ion formed when two electrons are removed from an
atom of C.




(c) Calculate the value of for the nucleus of an atom of C.


(Total 5 marks)

Q32. (a) (i) Give an example of an exchange particle other than a W or W particle, and + –

state the fundamental force involved when it is produced.

exchange particle ................................................................................

fundamental force ...............................................................................

(ii) State what roles exchange particles can play in an interaction.




(b) From the following list of particles,

p e +
μ –

identify all the examples of

(i) hadrons, .............................................................................................

(ii) leptons, …...........................................................................................

(iii) antiparticles, .......................................................................................

(iv) charged particles. ...............................................................................

(Total 8 marks)

Q33. (a) What are isotopes?





(b) One of the isotopes of nitrogen may be represented by N.

(i) State the number of each type of particle in its nucleus.



(ii) Determine the ratio , in C kg , of its nucleus.






(c) (i) What is the charge, in C, of an atom of N from which a single electron has been


(ii) What name is used to describe an atom from which an electron has been removed?

(Total 8 marks)

Q34. The equation represents the collision of a neutral kaon with a proton, resulting in the
production of a neutron and a positive pion.

K° + p n+π +

(a) Show that this collision obeys three conservation laws in addition to energy and





(b) The neutral kaon has a strangeness of +1.

Write down the quark structure of the following particles.

K° ..............................................

π ...............................................

p .................................................
(Total 7 marks)

Q35. The equation represents the collision of a neutral kaon with a proton, resulting in the
production of a neutron and a positive pion.

K° + p n+π +

(a) Show that this collision obeys three conservation laws in addition to energy and






(b) The neutral kaon has a strangeness of +1.Write down the quark structure of the following

K° ..............................................

π ...............................................

p .................................................
(Total 7 marks)
M1.(a) (i) protons = 20
neutrons = 28
electrons = 18

(ii) 2 × 1.6 × 10 = 3.2 × 10

−19 −19
-ve sign loses mark

(iii) specific charge = 3.2 × 10 / (48 ×; 1.67 × 10 +18 × 9.11 × 10 )

−19 −27 −31

specific charge = 4.0 × 10 C kg6 −1

Allow 1.66
Allow CE from (ii)
First mark is for mass if miss out electron mass and do not justify
lose first mark

M2.(a) A = down
B=W +

C = positron and D= (electron) neutrino

symbols OK
NOT neutron
C and D either way round

(b) (i) weak


(ii) B / W( ) +

(iii) W / B / exchange particle is charged / γ no charge OR W / B / exchange

+ +

particle has (rest) mass / γ has zero (rest) mass OR photon has infinite range
exchange particle must be clearly identified
don’t accept W more mass or shorter range

(c) Any two pairsQuantity: lepton number e (−1) + v (1) = 0 after same as before Quantity:

charge u( +2/3) before 1−d(1 / 3) = +2 / 3 after decay Quantity: baryon number

proton 1 and neutron 1 (can be shown through quarks)
can use p(+1) and e (+1)to show charge conservedEach number

must be correctly linked to a particle at least once for second

markStrangeness not allowed

M3.(a) The candidate’s writing should be legible and the spelling, punctuation and grammar
should be sufficiently accurate for the meaning to be clear.The candidate’s answer
will be assessed holistically. The answer will be assigned to one of three levels according
to the following criteria.

High Level (Good to excellent): 5 or 6 marksThe information conveyed by the answer is

clearly organised, logical and coherent, using appropriate specialist vocabulary correctly.
The form and style of writing is appropriate to answer the question.
Top Band
Both have rest massMention electromagnetic interaction Correct
quark structure of mesons and baryonsBoth hadrons and leptons
interact/decay through weak interactionFor 6 marks must have
last two points

Candidate gives correct examples of hadrons and leptons. Identifies the differences
between hadrons and leptons (hadrons affected by strong nuclear reaction and are made
of quarks). Leptons are fundamental and do not experience the strong nuclear reaction.
Hadrons are divided into baryons and mesons. Baryons three quarks, mesons quark anti-
quark pair. Similarities between groups all experience weak interaction and if charged the
electromagnetic interaction. All have rest mass.

Intermediate Level (Modest to adequate): 3 or 4 marksThe information conveyed by the

answer may be less well organised and not fully coherent. There is less use of specialist
vocabulary, or specialist vocabulary may be used incorrectly. The form and style of writing
is less appropriate.
Middle band
Only hadrons experience strong nuclear interaction (need this to
get in middle band)Hadrons are mesons or baryons. Examples of

Candidate gives correct examples of hadrons and leptons. Identifies one difference
between hadrons and leptons (e.g. hadrons affected by strong nuclear reaction or are
made of quarks). Leptons are fundamental. Hadrons are divided into baryons and mesons.

