BTN 2012-002 v1.1 Bonded Anchors

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BTN 2012 / 002 – OCTOBER 2012


Bonded Anchors 2012/002

Version 1.1

1. Scope and Application Bonded anchors can provide a safe and durable
connection provided that the key factors affecting
This technical note is intended for use by those who performance are properly considered.
are engaged in the design of bonded anchors for
bridge projects in the State of Victoria. It provides The performance of bonded anchors depends on:
guidance which is intended to reduce the risk of
failure of critical connections made with bonded • Suitability of the selected anchor system
anchors. The contents of this technical note (adhesive and metal components) for the
supplements the requirements of AS5100 Bridge application and the ambient conditions
design and is to be used in conjunction with • Design life of the system
VicRoads Standard Specification 680 - Bonded • Condition of the concrete substrate
anchors. • Quality of the anchor materials
• Design methodology
2. Overview • Training of installation personnel
Bonded anchors are connections comprising metallic • Workmanship
bolts, reinforcing bars or threaded rods together • Proving tests
with adhesives that may be used to connect steel,
concrete and timber components to a concrete 3. Design Considerations
substrate. Testing evidence for the prediction of design-life of
bonded anchors is generally limited to a maximum
Bonded anchors fall into two main categories: of 50 years. For this reason, bonded anchors may be
Capsule anchors – comprise a metered quantity of unsuitable for use in road structures, in particular,
the adhesive (contained in either a glass capsule or new structures which are required to have a design-
a foil pouch) which is inserted into a drill-hole, into life of 100 years.
which the metal anchor is then inserted.
Bonded anchors are susceptible to creep-
Injection systems - in which the constituent displacement under sustained tensile loads and to
materials of the adhesive are contained in cartridges fatigue as a result of cyclic loading. Poor
or in bulk and which are delivered into drill-holes by workmanship has also contributed to an observed
manually-controlled injection - a single cartridge or variability of performance.
container being used to fill multiple anchor-holes.
The performance of bonded anchors in cracked
Glass capsule systems are also available in which concrete varies with the type of anchorage system.
the anchor rod is driven in with hammering action
alone (hammer-in capsules). The tension load Standard Specification 680 Bonded anchors states
carrying capacity of hammer-in capsules is, in the requirement to use epoxy adhesives in holes cut
general, inferior to other bonded anchor systems. with a diamond-tipped core drill.
Metal components of the anchor may be plated or The design of bonded anchors shall be in accordance
galvanised high yield steel, or stainless steel where with the following:
a higher durability is required. Adhesives may
consist of polymer resins, cementitious materials, or
a combination. A number of different types of 3.1. Design Life
adhesive are available including vinylesters, acrylic Subject to clause 3.2 Restrictions on Use, the
resins, polyester resins and epoxy resins – each selected bonded anchor must have a demonstrated
having differing physical properties and applications. design life equal to or greater than the required
design life of the structure in which the components
are being connected.
3.4. Design
3.2. Restrictions on Use Design of bonded anchors shall be in accordance
Bonded anchors must not be used in the following with one of the following:
• anchor theory using the Concrete Capacity (CC)
• in new structures where the connection can be method as described in ETAG Annex C and TR
achieved by the use of cast-in anchorages or 029, or ACI 318 08, Appendix D
positive connections*
• in existing structures where the connection can • reinforcement theory, which shall comply with
be achieved by the use of positive connections* the requirements of AS5100 Bridge design
• if the required design life or the residual design
life of the structural components being Design loads and load factors shall be determined in
connected exceeds 50 years accordance with AS5100 part 2 Bridge design
• as tensile continuity connections between beams
in adjacent spans and other elements in a bridge The required number and size of anchors must be
superstructure – for example to connect determined in accordance with one of the methods
superstructure and substructure components in listed in clause 3.4 such that:
an integral bridge
• to support tensile loads in any orientation, φRu ≥ S*
where failure of an anchor or anchors could
result in collapse, instability or failure of a where for the load effect being considered:
structure** see 3.5 Bonded anchors in Tension
• as holding-down bolts for use with cantilever or φ = capacity reduction factor
portal sign structures and high mast light Ru = ultimate strength of the connection
structures S* = design action effect
• as holding-down bolts for steel and concrete
