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Research Reviewer Q&A

1. What is the last section of a research paper in

Chapter 1?

A. Significance of the Study

B. Statement of the Problem

C. Definition of Terms

D. Scope and Limitations of the Study

2. The following are correct about the population,


A. it is the subset C. it is the entire group

B. it is the universe D. it is general

3. The presentation of the importance of the study starts

from the national level, regional, provincial, local, to

the researcher, and target beneficiaries, what kind of

perspective is this?

A. deductive C. inductive

B. subjective D. objective

4. What research design focuses on the present


A. Historical C. Descriptive

B. Experimental D. Case study

5. There is a significant relationship between the

attitude and practices of the residents towards

disaster management.

A. alternative hypothesis C. null hypothesis

B. negative hypothesis D. positive hypothesis

6. Which of these is true about the probability


A. All members of population has equal chance of

being the participants of the study

B. Not all members of population has equal

chance of being the participants of the study

C. Participants were chosen due to their


D. Participants were divided into sections or

groups with the same characteristics.

7. When is a research instrument said to be valid?

A. If it measures what it intends to measure

B. If the instrument can be adopted by future


C. If the responses are consistent.

D. If Cronbach's alpha test result is 70%.

8. It mainly focuses on the question, “Who will benefit

from the study?”

A. Theoretical Framework

B. Conceptual Framework

C. Significance of the Study

D. Scope and Limitations of the Study

9. What sampling method is used by Mrs. X, a

researcher in which the population is first divided into

groups who share the same attributes, and the

researcher ensures representation from both groups?

A. Cluster sampling

B. Systematic sampling

C. Stratified Random sampling

D. Simple random sampling

10. In practice, the ______ is commonly used because it

is easy to reject and accept it.

A. alternative hypothesis C. null hypothesis

B. negative hypothesis D. positive hypothesis

11. A sampling technique where the researcher contacts

people or volunteers who might know his target


A. Quota sampling
B. Convenience sampling

C. Voluntary response sampling

D. Snowball sampling

12. A sampling design where the researcher selects the

target respondents based on the purpose of the


A. Incidental sampling C. Snowball sampling

B. Judgmental sampling D. Quota sampling

13. In systematic sampling design, the respondents are


A. at their availability

B. at regular intervals

C. randomly

D. based on the purpose of the study

14. A structure that guides research by relying on a

formal theory constructed by using an established,

coherent explanation of certain phenomena and

relationships is called?

A. Research Paradigm

B. Scope and Limitations of the Study

C. Theoretical Framework

D. Research Sampling

15. What is the last step in planning a sampling survey?

A. Decide the sampling design

B. Determine the sample size using the formula

C. Define the population

D. Identify the research locale

16. In the sampling size formula p ; is the:

A. population C. proportion

B. probability D. possibility

17. Using Slovin's formula, what is the sample size of a

population of 3,000 and the margin of error is set to


A. 611 C. 911

B. 811 D. 711

18. If the researchers distributed the survey

questionnaires to passers-by, what sampling

technique did they employ?

A. Quota sampling C. Recruitment sampling

B. Judgmental sampling D. Incidental sampling

19. The following are disadvantages of sampling,


A. It involves more care in preparing detailed


B. If not correctly designed, the results may be


C. It saves time, is cheaper, and gives more

comprehensive information.

D. It requires an expert to conduct the study in an

area, nevertheless it would be erroneous.

20. Which of these is NOT true about the Conceptual


A. it shows the relationship of the variables

B. it is a visual or written product

C. it serves as guide on which to build the study

D. it is a conception or model of the study plan

21. It is an affirmation of the existence of observed


A. alternative hypothesis C. null hypothesis

B. negative hypothesis D. positive hypothesis

22. When the sample is prepared by stages, then it is


A. Systematic sampling C. Stratified sampling

B. Multi-stage sampling D. Cluster sampling

23. What form of hypothesis is deeme “true”; until

proven wrong?

A. alternative hypothesis C. null hypothesis

B. negative hypothesis D. positive hypothesis

24. What is the section of the research paper which

states the contribution and usefulness of the study in


A. Review of Related Literature

B. Conceptual Framework

C. Significance of the Study

D. Scope and Limitations of the Study

25. The definition of terms is based on hypothetical ones

which are usually taken from dictionaries,

encyclopedias, and published journals.

