Chart Troubleshooting XPI Fuel System

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XPI fuel system

03:95-05 Issue 1 en-GB

© Scania CV AB 2021, Sweden

Troubleshooting diagram (S-a) S-a

S-a Basic check

Check fault codes

Using SDP3.

Are there active Troubleshoot according to

fault codes? fault code texts.

Can the engine

Troubleshoot from S-b
be started?

Are there inactive fault

codes or symptoms from the Run the engine until it reaches normal
fuel system? operating temperature.

Are there active

fault codes?
Troubleshoot according
to fault code texts.
Key to symbols
Check fault codes
using SDP3.

Check for leakage of

fuel in to the oil. Symptom

Troubleshoot from L-b

Checks in SDP3

Checks in MULTI





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XPI fuel system
03:95-05 Issue 1 en-GB
© Scania CV AB 2021, Sweden

Troubleshooting diagram (S-b) S-b

S-b Start-up check

When the engine
cannot be started

See fuel quality check.

Note when and where the
vehicle was refuelled.

Check that there is fuel in the tank

and that it does not contain water,
dirt, chips or bacterial growth.

Clean the tank according to

Check OK? method F1.

Renew fuel filter.

Rectify deviations.

Bleed according to L7.

Bleed according to L7.

Starting problems
after a long See troubleshooting check*.

Key to symbols
Check that the engine
builds up pressure in the Problem
fuel manifold during cranking
using SDP3.
Does the engine start? Symptom
Does the fuel manifold maintain > 1,500 bar?

Checks in SDP3

Checks in MULTI, 03-95

Can it maintain pressure (unplugged)?

May drop a maximum of 100 bar/min.


*Air/fuel problems.
Hand pump, O-ring
Troubleshoot from H-a Troubleshoot from L-b Troubleshoot from L-a Troubleshoot from S-a
and check valve.

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415 431
XPI fuel system
03:95-05 Issue 1 en-GB
© Scania CV AB 2021, Sweden

Troubleshooting diagram (L-a1) L-a1 L-a2

L-a Low pressure check

When the engine
cannot be started
Is fuel supplied to
Renew the hand pump. the suction filters?
Pump about 150-200 strokes
using the hand pump. Continue from S-a.

Check that fuel is supplied to Check the suction filter

the high pressure pump according to L2.
Is there external leakage? according to L1-a hand
pump and L 1-b feed pump.

F2: Verification of the fuel system's suction

side when the engine cannot be started:

Check the suction filter The problem is located

Repair the leak. according to L2. between the fuel tank and
Is fuel supplied Does the engine start the intake suction filter.
Is any fuel being supplied?
to the suction filter? with modification? For example, coarse filters,
The problem may be located seals and connections
Bleed the system on the suction side.
between the fuel tank and the
according to L7.
feed pump.

The fault may be located in the

Is fuel being supplied by filter housing, Internal leakage.
Continue from L-b both controllers? The fault may be located between
the suction filter and high pressure
pump intake.
Key to symbols

Troubleshooting has not given
Feed pump. an unambiguous result.
Which of the controllers is not Conditions may have changed Checks in SDP3
Continue from L-a2 or the vehicle may have several faults.
supplying any fuel?

Checks in MULTI, 03-95

Hand pump.

Check the suction filter Is fuel supplied to
according to L2. the suction filters?
Is any fuel being supplied? Results
The fault is likely to be
Renew the hand pump. located between the
hand pump and the tank.
Check that fuel is Approved
Bleed the system
supplied according to
according to L7.
L1-a hand pump.
The fault may be located between Not approved
the suction filter and high pressure
Renew both fuel filters. pump intake.

415 432
XPI fuel system
03:95-05 Issue 1 en-GB
© Scania CV AB 2021, Sweden

Troubleshooting diagram (L-a2) L-a1 L-a2

Bleed the system Is the approved quantity

L-a2 troubleshooting according to L7. of fuel being supplied? Does the engine start?
by the feed pump
Continue from S-a.
When the engine
cannot be started Check the feed pump
according to L3.

Renew high pressure pump

Bleed the fuel system and feed pump assembly. Troubleshooting has not produced
according to L7. Basic engine see Multi 01-15 Timing gear. Alternative gear. an unambiguous result.*
Check the feed pump
Continue from L-b
according to L3.
Renew both fuel filters if that
has not done already been done.

