Enviro-Tech - Improving-Conv Flotation Methods-to-Treat-EOR-Polymer-Rich-Produced-Water-Rev-2-2

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1 Abstract
Flotation units, which operate with the assistance of gas in the flotation process, have been widely used
for the treatment of produced water both onshore and offshore. Differing technologies are applied to
Flotation units for a specific application. The advantages and disadvantages of each arrangement plus the
requirements of the process determine the choice of gas floatation mechanism. These methods can be
divided in two major categories: Induced Gas Floatation (IGF), Dissolved Gas Floatation (DGF). A close
comparison of IGF and DGF is studied in this paper to identify the main criteria affecting the
performance and functionality of floatation units and their accessories in different environments.
Additionally, this paper will describe the effects and benefits of using both IGF and DGF at the same
time. The authors will verify their hypothesis through three years of laboratory and field study.

2 Introduction
The protection of the environment has become an increasingly important consideration in the production
of oil and natural gas; therefore, discharge of produced water containing residual oil and oil coated solids
has come under intense scrutiny by regulatory agencies. Produced water is the largest portion of
byproduct fluid that is produced in oil and gas production [1]. The total amount of water produced in the
U.S. in 2007 was 21 MMMbbl/year with respect to 1.75 MMMbbl/year of oil and 24 MMMMscf/year of
gas production [2]. The strict environmental regulations and the ever-increasing amount of water
production is requiring oil and gas companies to extensively search for advanced processes to polish
produce water, efficiently and economically.

A Flotation system is one of the common treatment methods that are currently widely used for oil, water
and solid separation in the oil and gas industry. Gas Flotation is the addition of micro/macro gas bubbles
to increase the tendency of oil droplets to float to the surface of the container where the specific skimming
method is used to remove collected oil from the system. Over the past several years, new designs for the
treatment of produced water by flotation have been developed. Mechanisms that produce gas bubbles can
be categorized into two major methods: Induction, Dissolving. These new designs utilize features which
improve the performance and reduce the operating problems associated with conventional designs.

3 Induced Gas Flotation

Induced Gas Flotation (IGF) is a water treatment process that clarifies wastewaters (or other waters) by
the removal of suspended matter such as oil or solids. The removal is achieved by injecting gas bubbles
into the water or wastewater in a flotation tank or basin. The small bubbles adhere to the suspended
matter causing the suspended matter to float to the surface of the water where it may then be removed by
a skimming device. The bubbles may be generated by an (1) eductors, (2) impeller or a (3) sparger.

In eductor style IGF (hydraulic unit), gas is introduced into a slipstream of effluent. This is used to carry
the gas which is released into the active cells of the vessel. Because this fluid must be recycled back into
the system (normally 50% of the design flow rate), this design effectively decreases the residence time of
the fluid to be treated. [3]
Figure 1.Induced Gas Floatation Vessel, Eductor Style (Cortesy of Enviro-Tech Systems. LLC.)

The second type of IGF, the Impeller (mechanical unit), utilizes an electric motors driven impeller to
induce gas into the water phase. Dependent on the application, mechanical units tend to be more efficient
than hydraulic units due to the introduction of gas from the top of the vessel directly into the aqueous
phase. However, mechanical units are associated with maintenance difficulties and the emission of
noxious vapors which leak around the seals and cover of the vessel.

Figure 2. Mechanical Induced Gas Flotation (Wemco Design)

Lastly, the sparger tube method is used to generate small bubbles in a liquid. The pressurize gas passes
through porous walls of sparger tube and create gas bubbles. The main setback of using sparger tubes is
plugging/fouling of pores. This will create non-uniformity of bubble size distribution and high pressure
drop across the tubes. Use of sparger tubes is limited with scale tendency of inorganic solutes.
Figure 3. Porous Sparger Tube Gas Floatation

