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2. अथ कस्य धनुर्वेदाधिकारः इत्यपेक्षायामाह |
3. धनुर्दानविधिः एवं आचार्यलक्षणम् ।
5. वर्जितधनुः |
6. शरलक्षणानि।
1.) Introduction :
~ The tendency to fight and fight has been going on in the living beings since time
immemorial. It has been developing or declining according to the country and the situation. In
non-human beings, this tendency is limited to protecting itself or providing sustenance by means
of nails, teeth and other measures, but humans are devoid of these means of attack. He not only
protected himself from violent creatures by inventing various weapons with his intelligence, but
also established his supremacy over all the living beings and other resources of the world. The
scripture that describes the knowledge and science related to weapons and war has been called
The rishis determined the names of all things and duties for behavior in the beginning of the
creation from the Vedas only. Vedas are the oldest among the available literature of the world.
His knowledge came in the hearts of four sages with the inspiration of the Supreme Father
Supreme Soul. There are four Upavedas of these four Vedas.
In Maharishi Vaishampayan's Niti Prakasika, Brahma is believed to be the first
spokesperson of Dhanurveda, who preached Dhanurveda consisting of one lakh chapters to
Maharaj Prithu, the son of Ven. Summarizing this, Rudra preached Dhanurveda consisting of
fifty thousand, Indra twelve, Prachetas six and Brihaspati three thousand chapters. Shukracharya
further reduced it to a thousand chapters
Created Ethics (Shukraniti). Bhardwaj Muni made seven hundred, Gaursira ( गौरशिरा) five hundred,
Maharishi Ved Vyas abbreviated that too and made ethics with three hundred chapters.
Maharishi Vaishampayan summed up that too and preached the eight-chapter scripture.
According to Pancharatragam Sanatkumar Samhita, Lord Hari created all the weapons and gave
them to the deities. It was Lord Hari who taught Dhanurveda to Brahma. Shiva, Brihaspati,
Indra, Yama, Varuna, Kubera, Rishis, Deities, Kinnars, Rakshasas, respectively, from Maharishi
Brahma read Dhanurveda by tradition.
It is believed that Parshuram, Drona, Bhishma etc. read the Dhanurveda spoken by Brahma,
Rudra, Prajapati and Vishwamitra in Virchintamani. According to Shiva Dhanurveda, Lord
Shiva first preached Dhanurveda to Parshuram. This is the opinion of Vashishtha Dhanurveda. In
the Vishnudharmottara Purana there is a dialogue between Pushkar and Ram (Parashurama) in
which Dhanurveda is mentioned in six chapters. Similarly, some quotes are also found in
Jamadagnya Dhanurveda.
~ According to VASISHTHA’S DHANURVEDA SAMHITA, Once upon a time, Rajarshi
Vishwamitra, an aspirant of victory, went to Vasishtha Guruji and bowed down and said, O God!
Listener, strong minded, call my disciple archery to destroy enemies with evil nature.
Vasishthaji, the best among Maharishi Brahmarishis, said that O Rajan Vishwamitra! Listen, the
secret science of Dhanurveda which was told by Lord Mahadevji to Parshuram-ji. I ask you for
the protection of cows, brahmins, Vedas and sages with the knowledge of archery obtained from
the same Yajurveda and Atharvaveda.
~ There are four feet in the Dhanurveda said by Mahadevji. In the first pada, there is the
method of initiation (teaching) of Dhanurveda. There is a method to practice in the second pada.
In the third there are projection types. method of using weapons in the fourth pada are.
the right of a śū dra to fight by his own teaching of persecution and other things. In
teaching Dhanurveda, Brahmin is the master and the right to fight with Dhanurveda is
said to be for only two castes, Shudra has the right to hunt etc. on his own. There are
four types of weapons. Freed, unfree, freed, freed, freed, freed from the machine and
so on. Mukta, that is, chakras etc. which are released by hand are called weapons.
unreleased sword etc. Mukta'mukta varchi etc. mechanized arrows, bullets, etc. These
are called four types of weapons.
