Ijirt149280 Paper Mba Department

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© April 2020 | IJIRT | Volume 6 Issue 11 | ISSN: 2349-6002

Digital Marketing is Easy than Offline Marketing

Dr. Sahab Singh1, Ms. Akanksha Garg2, Ms. Partibha3

Assistant Professor at Dept. of Management Studies, Dronacharya Group of Institutions
Student from Dept. of Management Studies at Dronacharya Group of Institutions

Abstract- Today, Digital marketing has become wildly technologies such as mobile commerce, electronic
popular due to the cultural, technological, and societal funds transfer, supply chain management, Internet
shifts around us. e-Commerce can provide multiple marketing, online transaction processing, electronic
comfortable zones to the customers in the form of
data interchange (EDI), inventory management
availability of goods at a lower cost, wider choice and
systems, and automated data collections system.
saves time. Ecommerce is showing enormously business
growth in India. Customer feedback can play a major
Nowadays, Digital Marketing plays a huge and
role in both marketing Digital Marketing and Offline important role in marketing. Digital Marketing is a
Marketing. The success or best result of Digital fast process, less physically power efforts and time-
Marketing is depending upon its popularity of e- consuming. e-Commerce can provide multiple
Commerce customers, its branding images, its unique comfortable zones to the customers in the form of
and fair policies of e-Commerce sites and customer availability of goods at a lower cost, wider choice
relations, etc. Digital marketing is simple procedures and saves time. Ecommerce is showing enormously
and a friendly user than Offline marketing. The sample
business growth in India. Customer feedback can
size of the study is 100.
play a major role in both marketing Digital
Index terms- Digital Marketing, Offline Marketing,
Marketing and Offline Marketing. The success or
Ecommerce. best result of Digital Marketing is depending upon its
1. INTRODUCTION popularity of e-Commerce customers, its branding
images, its unique and fair policies of e-Commerce
Marketing is the first step to promote a Business in sites and customer relations, etc. Digital marketing is
the market. It is the first stage to introduce our simple procedures and a friendly user than Offline
products to customer’s or client’s or in the market. A marketing.
business can be done kinds of marketing like Digital
Marketing, Offline Marketing, etc. It can be
calculated or analyzed by business turnover through
marketing. First, to start a business taken a piece of
knowledge about Shareholder Market, etc. Offline
Marketing is a type of marketing in which means of
print, broadcast, direct mail, phone, and outdoor
advertising like billboards. From newspapers to
radio, this method of marketing helps reach targeted
audiences. Digital marketing is a marketing of the
company can conducts online, such as paid social
media ads, email marketing, PPC advertising, and e-
commerce sites. On Today, Digital marketing has
become wildly popular due to the cultural,
technological, and societal shifts around us. e- Figure1. Digital Marketing
Commerce stands for Electronic Commerce. It is
trading in products or services using computer 2. OBJECTIVE
networks, such as the Internet. e-Commerce draws on


© April 2020 | IJIRT | Volume 6 Issue 11 | ISSN: 2349-6002

 The main purpose of this paper is to identify the 1. From Product to Experience: The experience
usefulness of digital marketing then Offline helps them relate to the brand and feel emotional
marketing. about the company or product. An event that
 To study the value of digital marketing will offers an exciting or hypnotic experience with
demand increase day by day. the brand is the perfect opportunity to gain a
loyal customer and a great deal of brand
MARKETING AND OFFLINE MARKETING 2. From Price to Exchange: As a customer struggle
more and more in this complexity, educating
Digital Marketing Offline Marketing accompanying them becomes critical in the
Digital marketing is a Offline Marketing is a type process of driving their purchase decision and
marketing of the company of marketing in which show them what they will gain. At the same
can conducts online, such means of print, broadcast, time, experience and emotional connection are
as paid social media ads, direct mail, phone, and already a critical element of the price shaping.
email marketing, PPC outdoor advertising like
3. From Place to Everywhere: As we are entering
advertising, and e- billboards.
the era of immediateness, brands need to be able
commerce sites.
Digital marketing is not Offline marketing is
to capture, anticipate and drive customer's mood,
more expensive. expensive and to require or will to consume, anywhere at any time. And
large amount of investment. be able to respond to it on the spot.
The communication The communication 4. From Promotion to Evangelism: Traditional
medium is required such medium is required such as advertising still has its place. The way to reach
as Social Media, PPC, Phone calls, Face to Face customers has been totally transformed. Brand
Websites, Video Calling, meeting, etc. advocacy and customer evangelists have crucial
etc. to provide customers the needed trust and value
Do not required physical Do require more physical
to engage with the brand. Content marketing has
energy. energy and good
become a must to proactively engage customers
Do not required carry of Do required carry of load
to get in contact with the brand.
load weight product or weight sample bag.
sample of bag. 5. PLATFORM
The images and content of It is not necessary to specify
the product must be the details about the product
correct specified on the on the website.
website it is necessary.


Figure3. Platform of Digital Marketing vs Offline

In digital marketing, the company can make the
target on various kinds of platforms such as Social
Media, SEO, PPC, Google ads, etc. While Offline
marketing can make target some markets, to prepare
a new and old client list, to catch up with luxury
brands or markets. It is a long process and to
Figure2: Marketing Mix


© April 2020 | IJIRT | Volume 6 Issue 11 | ISSN: 2349-6002

consume more physical energy and time. In digital

marketing, do not require advertising the product to
go to door-to-door. But in Offline line marketing can
necessary to go door-to-door. In digital marketing is
easy to be work on it as compared to Offline
marketing. The climate weather is good or bad. It can
never be an impact on digital marketing. But the
climate status fully depends upon the offline
marketing and is also impact on the health of the
Salesman. Nowadays, companies can utilize a
different kind of platform for digital marketing. To
collect data much more easily, and efficiently, online
data is so much easier to compile and analyze. The
customer has real-time results that can help to build
up new strategies to promote the product in the right

In the coming future, Offline marketing will

completely replace by Digital Marketing. As a result,
there will be a higher employment opportunity in this
field. It is seen that candidates will high educational
qualifications are also attempt to get a good job. As
companies are gaining high profits, more and more
other companies are developing their websites to
increase their profits. Since more businesses are
being held online resulting in high economic
development and emergence of more innovative and
advanced technology.


[1] https://www.nima.today/wp-
[2] https://www.lyfemarketing.com/blog/digital-
[3] https://www.slideshare.net/ViralTailor/traditiona
[4] https://www.slideshare.net/jackherousa/tradition


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