4 Dissolved Gas Flotation

Dissolved Gas Flotation (DGF) systems are used for a variety of applications throughout the world. The
process floats solids, oils and other contaminants to the surface of liquids. Once on the surface these
contaminants are skimmed off and removed from the liquid. Oil and gas production facilities have used
flotation systems to remove oil and solids from their produced and processed water (wastewater) for
many years.[4] The keys to good separation are both gravity and the creation of millions of very small
bubbles (herein called Micro-Bubbles). By attaching a small gas bubble to an oil droplet, the density of
the droplet decreases, which increases the rate at which it will rise to the surface. Therefore, the smaller
the gas bubbles created, the smaller the oil droplet floated to the surface. Efficient flotation systems need
to create as many small bubbles as possible. The Micro-Bubbles can be generated by either (1) Saturator
Vessel or (2) DGF pumps.

In the first method, gas is dissolved into the recycle flow by adding air under pressure in a vessel called a
saturator or gas dissolving vessel. Thus, the total amount of air delivered to the contact zone depends on
the saturator pressure and the recycle flow. A typical saturator pressure is 500 kPa (72.5 psi). The recycle
flow typically is 10% of the design flow rate. The recycle flow is injected through nozzles or special
valves at the bottom entrance to the contact zone. Microbubbles are produced with sizes between 10 and
100 µm. These small gas bubbles give the water a milky appearance, thus the term white water is used to
describe the bubble suspension in the DGF tank.
Figure 4. Dissolve Gas Floatation, external saturator [3]

In utilizing the second method, DGF pump, a single pump is used to mix gas and recirculate water. High
shear and turbulence create small bubble with a large surface area at discharge of the pump; where the
high pressure 550 – 690 KPa (80-100 psig) will partially dissolve gas to the water. The high pressure
mixture of water-gas mixture then is referred to the atmospheric (or near atmospheric) tank. The sudden
pressure drop and shear at pressure drop point will create numerous Micro-bubbles in the range of 30-50
µm. In this method, the recirculation rate can be reduced as low as 10% depending on the DGF pump

Figure 5. Dissolve Gas Floatation, Micro-Bubble Pump

5 Gas Flotation Flow Dynamics
For a better understanding of the effects methods of gas flotation have on the separation of contaminates
the authors dedicate this section solely to the flow dynamics of gas flotation.

5.1 Flotation Concept

In the macroscopic perspective, by introducing the gas bubbles in the water-oil mixture, the oil droplets
float to the surface as a result of three principles:

a) Intensifying of vertical velocity of lighter components,

b) Breakage of large vortex (eddies) in continuous media and convert them to smaller vortices
with high rotational velocity,
c) Attachment of gas bubbles to the contaminates.

Gas bubbles are the lightest fluid in every IGF unit. Therefore, they have the most powerful buoyancy
force. As the gas bubbles travel upward they carry with them surrounding water. In other words, gas
bubbles exchange their upward momentum with the surrounding media through the drag momentum
exchange as they rise.

In a homogeneous flow, where only one phase exists, the eddies can grow and create a large swirl flow.
While in a heterogeneous flow, where multiple phases exist, smaller eddies will form. In both scenarios,
the total turbulence energy is the same (Conservation of Energy) but, the eddies carry a smaller amount of
water which leads to higher vorticity. Introducing gas bubbles into the system changes the media to a
heterogeneous flow field. In other words, gas bubbles break the large eddies into smaller ones with higher
vorticity, which have higher efficiency in the separation and coalescence of oil droplets.

As the number of gas bubbles increase in the system, the probability of collision between oil droplets and
gas bubbles increase. The outcome of each collision between gas bubbles and oil droplets can be
bouncing or attaching (adhering). In the case of attachment of gas bubbles on the surface of oil droplets,
the buoyancy of the outcome parcel will increase, which causes the rapid rise of the oil droplets. A
significant size difference between gas bubbles and oil droplets may cause unbalanced force at the gas
bubble/oil droplet interface; potentially causing the disjointing of bubbles and oil droplets. Disjoining
probability will increase as the travel distance to the surface and gas bubble/oil droplet size difference