Check the feed pump Is the

Continue from S-a. drive according to L4-a. timing gear working?
Does the engine start? Is the high pressure pump
drive working?

Is the drive turning for

the feed pump in the
high pressure pump? Key to symbols
Check the high pressure pump
drive according to L4-b. Problem
Renew the feed pump. Does the feed pump work
at drive working? Symptom
Points 1 and 2.

Checks in SDP3

Checks in MULTI, 03-95

Does the engine start
with modifications?
F2: Verification of the fuel system's suction Troubleshooting has not produced Action
side when the engine cannot be started: an unambiguous result.*




Not approved
*Conditions may have changed or The fault may be located
the vehicle may have several faults. between the fuel tank and
the suction filter intake.

415 433
XPI fuel system
03:95-05 Issue 1 en-GB
© Scania CV AB 2021, Sweden

Troubleshooting diagram (L-b) L-b

according to H-b

Rectify identified
The problem may be located from S-a
on the high pressure side.

Check the safety valve in
the pressure filter housing,
Renew both fuel filters Measure the supply pressure internal leakage,
if that has not done already been done. according to L6-b again. Measure return flow.
L-b Low pressure check
Is the pressure too low? Were deviations found?

Remove air Is the pressure too low?

in the fuel system.
according to L7.
Measure the supply pressure
according to L6-b.

Bleed the system

according to L7. Renew the feed pump.
The cause may be
Can the engine be started? the feed pump.
Remove air
in the fuel system.
according to L7.
Key to symbols
Measure the supply pressure
according to L6-a.
Remove air
in the fuel system. Can the engine Is the pressure
Checks in SDP3 according to L7. be started? too low?

Is the pressure too low? Were deviations found?

Checks in MULTI, 03-95 Renew both fuel filters Measure the supply pressure F3:
if that has not done according to L6-a again. Check of internal
already been done. leakage in the
filter housings.


Results The problem may be located

on the high pressure side. Resume Resume Rectify identified deviations
troubleshooting troubleshooting
Approved from S-a from H-a

Not approved Continue

according to H-a

415 434
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03:95-05 Issue 1 en-GB
© Scania CV AB 2021, Sweden

Troubleshooting diagram (H-a1) H-a1 H-a2

Check the fuel pressure in Can build pressure

the accumulator using SDP3 (unplugged) of
and run the starter motor. at least 1,500 bar?
H-a High pressure control
When the engine cannot
be started Is there leakage in Renew the
the safety valve? safety valve

Can it maintain pressure (unplugged)?

May lose a maximum of 100 bar/min.
Is there a leak even though
everything is plugged Isolate the leakage (to
except the supply to the the accumulator) using Remedy identified
high pressure pump? the elimination method. Remove one plug at a time. Leakage? leakage.

Check injectors and

Continue from H-a2
high pressure connections
according to H6. Also plug
all connections to test OCV
in the high pressure pump.
Bleed the fuel system
Renew high pressure pump according to L7.
+ oil change (UH).

Bleed the fuel system

according to L7. Start the engine.
Key to symbols
Problem Perform a leak test
during cranking.
Does the engine start? Start again from H-a

Is the system leaking?

Checks in SDP3

Verify that the leak has been

Checks in MULTI, 03-95 fixed with regard to an internal
leak in SDP3.


Does the engine start?

Start again from S-a Start again from H-a

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415 435
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03:95-05 Issue 1 en-GB
© Scania CV AB 2021, Sweden

Troubleshooting diagram (H-a2) H-a1 H-a2

Check overflow valve by

the return pressure on the Measure the return flow
Check the fuel quantity valve. Check all injectors by fuel manifold during cranking during cranking using Is one or more Renew leaking injectors
Measure its resistance. Incorrect measuring their resistance. Incorrect according to H7. Correct return the special tool. injectors leaking a lot or the high pressure
H-a High pressure control (2.2 Ohm 20 Co) resistance? (0.2-0.6 Ohm cold engine) resistance? (0.7-2.3 bar). pressure? (External fuel manifolds) more than the others? pipe connection.
when the engine cannot be
started and the fuel system
can maintain pressure

Check the high pressure pump

using the high pressure pump measuring tool.
Bleed the fuel system and renew
Renew Replace faulty Renew the overflow valve Renew the high the L7 fuel filter and re-perform the test.
the fuel quantity valve. injectors. and fix any leakage. pressure pump
assembly + oil change.