A. Conceptual definition C. Optional definition

B. Operational definition D. Original definition

26. Which of these describe an experimental research


A. It is a scientific critical inquiry of the whole truth

of past events.

B. Its purpose is to determine whether to adopt the

prior programs.

C. It is a problem-solving approach that the study is

described in the future

D. It focuses on the present condition and its

purpose is to find new truth.

27. This method under descriptive design describes or

determines the nature of an object by separating it

into parts.

A. Analysis C. Correlational
B. Classification D. Evaluative

28. If there is veracity or truthfulness of the responses

that you have gathered, it means that your instrument


A. Valid C. Usable

B. Reliable D. Practical

29. Questionnaires, tests, observation schedule,

checklists, rating scales, and interviews are called


A. Research Sampling C. Research Design

B. Research Data D. Research Instruments

30. Practicability means:

A. accuracy C. consistency

B. usability D. relevancy

31. What includes the statistical procedures and

techniques used by the researcher?

A. Output C. Throughput

B. Input D. Result

32. What refers to the process of transforming collected

information or observations to a set of meaningful,

cohesive categories?

A. Tabulation of data C. Coding of data

B. Categorization of data D. Analysis of data

33. It means the legal bases, literature, and studies

which have direct bearing or relation to the present


A. Framework C. Paradigm

B. Theory D. Related

34. What research design is used to study the same

group over a period of time and is generally

concerned with assessing within- and between-group

A. Comparative C. Correlational

B. Normative D. Longitudinal

35. It is an ideal research design when variables are

carefully controlled or manipulated.

A. Historical C. Descriptive

B. Experimental D. Case study

36. What kind of descriptive research design is used in

natural sciences subjects?

A. descriptive-status C. descriptive-classification

B. longitudinal D. descriptive-normative

37. It is a problem-solving technique wherein the study is

described from the past, present, and future.

A. Historical C. Descriptive

B. Experimental D. Case study

38. A stratified sampling is a kind of sampling method

which is obtained by separating the population

elements into non-overlapping groups called:

A. cluster C. sections

B. strata D. divisions

39. This kind of hypothesis should always contain a

statement of equality.

A. alternative hypothesis C. null hypothesis

B. negative hypothesis D. positive hypothesis

40. Which of the following is the results of the study

which are presented in data matrix form?

A. Output C. Throughput

B. Process D. Input

41. What kind of research design is suitable if the

researcher wants to focus on a particular subject to

gain in-depth understanding?

A. Historical C. Descriptive
B. Experimental D. Case study

42. What signifies the gathering of data of the present


A. pilot test C. survey

B. post examination D. assessment

43. What hypothesis is always stated in positive form?

A. alternative hypothesis C. null hypothesis

B. negative hypothesis D. positive hypothesis

44. These are dissertation studies which include the

methods, findings, conclusions and

recommendations that the future researchers may

use as references.

A. Related Legal Basis C. Related Studies

B. Relabted Literature D. Related Theories

45. It is a section of a research paper in which the

sources are taken from the books, journals,

magazines, and novels that contain facts, laws and


A. Related Legal Basis C. Related Studies

B. Related Literature D. Related Theories

46. What is the first step in doing historical research?

A. Summarize the information obtained.

B. Locate relevant sources.

C. Present and interpret the information.

D. Define the problem or issues.

47. The Scope and limitations of the Study includes the

following, EXCEPT?

A. duration of the study C. research instrument

B. research locale D. findings of the study

48. A hash mark is a?

A. Frequency mark C. Average mark

B. Tally mark D. Weighted mark

49. It is considered as the groundwork of the study.

A. Conceptual Framework

B. Theoretical Framework

C. Hypothesis

D. Significance of the Study

50. What is known to be the “search for knowledge and

the truth”?

A. research C. survey

B. history D. investigation

1. Which of the following nature of research states that it is an

unending process?

