Final - Steam Engineering - Product - Portfolio-5-14

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Steam Engineering Products

Bellow Seal Valve

• IBR approved bellow seal valves
• Available in the entire size range upto 250 NB
• Zero leak, Zero maintenance valve
• Bellow seal valves with multiple points of sealing ensures safe operation
• Special integral stellited seat.

Pressure Reducing & Desuper Heating

• Completely customized to suit various pressure & temperature parameters
• Available upto Class 2500
• Designed superheated steam temperature upto 515 C
• Separate / combined systems based on technical feasibility
• Various designs of de-superheaters to get a turn down upto 40:1

Pressure Reducing Station - Direct

• Suitable for both intermittent & continuous operation.
• PID control loop ensures high accuracy and fast recovery from
disturbance in downstream pressure.
• Control valve trip heat treated and nitrided for higher life
• Operates even on low flow conditions.
• Maintenance free and user friendly.
Pressure Reducing Station –
Control Valve
• Suitable for both intermittent & continuous operation.
• PID control loop ensures high accuracy and fast recovery from
disturbance in downstream pressure.
• Control valve trip heat treated and nitrided for higher life
• Operates even on low flow conditions.
• Maintenance free and user friendly.

Float Controlled Steam Trap

• Available sizes are 15, 20, 25, 40, 50mm upto 100NB and PN 160
• Specially designed Rotary slide valve mechanism which operate
effectively even at small differential pressure
• IBR approved float controlled trap
• Available in combination of Steam Lock Release (SLR) with Thermostatic
air vent
• Designed for varying loads with continuous discharge
• Available in cast iron and WCB cast steel body with SS internals.

Float Controlled Steam Trap - WO

• Available sizes are 50, 80, 100 mm
• Specially designed Rotary slide valve mechanism ensures modulating
flow controls at various loading conditions
• Very high resistance to water hammer.
• Highly recommended for very low differential pressure & very high
condensate load condition.
• Increasing level opens and decreasing level closes the outlet port.

Float Trap with Integral Sight Glass

• The trap functioning can be monitored by the steam trap with integral
sight glass and timely corrective action taken
• Modulating discharge
• Unique rotary slide valve design ensures modulating control of various
load conditions.
• Operates at low differential pressure
• Discharges condensate at saturated temperature
Float Trap Module
• Prefabricated ready to install module with flanged ends.
• Pre-engineered module reduces installation time, site engineering and
eliminates problem of back pressure due to improper condensate pipe
• Module facilitates easy maintenance of steam trap and strainer cleaning.
• Module is designed for effective condensate recovery
• Test valve for online performance checking of steam trap available

Steam Traps
• Available in 15, 20, 25 NB sizes • Available in forged steel / SS
• Maximum 250 bar / 550 C body with SS hardened disc
• Only one moving part • Easy to clean with built in SS
• Hardening of the disc & seat ensures 'Y' strainer
long life • Suitable for steam header
• Available in single / three port design. drain application
• Provided with an optional blow down • Disc can be replaced in field
valve without removing trap

Thermostatic Steam Trap

• Provided with built in strainer
• Membrane capsule regulator resists corrosion and is unaffected by water
• Discharge condensate below saturation temp leading to increased heat
recovery from condensate
• Available in forged carbon steel with SS internals
• Modulating discharge - designed for varying loads with continuous
• High air discharge capacity and can be used as air vent

Thermodynamic Trap Module

• Prefabricated ready to install module with flanged ends.
• Pre-engineered module reduces installation time & site engineering
• Module facilitates easy maintenance of steam trap.
• Recommended in steam mains & for steam header drain
• Both IBR certified & Non IBR TD trap module available
• Can also be supplied with bellow seal valves.
Thermostatic Trap (Minibody)
• Stainless steel body with SS internals
• Corrosion resistant internals
• Thermostatic membrane capsule regulator resists corrosion and water
• Discharge condensate below saturation temperature (Sub-cooled
• Suitable for air venting application from saturated steam system.