In summary, the floatation process occurs in three steps,

1. Collision: It is mainly a function of the number of bubbles, the distribution of gas bubbles and
contaminated water flow pattern. Increases in the number of uniformly distributed gas bubbles
increase the efficiency of gas flotation
2. Attachment: The ratio of the gas bubble to oil droplet size and relative velocity between two
particles determine the fate of each collision to be attachment (adhering) or bouncing. In general,
the smaller gas bubble which travels with lower speed has the highest chance of attachment
3. Rising: The coalesced parcel of gas bubble and oil droplet rises to the water surface with a speed
which is a direct function of gas bubble diameter. However, while traveling to the surface large
gas bubbles disjoin from the oil droplet. The chance of disjoining is directly a function of gas
bubble size and rising distance. Therefore, there is a critical bubble size for operating conditions
that will effectively attach to the oil droplets and float them to the surface without disjointing.

6 Induced Gas Floatation (IGF), Eductor Design

Based on industry preference, the authors utilized the Eductor design IGF for the foundation of their
study. Additionally, due to the simplicity of design and minimal operational issues, this selection will
remove all other uncertainties in regards to poor operation philosophy. Furthermore, this section describes
the detail process, operation and design of an Eductor style IGF system, ENVIRO-CELLTM

The ENVIRO-CELL consists of six (6) cells including two (2) quiescent cells and four (4) active cells.
The process is initiated when oily wastewater enters the ENVIRO-CELL at the inlet. The inlet cell
provides a surge capacity, dampening the incoming flow, allowing the flotation process to properly
function. It also provides a buffer for free oil removal and skimming, lowering the oil content of the
process before entering the first active cell.

Following the initial quiescent cell is four (4) active cells. Utilizing eductors to enhance the Venturi
effect, the second stage of the flotation process accounts for stage separation with each active cell capable
of approximately 60% removal of oil with a composite efficiency range of 90-97%.

The final stage of the process provides a clearwell or quiescent area for the removal of small oil droplets.
The recirculation system uses the Venturi Principle to create minute bubbles, which is the basis of the
flotation process. These small bubbles eject at the outlet of each eductor, rise and attach to free oil
droplets providing accelerated buoyancy for their lift. The simplified oil removal process directs the
separated oily froth to the adjustable oil weir for removal. The processed water passes through the
complete flotation process and exits the vessel for further treatment or discharge.

Two (2) ANSI centrifugal recirculation pumps are designed to operate with one (1) operating and one (1)
standby, for clean water injection of Eductors. The recycle flow is fixed by the pump sizing and the
Eductor sizing. Clean water from the final cell of the IGF is recycled through the ENVIRO-CELL
Eductors to provide maximum gasification to create the bubbles that provide the lift for oil removal. The
pumps should operate for continuous running.
Figure 6. ENVIRO-CELL Principle of Operation

In the normal process where produced water with salinity of 25-55 PPT and natural gas induced to the
water, the gas bubbles generated are in the range of 100-200 μm. These Macro-bubbles (Figure 7- #9)
will travel through each cell and collide with different oil droplets. When oil droplets and gas bubbles
collide, the outcome can be attachment (adhering) or bouncing. The probability of attachment is related to
the offset of the oil droplet center, and the trajectory of air/gas bubbles. The critical offset can be
evaluated by means of conservation of energy law. When the interfacial energy change of an oil droplet
and gas bubble is equal or greater than the rotational energy of the oil droplet, caused by tangential
momentum exchange, gas bubbles will stick to the oil droplets. [6]

When enough of the gas bubbles attach to the oil droplets (Figure 7 - #10) this results in the reduction of
the density of parcel (Figure 7- #11) and increases the rising velocity of oil droplets. However, if the
buoyancy of the gas bubbles are more than the IFT between oil and gas, the bond between gas and oil
droplets will break, which cause the oil droplet to return back to the solution. Therefore, IGF efficiency is
limited by the minimum oil droplet size wherein the smallest gas bubbles can separate.
Figure 7. Attachment of Macro-Bubbles generated by IGF, eductor method, on separation of oil

7 Dissolved Gas Floatation (DGF), Micro-Bubble Pump,

Micro-Bubble Pumps (DGF) are the most common DGF method in the oil and gas industry. Therefore, a
secondary technology focus of the research will concentrate on the DGF pumps. This section describes
the process and the philosophy behind dissolved gas floatation.