Critical C. logical

Cyclical D. Methodical

2. Which of the following is NOT true about Applied research?

A. solution-driven

B. technological application

C. tests theories and principles

D. concept formulation

3. Which of these is ideal for experimental research?

A. Field Research C. Library Research

B. Laboratory Research D. Applied Research

4. This type of research is purposely to make innovations in


A. Basic Research C. Developmental


B. Applied Research D. Laboratory Research

5. What type of research focuses on the solution of the problems?

A. Basic Research C. Developmental


B. Applied Research D. Field Research

6. Ariana Grandxing designed an action plan in response to the

very low level of knowledge and skills of the students in the

identification and classification of fingerprint patterns. This is

an example of:

A. Basic Research C. Developmental


B. Applied Research D. Field Research

7. Sigmund Freud's Psychoanlysis theory on personality, explains

that the imbalance ego may lead to crime commission is an

example of:

A. Basic Research C. Applied Research

B. Developmental Research D. Library Research

8. What type of research has a main motivation to create or invent


A. Basic Research C. Applied Research

B. Developmental Research D. Laboratory Research

9. All is true about the applied researc, EXCEPT?

A. it aims to acquire knowledge

B. it creates something

C. it solves problem

D. it develops system or procedure

10. Reliable sources of data are expected in this class of


A. Field Research C. Library Research

B. Laboratory Research D. Basic Research

11. I. Basic research is curiosity-driven and has immediate

usefulness to man.

II. Applied research is solution-driven and aims for the

expansion of knowledge.

A. Statement I and II are correct.

B. Statement I is correct, Statement II is incorrect.

C. Statement I is incorrect, Statement II is correct.

D. Statement I and II are incorrect.

12. The following are the strengths of the field research,


A. It yields very detailed data.

B. It can uncover social facts.

C. It emphasizes the role and relevance of social context.

D. It may be emotionally taxing.

13. Research is:

1. A systematic investigation of events.

2. It involves collection, presentation, analysis and

interpretation of data.

A. Statements 1 and 2 are both correct.

B. Statements 1 and 2 are both incorrect.

C. Only statement 1 is correct.

D. Only statement 2 is correct.

14. Research with controlled variables is best done in


A. Laboratory C. Library

B. Field D. Any of these

15. As a researcher seeking data on the impact of curfew regulations

in the city, what is the best research to be conducted?

A. Field Research C. Library Research

B. Laboratory Research D. Applied Research

16. Research stimulates and ennobles the human spirit. It

challenges man to remove the threat of stagnation. It is an open

door to a better future and it guides him in his efforts to obtain

good results which contribute to his satisfaction and self-


A. Research has deep-seated psychological aspects

B. Research improves the quality of life

C. Research reduces the burden of work

D. Research improves instruction

17. Foods being exported have a longer shelf-life through

employment of preservation techniques that stemmed from

research. Thus, research:

A. reduces the burden of work.

B. improves the exportation of food products.

C. responds to the economic recovery and austerity measures

of the country.

D. satisfies man’s needs.

18. Man is a dreamer, is ambitious, and is industrious in achieving

his dreams. Research led him to focus on improving processes

and means by which he must love. Hence, research:

A. satisfies man’s needs

B. improves the quality of life

C. reduces the burden of work

D. has deep-seated psychological aspects

19. The use of active learning strategies in class improves students'

learning. This means that research _______.

A. improves students’ achievement

B. reduces the burden of work

C. has deep-seated psychological aspects

D. trains graduates to become responsive to the economic

development of the country and compete globally

20. Research outputs must be converted into income-

generating projects to train students to earn while they learn. In

this, research:

A. trains graduates to become responsive to the economic

development of the country and compete globally

B. responds to the economic recovery and austerity measure

of the country

C. improves the exportation of food products

D. reduces the burden of work

21. Which of the following is true?

1. Replicability is easier in laboratory research.

2. Historical research is ideally done in the library.

3. Field research is an excellent method for understanding the

role of social context.

4. Documenting observations may be more challenging in

library research.

A. 1 and 2 C. 1, 2 , and 4

B. 1, 2, and 3 D. 2, 3, and 4

22. What type of research is done for the development of theories

and principles?

A. Basic Research C. Applied Research

B. Developmental Research D. Field Research

23. One of the qualities of a good researcher is that he is always

precise in conducting his research. Hence, he is:

A. Efficient C. Effective

B. Scientific D. Research-oriented

24. Which is true about the replicability of research papers?

I. The research design and procedure is repeated.

II. The introduction is duplicated.

III. It enables the researcher to arrive at valid and conclusive


A. I, II and III C. I and II

B. II and III D. I and III

25.Maria Isabel Layson, a student from Iloilo National High School,

discovered that the aratiles fruit could possibly cure diabetes.

What quality of a good researcher does she possess?

A. Efficient C. Research-oriented

B. Effective D. Creative

26. The summary of findings, research design, and respondents

of the study can be found on what component of the

preliminary pages of the research paper?

