Peerleess MFX Bulletin

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Oily Water Separators

MFX TYPE in Steel Tank (Degasser)

The Skimovex Multiphase Separator is an integral system that combines in one unit two major steps in the
treatment of produced water, i.e. degassing and primary separation of oil from water. The Multiphase Separator
offers substantial weight- and space savings compared with conventional treatment, which is of major
importance on offshore oil- and gas production platforms.


The produced water containing oil and partly dissolved

hydrocarbon gasses enters the separator above the
free liquid surface. The enables part of the gas to
immediately free itself from the liquid and flow
towards the gas outlet. A foam screen is provided in
the inlet section of the separator to eliminate the
possibility of water- and oil mist being carried towards
the gas outlet.

Likewise, sand and other solid particles which are

frequently present in produced water streams, will
settle on the bottom of the primary compartment
where they can be released during the process by
intermittent operation of the desludging valves.

The oily water flows into the pack of inclined plates

A Degasser Unit complete with Instrumentation.
from the top and passes down through the plate pack.
The plate pack is hydraulically designed in such a way
that laminar flow conditions exist in each ‘channel’ (i.e.
the distance between the subsequent plates). In this
laminar flow the minute oil droplets rise by virtue of
the fact that their density is less than that of the water
and attach themselves to the underside of the upper
plate of the channel. The oil film that is constantly
being formed at the underside of each plate creeps
slowly upwards along the plates. At the top of each
plate the oil film is concentrated (coalesced) by the
special fingers and leaves the plate at the fingertips as
a thick stream or a rising chain of large bubbles. Also
any micron size gas bubbles, still contained in the water
after initial gas release in the primary chamber, will
rise. These gas bubbles in general are oleophylic so that
they will easily adhere to the minute oil droplets. This
‘natural flotation’ effect gives the oil droplets an
increased rising velocity and thus accelerates the
separation process.

Peerless Europe Limited is a subsidiary of Peerless Mfg. Co., Dallas, Texas, USA
Registered Office: Cardinals Court, Bradford Street, Braintree, Essex CM7 9AT, UK. Registration Number 2627558

The Skimovex Multiphase vessels are designed

and fabricated in accordance with codes such as
ASME VIII and BS 5500. Depending on the
characteristics of the water to be treated, the
inclined plate packs may be manufactured from:

Glass fiber reinforced polyester (GRP)

Coated carbon steel
Various qualities of stainless steel

For easy removal of the separation plates or plate

packs the separator is provided either with a
flanged head or with a manway. Normally,
however, in-situ cleaning of the plate packs is
adequate, so that removal of the plates or plate A 3D Model of Degassing MFX Skid.
packs from the vessel is not necessary.
Typical Application.
Depending upon the concentration of suspended In conventional produced water treatment systems the
solids and waxes, the plate spacing and plate water, coming from the production (3-phase) separator
inclination can be varied to suit the particular is first knocked-down to almost atmospheric pressure in
process conditions. This design flexibility enables a separate flash drum in order to blow-off the hydrocar-
us to offer our clients a technically optimised bon gasses. This water is then de-oiled by an
solution for each individual application. (atmospheric) plate separator and a downstream
flotation unit or filter.

The Skimovex Multiphase Separator however combines

both knock-out drum and primary separation in one

It can be seen that the multiphase separator offers

considerable savings in weight, space and cost. In
addition, the process requires less controls so that op-
erator attendance and maintenance is kept to a

A fully removable plate pack for MFX Unit

A larger plate pack for use in MFX separator

Peerless Europe Limited is a subsidiary of Peerless Mfg. Co., Dallas, Texas, USA
Registered Office: Cardinals Court, Bradford Street, Braintree, Essex CM7 9AT, UK. Registration Number 2627558

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