Bridge Technical Note 2022 - 006 Bonded Anchors v13 Mar 2022 AR 240306

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Bonded Anchors BTN 006

Version1.3 4 March 2022

Designers must position bonded anchors to avoid

1. Scope and Application intersection with embedded reinforcement and pre-
stressing tendons which can result in damage to
reinforcement and pre-stressing tendons. In this context,
BTN 006 Bonded Anchors states Department of
positional dimensions for bonded anchors must allow for
Transport’s (DoT) requirements for the design of post-
the overall depth and diameter of the required hole.
installed bonded anchors used to make structural
connections to reinforced concrete members of bridges Designers must select anchor components and chemical
and tunnels, structural roadway components and other adhesives to meet the requirements of the design, the
related structural applications. It focusses primarily on the service conditions and the construction methodology.
design of the chemical adhesive at the anchor/concrete
Standard Specification Section 680 - Bonded Anchors
states requirements for the following:
Bridge Technical Notes are a Code of Practice.
• use of chemical adhesive in holes cut with a diamond-
Compliance with Bridge Technical Notes is mandatory.
tipped core drill or carbide-tipped rotary hammer.
Other than as stated in this document, Standard • use of chemical adhesives appropriate to the nature of
Specification Section 680 and other relevant DoT the loading, the geometry of the structure and the
VicRoads Standard Specifications, the provisions of condition of the existing concrete substrate.
AS5100:2017 must apply. Where this document differs • design life of 50 years and 100 years as required in the
from AS5100:2017, its requirements override those of specified in-service exposure conditions and any other
AS5100:2017. specific use.
The requirements in this document are intended to The performance of bonded anchors in cracked concrete
reduce the risk of failure of connections made with varies with the type of anchorage system.
bonded anchors.
The final arrangement of anchors must comply with the
The design, selection and specification of bonded requirements for spacing of anchors and minimum edge-
anchors must be conducted by an engineering distance required by the design method and the
consultancy that is, as a minimum, prequalified in manufacturer’s recommendation.
accordance with DoT’s Prequalification Scheme at the
Structures Simple level. The design of bonded anchors must be in accordance
with the following clauses.
Any design of bonded anchors must also be proof
engineered by an engineering consultancy that is
prequalified in accordance with DoT’s Prequalification 2.2 Design Life
Scheme at the Proof Engineer level. Subject to the restrictions stated in this document,
Bonded anchors must have the load-carrying capacity bonded anchors may be used for applications in existing
required by the design and sufficient durability to achieve or new structures (refer to Clause 2.4) that are required
the required design life of the structure. to have a maximum design life of 50 years and 100 years
as required in the specified in-service exposure
2. Design For applications in existing structures, bonded anchors
must have a design life equal to or greater than the
2.1 Design General remaining design life of the existing structure in which the
components are being connected.
Bonded anchors may be one of the following types:
The design life of bonded anchors must be demonstrated
• a proprietary anchor and adhesive system. by testing in accordance with the relevant European
• a threaded bar and adhesive. Assessment Documents (EADs) published by the
• a reinforcing bar and adhesive. European Organisation for Technical Assessment
(EOTA) as it relates to the application to which the
The following provisions focus primarily on the design of bonded anchor is to be used for.
the anchor/adhesive/concrete substrate interface.
Grade 316 stainless steel anchors may be used for
permanent applications in bridges, tunnels and road-