A. Acknowledgement C. Abstract
B. Approval Sheet D. Title Page

27. What is the classification of research that describes it as an

excellent method for understanding the role of social context in

shaping people’s lives and experiences?

A. Library research C. Field research

B. Action research D. Laboratory research

28. What is the classification of research that is conducted in

artificial or controlled conditions by isolating

the study in a thoroughly specified and equipped area?

A. Library research C. Field research

B. Action research D. Labboratory research

29. This is the stimulus variable which is chosen by the

researcher to determine its relationship to an

observed phenomenon.

A. independent variable C. dependent variable

B. control variable D. intervening variable

30. What is the response variable which is observed and

measured to determine the effect of the independent variable?

A. Independent variable C. Dependent variable

B. Control variable D. Intervening variable

31. This research paper entitled STRAIN THEORY AS


submitted by JUAN DELA CRUZ, in partial fulfillment of the

requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in

Criminology, has been examined and is recommended for

acceptance and approval of Final Oral Examination, can be

found in what part of the preliminary of a research paper?

A. Abstract C. Approval Sheet

B. Title page D. Acknowledgment

32. “The researchers acknowledge and express their gratefulness

to all people who sincerely

participated in the study”, this is an example of:

A. Dedication C. Figures

B. Contents D. Acknowledgment

33. The approval sheet is the second page of a research paper,

thesis, or dissertation. It furnishes the following information,


A. Complete titles of research paper, thesis or


B. Full name of the researcher

C. Qualification of the researcher

D. Statement of acceptance and approval

34. Title page, approval sheet, acknowledgments, contents,

tables, figures, plates and abstract are called what:

A. Research Objectives

B. Research Problems

C. Preliminaries of a Research Paper

D. Components of a Research Process

35. To determine the similarities and differences of the findings to

past studies and to gain insights into the aspects of the

problem that are critical and controversial in the recent study,

the researcher shall take to conduct the:

A. Assumptions

B. Review of Related Literature and Studies

C. Research Design

D. Data Analysis

36. The following are purposes of a research problem statement,

except one:

A. To introduce the importance of the topic in the

research proposal.

B. To position the problem in an appropriate context.

C. To provide a framework to analyze and report results.

D. To provide a solution to the problem.

37. Though replicability of conducting research is allowed, it is

advisable that a research problem is something novel, original,

and unique to attract the attention of the people and contribute

to the economic development of the country. It shows the

criteria of a good research problem that is:

A. Interesting C. Innovative

B. Cost-effective D. Measurable

38. In research, this drives the entire study without this; there will

be no research study.

A. Topic C. Concept

B. Title D. Problem

39. Given the specific problem: Is there a significant difference in the

level of knowledge of police investigators towards fingerprint

processing when grouped according to their profile?

What will be the null hypothesis?

A. There is no significant difference in the level of knowledge of

police investigators towards fingerprint processing when grouped

according to their profile.

B. There is a significant difference in the level of knowledge of

police investigators towards fingerprint processing when grouped

according to their profile.

C. There are no significant differences in the level of knowledge

of police investigators towards fingerprint processing when grouped

according to their profile.

D. There are significant differences in the level of knowledge of

police investigators towards fingerprint processing when grouped

according to their profile.

40. After the analysis and interpretation of results, the research

finally summarizes the whole study and draws conclusions based


A. findings C. data collected

B. research design D. research problem

41. It is the part of a paper that is read the most, and it is usually

read first.

A. Topic C. Concept

B. Title D. Problem

42. What is a research problem?

A. organizing principle guiding the analysis of a research paper.

B. provides a particular perspective, or lens, through which to

examine a topic.

C. statement about an area of concern, a condition to be

improve and a difficulty to be eliminated

D. framework of research methods and techniques chosen by a


43. What is the hardest part of a research process?

A. Formulating a research problem

B. Citing a research design

C. Data gathering

D. Summary of findings

44. Which of the following refers to any questions that the researcher

wants to answer?

A. Research Problem C. Research Objective

B. Research Process D. all of these

45. After the construction of the hypothesis is the creation of:

A. Data Analysis C. Theoretical Framework

B. Review of Related Literature D. Research Design

46. Based on the major problem identified, the researcher then

formulates the _____ of the study.