Bi-Metallic Steam Trap

• Unique bow type corrosion resistant Bimetallic strip
• Hardened seating surface for erosion resistant
• Unaffected by water hammer and vibrations
• Integral Y type strainer provided
• Automatic air venting
• Installation in any position
• Suitable for main line drain for saturated and superheated steam
& steam line tracing in Refinery & Petrochemical plants

Liquid Drain Trap

• Available sizes are : 15, 20, 25, 40 & 50
• The Rotary slide valve is both, swivel joint & shut-off device
• Discharges water from compressed air receiver/lines without
any air loss
• Available in cast iron and cast steel body with SS internals.
• Suitable for compressed air and compressed gasses.

Garment Iron Trap

• Economically cheaper option • Compact and better
accepted as an alternative to
• Adequate steam condensate
conventional thermodynamic
discharge capacity
steam trap
• Simple to install & operate
• Reduced steam leakages
• Low maintenance
• Reduction in startup time
• No special connectors required for
connecting to steam irons
Air Vent Module
• Prefabricated ready to install module with flanged ends
• Pre-engineered module reduces installation time & site engineering
• Module facilitates easy maintenance of steam trap
• Recommended at highest point of steam mains and dead end of steam
• Both IBR certified & Non IBR modules are available.

Y Strainer
• SS construction with SS mesh • The medium flows from the inside
screen through the strainer,
• Available sizes are DN15, DN20, • which retains any contaminant
DN25, DN40 & DN50 within the strainer instead of the
• This ensures an efficient and yet housing
simple cleaning • Install before important equipment
• Different screen aperture sizes like pumps, pressure reducing
available on request stations, steam traps, control
valves, etc.

Sight Glass
• Available sizes are DN15, DN20, DN25, DN40 & DN50
• Enables an error free diagnosis of the steam trap performance
• Clearly distinguishes the steam and condensate flow
• Can be mounted in both horizontal & vertical flow directions
• No requirement of change in assembly for changing the direction of
• Available in cast iron and cast steel body.

Disc Check Valve

• Compact design & fast installation
• Available in SS body with SS internals
• Minimum allowable temperature – 10 C
• Installation possible in all positions
• Certification IBR / Non IBR
• High flow area low pressure drop
• Soft seal like EPDM available
Ball Valve
• Special 3 piece design • Designed to handle most severe
• Valve internals can be accessed service application
and cleaned online • Equipped with internally mounted
• Easy maintenance - valve blowout proof stem
need not be removed from the • Higher product life cycle
pipeline for maintenance • Improved seat design ensure
• Leakage free due to adjustable longer life & bubble tight shut off
stem packing offers low torque.

Moisture Seperator
• Removes suspended water particles from steam line and supply
dry steam to equipment increasing the operational efficiency
• High efficiency due to removal of moisture particles upto 95%
• Dry steam increases process equipment efficiency
• Cyclonic type moisture separators are available
• Made from carbon steel ASTM A106 Gr. B
• Suitable for saturated steam applications.

Air Eliminator
• Simplicity of design.
• Corrosion resistant internals
• Maintenance free
• Rugged construction
• No spare parts required
• High quality precision internals
• Suitable for air elimination from liquid water systems

Vacuum Breaker
• SS Body with SS internals
• Suitable for pressure up to 20kg/cm and temperature up to 200oC.
• Compact and light weight
• Simple to install
• Suitable for preventing vacuum due to condensing of saturated steam
in equipment
• Suitable for draining compressed air / compressed gas systems
• All Stainless steel construction
• Suitable for high pressure application up to 63 kg/cm pressure
• Compact and light weight
• Simple to install
• Suitable for application on intermittent type steam traps like
Thermodynamic and inverted bucket
• Also suitable for steam condensate from saturated steam lines

Automatic Water Extractor

• Removes the accumulated steam condensate from the equipment
while steam heating system starts up.
• Automatic in nature
• Low maintenance
• Suitable for steam heated equipment like heat exchanger, Rotary
cylinder dryers, ball float steam trap assembly, etc.
• Built in SS strainer ensures no mechanical damage due to erosion to
ball & seat assembly and elimination of steam leakage.

