Sujit Project Final

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In this project report I have attempted to study Factors Influencing Consumer Behavior for Poorva Chemicals Products and its market share, success, situation as related to consumer behavior is determined. I have also tried to determine how the Poorva Chemicals should increase sales of the product. To achieve these objectives I collected primary data with the help of questionnaires. The questionnaires were filled up by 100 farmers i.e. 50 from Nasik City & 50 from Pimpalgaon Baswant. For secondary data I referred to the companys website & some other articles on the internet, other official records were provided to me by the company personnel.




The main objectives of this project is to learn and understand1) To study consumer behavior about Poorva Chemicals product. 2) To suggest market strategies to promote selling of product. 3) To study company product awareness in market. 4) To study relationship of company & consumer. 5) To explore new target market. 6) To suggest remedial measure for improvement of market share.



Established on 16th December 1999 Poorva Chemtech Pvt. Ltd. is manufacturing Agro chemicals. The company has its corporate office in the grape city NASIK. The manufacturing units are located at Pimpalgaon Baswant, Dist. Nasik; which is the most important center of Agricultural business in the Horticultural Belt of the district. The farmers in this area are very progressive and adopters of innovative techniques and advance technology. It is also the main station of onion and grape exports in the state. Truck loads of grapes, onions, vegetables are dispatched to various parts of the country. Because of the huge transactions people call this place as Dubai of the State. Very soon after its establishment Poorva became very popular among the farmers due to its quality products, personal contacts, field visits, group discussions and guidance. Poorva has given equal importance to business and the social activities. Rather social activities are given more weightage than earning money. It has developed homely relations with the Agro Dealers, Distributors, raw material suppliers, farmers and the entire staff in field, laboratory, production, marketing, and office. It is now known as Poorva Parivar, i.e. (Poorva Family group). Poorva organized a big Agricultural Exhibition at Pimpalgaon Baswant in the year 2000. It was visited by village ladies, farm laborers from the nearby talukas and farmers from many districts of the state. Seminars were organized on important crops like, Grapes, Pomegranates, Onions and Vegetables. Similar Exhibition was again organized in 2002. A competition in grapes and exhibition of different grape varieties was the main attraction on that occasion. Ten top most progressive grape growers of the District were honored in this exhibition. Similar exhibition was organized a few months later at Malegaon - the city of pomegranates, where a competition and exhibition was arranged on Pomegranates. In 2003 Fruit Exhibition was organized in Nasik, which was the first attempt in the city and it was the first exhibition of this kind in Nasik. This activity was stopped due to increasing demand of the farmers for the existing and new products. 6

Poorva Parivar then started participating in other Agricultural Exhibitions in big cities like Nashik, Pune, Sangli, Parbhani, Akola, Jalgaon, Latur, etc. By this time the company brought 16 valuable products in the market having excellent quality that attracted the farming community. Saver, the technical spreader of high international quality is the outstanding product of the company. Due to its multipurpose use, it has been adopted by thousands of farmers in the state. Poorva Chemicals is known as Saver Company by many villagers. Taking into consideration the importance of the product to the farmers in saving spraying solution and money, improving the effect of any solution and increasing yield and quality of produce, lot of efforts are being made to give wide publicity to saver so as to take it to all types of farmers. Most of the publicity tools like posters, banners, hoardings, wall painting, radio, T.V., etc. are being used by the company. Intention behind this is to help increase national production rather than profit making. The profit is shared by all the members of Poorva Parivar`, from farmers to officials in various ways.