As is shown in figure , a DGF pump is installed on an atmospheric vessel to enhance the separation
efficiency by the addition micro bubbles into the system. As the processed water enters the vessel from
the inlet nozzle, it interacts with microscopic gas bubbles, which will attach to them and increase the pace
of rise of oil droplets to the surface as is described in Section 5: Gas Flotation Flow Dynamics.

Processed water from the end of the vessel will be recycled through the DGF pumps. In the DGF cycle
the recycled water will be passed through low pressure eductors, which create enough suction to entrain
up to 30% gas in the incoming water through the needle valve from the gas blanket wherein the operator
can control the gas percentage in the stream. The gas and water mixture will go through a series of
centrifugal stages in the Multiphase-Side Channel pump. The pressurization of gasified water along with
high shear forces in the pump will dissolve significant portion of gas in water. By passing the gasified
water through a high shear static mixer the bubbles will break down to smaller size. As a final stage the
small bubbles and dissolved gas in water will pass through a series of globe valves with a modified globe
to create further shear. The significant pressure drop (80-100 psig) across the globe valve will create
uniform microscopic bubbles (10-50 μm), which help the flotation of bubbles to the surface wherein they
will be skimmed off by use of a mechanical or hydraulic skimmer system. Due to the minuscule size of
the Micro-bubble, the produced population of bubbles will be significantly greater than Micro-Bubbles at
specific volume of gas. This will increase the probability of collision between bubbles and oil droplets.
Additionally, Micro-Bubbles have a significantly higher tendency to attach to oil droplets than Macro-
Bubbles because of their minute size. Despite the high collision and attachment probability of Micro-
Bubbles, they cannot increase the overall density of parcel to raise the oil droplet to the surface within a
typical retention time of 5 minutes. In other words, the retention time required to effective remove the
contaminates only using Micro-Bubbles is higher than typical only using IGF. However, the overall
efficiency of the gas floatation is significantly more.

8 Induced/Dissolved Gas Floatation (IDGF)

The aforementioned process description and shortcoming of each floatation methods motivate the authors
to investigate the combination of both methods. This section describes the process, and design of
Induced/Dissolved Gas Floatation (IDGF).

As is shown in figures 8, the micro-bubble floatation will be utilized as a compliment to the current
traditional IGF unit wherein Macro-Induced bubbles will be created through venturi type eductors.

The contaminated water enters the vessel via an inlet nozzle, wherein the first Micro-bubble injector
introduces the bubbles to the incoming oil droplets. The separated oil will spill over the weirs to the oil
bucket. As the processed water enters the first IGF+DGF cell, the micro-bubbles injected from the
tangential entry point with the macro-bubbles introduced through the eductors.

This modification can be employed to gasify the early stages of the separation with micro-bubbles and
combination of Micro and Macro bubbles in proceeding cells will highly increase the total efficiency of
the system.

Figure 9 shows the interaction between gas bubbles and oil droplets in which microscopic gas bubbles
will attach to the oil droplets and lower the parcel density as the macroscopic bubbles employ the high
Interfacial Tension (IFT) between microscopic and macroscopic bubbles as they attach to the parcel of oil
droplets and micro-bubbles and rapidly bring them to the surface. In other words, early stage introduction
of micro-bubble will create intermediate layer around the oil droplet and macro-bubbles will lift the oil
droplets by attaching to this layer.

This modification will eliminate the limitation of both IGF and DGF methods by removing the smallest
oil droplets using micro-bubble and increasing the rise velocity through the attachment of macro-bubbles.



