EE207 - EndSems

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EE207: Electromagnetie theory
27th Jan 2023 END SEMESTER EXAMINATION Time:3 hours
(40% Weightage) Max Marks : 80
with appropriate Reascning.
(a) Answer all Questions
3 Decimal Points
(b) Calculate All Values upto
if and proceed to arrive at the
(c) Make and mention suitable assumptions required any

PART-A (40 Marks)

i. A uniform magnctic ficld B
I For a iquilateral triangular loop PQR with edge length I carrying a current
Cxists in a direction parallel to PQ. Find the force acting on the three wires P), QR and RP separately.
4 Marks

of edge 10cm. Find the magnetic ficld at the center K the square
2. A current of 2A exists in a square loop
4 Marks)
iúentical long solenoids P, Q and connected to ecach other as shown in fig. if the maynetic field
R are
3.Three solenoid
at the center of P is 2.0T. What would be the field at the center of Q? Assume that the field due to any
is confined within the volume of that solenoid only. 2 Marks]

which varies
4.A conducting circular loop of face arca 2.5 x 103m* is placed perpendicular to a magnetic field
as B (0.2T) sin |(50Ons' ] . 16 Marks]
a) Find the charge 1lowingthrough any cross section during the time t-0 to t-40ms
b) If the resistance of the loop is 1052 Find the thermal energy developed in the loop in this period.

5. Evaluate both sides of the stokes theorem for the field i = 6xy K e y A/m and the rectangular path
around thc region 2 x 5, -1<y, z 0, the positive direction of ds be az. CIt Marks]
6. A radial magnetic field 2 . 2 3 9 / r x 19'coso ar Alm exists in free space. Find the magnetic flux o crossing

4 Marks]
the surface definedby n/4 /4,0 7I mn
Determine the
7. A curTent element 4 cm long is along Y-axis with a curTent of 1OnA lowing in Y-direction.
force on the current element due to the magnetic field if the magnetic field FHE|5a/p]
3 Marks]

of ss2 give B
8. A circular loop conductor lies in plane 7 0 and has a radius of 0. ln and resistance
0.2 sin 103t a~ T. determine the eurrent in the loop
[5 Marks]
dielectric for wnicn t
9. Two parallel conducting plates of area 0.05m' separated by 2 mm of a lossy
rms current
V. find he total
8.3 and o
=8 x
10 S/m given an applied voltage V- 10sin 107 t

6 Marks]
PART B (40 Marks)
10. The structure shown in the figure consists of two concentric cylindrical shells, with the inner cylinder
The structure has
composed of dielectric material with e-8¬o and surrounded by a material with e=2¬0.
conducting plates covering the top and bottom ends. What is the capacitance of the
[3 Marks]

Conducting plate

Conducting plate
Inner aoius = 2 mm

Outer radius = 8 min

11. Consider 2 circular disks of electric charge DiskI: psa =por with radius a = Im Disk 2: pa =por with

unknown. Here p. = constant. What should the value a be so that the two disks have the same
radus a2
amount of total charge? [3 Marks]
12. In a given region of space, the electric flux density is give by D=%xz?. What is the corresponding volume
charge density at (0,0.2)? [3 Marks]J
13. State Divergence and Stokes theorems. Convert any 2 Maxwells equations from its differential form to
integral form. [5 Marks]
14. Designate the corners of a square, C on a side, in clockwise order, A, B, C, D. Put charges 2q at A and Sq
at B. Determine the value of the line integral of E, from point C to point D. What is the numerical answer if q
= 10° C and = 5 cm? [5 Marks]
15. For a 50 ohm lossless transmission line terminat d in a load impedance ZL =(100+ j50) ohm, determine
the fraction of the average incident power reflected by the load 2 Marks]
16. A lossless transmission line uses a dielectric insulating material with &, =4. Ifits line capacitance is C' =10
(pF/m). find the characteristic impedance Zo. 3 Marks]
17. A DC Source of 120 V with negligible resistance is connected through a switch S to a lossless transmission
line having Zc = 30 ohms. Ifthe switch closes at t =0, plot the lattice diagram of current versus time at the

sending end of the line terminated in (a) an open circuit (b) a short circuit. 8 Marks]
18. A SPV Estimate the number of PV modules to be connected together in order to design a solar PV system
for power generaticn with following requirements: Power 10 kW, Voltage at peak power 200 V. The PV
modules available for this plant are having the following parameters: V35 V, 8.5 A. Recaleulate the
numbers. After calculation of number of PV nmodules, estimate the actual peak power of the system.
13 Marks]
19. Design a Solar PV system for a house which contuns 3 fa ns of 70 walts each running tor 4 hours a day, 3
tube lights of 35 walts each running for 8 hours a day and a refrigerator of 250 wats running for 6 hours a day
(consider battery aulonomy zero days). Assume: inverter etficieney as 93%, Batlery elticieney 95%; Battery
voltage is 12V, what is the Battery capacily (Ab) required if only 50% capacity is allowed use (DOD = 50%)?
If no. of solar peak-hours are 4.5, what is the power of PV panel to be installed?
IS Marks


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