Ideal Hi Tech village Savergaon

This model village has become very popular in all parts of the state. Different structures of various buildings proposed in the modern Hi tech village have been fabricated and they are used for highlighting various institutions, such as schools, cooperative organizations, shops, hospitals, police station, helipad, industrial area, cyber caf, Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Social forestry, biogas plants, processing units, poultry, dairy, plant nursery, village tank, soil and water conservation, drip irrigation, cropping pattern, adoption of recent technology in Agriculture, village sanitation, discussion groups of farmers, ladies saving groups so on and so forth. It is known as Savergaon`. This model is arranged along with a big, beautiful, attractive and informative fruit and vegetable stall in the agricultural exhibitions. There is a competition in grapes, pomegranates, citrus, mango, chiku, guava etc. Three winners are selected in each variety of every crop. They are honored with cash prize, memento, certificates and some other gifts. The farmers, scientists and exporters are benefited by seeing the outstanding samples. They are highly inspired. Some of them contact the concerned farmers to know the technical knowhow of the production practices. Exporters contact the concerned growers for getting the quality fruits. Thus all the visitors are benefited from the exhibits and the Savergaon` model. This stall is named as Saver Phalotsav (Saver fruit festival ), Saver Nisargotsav`(Saver Nature Festival), etc. carrying the name of saver. Poorva Chem. (P) Ltd. company being an ISO 9001 Certified Company, assures to the farmers constant quality products & efficient service.Farmers satisfaction is the mission statement of the company. Poorva Chemtech is a leader in technical spreader, plant growth promoters, bio stimulants & micro nutrient market. Save-R is a flag ship product of the company and is a brand name in the market. We are the manufacturers of various growth promoters, biostimulants & Micronutrients. Besides Saver, Grow-R, P.C.Granules, Easymix, Chelmix-Combi, eazy-stim are major products, which are largely accepted by the farmers.

We have well equipped laboratory, manufacturing unit. Poorva chemtech has an excellent distribution & marketing network, well supported by technical and market development team. Poorva today enjoys the leadership position in some of its products, which have now become brand leaders.

Poorva is a multidimensional social institutions, executing variety of activities relating to agriculture and thus to farmer community. Poorva is committed to shoulder the responsibilities concerning development of agriculture, encouraging Farmers to adapt new technique and so on. The activities in short are

1) Poorva organizes competitions for farmers getting high quality and quantity of Crops, after continuous experimentation in new technique. 2) Arranges continuous seminars reality to production of variety of crops, after

Experimentation in new technique.

3) Exhibitions are held to keep the farmer community vigilant about new Developments. 4) Prizes are distributed to farmers doing extra ordinary work in farming. 5) Distribution of the prestigious award The Honorable Farmer of Saver-R Cartoon Poster






This is the powerful products which are used for forms & having great nutrient contains. P. C. Granules is an excellent granular formulation. It is used through soil application. It is humic acid based product containing humic acid, amino acid, neem oil & trace elements. By using P. C. Granules the root system of the plant is become in healthy condition. P. C. Granules result in healthy & strong crop growth increased yield & thereby increasing returns to the farmers. It applied at the time of sowing or transplanting of seedlings. It can be applied with manures or fertilizers. All horticuttural crops, field crops, vegetable crops are benifited by this product


Features and Benefits

P.C.Granules increases the germination percentage when applied at the time

of sowing. Gives fast and even germination P.C.Granules helps strong and stout initial growth of the plant. Use of P.C.Granules causes profuse rooting and there by increases the nutrient uptake. Improves soil structure, water retaining capacity and proper aeration. Helps plant to withstand stress condition Helps to maintain the soil fertility and productivity. P.C. granules induce healthy and rapid plant growth and thus increase the yield. It keeps root system in healthy condition. P.C. granules help in efficient and optimum use of different nutrients that are applied externally as well as already present in the soil. Thus P.C. granules results in healthy and strong crop growth, increased yield and thereby increasing returns to the farmers.

Dose: For vegetable crops 10 kg / acre For fruit crops and plantation crops 20 kg / acre B.T. cotton 15 kg / acre

Application: Applied at the time of sowing or transplanting of the seedlings. It can be applied with manures or fertilizers.


2) GROW-R: This is one of the unique and miraculous products. Grow-R is excellent plant growth promoter which gives amazing result when sprayed on various crop. It gives quick result. Grower is basically a fulvic acid based product. It contains fulvic acid, folic acid, amino acid, humic acid, hydrolysed protein complex in very well balanced proportion. Grow R is normally used through foliar application; but it also used through soil as drenching or through drip system. It has fast and easy penetration into plant. When used into soil as drenching etc. Grow-R improves the structure of soil, retains optimum moisture, encourages aeration of roots & helps the plants in easy uptake of nutrients including nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium, magnesium, salpher & micronutrient. It coutribute to the conversion of minerals from nonassimilable to soluble form through the release of carbonic gas.