Figure 8. IGF/DGF combination with DGF in first two cell and IGF in cells 2-5 (a) DGF side (b)
IGF side (c) Internals
Figure 9. Attachment of Micro-Bubbles intermediate film, and lifting macro-bubble to oil droplets

9 Field Test Results

Now extensively laboratory tested, the authors decided to elevate their theory by organizing the field test
in the polymer rich field, Oman (Field X). The test was conducted using ENVIRO-CELLTM EC-33,000
BPD (EC-3) IGF unit with retrofitted Micro-Bubble pump in the first two (2) cells of the IGF vessel. The
package was equipped with two (2) Oil In Water (OIW) analyzers (Advance Sensors EX-100) to measure
inlet and outlet oil concentration and determine the efficiency of the system in different scenarios.

The water was produced from Enhanced Oil Recovery process in Oman (Field X), using primarily water
flooding and secondarily, polymer flooding. After primary treatment of water and injection of chemicals,
the process water entered the EC-3 with retrofitted micro-bubble. The treated water from gas floatation
enters tertiary treatments to further reduce the concentration of contaminates. Table 1 shows the main
water characteristics.
Figure 10. Field Installation of IGF + DGF Water Treatment Package

Table 1. Operatin conditions of produced water treatment package, gas floatation

DESCRIPTION UNITS TDS = 4510 mg/lt (0.45214 % w/w) at 32 oC, Oil and Suspended Solids Free

Temperature oC 15.56 20.00 25.00 30.00 35.00 40.00 45.00 50.00 55.00 60.00
Molecular Weight kg/kgmole 18.07 18.07 18.07 18.07 18.07 18.07 18.07 18.07 18.07 18.07
Mass Density kg/m3 1003.41 1003.33 1003.25 1003.18 1003.11 1003.05 1003.00 1002.96 1002.93 1002.90
Specific Heat Capacity kJ/kg.oC 4.13 4.14 4.14 4.14 4.14 4.15 4.15 4.15 4.16 4.16
Dynamic Viscosity (Note 1) mNs/m2 or cP 1.44 1.34 1.23 1.13 1.04 0.95 0.88 0.81 0.74 0.69
Kinematic Viscosity cSt 1.43 1.33 1.22 1.13 1.03 0.95 0.88 0.81 0.74 0.69
Thermal Conductivity W/m.oC 0.60 0.61 0.61 0.62 0.63 0.63 0.64 0.64 0.65 0.65

Surface Tension Dynes/cm 73.65 72.68 71.63 70.64 69.69 68.79 67.92 67.10 66.30 65.54
DESCRIPTION UNITS TDS = 6000 mg/lt (0.60273 % w/w) at 40 oC, Oil and Suspended Solids Free
Temperature oC 15.56 20.00 25.00 30.00 35.00 40.00 45.00 50.00 55.00 60.00
Molecular Weight kg/kgmole 18.09 18.09 18.09 18.09 18.09 18.09 18.09 18.09 18.09 18.09
Mass Density kg/m3 1004.49 1004.40 1004.31 1004.22 1004.15 1004.08 1004.03 1003.98 1003.95 1003.92
Specific Heat Capacity kJ/kg.oC 4.13 4.13 4.13 4.14 4.14 4.14 4.14 4.15 4.15 4.15
Dynamic Viscosity (Note 1) mNs/m2 or cP 1.46 1.35 1.25 1.15 1.05 0.97 0.89 0.82 0.76 0.70
Kinematic Viscosity cSt 1.45 1.35 1.24 1.14 1.05 0.96 0.89 0.82 0.75 0.69
Thermal Conductivity W/m.oC 0.60 0.61 0.61 0.62 0.63 0.63 0.64 0.64 0.65 0.65

Surface Tension Dynes/cm 73.71 72.74 71.70 70.70 69.76 68.85 67.98 67.16 66.36 65.60
Note 1. This is only viscosity of water, concentration of polymenr highly effect the viscosity of mixture
The field test was conducted in two (2) different scenarios: IGF only and combination IGF/DGF.
Primarily the IGF only configuration was tested in polymer concentration. The main purpose of this test
was to establish the basis for the test results, efficiency, operating condition and chemical injection rate.
Table 2 shows the inlet and outlet oil concentration to and from gas floatation package at different
polymer concentration.

