La Raine's Module

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Agencies Involved in
Establishing Small
and Medium
Enterprises (SME)

Prepared by:
Sianson, La-Raine C.
BBTE 3-2

Submitted to:
Prof. Sherly Morales

Nice meeting you, my dear students! Let’s talk about government

agencies involve in small and medium enterprises. You will know to this
module the different function of each agency.


In this module, at the end of the discussion you are expected:

1. To present the different government agencies involve in small

medium enterprises.
2. To better understand the function of different agencies.


Have you involve in business? In this module, you will know the different
government agencies involve in small and medium enterprises.

But before we proceed in the discussion let’s check first yourself if you
know the agencies we have in our country. Go students, you can do it.

Direction: Give the meaning of the abbreviate letter.
1. BFAD - ________________________________________
2. DOH - _________________________________________
3. TESDA - _______________________________________
4. BIR - __________________________________________
5. SEC - __________________________________________

Wow!!!. Nice one student. Now, let’s go to the discussion for you to
understand better our topic.
Government Agencies Involved in Establishing Small and Medium
Enterprises (SME)


A. General Functions
• Develops plan policies, programs and strategies for regulating processed
foods, drugs and other related products.
• Formulates rules, regulations and standards for licensing and accreditation
of processed foods, drugs and other related products.
• Conduct licensing and accreditation of processed foods, drugs and other
related products.
• Monitors, evaluates and ensures compliance of manufacturers,
distributors, advertisers and retailers of processed foods, drugs and other
related products to health rules and regulations and standards and quality.
B. Mission
To protect public health and ensure the safety, efficacy, purity and quality of all
the products it regulates through the effective and efficient implementation of
national policies consistent with international best practices.

C. Vision
The BFAD is an internationally recognized center of regulatory excellence
safeguarding the health of Filipinos.


A. Vision
The leader of all health agencies in the Philippines.

B. Mission
Guarantee equitable, sustainable and quality health for all Filipinos, especially
the poor, and to lead the quest for excellence in health.
C. Department Health Profile
The DOH is the principal health agency in the Philippines. It is
responsible for ensuring access to basic health services to all Filipinos through
the provision of quality health care and regulation of providers of health goods
and services.
Given the mandate, DOH is both stakeholders in the health sector and
policy and regulatory body for health. As a major player, DOH is a technical
resource, a catalyzer for health policy and a political sponsor and advocate for
health issues in behalf issues in behalf of the health sector.



A. Vision
A society where poor, vulnerable and disadvantaged individuals, families and
communities are empowered for an improved quality of life.

B. Mission
To provide social protection and promote the rights and welfare of the poor,
vulnerable and the disadvantaged individuals, families and communities that
will contribute to poverty alleviation and empowerment through social
welfare development policies, programs, projects and services implemented
with or through local government units (LGUs), non-government
organizations (NGOs), people’s organizations (POs), other government
organizations (GOs) and other members of civil society.

C. Mandate
To provide assistance to local government units, non-government
organizations, other national government agencies, people’s organizations,
and other members of civil society in effectively implementing programs,
projects and services that will alleviate poverty and empower disadvantaged
individuals, families and communities for an improved quality of life.

A. Mandate
The Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) is the
government agency tasked to manage and supervise technical education and
skills development (TESD) in the Philippines. It was created by virtue of
Republic Act 7796, otherwise known as the “Technical Education and Skills
Development Act of 1994”. The said Act integrated the functions of the
former National Manpower and Youth Council (NMYC), the Bureau of
Technical-Vocational Education of the Department of Education, Culture and
Sports (BTVE-DECS) and the Office of Apprenticeship of the Department of
Labor and Employment (DOLE).
B. Vision
TESDA is the leading partner in the development of the Filipino workforce
with world-class competence and positive work values.
C. Mission
TESDA provides direction, policies, programs and standards towards quality
technical education and skill development.
D. Values Statement
We believe in demonstrated competence, institutional integrity, personal
commitment and deep sense of nationalism.
E. Quality Policy
"We measure our worth by the satisfaction of the customers we serve"


Strategic Decisions
Value Adding
Citizen focus

A. Mandate

Prevention and suppression of all destructive fires on buildings, houses and

other similar structures; Forests; Airports; Land Transportation vehicles and
equipment; Ship docked and wharves; Petroleum industry installation; and
other similar incidents

• Enforcement of the Fire Code;

• Investigation of all causes of fire;
• Assist AFP in times of National Emergencies;
• Establish at least one fire station in each Local Government Unit
nationwide with adequate personnel and equipage.

B. Mission

To prevent and suppress destructive fires; enforce fire related laws; and provide
emergency medical and rescue services.

C. Vision

A world-class fire protection agency working towards a public safety conscious



A. Mission, Vision and Commitment

The Department of Agriculture designated as the lead agency to boost farmers'

income and reduce poverty incidence in the rural sector through the Medium
Term Philippine Development Plan (MTPDP). With its vision, "Prosperous rural
communities, built on profitable farms that provide surplus for agro-industry and
food security".