Salient Features and Benefits: Well balanced composition of fulvic acid, folic acid, amino acid, humic acid and hydrolyzed protein complex


Fast and quick action and results. Grow-R can be used through foliar spray and drip irrigation. Grow-R gives healthy and excellent growth of plants. Grow-R helps to correct plant deficiencies and restores natural balance. Grow-R increases resistance to stress. Plants are not affected by slight environmental changes in temperature and humidity. Grow-R works as a buffer against minor inconsistencies. Grow-R definitely enhances nutrient uptake and plant metabolism. Grow-R allows plants to receive a steady supply of nutrients as per requirement. Overall increase in plant health and strength is probably the most notable advantage. Grow-R transmits immunity to all type of plants. Grow-R makes the plant stronger and more resistant to diseases and pests. Grow-R increases the number of fruitful flowers and thereby increases yield. Healthy plants produce healthy fruits full of vitamins and minerals due to use of Grow-R.

2 ml / liter of water

Application: Applied during active growth stage, at the time of flower initiation, twice or thrice.

Major crops: All fruits, vegetables as well as field crops including plantation crops. 15

3) SAVE-R: Poorva Chem-Tect Pvt. Ltd. developed a technical spreader known as Save-R. The product 'Save-R' is exactly like its name 'Saver' & it become a Brand Name in Technical Spreaders. It has been widely accepted by formers from all the corners of Maharashtra & it also has increasing demand from the adjoin states in the border areas of the state as the formers see the best multifarious results of Saver-R. As Save-R is sticks & spreads on all are plant parts & does not allow the solution to wash out in rains, hence it works as stickers, spreaders & plant growth promoter. It is used on a large scale by farmers through various sprays & drip irrigation too. Save-R has unique action of wetting, spreading & penetration. It makes spraying solution homogeneous. Save-R is an all purpose spray adjuvant that can be used with pesticides, fungicides, weedicides, growth substance like GA3, GBA, NAA, CCC etc. & all kinds of major & minor nutrient.


Salient Features and Benefits: Save-R provides more uniform spray deposit on plant surfaces and improves coverage of solution. Save-R improves the effectiveness of the ingredients of the solution. Save-R is non corrosive to spraying equipments. Save-R helps in effective control of the noxious pests like mealy bugs, scale insects and borers. Save-R does not change the pH of the solution. Its pH is neutral i.e. 7-7.5. It keeps the drip irrigation system clean and does not allow salts to deposit and choke up the drippers. It is the best alternative to replace acid as a cleaning agent as it avoids harmful effects of acids. Save-R helps to retain the moisture and liquid fertilizers in the root zone of the plants and so it is very useful in shallow, sandy and light soils. Save-R increases the effectiveness of spray due to which production is increased and quality of the produce is highly improved. Save-R saves quantity of solution and thereby saves money. It given astonishing results on all the glossy leaves such as banana, onion, pomegranate, colocasia etc. This is its unique character. Applications and Doses:

Any spray solution 50 ml / 200 lit solutions. In rainy season 100 ml /200 lit solution. Soluble fertilizers 500 ml in a tank. Drip unit cleaning 500 ml before stopping drip In herbicide solutions 1 ml / lit. of solution.


4) CHELMIX: Poorva Chemical Pvt. Ltd. Provides the most quality & result oriented products of Poorva Chem-Tech. Chelmix contain microelement in chelated form. It contain the vital nutrient in readily available form, those are needed by the plants. It is the unique product supplied by Poorva. This formulation of Chelmix Combi confirms the standards which are approved & specified by Government of Maharashtra.