चतुर्विधमायुधम् । मुक्तममुक्तं मुक्तममुक्तं यन्त्रमुक्तं चेति।।
Protecting the best from evil men, robbers, rags, etc., the people from righteousness
to follow, this is the purpose of Dhanurveda.
Then the enemies move away from a distance like deer from a lion's den. From a city
where there is even one famous archer, the enemy will be far away
It is right to protect the saint from Demons and others. The purpose of the bow is to
protect the subjects. Protecting the best from evil men, robbers, rags, etc., the people
from righteousness to follow, this is the purpose of Dhanurveda.
Wherever there is one famous bowman in the city Then the enemies move away from
a distance like deer from a lion's den. In a city where there is even one famous archer,
the enemies move away from the city as the wild animals move away from the house
of a lion.
The bow, the wheel, the scythe, the sword, the razor and the club. The seventh battle
of the arms.
1. 2.
3. 4.
5. 6. 7.
अथाचार्यलक्षणम् |
- The teacher should fight 7 battles, who can fight 4 battles, called the Bhargav,
Who knows 2 battles, called the fighter(योद्धा), with one should become a
counter(गणक). Now let us say the characteristics of the teacher. He who knows
the seven kinds of warfare is a teacher. He who knows the four kinds of warfare is
called Bhargava. He is a warrior who knows two kinds of warfare, and he who is
known as a counter by one kind of warfare.
आचार्यः सप्तयुद्धः स्याच्चतुर्भिर्भार्गवः स्मृतः।
- They are born in the third, sixth and seventh houses. In the tenth and eleventh moons all
the works should be done. the teacher should perform all the works of archery. Tritiya,
Panchami, Saptami, Dashami, Triyodashi and Dwadashi means The third, fifth, seventh,
tenth, thirteenth and twelfth days, are considered as auspicious dates.
- Sunday, Friday, Thursday and Thursday are the three most auspicious gates for those
who are engaged in performing weapons in the beginning. these three times are worthy of
praise in the initial action of weapons.
- Without these, the teacher should steam the weapons for the disciple. After satisfying the
demigods by offering charity and offering sacrifices in accordance with the prescribed
ritualistic ceremonies, The teacher satisfies the gods by giving charity and burning
sacrifices on these days and gives weapons to the disciple.
- One should feed the brā hmaṇ as in various ways and should also worship the ascetics
with devotion and other yogīs. There you should live many Brahmins and daughters and
who are devotees of Shiva and worship with devotion. > Miss Mystery: There one should
worship the spiritual master by offering him food, drink, clothing, ornaments, fragrant
substances and garlands of various kinds. Behind him, worship the Guruji with fragrant
garlands, food, clothes, jewelry, etc.
- The disciple who has observed a fast and wears a deerskin garment and with folded hands
should there beg the bow from his spiritual master. The fasting disciple should ask the
Guru for a bow with folded hands wearing deerskin.
- Then the Acharya, with the desire of the disciple's success, should perform the Anganyas
that destroys sins and obstacles as said by Lord Shiva.
- Place Lord Śiva on the head and Lord Keśava on the pair of arms. Brahma in the middle
of the navel and the lord of the hosts in the thighs. In the place of the top where there is
the Brahma-randhra, place Lord Mahadeva, on both arms there lord Vishnu, Lord
Brahma in the middle of the navel and Lord Ganesha on the thighs.
- With these four mantras mentioned , one should meditate on the four deities and touch
the Shikha & all with one's hands.
- One should perform the sacrifice in such a way that one will attain the highest good and
never harm others by chanting evil mantras. Thus he should perform the Anganyasa and
the disciple should do it, so that there may be welfare. By doing this trust, they cannot be
killed by evil spells like killing.
- One should give to the disciple a human bow and a bow chanted with the mantra from
the stem of the stem in accordance with the prescriptions of the Vedas. The teacher
should give the bow to the disciple by chanting the mantra of the Vedas,
"काण्डात्काण्डात्प्ररोहन्ति परुषः परुषः परि" with the mantra of the bow, which is related to
the human being, along with the Vedic rituals.
- First one should perform a flower sacrifice with a leaf without fruit and then a fish
sacrifice with fruit The arrows of a man made by these methods are all-pervasive.
