Community Action Lesson 2

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Community Action

UNIT IV Lesson #2
Community Livelihood Development

• The population, or the people in general who relentlessly work day in and
day out powers our economy toward growth. With this in mind our
government created agencies that will help our citizens find work through
technical education and skills development Leading these agencies is the
Technical Education and skils Development Authority(TESDA) created
under R.A. 7796. Section 3 of the law provides the mandates of TESDA to
carry out its duties of empowering the Philippine workforce by creating
access to jobs and educating the workforce while ensuring the quality of
technical skills coincide with international labor standards.
Sec. 3. Statement of Goals and Objectives. - It is the goal
and objective of this Act for
• a. Promote and strengthen the quality of technical education and skills
development programs to attain international competitiveness;
• b. Focus technical education and skills development on meeting the
changing demands for quality middle-level manpower;
• c. Encourage critical and creative thinking by disseminating the scientific
and technical knowledge base of middle-level manpower development
• d. Recognize and encourage the complementary roles of public and private
institutions in technical education and skills development and training
systems; and
• e. Inculcate desirable values through the development of moral character
with emphasis on work ethic, self-discipline, self-reliance, and nationalism.
Community Youth and Education
• The Department of Education (DepEd) and the National
Youth Commission (NYC) have been instrumental in ensuring a bright
future for the youth.
DepEd is the government agency that is responsible for
the education of the youth.
Its purposes and objectives are embodied in section 3 of R. A. 9155,
otherwise knowing as the Godvernance of Basic Education Act of 2001
Sec. 3. Purposes and Objectives. - The
purposes and objectives of this Act are:
• a. To provide the framework for the governance of basic education which shall set the general directions for
educational policies and standards and establish authority, accountability, and responsibility for achieving higher
learning outcomes;
• b. To define the roles and responsibilities of, and provide resources to, the field offices which shall implement
educational programs, projects, and services in communities they serve;
• c. To make schools and learning centers the most important vehicle for the teaching and learning of national values
and for developing in the Filipino learners love of country and pride in its rich heritage;
• d. To ensure that schools and learning centers receive the kind of focused attention they deserve and that
educational programs, projects, and services take into account the interests of all members of the community;
• e. To enable the schools and learning centers to reflect the values of the community by allowing teachers/learning
facilitators and other staff to have the flexibility to serve the needs of all learners;
• f. To encourage local initiatives for the improvement of schools and learning centers and to provide the means by
which these improvements may be achieved and sustained; and
• g. To establish schools and learning centers as facilities where schoolchildren are able to learn a range of core
competencies prescribed for elementary and high school education programs or where the out-of-school youth
and adult learners are provided alternative learning programs and receive accreditation for at least the equivalent
of a high school education.

• Sec. 2, Policy. - The State recognizes is responsiblity to enable the

youth enfull their vital role in nation -bullding and hereby establishes
the Nationdl Comprenensive and Coordinated Program on
Youth Development, creates the structures to implemem the same, and
appropriates adequate funds to provide support for the program and
implementing structures on a continuing sustained basis.
• The State hereby declares that "Youth" is the critical period in a person's
growth and development from the onset of adolescence towards the peak
of mature, self-relian, and responsible adulthood comprising the
considerable sector of the population from the age of fifteen (15) to thirty
(30) years.

• sec. 8. Objectives of the Commission. - The objectives of the

Commission are
• a. To provide the leadership in the formulation of policies and in the
setting of priorities and direction of all youth promotion and
development programs and activities
• b. To encourage wide and active participation of the youth in all
government and nongovernmental programs, projects, and activities
affecting them;
• c. To harness and develop the full potential of the youth as partners in
nation building;
Community Health Sustainability
• The Department of Health (DOH) has been a pillar of community well-being
since its reorganization through Executive Order 94 of 1947. The agency has
helped milions across the country gain access to medicine as well as services
of medical experts. The DOH was once again reorganized in the 1950s
through E.0. 288, after recognizing the need to decentralize to effectively
reach out to more stakeholders.
• The DOH acts as the central body that mobilizes local government end and
communities in creating solutions to our current health problems. Mainly,
the souton, that the DOH is pursuing are rooted from the community agenda
and are issue spectic.on the problems at hand. Below are two DOH projects
to help you fully apprectate the depth of reach that the agency has done in
your own communities in recent years.
Botika ng Barangay
The Botika ng Barangay (BB) project has been one of the
most ubiquitous among the projects being implemented by
the DOH due to its vast impact on every Filipino that is in
need of affordable medicines. BBs sell only generic medicines
that come directly from suppliers. The public can avail of
these medicines through their local government units or local
health offices.
As manifested in the two DOH projects, problems nowadays
do not necessarily need an overly complicated solution. What
our current social problems need rather are simple, viable,
and readily accessible solutions that have wide-scale impact
across a longer time frame. The community and its leadership
should exemplify the models by adjusting their programs to
be specific, time-bound, and relevant. The projects can be
sustained once these requirements are met and the
community is no longer detached from its goals.
Community Environmental Sustainability
The Department of Environment and Natural Resources
(DENR) was formally formed by E.O. 131 in 1987 under its
former name, the Department of Environment, Energy
and Natural Resources (DEENR). Later after its
reorganization under E.O. 192, it was renamed to its
current name with the transfer of energy governance to
the Office of the President. The DENR retains its mandate
as follows:
It is clear that the mandate ofthe DENR focuses on the
management and sustainability, of our natural resources. It also has
the power to formulate policies and programs for the environment.
Its scope includes all aspects of natural resources that the state
ovny and has the authority to issue licenses and certificates to
private industries that meet the requirements for environmental
safety and sustainability. The DENR has positioned itsely as a
community partner in enhancing community safety during times of
calamities. Also in the past years, it has focused on mechanisms for
risk and damage prevention by partnering with the LGUs in most of
its projects.
Geohazard Mapping and Assessment Program
The main goal of this program is to map the vulnerabilities of
communities in times of disasters and foreseeable calamities
that can endanger lives and properties. To date, the program
has identified the following regions of concern after completing
the assessment of 1,634 cities and municipalities all over the
Adopt an Estero Program This is one of DENR's most engaging projects as It
taps the community in safeguarding. une envronmesta/nabloing so, the agency was
able to form a partnership with dna dog, what will be sustanable and easily
adaptable by the partes. The program ame to do following

a.Unclog and clean the waterways of wastes, debris, and silt

b.Mobilize the LGUs to clean and manage the waterways

c.Institutionalize good practices of sanitation and waste management

d.safeguard and avoid blockage of waterways Help reduce water pollution

e.Institutionalize public-private-community partnerships in environmental security

Thank you for listening!
Haven Lee M. Ayson
Drew Alduein Jhade Balane
Hailey Cristel Roque
Rustine De Pedro
Nicaila Sotto
Cherryle S. Castro

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