Features and Benefits: Chelmix contains the major essential micro elements those are needed by plants. Microelements are readily and 100% easily available. Chelmixcombi is 100% water soluble formulation. Chelmixcombi is recommended for foliar application as well as through drip irrigation. Chelmixcombi has quick action and result. Corrects all deficiencies those occur due to non availability of micro elements. It helps and increases the uptake of major and secondary nutrients. Chelmixcombi increases the plant growth and yield. Increases the resistance power of plants. It improves the colour and size of flowers and fruits. 18

It offers marked improvement in taste, flavor and aroma of fruits There is general enhancement in quality of farm produce Chelmix combi gives excellent results in polyhouse crops also. Available in 100 gm, 250gm, and 500gm attractive packing.

5) EAZY-MIX: Easy Mix is commonly used for to increase the yield & quality of the product. It is an excellent micronutrient fertilizer that is recommended for soil application. It contains essential micro elements in easily available form. Easy Mix is a well balanced mixture of essential micro element, as per the standards which are approved & specified by the Government of Maharashtra. Easy Mix is available in 10 kg bag in attractive packing.

Salient Features and Benefits: Eazy Mix supplies the important essential micro elements that are needed by plants. Eazy Mix applicable through soil only. Eazy Mix contains micro nutrients in balanced proportion that are approved by Government of Maharashtra. Use of Eazy mix, increases the availability and uptake of other major and minor essential nutrients.


Corrects the deficiencies that occur in plants due to non-availability of micro elements. Helps plants for healthy and sound growth. Increase the yield and quality of the produce. Improves flower and fruit colour, fruit size, fruit taste and aroma. Increases the disease resistance power of plants.





Research is the process of systemic and in-depth study or search for any particular topic, subject or area of investigation, backed by collection, completion, presentation and interpretation of relevant details or data. It is a careful search or enquiry into any subject or subject matter, which is an endeavor to discover or find out valuable facts which would be useful for further application or utilization. There cannot be any research which does not increase knowledge or improve scientific knowledge. Research profoundly influences business decisions the business manager is interested in choosing that course of action which is most effective in attaining the goals of the organization. Research not only provides facts and figures in support of such business decision, but also enables one to choose a measuring rod to judge the effectiveness of each decision. Research in management is broadly a systematic activity directed towards investigating managerial or Business problems, which may result in the discovery of management tools for problem solving and decision making. It can be a detailed investigation of the existing problems, practices or process. A proper research methodology should be adopted in order to achieve the set of objectives. Market research is a systematic data collection on various marketing aspects of a company for its Goods & services, study of distribution channels, or for any problem in the field of marketing. The Market search exercise which is carried out necessarily through field work is termed as market Survey. Marketing survey links the organization with its market environment. It involves the specification Gathering, analysis and interpretation of information to help management understand that particular Market environment identify its problem & opportunities and develop and evaluate courses of marketing Action.


Step 1:- Define the problem & research objectives. An old adage says a problem well defined is half solved the problem and objectives of the study Are define under the sub heading, problem identification this is always first step in any research.

Step 2:- Develop the research design. This stage spells out how to achieve the stated research objectives, the data collection methods, the specific research instrument and the sampling plan that will be used for collecting data and corresponding cost are the element that contributes to the research design. Data collection method: Data collection looks forward to data analysis data requirement for various analytical techniques must be anticipated in the data collection phases. 1. Primary Data: Any original data thats suites the objectives of the study is collected by way of field visits through research instruments and personal interviews. 2. Secondary Data: The data was collected through the following internal sources: a) Company Profile. b) Internet Websites. c) Brochures, Leaflets. d) Actual Survey (Personal Survey). Step 3: Collection of information: To achieve the research objectives, data has to be collected .in this study, information was collected through the observation method of research. Observation can either be subjective or objective there are-


1. Participant observations: here the researcher himself is a part of the group under study. It enables him to study the groups in its natural behavior, without the group knowing anything about it. A participant observer can observe the group from all angels, without an extra effort on his part. 2. Non-participant observation: Here the researcher is not a member of the group under observation. 3. Controlled observations: Controlled observation is the type of observation which suffers from some restrictions. It may include control over behavior, control over phenomena, control over environment and observation. 4. Non controlled observations: Observations made in natural surroundings, without any control or influence by external forces are non-controlled observations. Step 4: Analyze the information: This stage deals with extracting pertinent finding from the collected data. The collected data are processed, organized & arranged in a format that makes it easy to understand &directly helps in the decision making process. Step 5: Presenting the findings: On basis of analysis of data collected, the findings are presented.