A. specific statement C. specific research process

B. specific problem D. all of tehse

47. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of sex, age, and

education?, is an example of:

A. Inferential question C. Descriptive question

B. Null hypothesis D. Alternative hypothesis

48. the question, at what time will you complete the research?

means that the research problem should be:

A. measurable C. specific

B. realistic D. time-bound

49. It is the basis for describing properly the relationships of

variables to be used in the study.

A. Assumptions C. Hypotheses

B. Conceptual framework D. Research design

50. After determining the research design, method, instrument, and

sampling techniques, the resarcher will then proceed to the:

A. data analysis C. data collection

B. statistical treatment D. data interpretation

1. What is the last stage of making a research paper?

a. Writing stage c. Data Processing stage

b. Preparing stage d. Oral Examination Stage

2. It explores what people experienced and focuses on their experience of

a phenomenon; multiple ways of interpreting the same experience.

a. Phenomenological c. Cross-sectional survey

b. Longitudinal survey d. Cohort Study

3. It is a type of observational study and is sometimes referred to as a

panel study.

a. Phenomenological c. Cross-sectional survey

b. Longitudinal survey d. Cohort Study

4. It is an itemized plan of activity with a time frame to be undertaken by

the researcher.

a. Plan c. Schedule of Activities

b. Outline d. Survey

5. What stage of making a research paper is the tabulation and analysis

of data?

a. Writing stage c. Data Processing stage

b. Planning stage d. Oral Examination Stage

6. What stage of making a research paper is the construction and revision

of a questionnaire?

a. Writing stage c. Data Processing stage

b. Preparing stage d. Oral Examination Stage

7. What does APA stand for?

a. American Psychological Association

b. American Psychology Association

c. Association of Psychologist in America

d. Association of Psychiatrist in America

8. What is an in-depth study of naturally occurring behavior within a

culture or social group?

a. Ethnography c. Cross-sectional survey

b. Longitudinal survey d. Cohort Study

9. Using the APA format, what kind of spacing is required on both the title

page and throughout the paper?

a. Single spacing c. Double spacing

b. 1.5 spacing d. None of these

10. In writing an academic paper in APA format, you have to use an ____

inch paper.

a. 8.5 x 11 c. 8 x 11

b. 8.5 x 12 d. 8 x 12

11. What is the standard font style when you write a research paper using

APA format?

a. Arial c. Times New Roman

b. Courier New d. Century Gothic

12. The first part of your paper is obviously the ____.

a. cover sheet c. title page

b. dedication d. abstract

13. Ideally, the title should not exceed ____ words.

a. 10 c. 12

b. 11 d. 13

14. “What does the experience mean to the newly appointed police
officers?” If you want to find answer of this question, then you are going

to conduct a:

a. Case study c. Phenomenological study

b. Thesis d. Longitudinal survey

15. It is an in-depth study of naturally occurring behavior within a culture or

social group. Social scientists sometimes refer to this as “field


a. Survey c. Phenomenological study

b. Cohorts d. Ethnographical study

16. It is an in-depth study of a single unit such as one individual or one


a. Survey c. Case study

b. Cohorts d. Ethnography

17. It generally refers to a study conducted over a period of time involving

members of a population which the subject or representative members

come from, and who are united by some commonality or similarity.

a. Phenomenology c. Cross-sectional survey

b. Longitudinal survey d. Cohort Study

18. You are new in snatchers – infested areas in Tondo, Manila. The

streets never run out of people – criminals and potential victims alike.

You are interested in finding out how the criminal and potential victim

behave during the attack. You posted yourself to become a victim.

What is the most appropriate type of research you should use?

a. Case study c. Phenomenological study

b. Ethnographical study d. Longitudinal survey

19. A research design which requires a researcher to revisit participants of

the study at proper intervals.

a. Phenomenology c. Cross-sectional survey

b. Longitudinal survey d. Cohort Study

20. Which of the following is true about Phenomenology?

a. It focuses on the collective experience of community.

b. It studies culture, behavior, attitudes, and beliefs.

c. It studies individual experiences.

d. It may take long period of time studying the subjects.