BTN 006 Version 1.3 4 March 2022 Page 1 of 5

related structures provided they have been formally corrosion in the non-passive environment which will
tested and meet all the specified requirements. affect the durability of the bonded anchor.
• The coating thickness may affect the shape of the bar
2.3 Restrictions on Use which reduces the ‘mechanical’ grip within the bonded
Bonded anchors must not be used in the following
circumstances: 2.4 Permitted Uses
• in new structures (also refer to Clause 2.4)
• in existing structures where a positive connection can Subject to appropriate design considerations, selection of
be adopted (Note 1) adhesive and the restrictions on use stated in this
document, bonded anchors are suitable for use in
• as tensile continuity connections between beams in
applications where they are subjected primarily to axial
adjacent spans and other elements in a bridge
compressive forces and shear forces transverse to the
superstructure – for example to connect superstructure
anchor – for example:
and substructure components in an integral bridge
• to support tensile loads in any orientation, if failure of • as longitudinal shear connectors in bridge-deck
an anchor or anchors could result in collapse, overlays.
instability or failure of a structure or a component - refer • in side-mounted bridge barriers provided that the
Clause-. 2.6 - Bonded anchors in tension tensile force arising from impact is resisted by a cast-
• as holding-down bolts or connections for use of in bar embedded in the overlay. i.e. the lower
structures and light poles connector bars which would be in compression if
• as holding-down bolts or connections for steel and impacted.
concrete bridge barriers and bridge barrier posts • to attach small lightweight items such as small pipes
except for median bridge barriers connection to (<150mm diameter), conduits and cables to a
existing bridge decks as per Section 2.4 structure.
• if the thickness of the concrete substrate into which the Bonded anchors may be used in concrete that is subject
anchor is being placed is less than 1.25 x required to formation of flexural cracks provided that the adhesive
length of the anchor is pre-qualified for use in cracked concrete, and this is
• if the concrete substrate into which the anchor is being supported by manufacturer’s test data. However, the
placed is friable, shows signs of de-lamination or any capacity of the anchor may be substantially reduced in
other defect this case and must be verified (Standard Specification
• in concrete with characteristic strength less than 20 Section 680 provides additional installation requirements
MPa or greater than 65 MPa. Where the concrete for cracked concrete applications).
strength is tested and the characteristic strength is
Bonded anchors may be used in the connection between
found to be greater than 65 MPa then the Designer
median bridge barriers and existing concrete bridge
must adopt 65 MPa in the design.
decks on existing bridges only.
• Galvanised steel components must not be used as
bonded anchors when used with a chemical adhesive Bonded anchors may be used for the connection of the
in a fatigue loading application i.e., fluctuating stresses shotcrete wall to the bored piles for new bridge abutments
with time. (Note 2) and retaining walls in top down construction.

Note 1 - Positive connections are defined as structural

connections that are achieved by cast-in fitments such as rag-
2.5 Design of the Bonded Anchor
bolt assemblies, threaded ferrules or by clamping either through
The type of anchor and chemical adhesive must be
or around the full depth of the elements being connected. For
example, a threaded rod (or bolt) in a full-depth hole together appropriate to the serviceability and ultimate limit state
with a backing plate. requirements of the design.
Note 2 – DoT is unaware of any testing of bonded anchors Consideration must be given to the probable failure
certified to a current European Technical Assessment (ETA) mechanism of the bonded anchor and the effect of such
which is based on EOTA European Assessment Document a failure on the stability and durability of the structure.
(EAD) that have utilised galvanised steel components. DoT
has the following concerns: Designers and Proof Engineers must consider the risk of
progressive failure and ensure that in the event of failure
• DoT (VicRoads) practice has been to limit the use of of an anchor, this does not lead to progressive failure of
galvanised components to permanently dry conditions the remaining anchors.
only, where design life is 25 years or less which is less
than the 50 and 100 year design life nominated. Designers and Proof Engineers must consider the effects
• There is typically a high degree of variability in the zinc
of erection methodology which may result in variations in
the load applied to bonded anchors which function as a
coating and a potential exists for initiation of galvanic

BTN 006 Version 1.3 4 March 2022 Page 2 of 5

Design of bonded anchors must be in accordance with • bonded anchor connections must be tested in
one of the following depending on the anchor type (refer accordance with Standard Specification Section 680 -
Clause -.2.1): Bonded Anchors.
• proprietary fasteners - a Concrete Capacity (CC) • the required number and size of anchors must be
method as described in AS 5216, ETAG Annex C, TR determined in accordance with one of the methods
029 or ACI 318:2014 listed in Clause 2.5 subject to the application of an
additional reduction factor ΦBAT to the design for the
• reinforcing or threaded bars - reinforcement theory,
adhesive anchor components such that:
which must comply with the requirements of AS5100.5
- Bridge Design (Concrete). S*≤ Φ ΦBAT Ru
Design loads and load factors must be determined in ΦBAT = additional reduction factor for bonded anchors
accordance with AS5100.2 - Bridge Design (Design in tension which must be adopted as shown in
Loads). Table 1.

The required number and size of anchors must be Tension Additional

determined in accordance with one of the methods listed Tension design capacity
Reduction Factor
in this clause such that: for
S*≤ Φ Ru (a) Black steel:
where for the load effect being considered: (i) Bonded anchors
subject to tension
Φ = capacity reduction factor required by the
design method (b) Galvanised steel:

Ru = nominal ultimate strength of the connection (i) Bonded anchors

0.4 (Note 3)
subject to tension
S* = design action effect
Table 1: Reduction factors for bonded anchors in tension
The bonded anchors must be designed for all loading
combinations and adoption of the worst case for the Note 3 - Where galvanised steel is used for bonded
design. anchors in tension, an additional reduction factor of 0.8
must be applied to the design on top of the 0.5 factor
If the strength of an adhesive material in a bonded anchor
for those bonded anchors (i.e. 0.5 x 0.8 = 0.4).
is known to diminish over time, the reduced strength at
the end of the design life of the adhesive material must
be used for the purposes of the design. 2.7 Bonded Anchors in Shear
Bonded anchors may be used in shear subject to the
2.6 Bonded Anchors in Tension following conditions:
If it is not possible to use a cast-in anchorage or to • the required number and size of anchors must be
achieve a positive connection, bonded anchors may be determined in accordance with one of the methods
used in tension subject to the following conditions: listed in Clause 2.5 subject to the application of an
• use is subject to compliance with Standard additional reduction factor ΦBAS to the design for the
Specification Section 680 - Bonded Anchors. adhesive anchor components such that:
• use is subject to the written approval of the S*≤ Φ ΦBAS Ru
Superintendent – refer to Standard Specification
Section 680 - Bonded Anchors for further detailed ΦBAS = additional reduction factor for bonded anchors
requirements. in shear which must be adopted as shown in
Table 2.
• use is subject to compliance with all other parts of this
Bridge Technical Note.
• if a bonded anchor is required to support a sustained Shear design capacity for Reduction Factor
tensile load, the chemical adhesive must be one that (ΦBAS)
has been subjected to approved testing for long-term
(a) Black steel:
displacement, the results of which enables the long-
term displacement and strength properties of the (i) Bonded anchors
anchor to be quantified. subject to shear
• the predicted creep must not affect the serviceability (b) Galvanised steel:
and durability of the structure – for example if it results
in excessive crack-width. (i) Bonded anchors
subject to shear

Table 2: Reduction factors for bonded anchors in shear

BTN 006 Version 1.3 4 March 2022 Page 3 of 5

Note 4 - Additional capacity reduction factor for bonded
2.8 Bonded Anchors in Combined
anchors subject to fatigue loading of 0.4 or less is for
Tension and Shear chemical adhesive products supported by objective
documented evidence of independent fatigue testing
Bonded anchors may be used in combined tension and that must be accepted by DoT Chief Engineer - Roads.
shear with the additional reduction factors for individual
tension and shear component as specified in Clauses 2.6
and 2.7.
The Designer and Proof Engineer must check the
capacity of the bonded anchors for both tension and
3.Training, Equipment,
shear individually and then check for the combined action
of tension and shear and adopt the most critical case
scenario. Installation and Testing
2.9 Bonded Anchors in Fatigue Training, equipment, workmanship, installation and
testing must comply with Standard Specification Section
If it is not possible to use a cast-in anchorage or to
680 - Bonded Anchors. Personnel who have not been
achieve a positive connection on existing structures,
appropriately trained shall not install bonded anchors.
bonded anchors may be used in fatigue applications
subject to the following conditions:
• Fatigue applications are applications where the Contact Details
bonded anchor will be subject to fluctuating stresses
over its design life. The requirements of Clause 2.6 For further information please contact:
also apply for fatigue applications.
Principal Engineer – Structures (Roads)
• Where bonded anchors are used under fatigue
Level 3, 60 Denmark Street
applications the additional fatigue reduction factor
Kew Victoria 3101
ΦBAF shown in Table 3 must be applied in the design Email: [email protected]
of those bonded anchors. The additional fatigue
reduction factor ΦBAF must be achieved by the product
being supplied by the manufacturer and be supported
by independent testing data as per Clause 2.2 and
Note 4. Use of the nominated product is subject to the
written approval of the Superintendent

• the required number and size of anchors must be

determined in accordance with one of the methods
listed in Clause 2.5 subject to the application of an
additional reduction factors ΦBAT and ΦBAF to the
design for the adhesive anchor components such that:
ΦBAF = additional reduction factor for bonded anchors
in fatigue which must be adopted as shown in
Table 3.

Fatigue Additional
Design capacity for Reduction Factor
(a) Black steel:
Bonded anchors
subject to fatigue ≤ 0.4 (Note 4)
loading in tension
and/or compression
(b) Galvanised steel: Not to be used
Table 3: Reduction factors for bonded anchors
under fatigue loading

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Document Control
This document is subject to periodic review and may be
superseded. The revision date is listed in this BTN.
Note that for projects tendered prior to the revision date
of this document, there are no retrospective implications
of this document unless agreed otherwise with DoT.

Version Description Revision Approved by

1.2 General Amendments 12/02/2021 Chief Engineer - Roads

1.3 Revision of Section 2 4/03/2022 Chief Engineer - Roads

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