Awareness about brand

YES 76

NO 24

Table 1:

Brand Awareness



In survey about brand awareness of Poorva chemicals products the data collected in above pie chart shows 76% people aware about products &24% peoples still unknown about brand.



Use of Poorva chemical products YES NO

No. of Farmers 55 45

Use of Poorva Chemical products




In above chart the use of Poorva chemicals products is 55% people use Poorvas products & 45% people are not using Poorva chemicals products. We need to have effective progress in that condition by using advertisement, awareness of farmers about Poorvas products.



Products of Poorva Chemicals

Chemicals SAVE-R. 35

P.C.Granules Products 20

Micro nutrient products 24

GROW R Products. 21

Products of poorva chemicals 21% 35% P.C.Granules Micro Nutient Grow-R

24% 20%

In above graph product wise use shows in survey data, farmers are not using all products of Poorva Chemicals. All product use is not above 50%.



Quality of product

YES 58

NO 42

Quality of product

58% 42%

In above data graph shows cheap & quality of products awareness opinion of farmer 42% not like or show better result & 58% people say yes means positive point of Poorva Chemicals.



What factor do you look in a product while using a product? YES Availability Price Factor Result/Quality Brand Name Attractive Schemes 60 58 66 25 55 NO 40 42 44 75 45

80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Availibility Price Result Brand name Scheme YES NO

In collected data the use of product depends on factors like availability, price factor, result of product on crop, brand name, attractive schemes .the majority of farmer Use product by depends on availability & result oriented.



Pattern of ordering the product Daily Weekly Monthly/stock According to need

Response of farmer

Pattern of ordering product

Daily Weakly Monthly 10% According to Need


50% 15%

In graph shows pattern of ordering products according to need of farmers depends on season & financial condition the requirement should be situation wise. 10% daily customers, 25%weakly, 15% monthly stock maintained, 50%according to need purchase products.



Availability of product YES NO

Respondent 57 43

Availability of product



Timely availability of product in the stores is data collected by survey shows in graph 43% say no means negative response and 57 % gives positive response.


8) Changes expect in Poorva chemicals product Price 42 Quality 30 Packaging 28

Expectation changes
Price Quality Packaging

42% 28%


For improvement in Poorva chemicals products the factors like price, quality, and packaging should be considered. Above data shows farmers area of changes requirement.



Help From Poorva chemicals

YES 72

NO 28

Help from poorva chemicals

YES 28% NO


Data shows farmers requirement help from Poorva about uses, dose, and information about product in all season bases for improvement in marketing the after sales services.



Information factors

Information corner 25

Uses of product 40

Doses 30

Other 5

Information Factors
Information cornner 5% Uses Doses 25% Other



The data shows the particular factor which is like to needed to farmers information corner, about uses of products, doses which are helpful to farmer as well as sales of products.



Quality Perception

YES 68

NO 32

Quality Perception



About customers mind condition know about quality of products they 68 %farmers are shown Poorva product is qualitative & 32 % think that Poorva product is not so good or qualitative.



Direct marketing

YES 38

NO 62

Direct Marketing



Direct marketing of Poorva chemicals

product should be effective as direct

marketing means Company outlet ,product sales direct company to customers in this activity price should be Constant and any middleman should needed 62 %farmers is required direct marketing and 38% say no.



Marketing Activity

YES 26

NO 74

Marketing Activity
YES NO 26%


In this scurvy Poorva chemicals marketing activity for product promotion, increasing sales etc like Advertising, hording etc is measures for knowing of popularity of Poorva products.