Low Level (Poor to limited): 1 or 2 marksThe information conveyed by the answer is

poorly organised and may not be relevant or coherent. There is little correct use of
specialist vocabulary. The form and style of writing may be only partly appropriate.
Lower band
1 or 2 correct facts about hadrons leptons eg Leptons are
fundamental / hadrons made of quarks

Identifies two correct properties of hadrons and leptons.

The explanation expected in a competent answer should include a coherent

selection of the following points concerning the physical principles involved and
their consequences in this case.example of hadron and leptonmention of strong
interactionmention of quark structure hadronsleptons are fundamentalidentify baryons and
mesonsgives quark structure of baryons and mesonssimilarities e.g. all have rest massall
affected by weak interactionif charged both experience electromagnetic interaction

(b) (i) a correct example of particle e.g. electronand correct example of antiparticle e.g.
Allow correct symbolsAllow antielectron for positronAlso allow pi
zero and gamma

(ii) correct difference e.g. opposite charge/other named quantum number

must be consistent with (i)

M4.(a) (i) neutron

accept symbols
symbols e.g. n

(ii) electron
accept symbols

(iii) neutron
accept symbols

(b) (i) antineutrino

V (e)

(ii) A=99
Z= 44

(iii) specific charge = 43 × 1.6 × 10 −19

/ 99 × 1.66 × 10 −27

specific charge = 4.2 × 10 7

C kg −1

Correct answer no working −1

If include mass of electrons lose 2 and 3 mark

M5.(a) (i) three OR qqq


(ii) mesons

(iii) experience the strong interaction

made up of quarks OR not fundamental
(eventually) decay to proton
2 max


interaction exchange particle

electromagnetic (virtual)photon OR

weak W+ or W −or Z (0)

W must have superscript


(c) (i)

If no arrow on W boson line then must be clearly slanting in correct

direction for second mark
e must have - superscript
If no clear junctions lose second mark
If no arrows on sides −1

(ii) lepton number must be conserved

(+1 on lhs must be +1 on rhs)

M6.(a) Similarity: momentum is conserved (in both cases)

Difference: kinetic energy is conserved in an elastic collision but not in an inelastic

For 2 mark allow ke is only conserved in elastic collision, or ke is

not conserved in an inelastic collision.


(b) (i) in the Ce nucleus A = 140 Z = 58 and for α A = 4 and Z = 2

All four correct values required

(ii) 0 = 140 v – 4 × 9.3 × 10 6

Allow 140 v = 4 × 9.3 × 10 for 1 mark.

6 st

Allow ecf from values in (b)(i).

gives v = 2.6 (6) × 10 (m s )

5 −1

Allow inclusion of mass of 58 electrons in recoil atom when shown.


(iii) E of α = ½ × 4 × 1.66 × 10 × (9.3 × 10 )

−27 6 2
(= 2.87 × 10 −13

E of Ce = ½ × 140 × 1.66 × 10 × (2.66 × 10 )

−27 5 2
(= 8.22 × 10 −15
= 0.0286 or 2.86%
For 3 mark, answer must be evaluated to at least 2SF (3% alone

is insufficient); note that use of v = 2.7 × 10 m s gives 0.0295 or

5 −1


[or gives = 0.0286 or 2.86% ]

Allow ecf from values in (b)(ii).

[or = = 0.0286 or 2.86% ]

When ecf is applied, 3 mark is only available for answers between

2.5% and 3.5%.


M7. (a) (i) quark antiquark pair OR qq OR named quark antiquark pair

(ii) 0

(iii) us

(b) (i) Weak any of the following also score 1 mark:

weak interaction

weak interaction force

weak nuclear

weak nuclear interaction

weak decay

weak force

weak nuclear force


(ii) conserved: baryon number, charge, lepton number, spin

not conserved: strangeness


(iii) K →π +e + v
– 0 –
OR K → π + µ + v
– 0 –
( µ )


M8. (a) (i) nucleon number is the number of protons and neutrons OR mass number
proton number is the number of protons OR atomic number

(ii) 14 – 6 = 8

(iii) specific charge = 6 × 1.6 × 10 –19

/(14 × 1.66 × 10 –27

specific charge = 4.1 × 107 (C kg ) –1

(b) (i) isotopes are variations of an element that have same

proton/atomic number

but different nucleon number OR different number of neutrons


(ii) 4.8 × 10 = 6 × 1.6 × 10

7 –19
/(A × 1.66 × 10 ) –27

A = 6 × 1.6 × 10 /(4.8 × 10 × 1.66 × 10 )

–19 7 –27

A = 12

Number of neutrons = 12-6


M9. (a)
interaction exchange particle

weak W OR W OR Z°
+ –

electromagnetic photon OR γ

(b) uud

(c) (i) an atomic/orbital/shell electron

interacts with a proton in the nucleus (via the weak interaction)

(ii) neutron formed or u quark changes to d quark (and neutrino released)