Secondarily, the combination of IGF and DGF was tested by introducing Micro-Bubbles in first two cells
and addition of Macro bubbles in the remaining cells. The test was to prove the theory of IGF/DGF
combination package great efficiency. Figure 11 and table 3 demonstrate the inlet and outlet oil
concentration to and from gas floatation package at different polymer concentration when both DGF and
IGF pumps were in operation.

Table 2. Summary of the results from IGF only test at different polymer concentration and flow

Produced Polymer IGF Inlet Oil Concentration IGF Outlet Oil Concentration Efficiency
Water (PPM) (PPM)
Flow Rate Concentration
(m3/hr) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) %
7 700 7.1 5.5 22.5%
7 1000 14.5 6.3 56.6%
7 1000 16.5 8.4 49.1%
7 1000 23.5 15.6 33.6%
7 1000 23.3 16.4 29.6%
14 600 26.3 11 58.2%
14 600 32.8 15.8 51.8%
14 600 39.4 17.4 55.8%
14 600 36.2 22.2 38.7%
14 1000 14.5 6.3 56.6%
14 1000 29.2 12.2 58.2%
14 1000 23.5 15.6 33.6%
14 1000 23.3 16.4 29.6%
14 1000 16.5 8.4 49.1%
Table 3. The results of IGF + DGF at different flow rate and polymer concentration

Polymer IGF Inlet Oil Concentration IGF Outlet Oil Concentration
Water Efficiency
Flow Rate Concentration
(m3/hr) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) %
7 200 37.3 8.9 76%
7 200 41.6 12.6 70%
7 400 40.5 12.2 70%
7 400 67.8 22.5 67%
7 400 60 27.2 55%
7 500 57.8 33.1 43%
7 500 52.9 36.2 32%
7 800 78.1 37.3 52%
7 800 77.3 40.7 47%
7 800 21.1 11.1 47%
7 800 25.9 12.6 51%
7 1000 18.9 10.3 46%
7 1000 28.4 15.9 44%
7 1000 79.8 55.1 31%
14 100 53.8 5.5 90%
14 200 73.4 27.5 63%
14 300 63.9 16.3 74%
14 300 56.7 24.5 57%
14 400 53.3 33.3 38%
14 400 48.2 30.9 36%
14 400 172 86.4 50%
14 600 128.9 78.4 39%
14 800 41.4 32.2 22%
14 800 52.6 38 28%
14 800 132 56.6 57%
14 1000 126.2 71.3 44%
Figure 11. Efficiency of IGF versus combination of IGF and DGF

Figure 12 shows the percentage improvement of outlet water quality by combination of DGF and IGF.
The average of 25% was seen as a result of this modification.
Figure 12. Improvement in total efficiency of gas flotation due to addition of DGF to IGF

Figure 13 depict magnified picture of Micro bubbles using On-line high speed digital camera with
a magnification lens, then utilizing image processing and object recognition to determine the size
and number of micro-bubbles in line.
Figure 13. Microscopic Picture of micro-bubbles [8]

10 Conclusion
Through extensive theoretical study done by the authors, they identified major setbacks with using
traditional gas floatation methods. In summary, induced gas floatation efficiency is limited by the size of
oil droplet that can be separated using Macro-Bubbles. On the other hand, dissolve gas floatation will
create microscopic bubbles that are not strong enough to rise the oil droplets in retention time provided in
a typical gas floatation system. By combining two technologies, micro-bubble as the first step of
separation will create an intermediate film of bubbles around the oil droplet and macro bubble as
secondary step of separation will attach to the intermediate film and increase the speed of rise. This theory
was proved through conclusive data gathered through three years of experiment.
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