Places where Marketing Activities Seen

Pamphlets 38

Hoardings T.V advertisement 22 18

Radio 20

Farewell places 2

Pamplates Hordings T.V. advertisement 2% 20% Radio Farewell places




In this survey we know about various marketing activity places & in which area the activity effective and useful for Poorva advertising. Graph shows different area of marketing activity with their percentage.



Reasons for not using

Awareness 47

Unavailability 25

Quality 22

Others 6

Reasons for not using

Awareness Unavailibility 6% 47% 22% 25% Quality Other

In the survey the reason for not using Poorva chemicals product should be known like the Awareness about product, unavailability of product, quality of product, other factors should be Known for using that data we improve area of which is needed.






This study is limited to only Poorva Chemicals PVT.LTD. If there is any Change in the organization or products or any type of changes offered, the conclusion may or may not change. 1) Finding and analysis was for the specific area i.e. Nashik city & Poorvas major sales Market i.e. Pimpalgaon Baswant area only. 2) The study being taken in the season of may-june might not have produced accurate data. 3) Some farmer should shows non-cooperative behavior at the time of data collection of this study. 4) The research was dependent upon information provided by the farmer respondent. It may be biased or insufficient.






The chemical pesticide and fertilizers market in Nasik district should more as that of other area mainly they horticultural crop production likes Grapes, Pomegranates & Guava is huge more in quantity.

Onion, Tomato, Maize, Sugarcanes etc also produce huge quantity. Nasik is known as Grapes Capital of India hence the company mainly targeted on grapes cultivation related products.

The company should be also targeted farmers oriented service decision means after sales service given for success of organization competitive market.

It is also essential for Poorva to keep itself updated about the success/failure of its various marketing plans, so that it can take advantage of its successes and also learn from its mistakes.





In study titled Factors Influencing Consumer Behavior For Poorva Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. Products related to data concern my opinion to company area of improvement is as following: 1) The company should concentrate on advertising of products. 2) They should open information corner for farmers for detailed information about their products, its uses, dose, contents etc. should be important for improvement of sales. 3) The company should improve in distribution channels. 4) Various activities like product exhibition are arranged in specific time period. 5) More efforts taken for qualitative as well as quantitative productions.





BOOKS REFERED: 1) Philip Kotler & et al (2007) Marketing management by dorling Kindersley (India) PVT.LTD. Publication, 12th edition. 2) Zeithaml A.Valerie & et al (2008) services marketing, the McGraw Hill Companies, 4th Edition. 3) Research Methodology: By C.R.Kothari. 4) Business Research Methodology: By J.K. Sachdeva.






Name of the Farmer: Contact No.: Age: 1) Have You heard about poorva chemicals products? o YES o NO 2) Do You use product of Poorva chemicals? YES NO

3) If yes which of the following Poorva chemical products is used? Micro Chemicals P.C.Granules nutrient SAVE-R. Products. products. GROW R Products.

4) Do you Think POORVA chemical product is cheap and qualitative to that of other products? o YES o NO


5) What factor do you look in a product while using a product? YES Availability Price Factor Result/Quality Brand Name Attractive Schemes 60 58 66 25 55 NO 40 42 44 75 45

Pattern of ordering the product Daily Weekly Monthly/stock According to need

Response of farmer

7) Availability of Poorva chemical product in stores?

o YES o NO


8) What changes do you expect in poorva chemical products? o o o Price Quality Packaging

9) Do you need any guideline or particular help from Poorva chemical industry? o o YES NO

10) Factors about help from Poorva chemicals? o o o o Information corner About Uses of product Doses Other

11) Do you think products of Poorva chemicals are qualitative? o o YES NO

12) Direct marketing of Poorva chemicals products is helpful or not? o YES o NO


13) Have you seen any Marketing activity from Poorva chemicals? o YES o NO

14) Media where you Observing Marketing activity of Poorva chemicals product? o Pamphlets o Hoardings o T.V. advertisement o Radio o Farewell places

15) Reasons for not using Poorva chemicals product? o Awareness o Unavailability o Quality o Others

16) Would you like to give any suggestions to Poorva about the following?


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