21. Which of these is under the “Preparing Stage”?

a. Validation of questionnaire

b. Computation of Results

c. Think about the variables

d. Binding the Research Paper

22. The summary of the research paper must not be more than ___.

a. 350 words c. 250 words

b. 150 words d. 450 words

23. All entries are listed in alphabetical order based on the last name of the

author or title.

a. Abstract c. References

b. Body d. Title Page

24. The Data Gathering Procedure can be found in:

a. Chapter 1 c. Chapter 2

b. Chapter 3 d. Chapter 4

25. Which of the following belongs to Chapter 4 of the research paper?

a. Definition of Terms c. Summary of Findings

b. Conceptual Framework d. Results and Discussion

26. The Schedule of Activities in making a research paper when arranged

in inductive order is:

a. Planning, Preparing, Data processing, Writing, Oral


b. Oral Examination, Writing, Data processing, Preparing,


c. Planning, Data processing, Preparing, Writing, Oral


d. Oral Examination, Writing, Preparing, Data processing,

27. Paragraph indentation should be set to ______from the left side of the


a. One inch c. one-half inch

b. five inch d. seven inch

28. The hardest part of making a research paper is:

a. Writing stage c. Data processing stage

b. Planning stage d. Preparing stage

29. Choosing what items to be included as part of appendices is under?

a. Writing stage c. Data processing stage

b. Planning stage d. Preparing stage

30. Among the choices, which cannot be found in the main chapters of the

research paper?

a. Data analysis procedure c. appendices

b. Background of the study d. tables and figures

CRI 191- Criminological Research 1

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* Indicates required question

This is known to be the framework of research methods and techniques chosen by a researcher.*
1 point

Conceptual Framework
Research Methodology
Research Design
Research Instrument

The following are purposes of a research problem statement, except one:

1 point

To introduce the importance of the topic in the research proposal.

To position the problem in an appropriate context.
To provide a framework to analyze and report results.
To provide solution of the problem.

The following are steps on how to create conceptual framework except one:*
1 point

Choose your topic

Do a literature review
Formulate your research questions
Isolate the important variable

Identify which research area the example belongs. Ex. Police officers have difficulties in the
implementation of Iloilo City Ordinance No. 061," Wearing of Facemask"*
1 point

cyber crime
economic crime

The last step of the components of the research process is:

1 point

Theoretical Framework
Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations
Review of Related Literature and Studies
Collection of Data

It is the research design that helps researchers establish a relationship between two closely
connected variables.*
1 point

Descriptive Research
Correlational Research
Diagnostic Research
Experimental Research

The following are scopes of Criminological Research, except:

1 point

Criminal Law and Jurisprudence

Forensic Sciences
Criminal Investigation
None of these

After the analysis and interpretation of results, the research finally summarizes the whole study
and draws conclusions based on:
1 point

data collected
research design
research problem
It provides a particular perspective, or lens, through which to examine a topic.*
1 point

Conceptual Framework
Theoretical Framework
Research topic
Research Problem

The research problem is one or more questions to be answered empirically. The main
problem is usually stated in a-
1 point

Declarative form
Exclamatory sentence
Interrogative form
Either of the choices

What is a research problem?*

1 point

organizing principle guiding the analysis of a research paper.

provides a particular perspective, or lens, through which to examine a topic.
statement about an area of concern, a condition to be imp[rove and a difficulty to be eliminated/
framework of research methods and techniques chosen by a researcher

In research, this drives the entire study without this; there will be no research study.*
1 point


This study aimed to determine the level of awareness of cybercrime among the residents in Iloilo
Province. The respondents of this study were the 701 conveniently selected residents from the five
areas in Iloilo Province namely Oton, San Miguel, Pavia, Leganes, Jaro, and Iloilo City Proper. The
data subjected to statistical treatment were from the data collected by the five previous studies
on the level of awareness towards cybercrime conducted in the Second Semester, Academic Year

This can be found on what part of the of the research paper?

1 point

Scope and Limitations of the Study

Conceptual framework
Background of the Study
Significance of the Study

What is the hardest part of a research process?*

1 point
Formulating a research problem
Citing a research design
Data gathering
Summary of findings

What part of the preliminary pages is shown in the image?*

1 point

Cover page
Title page
Approval Sheet

Sometimes people around you could be tough. Dealing with them is difficult. This characterizes the
quality of a researcher which is being?
1 point


Which of the following is not a focus on issues of criminological research?*

1 point

Causes of crime
Business income
Criminal justice system

This is part of:*

1 point

Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 1
Chapter 2

This serves as the main organizing principle guiding the analysis of your research paper.*
1 point


Are you the first researcher to come up with such a research problem? This statement talks about:
1 point


The measures taken from a sample describing a sample characteristics are called:*
1 point


Modern devices and equipment such as cellular phones, web cameras, computers, copier machines,
calculators, fax machines, washing machines and many others are some of the products of
research. With this:
1 point

Research has deep seated psychological aspects.

