Ang 59&60 English

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isrI rwgu - mÚ 1 - sRI gurU gRMQ swihb jI - AMg 59

Siree Raag - Guru Nanak Dev Ji - Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji - Ang 59


sireeraag mahalaa pehilaa

Siree Raag, First Mehla:

satigur pooraa je milai

paieeaai ratan beechaar ||
Meeting the Perfect True Guru, we
find the jewel of meditative reflection.

man dheejai gur aapane

paieeaai sarab piaar ||
Surrendering our minds to our Guru,
we find universal love.

mukat padhaarath paieeaai

avagan meTanahaar ||1||
We find the wealth of liberation, and
our demerits are erased. ||1||
bhaiee re gur bin giaan na
hoi ||
O Siblings of Destiny, without the
Guru, there is no spiritual wisdom.
pUChubRhmynwrdYbydibAwsYkoie]1] rhwau]

poochhahu brahame
naaradhai bedh biaasai koi
||1|| rahaau ||
Go and ask Brahma, Naarad and
Vyaas, the writer of the Vedas.

giaan dhiaan dhun

jaaneeaai akath kahaavai
soi ||
Know that from the vibration of the
Word, we obtain spiritual wisdom
and meditation. Through it, we speak
the Unspoken.

safalio birakh hareeaavalaa

chhaav ghaneree hoi ||
He is the fruit-bearing Tree,
luxuriantly green with abundant

laal javehar maanakee gur

bha(n)ddaarai soi ||2||
The rubies, jewels and emeralds are
in the Guru's Treasury. ||2||

gur bha(n)ddaarai paieeaai

niramal naam piaar ||
From the Guru's Treasury, we receive
the Love of the Immaculate Naam,
the Name of the Lord.

saacho vakhar sa(n)cheeaai

poorai karam apaar ||
We gather in the True Merchandise,
through the Perfect Grace of the
sukhadhaataa dhukh
meTano satigur asur
sa(n)ghaar ||3||
The True Guru is the Giver of peace,
the Dispeller of pain, the Destroyer of
demons. ||3||

bhavajal bikham
ddaraavano naa ka(n)dhee
naa paar ||
The terrifying world-ocean is difficult
and dreadful; there is no shore on this
side or the one beyond.

naa beRee naa tulahaRaa

naa tis va(n)jh malaar ||
There is no boat, no raft, no oars and
no boatman.

satigur bhai kaa bohithaa

nadharee paar utaar ||4||
The True Guru is the only boat on this
terrifying ocean. His Glance of Grace
carries us across. ||4||

eik til piaaraa visarai dhukh

laagai sukh jai ||
If I forget my Beloved, even for an
instant, suffering overtakes me and
peace departs.
jihavaa jalau jalaavanee
naam na japai rasai ||
Let that tongue be burnt in flames,
which does not chant the Naam with

ghaT binasai dhukh agalo

jam pakaRai pachhutai ||5||
When the pitcher of the body bursts,
there is terrible pain; those who are
caught by the Minister of Death
regret and repent. ||5||

meree meree kar ge tan

dhan kalat na saath ||
Crying out, ""Mine! Mine!"", they have
departed, but their bodies, their
wealth, and their wives did not go
with them.

bin naavai dhan baadh hai

bhoolo maarag aath ||
Without the Name, wealth is useless;
deceived by wealth, they have lost
their way.

saachau saahib seveeaai

gurmukh akatho kaath ||6||
So serve the True Lord; become
Gurmukh, and speak the Unspoken.
aavai jai bhavaieeaai piaai
kirat kamai ||
Coming and going, people wander
through reincarnation; they act
according to their past actions.

poorab likhiaa kiau

meTeeaai likhiaa lekh rajai ||
How can one's pre-ordained destiny
be erased? It is written in accordance
with the Lord's Will.

bin har naam na

chhuTeeaai gurmat milai
milai ||7||
Without the Name of the Lord, no
one can be saved. Through the
Guru's Teachings, we are united in
His Union. ||7||

tis bin meraa ko nahee jis

kaa jeeau paraan ||
Without Him, I have no one to call my
own. My soul and my breath of life
belong to Him.

haumai mamataa jal balau

lobh jalau abhimaan ||
May my egotism and possessiveness
be burnt to ashes, and my greed and
egotistical pride consigned to the fire.
naanak sabadh
veechaareeaai paieeaai
gunee nidhaan ||8||10||
O Nanak, contemplating the Shabad,
the Treasure of Excellence is
obtained. ||8||10||
isrI rwgu - mÚ 1 - sRI gurU gRMQ swihb jI - AMg 59
Siree Raag - Guru Nanak Dev Ji - Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji - Ang 59


sireeraag mahalaa pehilaa

Siree Raag, First Mehla:

re man aaisee har siau

preet kar jaisee jal kamaleh
O mind, love the Lord, as the lotus
loves the water.

