The sovereign nation of Samoa is a largely undeveloped Pacific island nation, formerly known as
Western Samoa, located about halfway between Hawaii and New Zealand. Barry et al., (2019)
stated that the island of Upolu has a large population and the capital and a more prosperous way
of life and economy as it generates salaried jobs for people in rising urban villages. On Savaii,
there is an established traditional form of village government founded on the chiefs' council and
local rule. Worldwide, especially in Australia, alcohol consumption rates are growing among
women. The theory is that women's cultural restrictions on alcohol consumption decrease when
it comes to employment, social status and economic freedom, and the convergence of males and
females' drinking habits (Barry et al., 2019).
Healthy Get-Together
The Free Monthly Learning Workshop Healthy Get-Together provides popular topics in
prevention of chronic disease and offers alcohol-addicts victims with tools to make healthy life
changes. You can learn one thing about exercising or eating healthily, then you can sit back in a
professional room with the knowledge you need to thrive (Barry et al., 2019).
The calendar shows each month a positive theme and a number of victims who are dependent on
alcohol, including: taking marathons or vacations from work to maintain a balanced life balance
(de Assunção Bezerra et al., 2018). One of the most popular features on the calendar is that
victims who are addicted to alcohol each month also share their favorite nutritious recipes and
demonstrate their culinary abilities and imagination.
Meditation and rehabilitation classes for victims who are reliant on alcohol are held daily. At
lunch, employees enjoy 30 minutes of group sessions to learn how to relax, to stretch and listen
to the relaxing sounds of Dave's crystal bowls. Personnel leave their emotions relaxed and
energetic, ready to chat during the day (Sharma, 2016).
Exercise Classes
Courses for victims who have alcohol abuse with licensed professional fitness and yoga
instructors are provided at the facility (Sharma, 2016). Classes take place in different locations at
the hospital and encourage participants to be physically active during the week without leaving
the workplace.
The next step is to implement strategies and interventions covered by the health program, once
evaluation and planning have already been completed. The implementation of the plan, includes
the measures required to introduce and make available health promotion approaches and services
for alcohol-dependent victims (Sharma, 2016). For victims who are addicted to alcohol, it is
important to include a combination of individual strategies and actions to influence health, which
Health related programs – opportunities to start, modify or maintain health behavior for
the victims who are addicted to alcohol or through outside organizations.
Health care-part of the total health insurance and other health services coverage plan.
Environmental support – refers to physical factors that help to protect and improve the
health of victims of alcohol addiction at and close to hospitals.
Barry, M. M., Clarke, A. M., Petersen, I., & Jenkins, R. (Eds.). (2019). Implementing mental
health promotion. Springer Nature.
Sharma, M. (2016). Theoretical foundations of health education and health promotion. Jones &
Bartlett Publishers.
Lundström, S., Jormfeldt, H., Hedman Ahlström, B., & Skärsäter, I. (2020). Mental health
nurses’ experience of physical health care and health promotion initiatives for people with severe
mental illness. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 29(2), 244-253.\
de Assunção Bezerra, M. K., de Carvalho, E. F., Oliveira, J. S., Cesse, E. Â. P., de Lira, P. I. C.,
Cavalcante, J. G. T., & Leal, V. S. (2018). Health promotion initiatives at school related to
overweight, insulin resistance, hypertension and dyslipidemia in adolescents: a cross-sectional
study in Recife, Brazil. BMC public health, 18(1), 223.