M10. C

M11. (a)
particle quark charge strangeness baryon
structure number

proton uud +1 0 1

sigma +
uus +1 -1 1

π +
ud +1 0 0

(b) (i) examples:

proton, antiquarks

(ii) consists of 3 antiquarks


(iii) same (rest) mass (energy)

difference eg baryon number/charge

M12. (a) the ratio of charge to mass of nucleus

C kg −1

(b) (i) number of protons and neutrons the same or number of neutrons less or
mass the same

but more protons therefore greater charge


(ii) answers add up to 10

number of protons = 4

number of neutrons = 10 − 4 = 6

evidence of correct calculation

eg 5q = 1.25 × ?q


M13. (a) photon interacts with (orbital) electron/nucleus/atom

energy of photon used to create particle antiparticle pair

to conserve momentum photon needs to interact with interacting particle


(b) energy of photon depends on frequency

if energy/frequency is below a certain value there is not enough energy

to provide mass/rest energy of particles


(c) any two

eg charge

lepton number

baryon number

M14. (a) (i) any two eg proton, neutron


(b) (i) contains a strange quark

or longer half life than expected

or decays by weak interaction


(ii) the second one is not possible

because lepton number is not conserved


(c) (i) weak (interaction)


(ii) mention of charge conservation

or charge conservation demonstrated by numbers


(iii) X must be a baryon

baryon number on right hand side is +1


(iv) proton/p

M15. (i) same atomic number/number of protons

different mass/nucleon number/different number of neutrons



= 4.8 × 10 Ckg
7 –1

(iv) strong nuclear force is short range

no effect at distances larger 3 fm(except any distance less than 10 fm)


M16. (a)
(accept + for 1 and e or β )
+ +

(b) (i) electron/K capture


(ii) (inner) shell (of atom)


(iii) conservation of lepton number


W +


M17. (a) (i) leptons do not experience the strong interaction but
hadrons do or hadrons not fundamental/made of quarks
and leptons are not (1)
(ii) hadron eg proton, neutron, pion (1)

lepton eg electron, neutrino (1)


(iii) baryons (1)

mesons (1)

baryons made from three quarks (or 3 antiquarks),

mesons a quark, antiquark pair or baryons, baryon
number is +1 or –1 mesons 0 (1)

(b) baryon number, lepton number, charge, strangeness, energy ormomentum (1)

demonstration of conservation (before and after consideredand number appropriate to

particle quoted) (1)

M18. (a) (i) 88 protons (1)

140 neutrons (1)

88 electrons (1)

(ii) electron (1)


(iii) (1)(1)(1)(1)

(b) 228 ± 10 (1)

88 (1)

M19. (i) pair production (1)


(ii) conservation law stated (charge or lepton number) (1)

shown to be true eg lepton number +1–1 = 0 (1)

(iii) energy = 2 × 0.510 (ignore sfs) (1)


(iv) E = (1.02 × 1.6 × 10 ) = 1.63 × 10 (1)

–13 –13

1.63 × 10 = 6.63 × 10 × 3.00 × 10 /λ (1)

–3 –34 8

λ = 6.63 × 10 × 3.00 × 10 /1.63 × 10 = 1.22 × 10 m (1)

–34 8 –13 –12

3 significant figures (1)


(v) will encounter an electron and the two particles will annihilate (1)

releasing (two high energy/gamma) photons/quanta (1)


M20. (a) The candidate’s writing should be legible and the spelling, punctuation
and grammar should be sufficiently accurate for the meaning to be

The candidate’s answer will be assessed holistically. The answer will be

assigned to one of the three levels according to the following criteria.

High Level (good to excellent) 5 or 6 marks

The information conveyed by the answer is clearly organised, logical and

coherent, using appropriate specialist vocabulary correctly. The form and
style of writing is appropriate to answer the question.

The candidate provides a comprehensive and coherent description which

includes a clear explanation of threshold frequency and why this cannot be
explained by the wave theory. The description should include a clear
explanation of the photon model of light and this should be linked to the
observations such as threshold frequency, the lack of time delay or
mentions 1 to 1 interaction, the could not be explained by the wave model.

Intermediate Level (modest to adequate) 3 or 4 marks

The information conveyed by the answer may be less well organised and
not fully coherent. There is less use of specialist vocabulary, or specialist
vocabulary may be used incorrectly. The form and style of writing is less

The candidate provides an explanation of threshold frequency and work

function. The candidate explains the photon model of light and how this can
provide an explanation of threshold frequency, eg relates energy of photon
to frequency or talks about packets of energy.

Low Level (poor to limited) 1 or 2 marks

The information conveyed by the answer is poorly organised and may not
be relevant or coherent. There is little correct use of specialist vocabulary.
The form and style of writing may only be partly appropriate.

States what is meant by photoelectric effect. Knowledge of photons/packets

of energy.