- After this, first pierce the flower with an arrow without fruit, then pierce the fish with an
arrow with fruit, then aim at the flesh, O Vishvamitra! Thus there are three types of
piercing. When these piercings are done, they become all-pervasive arrows, that is, all
kinds of targets come and can pierce all objects.
- When an arrow falls on the flesh while piercing it Taking refuge in the eastern part then
he will be victorious and happy. In the south quarrel is terrible going abroad again in the
west wealth and grain and everything in the north is auspicious. The wind in the northeast
is bad and the other directions are pleasant. They are joyful and nourishing and give
perfection in all actions, Now the omen of the piercing is said, if the arrow falls in the
east direction while piercing the meat, or while piercing the statue in Shami Puja, the
warrior will have victory and happiness, if it falls in the south direction, much trouble and
foreign country If an arrow falls in the west, wealth and grain will be obtained, if an
arrow falls in the north, all works will be good, if an arrow falls in the north-east, bad
winds will blow and all Vidisha is best.
- Then one should bow down to the spiritual master and offer him the bow and arrows. Do
such a piercing, with the sound of conch and trumpets, behind the Guru, prove the bow
and arrows in front of him, then give him Gurudakshina and take the bow and arrows.
and so on Three piercings, He should make the sounds of conches and drums
- Now it is called the proof of bow, first of all to practice (Yogic) bow etc. with which
muscle strength is tied and target etc. should be learned with ordinary bow, like slingshot
etc., then second horn etc. It is best to wear a small bow.
वरं प्राणाधिको धन्वी न तु प्राणाधिकं धनुः । धनुषा पीड्यमानस्तु धन्वी लक्ष्यं न पश्यति ॥
- There is a bowman dearer than life, there is no bow more than life, therefore he should
hold a bow of such strength, that he may throw arrows with pleasure, and not a heavy
bow so that his chest bursts. Because the bowman suffering from the bow cannot see the
target properly, he is worried about sitting and carrying the load stays and loses.
अतो निजबलोन्मानं चापं स्याच्छु भकारकम् । देवानामुत्तमं चापं ततो न्यूनं च मानवम् ॥
- Therefore, a bow that measures one’s own strength is auspicious. The bow is the best of
the gods and the least of the human beings. Therefore, the estimate of your strength arc
auspicious. The arc of the gods is better than that of men.
- It is described as the best bow in the hand of half a horse It is to be understood that this
divine bow was held by Lord Siva in the past. The bow of five and a half hands is said to
be the best, to know it as the divine bow which was first worn by Sri Mahadevji.
शुभचापलक्षणम् –
- Kodandam (कोदण्डं) is always auspicious for three or five or seven or nine festivals.
Characteristics of the best bow, three Pori or five Pori and then seven Pori Nav Pori bow
is always auspicious.
चतुष्पर्व च षट्पर्वमष्टपर्व विवर्जयेत् ॥
5.) अथ वर्जितधनुः ।
- It is very old and immature and has been rubbed by relatives The hole should not be
made with a buried handle externally or internally. A throat knot devoid of virtues and
overpowered by virtues with stem defects should not be placed in the middle of the
bottom. Do not carry a forbidden bow, very old crude and which is not of caste bamboo;
burnt and pierced with holes and whose selling causes the hand to go out or remain
inside, devoid of qualities and covered with qualities i.e. very thick and wide covered
with qualities with stem defects i.e. not of bamboo grown in a good place with a knot in
the neck and Similarly, a bow with a knot at the bottom is forbidden.
- A bow made of unripe bamboo or horn, gold, silver, copper, iron, steel, etc. breaks, so if
it is not a well-tried bow, it breaks, and if it is very old, it becomes a trap, and if it is not
made of caste bamboo, then it breaks. I get agitated in the time of war, i.e. turn the mind
upside down, and fighting with brothers, wearing a burnt bow burns the house, with a
hole destroys the war, because this is the concern in the mind. It is fixed that it should
never break, in war time due to other worries, the arrow cannot move quickly, that is why
it is defeated. And if the hand goes out of the bow, then the target is not seen and in the
same way, if the hand remains inside, then even if the target is not seen, if the arrow is
shot, then it is disruptive in the battle and if it is stuck with multiplication, then it does not
hit the target firmly and the gills and ankles Both these bows are the destroyer of wealth,
the bow free from these defects is capable of doing all the works.
be worn by elephant riders and horsemen, and the bamboo bow is fit for charioteers and
- Hear now the three materials of the bow, iron, horn and wood, in order, as
described by Lord Śambhu in the past .