laharee naal
pachhaaReeaai bhee
vigasai asaneh ||
Tossed about by the waves, it still
blossoms with love.

jal meh jeea upai kai bin jal

maran tineh ||1||
In the water, the creatures are
created; outside of the water they
die. ||1||

man re kiau chhooTeh bin

piaar ||
O mind, how can you be saved
without love?
gurmuiKAMqirrivrihAwbKsyBgiqBMfwr]1] rhwau]

gurmukh a(n)tar rav rahiaa

bakhase bhagat
bha(n)ddaar ||1|| rahaau ||
God permeates the inner beings of
the Gurmukhs. They are blessed with
the treasure of devotion. ||1||Pause||

re man aaisee har siau

preet kar jaisee machhulee
neer ||
O mind, love the Lord, as the fish
loves the water.
jiau adhikau tiau sukh
ghano man tan saa(n)t
sareer ||
The more the water, the more the
happiness, and the greater the peace
of mind and body.

bin jal ghaRee na jeeviee

prabh jaanai abh peer ||2||
Without water, she cannot live, even
for an instant. God knows the
suffering of her mind. ||2||

re man aaisee har siau

preet kar jaisee chaatirak
meh ||
O mind, love the Lord, as the song-
bird loves the rain.
sar bhar thal hareeaavale ik
boo(n)dh na paviee keh ||
The pools are overflowing with
water, and the land is luxuriantly
green, but what are they to her, if
that single drop of rain does not fall
into her mouth?

karam milai so paieeaai

kirat piaa sir dheh ||3||
By His Grace, she receives it;
otherwise, because of her past
actions, she gives her head. ||3||

re man aaisee har siau

preet kar jaisee jal dhudh
hoi ||
O mind, love the Lord, as the water
loves the milk.
aavaTan aape khavai
dhudh kau khapan na dhei
The water, added to the milk, itself
bears the heat, and prevents the milk
from burning.

aape mel vichhu(n)niaa

sach vaddiaaiee dhei ||4||
God unites the separated ones with
Himself again, and blesses them with
true greatness. ||4||

re man aaisee har siau

preet kar jaisee chakavee
soor ||
O mind, love the Lord, as the chakvee
duck loves the sun.
khin pal needh na soviee
jaanai dhoor hajoor ||
She does not sleep, for an instant or
a moment; the sun is so far away, but
she thinks that it is near.

manmukh sojhee naa pavai

gurmukh sadhaa hajoor ||5||
Understanding does not come to the
self-willed manmukh. But to the
Gurmukh, the Lord is always close.

manmukh ganat
ganaavanee karataa kare
su hoi ||
The self-willed manmukhs make their
calculations and plans, but only the
actions of the Creator come to pass.

taa kee keemat naa pavai je

lochai sabh koi ||
His Value cannot be estimated, even
though everyone may wish to do so.

gurmat hoi ta paieeaai sach

milai sukh hoi ||6||
Through the Guru's Teachings, it is
revealed. Meeting with the True One,
peace is found. ||6||

sachaa neh na tuTiee je

satigur bheTai soi ||
True love shall not be broken, if the
True Guru is met.

giaan padhaarath paieeaai

tirabhavan sojhee hoi ||
Obtaining the wealth of spiritual
wisdom, the understanding of the
three worlds is acquired.

niramal naam na veesarai je

gun kaa gaahak hoi ||7||
So become a customer of merit, and
do not forget the Immaculate Naam,
the Name of the Lord. ||7||

khel ge se pa(n)khanoo(n) jo
chugadhe sar tal ||
Those birds which peck at the shore
of the pool have played and have
ghaRee k muhat k chalanaa
khelan aj k kal ||
In a moment, in an instant, we too
must depart. Our play is only for
today or tomorrow.

jis too(n) meleh so milai jai

sachaa piR mal ||8||
But those whom You unite, Lord, are
united with You; they obtain a seat in
the Arena of Truth. ||8||

bin gur preet na uoopajai

haumai mail na jai ||
Without the Guru, love does not well
up, and the filth of egotism does not

soha(n) aap pachhaaneeaai

sabadh bhedh pateeaai ||
One who recognizes within himself
that, ""He is me"", and who is pierced
through by the Shabad, is satisfied.

gurmukh aap
pachhaaneeaai avar k kare
karai ||9||
When one becomes Gurmukh and
realizes his own self, what more is
there left to do or have done? ||9||
miliaa kaa kiaa meleeaai
sabadh mile pateeaai ||
Why speak of union to those who are
already united with the Lord?
Receiving the Shabad, they are

manmukh sojhee naa pavai

veechhuR choTaa khai ||
The self-willed manmukhs do not
understand; separated from Him,
they endure beatings.