The explanation expected in a competent answer should include acoherent account

of the significance of threshold frequency and howthis supports the particle nature
of electromagnetic waves.

• threshold frequency minimum frequency for emission of electrons

• if frequency below the threshold frequency, no emissioneven if intensity increased

• because the energy of the photon is less than the work function

• wave theory can not explain this as energy of waveincreases with intensity

• light travels as photons

• photons have energy that depends on frequency

• if frequency is above threshold photon have enough energy

• mention of lack of time delay

max 6

(b) (i) use of E =


½ × 6.6 × 10 (1) × v = 9.6 × 10 (1)

–27 2 –13

v = 2.91 × 10 (or v = √2.91 × 10 ) (1)

2 –14 –14

(v = 1.7 × 10 m s )
7 –1

(ii) (use of p = mv)

p = 6.6 × 10 × 1.7 × 10 (1)

–27 7

p = 1.1 × 10 (1) kg m s /N s (1)

–19 –1

(iii) (use of λ = )

λ = 6.63 × 10 /1.1 × 10 (1)

–34 –19
λ = 5.9 × 10 m (1) (6.03 × 10 m)
–15 –15


M21. (a) neutrino (1)


(b) proton number = 10 (1)

nucleon number = 22 (1)


(c) baryon = neutron (1)

lepton = positron (1)

lepton = neutrino (1)


(d) ddu and uud (1)



–1 for each error

M22. (a) repulsive then attractive (1)

short range (if distance quoted must be of order fm) (1)

correct distance for cross over (accept range 0.1 – 1.0 fm) (1)

(b) (i) a helium nucleus (accept 2p and 2n) (1)


(ii) (↓92↑238) U → (↓90↑234)Th(+↓2↑4)α (1)


(c) (i) same atomic number/proton number (1)

different number of neutrons/nucleons (1)


(ii) evidence of subtraction of mass number or atomic number (1)

(thus atomic number decreases to) 76 (1)

(atomic number of lead is 82 therefore) 6 (82 – 76) beta decays (1)


M23. (a) (i) particles that experience the strong (nuclear) force/interaction (1)

(ii) particles composed of three quarks (1)


(iii) particles composed of a quark and an antiquark (1)


(b) similarity: but the same (rest) mass or rest energy (1)

difference: opposite quantum states eg charge (1)



baryon quark
number structure

antiproton –1.6 × 10 –19


–1 for each error

(d) (i) weak interaction (1)

strange not conserved or there is a change/decay of quark

(flavour) (1)

(ii) any two

eg charge

baryon number

(muon) lepton number


M24. (a) (i) an electron (1)


(ii) change in A = 0 (1)

change in Z = +1 (1)

(b) (i) (1)

or n → p + e +

or d → u + e +

(ii) lepton number must be conserved (1)

lepton number before decay equals zero

hence after decay lepton number of electrons cancels with lepton

number of anti-neutrino or zero on both sides (1)


(iii) hypothesis needs to be tested by experiment (1)

experiment must be repeatable (1)

or hypothesis rejected
M25. (a) 55 protons

55 electrons (1)

82 neutrons (1)

(b) (i) same number of protons (1)

different number of neutrons (1)

(ii) (1)

(c) specific charge (= charge/mass) = 55 × 1.6 × 10 /137 × 1.67 × 10 (1)

–19 –27

3.85 × 10 (1) C kg (1)

7 –1


M26. (a) (i) ; qqq;

(1)(1) ((1) for just two combinations)

(ii) π =


(b) (i) strangeness = –3

charge = –1

baryon number = +1

lepton number = 0

(1)(1)(1) if all correct – lose one for each error

(ii) the proton (1)

M27. (a) n (1)p (1)v (1)

(b) (i) γ photon (1)

(ii) γ is massless
γ has infinite range
γ does not carry charge

(1)(1) any two


(c) (i) all properties/quantum numbers (e.g. charge, strangeness)

are opposite (1)

but the masses are the same (1)

(ii) π° (1)


γ (1)

M28. (a) (i) 94 (protons) (1)

(ii) 145 (neutrons) (1)

(iii) 93 (electrons) (1)


(b) same number of protons[or same atomic number] (1)

different number of neutrons/nucleons[or different mass number] (1)

M29. (a) pair production (1)


(b) (i) the γ ray must provide enough energy to provide

for the (rest) mass (1)
any extra energy will provide the particle(s) with
kinetic energy (1)

(ii) (0.511 + 0.511) = 1.022 (MeV) (1)


(c) any pairing of a particle with its corresponding

antiparticle (e.g. p + ) (1)

M30. (a) n + v (1)(1)


μ –

K +

(b) d → u + β + v (1)(1)


(c) (i) weak interaction (1)

(ii) lepton (1)

(iii) electromagnetic and gravitational (1)

M31. (a) (1)

(b) 2e (1)