bridge barriers and bridge barrier posts The type of bonded anchor and adhesive shall be
• if the thickness of the concrete substrate into appropriate to the strength and durability required
which the anchor is being placed is less than by the design.
1.25 x required length of the anchor
• if the concrete substrate into which the anchor is Consideration must be given to the probable failure
being placed is friable, shows signs of de- mechanism of the bonded anchor connection and
lamination or any other defect other than the the effect of such a failure on the stability of the
permitted use in cracked concrete described in structure.
• in concretes with strengths less than 20 MPa or Where the strength of an adhesive material in a
greater than 50 MPa bonded anchor is known to diminish over time, the
reduced strength at the end of the design life of the
*Positive connections are defined as structural adhesive material shall be used for the purposes of
connections that are achieved by clamping either design.
through or around the full depth of the elements
being connected. For example, a threaded rod (or Bonded anchors must be positioned to avoid
bolt) in a full-depth hole together with a backing damage to reinforcement and pre-stressing tendons.
3.5. Bonded Anchors in Tension
3.3. Permitted Uses
** If it is not possible to use a cast-in anchorage or
Subject to appropriate design considerations, to achieve a positive connection by any possible
selection of adhesive and the restrictions on use means, bonded anchors may be used in tension,
stated in this document, bonded anchors are subject to the maximum design life of 50 years and
suitable for use in applications where they are the following conditions:
subjected primarily to axial compressive forces and
shear forces transverse to the anchor – for example: • use is subject to the written approval of the
Superintendent – refer to Standard Section 680
• as longitudinal shear connectors in bridge-deck Bonded anchors for further detailed
overlays requirements
• in side-mounted bridge barriers where the • use is subject to compliance with all other parts
tensile force arising from impact is resisted by a of this Bridge Technical Note and in particular
cast-in bar embedded in the overlay clause 3.2
• if a bonded anchor is required to support a
Bonded anchors may be used in concrete which sustained tensile load, the adhesive must be one
exhibits well-spaced flexural cracks provided that that has been subjected to testing for creep, the
the adhesive has a capacity for re-expansion that is results of which enables the long-term
supported by manufacturer’s test data. However, displacement and strength properties of the
the capacity of the anchor will be substantially anchor to be quantified
reduced and must be verified by testing. • the predicted creep must not affect the
serviceability and durability of the structure
• all working anchors in tensile connections must
be proof-tested in accordance with Standard
Section 680 Bonded anchors
• the required number and size of anchors must ETAG 029: Design of Bonded Anchors, European
be determined in accordance with one of the Organisation for Technical Approvals
methods listed in clause 3.4 subject to the ETAG 020 Annex C: Design Methods for Anchorages,
application of an additional partial safety European Organisation for Technical Approvals
factor φBAT for materials Standard Specification Section 611, VicRoads
Standard Specification Sections for
such that: Bridgeworks, Victoria, Australia
φ φBAT Ru ≥ S* Standard Specification Section 680 (2012), VicRoads
Standard Specification Sections for
where for the load effect being considered: Bridgeworks, Victoria, Australia

φ = capacity reduction factor required by

the design method
φBAT = additional capacity reduction
factor for tension which has a value
of 0.5
Ru = ultimate strength of the connection
S* = design action effect

• increase in length may also be considered

subject to the maximum depth of concrete
substrate described in clause 3.2

• the final arrangement of anchors must comply

with the requirements for spacing of anchors
and minimum edge-distance required by the
design method

4. Training, Equipment, MARY DARCY

Workmanship, Installation, PRINCIPAL BRIDGE ENGINEER
Training, equipment, workmanship, installation and
testing must comply with Standard Specification Contact
Section 680 Bonded anchors.
For further information please contact:

References Principal Bridge Engineer

ACI 318-08 Building Code Requirements for Level 3, 60 Denmark Street
Structural Concrete and Commentary,
Kew Victoria 3101
American Concrete Institute Committee 318
AS 5100 (2004) Bridge Design, Standards Australia, Telephone: (03) 8391 7137
Sydney, Australia Facsimile: (03) 8391 7199
ATIC-Specification Section SP38 Metal Anchors for Email: [email protected]
use in concrete, Australian Technical
Infrastructure Committee Bridge Technical Notes are subject to periodic review
ETAG 001: Metal Anchors, European Organisation and may be superseded
for Technical Approvals

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