- Iron means, gold, silver, copper and black iron steel, horn of buffalo Sharabh
(rohi) deer with eight legs four up four down and big 2 horns is as tall as a camel
Kashmir country living in the forest In it everyone knows and the wood these
sandalwood, cane, dhanvan, shawl, semal, sak, kakubh and bamboo and anjan tree so
many things become the bow.
6.) शरलक्षणानि।
- Now let us say the characteristics of arrows. Beyond this, let us say the auspicious
characteristics of arrows.
If the inferior knotted is well, do not take such an arrow. Take the whole knotted well-
cooked yellow one at the right time.
- Scorpio Sun in Margashirsha should take the arrow to make bamboo arrows.
कठिनं वर्तुलं काण्ड काण्डं गृह्णीयात्सुप्रदेशजम् द्वौ हस्तौ मुष्टिहीनौ च दैर्ध्य स्थौल्येकनिष्ठिका ॥
- Then one should hold a hard, round stem with a well-placed stem, two hands without a
fist, and one finger in length and thickness. Take an arrow grown in a good round good
country, an arrow two hands long, a fist less, that is, five fingers less, an arrow two hands
long and as thick as the little finger.
Then, when the victims are ashamed of their efforts, they should be pulled away.Make
arrows of so much guesswork and mount them on the instrument behind the bow.
- Cut the wings of six fingers' measure and tie the wings of ten 2 fingers with four 2
standing string strings of each arrow for the arrow to be mounted on the
Sharngadhanusha ( शार्ङ्गधनुष ) .
शरव त्रिविधो ज्ञेयः स्त्री पुमाँश्च नपुंसकः | अप्रस्थूलो भवेन्नारी पश्चात्स्थूलो भवेत्पुमान् ||
- अथैषां स्वरुपाणि :
- These ten types of shapes were of the iron spear of the arrow
There are many different types of countries.
being pierced with a crow's beak should be pierced with thought. The cowtail arrow is
made of pure wood and has a three-fingered iron thorn pierced in its mouth. The arrow is
a cowtail arrow by placing a thorn of (sai) in the place of the arrow, it should be used to
throw the target and arrow.
- In the Agni Purana, there are five types of Dhanurveda – 1.Yantramukta, 2.Panimukta,
3.Muktasandharit, 4.Amukta and 5.Bahuyudha. Shastra and Astra are said to be two
distinctions. There are also two types of weapons, straight and illusory. Along with
weapons, strategy also comes under Dhanurveda.
Along with weapons, the formation of strategy also comes under Dhanurveda.
Performed by bow, chakra, kunta, khadga, kshurika(छू रिका), gada (गदा) and bahu (बाहु) -
these are the seven types of warfare. is addressed to.
- The war done by mantrastras is called divine, the war done by naladi (cannon-gun) is
called asura or mayik and the war done with weapons in hands is called manav. There are
four types of weapons, divine, serpent, human and demonic.
The use of crooked weapons and firearms has been said to be prohibited in Dharma
Yuddha, but their use is seen in Maya Yuddha (माया युद्ध) and Kutyuddha (कू टयुद्ध).
The purpose of Dhanurveda is to protect the people righteously, to protect the saints from
the evil dacoits. In a village or town where there is even a good archer, enemies and evil
men run away from there like a deer from a lion.
From Dhanurveda, not only the bow and arrow is accepted, but the word Dhanu, despite
being stereotyped, accepts all the four types of weapons in a symbolic form.
- Dhanurveda By Dr.Devavrat Acharya,
- Vasishtha’s Dhanurveda Samhita By Purnima Ray
- Dhanurvedasamhita By Khemraj Shrikrushndas Prakashan.