= (2 × 1.6 × 10 ) = 3.2 × 10 C (1) −19 −19

(c) (1)

= 4.1(1) × 10 C kg (1) 7 −1


M32. (a) (i) Z with the weak interaction


gluons or pions with the strong nuclear force

γ photons with electromagnetic interaction
gravitons with gravity
(any exchange particle (1) and corresponding interaction (1))

(ii) transfers energy

transfers momentum
transfers force
(sometimes) transfers charge any two (1)(1)

(b) p π (1)

V e µ (1)
+ −

e (1)

pe µ (1)+ −


M33. (a) (atoms with) same number of protons/same atomic number (1)
different number of neutrons/mass number/ nucleons (1)

(b) (i) 7 protons (1)8 neutrons (1)

(ii) (1)

= 4.5 × 10 (C kg ) (1) (4.47 × 10 (C kg ))

7 –1 7 –1

(allow C.E. for incorrect values in (b) (i))


(c) (i) (+) 1.6 × 10 (C) (1)


(ii) positive ion (1)


M34. (a) baryon number 0 + 1 = 1 + 0 (1)

lepton number 0 + 0 = 0 + 0 (1)
charge 0 + 1 = 0 + 1 (1)

(b) K° (1)

π +

p udu (1)

correct number of quarks and antiquarks in each (1)


M35. (a) baryon number 0 + 1 = 1 + 0 (1)

lepton number 0 + 0 = 0 + 0 (1)
charge 0 + 1 = 0 + 1 (1)

(b) K° (1)

π +

p udu (1)

correct number of quarks and antiquarks in each (1)

E1.This question required a knowledge of atomic structure and specific charge and part (i) was
unsurprisingly, extremely well answered.

Part (ii) caused more problems with a significant proportion of candidates either giving a charge
equivalent to 20e or 18e. The calculation of specific charge has often proved to be quite
discriminating with the specific charge of an ion causing candidates the most problems. On this
occasion candidates performed slightly better partly due to them having been asked for the
charge in part (ii) and not being penalised when carrying their answer into part (iii).

A significant proportion of candidates completely ignored the mass of the electrons and although
their mass does not significantly alter the specific charge they were required to include it or to
justify it being disregarded.

E2.Feynman diagrams often prove to be somewhat discriminating and in line with this, the
performance in this question was quite patchy. On this occasion candidates were not required to
draw or complete a diagram and this tends to make the question more accessible.

In practice less than 50% of candidates were able to correctly identify the particles with the
commonest errors being the identification of the positron and the neutrino – confusion with
β decay being the most frequent mistake.

Parts (b) (i) and (ii) were very well answered but this was not the case with (b) (iii). Less than
40% of candidates were able to give a difference between the exchange particle and a photon or
gave one word answers such as charge or mass. Their responses were required to be
completely clear, matching a stated property with the relevant exchange particle or photon.

Most candidates were able to state two other conserved quantities in part (c) but the
demonstration of conservation were often less convincing. As with part (b) (iii) there was often a
lack of clarity with things such as lepton number, charge or baryon number not being related to
particular particles.

E3.This question on particle classification generated some very impressive responses. Many
candidates proved to be quite confident in their extended writing and top band answers were
seen more frequently than has been the case in the past, particularly when questions refer to the
photoelectric effect or line spectra

The main confusion that weaker candidates seem to have was an appreciation of which groups
are affected by the strong nuclear force – a significant proportion seemed to think that this was
only baryons

The most common omission in good answers was the identification of a similarity between
hadrons and leptons. Overall however, the question worked well and candidates clearly enjoy
this aspect of the specification and evidence for this is found in the confidence shown in many of
the answers.

E4.This question was concerned with atomic structure and radioactive decay. The majority of
candidates did not really have any problems with part (a) which required them to identify the
constituents of the atom and state which had the largest specific charge.

The performance in part (b) was not quite as strong although only 25% of candidates had real
issues with the equation for beta decay. The weakest answers were seen in (b) (iii) which
required a specific charge calculation. Questions on this topic tend to be quite discriminating and
this was certainly the case this time. Common mistakes were the use of incorrect masses for the
technetium nucleus and dividing the mass by the charge rather than the charge by the mass.
The unit for specific charge seemed to be well known although a significant minority gave the
incorrect answer: coulomb.

E5.Part (a) of this question required candidates to understand the classification and quark structure of
hadrons. This proved to be very accessible and well over 90% of candidates were able to state
how many quarks there were in a baryon and were also familiar with mesons. When it came to
properties of hadrons the majority were able to state one property but only about half were able
to come up with two properties. A common error was to state the same property twice, an
example of this being: hadrons interact by the strong interaction and leptons interact with the
weak interaction. It was also quite common to see answers that referred to baryon numbers and
this was not an acceptable answer as hadrons do not all have the same baryon number.