naanak dhar ghar ek hai

avar na dhoojee jai ||10||11||
O Nanak, there is only the one door
to His Home; there is no other place
at all. ||10||11||
isrI rwgu - mÚ 1 - sRI gurU gRMQ swihb jI - AMg 60
Siree Raag - Guru Nanak Dev Ji - Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji - Ang 60


sireeraag mahalaa pehilaa

Siree Raag, First Mehla:

manmukh bhulai
bhulaieeaai bhoolee Thaur
na kai ||
The self-willed manmukhs wander
around, deluded and deceived. They
find no place of rest.

gur bin ko na dhikhaaviee

a(n)dhee aavai jai ||
Without the Guru, no one is shown
the Way. Like the blind, they continue
coming and going.
giaan padhaarath khoiaa
Thagiaa muThaa jai ||1||
Having lost the treasure of spiritual
wisdom, they depart, defrauded and
plundered. ||1||

baabaa maiaa bharam

bhulai ||
O Baba, Maya deceives with its
BrimBulIfohwgxInwiprAMiksmwie]1] rhwau]
bharam bhulee
ddohaaganee naa pir a(n)k
samai ||1|| rahaau ||
Deceived by doubt, the discarded
bride is not received into the Lap of
her Beloved. ||1||Pause||

bhoolee firai dhisa(n)taree

bhoolee girahu taj jai ||
The deceived bride wanders around
in foreign lands; she leaves, and
abandons her own home.

bhoolee ddoo(n)gar thal

chaRai bharamai man
ddolai ||
Deceived, she climbs the plateaus
and mountains; her mind wavers in
dhurahu vichhu(n)nee kiau
milai garab muThee bilalai
Separated from the Primal Being,
how can she meet with Him again?
Plundered by pride, she cries out and
bewails. ||2||

vichhuRiaa gur melasee har

ras naam piaar ||
The Guru unites the separated ones
with the Lord again, through the love
of the Delicious Name of the Lord.

saach sahaj sobhaa ghanee

har gun naam adhaar ||
Through truth and intuitive poise,
great honor is obtained, with the
Support of the Naam and the Glory
of the Lord.
jiau bhaavai tiau rakh too(n)
mai tujh bin kavan bhataar
As it pleases You, Lord, please save
and protect me. Without You, O my
Husband Lord, who else is there for
me? ||3||

akhar paR paR bhuleeaai

bhekhee bahut abhimaan ||
Reading their books over and over
again, people continue making
mistakes; they are so proud of their
religious robes.

teerath naataa kiaa kare

man meh mail gumaan ||
But what is the use of bathing at
sacred shrines of pilgrimage, when
the filth of stubborn pride is within
the mind?
gur bin kin samajhaieeaai
man raajaa sulataan ||4||
Other than the Guru, who can
explain that within the mind is the
Lord, the King, the Emperor? ||4||

prem padhaarath paieeaai

gurmukh tat veechaar ||
The Treasure of the Lord's Love is
obtained by the Gurmukh, who
contemplates the essence of reality.

saa dhan aap gavaiaa gur

kai sabadh seegaar ||
The bride eradicates her selfishness,
and adorns herself with the Word of
the Guru's Shabad.

ghar hee so pir paiaa gur

kai het apaar ||5||
Within her own home, she finds her
Husband, through infinite love for the
Guru. ||5||

gur kee sevaa chaakaree

man niramal sukh hoi ||
Applying oneself to the service of the
Guru, the mind is purified, and peace
is obtained.
gur kaa sabadh man vasiaa
haumai vichahu khoi ||
The Word of the Guru's Shabad
abides within the mind, and egotism
is eliminated from within.

naam padhaarath paiaa

laabh sadhaa man hoi ||6||
The Treasure of the Naam is
acquired, and the mind reaps the
lasting profit. ||6||

karam milai taa paieeaai

aap na liaa jai ||
If He grants His Grace, then we
obtain it. We cannot find it by our
own efforts.

gur kee charanee lag rahu

vichahu aap gavai ||
Remain attached to the Feet of the
Guru, and eradicate selfishness from

sache setee ratiaa sacho

palai pai ||7||
Attuned to Truth, you shall obtain the
True One. ||7||

bhulan a(n)dhar sabh ko

abhul guroo karataar ||
Everyone makes mistakes; only the
Guru and the Creator are infallible.

gurmat man samajhaiaa

laagaa tisai piaar ||
One who instructs his mind with the
Guru's Teachings comes to embrace
love for the Lord.

naanak saach na veesarai

mele sabadh apaar ||8||12||
O Nanak, do not forget the Truth; you
shall receive the Infinite Word of the
Shabad. ||8||12||

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