For Subdivisions

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A. Construction Phase
A.1 Site Development including excavation (Clearing and Grubbing), Delivery of
Construction Materials and Construction of Roads and Drainage systems, Housing
Units/ Commercial Area/ Institutional Area, Water Supply System
Potential siltation of • Provision of sediment/silt control
nearby bodies of water due measures such as sediment/silt 100% compliance
to soil erosion traps, slope stabilization, etc. with RA 9275
• Stockpile areas shall be positioned
away from drainage and runoff
• Temporary silt traps/ponds shall
be set-up around soil piles and
drainage canal shall be provided
to divert runoff water from soil
piles and for possible siltation of
the existing drainage routes,
adjacent agricultural areas and
nearby water body. Preservation of
natural drainage shall be
undertaken and shall not be
condemned or if disturbed shall be
automatically replaced by
constructing or incorporating it in
the design of the drainage facility
of the subdivision;
Degradation of water • Provision of (indicate number) 100%
quality due to portalets for construction conformance to
contamination from workers DENR standards
domestic wastewater and compliance
Note: at least one (1) portalet for with RA 9275
60 workers where the number of
male workers exceeds 500 (as per
IRR- Industrial Hygiene, PD 856
Amending Administrative Order
111 Series of 1991)

Note: at least one (1) portalet for

25 workers where the number of
male workers exceeds 100 (as per
IRR- Industrial Hygiene, PD 856
Amending Administrative Order
111 Series of 1991)

Siphoning and collection of

sewage from portalets shall be
done twice a week.
• Provision of hygienic septic tank or
wastewater collection system for
• Hauling of wastewater from
portalets by third party service
provider shall be covered by a
license/permit from LGU and with
valid Discharge Permit for
wastewater treatment facility
Generation of dust from • Maintain wet access roads by 100% no dust
site preparation/ water sprinkling along haul roads generation
construction site or from and active construction areas at
transport of least twice a day at a rate of 5 100% compliance
construction/excavated liters per square meter unpaved with RA 8749
materials by delivery road especially during dry season
trucks • Set project vehicle speed limit to
• Trucks used for transporting
construction materials should be
fully covered, and shall be
thoroughly washed before leaving
from the project site to avoid the
transfer of mud/dirt in the road
Noise pollution from Use of mufflers and exhaust 100% Noise within
delivery trucks silencers standard (NPCC
MC 002 Series of
Generation of noise from • Use of mufflers and exhaust 100% Noise within
heavy equipment silencers for construction standards (NPCC
equipment MC 002 Series of
• Provision of appropriate noise 1980)
mitigating measures (such as
construction of fences, enclosure
of stationary work areas and
equipment, maintenance of
equipment, etc.) whenever
• Limit operation of noise-
equipment/construction activities
during peak hours
Generation of spoils such • Use of spoils as fill materials in 100% of excess
as excess fill materials lower areas within the project spoils
from grading and premises collected/hauled
excavation activities • Unused spoils shall be hauled by
third party hauler with approved
permit/clearance from LGU
Generation of • Segregation of wastes and 100% compliance
construction debris and provision of temporary waste with RA 9003
other solid wastes storage facility/area in
compliance with RA 9003 before
disposal and hauling by 3rd party
accredited/recognized by LGU
Generation of used oil, • Proper segregation and 100% compliance
paint, batteries, and other containment of HW in safe, with RA 6969
hazardous materials secured & well-ventilated storage
areas with proper
Contamination of soil and labelling/placards in accordance
groundwater due to with prescribed labels/symbols
hazardous wastes (HW) per HW material classification
generation, leakage of oil under DENR AO 2004-36
& grease from vehicles and • Collection of hazardous wastes
heavy equipment by DENR-accredited 3rd party
operation service provider
• Preventive maintenance of
vehicles and heavy equipment
with proper handling of fuels, oils
& lubricants to prevent oil spills
B. Operational Phase
B.1 Operation of commercial area, institutional area and occupied housing units
Generation of domestic Provision of adequate Wastewater 100%
wastewater Treatment Facility (Sewage conformance to
Treatment Plant) to treat the effluent standards
collected wastewater, whichever is
applicable: 100%
conformance to
 Hygienic septic tank (for 212 DENR standards
occupants or less – DILG MC and compliance
2019-62) with regular with RA 9275
desludging by third party
contractor (the contractor
must have a valid discharge
permit of its treatment

 Wastewater treatment facility

(for more than 212 occupants
– DILG MC 2019-62)

Note: For 98L per person per day

water consumption; 80% will
become wastewater – hence for 300
persons; at least 23.52 cubic meter
per day WTF capacity shall be
installed and operated
Degradation of air quality • Regular maintenance of pollution 100% compliance
due to use of generator control equipment with RA 8749
set (if any)

Generation of domestic • Construction of centralized 100% compliance

wastes Material Recovery Facility (MRF) with RA 9003
provided with properly-labelled
waste receptacles
• Hauling of domestic solid waste
by LGU or third party hauler with
permit/clearance from LGU for
proper disposal
Generation of hazardous • Proper segregation and 100% compliance
wastes containment of HW in safe, with RA 6969
secured & well-ventilated storage
areas with proper
labelling/placards in accordance
with prescribed labels/symbols
• Collection of hazardous wastes
by DENR-accredited 3rd party
service provider
Generation of effluents • Monitoring of the following 100% compliance
due to wastewater significant effluent quality with DENR
generation parameters (based on PSIC Code effluent standards
681): (RA 9275);
(i.e.DAO 2016-08
 BOD and DAO 2021-19)
 Fecal Coliform
 Ammonia
 Nitrate
 Phosphate
 Oil and Grease
 Surfactants

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