Condensate Dampening Pot

• Protects steam / condensate piping system, valves and plants from
being damaged by water hammer.
• Simple and compact design
• No wearable parts
• No maintenance required
• Suitable for installing on condensate pipe lines

Automatic Condensate Transfer Pump

• Zero moving parts ensures • High discharge per stroke
high reliability and equipment • High condensate temperature
availability, low maintenance, low return
downtime, low wear & tear. • No cavitation problems
• High motive inlet pressure upto • Skid mounted system - easy
10kg/cm2 for pump. No need for installation
pressure reducing and reduces • Weather proof design suitable for
initial cost. outdoor installation
Atmospheric De-aerator Head
• Stainless Steel de-aerator head with SS immersion tube prevents
• Efficient removal of dissolved oxygen and other gases from boiler
feed water by thermal de-aeration.
• Suitable for thermal de-aeration of boiler feed water.

Flash Steam Generator

• Generates low pressure flash steam
• Not covered under Indian Boiler Regulation (IBR)
• Adequately sized to minimize pressure drop
• Steam trap sized to handle condensate at low pressure difference
(to be fitted at condensate outlet)
• Designed with optimum separation velocity to get good quality steam.
• Suitable for high pressure steam condensate

Thermax Valve Manifolds

• Compact design suitable where • Sight fabrication avoided
spare is a constraint • Suitable for steam &
• Fitted with integral piston valves as condensate applications
standard • Simple to install
• Forged steel construction with • Tight shut off valves ensure
uniform stress distribution ensuring no leakage of steam
low maintenance and longer life
• Suitable for saturated steam
• Easy inspection & maintenance and condensate.

Steam Flow Meter

• Available range : 40 to 350 NB
• Zero maintenance cost due to zero moving part
• Orifice type steam flow meter
• User friendly programmable display unit, easy to install
& re-calibrate at site.
• Retransmission to PLC / PC on MODBUS RTU protocol,
RS 232 or RS 485
Water Flow Meter
• Capability to read two additional • Pre-amplifier can be located in
analog input (0 to 1.25 V DC) the signal convector
• RS-485 port to interface with • enclosure or can be separated for
field equipments longer distances between sensor
• Equipped with operator menu head & converter
based interface for setting up • Retransmission (4-20 mA) &
and servicing Remote transmitter / Display is
possible (Optional)

• PLC based controller
• Displays Co2 and flue gas loss in steam boilers
• Indicates boiler’s health by displaying the operating efficiency as per
BS 845, and helps take corrective action
• Add on feature of web based monitoring
• Provision of alarms and alarm reports.
• Stores boiler performance data for long periods for review
• Tailor-made reports / trends (as optional)

Magnetic Level Gauge

• It is a safe device designed with the basic principle of buoyancy and
magnetic attraction / repulsion
• Stainless steel tube and float
• Clear display by red and white flaps
• Typical applications include continuous monitoring of level in steam
boilers, liquid tanks, for chemical industry both above ground and
underground tanks.

• High reliability due to zero moving part
• No need of Pressure Reducing Valve / Station till 10 bar hence
saving of installation cost
• Discharge condensate of 25 litres per stroke
• Weather proof IP52 & Ex-proof design option
• Skid mounted unit - easy to install
• High condensate temperature return - no cavitation
• issues as in electrical pump
RealSteam - Dryness
Measurement System
• Balanced all energies including Kinetic energy
• Rigorous testing done at various sites
• Certified by Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay
• Monitoring trends of key parameters
• Easy installation
• Plug and play - Flange to flange device

RiceMax - Rice Dryer

Automation System
• The complete automatic system – no manual intervention
• Uniform Temp across the dryer
• Substantial Drying time reduction
• Improved product quality
• Steam saving – Reduced fuel cost
• 100% condensate recovery from dryer with PTCRS

PTCRS-Pump Trap
Condensate Recovery
• Compact Skid with inbuilt pumping • Higher condensate discharge
& trapping unit. capacities during Pumping &
• Improved modulating condensate Trapping mode.
discharge through unique • Negligible operating cost
patented rotary slide valve design • Longer equipment life due to
• Operates at minimum differential reduced corrosion / erosion in
pressure Heat exchanger
• Reduced maintenance

Surface Automatic Blow Down Control

• Increases the boiler safety and • Enables accurate TDS control, since
efficiency the TDS gets removed as it forms
• Real time conductivity sensing and • TDS control is most effective, if
control avoids excessive blowdown water is drained from near the
of water from the boiler which has a steam water interface
very high heat value and excessive • Avoids choking of the sensor
blowdown represents a loss chamber, which is otherwise
• Improved life of tubes and pressure common in bottom blowdown
vessel due to reduced scaling system.

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