Research reduces the burden of work.
Research improves the exportation of food products.
Research improves instruction.

The following are the examples of research data, except*

1 point

photographs, films
documents (text or word)
none of these

What part of the preliminary pages is shown in the image?

1 point

Approval Sheet
Title page

One of the qualities of a good researcher is that he is always precise in conducting his
research. Hence, he is:
1 point

It is the procedure of collecting, measuring and analyzing accurate insights for research using
standard validated techniques.*
1 point

Data Collection

Based on the major problem identified, the researcher then formulates the ___ of the study.
1 point

specific problem
specific statement
specific research process
all of these

It is the process of observing and recording the observations that are collected as part of a
research effort.*
1 point

Data Collection

What is an affirmation of an existence of phenomena?

1 point

Null hypothesis
Conceptual framework
Alternative hypothesis
Theoretical framework

This can be found in:*

1 point
Chapter 5
Chapter 4
Chapter 3
Chapter 2

A research process starts with a ___ which the investigator has identified as researchable.
1 point

research problem
research objective
research statement
research process

Awareness. Knowledge and understanding that something is happening or exists (Merriam-Webster,

1 point

Operational definition
Conceptual Definition
Definition of Terms

What part of Chapter 3 is this?*

1 point
Instruments of the study
Data analysis procedure
Research design
Data gathering procedure
Respondents of the Study

The approval sheet is the second page of a research paper, thesis, or dissertation. It furnishes the
following information, except:
1 point

Complete titles of research paper, thesis or dissertation.

Full name of the researcher
Qualification of the researcher
Statement of acceptance and approval

This can be found in:

1 point
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

It requires the selection of a starting point for the sample and sample size that can be repeated at
regular intervals.*
1 point

Systematic Sampling
Cluster Sampling
Stratified Sampling
Simple Random Sampling
Given the specific problem: Is there a significant difference in the level of knowledge of police
investigators towards fingerprint processing when grouped according to their profile?
What will be the null hypothesis?
1 point

There is no significant difference in the level of knowledge of police investigators towards fingerprint
processing when grouped according to their profile.
There is a significant difference in the level of knowledge of police investigators towards fingerprint
processing when grouped according to their profile.
There are no significant differences in the level of knowledge of police investigators towards fingerprint
processing when grouped according to their profile.
There are significant differences in the level of knowledge of police investigators towards fingerprint
processing when grouped according to their profile.

Which of these is a criminological research topic?*

1 point
A Case Study on CoVid 19 Pandemic effects to Criminology students
Problems Encountered in the PDL Rehabilitation Program
All of the choices
Health Problems of Criminology Students
Flexible learning versus Face to Face: A study on Academic Performance of Criminology students

What part of the preliminary pages is shown in the image?

1 point

Approval sheet
Title page

The smaller group or ‘subset’ of populations known as:*

1 point


What part of the preliminary pages is shown in the image?

1 point

List of Figures
List of Tables
Table of Contents
What characteristic of a researcher wherein he is always doubtful as to the veracity of the result?
1 point

Intellectual curiosity
Intellectual honesty
Healthy criticism

How can theoretical framework limit the scope of the relevant data?*
1 point

By reviewing the key science theory

By focusing on specific variables and defining the specific viewpoint that the researcher will take in
analyzing and interpreting the data
By listing to constructs of variables
By developing assumptions and presumptions

What part of the preliminary pages is shown in the image?

1 point

List of Tables
List of Figures
Table of Contents

What part of research paper is shown below?

1 point
Significance of the Study
Scope and Limitations
Statement of the Problem

What part of the preliminary pages is shown in the image?

1 point
List of Tables
Table of Contents
List of Figures
Cover page

The first step in the research process is identification of the___.

1 point


One of the areas of criminological research in which the example is, the prisoners demonstrated
hunger strike inside the prison to express their petition against the prison administrator for the bad
conditions inside their confinement facilities.*
1 point

cyber crime
economic crime

It is the part of a paper that is read the most, and it is usually read first.*
1 point


The following are characteristics of good research title except one:*

1 point

It should contain important keywords that will make it easier to be located during a keyword search.
It should not predict the content of the research paper.
It should reflect the tone of the writing.
It should be interesting to the reader.

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