In part (b) candidates were required to identify the exchange particle in two interactions. A high
proportion of candidates were able to identify one of these but only about half were able to give
two correct exchange particles. Many lost marks with the weak interaction exchange particle by
omitting the relevant charge (W or W ).
+ -

Part (c) was concerned with electron capture. Candidates were required to draw a Feynman
Diagram that represented electron capture. Full marks for this were comparatively rare and
common errors were the omission of arrows on the lines representing the proton, the electron,
the neutron and the neutrino or the omission of an arrow on the exchange particle. The latter
was only penalised if the candidates showed the exchange particle horizontally (when an arrow
pointing in the correct direction was required). The final part of this question on lepton
conservation was well answered. The only consistent error seen was when less able candidates
tried to explain this in terms of charge conservation.

E6.In part (a) the expected responses were references to the conservation of momentum and to
whether kinetic energy was conserved in the two types of collision. The facts were generally well
known and answers were well rewarded. It was essential to refer to kinetic energy when writing
about the difference. Most candidates also completed the α decay equation correctly in part (b).
When errors were made in part (b)(i), marks were still available in part (b)(ii) by correct use of
the nucleon number values written down in part (b)(i). A common error here was use of 144 for
the nucleon number of the daughter nucleus. This was regarded as a physics error and so no
marks could be credited for part (b)(ii).

There was a large number of possible routes to a successful answer in part (b)(iii), where a ratio
of kinetic energies was required. For all three marks to be awarded the final evaluation of the
percentage had to be worked out to at least two significant figures, so that it had been shown to
be not exactly 3%. A few candidates quoted the ratio of the speed of the nucleus to the speed of
the α particle as the final answer. This ratio turns out to be correct, but full marks were only
awarded when the ratio was shown to be the ratio of kinetic energies.

E7. Students seemed quite familiar with the quark structure of mesons and were able to deduce
the quarks found in the K meson successfully. The questions relating to the Feynman Diagram

were well answered and full marks were quite frequently awarded. A significant minority
however, did have problems interpreting the information given to produce a correct equation of
the decay as required in part (b)(iii).
E8. This proved to be one of the most accessible questions on the paper with many students
securing full marks. The majority of explanations of nucleon number, proton number and isotope
were clear although a minority did confuse number of neutrons with number of protons in there
definition of isotope. The calculations and deductions pertaining to the nucleus and one of its
isotopes were in the main well set out and in many cases this helped generate correct answers.
A minority, as has been the case in previous sessions, did include the mass of electrons in the
specific charge calculation even though the question clearly refers to a nucleus.

E9. The quark structure of the proton was well remembered but this was not the case with
interactions and their associated exchange particles. A surprising number of students were
unable to provide two consistent examples. Mixtures such as strong interaction and W were

relatively common. It was also clear that a significant proportion of students were unfamiliar with
the process of electron capture. A common problem seemed to be a misunderstanding of where
the electron in the interaction comes from. The Feynman diagram proved to be quite
discriminating but students who took a bit of care were generally more successful.

E10. This question was a re-banked question but the improvement in its facility was much less
marked: from 62% to only 64% in fact.

E11. Previous papers have indicated that students have a good understanding of the quark
structure of hadrons and this was certainly the case in this examination. The table in part (a) was
completed well and full marks were frequent. The remainder of the question was also answered
well and students now seem well aware that a similarity between particles and their
corresponding antiparticle is rest mass.

E12. Part (a) was answered well and the evidence suggests that specific charge is a topic that is
now much better understood. It has often been found in previous papers that explanations which
go beyond standard definitions usually produce considerable discrimination.
This was certainly the case in part (b) (i) and it was quite common for less able students to write
confused and contradictory answers. A common mistake was to assume that X and Y were
isotopes. Some students also thought that the question was about ions rather than nuclei.

Part (b) (ii) produced better responses although the route to a candidate’s final answer was
sometimes difficult to follow. A significant number of students gave answers with no working
which is bad practice; especially for a question allocated four marks.

E13. This question was generally answered well although, while students explained the basics of
pair production, it was quite rare for them to mention the necessity for the photon to interact with
a nucleus. Momentum was referred to by some of the more able students, but this was more
often related to the particle and antiparticle after production, rather than the initial photon.

The remainder of this question was answered well, with students confidently explaining why the
frequency of the photon must not be below a certain value. They also were able to select
appropriate quantities that need to be conserved during the process of pair production.

E14. This question was answered well and provided limited discrimination between candidates.
Most were able to successfully identify two baryons and also deduce the quark structure of the
pion, π . Less able candidates found it hard to identify which of the K decays in part (b)(ii) were
+ +

possible and they provided explanations that were not convincing.

Part (c) was answered very well with the majority able to identify the weak interaction and
correctly apply charge and baryon conservation. Most candidates were well aware that the
proton is the most stable baryon.