With emphasis on agribusiness, the agriculture department will undertake two

goals under the new economic blueprint of the Arroyo Administration.

GOAL 1: "Develop at least two million hectares of new land for agribusiness in
order to contribute 2 million jobs targeted in 2010"
• Idle or marginal agricultural lands;
• Offshore and inland bodies of water for aquaculture
• New and existing agricultural areas which will be developed for
intercropping with high value crops and raising of livestock, poultry and

GOAL 2: "Reduce costs of wage goods through productivity enhancement, more

efficient logistics, and improved retailing linkages"

• Production support to enhance farm and fishery productivity

• Logistical support to raise distribution efficiency
• Governance and institutional support to provide a policy and regulatory
environment conducive to efficient production and distribution of
agribusiness commodities.

The major task of the MTPDP is to fight poverty by building prosperity for the
greatest number of the Filipino people. To ensure better quality of life, the
country must open up economic opportunities, maintain socio-political stability,
and promote good stewardship as well as focus on strategic measures and
activities, aimed to spur economic growth and create jobs.


Consists of region-sub-national administrative unit comprising of several


Region - a sub national administrative unit compromising of several; provinces

having more or less homogenous characteristics, such as ethnic origin of
inhabitants, dialect spoken, agriculture products, etc.
Province- largest unit in the political structure of the Philippines.

City- there are three classes of city; (1) the highly urbanized (2) the independent
component cities which are independent of the province and (3) component cities
which are part of the provinces where they are subject to their administrative

Municipality- political corporate body endowed with the facilities of municipal

Barangay- smallest political unit into which cities and municipalities in the
Philippines are divided.

A. Mission

To strengthen the corporate and capital market infrastructure of the Philippines, and
to maintain a regulatory system based on international best standards and practices,
that promotes the interests of investors in a free, fair and competitive business

We shall be guided in this mission by the values of Integrity, Professionalism,

Accountability, Independence and Initiative.

B. Vision

It is the vision of the Securities and Exchange Commission, as an independent,

credible regulator adhering to international standards, to be a prime mover of
Philippine economic development by ensuring a fair, efficient, and transparent
capital market.


A. Mission

The BIR shall collect internal revenue taxes for the government.

B. Vision

The BIR is an institution of service excellence manned by people with integrity and

C. Guiding principle

"Service Excellence with Integrity and Professionalism"

D. Values

God-fearing Innovativeness Respect

Consistency Accountability Fairness
Competency Synergy Transparency

A. Mission

To ensure the safe and sound operation of co-operatives.

B. Vission

An effective and efficient regulatory agency working towards the development of viable,
sustainable socially responsive and globally competitive cooperatives

C. Mandate

Promote the viability and growth of cooperatives as instruments of equity, social justice
and economic development in fulfillment of the mandate in section 15, Article XII of the


A. Vision and Mission

Consistent with the “Platform and Policy Pronouncements on Labor and Employment” of
President Benigno S. Aquino III’s administration, herein referred to as the 22-Point Labor
and Employment Agenda, the DOLE is the lead agency mandated to develop the
competencies and competitiveness of Filipino workers, to deliver employment facilitation
services for full and decent employment, and to promote industrial peace based on social


A. Mission
The Bureau of Customs (BOC) aims to provide a customs service
more responsive to clients' needs and supportive of government goals,
and adhering to world's best practices that every Filipino can be truly
proud of.

B. Objectives

The BOC is expected to perform the following primary functions:

• Assess and collect lawful revenues from imported articles and all
other dues, fees, charges, fines and penalties accruing under the
Tariff and Customs Code of the Philippines (TCCP);

• Prevent and suppress smuggling and fraud in customs


• Supervise and control the entrance and clearance of vessels and

aircraft engaged in foreign trade;

• Enforce TCC and all other laws, rules and regulations relating to
tariff and customs administration;

• Supervise and control the handling of foreign mail arriving in the

Philippines, for the purpose of collecting lawful duty on the dutiable
articles thus imported, and prevent smuggling through medium of
such mail;

• Exercise exclusive jurisdiction over seizure and forfeiture cases

under the Tariff and Customs laws.

C. Mandates

The Bureau of Customs (BOC), which is under the auspices of the Department of
Finance (DOF), is mandated to implement an effective revenue collection, prevent
and suppress smuggling and entry of prohibited imported goods, supervise and
control over the entrance and clearance of vessels and aircrafts and engaged in
foreign commerce, and the enforcement of the Tariff and Customs Code of the
Philippines and all other laws, rules and regulations related to tariff and customs

Game Title: “Shake It!!”

Directions: I need 10 representatives only from the class. They will form a
straight line in front. When I say:
BIR - players will shake their head.
DA – players will shake their shoulders.
DTI – players will shake their hand downward.
BFAD – players will shake their body.

Hope you enjoy my module. Good

luck and God bless students.

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