Correct through flow + no deviations?

Bleed the fuel system Check the compression for all cylinders.
according to L7 Not the SDP3 test because that
requires starting.
Manual method.
The issue is in:
Key to symbols 1. The low pressure part
2. Contaminated fuel Correct compression?
Problem or
3. Control unit failure.

Checks in SDP3 Start again from S-b

The problem is not located

Checks in MULTI, 03-95 in the fuel system.


See Basic engine troubleshooting.




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436 209
XPI fuel system
03:95-05 Issue 1 en-GB
© Scania CV AB 2021, Sweden

Troubleshooting diagram (H-b1) H-b1 H-b2

Identify leaks using

plugging according to H5 ( Plug all outputs on Perform checks for
remember the results from SDP3) the accumulator except internal leakage
Cylinders with deviations/ Start by plugging Can a cylinder measurement from Internal according to H1.
cylinders from H1? cylinders with deviations. be isolated? the high pressure pump. leakage? Fuel leak test*. Test OK?
Renew both fuel filters Perform checks for internal Start again from
if that has not done leakage according to H1. the beginning of H-b
H-b High pressure already been done. Fuel leak test*.
When it is possible Internal leakage?
to start the engine Were
Bleed the fuel system deviations found?
according to L7. Renew cylinder head
H3 - Check MDV. Repair the leak. on the high pressure pump.

H-b2 High pressure check Cylinders with deviations/ Go to S-a

if the engine can be started cylinders from H1?
Renew the safety valve.

Can deviations from two injectors

If the fault persists
from cyl balancing and cyl power
Continue with F4**.
be related to each other?
Renew the injector.

Checks in Multi. 03-01

Checking high-pressure connection pipes.

Were deviations found? Swap over the high pressure connection pipes.
Renew faulty injectors and high pressure connection pipes.

Key to symbols
Perform return flow measurement
with external fuel manifolds.
(DC 9 and 13-litre engines only)
Were deviations found?

Checks in SDP3

Do the deviations Checks in MULTI, 03-95

(from H1) move with
the injectors?
F4: Checking anomalous cylinders Action
when the engine can be started. +H1

74F5: Checking the injector Decision

*Checking for internal leakage, cable harness and control unit
cylinder power test and
cylinder balancing test Run compression tests
Were deviations found?
in SDP3.
**Swap over injectors to see
if the fault moves with them. + H1 Can the The problem is not located See Basic engine troubleshooting. Not approved
deviation from two injectors from cyl balancing in the fuel system.
and cyl power be related to each other?

436 210
XPI fuel system
03:95-05 Issue 1 en-GB
© Scania CV AB 2021, Sweden

Troubleshooting diagram (H-b2) H-b1 H-b2

Check fuel quantity valve Check the return Check the return
with SDP3 (at least twice). fuel pressure in Renew the overflow valve fuel pressure in
Also measure its resistance. the fuel manifold Is the pressure + check restrictions the fuel manifold Is the pressure Perform a return flow test Were deviations
Were deviations found? according to H2. normal? in the return circuit. according to H2. normal? with external fuel manifolds. found?
H-b High pressure control
Start again from
is the engine running
the beginning of H-b
to start the engine

Start again from The fault is located in one or more

the beginning of H-b high-pressure connection pipes or
Perform a in one or more injectors.
the fuel quantity valve.

Renew the high pressure pump's

Were deviations found? cylinder head.
Does the graph differ Checking high-pressure
from the reference? connection pipes and injectors.
Performance testing Renew faulty high-pressure
high pressure pump assembly connection pipes and injectors.
using measuring tools
for high pressure pumps.
Bleed the fuel system
according to L7.
Measure the total
return flow to the fuel tank.
Compare with the specifications
for the XPI fuel system.
The fault may be located
Key to symbols in the low pressure part or
in the high pressure pump.
Problem Were deviations found? The fault is located in one or more
high-pressure connection pipes or
Symptom in several injectors.
Rectify deviations. Were deviations found? Perform a return flow test
with external fuel manifolds.

Checks in SDP3

Checks in MULTI, 03-95

The fault is located either in the
filter housing (safety valve, O-ring,
Decision automatic venting, drive flow
for water separation) or
in the high pressure pump.


Not approved

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