E15. This question was more discriminating. The majority of candidates were able to state what
is meant by isotopes. However, less able candidates found it hard to complete the equation for
alpha decay and the calculation for specific charge of the alpha particle also caused them

A significant number of poor responses were seen to part (iv), these were mainly the result of
the alpha particle being considered in isolation rather than describing the short range of the
strong interaction and linking this to the effect of the nucleus, Y, on the alpha particle.
E16. Part (a) required candidates to complete the equation for positron decay and the majority
were able to do this successfully. The only common error was the inclusion of an antineutrino
rather than neutrino and confusion with β decay.

Parts (b)(i) and (ii) caused far more problems and the majority of candidates did not identify the
decay as electron capture and were then unable to explain where the electron came from – most
seeming to think that it was a free electron. The remainder of this question was answered well
and many candidates were able to explain the conservation of lepton number and to
successfully complete the

Feynman diagram. However, there was sometimes confusion over the exchange boson and
some candidates did omit arrows from the lines representing the products of the decay.

E17. This question was answered well and candidates’ demonstrated a clear understanding of
the distinction between baryons and leptons. The most common examples of these particles
given were protons and electrons although a significant minority successfully opted for more
exotic particles. When stating the difference between hadrons and leptons some candidates
responded saying that hadrons experienced the strong nuclear force but then spoilt their answer
by not contrasting this with leptons or by saying leptons experience the weak interaction.
Although the latter statement is true, it is not a property exclusive to leptons.

The Feynman diagram in part (b) was well understood. Many candidates provided a stated
conservation law using clear before and after statements. This made it a straightforward task to
follow their logic.

E18. This question proved accessible to candidates of all abilities and consequently was not
particularly discriminating. Some candidates did struggle to identify the particle with the highest
specific charge, with a significant minority opting for the proton. The equation for β was
answered well, although it was not uncommon to see an equation representing changes in quark
flavours rather than showing what happened to the nucleus as a whole. The antineutrino was the
most common omission in the equations given.

Part (b) was answered well with the majority of candidates opting for a mass number between
220 and 230.

E19. This question on pair production suggested that while candidates are for most part, familiar
with the process they do have the tendency to become confused when more details are
required. The majority correctly identified the process and were able to use lepton or charge
conservation effectively to explain why a positron must be produced along with the electron.
They did however, find the quantitative aspect more of a challenge and it was not uncommon to
see overcomplicated answers or no attempt made to answer part (iii).
The calculation for maximum wavelength in part (iv) was answered well by the more able
candidates but others found this difficult. Common errors were not converting rest mass energy
to joules and the use of energy as momentum when the equation for the de Broglie wavelength
was used in error. Good answers to part (v) were frequently seen, although some candidates are
under the impression that the positron annihilates with the electron produced rather than another

E20. Descriptive questions on the photoelectric effect have in the past caused candidates major
problems, it was therefore good to see so many confident answers this series. There was strong
evidence that the concept of threshold frequency is now understood much better. Many
candidates correctly explained the term and also were able to give a detailed explanation of its
significance in the particle model of light. The one to one interaction and lack of time delay in the
emission of electrons was also explained well in a high proportion of answers. Some good
responses were not fully developed however, as they did not contrast the behaviour of photons
with the behaviour of waves. This question also assessed the quality of written communication
and most answers were well structured and expressed with clarity and precision.

The calculations in part (b) were answered well, although some less able candidates were
unable to correctly use the equation for kinetic energy. There was a dedicated mark for the unit
of momentum in part (ii) and, as is often the case, candidates found this a difficult unit to recall.

E21. This question was well answered and candidates’ demonstrated a clear understanding of
quark structure and were able to identify particles as baryons or leptons successfully. The only
common error arose when there was confusion between β and β decay. This resulted in
– +

candidates giving the wrong proton number and also incorrectly identifying an antineutrino as a
lepton formed due to the decay. The questions on the quark structure of protons and neutrons
and the Feynman diagram for the interaction were answered well by the majority of candidates.

E22. Candidates found part (a) quite challenging. The majority recognised that the strong
interaction is repulsive at small distances and attractive at larger distances. However, many
candidates tended to either not give quantitative answers or quoted distances that were not
acceptable. Answers were often muddled making them difficult to interpret. Although many
candidates stated the interaction was short range, it was frequently not clear what they
understood by this. Responses such as ‘the force decreases to a small value’ were common.

Part (b) was answered much better and the majority of candidates identified the nature of the
alpha particle, completed the equation correctly and explained what is meant by isotopes. The
final part of the question was quite discriminating and it was clear that the better candidates
found the deduction quite straightforward, arriving at a correct answer with the minimum of
E23. This question was well answered and candidates’ responses suggested that the structure
of hadrons is well understood. In part (a), less able candidates tended to give specific examples
for baryons and mesons rather than their general quark structure. They also stated that the
defining property of hadrons was that they were composed of quarks despite the fact that this
was stated in the stem of the question.

Responses to part (b) were generally good although some did state that particles and
antiparticles had different charges rather than opposite charges.

The table in part (c) did cause a significant proportion of candidates’ problems. The most
common error was to identify the charge of the antiproton as –1 even though the unit, C, was
given in the heading of the table.

Part (d) was answered confidently although a significant proportion of candidates did seem to
think that strangeness was conserved in this decay.

E24. This question was well answered and candidates seemed confident in their understanding
of beta decay. They were for the most part well aware of the changes that occur during the
decay. The equation for beta decay was only awarded one mark and a few candidates lost this
mark due to careless errors such as missing out the bar on the anti-neutrino. There were many
impressive explanations of why a neutrino was not produced, providing evidence of a good
understanding of the conservation of lepton number.

Part (b) (iii) assessed candidates understanding of how science works and many candidates’
responses suggest that they are quite familiar with the concept of validated evidence.

E28. Over 50% of the candidates lost one or more marks on this easy opening question. The
most common error was giving the wrong number of electrons, by mistakenly taking the charged
ion as a neutral atom. Also, a worrying number of candidates did not answer part (b) correctly
because they were confused between neutrons and protons. Many candidates did not refer to
the number of protons when discussing isotopes but simply stated that isotopes were the same
atom with different numbers of neutrons.

E29. A significant minority of candidates failed to score at all because they thought the whole
question was set on the photoelectric effect. In part (b), only about a third referred to the fact that
energy was required to create mass and even fewer said that the excess energy appeared as
kinetic energy. Instead, candidates stated that more particles/different photons/heat etc was
given out or else they wrote that the process could not go ahead unless the energy had a
specific value. Part (c) was more successfully tackled, but a minority gave the two emitted
particles as anything they could associate together, e.g. β and ν or n and p.

E30. Part (a) discriminated very well and served to separate candidates who simply guessed
from those who looked for something like conservation of charge, and from those who looked
more carefully at everything, including the subscripts.

Part (b) proved to be difficult. Less able candidates did not appreciate what changes occurred in
3 decay and only the more able candidates could convert the nucleon change to a quark
change. In part (c) many scored two or three marks. They lost marks by leaving out gravity as a
possible force. A number of candidates failed completely on this part of the question by making
reference to the strong nuclear force. To end on a more positive note, almost all candidates
knew that an electron was a lepton.

E31. Answers to this question generated many errors. Less than 50% of the candidates gained
full marks for what was really an easy starter question. In part (b), the incorrect answer of +4e
appeared very frequently and likewise, in part (c), the incorrect inclusion of the electron mass
was a very common occurrence. Additionally, calculation errors, failure to give the correct units
and significant figure errors all contributed to an overall poor performance.

E32. Normally the question concerning fundamental forces and particles is answered well, but
this time very few candidates scored full marks. Part (a) (i) gave rise to very few problems to the
prepared candidate, but in part (a) (ii), the usual answer gave only one role played by the
exchange particles in the interaction, thereby losing a mark by omitting to give a second role.
Another common error was to suggest that the exchange particle somehow gave energy or
momentum to the interaction, rather than transferred energy or momentum.

More able candidates had no trouble with part (b), but the less able candidates failed badly by
not identifying all the examples given. The π particle was accepted as a possibility for an

antiparticle, being its own antiparticle, but it does not appear as a required answer.

E33. Less able candidates failed on part (a) primarily because of statements such as ‘there are
less neutrons in an isotope’, rather than stating that the number is different.

In part (b) (i), some candidates included electrons contained in the nucleus. As in previous
examinations, the calculation of charge-to-mass ratio in part (b) (ii) often had just a ratio of 7/15
without the correct multiplying factors. Finally, many candidates did not realise that the ion had
an imbalance of charge corresponding to the magnitude of the electronic charge. What was
intended as a relatively easy opening question caused a majority of candidates to lose at least
one mark.

E34. Responses to this question were slightly examination centre dependent. In part (a), a
majority of candidates thought strangeness was conserved and, consequently, invented the
strangeness number for each particle to conform with this idea. The other frequently seen error
was for candidates not identifying the relevant quantum numbers but simply stating, without
justification, which conservation laws were valid.

Part (b) discriminated quite well with about 50% of candidates obtaining the correct quark
combinations and only about 10% failing to attempt the question.

E35. Responses to this question were slightly examination centre dependent. In part (a), a
majority of candidates thought strangeness was conserved and, consequently, invented the
strangeness number for each particle to conform with this idea. The other frequently seen error
was for candidates not identifying the relevant quantum numbers but simply stating, without
justification, which conservation laws were valid.

Part (b) discriminated quite well with about 50% of candidates obtaining the correct quark
combinations and only about 10% failing to attempt the question.

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